neoview kolon中国tableview代理方法是哪个公司

SKCKOLON 是韩国知名PI生产商,江门必发精磨钢板有限公司是SKCKOLON PI膜的中国代理商之一。PI膜适用于FCCL生产基材(载体),FCCL,补强,绝缘, 工业胶带,高温标签等,主要特点:耐温性,绝缘性,绕折性尺和尺寸稳定性好,质量稳定,颜色,厚度外观等品质控制好
C .A .Picard International于1876年在德国成立,其后分别在美国,意大利,香港,江门及苏州开设分公司,生产基地和办事处,分销点遍布世界各地。C .A .Picard International主要生产高纯度、高硬度、耐高温等特性的不锈钢产品(经过精密计算的热加工程序生产)。其中包括适用于生产多层印刷电路板及覆铜底板的RHCS50,AISI4140H传送板,顶板等。此外,C .A .Picard International于1987年收购具有廿多年历史的美国J&D公司,引进了全线先进的多层板定位系统、真空曝光架、底片冲孔机、内层板冲孔机及其他定位设备,大大提高多层印刷板生产企业的质量及档次,并提高成品率及生产效率。本著着对售后服务的坚持和更有效地服务和满足亚太地区及中国地区的客户所需,C .A .Picard International于1988年在香港成立直属的必发精磨钢板有限公司,并随...
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Mankind's constant effort to satisfy his curiosity and five senses has resulted in civilization and immense prosperity in technology. Now we are able to enjoy the outcomes of civilization that our ancestors had never dreamed of. Still, the desire of mankind is continuously growing and it is now reaching out of the stage where just eliminating inconvenience or solving problems is not an issue any more. Territories that are new to human reach are being pursued. For example, televisions, videos, cellular phones, notebook PCs and many other instruments are steadily improved with the goal to reproduce true natural color and sound.
To fulfill the dream of reproducing true natural color that current LCDs have not actualized, NeoView Kolon has developed and is producing an innovative OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display. OLED exceeds existing LCDs and other display instruments in quality, luminosity, resolution, field of vision, response performance, and power consumption. Unfortunately a few technical difficulties are hindering the wider use of OLED at the present time. NeoView Kolon is overcoming these technical difficulties and is obtaining all technologies and systems needed for mass-producing OLED. With the base of devoted researchers and engineers whose focus have been OLED only, unique equipment, and know-how, it intends to provide highly reliable OLED products at competitive price.
NeoView Kolon is about to produce mono/multi and full-color panels for cellular phones in passive matrix mode by using already developed 4'' full-color panel technology and supplying them to clients in the latter half of this year. It is also arranging to supply panels for PDAs and developing panels in active matrix mode as well.
NeoView Kolon does not limit itself to OLED. It has a larger vision of reproducing true natural color in almost anything. With the vision at heart, it is challenging OLED first. To obtain true natural color in OLED is still out of reach, but it moves at least one step closer to the actualization of the true color.
NeoView Kolon will move closer to the natural color actualization, and seeks our reason of existence through customer satisfaction, affection and senses. So, NeoView Kolon wants to be remembered as a pioneer in An era of Progress in Display.          
王宏会见韩国NeoView Kolon公司客人
  3月6日上午,市长王宏在市政务中心会见了韩国NeoView Kolon公司社长金正一一行,副市长许承通,市政府秘书长洪渊等陪同。
  会见中,王宏代表市政府对金正一一行来淮表示欢迎。她说,淮南是一座资源型工业城市,基础工业门类齐全,接受过培训的产业工人和技术人员众多。淮南区域优势明显,水路、航空、铁路便捷,交通发达。在资源型城市的转型过程中,淮南正在与国内、国际的先进技术企业合作,吸引更多企业来淮投资兴业,为淮南的转型发展增加动力。希望NeoView Kolon公司多关注淮南、了解淮南,在文化交流、企业管理等方面加强合作,淮南将在人力资源培养、土地资源配置和科技领域合作等方面全力支持,为双方合作奠定基础。
  金正一表示,韩国NeoView Kolon公司的产品涉及材料、生物、汽车、OLED等多个领域,在中国多个城市都有投资,此次来淮,将进行深入了解考察,寻求合作机遇。 (淮南报业新闻网)
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