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获取uuid2Fwebwxnewloginpage&fun=new&lang=zh_CN&_=0获取二维码+uuid+?t=webwx等待扫描Get扫描了-返回window.code=201;未扫描返回空扫描之后-第一次请求成功{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:0,&Sid&:0},&Count&:1,&List&:[{&Type&:1,&Text&:&/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/login, First Request Success, uuid: 454d958c7f6243&}]}扫描之后-第二次请求开始{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:0,&Sid&:0},&Count&:1,&List&:[{&Type&:1,&Text&:&/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/login, Second Request Start, uuid: 454d958c7f6243&}]}等待确认Get手机确认-返回window.code=200;window.redirect_uri=&ticket=03f725ac69b6ffbd771b&lang=zh_CN&scan=&;未确认返回空get 登陆获取Cookieticket=03f725ac69b6ffbd771b&lang=zh_CN&scan=&fun=new--设置Cookie 返回一个状态post 第二次请求成功{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:0,&Sid&:0},&Count&:1,&List&:[{&Type&:1,&Text&:&/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/login, Second Request Success, uuid: 454d958c7f6243, time: 190765ms&}]}post 表示登陆成功-返回重要的数据key123{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:&&,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&,&Skey&:&&,&DeviceID&:&e114&}}post 可能是获取列表{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&},&SyncKey&:{&Count&:4,&List&:[{&Key&:1,&Val&:},{&Key&:2,&Val&:},{&Key&:3,&Val&:},{&Key&:1000,&Val&:}]},&rr&:4}--这里的内容在上一步返回结果里post 可能是获取当前会话列表-大数据{}post 可能是在手机上显示的提示信息{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&,&Skey&:&&,&DeviceID&:&e114&},&Code&:3,&FromUserName&:&langyeie&,&ToUserName&:&langyeie&,&ClientMsgId&:&0&}get 获取头像图片get 同理可以获取其他微信好友的头像post 更改什么状态?标记已读?{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&,&Skey&:&&,&DeviceID&:&e114&},&Count&:10,&List&:[{&UserName&:&z_zer0v&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&huobao002&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&wxid_jo4qxoep4go411&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&jijunlong123456&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&wxid_toyaj4qwrynb21&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&wxid_2&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&wxid_rankrke1kkyd12&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&wxid_chcblpm846k022&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&tw&,&ChatRoomId&:},{&UserName&:&wxid_2&,&ChatRoomId&:}]}get headimg ?头像?get 监听会话">callback=jQuery&r=7&sid=e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&uin=&deviceid=e114&synckey=1_C2_C3_C201_%7C977&_=7">callback=jQuery&r=2&sid=e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&uin=&deviceid=e114&synckey=1_C2_C3_C201_%7C977&_=8">callback=jQuery&r=5&sid=e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&uin=&deviceid=e114&synckey=1_C2_C3_C201_%7C977&_=0">callback=jQuery&r=5&sid=e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&uin=&deviceid=e114&synckey=1_C2_C3_C201_%7C977&_=5正常返回结果window.synccheck={retcode:&0&,selector:&0&}有消息返回结果window.synccheck={retcode:&0&,selector:&6&}发送消息返回结果window.synccheck={retcode:&0&,selector:&2&}朋友圈有动态window.synccheck={retcode:&0&,selector:&4&}获取消息-post-设置Cookie{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&},&SyncKey&:{&Count&:5,&List&:[{&Key&:1,&Val&:},{&Key&:2,&Val&:},{&Key&:3,&Val&:},{&Key&:201,&Val&:},{&Key&:1000,&Val&:}]},&rr&:2}{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&},&SyncKey&:{&Count&:5,&List&:[{&Key&:1,&Val&:},{&Key&:2,&Val&:},{&Key&:3,&Val&:},{&Key&:201,&Val&:},{&Key&:1000,&Val&:}]},&rr&:0}{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&},&SyncKey&:{&Count&:5,&List&:[{&Key&:1,&Val&:},{&Key&:2,&Val&:},{&Key&:3,&Val&:},{&Key&:201,&Val&:},{&Key&:1000,&Val&:}]},&rr&:0}post 发送消息{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&,&Skey&:&D6EBA5FA425CAE258F24E75CF51F2E1B4EEA9CC&,&DeviceID&:&e114&},&Msg&:{&FromUserName&:&langyeie&,&ToUserName&:&pp80000&,&Type&:1,&Content&:&55&,&ClientMsgId&:0,&LocalID&:0}}{&BaseRequest&:{&Uin&:,&Sid&:&e75TXbI7TnKUevmI&},&SyncKey&:{&Count&:5,&List&:[{&Key&:1,&Val&:},{&Key&:2,&Val&:},{&Key&:3,&Val&:},{&Key&:201,&Val&:},{&Key&:1000,&Val&:}]},&rr&:0}get 有消息来,响铃来自千明论坛
require_once &Imghash.class.php&;$instance = ImgHash::getInstance();$result = $instance-&checkIsSimilarImg('chenyin/IMG_3214.png', 'chenyin/IMG_3212.JPG');如果$result值为true, 则表明2个图片相似,否则不相似。
#! /bin/sh gst=/usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresourcecd gnome-shellfor r in `gresource list $gst`; do
gresource extract $gst $r & ${r/#\/org\/gnome\/shell\/theme/.}done#! /bin/sh #change workdir to suit your systemworkdir=/tmp/lalagst=/usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresourcemkdir themefor r in `gresource list $gst`; do
gresource extract $gst $r &$workdir${r/#\/org\/gnome\/shell/}donemkdir /tmp/lalabash -x /tmp/lala.sh cd /tmp/lala/theme
Bash shell在“~/.bash_history”(“~/”表示用户目录)文件中保存了500条使用过的命令,这样可以使你输入使用过的长命令变得容易。每个在系统中拥有账号的用户在他的目录下都有一个“.bash_history”文件。bash shell应该保存少量的命令,并且在每次用户注销时都把这些历史命令删除。 第一步: “/etc/profile”文件中的“HISTFILESIZE”和“HISTSIZE”行确定所有用户的“.bash_history”文件中可以保 存的旧命令条数。强烈建议把把“/etc/profile”文件中的“HISTFILESIZE”和“HISTSIZE”行的值设为一个较小的数,比如 30。编辑profile文件(vi /etc/profile),把下面这行改为: HISTFILESIZE=30 HISTSIZE=30 这表示每个用户的“.bash_history”文件只可以保存30条旧命令。 第二步: 网管还应该在&/etc/skel/.bash_logout& 文件中添加下面这行&rm -f $HOME/.bash_history& 。这样,当用户每次注销时,“.bash_history”文件都会被删除.
find . -regex '.*\.php\|.*\.html' | xargs grep
折扣价find .
-name &*.*& -type f ! -name &*.htm& -type f ! -name &*.jpg& | xargs grep
find . -name &*.*& -type f ! -name &*.jpg&| xargs grep &function xxxxxx&
Linux下find命令在目录结构中搜索文件,并执行指定的操作。Linux下find命令提供了相当多的查找条件,功能很强大。由于find具有强大的功能,所以它的选项也很多,其中大部分选项都值得我们花时间来了解一下。即使系统中含有网络文件系统( NFS),find命令在该文件系统中同样有效,只你具有相应的权限。 在运行一个非常消耗资源的find命令时,很多人都倾向于把它放在后台执行,因为遍历一个大的文件系统可能会花费很长的时间(这里是指30G字节以上的文件系统)。1.命令格式:find pathname -options [-print -exec -ok ...]2.命令功能:用于在文件树种查找文件,并作出相应的处理3.命令参数:pathname: find命令所查找的目录路径。例如用.来表示当前目录,用/来表示系统根目录。 -print: find命令将匹配的文件输出到标准输出。 -exec: find命令对匹配的文件执行该参数所给出的shell命令。相应命令的形式为'command' {
} \;,注意{
}和\;之间的空格。 -ok: 和-exec的作用相同,只不过以一种更为安全的模式来执行该参数所给出的shell命令,在执行每一个命令之前,都会给出提示,让用户来确定是否执行。4.命令选项:-name
按照文件所属的组来查找文件。-mtime -n +n
按照文件的更改时间来查找文件, - n表示文件更改时间距现在n天以内,+ n表示文件更改时间距现在n天以前。find命令还有-atime和-ctime 选项,但它们都和-m time选项。-nogroup
查找无有效属主的文件,即该文件的属主在/etc/passwd中不存在。-newer file1 ! file2
查找某一类型的文件,诸如:b - 块设备文件。d - 目录。c - 字符设备文件。p - 管道文件。l - 符号链接文件。f - 普通文件。-size n:[c] 查找文件长度为n块的文件,带有c时表示文件长度以字节计。-depth:在查找文件时,首先查找当前目录中的文件,然后再在其子目录中查找。-fstype:查找位于某一类型文件系统中的文件,这些文件系统类型通常可以在配置文件/etc/fstab中找到,该配置文件中包含了本系统中有关文件系统的信息。-mount:在查找文件时不跨越文件系统mount点。-follow:如果find命令遇到符号链接文件,就跟踪至链接所指向的文件。-cpio:对匹配的文件使用cpio命令,将这些文件备份到磁带设备中。另外,下面三个的区别:-amin n
查找系统中最后N分钟访问的文件-atime n
查找系统中最后n*24小时访问的文件-cmin n
查找系统中最后N分钟被改变文件状态的文件-ctime n
查找系统中最后n*24小时被改变文件状态的文件-mmin n
查找系统中最后N分钟被改变文件数据的文件-mtime n
find -atime -2输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@peidachang ~]# find -atime -2../logs/monitor./.bashrc./.bash_profile./.bash_history说明:超找48小时内修改过的文件实例2:根据关键字查找命令:find . -name &*.log&输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# find . -name &*.log& ./log_link.log./log2014.log./test4/log3-2.log./test4/log3-3.log./test4/log3-1.log./log2013.log./log2012.log./log.log./test5/log5-2.log./test5/log5-3.log./test5/log.log./test5/log5-1.log./test5/test3/log3-2.log./test5/test3/log3-3.log./test5/test3/log3-1.log./test3/log3-2.log./test3/log3-3.log./test3/log3-1.log说明:在当前目录查找 以.log结尾的文件。 &. &代表当前目录实例3:按照目录或文件的权限来查找文件命令:find /opt/soft/test/ -perm 777输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# find /opt/soft/test/ -perm 777/opt/soft/test/log_link.log/opt/soft/test/test4/opt/soft/test/test5/test3/opt/soft/test/test3说明:查找/opt/soft/test/目录下 权限为 777的文件实例4:按类型查找命令:find . -type f -name &*.log&输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# find . -type f -name &*.log&./log2014.log./test4/log3-2.log./test4/log3-3.log./test4/log3-1.log./log2013.log./log2012.log./log.log./test5/log5-2.log./test5/log5-3.log./test5/log.log./test5/log5-1.log./test5/test3/log3-2.log./test5/test3/log3-3.log./test5/test3/log3-1.log./test3/log3-2.log./test3/log3-3.log./test3/log3-1.log[root@localhost test]#说明:查找当目录,以.log结尾的普通文件实例5:查找当前所有目录并排序命令:find . -type d | sort输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# find . -type d | sort../scf./scf/bin./scf/doc./scf/lib./scf/service./scf/service/deploy./scf/service/deploy/info./scf/service/deploy/product./test3./test4./test5./test5/test3[root@localhost test]#实例6:按大小查找文件命令:find . -size +1000c -print输出:复制代码代码如下:[root@localhost test]# find . -size +1000c -print../test4./scf./scf/lib./scf/service./scf/service/deploy./scf/service/deploy/product./scf/service/deploy/info./scf/doc./scf/bin./log2012.log./test5./test5/test3./test3[root@localhost test]#说明:查找当前目录大于1K的文件一、Linux中find常见用法示例·find
{} \;#-print 将查找到的文件输出到标准输出#-exec
-----将查到的文件执行command操作,{} 和 \;之间有空格#-ok 和-exec相同,只不过在操作前要询用户 ==================================================== -name
#按文件属主来查找-group groupname
#按文件访问时间来查GIN: 0px&&-perm
#按文件属主来查找-group groupname
#按文件访问时间来查找文件,-n指n天以内,+n指n天以前 -ctime
#按文件创建时间来查找文件,-n指n天以内,+n指n天以前 -nogroup
找文件,-n指n天以内,+n指n天以前 -ctime
#按文件创建时间来查找文件,-n指n天以内,+n指n天以前 -nogroup
#忽略某个目录 ====================================================$find
#忽略某个目录 $find
-print #查以host开头的文件$find
#查以两个小写字母和两个数字开头的txt文件$find .
-perm -007
-exec ls -l {} \;
#查所有用户都可读写执行的文件同-perm 777$find
打印非目录文件 find /usr/include -name '*.h' -exec grep AF_INEF6 {} \; 因grep无法递归搜索子目录,故可以和find相结合使用。 在/usr/include 所有子目录中的.h文件中找字串AF_INEF6$find
-print $find
# 查长度为100c的文件$find
#查长度超过期作废10块的文件(1块=512字节) $cd /$find
/etc -name &passwd*&
-exec grep
#看是否存在cnscn用户$find . -name &yao*&
| xargs file$find
. -name &yao*&
&& & /tmp/core.log$find
. -name &yao*&
o-w ====================================================== find
-name april*
fprint file
-name ap* -o -name may*
-name tom.txt
-ftype vfat
-name t.txt ! -ftype vfat
-name wa* -type l
在/home下查最近两天内改动过的文件find /home
查1天之内被存取过的文件find /home -mmin
在/home下查60分钟前改动过的文件find /home
查最近30分钟前被存取过的文件find /home
在/home下查更新时间比tmp.txt近的文件或目录find /home
-user cnscn
-name tmp.txt
列出/home内的tmp.txt 查时深度最多为3层find
-name tmp.txt
-name tmp.txt
-exec cat {} \;find
rm {} \; find
# 查找在系统中最后10分钟访问的文件find
# 查找在系统中最后48小时访问的文件find
# 查找在系统中为空的文件或者文件夹find
# 查找在系统中属于 groupcat的文件find
# 查找在系统中最后5分钟里修改过的文件find
#查找在系统中属于FRED这个用户的文件查当前目录下的所有普通文件 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find . -type f -exec ls -l {} \; -rw-r--r--
./conf/httpd.conf -rw-r--r--
./conf/magic -rw-r--r--
./conf.d/README 查当前目录下的所有普通文件,并在- e x e c选项中使用ls -l命令将它们列出 =================================================在/ l o g s目录中查找更改时间在5日以前的文件并删除它们:$ find logs -type f -mtime +5 -exec
rm {} \; =================================================查询当天修改过的文件[root@book class]# find
{} \; =================================================查询文件并询问是否要显示[root@book class]# find
& ls ... ./classDB.inc.php & ? y-rw-r--r--
1月 12 12:22 ./classDB.inc.php[root@book class]# find
& ls ... ./classDB.inc.php & ? n[root@book class]# =================================================查询并交给awk去处理[root@book class]# who
'{print $1&\t&$2}'cnscn
pts/0 =================================================awk---grep---sed [root@book class]# df
awk '{print $1}' |
s&/\/dev\///g&文件系统sda2sda1[root@book class]# df
awk '{print $1}' |
'none'文件系统/dev/sda2/dev/sda11)在/tmp中查找所有的*.h,并在这些文件中查找“SYSCALL_VECTOR&,最后打印出所有包含&SYSCALL_VECTOR&的文件名 A) find
/tmp/*.h | cut
-f1| uniq & filenameC) find
-name &*.h&
-exec grep &SYSCALL_VECTOR&
\; -print 2)find / -name filename -exec rm -rf {} \;
find / -name filename -ok rm -rf {} \; 3)比如要查找磁盘中大于3M的文件:find . -size +3000k -exec ls -ld {} ; 4)将find出来的东西拷到另一个地方find *.c -exec cp '{}' /tmp ';' 如果有特殊文件,可以用cpio,也可以用这样的语法:find dir -name filename -print | cpio -pdv newdir 6)查找 16:36:37时更改过的文件# A=`find ./ -name &*php&` |
ls -l --full-time $A 2&/dev/null | grep & 16:36:37二、linux下find命令的用法1. 基本用法:
find / -name 文件名
find ver1.d ver2.d -name '*.c' -print
查找ver1.d,ver2.d *.c文件并打印
find . -type d -print 从当前目录查找,仅查找目录,找到后,打印路径名。可用于打印目录结构。2. 无错误查找:
find / -name access_log 2 &/dev/null3. 按尺寸查找:
find / -size 1500c (查找1,500字节大小的文件,c表示字节)
find / -size +1500c (查找大于1,500字节大小的文件,+表示大于)
find / -size +1500c (查找小于1,500字节大小的文件,-表示小于)
4. 按时间:
find / -amin n 最后n分钟
find / -atime n 最后n天
find / -cmin n 最后n分钟改变状态
find / -ctime n 最后n天改变状态5. 其它:
find / -empty 空白文件、空白文件夹、没有子目录的文件夹
find / -false 查找系统中总是错误的文件
find / -fstype type 找存在于指定文件系统的文件,如type为ext2
find / -gid n 组id为n的文件
find / -group gname 组名为gname的文件
find / -depth n 在某层指定目录中优先查找文件内容
find / -maxdepth levels 在某个层次目录中按递减方式查找6. 逻辑
-and 条件与 -or 条件或7. 查找字符串
find . -name '*.html' -exec grep 'mailto:'{}
根据网上教程折腾到最后在终端执行 php -vPHP 5.4.4-11 (cli) (built: Dec 17 :10) Copyright (c)
The PHP GroupZend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c)
Zend Technologieswith Xdebug v2.2.1, Copyright (c) , by Derick Rethans不知道LAMP搭建成功没有。搭建成功后如何测试编写后的PHP网页文件。原代码编译安装eAccelerator执行./configure --enable-eaccelerator=shared --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config显示结果为configure: error: Cannot find php-config. Please use --with-php-config=PATH以下为LAMP网上教程==============================================在 Debian 上搭建 PHP 环境其实很简单。用几个命令就行。更新 aptapt-get update升级软件apt-get upgrade安装 阿帕奇apt-get install apache2安装 mysqlapt-get install mysql-server mysql-client安装 nginxapt-get install nginx安装 lighttpdapt-get install lighttpd安装 php 以及插件(你自己可以按需增删) 这里已经安装了 memcache,suhosin 等插件apt-get install php5-common php5-mysql php5-cgi php5-gd php5-mcrypt libapache2-mod-php5 php5-memcache php5-imagick php5-xmlrpc php5-suhosin php-pear php5-curl php5-dev php5-idn php5-imap php5-mhash php5-ming php5-ps php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xsl安装 eAcceleratortar xvjf eaccelerator- eaccelerator- --enable-eaccelerator=shared --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-configmakemake installvim /etc/php5/cli/php.ini 然后在里面加入extension=eaccelerator.soeaccelerator.shm_size=&16&eaccelerator.cache_dir=&/tmp/eaccelerator&# 这里是缓存文件夹,请在 /tmp 下新建一个,设置权限 chmod 777 /tmp/eacceleratoreaccelerator.enable=&1&eaccelerator.optimizer=&1&eaccelerator.check_mtime=&1&eaccelerator.debug=&0&eaccelerator.filter=&&eaccelerator.shm_max=&0&eaccelerator.shm_ttl=&0&eaccelerator.shm_prune_period=&0&eaccelerator.shm_only=&0&<press=&1&<press_level=&9&最后重启 apachephp -v 来查看是不是已经安装完成安装Squidapt-get install squid至此位置 php 服务器相关软件服务基本都安装全了,你可以按照自己的需求增删。当然你也可以不用 mysql 而使用 postgreSQL 数据库。apt-get install postgresql这里你也可以用 xcache,xdebug等插件安装 xdebugapt-get install php5-xdebug安装 xcacheapt-get install php5-xcache关于配置,有时间再加上备注:这里有个问题,当我安装完上述一系列东西以后,我发现我无法运行 php 程序,为什么呢?原来 apache无法启动了,说是占领了 80 端口,后来发现是 lighttpd 占领了 80 端口于是运行sudo ps -e 查看了当时的进程sudo kill &lighttpd的PID号& 一下。然后就能运行 apache但是仍旧无法执行 php 文件,我在终端执行sudo php -v 发行提示错误说 无法加载 Xcache 模块因为已经加在了 eAccelerator 了那么就关闭 xcache呗。如何关闭呢?简单!cd /etc/php5/conf.d移动到这个文件夹。里面全是模块的配置文件sudo vim xcache.ini把zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5//xcache.so 注释掉#zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5//xcache.so然后运行php -v 一切ok了****@****:/etc/php5/conf.d$ php -vPHP 5.2.6-1+lenny3 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Apr 26 :03)Copyright (c)
The PHP GroupZend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c)
Zend Technologieswith eAccelerator v0.9.5.2, Copyright (c)
eAccelerator, by eAcceleratorwith Xdebug v2.0.3, Copyright (c) , by Derick Rethanswith Suhosin v0.9.27, Copyright (c) 2007, by SektionEins GmbH
apt-get install php5-cgi php5-mysql php5-gd php5-imagick php5-mcrypt php5-memcache memcached php5-fpm php5-cliReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree
Reading state information... DoneThe following extra packages will be installed:
dbus fontconfig-config fonts-droid ghostscript gsfonts imagemagick-common libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common3 libcups2
libcupsimage2 libdbus-1-3 libffi5 libfontconfig1 libgd2-xpm libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-data libgomp1 libgs9 libgs9-common libice6 libijs-0.35
libjasper1 libjbig0 libjbig2dec0 libjpeg8 liblcms2-2 liblqr-1-0 libltdl7 libmagickcore5 libmagickwand5 libmcrypt4 libonig2 libpaper-utils
libpaper1 libpng12-0 libqdbm14 libsm6 libsystemd-login0 libtiff4 libxpm4 libxt6 php5-common poppler-data shared-mime-info ttf-dejavu-core
x11-commonSuggested packages:
dbus-x11 ghostscript-cups ghostscript-x hpijs cups-common libgd-tools libjasper-runtime liblcms2-utils libmagickcore5-extra libmcrypt-dev
mcrypt libcache-memcached-perl libmemcached php-pear poppler-utils fonts-japanese-mincho fonts-ipafont-mincho fonts-japanese-gothic
fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming fonts-unfonts-coreThe following NEW packages will be installed:
dbus fontconfig-config fonts-droid ghostscript gsfonts imagemagick-common libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common3 libcups2
libcupsimage2 libdbus-1-3 libffi5 libfontconfig1 libgd2-xpm libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-data libgomp1 libgs9 libgs9-common libice6 libijs-0.35
libjasper1 libjbig0 libjbig2dec0 libjpeg8 liblcms2-2 liblqr-1-0 libltdl7 libmagickcore5 libmagickwand5 libmcrypt4 libonig2 libpaper-utils
libpaper1 libpng12-0 libqdbm14 libsm6 libsystemd-login0 libtiff4 libxpm4 libxt6 memcached php5-cgi php5-cli php5-common php5-fpm php5-gd
php5-imagick php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-mysql poppler-data shared-mime-info ttf-dejavu-core x11-common0 upgraded, 56 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.Need to get 36.7 MB of archives.After this operation, 113 MB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
bash-3.2# find .
-name &*.orig& -exec rm -rf {} \;bash-3.2# find .
-name &*_LOCAL_*& -exec rm -rf {} \;bash-3.2# find .
-name &*_BASE_*& -exec rm -rf {} \;bash-3.2# find .
-name &*_REMOTE_*& -exec rm -rf {} \;bash-3.2# find .
-name &*_BACKUP_*& -exec rm -rf {} \;
这两天花了点时间终于在Window和Mac上把Beyong Compare和git整合好,其中遇到到很多坑,现在把这些都分享出来,希望对大家有帮助。首先假设你已经装好了Beyong Compare。然后在~/bin/目录下新建一个git-diff-wrapper.shwindow系统的git bash的git-diff-wrapper.sh#!/bin/sh# diff is called by git with 7 parameters:# path old-file old-hex old-mode new-file new-hex new-mode&D:/tools/Beyond Compare 2/BC2.exe& &$2& &$5& | catmac系统的git-diff-wrapper.sh #/bin/sh# diff is called by git with 7 parameters:# path old-file old-hex old-mode new-file new-hex new-modebcompare &$2& &$5&|cat注意:你在mac系统中装了beyong compare后需要在菜单栏点击“Install Command Line Tools”把它加入到命令行。Beyond Compare Pro for Mac 4.0.2 破解版下载在用户目录~下修改.gitconfig文件[user] name = hudashi email = [diff]external = ~/bin/git-diff-wrapper.sh最后就git diff就ok了。注意:我们在Mac上运行git diff时,由于系统要保存历史文件到临时目录再进行比较,而在保存到临时目录又需要很高的权限。所以我在git
diff前加了sudo才能执行成功。即sudo git diff.关于git diff的更多内容请参考《git diff简介》
bash-3.2# brew install php53-apcu php53-gearman php53-geoip php53-gmagick php53-imagick php53-intl php53-mcrypt php53-memcache php53-memcached php53-mongo php53-opcache php53-phalcon php53-redis php53-sphinx php53-swoole php53-uuid php53-==& Installing php53-apcu from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-apcu-4.0.8.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing apcu for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-apcu.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the apcu module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the apcu module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-apcu/4.0.8: 6 files, 94.5K==& Installing php53-gearman from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-gearman: boost, gearman==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gearman dependency: boost==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring boost-1.60.0_2.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.60.0_2: 11,139 files, 434.0M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gearman dependency: gearman==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring gearman-1.1.12.el_capitan.bottle.2.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo have launchd start gearman now and restart at login:
brew services start gearmanOr, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
gearmand -d==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/gearman/1.1.12: 210 files, 1.7M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gearman==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-gearman-1.1.2.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing gearman for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-gearman.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the gearman module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the gearman module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-gearman/1.1.2: 5 files, 117.5K==& Installing php53-geoip from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-geoip: geoip==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-geoip dependency: geoip==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring geoip-1.6.9.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/geoip/1.6.9: 17 files, 553.2K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-geoip==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-geoip-1.1.0.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing geoip for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-geoip.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the geoip module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the geoip module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-geoip/1.1.0: 5 files, 29.6K==& Installing php53-gmagick from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-gmagick: libtool, libtiff, graphicsmagick==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gmagick dependency: libtool==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring libtool-2.4.6.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsIn order to prevent conflicts with Apple's own libtool we have prepended a &g&so, you have instead: glibtool and glibtoolize.==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/libtool/2.4.6: 70 files, 3.7M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gmagick dependency: libtiff==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring libtiff-4.0.6_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/libtiff/4.0.6_1: 261 files, 3.4M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gmagick dependency: graphicsmagick==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring graphicsmagick-1.3.24.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/graphicsmagick/1.3.24: 475 files, 11.9M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-gmagick==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-gmagick-1.1.7RC2.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing gmagick for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-gmagick.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the gmagick module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the gmagick module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-gmagick/1.1.7RC2: 4 files, 167.2K==& Installing php53-imagick from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-imagick: xz, imagemagick==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-imagick dependency: xz==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring xz-5.2.2.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.2: 91 files, 1.4M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-imagick dependency: imagemagick==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring imagemagick-6.9.4-7.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/6.9.4-7: 1,460 files, 17.9M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-imagick==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-imagick-3.3.0_2.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing imagick for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-imagick.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the imagick module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the imagick module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-imagick/3.3.0_2: 2 files, 326.9K==& Installing php53-intl from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-intl-5.3.29_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing intl for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-intl.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the intl module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the intl module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-intl/5.3.29_1: 5 files, 517.5K==& Installing php53-mcrypt from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-mcrypt: mhash, mcrypt==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-mcrypt dependency: mhash==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring mhash-
/usr/local/Cellar/mhash/ 19 files, 452.8K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-mcrypt dependency: mcrypt==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring mcrypt-2.6.8.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/mcrypt/2.6.8: 18 files, 396.3K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-mcrypt==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-mcrypt-5.3.29.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing mcrypt for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-mcrypt.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the mcrypt module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the mcrypt module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-mcrypt/5.3.29: 3 files, 44.8K==& Installing php53-memcache from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-memcache-2.2.7.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing memcache for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-memcache.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the memcache module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the memcache module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-memcache/2.2.7: 3 files, 54.1K==& Installing php53-memcached from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-memcached: php53-igbinary, memcached, libmemcached==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-memcached dependency: php53-igbinary==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-igbinary-1.2.1.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing igbinary for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-igbinary.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the igbinary module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the igbinary module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-igbinary/1.2.1: 6 files, 50.7K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-memcached dependency: memcached==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring memcached-1.4.24.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo have launchd start memcached now and restart at login:
brew services start memcachedOr, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
/usr/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/memcached/1.4.24: 10 files, 162.0K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-memcached dependency: libmemcached==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring libmemcached-1.0.18_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/libmemcached/1.0.18_1: 230 files, 1.8M==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-memcached==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-memcached-2.2.0.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing memcached for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-memcached.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the memcached module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the memcached module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-memcached/2.2.0: 5 files, 105.6K==& Installing php53-mongo from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-mongo-1.6.14.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing mongo for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-mongo.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the mongo module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the mongo module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-mongo/1.6.14: 2 files, 346.5K==& Installing php53-opcache from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-opcache-7.0.5.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing opcache for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-opcache.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the opcache module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the opcache module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-opcache/7.0.5: 4 files, 121.8K==& Installing php53-phalcon from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-phalcon-2.0.9.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing phalcon for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-phalcon.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the phalcon module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the phalcon module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-phalcon/2.0.9: 2 files, 3.4M==& Installing php53-redis from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-redis: igbinary==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-redis dependency: igbinary==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring igbinary-1.2.1.el_capitan.bottle.1.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/igbinary/1.2.1: 9 files, 19.6K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-redis==& Downloading ==& Downloading from ######################################################################## 100.0%==& /usr/local/opt/php53/bin/phpize==& ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/php53-redis/2.2.7_1 --with-php-config=/usr/local/opt/php53/bin/php-config --enable-redis-igbinary==& make==& CaveatsTo finish installing redis for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-redis.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the redis module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the redis module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-redis/2.2.7_1: 4 files, 319.6K, built in 23 seconds==& Installing php53-sphinx from homebrew/php==& Installing dependencies for homebrew/php/php53-sphinx: libsphinxclient==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-sphinx dependency: libsphinxclient==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring libsphinxclient-2.2.10.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz?
/usr/local/Cellar/libsphinxclient/2.2.10: 4 files, 65.7K==& Installing homebrew/php/php53-sphinx==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& /usr/local/opt/php53/bin/phpize==& ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/php53-sphinx/1.3.2 --with-php-config=/usr/local/opt/php53/bin/php-config==& make==& CaveatsTo finish installing sphinx for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-sphinx.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the sphinx module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the sphinx module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-sphinx/1.3.2: 2 files, 76.8K, built in 13 seconds==& Installing php53-swoole from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-swoole-1.8.1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing swoole for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-swoole.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the swoole module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the swoole module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-swoole/1.8.1: 2 files, 349.2K==& Installing php53-uuid from homebrew/php==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring php53-uuid-1.0.3.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& CaveatsTo finish installing uuid for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-uuid.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the uuid module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the uuid module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-uuid/1.0.3: 2 files, 15.2K==& Installing php53-xdebug from homebrew/php==& Downloading ==& Downloading from ######################################################################## 100.0%==& /usr/local/opt/php53/bin/phpize==& ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/php53-xdebug/2.2.7 --with-php-config=/usr/local/opt/php53/bin/php-config --enable-xdebug==& make==& CaveatsTo finish installing xdebug for PHP 5.3:
* /usr/local/etc/php/5.3/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini was created,
do not forget to remove it upon extension removal.
* Validate installation via one of the following methods:
* Using PHP from a webserver:
* - Restart your webserver.
* - Write a PHP page that calls &phpinfo();&
* - Load it in a browser and look for the info on the xdebug module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!
* Using PHP from the command line:
* - Run `php -i &(command-line 'phpinfo()')&`
* - Look for the info on the xdebug module.
* - If you see it, you have been successful!==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53-xdebug/2.2.7: 2 files, 167.0K, built in 29 secondsbash-3.2#
bash-3.2# brew install php53 --with-imap --with-tidy --with-debug --with-mysql --with-fpm --with-libmysql --with-gmp==& Installing php53 from homebrew/php==& Downloading Already downloaded: /Users/niewenlong/Library/Caches/Homebrew/php53-5.3.29==& Downloading Already downloaded: /Users/niewenlong/Library/Caches/Homebrew/php53--patch-3cb84dbbaa6bea2ddacb3277e0cee2.patch==& Patching==& Applying multi-sapi-5.3.29-homebrew.patchpatching file Makefile.globalpatching file Zend/acinclude.m4patching file Zend/zend_language_parser.ypatching file acinclude.m4patching file aclocal.m4patching file configurepatching file configure.inpatching file generated_listspatching file main/php_config.h.inpatching file sapi/cgi/Makefile.fragpatching file sapi/cgi/config9.m4patching file sapi/cli/Makefile.fragpatching file sapi/cli/config.m4patching file sapi/fpm/Makefile.fragpatching file sapi/fpm/config.m4patching file sapi/litespeed/Makefile.fragpatching file sapi/litespeed/config.m4patching file sapi/milter/Makefile.fragpatching file sapi/milter/config.m4==& ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/php53/5.3.29_4 --localstatedir=/usr/local/var --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/php/5.3 --with-config-file-path=/usr/l==& make==& make install==& CaveatsTo enable PHP in Apache add the following to httpd.conf and restart Apache:
LoadModule php5_module
/usr/local/opt/php53/libexec/apache2/libphp5.soThe php.ini file can be found in:
/usr/local/etc/php/5.3/php.ini???? Extensions ????If you are having issues with custom extension compiling, ensure thatyou are using the brew version, by placing /usr/local/bin before /usr/sbin in your PATH:
PATH=&/usr/local/bin:$PATH&PHP53 Extensions will always be compiled against this PHP. Please install themusing --without-homebrew-php to enable compiling against system PHP.???? PHP CLI ????If you wish to swap the PHP you use on the command line, you should add the following to ~/.bashrc,~/.zshrc, ~/.profile or your shell's equivalent configuration file:
export PATH=&$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php53)/bin:$PATH&GMP has moved to its own formula, please install it by running: brew install php53-gmp???? FPM ????To launch php-fpm on startup:
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp /usr/local/opt/php53/homebrew.mxcl.php53.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.php53.plistThe control script is located at /usr/local/opt/php53/sbin/php53-fpmOS X 10.8 and newer come with php-fpm pre-installed, to ensure you are using the brew version you need to make sure /usr/local/sbin is before /usr/sbin in your PATH:
PATH=&/usr/local/sbin:$PATH&You may also need to edit the plist to use the correct &UserName&.Please note that the plist was called 'homebrew-php.josegonzalez.php53.plist' in old versionsof this formula.To have launchd start homebrew/php/php53 now and restart at login:
brew services start homebrew/php/php53==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/php53/5.3.29_4: 299 files, 49.5M, built in 2 minutes 56 secondsbash-3.2#
bash-3.2# brew install mysql==& Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0%==& Pouring mysql-5.7.13.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==& /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.7.13/bin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --user=root --basedir=/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.7.13 --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --t==& CaveatsWe've installed your MySQL database without a root password. To secure it run:
mysql_secure_installationTo connect run:
mysql -urootA &/f& from another install may interfere with a Homebrew-builtserver starting up correctly.To have launchd start mysql now and restart at login:
brew services start mysqlOr, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
mysql.server start==& Summary?
/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.7.13: 13,344 files, 445.0Mbash-3.2#
Mac OS使用brew安装Nginx、MySQL、PHP-FPM的LAMP开发环境准备工作新版的 Mac OS 内置了Apache 和 PHP,我的系统版本是OS X 10.9.3,可以通过以下命令查看Apache和PHP的版本号:httpd -v Server version: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix) Server built:
Dec 10 :38php --version PHP 5.4.24 (cli) (built: Jan 19 :15) Copyright (c)
The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c)
Zend Technologies因为我们要自己动手来安装 Nginx,因此首先来关闭系统自带的apache:sudo apachectl stop
#关闭apache,如果事先没开启过,可以忽略报错信息如果你的apache已经加入了launchctl,使用下面的命令来关闭:sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist为什么选择关闭apache?因为mac os x系统自带的apache是没有优雅的remove/uninstall 的方式的… 对于“洁癖”比较严重的童鞋,可以选择直接删除相关的文件!(千万不要手抖删错目录…)sudo rm /usr/sbin/apachectlsudo rm /usr/sbin/httpdsudo rm -r /etc/apache2/删除自带的phpsudo rm -r /usr/bin/php如果没有安装brew,可以按照官网的步骤安装nginx的安装与配置安装nginxbrew install nginx修改配置文件sudo vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf #修改默认的8080端口为80给予管理员权限sudo chown root:wheel/usr/local/opt/nginx/bin/nginxsudo chmod u+s/usr/local/opt/nginx/bin/nginx加入launchctl启动控制mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgentscp /usr/local/opt/nginx/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist运行nginxsudo nginx #打开 nginxnginx -s reload|reopen|stop|quit
#重新加载配置|重启|停止|退出 nginxnginx -t
#测试配置是否有语法错误用法详解nginx [-?hvVtq] [-s signal] [-c filename] [-p prefix] [-g directives]选项列表-?,-h
: 打开帮助信息-v
: 显示版本信息并退出-V
: 显示版本和配置选项信息,然后退出-t
: 检测配置文件是否有语法错误,然后退出-q
: 在检测配置文件期间屏蔽非错误信息-s signal
: 给一个 nginx 主进程发送信号:stop(停止), quit(退出), reopen(重启), reload(重新加载配置文件)-p prefix
: 设置前缀路径(默认是:/usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.2.6/)-c filename
: 设置配置文件(默认是:/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf)-g directives
: 设置配置文件外的全局指令mysql的安装与配置安装mysqlbrew install mysqlcd /usr/local/opt/mysql/修改配置文件sudo f#如果出现无法启动mysql,f 加入launchctl启动控制mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents/cp /usr/local/opt/mysql/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist#取消启动#launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist初始化 mysql./bin/mysql_install_db 执行安全设置脚本,设置root账号密码./bin/mysql_secure_installation命令行连接mysqlmysql -uroot -pphp的安装与配置brew 默认没有 php 安装包:brew tap homebrew/dupesbrew tap josegonzalez/homebrew-php现在可以安装php了:brew install php54 --with-imap --with-tidy --with-debug --with-mysql --with-fpm将php路径加入PATHsudo vim ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=&$(brew --prefix php54)/bin:$PATH& source ~/.bash_profile加入launchctl启动控制mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgentscp /usr/local/opt/php54/homebrew.mxcl.php54.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.php54.plist配置路径/usr/local/etc/php/5.4/php.ini/usr/local/etc/php/5.4/php-fpm.conf配置 Nginx 支持 PHP-FPMsudo vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# 添加默认首页 php index
index.php index.html index.
# 取消以下内容的注释,并做修改 location ~ \.php$ {
}测试环境sudo vim /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.6.0_1/html/index.php #添加测试代码 &?php
解决 .gitignore 不生效
刷新本地缓存git rm -r --cached .git add .git commit -m 'update .gitignore'
//从 URL 专用格式字符串还原成普通字符串#include &iconv.h&#include &iostream&char Char2Int(char ch){
if(ch&='0' && ch&='9')return (char)(ch-'0');
if(ch&='a' && ch&='f')return (char)(ch-'a'+10);
if(ch&='A' && ch&='F')return (char)(ch-'A'+10);
return -1;}char Str2Bin(char *str){
char tempWord[2];
tempWord[0] = Char2Int(str[0]);
//make the B to 11 --
tempWord[1] = Char2Int(str[1]);
//make the 0 to 0
chn = (tempWord[0] && 4) | tempWord[1];
//to change the BO to }string UrlDecode(string str){
string output=&&;
char tmp[2];
int i=0,idx=0,ndx,len=str.length();
else if(str[i]=='+'){
output+=' ';
}// 代码转换操作类 用于将utf-8 格式转成 gb2312class CodeConverter {
CodeConverter(const char *from_charset,const char *to_charset) {// 构造
cd = iconv_open(to_charset,from_charset);
~CodeConverter() {// 析构
int convert(char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen) {// 转换输出
char **pin = &
char **pout = &
return iconv(cd,pin,(size_t *)&inlen,pout,(size_t *)&outlen);
}};//输入url_Utf-8 ,输出 gb2312string Url2Str_Utf8(string instr){
char output[outlen];
CodeConverter cc = CodeConverter(&utf-8&,&gb2312&);
cc.convert((char *)input.c_str(),strlen(input.c_str()),output,outlen); }//输入url_gb2312 ,输出 gb2312 实际上是直接调用 UrlDecode()string Url2Str_gb2312(string str){
return UrlDecode(str);}//示例程序/*int main(){
//char out2[OUTLEN];
// utf-8--&gb2312
//cout && &utf-8--&gb2312 in=& && out1 && &,out=& && out2 &&
return 0;}*/
光盘(官方寄来的光盘)安装ubuntu,出现提示:BusyBox V1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) Built-in shell (ash)Enter 'help' for a list of built-in Commands.
(initramfs)----------------------无法安装下去了。这种情怳我遇到过多次,一般是第一次安装在机器上,由于其它原因要格了从新进行第二次安装时就会出现这种情况,在网上找了很多地方也没找到解决的方法,今天终于找到了,重重地在此记上一笔。方法如下:进入安装界面后按F2选中文,然后按F6,在命令行的最后加上下面这一句后回车,后面的安装都顺利通过。all_generic_idefloppy=off irqpoll *off后面有一个空格,至于这一句在这代表什么意思我还没弄明白,以后再学习时弄懂它。相信问题出现后一定有它的解决方法,只是我们要用合理的方法去寻找和探索。----------------------还有在安装好的ubuntu系统从启后会有“BusyBox”的情况发生,在这里也说一下。这种情况(我目前还没遇到过)的解决方法如下:开机后到原来的启动项:----------------------1 ubuntu 8.04kernl.2.6.22-16-generic2 ubuntu 8.04kernl.2.6.22-16-generic (creovery.mode)3 ubuntu.8.04 memtes86+4 other operating systems----------------------选择上面的第1项“ubuntu 8.04kernl.2.6.22-16-generic”然后按e键进入编辑状态:----------------------1 root (hd0,4)2 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-16-generic root=UUID=_ _
ro quiet splash3 initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-16-generic4 quiet----------------------选择第2项“kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-16-generic root=UUID=_ _
ro quiet splash”按e键进入编辑状态。用all_generic_ide替换quiet splash,如下:----------------------kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-16-generic root=UUID=_ _
all_generic_ide----------------------按回车确认修改后回到了前面的的启动项,选第2项“kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-16-generic root=UUID=_ _
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kpartx-boot kpartx kpartx cryptsetup cryptsetup-bin dmraid libdmraid1.0.0.rc16 kpartx-boot ecryptfs-utils libecryptfs0 libnss3-1d lvm2 libdevmapper-event1.02.1 watershed ubuntu-drivers-common python3-xkit bogl-bterm ncurses-term samba-common keyutils libvte-common libparted-fs-resize0 ubiquity-artwork-2.20.0 ubiquity-casper rdate ecryptfs-utils cryptsetup python3-icu python3-pam archdetect-deb dpkg-repack apt-clone dmraid btrfs-tools ubuntu-drivers-common lvm2 localechooser-data cifs-utils libvte9 mtools syslinux-common ubiquity bogl-bterm
memtest86+ casper libdebian-installer4 ubiquity-frontend-debconf user-setup syslinux xresprobe
squashfs-tools remastersys remastersys-gui
Since the web site
now seems to have disappeared permanently, the above instructions don't work as they rely on downloads from the website.This is what I did to get a copy of Remastersys 3.0.4-2 running on Ubuntu 14.04Go to this website: Search for, then download the following files:remastersys_3.0.4-2_all.debremastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_i386.deb (32 bit)remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_amd64.deb (64 bit)Install as follows:sudo apt-get install plymouth-x11sudo dpkg -i remastersys_3.0.4-2_all.debsudo dpkg -i remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_i386.deb (32 bit)sudo dpkg -i remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_amd_64.deb (64 bit)If you have un-met dependencies run:sudo apt-get -f installLaunch Remastersys as follows:sudo remastersys-guiThis will bring up the usual Remastersys GUI menu.Hope this is useful. TLG
Edit: For some reason when I first copy/pasted the commands in here it cut off &debian& to &deb...&I used virtualbox in order to create the live DVD image which you can then use to do installs without UEFI. Just edit the following to add Debian and Remastersys sources.sudo sunano /etc/apt/sources.listadd the followingdeb "> wheezy main contrib non-freedeb-src "> wheezy main contrib non-freedeb "> wheezy-updates main contrib non-freedeb-src "> wheezy-updates main contrib non-freedeb
wheezy/updates main contrib non-freedeb-src
wheezy/updates main contrib non-freedeb
wheezy mainctrl-o to save ctrl-x to exit, then run the following in the terminal.wget /remastersys.gpg.keyapt-key add remastersys.gpg.keyapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgradeapt-get install remastersysreboot and then runsudo remastersys distwhich then creats a live DVD ISO. The results allow me to install any Debian app (Gimp, Libreoffice, whatever.) and allows me to also boot non-UEFI as well as trying the OS out in a live environment directly from DVD.You can install from this Live image withsudo remastersys-installer guiNote: The remastersys installer is not very elegant but it gets the job done.最后由 Hexadecimal 编辑于; 日下午1:20正在显示第 1 - 5 条,共 5 条留言 MEOW :3 日下午10:37 it doesn't allow me to save, tells me i dont have the privilage???#1 MEOW :3 日下午10:38 Permission denied#2 MEOW :3 日下午11:36 its okay i just disallowed desktop password to exist but where it has the &...& at the end of & is something meant to be there?#3 Hexadecimal 日下午12:55 引用自 arashk1996:its okay i just disallowed desktop password to exist but where it has the &...& at the end of & is something meant to be there?the deb... should read debian, when I copy and pasted the commands into this post I didn't notice it had cut it off. I edited the above to read correctly. Thanks for pointing it out. :)Also added a sudo su up there for folks unfamiliar with the differences between normal terminal $ and root terminal #.最后由 Hexadecimal 编辑于; 日下午1:07#4 MEOW :3 日下午4:03 haha good work :P but thanks :) wouldn't have gotten anywhere without this :)
Instalar squashfs-tools (para Remastersys hace falta)sudo apt-get install squashfs-toolsAgregar los repositorios de Remastersys al final de nuestro sources.list:sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.listDebe quedar as&#237;:##Remastersys Wheezydeb
wheezy mainEsta es la forma correcta de instalar Remastersys:Abrir Terminal entrar como root:Poner:suPoner contrase&#241;a de root cuando la pidaPoner:wget -O- /remastersys.gpg.key | apt-key add -Salir de root:Poner:exitSin salir de Terminal poner:sudo apt-get updateNos pide la contrase&#241;a de usuario, ponerlaPoner:sudo apt-get install remastersysCuando pregunte poner:s&#237;Instalar el modo grafico para remastersys:sudo apt-get install remastersys remastersys-gui-----------remastersysUso de remastersys 3.0.0-1 es la siguiente:sudo remastersys backup|clean|dist [cdfs|iso] [filename.iso]Remastersys Debian Remastersys DebianEjemplos:sudo remastersys backup(para hacer una copia de seguridad livecd / dvd de su sistema)sudo remastersys backup custom.iso(para hacer una copia de seguridad livecd / dvd y llamar a la custom.iso iso)sudo remastersys clean(para limpiar los archivos temporales de remastersys)sudo remastersys dist(para hacer una distribuci&#243;n livecd / dvd de su sistema)sudo remastersys dist cdfs(para hacer una distribuci&#243;n livecd / dvd sistema de archivos solamente)sudo remastersys dist iso custom.iso(para hacer un llamado distribuci&#243;n iso custom.iso pero s&#243;lo si la cdfs est&#225; ya presente)-----------Repito el programa tambi&#233;n permite respaldar “todo“.Con:sudo remastersys backupTendremos todos nuestros datos en la nueva instalaci&#243;n (programas,archivos, fondos de pantalla, configuraciones e incluso el Home)Notas: El usuario y la contrase&#241;a son los mismos que en el sistema original(despu&#233;s de la instalaci&#243;n si se quiere se cambian).Por defecto remastersys crea la iso con el nombre customdist.iso en el directorio /home/remastersys. Se recomienda realizar el clean tras la creaci&#243;n(grabaci&#243;n) de la ISO para limpiar los temporales.Se puede usar como live o instalar, la instalaci&#243;n ha de hacerse sin red, osea desconectado de internet incluso de WifiPara crear una imagen de nuestro sistema con remastersysSe recomienda no haber instalado los drivers propietarios de las tarjetas de v&#237;deo ya que, si la distribuimos a una maquina con otra tarjeta, esos drivers pueden no ser validos.L&#237;mite de 4 GBL&#237;mite de 4 GB es una especificaci&#243;n iso9660, que est&#225; presente en la cdrtools bifurcada genisoimage, que est&#225; presente en debian y ubuntu.Si su sistema es demasiado grande como para hacer una copia de seguridad normal, debe de excluir o moverse fuera los archivos multimedia, antes de hacer una copia de seguridad y luego copiar de nuevo m&#225;s tarde o despu&#233;s de la instalaci&#243;n.
wget -O - /remastersys.gpg.key | apt-key add -Et ajoutez ces d&#233;pots dans /etc/apt/sources.list, ajoutez ces lignes:deb
wheezy maindeb-src
wheezy mainEnsuitesudo apt-get updateEt pour finirsudo apt-get install remastersys-gui
How to install Remastersys
Add the repo to your /etc/apt/sources.list
## Remastersys
wheezy main
(or create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/remastersys.list and add those lines to it)
Get the gpg signing key (make sure the dashes are right)
$ wget -q -O - /remastersys.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
Install remastersys and the gui
The recent version of remastersys uses yad for the dialogs, so you need to have this installed as well.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends remastersys remastersys-gui yad
yad is included in the remastersys repo, or you can build it from yad sourceforge
tail -f /var/log/syslog
Ubuntu下Gnuradio安装记录Ubuntu12.04下Gnuradio3.4.2安装记录。3.5.0之后的版本不再支持USRP1,所以请使用最后一个稳定版本3.4.2进行安装。安装前需要先安装关联:sudo apt-get -y install git-core autoconf automake
libtool g++ python-dev swigpkg-config libboost-all-dev libfftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libgsl0-devlibusb-dev sdcc libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk2.8 python-numpypython-cheetah python-lxml doxygen python-qt4 python-qwt5-qt4 libxi-devlibqt4-opengl-dev libqwt5-qt4-dev libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev Gnuradio下载地址:gnuradio.org/releases/gnuradio/UHD下载地址:/binaries/uhd_stable/latest_stable/Gnuradio安装前请先安装UHD驱动。Gnuradio下载完成后进入到目录依次执行下列命令:./configuremakemake checkmake install在./configure时提示libaudio.so未找到。需要手动安装apt-get install libaudio-dev./configure
完成后会提示:The following components were skipped either because you asked notto build them or they didn't pass configuration checks:gcellgr-gcellgr-comedigr-shdThese components will not be built.gcell和gr-gcell这两个包是IBM的内核才需要的,shd安装时提示无此文件,因此需要安装的包为gr-comedi。命令如下:sudo apt-get installlibcomedi0然后继续 make最后执行gnuradio-companion 命令测试是否成功。此时弹出对话框:&Cannot import gnuradio. Are your PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly?&。于是执行命令:export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/binexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/libexport PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfigexport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages然后再执行 gnuradio-companion出现窗口,至此安装成功!如果需要使用外部晶振或需要安装Openbts2.8,需要先修改usrp_basic.cc文件文件目录:usrp/host/lib/legacy/usrp_basic.ccd_verbose (false), d_fpga_master_clock_freq(), d_db(2)其中修改成.然后回到目录下运行 make install安装过程使用gnuradio.cc提供的usrp1设备参考文章:blog.csdn.net/caodesheng110/article/details/6716344
介绍下GNU Radio的安装。进入GNU Radio的官网,进入wiki目录,在content中选择Build GNU,然后根据你的操作系统选择,我的}


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