
这款手机的电池为2915mAh。由于采用了20nm芯片制作工艺以及新的封装技术,而且1,Plus的屏占比并不那么尽如人意。2.光学防抖6 Plus的摄像头配备了光学防抖技术,可大幅提升弱光及夜间拍摄的表现。光学防抖会让整个摄像头模组处于悬浮状态,以补偿拍摄时产生的晃动。3.超长续航6 Plus拥有一块巨大的1080p显示屏和高性能A8处理器。遗憾的是,这款手机非常大,即便是对于一部巨屏手机来说。由于Touch ID传感器的关系.1毫米的纤薄机身,这也使6 Plus成为当前市场上最纤薄的巨屏手机,并实现了7.首款巨屏苹果将6所有的功能都放进了这部手机当中6plus现在买性价比最高,已经便宜1000元左右了
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苹果apple ID锁不能激活,大蟹给大家说说锁id如何破解
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铜牌维客, 积分 176, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
& & 如真是捡的,偷的咱不说。嘿,您还别说,现在使用iPhone的客户自己没ID,和别人使用ID的还真不少。Apple ID也不会注册,使用自己的邮箱做ID又害怕被商家知道密码。那好吧,就会使用商家注册那种通用的ID和密码,也许是说几十个人或者上百个人用一个ID和密码到App Store去下载东西。
& & 由于之前没有IOS7的时候还没有ID锁这一说。所以IOS7发布以后,假如这个通用ID密码不改还好,假如密码改掉了。可想而知了。假如之前的商家能找到还好,找不到就是测底歇菜了。也有和人家在论坛分享ID下载付费软件的等等情况。
& & Apple ID在IOS7之前主要是到App Store下载应用程序的,还有一个就是可用作于iCloud云备份。但是在IOS7以后,又新加了激活时要输入Apple ID这个功能,有条件的客户也可在刷机前关掉“查找我的iPhone”选项。具体为什么加这个功能?这个功能是干嘛的?起了什么作用?我在里就不多赘述了。自己百度一下吧。事实就是你没Apple ID就不能再用这个手机了。
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15:33 上传
& & Apple ID锁的原理就是客户通过登录自己的ID和密码,然后把手机的机身硬件信息上传到苹果服务器进行捆绑登记的一个过程。也就是说当你需要激活Apple设备的时候,苹果服务器端会检测你输入的ID和密码与之前捆绑的硬件信息是否一致?(硬件信息就是本机的序列号和IMEI号)。检测通过了就给你激活,检测不通过就对不起了,打死也进不去系统。
& & 1、你能拿出足够的购买凭证,证明这个手机就是你自己使用的。这种情况你可以向苹果官方申请解锁或重置ID和密码。
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15:33 上传
& & 2、更改手机硬件信息,把序列号和IMEI号改成没有进行过与服务器捆绑的号码。如下图所示需更换硬件芯片,iPhone系列需要更换硬盘和基带套件。iPad只需更换硬盘即可,但是插卡版的iPad就只能改成WIFI版了。
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目前没有软件能解,所谓软解都是用apple id的邮箱来骗的。&
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学习了& &怎么取是个问题
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大哥, 这解锁的事情,我还没干过呀。。小弟在此求教了。
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目前没有软件能解,所谓软解都是用apple id的邮箱来骗的。
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摘要:苹果8 8Plus iPhone7 7Plus大数据对比:苹果8和苹果7区别是什么、iPhone8和7哪个更好用、买iPhone8还是iPhone7好、苹果7Plus相比8Plus少什么、苹果8P和7P有哪些不好的地方?iPhone8和7价格变动比较:苹果8和7性价比谁更划算、8P和7P价格相差多少钱、iPhone8近期跌价最大可能程度、苹果8降价情况。买iPhone8 8Plus还是苹果7 7Plus主要看哪些因素:影响苹果8系列和7系列选购的全部关键指标、8P和7P功能参数硬件配置深入评测、免息分期价
iPhone8Plus:5.5英寸 视网膜高清显示屏;12MP 1200万像素广角及长焦双镜头摄像头;Touch ID指纹ID;A11仿生芯片;无线充电(适配各类Qi充电器)
iPhone8:4.7英寸 视网膜高清显示屏;12MP 1200万像素摄像头;Touch ID指纹ID;A11仿生芯片;无线充电(适配各类Qi充电器)
iPhone7Plus:5.5英寸 视网膜高清显示屏;12MP 1200万像素广角及长焦双镜头摄像头;Touch ID指纹ID;A10Fusion芯片
iPhone7:4.7英寸 视网膜高清显示屏;12MP 1200万像素摄像头;Touch ID指纹ID;A10Fusion芯片
iPhone8 8Plus 苹果7 7Plus区别是什么?逐项对比就知道
iPhone8Plus:视网膜高清显示屏;5.5英寸(对角线)LCD宽屏Multi-Touch显示屏,采用IPS技术;像素分辨率,401ppi;1300:1对比度(标准);原彩显示;广色域显示(P3);3D Touch;625 cd/m2 最大亮度(标准)
iPhone8:视网膜高清显示屏;4.7英寸(对角线)LCD宽屏Multi-Touch显示屏,采用IPS技术;像素分辨率,326ppi;1400:1对比度(标准);原彩显示;广色域显示(P3);3D Touch;625 cd/m2 最大亮度(标准)
iPhone7Plus:视网膜高清显示屏;5.5英寸(对角线)LCD宽屏Multi-Touch显示屏,采用IPS技术;像素分辨率,401ppi;1300:1对比度(标准);广色域显示(P3);3D Touch;625 cd/m2 最大亮度(标准)
iPhone7:视网膜高清显示屏;4.7英寸(对角线)LCD宽屏Multi-Touch显示屏,采用IPS技术;像素分辨率,326ppi;1400:1对比度(标准);广色域显示(P3);3D Touch;625 cd/m2 最大亮度(标准)
五、【防溅 防水 防尘】
iPhone8Plus:1200万像素广角及长焦双镜头摄像头;广角镜头f/1.8光圈、长焦镜头f/2.8光圈;光学图像防抖功能;光学变焦+最高可达10倍数码变焦;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;支持慢速同步的4-LED原彩闪光灯;人像模式;人像光效(测试版)
iPhone8:1200万像素摄像头;f/1.8光圈;光学图像防抖功能;最高可达5倍数码变焦;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;支持慢速同步的4-LED原彩闪光灯
iPhone7Plus:1200万像素广角及长焦双镜头摄像头;广角镜头f/1.8光圈、长焦镜头f/2.8光圈;光学图像防抖功能;光学变焦+最高可达10倍数码变焦;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;4-LED原彩闪光灯;人像模式
iPhone7:1200万像素摄像头;f/1.8光圈;光学图像防抖功能;最高可达5倍数码变焦;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;4-LED原彩闪光灯
iPhone8Plus:FaceTime高清摄像头;700万像素照片;f/2.2光圈;视网膜屏闪光灯;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;1080p高清视频拍摄
iPhone8:FaceTime高清摄像头;700万像素照片;f/2.2光圈;视网膜屏闪光灯;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;1080p高清视频拍摄
iPhone7Plus:FaceTime高清摄像头;700万像素照片;f/2.2光圈;视网膜屏闪光灯;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;1080p高清视频拍摄
iPhone7:FaceTime高清摄像头;700万像素照片;f/2.2光圈;视网膜屏闪光灯;拍摄广色域的照片和Live Photo;1080p高清视频拍摄
iPhone8Plus:GSM/EDGE;UMTS/HSPA+;DC-HSDPA;CDMA EV-DO Rev.A(部分机型);4G LTE Advanced;802.11ac无线网络,具备MIMO技术;蓝牙5.0;GPS、GLONASS、Galileo和QZSS定位系统;VoLTE;支持读卡器模式的NFC
iPhone8:GSM/EDGE;UMTS/HSPA+;DC-HSDPA;CDMA EV-DO Rev.A(部分机型);4G LTE Advanced;802.11ac无线网络,具备MIMO技术;蓝牙5.0;GPS、GLONASS、Galileo和QZSS定位系统;VoLTE;支持读卡器模式的NFC
iPhone7Plus:GSM/EDGE;UMTS/HSPA+;DC-HSDPA;CDMA EV-DO Rev.A(部分机型);4G LTE Advanced;802.11ac无线网络,具备MIMO技术;蓝牙4.2;GPS和GLONASS定位系统;VoLTE;支持读卡器模式的NFC
iPhone7:GSM/EDGE;UMTS/HSPA+;DC-HSDPA;CDMA EV-DO Rev.A(部分机型);4G LTE Advanced;802.11ac无线网络,具备MIMO技术;蓝牙4.2;GPS和GLONASS定位系统;VoLTE;支持读卡器模式的NFC
买iPhone8 8Plus还是苹果7 7Plus好?款式颜色尺寸大比拼
除了iPhoneX采用最新的Face ID解锁系统,通过原深感摄像头进行面容识别验证身份,iPhone8Plus、iPhone8、iPhone7Plus、iPhone7四款机子应用的都是Touch ID指纹解锁系统,在主屏幕按钮内置了第二代指纹识别传感器。
十二、【Apple Pay】
同样的,iPhoneX是以面容ID模式在iPhone上进行店内或app内支付;而iPhone8Plus、iPhone8、iPhone7Plus、iPhone7则都是通过Touch ID架构在iPhone上进行店内或app内支付。
iPhone8Plus:支持的音频格式包括AAC-LC、HE-AAC、HE-AAC v2、Protected AAC、MP3、Linear PCM、Apple Lossless、FLAC、Dolby Digital(AC-3)、Dolby Digital Plus(E-AC-3)与Audibie(格式2、3、4,Audible Enhanced Audio、AAX与AAX+);用户可调节音量上限
iPhone8:支持的音频格式包括AAC-LC、HE-AAC、HE-AAC v2、Protected AAC、MP3、Linear PCM、Apple Lossless、FLAC、Dolby Digital(AC-3)、Dolby Digital Plus(E-AC-3)与Audibie(格式2、3、4,Audible Enhanced Audio、AAX与AAX+);用户可调节音量上限
iPhone7Plus:支持的音频格式包括AAC-LC、HE-AAC、HE-AAC v2、Protected AAC、MP3、Linear PCM、Apple Lossless、FLAC、Dolby Digital(AC-3)、Dolby Digital Plus(E-AC-3)与Audibie(格式2、3、4,Audible Enhanced Audio、AAX与AAX+);用户可调节音量上限
iPhone7:支持的音频格式包括AAC-LC、HE-AAC、HE-AAC v2、Protected AAC、MP3、Linear PCM、Apple Lossless、FLAC、Dolby Digital(AC-3)、Dolby Digital Plus(E-AC-3)与Audibie(格式2、3、4,Audible Enhanced Audio、AAX与AAX+);用户可调节音量上限
iPhone8Plus:支持的视频格式包括HEVC、H.264、MPEG-4 Part 2与Motion JPEG;支持播放杜比视界与HDR10视频内容;AirPlay镜像、照片和视频输出至Apple TV(第二代或更新机型);视频镜像和视频输出支持通过Lightning数字影音转换器和Lightning至VGA转换器,最高可达1080p(转换器需单独购买)
iPhone8:支持的视频格式包括HEVC、H.264、MPEG-4 Part 2与Motion JPEG;支持播放杜比视界与HDR10视频内容;AirPlay镜像、照片和视频输出至Apple TV(第二代或更新机型);视频镜像和视频输出支持通过Lightning数字影音转换器和Lightning至VGA转换器,最高可达1080p(转换器需单独购买)
iPhone7Plus:支持的视频格式包括HEVC、H.264、MPEG-4 Part 2与Motion JPEG;AirPlay镜像、照片和视频输出至Apple TV(第二代或更新机型);视频镜像和视频输出支持通过Lightning数字影音转换器和Lightning至VGA转换器,最高可达1080p(转换器需单独购买)
iPhone7:支持的视频格式包括HEVC、H.264、MPEG-4 Part 2与Motion JPEG;AirPlay镜像、照片和视频输出至Apple TV(第二代或更新机型);视频镜像和视频输出支持通过Lightning数字影音转换器和Lightning至VGA转换器,最高可达1080p(转换器需单独购买)
iPhone8Plus:使用时间与iPhone7 Plus大致相同;内置锂离子充电电池;无线充电(适配各类Qi充电器);通过电脑的USB端口或电源适配器充电;使用无线外设时的通话时间最长可达21小时;互联网使用最长可达13小时;视频无线播放最长可达14小时;音频无线播放最长可达60小时;可快速充电(30分钟最多可充至50%电量)
iPhoneX =iPhone8Plus =iPhone8 =iPhone7Plus =iPhone7:采用Lightning接头的EarPods Lightning至3.5毫米耳机插孔转换器
iPhoneX =iPhone8Plus =iPhone8 =iPhone7Plus =iPhone7:三轴陀螺仪;加速感应器;距离感应器;环境光传感器;气压计
》》 本文图解版:《》
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MacBook Pro 2011 Red Vertical Lines, Image Distortion, Screen Blurring, Freeze, Shift
I bought my Macbook Pro 15&#8243; on July, 2011 in Hong Kong. In earlier 2013, I started to have screen glitches ( Image Distortion, screen blurring, freeze and shift) and I can&#8217;t boot the computer sometimes.
The problem escalated and I was not able to boot my computer normally at all at Sep 6, 2013. I can only boot the computer in Safe Mode and when I do get in, there are red vertical lines all over my screen!
In Shenzhen
I went to Apple Store Holiday Plaza in Shenzhen China at Sep 9. After some testing, the Apple “Genius” has determined that I need to replace the Logic Board of my MBP, and since my computer is out of warranty, it would cost me CNY4109.82 before tax to replace the Logic Board! This is totally UNACCEPTABLE and it is apparently not my responsibility but a SERIOUS quality control problem of Apple Computer! This is not the quality I expected from Apple and I&#8217;m very disappointing. You cannot expect a customer to buy a computer and use for only 25 months before it stops working at all!
Later I called Apple again trying to find a solution. They told me there&#8217;s nothing they can do and the guy said if I find it too expensive to replace the logic board I can just go find some other people to try to fix it instead of going to Apple Store. And if I think this is a quality problem of Apple products I should complain to the local consumer protection commission or just talk/report to the media!!! That made me wonder if Apple even wanted to solve a problem, or just trying to get rid of the angry customers.
Apple should start an investigation and do a recall on all these flawed models! I will not stop complaining through all possible channels until I get a reasonable explanation and solution from Apple!
Since going to an Apple store didn’t help much, I started to google and see if I can find any similar cases. As I expected, the results regarding this issue are enormous, and this has already became a hot topic in Apple Support Communities. And the problems all point to one component: The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit, which is integrated on Logic Board) of Early 2011 MacBook Pro!!! So this is not a single case here, it involves huge amount of users across the world!
Below are some hot topics on Apple Support Communities regarding this malfunction:
2011 MacBook Pro and Discrete Graphics Card
problems with amd gpu on early 2011 macbook pro
MacBook Pro 43; hard freeze (more than 100 pages!)
If you have encountered the similar problem, you can join those discussions to tell your stories, we were hoping that this can draw some attention from Apple and that they would recall the flawed models instead of making all consumers to afford this unreasonable amount to replace the Logic Board. As of today, Apple still hasn’t commented or responded to this issue.
In Hong Kong
Later I spent 3 days collecting all information regarding this issue on Apple Support Communities. I wanted to try my luck again in Hong Kong (I bought my MacBook Pro there, I hoped that I can get more support there.)
I booked an appointment to get my computer checked by “Apple Genius” at Apple Store in Festival Walk, Hong Kong on Sep 13. The “Genius” asked me the serial number of my MBP. I provided with them the information and stated that I was not able to boot my computer and enter the system. After some tests, this “Genius” told me that in order to fix this issue, I need to replace my Logic Board, and the replacement would cost 4489 HKD before tax since my MBP is out of warranty. So I ask: Why would it malfunction after just 2 years of normal usage? Is this a quality issue of your product? The “Genius” said that the life span of these hardware are impossible to forecast, it could also fail due to improper usage. And all kinds of excuses like this. I ask him if he could tell me how frequent this ki and under normal usage, does Apple products just breakdown after only 2-3 years? I can understand if it has been used for 8-10 years and maybe the hardware will start to age. But a major malfunction after just 2 years is absolutely unacceptable! Especially since their products are very expensive and Apple claims that they value quality very much. The “Genius” responded to me that he didn’t know how many similar cases have happened and he wasn’t sure if they are caused by the same problem. The only way to fix this issue is for me to pay and replace the Logic Board. Also he was not able to answer my question regarding the product quality.
So I continue to ask him if they can guarantee that the same problem will not occur again if I pay to replace the Logic Board? The “Genius” answered that the replaced parts will have a warranty of 90 days, and if there are any problems during that period of time, I can come to Apple to get it fixed. So I asked him if the product would work after 90 days or not will totally depend on my luck? Because no one can know exactly when this flawed hardware will stop working again! He said that I will need to pay again for any problems after 90 days of warranty. Since I’ve already have doubts about the quality of Apple products, it will be hard for me to accept the possibility to pay for the same flaw fix for more than once. I wouldn’t give up and ask him that Apple values its quality, doesn’t it? Then “Genius” said yes, and if I have any suggestions I can post feedback on Apple website, and I will be reached by professionals from Apple. But obviously I have tried all possible channels to complain, but no one was willing to help me to resolve this issue. I asked if he can provide any contact of their complaints department or quality control department, but the answer is still no, again. I asked him to provide the phone number of their US head office, the answer is, of course, no. I was disappointed and asked him if this is how Apple treats your customers? Just to ignore them? The “Genius” cannot give me an answer and went to get his manager to deal with me.
After a while, he returned with a young manager. The “Genius” routinely introduced the issues I had with my MBP to his manager. Mostly just repeated what he had told me earlier, did his best to avoid any topics regarding the hardware malfunction and the concerns I have about their warranty policy. I said that I’m aware of Apple’s warranty policy, but my major doubts are about the hardware quality, and I needed some explanation about it. Why the Logic Board lasted only 2 years, can you tell me which part exactly is broken? “The problem might be on the GPU” Said the “Genius”. That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear (he didn’t mentioned this until I pushed them this far.) So I replied, “You all knew exactly what’s going on here and you intentionally kept this from the customers, right?” Right this moment, the “Genius” has left.
The manager started to explain that they cannot answer and didn’t conceal if there are problems regarding the hardware quality. The malfunction could be related to how users operate the machine. He even told me that his Apple computer from 2009 was still working fine, and all that sort of jibber jabber that’s full of uncertainty. At this point, I see no reason to beat around the bush anymore, so I ask him, “Did you or did you not have a universal quality issue with GPU on 2011 MacBook Pro? Did Apple start to pay attention to this malfunction? Are you still investigating or you are avoiding the problem? When will you start to recall these flawed models?” I showed him all the materials I found online regarding the issue. The manager seemed surprised that I came prepared. He briefly browsed the paper and thanked me for collecting this information. I stressed that my problem was no it’s already a universal problem. Haven’t apple noticed this? A mass amount of 2011 MBP users are starting to have this problem, and it’s all over the world! How do you explain that?
The manager clearly didn’t plan to answer my question. He said that customers need to pay for any fix beyond the warranty. I asked him what about the quality? How can it stop working after just 2 year? What if it stops working again after I paid to fix it? The manager said that this won’t happen, if it has any problem, I can fix it for free during the 90-day warranty. Then I showed him the case I found that a user changed 3 Logic Boards continuously and the same issue still occurs! I said I have lost my confidence in Apple products. The manager failed to explain this situation and said if I have any problem I can leave feedback on Apple website. I kept asking if he could give me the phone number of their US head office or quality department, he refused.
Then I asked my last question to the manager, is this the final place to resolve my problems and concerns? There will be NO further follow-ups even if my problems are not solved, right? He answered, NO, there will be no other channel. I said I came here today to find a solution of my problem, you were not able to give me a reasonable answer, but I would not stop here. I would complain to the consumer committee, and fight for my right in my own way.
I went to Hong Kong Consumer Council and filed a complaint against Apple in Sep 16, 2013.
What I’ve Learned from This Experience
I have lost confidence in Apple after all these experiences. Their arrogant attitude towards the customers is unbearable and it has really disappointed me. No wonder it’s all over the media that Apple does not respect the rights of consumers. I wouldn’t believe this if I hadn’t experienced this in person! So apparently this has affected users from all walks of life!
Below I’d like to share some of my observations with you.
1. Why does Apple recommend you to buy Apple Care even when you are still in warranty?
My two cents: Apple products normally have only 1-year warranty in most countries, while most digital products can last at least 2-3 years before defects start to occur. So extend the warranty would lessen the feelings that there are natural flaws in Apple products. Users don’t complain that much as long as it gets fixed for free.
2. Does it really benefit the customers for Apple to replace the whole product for a new one for free while you are still in warranty?
My two cents: It makes you feel awesome when Apple replaces your in-warranty malfunctioned product with a new one, doesn’t it? But on second thought, ordinary users wouldn’t know if they are getting a product with all new hardware or repaired components. You wouldn’t know the details of your malfunctioned product, you wouldn’t know if there were universal defects. They just give you a new one. This smart strategy won them compliments from many ordinary customers. But once you are out of warranty, better be prepared for a hefty amount of repair fees. Most users won’t know whether they broke the product or there are quality issues.
3. Once you are out of warranty, will you get any guarantee for the repair fee you pay?
My two cent: The customers will need to pay for all repair fees once the products are out of warranty. All repairs will have a 90-day warranty. After 90 days, whatever happens, even the same issue occurs, you will have to pay for it again. Apple will NEVER admit that there are quality issues of their products. This logic about their quality is apparently unreasonable. I’ve learned that there’s a user who paid Apple to replace the Logic Board of his MacBook Pro. He ended up replace the Logic Board for 3 times. And the same defect appeared again after 119 days of his last replacement and Apple refused to fix it for free.
4. Trade-in your old iPhone for a new one?
My two cents: Is it really just a benefit for the Apple users? Is it just to boost the sales or there are other hidden reasons? From my perspective, it could just be a strategy of Apple to replace the old products with the new ones before the defects start to annoy millions of users. You can trade-in for a new iPhone, how good does that sound? But meanwhile, Apple can just recycle their problematic products and make a load of cash from them instead of losing big money to do a recall. Sneaky, right?
5. Are there really “Geniuses” to help you at Genius Bar?
My two cents: If a user has questions in using the Apple products, I trust all of them can get some help from the “Genius.” The user experience activity in Genius Bar does bring trust and guidance to the users. And makes you grow fond of their products. But if you happen to have malfunctioned hardware problems, unfortunately, you might not get very detailed answers from them. The “Genius” will only do some testing and give you a quote for the repair. No matter if it’s acceptable to you or not. They will NOT communicate with you and analyze the detailed issues of your hardware. They will NOT specify which part exactly is not working. They will NOT fix your hardware but just do a full replacement. At this point, the so-called “Genius” just appears to me as a tester. Nothing genius about them.
Without the leadership of Steve Jobs, people already start to question Apple’s innovative ability and their product quality. Nowadays, Apple is just a spoiled kid, with a culture as arrogant as hegemony.
Apple should remember that your fans can put you in heaven, they can also drag you to hell.
When the day comes, no one can save you.
If any of you have purchased 2011 MacBook Pro and experienced the same malfunction with the GPU. Please reply with the following format. Let’s get heard by Apple!
Apple ID (If you can provide):
MacBook Model [MODEL YEAR (Early, Mid, Late? | 13”,15”,17”?]:
Serial Number (If you can provide):
Case Number (If you can provide):
Country or Region:
Information Organized by: Dreamson
After more than 500 days and nights,
Apple finally admits its quality defect and announces:
MacBook Pro Repair Extension Program for Video Issues.
This is the ultimate victory of
all affected consumers across the world!
My dead machine has been
lying under the dust for almost two years.
These are the two years that Apple can never compensate.
In memory this global incident, we will never shut down MBP2011.com
我的MacBook Pro 2011體驗之旅
我於2011年7月在香港購買了15寸Macbook Pro電腦。2013年初,該台電腦螢幕開始出現故障,包括:螢幕花屏、死機及錯位。並且電腦有時無法啟動進入系統。
我於日攜帶該台電腦前往深圳益田假日廣場的Apple Store進行故障檢查。經過檢查Apple工作人員告知維修需要更換主機板(Logic Board),費用為稅前4109.82元人民幣。這樣的處理結果顯然無法令人接受,該類故障是Apple品質管制出現的嚴重問題,讓使用者來承擔全部責任顯然是不合理的。這絕非是我對花高價購買的蘋果電腦所期待的品質,這樣的情況令我感到非常失望。你不能指望一位用戶高價購買的電腦在使用短短的25個月後就出現如此嚴重的故障並完全無法使用了。
在中國深圳蘋果店未能解決該問題和致電蘋果客服投訴無果情況下,我開始嘗試用GOOGLE搜尋,看是否有發生同類問題案例用戶。不料,搜尋出來結果很驚人,在蘋果官網討論區都成熱點話題,原來這是MacBook Pro Early 2011年批次顯卡缺陷問題導致!!!這可不是單幾個用戶發生的問題而是涉及到全球各地用戶,於是馬上加入反映情況和討論相關解決辦法。
2011 MacBook Pro and Discrete Graphics Card
problems with amd gpu on early 2011 macbook pro
MacBook Pro 43; hard freeze (已有100多頁!)
於是我用了3天時間在蘋果官網討論區相關話題中搜集相關論據並整理列印,準備將資料連同用了兩年就壞了的MacBook Pro這種糟糕產品一起帶到香港蘋果店尋求解決。(因我的MBP是在香港購買,我想拿到香港蘋果店應該會得到支援。)
日,我預約了時間14:45並攜帶故障電腦到香港蘋果店(又一城)給蘋果“天才”診斷。蘋果店工作人員先問了我的MBP序列號。我簡單說了下,死機後不能進入系統。經過檢測,“天才”告知維修需要更換主機板(Logic Board),但產品已過保養期,更換費用需顧客承擔(稅前4489港幣)。我問著,為何用了兩年產品就壞了,這品質是否有問題?“天才”說硬件這東西壽命是不可預計的,有可能是用戶的各種操作不當導致等類似說法。我問,類似該故障問題案例有多少,在使用者普通正常使用情況下,蘋果的產品是否使用2,3年就會出現問題?如果是用了8年,10年硬件元件老化問題這個可以理解。但2年多即故障,這與作為售價高昂的蘋果產品品質不相配。“天才”說,目前遇到該類似案例多少不清楚,也不能確定是同個故障。要解決這問題就需更換Logic Board,費用需我承付。至於產品品質的問題他沒有能回答我。
我問,換個新Logic Board能保證不會再發生同類故障嗎?“天才”說更換新品後有90日保養期,有何問題都可以維修更換。我說,是否90日過後再發生這個故障就要看運氣了,因不知是在90天內發生還是90天外發生。“天才”說過了保養期後產品有問題更換就需另付費用。我說這樣的產品品質邏輯我不能接受,對這個解決方案沒信心。我追問“天才”,蘋果不是以高品質作為價值觀嗎?“天才”說是的,如有什麼問題意見可以在蘋果官網進行反饋,會有專人回電。我說能反映的渠道的都做了,但一直沒收到有關説明解決的電話。我要求“天才”提供相關投訴部門或品質部門的聯繫方式給我,但他說這個不知道提供不了。我再要求直接給美國總部電話,他還是說他沒辦法提供。我說,你們蘋果公司是不是就這樣關門不理顧客?這樣子對待客戶的嗎?“天才”說:你這個問題需要他經理來處理。
過了一會,他帶了位年輕的經理過來,“天才”向他經理例行公事介紹上述我的電腦出現的情況。依舊無營養的重複對話兩輪,他們還是想避開產品硬件問題而圍繞保養期說事。我說蘋果公司產品保養政策我知道,現在是針對蘋果產品品質問題,要求給解釋:為什麼才使用2年的產品就出現問題並要更換Logic Board,能明確什麼問題故障?是哪部分硬件元件還是晶片有缺陷引起?要求給個說法。都說到這點上了,“天才”可能一時口急說了該問題可能會出現在顯卡。(逼到現在才提到顯卡)我說是吧,顯卡存在問題,你們都知道該故障問題而對顧客作隱瞞嗎?此時,“天才”已悄悄走開了。
蘋果店經理跟我解釋道:硬件品質是否存在問題,他們蘋果店無法解答也沒有對顧客隱瞞,產生的故障或許有跟使用者的操作和使用有關係,還跟我說,他自己的蘋果電腦09年用到現在也好好的,等等這些不明確關鍵性問題的解釋。我直接亮劍直奔主題,是否2011年批次的MacBook Pro存在顯卡問題?你們蘋果公司有無重視該問題存在,是在調研當中還是不當回事?還要待到幾時有通告召回問題產品?並且這時我拿出了之前準備好的論據資料出來。(一開始一直沒拿出來,就想看看他們怎樣一個態度。)這位經理有點小驚訝我是有備而來,作足功課的。他粗略看了看說:感謝你收集了這些資料。我說這個問題不是個案,在蘋果官網討論區都已成熱點話題,你們官方有沒留意關注該事件?2011年至現在,已陸續不斷大規模爆發出來已涉及全球各地用戶。要求給於解釋!
然而這位經理繼續兜圈子,過保養期外需消費者承擔更換費用。我又再次強調,現在不是對保養期的問題,而是質疑蘋果公司產品品質問題!那麼貴的產品用了2年就壞了,如果我付費更換新品再壞了怎麼辦?這位經理說不會的,如有故障並在保養期內是可免費更換的。我把資料中在國外有一用戶在蘋果店連續更換3個新Logic Board還是出現同樣問題用手指指給他看!我說已經對蘋果產品失去信心了。我再次問他,蘋果公司口號不是說以品質至上為價值觀的嗎?但這位經理還是沒能怎樣解釋這個品質。仍舊說有什麼問題可以在蘋果官網提交反饋,我一再要求給於美國那邊電話始終不肯提供,連香港地區相關投訴或品質部門聯繫方式都保持閉口保密。
在該事件發生以來,對蘋果這個品牌已完全失去信心,蘋果公司傲慢的態度令我非常失望。難怪中國中央電視臺CCTV 在3.15爆光蘋果公司極不尊重消費者合法權益,這真的不是在黑蘋果!相信所受侵害的用戶已包括各界人士!
1. 蘋果產品為什麼在保養期內還推薦你購買AppleCare延續保養?
個人淺析: 蘋果產品保養政策在大多國家或地區只有一年時限,對於大多數電子產品發生故障率情況來看,大都會在2-3年之後出現,延續保養時間就等同於掩飾自身產品可能會出現的缺陷或瑕疵。
2. 蘋果產品在保養期內免費更換新品,真的對消費者有益嗎?
個人淺析: 蘋果產品對保養期內對損壞的硬件採取免費更換新品做法,這對消費者來說是件很贊的事情。但有沒細想下,普通用戶怎樣獲知更換的是全新硬件還是維修品?沒有明確具體故障細節,損壞的硬件有無存在批次品質問題?而只是做簡單更換,並沒有告知用戶。這樣的策略,使普通用戶獲得免費換新了,對蘋果公司讚不絕口;一旦過保養期,消費者則要負擔昂貴的維修費用。但不明真相的用戶卻不知具體是自己搞壞還是產品品質存在問題。
3. 蘋果產品過了保養期後,支付維修費有沒保障?
個人淺析: 蘋果產品過了保養期後,對一切更換維修所產生的費用需消費者承擔,並有90日的保養期。也就是說,你付錢維修或更換產品硬件過了90天,再發生同樣故障問題,蘋果不會保你,你只能繼續掏錢維修,蘋果是不會承認產品有品質問題。這樣單方面不合理的產品品質邏輯,導致最終使用者還是不明真相卻要負擔昂貴費用。除非等到猴年馬月,蘋果公司有通告對問題產品召回。本人就了解到有用戶支付高昂的費用更換主機板三次,但相同的問題仍在最後一次更換後的第119天出現,但已過硬件保修期,如需修理,只能再次付費。
4. 蘋果推新政策,以舊換新真的是大福利嗎?
個人淺析: 蘋果開啟舊iPhone換新iPhone 5業務真的是果粉的福利嗎? 是刺激銷售還是有隱瞞秘密?從中換個角度試想下,是否有存在產品某批次品質問題“壽命到期”而作的更換策略呢?加點錢換購新品,果粉大贊,哇,蘋果服務超好;蘋果有可能神不知鬼不覺的就將問題產品召回,並有錢入袋。好狡猾吧?!
5. 蘋果天才吧真的有“天才”幫你嗎?
個人淺析: 如果使用者對蘋果產品有任何操作上的疑問,相信都能在蘋果店得到很好幫助。天才吧各種用戶體驗活動都能帶給用戶一種對蘋果的信任感和引導方向。讓使用者喜歡上蘋果產品。但是,如果要是你“運氣差”在硬件上出現故障,那你就未必能得到很詳細的解答和分析了。“天才”們只會幫你檢測並給你一個維修的報價。你只能對價格接受與否。根本不會與使用者交流和分析具體故障原因。不會給你明確哪部分硬件故障,能否只對問題硬件作維修而不用更換整個硬件等等。看樣子“天才”們只是一個簡單檢測工而已罷了。能戴起這頂“天才”頭銜嗎?!
如果你購買過2011年批次的MacBook Pro並且同樣出現該類問題的,可以按下面統一格式作回復,讓更多的聲音反映出來。希望能得到蘋果的重視!
Apple ID (If you can provide):
MacBook Model [MODEL YEAR (Early, Mid, Late? | 13”,15”,17”?]:
Serial Number (If you can provide):
Case Number (If you can provide):
Country or Region:
启动“MacBook Pro 視訊問題維修延展方案”。
MacBook Pro 2011, mon expérience.
J&#8217;ai acheté mon Macbook Pro 15&#8243; en juillet 2011 à Hong Kong. Début 2013 j&#8217;ai commencé à avoir de gros problèmes d&#8217;affichage (distorsions et décalages d&#8217;image, écran flou, gel système etc), allant parfois jusque l&#8217;impossibilité de redémarrer l&#8217;ordinateur.
Le problème n&#8217;a fait que s&#8217;aggraver au point ou, le 6 septembre 2013, il était devenu impossible de redémarrer le macbook pro autrement qu&#8217;en &#8220;safe mode&#8221;, avec à la clé de jolies lignes verticales rouges sur tout l&#8217;écran.
? Shenzhen
Le 9 septembre je vais donc à l&#8217;Apple Store Holiday Plaza de Shenzen, Chine. Après quelques tests, le &#8220;Genius&#8221; d&#8217;Apple conclu qu&#8217;il faut remplacer la carte mère du Macbook Pro. Comme la machine n&#8217;est plus sous garantie, le co?t de l&#8217;opération est d&#8217;environ 500 euros hors taxes ! Cela est totalement INACCEPTABLE, car de fa?on plus qu&#8217;évidente le problème n&#8217;est pas de ma responsabilité mais vient bien d&#8217;un S?RIEUX souci de contr?le qualité de la part d&#8217;Apple. Il est inacceptable qu&#8217;une machine de cette gamme ne dure pas plus de 25 mois (et même moins dans certains cas… voir les témoignages en bas de page)!!!
J&#8217;appelle donc Apple pour essayer de trouver une solution. Ils me répondent qu&#8217;ils ne peuvent rien pour moi, et que si je trouve la réparation trop chère je peux essayer de faire appel à un prestataire tiers pour tenter de réparer la panne… et il ajoute que si je pense qu&#8217;il s&#8217;agit d&#8217;un vice caché ou d&#8217;un problème de contr?le qualité de la part d&#8217;Apple, je dois en référer à une commission de protection des consommateurs, ou encore contacter les médias !!! Apple veut-elle vraiment résoudre le problème ? Ou cherche t&#8217;elle seulement à se débarrasser des clients mécontents ?
Comme les &#8220;Genius&#8221; de l&#8217;Apple Store ne m&#8217;ont pas vraiment été d&#8217;un grand secours, j&#8217;ai commencé à faire des recherches sur Google… et comme je m&#8217;y attendais, je suis loin d&#8217;être le seul à avoir ce souci. C&#8217;est un sujet brulant depuis un moment sur les forums d&#8217;Apple. Les différents témoignages convergent et pointent un problème au niveau des GPU (carte graphique AMD soudée à la carte mère) des modèles de Macbook Pro datant de début 2011 (dits &#8220;early 2011 Macbook Pro&#8221;) !!! Donc ?a n&#8217;est pas un cas isolé, beaucoup d&#8217;utilisateurs à travers le monde on ce même souci !
Ci-dessous, quelques liens abordant le sujet sur les forums d&#8217;Apple:
2011 MacBook Pro and Discrete Graphics Card
problems with amd gpu on early 2011 macbook pro
MacBook Pro 43; hard freeze (more than 100 pages!)
Et ici un sondage
Si vous rencontrez un problème similaire sur votre Macbook Pro, vous devriez témoigner sur les pages ci-dessus, en espérant que cela finisse par attirer l&#8217;attention d&#8217;Apple, qui pour le moment n&#8217;a toujours pas communiqué officiellement sur le sujet.
Apple devrait commencer à chercher d&#8217;où vient cette panne récurrente et rappeler ces machines à problèmes ! Je ne cesserai de me plaindre haut et fort, et ce par tous les moyens possibles, tant que je n&#8217;aurais pas une explication et une solution raisonnable de la part d&#8217;Apple !
? Hong Kong
J&#8217;ai ensuite passé 3 jours à collecter les informations concernant ce problème. Je voulais tenter ma chance à Hong Kong (ayant acheté ce Macbook Pro là-bas, j&#8217;espérais avoir un peu plus de considération de la part des employés de ce Store).
J&#8217;ai donc pris rendez-vous le 13 septembre à l&#8217;Apple Store de &#8220;Festival Walk&#8221;, Hong Kong, pour faire contr?ler de nouveau le mac par un &#8220;Apple Genius&#8221;. Après quelques tests, l&#8217;employé d&#8217;Apple me dit que comme le Macbook Pro n&#8217;est plus sous garantie, la réparation (remplacement de carte mère…) co?tera aux alentours de 430 euros hors taxe… Je lui demande alors pourquoi ces machines cessent de fonctionner après seulement 2 ans d&#8217;usage &#8220;normal&#8221;, si il considère que c&#8217;est un vice caché, s&#8217;il peut me dire si à sa connaissance le problème est fréquent etc… il me répond que la durée de vie de ces machines est impossible à prévoir, que j&#8217;ai aussi pu en faire un mauvais usage, qu&#8217;il ne sait pas combien de cas similaires il peut y avoir et si ils ont la même cause etc…
Bref, je lui demande donc si il peut m&#8217;assurer qu&#8217;une fois la carte mère remplacée le problème ne resurgira pas (comme c&#8217;est le cas pour beaucoup gens quand on lit les forums d&#8217;Apple…), il me répond juste que la garantie après réparation est de 90 jours, et que si un problème arrive durant ce lapse de temps la réparation sera prise en charge. Autant dire qu&#8217;il faut avoir un peu de chance, et espérer que le problème ne se redéclare pas après, auquel cas il faudra repayer. J&#8217;insiste pour avoir un contact téléphonique de responsables qualité Apple, mais impossible d&#8217;avoir de vrais informations (on me suggère d&#8217;envoyer un courrier &#8220;feedback&#8221; via le site web d&#8217;Apple, mais j&#8217;ai déjà essayé tous les canaux possibles et imaginables et n&#8217;ai jamais obtenu d&#8217;aide…). Un peu excédé, je lui demande si c&#8217;est comme ?a qu&#8217;Apple traite ses clients, en les ignorants ? Le &#8220;Genius&#8221; ne répond évidemment pas et va chercher son manager.
Même discours de la part du manager: c&#8217;est hors garantie, il faut payer, le problème peut venir d&#8217;une mauvaise utilisation de ma part, et de toute fa?on il n&#8217;est pas habilité à juger d&#8217;un éventuel défaut matériel ou vice caché. Je lui demande donc: &#8220;Y a t&#8217;il ou pas un problème connu avec les GPU sur les MacBook Pro 2011 ? Apple à t&#8217;elle commencé à prendre en compte ce problème ? Est-elle en train de chercher à le résoudre ?&#8221;. Je lui montre ensuite toutes les informations que j&#8217;ai collectées en ligne à ce sujet… le manager à l&#8217;air surpris, il ne s&#8217;attendait sans doute pas à ce que je vienne préparé. Il regarde brièvement les documents et me remercie d&#8217;avoir rassemblé ces informations. Je repointe le fait que le problème n&#8217;est pas isolé, que beaucoup d&#8217;utilisateurs à travers le monde sont concernés.
Je lui redemande ce qui se passerait si le problème venait à ce reproduire après changement de carte mère et au-delà des 90 jours de garantie… il me répond que cela n&#8217;arrivera pas… Je lui montre donc le cas (non isolé…) d&#8217;un utilisateur qui à fait changer 3 fois la carte mère, sans pour autant que le problème soit résolu… et lui dit à quel point j&#8217;ai perdu confiance en Apple.
Je redemande encore une fois un numéro de téléphone du département qualité US, il refuse de me le donner. Il me dit que le seul canal par lequel je peux tenter de résoudre la question et obtenir des réponse est celui-ci. Je lui dit qu&#8217;effectivement j&#8217;étais venu dans cet Apple Store en pensant trouver une solution, que la réponse apportée ne me conviens pas, et que je vais donc aller me plaindre auprès d&#8217;association de consommateurs.
J&#8217;ai donc déposé une plainte au Hong Kong Consumer Council le 16 septembre 2013.
Si vous avez un MacBook Pro 2011 et avez le même problème de GPU, merci de poster vos informations en bas de page en suivant le format suivant:
Apple ID (si possible):
MacBook Model [Année (Early, Mid, Late? | 13”,15”,17”?]:
Numéro de série (si possible):
Suivi depanne (si déposé pour réparation):
French Version Translated By: Andres Abasto
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