朋友想知道Allbetamd gaming evolved真 -钱 在哪儿玩?谢谢大家了谢谢_

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-Leonard: So you see, what you are eating is not technically yogurt, because it doesn't have enough live acidophilus cultures. technically: 技术上的,学术上的 yogurt: 酸奶 acidophilus: 嗜酸的 你喝的不是酸奶,因为没有足够的乳酸菌, It's really just ice milk with carrageenan added for thickness. carrageenan: 卡拉胶 thickness: 厚度 其实不过是用卡拉胶加稠的冻牛奶罢了。 -Penny: Oh, that's very interesting. 真有趣啊。 -Leonard: It's also not pink and has no berries. berry: 浆果类 不仅颜色不对,也没有果肉。 -Penny: Yeah, but it doesn't really answer my question. 是,但你并没有正面回答我的问题。 -Leonard: What was your question again? 你问的啥? -Penny: Do you want some? 来点不? -Leonard: Oh... Right. No. I'm lactose intolerant. Right. So, gas. lactose: 乳糖 intolerant: 不能容忍的(偏执的) 对啊,还是算了我有乳糖不耐症是啊,遗憾啊。 -Penny: Yeah, got it. 明白了。 -Leonard: Well... good night. 好吧,晚安了。 -Penny: What are you doing? 你这是干吗? -Leonard: Oh, there's a draft. 这儿凉快 -Penny: I didn't feel a draft. 我怎么没觉着。 -Leonard: Why don't we just go into, uh, your... 我们何不去...你.... -Penny: Oh. Yeah, maybe we should slow things down a little. slow down: 减速 你知道吗?也许我们该放慢点速度。 -Leonard: No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast. apartment: 公寓 不,我不是说要去你的公寓去&加速&。 -Penny: No, I know. I know what you meant, it's just... this is only our first date. date: 约会 我知道,我明白你的意思,只是这才是我们第一次约会。 -Leonard: Yeah, okay, sure, no problem. Why don't we just figure out where we're going and when we want to get there? figure out: 算出,想出,理解 恩,好的,明白那我们不如想下接下来如何以及要用多久才可以到达。 And then rate of speed equals distance over time. Solve for R. distance: 距离 通过路程和时间计算出我们的速度。解决了。 -Penny: Or we could just wing it. wing: [美国俚语]临时准备;临时凑成 或者我们走一步看一步呢。 -Leonard: That might work, too. 这样应该也行。 -Penny: Good night, Leonard. 晚安,Leonard。 -Leonard: Good night. 晚安。 -Raj: He's coming-- screensaver! screensaver: 屏幕保护动画 他过来了,快开屏保。 -Howard: Oh, hey, Leonard. How was your date? 嘿!Leonard,约会如何? -Leonard: Bite me. Sheldon, how could you just sit there Sheldon and let them spy on me? bite me : 去死了你(过来打我吧) spy: 暗中监视,暗中观察 关你鸟事。你怎么能坐在那里放纵他们窥视我呢? -Sheldon: They were clever, Leonard. They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing. lack of: 缺乏 他们聪明啊,Leonard。竟然发现了我对你的鸟事完全没兴趣。 -Howard: You should thank us. When future generations try to determine why your relationship with Penny crashed and burned this right here is the black box. generation: 后代 determine: 决定,确定 crash and burn: 彻底失败;累垮 你应该感谢我们的, 当后代们想要搞清楚你和 Penny 从相恋到失恋是怎么个过程时, 这可就 是&黑匣子&啊。 -Leonard: What are you talking about? The date went fine. 你在说什么啊? 约会进行得很顺利 -Raj: Dude, she said she wants to slow things down. 伙计,她可说了她想慢下来。 -Leonard: Okay, so she said she wants to slow things down. 好吧,她说想把发展速度慢下来, It's like saying, &I'm really enjoying this meal. I'm going to slow down and savor it.& savor: 尽情享受 就像在说 &这顿饭太美妙了,我真想把时间停下尽情享受。& -Howard: No, it's like, &This fish tastes bad, so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out.& gonna=going to spit out: 吐出 不,她是想说“这些臭鱼真难吃。我可得慢下来,吐个干净。 ” -Raj: You being the fish. 你就是那鱼。 -Leonard: I'm not the fish. 我才不是。 -Howard: Oh, really? Did you make a second date? 真的吗? 那你约好下一次了吗? -Leonard: Well, no, we sort of decided to wing it. sort of: 有几分地(稍稍,到某种程度) wing it: 随机应变 恩,还没,我们决定走一步看一步。 -Sheldon: Oh, even I know that's lame. lame: 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的 天,连我都知道那是个废话。 -Leonard: Okay, all right, let's assume your hypothesis. We went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kissed. assume: 假定,设想 hypothesis: 假设 好吧,我们就按照你们的假说来设想,我们一起去吃晚饭,开心地聊天还接吻了。 Where could I have possibly gone wrong? possibly: 可能地,也许 我能有哪里做得不对啊? -Howard: Think back, Leonard. The littlest things can set women off. Like, &Hey, set off: 引起;激起 waitress: 女服务员 再想想 Leonard,最小的细节也能触动女人的,就像 &看这个服务员真辣阿 I bet we could get her to come home with us.& I bet: 我确信;我敢打赌 我敢说咱们可以带上她一起回家。& Or, &How much does your mom weigh? I want to know what I'm getting into.& weigh: 重量 get into: 进入 或者 &你妈妈多重? 我只是想进一步了解'未来的你'& -Leonard: I didn't say anything like that. 我可没有这么说。 -Howard: Good, 'cause they don't work. ?cause=because 好的,因为这些话一点用都没有。 -Raj: They also don't care for it. If you stare at them and hyperventilate. Sadly, that's my home run swing. stare at: 凝视 hyperventilate: 换气过度;强力呼吸 如果你死盯着她们大喘粗气也会令她们讨厌的,很遗憾我们全家都这个德行。 -Leonard: Look, everything went fine. I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters. That woman across the hall is into me. refer to: 涉及 impromptu: 即席的,即兴的 conversation: 对话 be into: 喜欢,被迷住 嘿!一切都很顺利的,我甚至都没有用上我的即兴开场白,走廊对面那个女孩子看上我了! -Howard: Let's go to the tape. Look at her reaction to the good night kiss. reaction: 反应 我们还是看录像算了,瞧她对那个&我和你吻别在无人的夜& 的反应吧, No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the chest. respiration: 呼吸 pupil: 瞳孔 dilated: 加宽的, 扩大的 flush: 流溢,面红,旺盛 我呼吸无变化,瞳孔无放大,胸部无抖动。 -Raj: Nice close-up, by the way. close-up: 特写镜头 不过你这大特写可拍得真好。 -Sheldon: Interesting. Her jaws are clenched, no tongue access. Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans. jaw: 咽喉 clench: 牢牢抓住,钉紧 tongue: 舌头 access: 进入 mating: 交配 有趣啊,她咬紧牙关写着&打死我舌头也不让进&,对交配期的人类来说无疑是个坏兆头。 -Leonard: That's not a bad sign. 才不是你说的那样。 -Sheldon: Please, you might as well have been two iguanas with no dewlap enlargement. iguana: 美洲大蜥蜴 dewlap: 垂肉 enlargement: 扩大 得了吧,你俩还不如当两只没有双下巴的大蜥蜴算了。 -Raj: And the worst sign of all is you're here and not there. 最糟糕的是,你现在在这里,而不是&那里。& -Leonard: I'm not there. Because I'm taking things slow, which, by the way, compared to you guys, approaches warp speed. And take down that camera. Compare to: 对比 approach: 途径,方法 warp: 弯,歪曲 我不在&那里。&因为我想慢慢来。不过话说回来,对你们来说,这已经是飞速了。拜托把那 个摄像头拆了! -Raj: He was a lot more fun when he had no hope. 他绝望的时候好玩多了。 -Howard: Give him time. 给他点时间吧。 -Penny: Hi. 嗨。 -Sheldon: Oh, hi, Penny. FYI, the hot water is inadequate on machine two so colors only, inadequate: 不够的 嗨!Penny。顺便提醒一下二号机热水不够,只能洗带颜色的, and four is still releasing the fabric softener too early in the cycle, so I'd avoid using that for your delicates. release: 释放 fabric: 织物,布,结构 softener: 软化剂,柔软剂 avoid: 避免 delicate: 雅致的, 精致的 还有四号机仍然会提前流出柔顺剂,所以你那些好衣服就别用这一台洗了。 -Penny: Thanks. 谢谢。 -Sheldon: Oh, good Lord...why don't you just take your clothes down to the river and beat them with a rock? 上帝啊,为什么你不直接把衣服脱掉,用河里的石头&敲&干净。 -Penny: Sheldon, can I ask you a question? Sheldon,能问你个事吗? -Sheldon: I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to forbid it. forbid: 禁止,不准 我宁愿你不问,但是我不会阻止你的。 -Penny: All right, I heard yes, so...Okay, here?s my question. Has Leonard ever dated, you know, a regular girl? regular: 正规的 好吧,那你是答应了;好的,我的问题是:Leonard 是否曾经和一个正常的女孩约会过呢? -Sheldon: Well, I assume you're not referring to digestive regularity. Because I've come to learn that such inquiries are inappropriate. refer to: 涉 及 digestive: 消 化 的 regularity: 有 规 则 , 匀 整 , 调 和 inquiry: 打 听 , 询 问 inappropriate: 不适当的 我想你不是指&消化正常&吧? 因为我觉得这样问不太合适。 -Penny: No, I meant, has he ever been involved with someone who wasn't a brainiac? involve with: 涉及 brainiac: 异常聪明的人 不,没有。我是说他有没有和一个不是&大脑发达&的女孩交往过? -Sheldon: Oh! Well, a few years ago, he did go out with a woman who had a PhD in French literature. PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 几年之前他倒是和一个法国文学女博士约会过。 -Penny: How is that not a brainiac? 那怎么能叫做&非大脑发达&? -Sheldon: Well, for one thing, she was French. For another, it was literature. for one thing, for another: 首先,其次 literature: 文学 第一个原因,她是法国人;第二个原因,文学诶。 -Penny: So... do you think that if Leonard and I keep dating, he'll eventually get bored with me? eventually: 最后 那么...你觉得如果 Leonard 和我继续约会,最终他会对我失去兴趣吗? -Sheldon: That depends. 那得看情况了。 -Penny: On what? 看什么? -Sheldon: Do you have a working knowledge of quantum physics? knowledge: 知识 quantum: 分配量,额,量 physics: 物理 你具备量子物理的知识吗? -Penny: No. 不。 -Sheldon: Do you speak Klingon? 那你会说&克林贡语&吗? (星际迷航) -Penny: No. 不会。 -Sheldon: You know any card tricks? trick: 恶作剧 会变扑克牌戏法吗? -Penny: Okay, you know what... I get it. 好吧,我知道了。 Leonard has no business being involved with a waitress-slash-actress who felt so insecure that she lied to him about finishing community college. slash: 斜线 insecure: 不安全的 community: 社区 Leonard 和一个骗他说是社区大学毕业的,自我感觉不良好的服务员/演员没有任何共同点。 -Sheldon: Why would you lie about that? 这你干吗要撒谎啊? -Penny: Well, he was going on and on about this college and that grad school, and I... I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid loser. grad school:研究生院,研究所 他不停地说这个大学,那个研究生院而我... 我不想他把我看作一个失败的笨蛋。 -Sheldon: You thought the opposite of &stupid loser& was &community college graduate&? opposite: 反面的 你认为&失败的笨蛋&的反义词是,社区大学毕业? -Penny: You know, there are a lot of successful people in this country who are community college graduates. 我们国家有好多成功人士,都是社区大学毕业的。 -Sheldon: Yeah, but you are neither. 是啊,但你以上皆不是啊。 -Penny: Right. Okay, look, this is between you and me. You cannot tell Leonard any of this. 好吧,这次谈话你知我知,你千万不能跟 Leonard 说。 -Sheldon: You're asking me to keep a secret? 你在让我帮你保守秘密? -Penny: Yeah. 是啊。 -Sheldon: Well, I'm sorry, but you would have had to express that desire before revealing the secret, desire: 愿望,欲望 reveal: 显示,透露 我很抱歉,但... 但是你应该先说清楚啊。 so that I could choose whether or not I wanted to accept the covenant of secret keeping. covenant: 盟约,契约 好让我决定是听还是不听再来答应你啊; You can't impose a secret on an ex post facto basis. impose: 强加 ex post facto: 事后地, 追溯地 你不能事后再告诉人家这是秘密啊。 -Penny: What? 什么? -Sheldon: Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor. One has to be concerned not only about what one says, but about facial expressions, autonomic reflexes. complicated: 复 杂 的 endeavor: 努 力 , 尽 力 facial expression: 面 部 表 情 facial: 面 部 的 autonomic: 自治的,自律的 reflex: 反射 保密是个复杂的过程, 保密的人不仅要注意自己的言辞, 还要注意面部表情, 下意识的反应。 When I try to deceive, I myself have more nervous tics than a Lyme disease research facility. It?s a joke. Deceive: 欺骗 facility: 设备 我撒谎的时候,身上紧张的”虱子” 要比一台莱姆病研究设备还多,这是个笑话。 It relies on the homonymic relationship between “tick,” the bloodsucking arachnid, and “tic,” the involuntary muscular contraction. rely on: 信赖,依靠 homonymic: 同音异义字的,同名的 bloodsucking: 吸血的 arachnid: 属 于蜘蛛类的节肢动物 involuntary: 自然而然的 contraction: 收缩 只是同音不同义,tick 是指吸血蜘蛛,而 tic 是肌肉自然的抽动, I made it up myself. make up: 编造 我自己编的。 -Penny: Okay, look, if Leonard finds out that I lied, I will absolutely die of embarrassment. absolutely: 绝对地 embarrassment: 尴尬 如果 Leonard 发现我撒谎了,我会因尴尬而死的。 -Sheldon: Physiologically impossible. physiologically: 生理上 从生理上说,不可能的事情。 -Penny: Oh, Sheldon, please. Look, I am asking you as a friend. Sheldon 拜托了,我是在向你请求朋友的帮助。 -Sheldon: So you're saying that friendship contains within it an inherent obligation to maintain confidences? inherent: 内在的,固有的 obligation: 义务 那么你是说朋友之间就应该为彼此保密? -Penny: Well, yeah. 对啊。 -Sheldon: Interesting. One more question, and perhaps I should have led with this. When did we become friends? 真有意思。还有一个问题,也许我应该这样问:我们啥时候成朋友了? -Sheldon: i.e., I couldn't become Green Lantern unless I was chosen by the Guardians of Oa, 也就是说,除非被 OA 星的守护者选中;否则我就不会成为&绿灯侠&。 but given enough start-up capital and an adequate research facility, I could be Batman. start-up: 启动 adequate: 足够的 research facility: 研究设备 但是拥有足够的资金和一些优良的设备,我就能当&蝙蝠侠&了。 -Leonard: You could be Batman? 你能当蝙蝠侠? -Sheldon: Sure. I'm Batman. See? 当然啦,我就是蝙-蝠-侠。怎么样? -Penny: Hi, guys. 嘿,伙计们。 -Leonard: Hey. 嗨。 -Sheldon: Hi, Penny. 你好,Penny。 -Leonard: Penny, if you're not doing anything Friday night, I thought maybe we could go to see a movie. Penny,如果这周五你没事的话,我们去看场电影如何? -Penny: Oh, um, you know, I think I have the dinner shift on Friday. shift: 移动,转变 噢,周五我晚餐时间要上班。 -Leonard: Okay, what about Saturday? 好的,那周六呢? -Penny: You know, I' the manager hasn't posted the schedule yet. How about let you know? schedule: 时间表 我也不清楚啊,经理还没排好班呢,我会告诉你的。 -Leonard: Great. Okay. So you just let me know when you know. Okay, so... Oh, God, I am the bad fish. 你一知道就要告诉我啊。好吧,那... 天哪,我就是那&臭鱼&。 -Leonard: What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么啊? -Sheldon: Why are you asking me? I have no information about your interactions with Penny other than what you have provided me, interaction: 相互作用,相互影响 other than: 除了 问我干什么?我可不知道任何你和 Penny 的事情;除了你自己告诉我的, nor do I have any method of learning such things. 其他的我怎么可能知道? -Leonard: What does that mean? 那是啥意思? -Sheldon: Nothing. You seem to be implying an informational back-channel between me and Penny where obviously none exists. imply: 暗示 obviously: 明显地 没啥意思,你说得好象我和 Penny 私下里互通有无一样,可明显根本就没有! -Leonard: No, I didn't. I just think you need to be careful how you phrase things, sir. phrase: 表达,叙述 我可不是这么想的,我觉得你该注意自己的表达方式了,伙计。 -Leonard: What's going on with you? What's going on with you: 你怎么了?【口语常用语】 你到底怎么了? -Sheldon: I might ask you the same question. Why do you insist on attempting to drag me into matters which have nothing to do with me? insist on: 坚持 attempt to: 企图,试图 drag into: 把??拉进 我还正想问你呢,你为什么不停的想把我拉下水,这些事跟我没有一点关系, but exist between you and Penny, a person to whom I barely speak? barely: 几乎不 都是你和 Penny 之间的事情,而我跟她都不怎么说话。 -Leonard: What's wrong with your face? 你的脸怎么了? -Sheldon: There's no reason to bring my looks into this. Good day, Leonard. 没什么东西把我弄成&这样&,祝你愉快,Leonard。 -Leonard: What? 啥? -Penny: I said, &Good day.& 我说祝你愉快。 -Leonard: Good day? 祝你愉快? -Penny: Also today, we have a fresh-caught Alaska salmon, and that's served with a teriyaki glaze and sticky rice. Our soup of the day is... salmon: 三文鱼 teriyaki: 红烧的 glaze: 釉,覆罩的一层 sticky: 粘的,粘性的 今天我们还有新鲜的阿拉斯加三文鱼,淋上照烧酱配糯米饭,今天的汤是... -Sheldon: You must release me from my oath. release: 释放 oath: 誓言 你必须解除我的誓约。 -Penny: Sheldon, I'm working. Sheldon,我在工作。 -Sheldon: Why don't you take a minute to decide? 你们可以慢慢决定。 -Penny: Oh, my... 天。 -Sheldon: I can't keep your secret, Penny. I'm going to fold like an energy-based de novo protein in conformational space. keep the/a secret: 保守秘密 fold: 折叠 protein: 蛋白质 de novo : (拉)重新;更始 conformational: 构造的 Penny,我没法帮你保密了我就快像构象空间里的内源蛋白一样折叠了, Like a Renaissance tryptich. Like a cheap suit. renaissance:文艺复兴 就像文艺复兴时期的三联画屏(折叠的) ,像套便宜西装。 -Penny: Look, why is it so hard for you to keep one little secret? 我说叫你保守一个小秘密就那么难吗? -Sheldon: I'm constitutionally incapable. That's why I was refused clearance for a very prestigious government research fellowship constitutionally: 本质地,天生,体质上 incapable: 本质地,天生,体质上 prestigious: 享有声望 的 fellowship: 奖学金 我天生做不到,所以之前我才申请不到那个由政府设立奖学金, at a secret military supercollider located beneath a fake agricultural station 12.5 miles southeast of Traverse City, Michigan, supercollider: 超对撞机 beneath: 在?下面 fake: 假的 agricultural: 农业的 隐藏在密歇根 Traverse 城东南面 12.5 英里处的农业中心地下的机密军用超级对撞机的项目。 which you did not hear about from me. 你什么都没听到。 -Penny: Look, just forget I told you about me... not graduating from community college, okay? 听着,你就把我说过不是从社区大学毕业,这件事忘了不行吗? -Sheldon: Forget? You want me to forget? This mind does not forget. 忘掉? 你要我忘掉? 这个脑袋不会忘记。 I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. It was a drizzly Tuesday. breastfeeding: 母乳喂养 drizzly: 下毛毛雨的 从我断奶那一天开始的任何事情我都没忘记,那是个下着毛毛雨的星期二。 -Penny: Okay... Look, you promised me you would keep my secret, so you're just gonna have to figure out a way to do it. 好了,听着,你答应会为我保密的,那你就得自己想办法做到这一点。 -Sheldon: Lenorad, I'm moving out. Lenorad,我要搬出去了。 -Leonard: what do you mean you're moving out? Why? 什么叫你要搬出去? 为什么? -Sheldon: There doesn't have to be a reason. 这不需要什么理由。 -Leonard: Yeah, there kinda does. kinda=kind of 不,需要点什么的。 -Sheldon: Not necessarily. This is a classic example of Munchausen's Trilemma. classic: 经典的 Trilemma: n. 三难选择的窘境;三难困境;[逻]三难推理 没有那个必要,这是 Munchausen 三难问题的经典范例。 Either the reason is predicated on a series of sub-reasons leading to an infinite regression, predict: 预知,预言,预报 series: 连续,系列 lead to: 导致 infinite: 无限循的 regression: 回归 要么是一个依赖于一串子逻辑,导致无限循回的推理; or it tracks back to arbitrary axiomatic statements, or it's ultimately circular, i.e. I'm moving out because I'm moving out. arbitrary: 任意的 axiomatic: 公理的 ultimate: 最后的 circular: 循环的 要么就是一切逆向推理回到一个任意公理,要么一切根本就是一个循环。即:因为我要搬出 去所以我要搬出去。 -Leonard: I'm still confused. confuse: 混乱,狼狈,困惑 我还是不明白。 -Sheldon: Leonard, I don't see how I could have made it any simpler. Leonard,我不知道怎么才能说得更简单了。 -Howard: Hey, qu'est que s'up? 嘿!你们好吗? -Raj: We just got back from that exhibit of those plasticized human cadavers. exhibit: 展览品 plasticize: 增塑 cadaver: 尸体 我们刚从那个塑化的尸体模型展览回来。 -Howard: And some of those skinless chicks were Hot! 那边一些剥了皮的美女实在是性感极了! -Sheldon: If you'll excuse me, I'm going to pack. 你们不介意的话我去打包了。 -Howard: That's kind of an overreaction to a little harmless necrophilia. overreaction: 反应过度 harmless: 无害的 necrophilia: 恋尸癖 反应过度了吧,只不过是一点无害的恋尸癖而已。 -Leonard: It's not you, Howard. He says he's moving out. 不是因为你。Howard,他说要搬出去。 -Raj: What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the television? contrast: 对比度 brightness: 亮度 你干了什么?重调了电视的亮度或者对比度? -Leonard: No. 没有。 -Howard: Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him? Band-Aid: n. [商标]邦迪创可贴 在他面前撕创可贴? -Leonard: No. 没有。 -Howard: Did you buy generic ketchup, forget to rinse the sink, talk to him through the bathroom door? generic: 一般的,普通的,共有的 ketchup: 蕃茄酱等 rinse: 清洗 买了天然番茄酱,忘了刷水池,或者从浴室里和他说话? -Raj: Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro, pronounce the &t& in often? thermostat: 恒温计 cilantro: 芫荽叶 乱调温度计,烧饭用香菜,还是说 often 的时候发了&t&的音? -Leonard: No. 没有。 -Howard: Did you make fun of trains? 你开火车的玩笑了? -Leonard: No, I didn't do anything. He's just gone insane. insane: 疯狂的,精神错乱的 没有,我什么都没干,他就是发疯了。 -Raj: Well, we all knew this day was coming. 哦,我们都知道总会有这一天的。 -Leonard: Well, that was fast. 收拾这么快。 -Sheldon: It's my pre-packed disaster evacuation bag. It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security. And Sarah Connor. evacuation: 撤离,疏散 recommend: 推荐 department: 部门 这是我事先准备的紧急疏散包,是国土安全部推荐过的,还有 Sarah Connor(终结者女主角)。 -Leonard: Where are you going to live? 你准备去哪里住? -Sheldon: Until I find a permanent place, I will stay with friends. permanent: 固定的 我去朋友那里,直到找到固定住所为止。 -Howard: Bye. 再见。 -Raj: Well... you can't stay with me. I have a teeny-tiny apartment. teeny: 极小的(微小的) apartment: 公寓 你不能和我住,我那里只有一丁点大。 -Sheldon: Excuse me, but isn't hosting guests an aspect of &manushya yajna,& one of the five central religious duties or sacrifices of the Hindu householder? aspect: 方面 religious: 宗教的 sacrifice: 牺牲 Hindu: 印度人(的) 不好意思, 热情待客难道不是 manushya yajna 的一个方面吗? 那不是印度教家庭的五大宗教 戒律之一么? -Raj: I hate trains. 我讨厌火车。 -Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous, you love trains. ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 少胡说八道,你喜欢火车的。 -Raj: Yes, I do. Come on. See you later, Leonard. 好吧,是的来吧,回头见,Leonard。 -Leonard: This could work. 这样也不错。 -Sheldon: This is a very old building. 这栋建筑很老。 -Raj: 60 years. It used to be a watch factory. used to be: 过去,曾经是 有六十年了,这里曾经是个钟表厂。 -Sheldon: Uh-oh. 糟糕。 -Raj: What? 怎么了? -Sheldon: Don't you worry about the residual radium from the luminous dials? residual: 残余的,剩余的 radium: 镭 luminous: 发光的,发亮的 你不担心制作荧光表盘的残余辐射吗? -Raj: Not until now! 留到现在?! -Sheldon: I can't believe I didn't bring my Geiger counter. I had it on my bed and I didn't pack it. Geiger counter: 盖格计数器(用于测量放射性) 天哪,我竟然没带盖革计数管,就放在床上竟然没放进行李! -Raj: Well, if you're not comfortable staying here, Sheldon... comfortable: 舒服的 如果你不想待在这里,Sheldon? -Sheldon: I'm kidding, I packed it. It was a joke. I was subverting the conversational expectations. subvert: 推翻,颠覆 conversational: 对话的 开玩笑的,我带了。刚才是个笑话,我只是在转换对话的方向。 I believe they call that the, uh, ol' switcharoo. 我相信这应该叫做 ol' switcharoo(出其不意)。 -Raj: Terrific. 好极了。 -Sheldon: Is that woman Aishwarya Rai? 那是 Aishwarya Rai? -Raj: Yes, isn't she an amazing actress? amazing: 令人惊异的 没错,她是个了不起的演员。 -Sheldon: Actually, I'd say she's a poor man's Madhuri Dixit. 其实我觉得她就是可怜鬼心中的 Madhuri Dixit. -Raj: How dare you! Aishwarya Rai is a goddess. By comparison, Madhuri Dixit is a leprous prostitute. goddess: 女神 comparison: 对比 leprous: 麻疯病的 prostitute: 妓女 你敢这么说! Aishwarya Rai 是女神,和她比起来,Madhuri Dixit 就是个得了麻风病的妓女。 -Sheldon: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Obviously, you're not that familiar with Indian cinema. offend: 冒犯 obviously: 明显地 be familiar with: 对?熟悉 对不起,我没有冒犯的意思,可是显然你不了解印度电影 -Howard: Who is it? 谁? -Sheldon: Stripper-Gram! 脱衣舞女。 -Raj: Tag, you're it. tag: 标签 接着,交给你了。 -Howard: Shouldn't you put him in a brown paper bag and set him on fire?! 你不是应该把他用油纸包起来烧掉吗? -Sheldon: I've never slept on an air mattress before. No lumbar support whatsoever. air mattress: 气垫,充气床 lumbar: 腰的 whatsoever: (用于否定句中以加强语气)任何 我从来没睡过充气垫,没有任何木支架。 -Howard: Maybe you'd be happier on a park bench. bench: 板凳 可能你会更喜欢公园的长凳。 -Sheldon: I don't see any way to get a park bench in here. 我不知道怎样才能弄一张长凳进来。 -Howard: Do you want to switch? switch: 交换 你要换吗? -Sheldon: No, that's fine. I'm perfectly comfortable sleeping on a bouncy castle. perfectly: 完美地 bouncy castle: 弹性城堡 bouncy: 跳跃的 不,没关系,我一点也不介意睡跳跳床。 -Howard: Get out of bed. We're switching. 起来,我们换。怎么了? -Sheldon: Now, only if you want to. 如果你真的想换。 -Howard: Just get in the bed! 你上床去就是了。 -Howard?s mother: What's going on? Are you boys roughhousing? roughhouse: 大吵大闹,骚乱,大打出手 你们想拆房子吗? -Howard: We're just talking, Ma! 妈,我们只是在聊天。 -Howard?s mother: If you don't settle down right now, I'm not going to let you have any more sleepovers! sleepover: 在别人家里过夜的人 你们给我马上老实下来,不然下次不许带朋友回来住。 -Howard: For God's sake, Ma, I'm 27 years old! And it's not even a school night! Comfy now? comfy=comfortable 舒服的,轻松的 看在上帝的份上,妈,我二十七岁了;更何况明天又不用上课! 现在舒服了? -Sheldon: Meh. That poster of Halle Berry is a little unnerving. unnerve: 使丧失勇气,使焦躁 恩,那张哈利-贝瑞的海报让我不舒服。 -Howard: So don't look at it. 那就别看。 -Sheldon: She's like my fourth favorite Catwoman. 她看起来像我第四喜欢的猫女。 -Howard: No kidding. 别开玩笑。 -Sheldon: Yeah, Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfieffer, Eartha Kitt, and then her. 真的,朱莉?纽玛,米歇尔?菲佛,艾萨?凯特,然后就是她。 -Howard: What about Lee Merriweather? 那李?玛丽维泽呢? -Sheldon: Oh, I forgot about Lee Merriweather. 噢,我忘了李?玛丽维泽了。 -Howard: Well, I'm glad that's settled. settle: 安放,安顿 终于消停了。 -Sheldon: That makes Halle Berry my fifth favorite Catwoman. It's Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfieffer, Eartha Kitt, Lee Merriweather 那哈利-贝瑞就是我第五喜欢的猫女,朱莉?纽玛,米歇尔?菲佛,艾萨?凯特,还有李?玛 丽维泽。 -Howard: Please, I'm begging you. Go to sleep. 我求你了,快睡觉吧。 -Sheldon: I'm trying. I'm counting Catwomen. She did make a fine mutant in the X-Men movies, though. 我在努力,我在数猫女,不过她在 X 战警里的变异人更好些。 -Howard: Oh, for God's sake. for God's sake: 看在上帝面上 天哪! -Sheldon: She's not my favorite of the X-Men. In order that would be: Wolverine, Cyclops-她不是我最喜欢的 X 战警,按顺序是金钢狼,雷射眼等等, Oh, wait, I forgot Professor X. Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman, then Storm, Angel, the Beast― 我忘了 X 教授;X 教授金钢狼雷射眼,冰人,然后是暴风女,天使,还有野兽等等, No, wait, Nightcrawler. Professor X, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Cyclops, ceman, then Storm, Angel... 还有蓝魔,X 教授,蓝魔人,金钢狼,雷射眼,冰人,然后是:暴风女,天使? -Leonard: I'm coming! 来了! -Sheldon: Hey... There he is. The my old buddy bud bud. buddy:伙伴,好朋友;小男孩;[美口]密友 早....他来了,我的老...老...朋...朋友。 -Leonard: What's with him? 他怎么了? -Howard: Koothrappali dumped him on me, and he couldn't get to sleep, so I gave him a glass of warm milk with a handful of my mom's Valium in it... ... Valium: 安定 Koothrappali 把他扔给我,他睡不着,所以我给了他一杯热牛奶,里面放了一把我妈的安定.. but he still wouldn't shut up, so tag, you're It. 可他还是不肯闭嘴,所以接着交给你了。 -Sheldon: I'm ba-a-a-a-c-k. 我回...回...来...了。 -Leonard: I still don't know why you left .我还是不知道你为什么搬走。 -Sheldon: I can't tell you. 不能告诉你。 -Leonard: Why not? 为什么? -Sheldon: I promised Penny. 我答应 Penny 了。 -Leonard: You promised Penny what? 你答应 Penny 什么? -Sheldon: I wouldn't tell you the secret. Shhhhh! 我答应不告诉你她的秘密,嘘! -Leonard: What secret? Tell me the secret. 什么秘密? 告诉我! -Sheldon: Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is okay with it but we can't tell Dad. 妈妈在车里抽烟;主会原谅的,但我们不能告诉爸爸的。 -Leonard: Not that secret. The other secret. 不,不是那个,另一个。 -Sheldon: I'm Batman-- Shh! 我是蝙蝠侠,嘘! -Leonard: Damn it! Sheldon! You said Penny told you a secret. What's the secret? 妈的!Sheldon,你说 Penny 告诉你一个秘密,什么秘密? -Sheldon: Okay, I'll tell you, but you can't tell Leonard. 好吧,我告诉你,可是你不能告诉 Leonard。 -Leonard: I promise. 我保证。 -Sheldon: Penny lied about graduating from community college 'cause she's afraid she's not smart enough for Leonard. graduate: 毕业 community: 社区 smart: 聪明的 Penny 说她从社区大学毕业是假的,她担心她不够聪明,配不上 Leonard。 -Leonard: So it's nothing I did? It's her problem? 所以不是我做错了什么? 是她自己的问题? -Sheldon: I drank milk that tasted funny. funny: 搞笑的 刚才的牛奶味道很搞笑。 -Leonard: Penny thinks I'm too smart for her. That's ridiculous. ridiculous: adj. 可笑的;荒谬的 Penny 觉得我太聪明了,她配不上,怎么会? -Sheldon: I know. Most of your work is extremely derivative. And don't worry, that's not a secret. Everybody knows. extremely: 极其,非常 derivative: 引出的,系出的 就是的,你做的东西大都只是衍生的。放心,那不是秘密,地球人都知道。 -Penny: Hi. 嗨! -Leonard: Yeah, hi. Listen, I know what's been bothering you about us and I have the answer. bother: 烦恼 我知道是什么让你烦恼了而且我已经有答案了。 -Penny: What are you talking about? 你在说什么? -Leonard: Okay, first, I want to say that it's not Sheldon's fault. He tried very hard to keep your secret. fault: 错误 首先,我要说的是这不是 Sheldon 的错,他确实尽力为你保密了。 If Howard didn't drugged him, he would've taken it to his grave. drug: 下药 grave: 坟墓 要不是 Howard 给他下了药,他会把秘密带进坟墓去的。 -Penny: He told you? 他说了? -Leonard: Yes, but it's okay. Now that we know what the problem is there's a simple solution. simple: 简单的 solution: 解答 对,但是没关系,现在我们知道问题出在哪里,有一个很简单的办法。 -Penny: Pasadena City College? Pasadena 社区大学? -Leonard: A place for fun, a place for knowledge. See, this man here is playing hackey-sack, and this girl's gonna be a paralegal. knowledge: 知识 gonna=going to paralegal: 律师助理 乐趣所在,知识所在。瞧,这个男的现在在踢沙包,这个女孩将要做律师助理。 -Penny: Oh, I get it. Because Dr. Leonard Hofstadter can't date a girl without a fancy college degree. 哦,我明白了 Leonard Hofstadter 博士不能和一个没有好文凭的女孩子约会。 -Leonard: Well, it's really not that fancy. It's just a city college. 其实并不算好,只是一个社区大学而已 -Penny: Right, but I have to have some sort of degree to date you? degree: 文凭 好吧,就是说和你约会我得有张文凭? -Leonard: That doesn't matter to me at all. 不,我半点也没所谓。 -Penny: So it's fine with you if I'm not smart. 所以你不介意我不够聪明? -Leonard: Absolutely. Okay, this time, I know where I went wrong. Oh... Bite me! 绝对不介意,好吧,这次我知道错在哪里了。噢,你咬我啊! 词汇解析:Penny 校对:Clytzy 本文来自: 爱酷英语(&a href=&/&&&/a&) 详细出处参 考:/film_veido/bigbang_s2e01看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第二季 2 集: The Codpiece Topology-Sheldon:Worst renaissance fair ever. renaissance:文艺复兴 fair:集市,集会 史上最逊的文艺复兴集会。 -Leonard:Please let it go, Sheldon. 别再墨迹了 Sheldon。 -Sheldon:It was rife with historical inaccuracies. be rife with:充满 inaccuracies:不准确,误差 还原历史的准确度也太低了。 For example, the tavern girl serving flagons of mead. tavern:小旅馆 flagon:酒壶 mead:蜂蜜酒 举个例子,客栈的女服务生上给我们一大壶蜂蜜酒。 Her costume was obviously Germanic. costume:服装 obviously:显然 Germanic:日耳曼的 她的服装明显是日耳曼式的, But in 1487, the Bavarian purity laws, Or &Reinheitsgebot,& Severely limited the availability of mead. At best, they would have had some sort of spiced wine. Bavarian: 巴伐利亚的 purity: 纯度 Reinheitsgebot: 纯净法则 Severely: 严格地 availability: 可用性 At best:至多,充其量 spiced wine:调味酒【德国的啤酒有所谓的“纯净原则 (Reinheitsgebot),即:在德国(起初是在巴伐利亚州)生产与出售的啤酒中,除了水、大 ” 麦与酒花,什么也不许加。1970 年的酒法对葡萄酒也特别讲究单纯。 】 但在 1487 年巴伐利亚纯酿法令或者叫&纯度法令&严格限制了蜂蜜酒的可用性,最多他们只 能用一点调味酒。 -Leonard:You're nitpicking. nitpick:挑剔,吹毛求疵 你真是太吹毛求疵了。 -Sheldon:Oh, really? 是吗? Well here is another nit for you. The flagons would not have been made of polypropylene. flagon:酒壶 polypropylene:聚丙烯 那我就再来挑一下疵,那个酒壶在以前绝对不会是用聚丙烯做的。 -Howard:Renaissance fairs aren't about historical accuracy. Renaissance:文艺复兴 accuracy:准确性 文艺复兴集会的重点不是历史准确度有多高。 They're about taking chubby girls who work at Kinko's and lacing them up in corsets so tight their bosom jumps out and says, &howdy.& chubby:丰满的 Kinko's: (联邦快递)金考 lace up:束紧 corset:紧身胸衣 tight:紧的 bosom:胸部 howdy:你好 重点在于把那些在金考公司上班的丰满女孩们带来, 给她们系上紧身胸衣, 好让她们的波波 跳出来和我们说“您好” 。 -Sheldon:Bosoms would not have said &howdy& in the 15th century. century:世纪 十五世纪的胸部不会说“您好” If anything, they would've said, &huzzah.& huzzah:好哇 如果要说的话,也只能是“好哇” -Howard:I don't care what the bosoms say, Sheldon. I just want to be part of the conversation. 我才不管波波说什么,谢尔顿只要它们在对我说话就好。 -Penny:Hi, guys. 伙计们。 Looks like you've been to the renaissance fair... I'm hoping. 好像你们刚才去文艺复兴集会了?我希望是。 -Sheldon:Renaissance fair? 文艺复兴集会吗? More of a medieval, slash, age of enlightenment, slash, any-excuse- to-wear-a-codpiece fair. medieval:中世纪的 slash:斜线号(/) age of enlightenment:启蒙时代 codpiece:遮阴布 更像是中世纪兼启蒙时代兼找借口穿遮阴布的集会。 -Penny:Okay, fine, whatever. You guys, this is my friend Eric. 好吧,随便你。伙计们这是我的朋友 Eric。 -Leonard:So, yeah, good to see you. 很高兴见到你。 -Penny:It's good to see you, too. 我也是。 We should probably go. probably:大概,或许 我们应该走了。 Bye, guys. 大家再见。 -Man:I like your hat. 我很喜欢你的帽子。 -Howard:Thanks, my mom made it. 谢谢,是我妈做的。 Penny with a new guy, tri-awkward. tri-awkward:非常尴尬 awkward:尴尬的 Penny 有了新男友,非常尴尬。 -Leonard:It wasn't awkward. It wasn't fun. 没什么尴尬的,不过也不算好玩。 Besides, what's the big deal? 再说了,有什么关系? We dated, we stopped dating, and now we're both moving on. 我们约会过而现在已经不约会了,我们都有了新发展。 -Raj:By moving on, Do you mean she's going out with other men and you spent the afternoon making 15th-century soap with Wolowitz? go out with:和?约会 soap:肥皂 你说的发展的意思是不是指当她和另外一个男人约会的时候, 你却整个下午都在和 Wolowitz 做十五世纪的肥皂。 -Sheldon:That was not 15th century soap. 那不是十五世纪的肥皂。 My god, those people need to learn. 我的天呐,那些人必须得学学。 You can't just put &ye olde& in front of anything you want and expect to get away with it. ye olde:&老&字[仿古字] expect:期待 get away with it:侥幸成功 不是在一样东西名字前加上&老&字[仿古字]就能冒充古老的东西了。 -Leonard:Can we please just go in? 我们快点进去好吗? My chain mail's stuck in my underwear. chain mail:锁子甲,链甲 stuck:卡住 underwear:内裤 我的锁子甲被夹在内裤里了。 -Sheldon:You're wearing modern underwear? modern:现代的 你穿了现代的内裤? -Leonard:Relatively modern. Why, what are you wearing? Relatively:相对地,比较地 相对来说是现代的。干嘛,你穿了什么? -Sheldon:I fashioned historically accurate undergarments out of linen. fashion:穿衣方式 undergarment:内衣 linen:亚麻布 我严格遵守历史准确无误地穿着亚麻布内衣。 -Leonard:You went out and bought linen? 你去买亚麻布了? -Sheldon:Don't be silly-- I borrowed one of your pillowcases. silly:傻的 pillowcase:枕套 别傻了,我只是借用了你的枕头套。 -Leonard:Borrowed? 借用? You know what, I'm happy that Penny's moving on. 你们知道吗,我很高兴 Penny 有了新发展。 It gives me the freedom to move on myself. freedom:自由 这样我就可以自由前进了。 -Howard:Are you saying that you've been holding back? hold back:阻碍,犹豫不决 你的意思是你一直以来都在踌躇? -Leonard:Of course. Out of respect. respect:尊重 当然,出于对她的尊敬。 -Howard:So, how do you explain the ten years before Penny? 那么在 Penny 之前的十年你怎么解释? -Raj:Who were you respecting then? 那时候你在尊敬谁? -Leonard:Well, I've dated plenty of women. There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle... 我和很多女人约会过啊。有 Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle... -Sheldon:Notify the editors of the Oxford English dictionary. notify:通知 editor:编辑 Oxford:牛津 dictionary:词典 通知一下牛津词典的编者。 The word &plenty& has been redefined to mean &two.& plenty:许多,大量的 redefine:重新定义 “许多”这个词被重新定义为&二个&。 -Leonard:What about that girl last year at comic-con? comic-con:动漫展会 去年那个在动漫展里的那个女孩呢? -Raj:Doesn't count. count:计数 不算。 -Leonard:Why not? 为什么? -Raj:What happens in costume at comic-con stays at comic-con. costume:服装 在动漫展服装扮演里发生的事情只是动漫展的事情。 -Howard:You're only saying that because of what happened to you. 你这样说只是因为你的那件事。 -Leonard:What happened to you? 什么事? -Raj:Nothing happened to me. 没什么。 -Howard:It wasn't your fault, Raj. fault:过错 这不是你的错 Raj。 He was dressed as a green Orion slave girl. dress:打扮 Orion:猎户座 slave:奴隶 他只是打扮成了绿色的猎户座女奴。 -Raj:How did we get on me?! 怎么开始说我了? We were mocking Leonard for not moving on. mock:嘲弄 我们不是在嘲笑 Leonard 吗。 Dude, you have totally not moved on. dude:老兄 老兄你完全是在原地踏步啊。 -Leonard:Yes, I have. 不是这样的。 It's just a matter of actually making a date with someone. 现在我只需要和别人出去约会而已。 -Howard:like who? 和谁? -Leonard:Well... There's Joyce Kim. But she defected back to North Korea, So that's a little geographically undesirable. defect:变节,叛变 North Korea:朝鲜 geographically:地理上的 undesirable:不便的 Joyce Kim,但她已经叛逃回朝鲜了,所以在地理上来说有点小困难。 -Raj:What about Leslie Winkle? 那 Leslie Winkle 呢? -Sheldon:Oh, no. 不行。 -Raj:why? 为什么? -Sheldon:Her research methodology is sloppy, She's unjustifiably arrogant about loop quantum gravity, and to make matters worse, she's often mean to me. methodology:方法论 sloppy:草率的,粗心的 unjustifiably:无理地 arrogant:傲慢 loop quantum gravity:圈量子引力 loop:圈 quantum:量子 mean:卑鄙的,不善良的 她的研究方法论漏洞百出, 她在说圈量子引力论的时候毫无道理的傲慢自大, 而且更糟的是 她对我很坏。 -Raj:I think she's smoking hot. 我觉得她很火辣。 -Howard:I'd hit that. 同意。 -Sheldon:You'd hit particulate soil in a colloidal suspension. Mud. particulate:微粒 colloidal suspension:胶体悬浮 colloidal:胶状的 你觉得胶体悬浮系统上的微粒污垢也很火辣。泥巴。 -Leonard:Look, I like Leslie, but she's not interested in dating as much as using men as tools for stress release. stress:压力 release:释放 我喜欢 Leslie 但她对约会并不感兴趣,她只想把男人作为工具来缓解自己的压力。 -Howard:Yeah, so? Be a tool. 那又如何,做她的工具好了。 Go get yourself a little rebound &stress release.& rebound:反作用的 你也可以给自己缓解一下&压力&。 -Raj:Technically, it would only be rebound if he and Penny had actually engaged in physical intimacy. engaged in:参加,进行 physical:身体的 intimacy:亲密 严格来说,要是他和 Penny 有过亲密接触的话那才能算是缓解压力。 -Howard:You mean like you and Richard the slave girl? 你是说像你和女奴 Richard [男子名]那样吗? -Raj:I bought him dinner and we kissed once! That was it. 我给他买了晚饭然后亲了一下,就结束了。 And he told me his name was Kimberly. 而且他告诉我他叫 Kimberly(女子名) 。 -Sheldon:You know how I know we're not in the matrix? matrix:母体 你知道我们如何知道我们不是在母体里的么[骇客帝国]? -Leonard:How? 如何? -Sheldon:If we were, the food would be better. 如果我们是的话这些食物就不会这么糟了。 -Leslie:Hey, Leonard. 嗨 Leonard。 -Leonard:Hey, Leslie. 嗨 Leslie。 -Leslie:Hey, dummy. dummy:笨蛋,傻瓜 嗨傻蛋。 -Sheldon:Hello, to you... insufficiently intelligent person. Insufficiently:不够,不足的 intelligent:智力 你好,你这个智商不够的人。 -Leslie:Ooh, rush me to the burn unit. rush:急速进行 burn unit:烧伤病房 快把我送到烧伤病房[阿甘正传里台词]。 Hey, Leonard, do you have a second? I need to ask you something. Leonard 你有空么?我想问你几个问题。 -Leonard:sure. 当然。 -Sheldon:Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do work that promises significant results, as opposed to what you do... which does not. Yeah, you heard me. promises:承诺 significant:重要的,有意义的 result:成效 opposed to:反对 如果你不介意的话, 我要去做一些成绩斐然的工作, 而不像你做的那些没有意义的。 没错 就 是说你呢。 -Leslie:So, I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory. crash:撞毁 blue ice:蓝冰(飞行器在高海拔地区,水管渗漏水流出就会形成坚硬的冰,称 为蓝冰) airplane:飞机 lavatory:厕所 我听说你和佩妮吹了,就像从飞机厕所里扔出的蓝冰一样吹了。 -Leonard:Where did you hear that? 这你是听谁说的? -Leslie:Actually, I read it. Wolowitz texted me. text: (美口)发短信 其实是我读到的,Wolowitz 发短信给我。 -Leonard:like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory, yeah. 就像从飞机厕所里扔出的蓝冰一样,好吧。 -Leslie:I thought it was a pretty good one. I gave him an LOL. LOL:[笑脸]表情 我觉得这个笑话很不错,我发给他一个 LOL[笑脸]。 Anyway, it got me thinking. Now that you're unattached, maybe we can revisit our previous attachment. unattached:无所依附的 revisit:重游,重回 previous:先前的 attachment:依恋 不过这让我想到你现在是单身一人,说不定我们能重温一下之前的关系。 -Leonard:Are you suggesting another bout of stress release? bout:一次,回合 你是在暗示再来一次&舒缓压力&么。 -Leslie:No, I'm all done with casual sex. casual:临时的 不,我受够临时性爱了。 From now on, I'm fully committed to the traditional relationship paradigm. commit to:致力于 traditional:传统的 paradigm:范例,样式 从现在开始我只要传统的关系模式。 -Leonard:Really? what changed? 真的,是什么改变了你? -Leslie:It's hard to say. 很难说。 I guess there's just a time in every woman's life when she gets tired of waking up on a strange futon with a bunch of people she doesn't know. get tired of:对?厌烦 wake up:醒来 futon:日本床垫, 蒲团 a bunch of:一群 我想大概在每个女人一生总有那么一段时间, 厌倦了醒来发现自己躺在陌生的沙发上和一群 她根本不认识的人在一起。 -Leonard:Yeah, I can see how that would-- a bunch of people? 我明白?一群人? -Leslie:Anyway, I figure it's time to slow things down 无论如何,我想该是慢慢来的时候了。 And who better to slow things down with than you? 又有谁比你更适合慢慢来呢? -Leonard:Oh... I'm flattered. flatter:奉承 噢我深感荣幸。 So how do you suggest we proceed? proceed:进行 那你认为我们应该怎么开始? -Leslie:Your place, we'll order Chinese, you'll rent a movie-- artsy, but accessible-- then light petting, no coitus. order:点菜 rent:租 artsy:艺术的 accessible:容易达到的 petting:抚摸 coitus:性交 去你家,点份中国菜,租一部电影,文艺一点但不要那么深奥,然后轻轻的抚摸,不发生性 关系。 -Leonard:Sounds fun. 听起来不错。 -Leslie:I'll leave the details up to you. details:细节 up to:在于,取决于 你可以来决定那些细节部分。 I think it's better if you assume the male role. assume:担任 male:男性的 role:角色 我想如果你承担男性角色的话会比较好。 -Leonard:Thank you, that's very thoughtful. thoughtful:考虑周到的 谢谢,想的真周到。 -Leslie:Great. Call me. 好,打给我。 -Sheldon:Great news. My mom sent me my old Nintendo 64. Nintendo:任天堂 好消息,我妈把我的 N64 游戏机[任天堂的]寄来了。 -Leonard:Terrific 不错嘛。 -Sheldon:You know what this means, don't you? 你知道这意味着什么吗? Break out the red bull, It's time to rock Mario, old school. 把红牛那关打通之后马里奥差不多就能通关了,怀念旧日校园生活啊。 -Leonard:I kind of have other plans tonight. 今天晚上貌似我有别的计划了。 -Sheldon:But it's Friday. Friday's always vintage game night. vintage:复古,怀旧 可今天是星期五啊,星期五一直都是怀旧电玩之夜呀。 Look, mom included the memory card. 你看我妈把记忆卡也寄来了。 We can pick up right where I left off in 1999 when I had pernicious anemia. pernicious anemia:恶性贫血 pernicious:恶性的 anemia:贫血症 我们可以从我 1999 年的纪录接着打,那时候我得了恶性贫血症。 -Leonard:Well, the thing is, someone's coming over. 问题是有人要来。 -Sheldon:Okay, no problem. I have three controllers. The more the merrier. controller:操纵器,手柄 merry:欢乐的 没关系,我有三副手柄,人多齐欢乐。 -Leonard:Sheldon, it's a date. I have a date coming over. Sheldon,这是个约会,我有个约会。 -Sheldon:Well, you can't blame me for not jumping to that conclusion. blame;责怪 conclusion:结论 不要怪我猜不到是这么回事。 -Leonard:Why? what's so unusual about me having a date? unusual:罕有的 为什么?我有约会这事很新奇么? -Sheldon:Well, statistically speaking... statistically:统计的 统计学意义上来说? -Leonard:All right, all right. 好吧。 Well, nevertheless, I have one now nevertheless:然而,不过 不管怎么说,我有个约会。 And I'd appreciate it if you would, you know, make yourself scarce. appreciate:感激 make yourself scarce: (口)悄悄走[躲]开 scarce:缺乏的 如果你能呈缺省态,我会感激不尽的。 -Sheldon: Leonard, I'm a published theoretical physicist with two doctorates and an IQ which can't be accurately measured by normal tests. published:公布的 theoretical:理论的 physicist:物理学家 doctorate:博士学位 IQ:智商 accurately:准确的 measure:测量 normal:平常的 test:测试 Leonard 我是理论物理学家,我有两个博士学位,还有普通测试无法准确测量的智商水平。 How much scarcer could I be? 我还缺什么啊? -Leonard:You know what I mean. Could you just give us a little privacy? privacy:隐私 你知道我的意思的,你能不能给我们一点私人空间? -Sheldon:You want me to leave the apartment? 你想让我离开这个公寓? -Leonard:yes. 是的。 -Sheldon:You mean, just go someplace else and be... someplace else? 你是说让我去别的什么地方?待在别的什么地方么? -Leonard:Yes. 是的。 -Sheldon:Well, why should I leave? This is my apartment, too. 为什么要我走,这也是我的公寓啊。 -Leonard: know it is, and if science ever discovers a second member of your species and you two I would like some privacy, I'd be more than happy to get out of your way. discover:发现 species:种族 get out of your way:让开 我知道,如果科学家能够发现你们种族里你的另一个同类,如果你们两个想要一点隐私,我 绝对乐意不碍你的事。 -Sheldon:Well, all right then. 那好吧。 -Penny:Sheldon, what are you doing? Sheldon 你在这干嘛呢? -Sheldon:Playing super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator. coded:编码的 emulator:仿真器,仿真程序装置 在用糟糕代码编写的 N64 模拟程序里玩超级马里奥。 -Penny:Yeah, but why are you doing it on the stairs? 但你干嘛坐在楼梯上玩? -Sheldon:I am a modern day Napoleon exiled to the Elba of the staircase because Leonard, get this, has a date. Napoleon:拿破仑 exile:流放 Elba:厄尔巴导(拿破仑曾被流放到此岛)staircase:楼梯 我就是当代拿破仑,被驱逐到楼梯间的厄尔巴岛,因为莱纳德告诉我他要约会。 -Penny:Oh. well, good for him. 他动作真快嘛。 Yeah, but why are you sitting here? 但你为什么要坐这玩呢? Why don't you just go to a movie or something? 你为什么不去看场电影或玩点别的? -Sheldon:Alone? 自己去? -Penny:Yeah, why not? 对啊,怎么了? -Sheldon:What if I choke on my popcorn? Who will administer the heimlich maneuver? choke:噎住 popcorn:爆米花 heimlich maneuver:哈姆立克急救法 maneuver:动作方法 如果我被爆米花噎住了,谁对我实施哈姆立克急救法。 -Penny:Well, then don't order popcorn. 别买爆米花不就行了。 -Sheldon:No popcorn at the mov... listen to yourself. 看电影不吃爆米花,听听你自己说的。 -Penny:Why don't you go to a coffee shop? 你为什么不去咖啡店呢? -Sheldon:I don't drink coffee. 我不喝咖啡。 -Penny:They have other things. 还有别的可以点啊。 -Sheldon:What do they have? 有什么呢? -Penny:I don't know. you know, cookies, pastries... cookies:饼干 pastry:油酥点心 很多啊,饼干啊,油酥点心啊? -Sheldon:Pastries such as bear claws? claw:爪子 那种熊掌形状的油酥点心么? -Penny:Yeah, sure. 对啊。 -Sheldon:I don't like bear claws. 我不喜欢熊掌。 -Leslie:Hey, penny. Dumbass. Dumbass:傻瓜 嗨,penny。傻蛋。 -Sheldon: Leslie winkle. Of all the overrated physicists in all the labs in all the world, Why does it have to be Leslie winkle? overrated:高估的 Leslie winkle, 全世界这么多实验室里这么多被高估的物理学家, 为什么偏偏就选中了 Leslie winkle? -Penny:Well, they have a lot in common. I mean, they're both scientists. in common:共有 因为他们有很多共同点啊,我是说他们都是科学家。 -Sheldon:Oh, please. The only way she could make a contribution to science would be if they resumed sending chimps into space. make a contribution to:作出贡献 resume:重新取得 chimp:黑猩猩 拜托,如果他们要重新把猩猩送上太空,那就是她对科学唯一的贡献。 -Penny:Okay, well, I have a date, too, So I'll see ya. 好吧,我也有个约会,那就待会见。 -Sheldon:Everybody has a date. Even you, Mario, going after princess Peach. and what am I doing? I'm just enabling you. go after:追逐,追求 princess:公主 enable:使能够 大家都有约会,就连你马里奥也在追碧奇公主,那我在干嘛?我只是在使唤你。 -Leslie:This is pretty orange chicken. 鸡肉不错。 -Leonard:Yeah, it's from chang's. 对啊,是陈记的。 -Leslie:Not chow's? 不是周记的? -Leonard:no, chang's. 不是,是陈记的。 -Leslie:What happened to chow's? 周记出什么问题了? -Leonard:It changed. 变了。 -Leslie:So, how many children do you think we should have? 你觉得我们应该要几个孩子? I'm sorry. That was a little abrupt. abrupt:唐突的 抱歉,这个有点唐突了。 -Leonard:A little? 只是有点? -Leslie:I mean, there are so many things to talk about before we discuss reproduction. reproduction:生殖,繁殖,生育 我是说我们有那么多事情可以说,干嘛要讨论繁殖问题。 -Leonard:I sure hope so. 我也希望是。 -Leslie:Besides shortness, What genetic weaknesses run in your family? genetic:遗传的 run in your family:世代相传 除了短小,你们家族还有什么基因缺陷? -Sheldon:Sorry to interrupt. Battery's dying. continue. interrupt:打断 Battery:蓄电池 continue:继续 抱歉打扰了,电池要没电了,你们继续。 -Leonard:Uh, genetic weakness, right. Uh, there's the lactose intolerance. lactose intolerance:乳糖不耐症 lactose:乳糖 基因缺陷,对,有个乳糖不耐症。 -Sheldon:Don't forget the male-pattern baldness. baldness:光秃 别忘了说男性秃头。 When his uncles sit around the dinner table, they look like a half carton of eggs. carton:纸盒 他的叔叔们坐在餐桌旁的时候,看起来就像半盒鸡蛋摆在那。 -Leonard:Okay, yeah, my uncles are bald, but my aunt Edna is one of the hairiest women you'll ever meet, so... sweet lady. Always tickles when she hugs me. bald:秃头的 hairy:多毛发的 tickle:使发痒 hug:拥抱 好吧,我的叔叔们都是秃头,不过我的婶婶 Edna 是你将遇见的头发最多的女人之一,非常 漂亮的女人,每次她抱我的时候都痒痒的。 What now? 又怎么了? -Sheldon:I have to make pee-pee. pee-pee:[口]撒尿 我要撒尿尿。 -Leonard:Listen, I'm sorry about all of Sheldon's interruptions. interruption:打断 我很抱歉 Sheldon 的打扰。 He can be a bit of an eccentric. eccentric:古怪的 他总是有点怪怪的。 -Leslie:If by &eccentric& you mean passive-aggressive East Texas blowhole, I agree. passive-aggressive:消极攻击的 Texas:德克萨斯州 blowhole:通风孔 如果&怪怪的&是指消极攻击的东德州的风孔,那我倒同意。 -Leonard:I think tonight was a very good start. 我想今晚是一个很好的开始。 -Leslie:Me, too. Are you sure you're okay postponing intercourse until our relationship is past the initial viability test? postpone:推迟 intercourse:交往,性交 initial:最初的 viability:生育能力 我也觉得,你确定你可以推迟性交直到我们的关系度过了最初的可行性测试吗? -Leonard:No, problem. I'm very skilled at postponing intercourse. 没问题,我非常擅长于推迟性交 I guess I'll call you and we'll arrange another evening. arrange:安排 我想我可以打电话给你,然后我们再安排另外一个约会。 -Leslie:Yes, I believe protocol dictates that you wait a minimum of 18 hours before you call so I'm not repulsed by your cloying eagerness. protocol:协议 dictate:规定 minimum:最低限度 repulse:厌恶 cloying:使人腻烦的 eagerness:急切 可以,我相信协议指出了你至少要等 18 个小时才能打电话给我,这样我才不会厌恶你的猴 急。 -Leonard:Sure. 可以。 -Leslie:Again, it's your decision. you're the man. 再说一次,你自己决定,你是男人。 -Penny:It wasn't my cat. It was an experiment designed by this guy named Schroedinger. experiment:试验 Schroedinger:薛定谔(人名) 不是我的猫,是一个试验,一个薛定谔的人设计的。 -Man:From the Charlie Brown cartoons? cartoon:动画片 是查理?布朗动画片里面的[史努比动画片]? -Penny:No, he was some kind of scientist. Let me start again. 不是,他是个科学家。我重新说一遍。 Oh, hey, Leonard. 嘿 Leonard。 -Leonard:Hello. 你好。 -Penny:Leslie. -Leslie:Hi. -Leonard:Okay, well, good night. 好吧,晚安。 -Penny:Okay, well, good night. 好吧,晚安。 -Leslie:That ain't gonna make your point. ain't:[口]=am not , are not, is not gonna:[口]= going to make your point:说服 还不够劲。 That's enough. Call me. 够了,给我电话。 -Leonard:Right. 好的。 -Penny:Okay, good night. 好的,晚安。 -Man:Uh, what? 什么? -Penny:Had a great time. ciao. ciao:[意](见面问候语或告别语)你好! 再见! 今天不错,再见。 -Sheldon:I'm sorry, I am not going back to the renaissance fair. 抱歉,我不会再去那个文艺复兴集会了。 -Howard:Come on, Sheldon. There're so few places I can wear my jester costume. jester:小丑 costume:服装 拜托 Sheldon,没有多少地方我可以穿小丑服装。 -Sheldon:I don't care. There are far too many historical anomalies for my comfort. anomalies:畸形人物,异常现象 comfort:舒适 我才不管,那里太多历史怪现象了,不对我的胃口。 -Raj:Okay, how about this? 好吧,你看这个如何? You can go dressed as a star trek science officer exploring a planet similar to earth in the 1500s. star trek:星际迷航(科幻电影系列) explore:探索 planet:星球 similar:类似的 你可以穿装扮成星际迷航的科学官,探索一个类似十六世纪地球的星球。 -Sheldon:You mean, like Spock? 你是说像 Spock 那样[星际迷航里“企业号”上的科学官] -Raj:Sure. 对的。 -Sheldon:Fascinating. 太棒了。 -Leslie:Hey, fellow scientists... Sheldon. 嘿科学家们?Sheldon -Leonard:Why don't we all move over there so Leslie can join us? 我们干嘛不移到那边去,这样 Leslie 就可以坐在一起了。 -Howard:Yeah, let's do it. 好的,去吧。 -Sheldon:If you're having trouble deciding where to sit, may I suggest one potato, two potato? Or as I call it, the Leslie Winkle experimental methodology. experimental:实验的 methodology:方法论 如果你很难决定去做哪边,我可以建议看一下《一个土豆,两个土豆》[影片名]或者我叫它 的 Leslie Winkle 实验性方法论。 -Leonard:Don't make this hard for me. 别让我难做啊。 -Sheldon:It's not hard. It's simple. You can either sit with me, your friend, colleague and roommate or you can sit with an overrated scientist you might have sex with. simple:简单 colleague:同事 roommate:室友 overrated:高估的 一点也不难,非常简单,你要么跟我,你的朋友、同事还有室友一起坐,要么跟一个你们可 能一起睡过的被高估的科学家一起坐。 -Leonard:You're right, it is simple. 你说对了,非常简单。 -Penny:Hey, Sheldon. -Sheldon:Penny. -Penny:Third floor tonight-- mixing it up? 今晚跑三楼了,换着坐吗? I still don't understand why you don't just go to dinner or something. 我还是不明白,为什么你不去吃饭或是什么? -Sheldon: right, Let's say I go to dinner alone, And during the meal, I have to use the restroom. All How do I know someone's not touching my food? alone:单独的 restroom:洗手间 touch:触摸 好吧,那我们就说我独自去吃饭,我吃饭的时候如果我要去上厕所,我怎么知道有没有人碰 了我的食物。 -Penny:Good night, Sheldon. 晚安 Sheldon。 -Sheldon:Penny, hold on. Penny 等一下。 Are you sure things can't work out with you and Leonard? work out:解决 你确定你和 Leonard 没戏了? -Penny:Excuse me? 你说什么? -Sheldon:I'm just wondering if you really gave it the old college try. Or in your case, the old community college try. college:大学,学院 community college:社区学院 我只是在想你会不会试试上大学或者就你而言试试上社区大学的做法。 -Penny:Okay, where is this coming from? 好了,这从何说起? -Sheldon:Leonard is upstairs right now with my archenemy. archenemy:主要敌人 Leonard 此刻正在楼上和我的死敌在一起。 -Penny:Your archenemy? 你的死敌? -Sheldon:Yes, the Dr. Doom to my Mr. Fantastic. 是的,就如毁灭博士对神奇侠。 Dr. Octopus to my Spider-Man, 章鱼博士对蜘蛛侠。 The Dr. Divana to my Captain Marvel. 西瓦那博士对超人上尉。 -Penny:I get it, I get it, I get it. 我明白了,明白了,明白了。 -Sheldon:Do you know, it's amazing how many super-villains have advanced degrees. amazing:令人惊异的 villain:坏人,恶棍 advanced degree:高级学位 那你知道,这么多超级坏人都有高学位真得很令人惊奇。 Graduate school should probably do a better job of screening those people out. Graduate school:研究生 screen:审查,甄选 研究所或许真该把工作做得更好些把这些人删选出去。 -Penny:Sheldon, come back. you're losing me. Sheldon 打住,你把我绕晕了。 -Sheldon:It's Leslie winkle, penny. She belittles my research. belittle:轻视,贬低 Leslie winkle 是我的死敌,她看不起我的研究。 -Penny:Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. 亲爱的,太遗憾了。 -Sheldon:She called me &dumbass.& 她叫我&傻蛋&。 -Penny:I know. I heard. 我知道,听见了。 -Sheldon:Given this situation, I have no choice but to withdraw my previous objections to your ill-considered relationship with Leonard. Given:考虑到 situation:情况 withdraw:收回 objections:反对 ill-considered:不妥当的 现在看来,无奈之下我只能收回我之前对你和 Leonard 关系的反对意见。 -Penny:Oh, gee, well, thank you for that. 那还真要谢谢你了。 But I think for now, Leonard and I are just gonna stay friends. 不过我想目前,Leonard 和我只能做朋友了。 -Sheldon:No, that response is unacceptable to me. unacceptable:不能接受的 不行,我不接受你这样的回答。 -Penny:Sheldon, you are a smart guy. You must know... Sheldon 你是个聪明人。你一定知道? -Sheldon:I'm &smart&? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as &smart.& IQ:智商 classified:分类 我&聪明&?我的智商要少六十分才能被归类为&聪明&。 -Penny:Are you gonna let me talk? 你还让我说下去吗? -Sheldon:I'm sorry. 对不起。 -Penny:You must know that if Leonard and Leslie want to be together, nothing you can do is gonna stop it. 你一定知道如果 Leonard 和 Leslie 要在一起你怎么做都阻止不了的。 -Sheldon:You continue to underestimate my capabilities, madam. underestimate:低估 capabilities:能力 你又在低估我的智商了,小姐。 -Penny:Okay, let me put it this way. 好了,这么说好了。 If you're really Leonard's friend, you will support him no matter who he wants to be with. support:支持 no matter:不管 如果你拿 Leonard 当朋友,你就要支持他,不管他和谁在一起。 -Sheldon:Wait a minute. 等会。 Why am I doing all the giving here? 为什么老要我支持他? If Leonard's really my friend, why doesn't he have to support me and my hatred of Leslie winkle? hatred:厌恶 如果 Leonard 拿我当朋友,为什么他不支持我和我对 Leslie winkle 的厌恶? -Penny:Because love trumps hate. trump:超过,胜过 因为爱大于恨。 -Sheldon:Oh, now you're just making stuff up. make up:编造 stuff:东西,事情 哦你现在你开始瞎编了。 -Penny:Okay, good night, Sheldon. 好了,晚安 Sheldon。 -Sheldon:Oh, Mario, if only I could control everyone the way I control you. 马里奥,真希望能像控制你一样控制所有人。 Hop, you little plumber, hop, hop, hop. Hop:跳跃 plumber:管道工 跳呀,你这小管道工,跳跳跳。 -Sheldon:When the two of you reach a natural stopping point, I'd like to have a word. 当你们到自然暂停时我想说点事。 -Leonard:If your word is &pee-pee.& just do it. 你要说的是&尿尿&去就好了。 -Sheldon:Leonard, you're my friend, And friends support their friends... Apparently. Leonard 你是我朋友,朋友就应该支持朋友,显然如此。 So I'm withdrawing my objection to your desire to have a relationship with Leslie. withdraw:收回 objection:反对 desire:愿望 所以我收回对你想和 Leslie 交往的反对意见。 -Leonard:Thank you. 谢谢。 -Sheldon:I will graciously overlook the fact that she is an arrogant, subpar scientist who actually believes loop quantum gravity better unites quantum mechanics with generally relativity than does string theory. graciously:优雅地 overlook:忽视 arrogant:傲慢的 subpar:不够标准的 loop quantum gravity:圈量子引力 unite:使联合 quantum mechanics:量子力学 generally:广义的 relativity:相对论 string theory:弦理论 我会很绅士地忽略一个事实, 她是个又傲慢水平又低的科学家, 竟然认为圈量子引力论比弦 理论更好地结合了量子力学和广义相对论。 You kids have fun. 你们好好玩吧。 -Leslie:Hang on a second. 等下。 Loop quantum gravity clearly offers more testable predictions than string theory. testable:可测试性的 prediction:预测 圈量子引力论比弦理论更明确地提供了可验证的假设。 -Sheldon:I'm listening. amuse me. amuse:使人发笑,逗乐 我听着呢,娱乐我吧。 -Leslie:Okay, well, for one thing, we expect quantized space-time to manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colors. quantized:量子化 space-time:时空 manifest:显示 好的,首先,量子化的时空,在光速下时间不同会呈现出不同的颜色。 -Sheldon:Balderdash. matter clearly consists of tiny strings. Balderdash:胡言乱语 consists of:由?组成 tiny:微小的 胡扯,事物显然是由无数细小的弦组成的。 -Leslie:Are you gonna let him talk to me like that? 你就让他这么和我说话? -Leonard:Okay, well, there is a lot of merit to both theories. merit:长处,优点 两种理论都有道理。 -Leslie:No, there isn't. Only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes. calculate:计算 entropy:熵 black holes:黑洞 不,不是的,只有圈量子引力论计算出了黑洞的熵。 -Leonard:Sheldon, don't make that noise. it's disrespectful. disrespectful:无礼的 Sheldon 别发出那种声音,很不尊重人。 -Sheldon:I should hope so. 我倒希望是这样。 It was a snort of derision. snort:(表示不同意、轻蔑等的)喷鼻 derision:嘲笑 这是嘲笑的鼻音。 -Leslie:You agree with me, right? 你赞同我的意见,对吧? Loop quantum gravity is the future of physics. 圈量子引力论是物理学的未来。 -Leonard:Sorry, Leslie, I guess I prefer my space stringy, not loopy. 抱歉,Leslie 我更倾向于空间弦化而不是圈化。 -Leslie:I'm glad I found out the truth about you before this went any further. 我很庆幸在我们更进一步之前发现你的真正想法。 -Leonard:Truth? what truth? 真正想法?什么真正想法? We're talking about untested hypotheses. untested:未经验证的 hypotheses:假设 我们讨论的是未验证的假想。 It's no big deal. 没什么大不了的。 -Leslie:It isn't? really? 没什么,真的吗? Tell me, Leonard, how will we raise the children? raise:抚养,教育 告诉我 Leonard,我们怎么教育孩子们。 -Leonard:I... I guess we wait until they're old enough and let them choose their own theory. 我?我想等他们大了,让他们自己选择自己相信的理论。 -Leslie:We can't let them choose, Leonard. They're children! 不能让他们自己选 Leonard,他们只是孩子。 -Leonard:Wait. where are you going? 等会,你去哪? -Leslie:I'm sorry. I could have accepted our kids being genetically unable to eat ice cream or ever get a good view of a parade. genetically:遗传地 ice cream:冰激凌 parade:游行,展示 很抱歉,我可以接受我们的孩子在基因上不能吃冰激凌或者对走台也没有坏印象。 But this? This is a deal breaker. breaker:破坏者 但这个,这是致命的问题。 -Sheldon:Look on the bright side. 看好的一面吧。 -Leonard:What's the bright side? 好的一面是什么? -Sheldon:Only nine more months to comic-con. 还有九个月就到动漫盛会了。 -Leonard:Oh, yeah. 太好了。 -Sheldon:Captain, I'm getting an unusual reading. unusual:异常的 船长,我捕获到异常信号。 -Leonard:Yeah, that's great. 哦,还不错。 You guys want a corn dog? corn dog:玉米肠 你们想要玉米肠吗 -Howard:Yeah. 好的。 -Sheldon:That's a temporal anomaly. temporal:时间的 anomaly:异常现象 时代混乱。 Corn dog's didn't come into existence till the first half of the 20th century. 玉米肠直到二十世纪上半叶才出现。 End 词汇解析:Liz Lee 本文来自: 爱酷英语(&a href=&/&&&/a&) 详细出处参 考:/film_veido/bigbang_s2e02看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第二季 3 集: The Barbarian Sublimation-Sheldon:Fellow warriors, This is Sheldor the conqueror. Fellow:同伴 warrior:武士 conqueror:征服者 【Sheldor:Sheldon 在游戏中的人物名】 战友们,我是征服者 Sheldor。 We are about to enter Axidus' fortress. enter:进入 fortress:堡垒,要塞 我们将要挺进 Axidus 堡垒。 Now, this is a long run, so let's do another bladder check. bladder:膀胱 check:检查 这是一场持久战,请大家做好排尿工作。 All right, Barry, we'll wait for you again, but you really should see a doctor. 好的 Barry 我们再等等你,不过我建议你最好去看医生了。 Sheldor is AFK. AFK:离线[网络用语] Sheldor 暂时离开[网络用语] Penny, are you experiencing some sort of difficulty? experience:遭受 difficulty:困难 Penny 你好像有什么困难的样子? -Penny:Yes. I can't get my st}


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