
凯卢阿-科纳餐厅 | 凯亚乌霍乌湾喜来登科纳水疗度假酒店
海湾蝠鲼餐厅坐落在科纳海岸黑色熔岩悬崖之顶,世界上唯一能够在巨型蝠鲼的自然栖息地欣赏这种生物的餐厅。餐厅位置极佳,距海湾只有数步之遥,您可以聆听海浪在下方拍打的声音,也可以欣赏壮美的太平洋和举世闻名的日落景色。餐厅采用开放式设计、和谐的现代装潢,每个座位都可以欣赏无尽的海景和享受凉爽的海风,进一步提升了体验。在华丽的入口处,波浪式的雕塑墙和海洋风格的蓝色照明与当代雕塑和木地板相结合。带顶棚的开放式餐饮区采用了相同岛屿组合,包括高桌和高脚凳以及一个可供客人休闲的休息区,休息区内设有环绕矮桌和火炉摆放的豪华座椅和沙发。在整个空间内,创新装饰及流行色(特别是深红色)是热带植物和自然色调的完美补充。当太阳下山、繁星闪现之时,提基火炬和灯笼让餐厅沐浴在柔和的金色光辉中。行政主厨 Jayson Malla 的菜单既实惠又诱人。主厨注重采用本地采购的食材(如海盐、热带水果和蔬菜、当地最新鲜的海鲜、夏威夷岛牛肉、猪肉和家禽肉)烹制各式各样的科纳当地、亚洲和美国北部的风味佳肴。Pupus 或什锦小吃,从我们的特色蜘蛛虾到金枪鱼生沙拉再到寿司,应有尽有。一系列新鲜沙拉和汉堡、意大利面和面饼,如炖无骨端排通心粉和新夏威夷脆面饼,带来多种诱人选择。特色主菜包括 Kiawe 熏制新鲜美味、明火烤肋眼牛排等等。所有餐点均搭配完美的有机葡萄酒、当地啤酒和特色鸡尾酒,如百香果果汁、菠萝荔枝汽水和美味的各种特色 mai tais 鸡尾酒,当然还有丰富的科纳咖啡。当地音乐家每天晚上 6 点到 9 点会在餐厅内表演现场音乐,让本已充满活力的环境更加沸腾。此外,海湾蝠鲼餐厅的贵宾乌鲁酒廊还是举办 10 至 25 人的派对的理想场所。我们甚至还准备了两份特殊的套餐菜单,帮助确保为您带来一个完美而难忘的夜晚。请注意,酒廊必须提前至少一周进行预订。
下午 5:30 - 晚上 10:00 (最后入座时间为晚上 9:30);酒吧&露台,下午 5:30 - 晚上 11:00
前往凯亚乌霍乌湾咖啡厅,一边品尝一杯当地种植的妈妈的 100% 科纳咖啡,一边商讨当天的行程计划。休闲咖啡吧提供即磨咖啡,并搭配糕点、早餐棒、热带水果、燕麦粥等等,旨在为客人提供可外带且营养美味的早餐。
早上 6:00 - 早上 11:00
Ainakai 餐厅
坐在 Ainakai 餐厅静静地欣赏宁静的凯亚乌霍乌湾和翠绿的科纳海岸壮阔的美景。迎宾早餐餐厅采用中性色调,四周本土植物环绕,阳光洋溢,您可打开餐厅的落地凸窗,感受迎面吹来的轻柔海风,且室内和室外座位区为您提供开放式场所。而餐厅的每日自助早餐也散发着迷人的海岛气息。它由行政总厨 Matthew Naula 精心准备,巧妙地结合夏威夷、美国和亚洲风味,包括从定制的煎蛋饼和华夫饼到科纳咖啡和新鲜的环太平洋水果以及冰镇热带果汁等等。
早上 6:30 - 早上 10:30
行政总厨 Matthew Naula;行政副厨 Clement Kaimiola
霍鲁亚池畔酒吧及酒廊居于泳池之畔,设有带太阳伞的桌台,旨在为体验日光浴和泳池乐趣后的客人提供一个舒缓休憩之所。该便利场所不仅供应脆爽沙拉、手工卷和诱人三明治,如凯亚乌霍乌餐厅三明治,还伴有令人惊叹的海景。海岛风格、当地风情的 pupus - 或小吃,如凯卢阿猪肉玉米脆饼,更是诱人美食中的一部分,而清爽迈泰鸡尾酒、当地科纳酿酒公司的各种微酿啤酒等等则让客人清新惬意。酒吧范围内,扩展的贴心迎宾服务包括池畔送递在内。
早上 11:00 - 下午 5:30;欢乐时光:每日,下午 3:00 - 下午 5:00
Akule 鲜货餐厅
Akule 鲜货餐厅位于卡米哈米哈三世的出生地纪念碑旁边,距度假酒店仅两分钟步行路程或通过乘电车可快速抵达。该静谧的海滨休憩之所以前是一个游艇俱乐部,因此它仍然保留航海的感觉,但在此基础上增加了洋槐木装饰以及著名设计师 Sig Zane 为其打造的装潢。捕鱼是凯亚乌霍乌湾生活的主要部分,因为 Akule 的迁徙鱼群已长期追寻休养生息、滋养美味和保护之间的内在平衡。因为其靠近海港的有利位置,因此渔民将他们的成果直接送至 Akule 鲜货餐厅以打造钓钩至烹饪的新鲜美食。鲜美嫩滑的鱼肉、loco mocos 和 poke bowls 在各类现成的当地冰镇啤酒的陪伴下更加韵味十足。热烈欢迎客人前往带顶棚的室外座位区或围着篝火台高谈畅饮。
(1)(808) 498-4987
早上 8:00 - 晚上 8:00
SPG(R) 俱乐部儿童通行证
SPG(R) 俱乐部儿童通行证计划是一项全包性的特别餐饮计划。 以每天一次性的固定费用,SPG(R) 俱乐部会员的孩子们(12 岁及以下) 即可享受全包性的多种餐饮选择。
为何在此预订 &
利用适用于每一设备的应用程序以及可满足每一旅行需求的工具,获得 SPG 俱乐部应用程序并准备整装启程&#水疗中心#
腹部终于又恢复了平坦。3个月前,身怀六甲的33岁的王女士挺着大肚子,来到高新区人民医院肛肠科便秘门诊。检查发现,在她直肠内,充满了干硬粪便。X线检查,发现她的结肠全部充盈,粗大到正常肠道的3—4倍。 (网络配图) 7年来王女士一直排便困难。3—7天才大便一次,每次排便时间都要花上
不会经商的相声大师不是一个好演员。这一论断的源头要上溯到一次相声演出节目中,当时,台湾**相声演员刘增锴在舞台上指着郭德纲向观众们这样介绍道:“今天来主要看这位,了不起啊,中国相声史上,挣钱最多的演员。” 作为中国传统民间艺术形式之一,相声入选了非物质文化遗产。但正如大多数人所熟
8月17日,澳门永利皇宫酒店将于近日开业,荷兰画家Jan de Vlieger的当代中国风油彩画布作品挂于咖啡苑。据介绍,该酒店由史提芬永利先生逾四十年经营度假村之经验,积累六年时间的心血和精雕细琢,重新定义奢华,进一步推动澳门发展成为世界旅游休闲中心。 以花卉为主题的永利皇宫糅
· 如果你的宝宝天资聪颖,爱学习、爱玩乐? · 我猜测,你一定有个大烦恼。 · 你是否经常在宝宝上培训班的时候或者在游乐场嗨皮的时候无所事事, 度秒如年,却又无可奈何,不得不等候他的课程结束! 从7月29日起,你的生活将会发生巨大变化,等候烦恼将会一举击破! 真快活美乐园新厂店二
今天,景德镇长运有两大好消息通过瓷都晚报发布: 12月1日起,景德镇长运将开通婺源高铁站直达车咯! 发车时间如下,赶紧收藏哟~ 西站发车时间:7:30、10:30、13:40、15:30 东站发车时间:7:50、11:00、14:00、15:50 咨询电话:
社友们最近景德镇又开起高温模式啦!炎炎酷暑,清凉一夏,夏天当然首选清凉的水上世界啦!小编收集了景德镇周边的好玩的水上乐园推荐给各位社友,希望大家都能度过一个清凉的夏天! 社友
推荐: 乐平市金山水上乐园 『景点介绍』 : 景德镇地区游乐设施最大最先进
2014年各地足球粉丝纷纷前往巴西观看即将到来的第20届世界杯足球赛,各国足球队也从世界各地到巴西,那么他们都选择住在什么旅馆呢?《赫芬顿邮报》盘点了世界杯主要队伍的入住旅馆,下面我们一起先睹为快吧。 1.荷兰:凯撒公园酒店 里约热内卢 荷兰队选择的凯撒公园酒店靠近大海和沙滩,室
酒店中小姐走台“选秀”。 警方昨晚清查涉黄场所。 广东东莞多个娱乐场所存在卖淫嫖娼等违法行为,一些被称作“城市名片”的四星级、五星级酒店中也存在明目张胆的招嫖卖淫活动。东莞市从昨天下午开始,出动6525名警力对东莞全市所有桑拿场所、沐足以及娱乐场所同时进行检查行动,共
想要一次彻底放松自己的旅行,那梦幻巧克力之旅再适合不过了。这里有让你瞬间忘记飞行疲劳的热巧克力,可以吃的巧克力博物馆门票,巧克力主题旅馆……所有关于巧克力的美好都在等着你。著名旅游网站“fodor’s”精心挑选了十个甜蜜巧克力之旅的最佳地点,带上好友一起出发吧。 韦斯特里意大利佛
对于人们来说,去海滩休闲放松无疑是一件无比惬意的事。天空明媚、空气清新、蓝天白云让人流连忘返。近日,《悉尼先驱晨报》为您推荐了澳大利亚最美的海滩小镇。这些海滩各有特色,指南将为人们找到最适合自己的海滩。 最适合家庭的海滩小镇:维多利亚托基 环境:如果喜欢水上运动,那么家庭聚会就可
孕期蜜月指的是小夫妻在迎接新生儿降临之前,来一场二人世界的旅行,在准爸爸妈妈中非常流行。孕妇自然不适宜长途旅行。这一份巴厘岛Ubud的旅行日志,可供准爸爸妈妈参考。 乌布德是巴厘岛,这座誉为天堂之岛的文化中心。想让旅程更加随性的话,大可放弃旅行社定式的安排,选择自由行。岛上有很多
拥有上好的雪,并不一定能获得最完美的滑雪体验。滑雪是冬日度假重头戏之一,想要完美的旅程必须挑选一个好的滑雪酒店。除了滑雪,享受美食、泡个温泉等等也是很重要的旅行组成部分! 瑞士采尔马特 瑞士采尔马特(Zermatt)滑雪场位于马特宏峰脚下,这一地区也是世界顶级的滑雪胜地,雪道总长
无疑,迪拜是阿拉伯世界中的旅游王国,但离开迪拜不远,你就会发现自己“逃离”的这个旅游王国周边竟是如此美丽,处处充满了惊喜,山间胜地、史努比潜水岛、阿联酋自己的峡湾、枣树蓬勃的绿洲……深深的呼吸之外,是一串串的清晰惬意。 山间胜地 邦德系列中恶棍的巢穴原材料——蜿蜒的山路一直通到哈
有人说,迪拜是一座在大海与沙漠之间横空出世的城市,在这个纸醉金迷的地方,有着高耸入云的建筑,有着堪称奇迹的岛屿,有着各种令人着迷又如梦似幻的景致。 这里的高度 备受瞩目 在阿联酋,迪拜算是最特别也是一枝独秀的酋长国,在大部分酋长国都依赖石油成为主要收入来源的时候,迪拜的旅游业俨然
贾某某生前照片 昨日下午,广州番禺富华酒店陪酒少女贾某某酒后身亡案在广州中院二审开庭。据悉,番禺区法院一审判决曾认定原告(死者父母,贵州农民贾某夫妇)要承担30%责任。他们不服上诉。 陪酒,她说不喝 富华酒店在番禺清河东路138号。2月3日晚8点,有4个男人走进了酒店
从中世纪的小山顶到微风轻拂的海岸线,欧洲的酿酒镇渐渐变成吸引人的旅游景点。本土美食帮助每个地区构成了其独一无二的美食美酒合作体,周围的葡萄园则提供了完美的布景。近日,著名旅游网站“smarter travel”搜罗全欧洲,盘点了十座最棒的酿酒镇。无论是风靡全球还是低调神秘,这些美
与摩登现代的英格兰不同,威尔士被大自然赐予了迷人的景致,威尔士北部斯诺登尼亚雄伟山峦吹来的新鲜空气,可以去探索威尔士中部湖泊和南部幽深山谷的宁静。这里拥有世界上最古老的文明之一,它的历史和神话在这里留下了不可磨灭的印记。博德南特花园(Bodnant Garden)坐落在Conwy
正在做关于冬天水疗度假的白日梦?绝不会太早。今年,何不考虑在海洋附近享受你的疗程。现在,我们就推荐四家华丽的海滨酒店,让高级水疗和美丽的风景装点你的旅程。 The Spa at Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea 在茂宜岛 (Maui) 的威美亚
无数的童话故事都以“很久很久以前,城堡里住了一位美丽的公主”拉开序幕,于是城堡无意中成为了欧洲(景区详情)中世纪皇室的象征,也装点了很多人儿时的梦。翠绿蜿蜒的花园、优雅的石拱门、精雕细琢的天花板、贵族式的四柱床…… Palazzo Viviani Castello di Mont
威斯汀度假村及水疗中心(哥伦比亚埃文的比弗河山河滨) 威斯汀度假村及水疗中心非常适合健身。 阿拉伯塔(阿联酋迪拜) 阿拉伯塔18层的Assawan水疗中心和健身房真是令人赞叹不已。因为这里不仅拥有迪拜所有酒店中最先进的服务设施,但真正让人激动的是,您能在此欣赏到阿拉伯海湾和海岸线
QT Sydney,澳洲 QT Sydney坐落于悉尼购物区的两栋古迹建筑内, Gowings百货公司和州立剧院。仅离酒店几步之遥,是当地领先的设计师店铺和Westfield购物中心。除了是购物的天堂,酒店七彩缤纷的室内设计和独特的艺术使这家200间客房的酒店变成了当地居民和旅客
全球不少最令人惊叹的人工与自然奇迹都获列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录,而能有幸到访这些独一无二的胜景,对许多人来说是值得回味一生的体验。Worldhotels位于亚洲的众多酒店距离当地的联合国教科文组织世界遗产近在咫尺,堪称为宾客探索故事的绝妙去处。 中国北京 北京拥有丰富历
对于久居城市的人来说,坐落于莫干山私人山谷中的裸心 谷是个放松的好地方。空气新鲜、环境安逸,食物新鲜,晚上听着青蛙、昆虫的鸣叫声入眠。人生至此,夫复何求啊!本期周末好去处,中奢网小编为您搜罗了周末度假新地点——由翠竹、树林、茶园环抱的裸心 谷。 正值春夏时节,满目新绿。行走在山谷
英国航空水疗中心 故事1、Amandine的紧急面试 凌晨3点,Amandine一个人枯坐在伦敦希斯罗机场的T5航站楼。她来英国留学已经4年了,今天是她回国的日子,但让她焦虑的是:她回国第二天还有一个重要的大型外企面试,这样的精神状态再加上舟车劳顿,她怕会影响自己的状态。坐在宽大
在寂静的幽谷或者绵软的沙滩上做一场SPA,一边欣赏自然美景,一边感受精油流淌过肌肤的极致触感, 真是人生最美妙的一桩过往。微风轻轻拂过竹林,海豚也跃出水面为你喝彩。在如画的景色里,享受顶级的SPA护理,从心灵到发肤,每一寸都能得到极致奢华的滋养。 印尼 宝格丽巴厘岛度假村坐拥1.
把澳洲地图上的南部城市与中部城市创造性地连接,那是碧蓝的英式 阿德莱德,融混葱绿的德式汉道夫,加点儿幽紫的法式薰衣草芭萝莎,最终爆发出赤红的美式乌鲁鲁……大胆地在澳大利亚一国玩出四国的自驾穿越范儿。 英德法美,从碧海到红土 把澳洲地图上的南部城市与中部城市创造性地连接,那是碧蓝的
春天的千岛湖,草春桃艳,莺啼燕语,到处散发出春天的气息,到处弥漫着百花的芬芳。这个春天与千岛湖来一次浪漫邂逅吧,骑着单车带上TA赏美景、看烂漫山花、感受无边美景! 赏,烂漫山花 春天里那个百花开,金黄的油菜花、雪白的梨花、粉红的桃花、火红的杜鹃花……仿佛置身在一个花的海洋里。在这
春天的千岛湖,草春桃艳,莺啼燕语,到处散发出春天的气息,到处弥漫着百花的芬芳。这个春天与千岛湖来一次浪漫邂逅吧,骑着单车带上TA赏美景、看烂漫山花、感受无边美景! 赏,烂漫山花 春天里那个百花开,金黄的油菜花、雪白的梨花、粉红的桃花、火红的杜鹃花……仿佛置身在一个花的海洋里。在这
2009年耗资15亿美金建成的马尼拉云顶世界,是继新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界之后,在亚洲地区新兴的娱乐城。其内设有酒店、购物商城、电影院、多功能剧场等综合设施,为每一位游客带来一站式玩乐的“云顶”体验。 Maxims Hotel 六星级完美体验 马尼拉的明媚阳光,让初来乍到的我们感受到爱犬关节病主人抱其水疗赢巨额捐赠(图)
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。Hotel Rooms in Kailua-Kona | Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
509 Rooms (24
Check in:&nbsp3:00 PM
Check out:&nbsp12:00 PM
All Room Amenities & Internet Access options
Radio/Alarm Clock
Cordless Telephone
Room Amenities & Services
Iron and Ironing Board
Room Features
Work Desk and Chair
100% Non-Smoking Guest Rooms
Air-Conditioned Rooms
Private Furnished Lanai
Connecting Rooms Available
Windows That Open
Internet Access
Free internet is available to all SPG Members when booking on Starwood websites, mobile sites and SPG apps. Benefits vary by membership level.
Wireless High Speed Internet Access in Guest Rooms
(0.0 USD per day)
Mountain View Rooms
(156 rooms)
420 Square Feet / 39 Square Meters
Discover a Hawaiian home-away-from-home in our Mountain View Rooms, which captivate guests upon arrival with iconic views of the Big Island’s lush tropical landscape, including Hualālai Mountain, a dormant volcano. Enjoy the panorama from your private lanai, furnished with a cocktail table and two contemporary rattan chairs.Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors bathe the indoor space in natural light, highlighting ten-foot ceilings and a warm atmosphere that draws inspiration from the island’s indigenous flora. Artwork by renowned Hawaiian designer Sig Zane features engaging organic themes, while complementary furnishings echo the relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii with traditional wood hues and neutral tones.Sink into the plush window-side lounge chair to enjoy a movie on the 37-inch LCD TV. Or settle into the work desk—conveniently equipped with High Speed Internet Access, a data port, and extra outlets—to complete out-of-office work. A refreshment center with mini refrigerator is discreetly tucked into a credenza and stocked with locally grown Kona coffee and Tazo tea, placing your favorite beverages at your fingertips.The Sheraton Signature Sleep Experience—either one king or two double beds, topped with plush pillows and duvets—underscores our commitment to pure comfort. Refresh morning or night in the modern bathroom. The serene retreat features a combined full bath and rainforest shower with handheld showerhead, as well as separate vanity with a smooth granite countertop and oversized mirror. Shine for Sheraton(TM) bath amenities guarantee a soothing experience.
Partial Ocean and Ocean View Rooms
(215 rooms)
420 Square Feet / 39 Square Meters
Inhabit your own piece of paradise in an Partial Ocean and Ocean View Rooms. Near the lava cliffs and rocky shores of the Pacific Ocean and Keauhou Bay, each enchanting room presents partial or full ocean views, as well as a soothing ocean soundtrack from a private lanai furnished with a cocktail table for two and contemporary rattan chairs.Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors bathe the indoor space in natural light, highlighting ten-foot ceilings and a warm, aloha atmosphere distinguished by natural tones that draw inspiration from the island’s indigenous flora. Artwork by renowned Hawaiian designer Sig Zane features engaging organic themes, while complementary furnishings echo the relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii with traditional wood hues and neutral tones.Sink into the plush window-side lounge chair to enjoy a movie on the 37-inch LCD TV. Or settle into the work desk—conveniently equipped with High Speed Internet Access, a data port, and extra outlets—to complete out-of-office work. A refreshment center with a mini-refrigerator is discreetly tucked into a credenza and stocked with locally grown Kona coffee and Tazo tea, placing your favorite beverages at your fingertips.The Sheraton Signature Sleep Experience—either one king or two double beds, topped with plush pillows and duvets—underscores our commitment to pure comfort. Refresh morning or night in the modern bathroom. The serene retreat features a combined full bath and rainforest shower with handheld showerhead, as well as separate vanity with a smooth granite countertop and oversized mirror. Shine for Sheraton(TM) bath amenities guarantee a soothing experience.
Oceanfront Rooms
(96 rooms)
420 Square Feet / 39 Square Meters
Embrace island living in an Oceanfront Room. Perched directly above the lava cliffs and rocky shores of the Pacific Ocean and Keauhou Bay, each enchanting room presents unparalleled panoramas and a soothing ocean soundtrack from a private lanai furnished with a cocktail table for two and contemporary rattan chairs.Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors bathe the indoor space in natural light, highlighting ten-foot ceilings and a warm, aloha atmosphere distinguished by natural tones that draw inspiration from the island’s indigenous flora. Artwork by renowned Hawaiian designer Sig Zane features engaging organic themes, while complementary furnishings echo the relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii with traditional wood hues and neutral tones.Sink into the plush window-side lounge chair to enjoy a movie on the 37-inch LCD TV. Or settle into the work desk—conveniently equipped with High Speed Internet Access, a data port, and extra outlets—to complete out-of-office work. A refreshment center with a mini-refrigerator is discreetly tucked into a credenza and stocked with locally grown Kona coffee and Tazo tea, placing your favorite beverages at your fingertips.The Sheraton Signature Sleep Experience—either one king or two double beds, topped with plush pillows and duvets—underscores our commitment to pure comfort. Refresh morning or night in the modern bathroom. The serene retreat features a combined full bath and rainforest shower with handheld showerhead, as well as separate vanity with a smooth granite countertop and oversized mirror. Shine for Sheraton(TM) bath amenities guarantee a soothing experience.
Club Rooms
(18 rooms)
420 Square Feet / 39 Square Meters
Club Rooms present a range of ocean and island views from their locations throughout the resort. Each accommodation has a private lanai furnished with a cocktail table for two and contemporary rattan chairs.Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors bathe the indoor space in natural light, highlighting ten-foot ceilings and a warm, aloha atmosphere distinguished by natural tones that draw inspiration from the island’s indigenous flora. Artwork by renowned Hawaiian designer Sig Zane features engaging organic themes, while complementary furnishings echo the relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii with traditional wood hues and neutral tones.Sink into the plush window-side lounge chair to enjoy a movie on the 37-inch LCD TV. Or settle into the work desk—conveniently equipped with High Speed Internet Access, a data port, and extra outlets—to complete out-of-office work. A refreshment center with a mini-refrigerator is discreetly tucked into a credenza and stocked with locally grown Kona coffee and Tazo tea, placing your favorite beverages at your fingertips.The Sheraton Signature Sleep Experience—either one king or two double beds, topped with plush pillows and duvets—underscores our commitment to pure comfort. Refresh morning or night in the modern bathroom. The serene retreat features a combined full bath and rainforest shower with handheld showerhead, as well as separate vanity with a smooth granite countertop and oversized mirror. Shine for Sheraton(TM) bath amenities guarantee a soothing experience. Exclusive Club Room amenities include shower gel, loofahs, mouthwash, a vanity pack, and bathrobes.Club Room guests also have special access to the Sheraton Club Lounge. A relaxing, upscale space, the Club Lounge offers complimentary breakfast, evening hors d’oeuvres, and a variety of beverage options. Take advantage of the private Club Lounge where you can connect with friends, meet with your team, or simply relax by catching your favorite TV show. Need to get some work done? High Speed Internet Access, a computer workstation, a copier/fax/printer, and complimentary office supplies are available.
Ohana Suites
(18 suites)
850 Square Feet / 79 Square Meters
Share an incomparable island vacation in a one-bedroom Ohana Suite, whose name means family in Hawaiian. Gentle ocean breezes and captivating views of the Pacific Ocean and rocky shores of Keauhou Bay begin and end every day. These breathtaking panoramas take center stage from a private lanai furnished with a cocktail table and two contemporary rattan chairs.Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors allow the famous Hawaiian sun to bathe the space in natural light, highlighting its ten-foot ceilings and warm atmosphere. Distinguished by natural tones, it draws inspiration from the island’s indigenous flora. Artwork by renowned Hawaiian designer Sig Zane features engaging organic themes, while complementary furnishings echo the relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii with traditional wood hues and neutral tones.Gather in the living room, where a plush sleeper sofa resides alongside two armchairs and a coffee table, to recount the day’s adventures. Or relax with a movie on the 37-inch LCD TV. An adjacent full guest bathroom makes entertaining easy.The separate bedroom features its own private furnished lanai as well as the Sheraton Signature Sleep Experience, either one king or two queen beds, topped with plush pillows and duvets. A 37-inch LCD TV, lounge chair, and refreshment center with a mini-refrigerator anticipate your leisure desires. A work desk conveniently equipped with High Speed Internet Access, a data port, and extra outlets allows you to connect with home and the world.The serene master bathroom features a combined full bath and rainforest shower with handheld showerhead, as well as a separate vanity with a smooth granite countertop and oversized mirror. Shine for Sheraton(TM) bath amenities guarantee a soothing experience.Suite guests also have special access to the Sheraton Club Lounge.
Deluxe Executive Suites
(4 suites)
950 Square Feet / 88 Square Meters
Relish the vacation of a lifetime in a one-bedroom Deluxe Executive Suite. Along with an expansive layout, each impressive suite features a double-sized private lanai that presents north-to-south Pacific Ocean panoramas. Each is furnished with wooden sun loungers, accompanied by cocktail tables and framed by tropical plants, and some suites’ lanais have cabanas.The same magnificent vistas debut in the spacious living room through floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors, which allow the famous Hawaiian sun to bathe the room in natural light, highlighting its ten-foot ceilings and warm, aloha atmosphere. Distinguished by natural tones, it draws inspiration from the island’s indigenous flora. Artwork by renowned Hawaiian designer Sig Zane features engaging organic themes, while complementary furnishings echo the relaxed atmosphere of Hawaii with traditional wood hues and neutral tones.Start the morning with coffee in the breakfast nook, home to a dining table for four and a wet bar stocked with locally grown Kona coffee and Tazo tea. Or gather in the sitting area, where a plush sleeper sofa resides alongside two armchairs and a coffee table. You can also relax with a movie on the 42-inch LCD TV with a DVD player, or set a custom soundtrack on the Bose stereo with CD player. An adjacent guest half-bathroom makes for easy entertaining.In the separate bedroom, a work desk conveniently equipped with High Speed Internet Access, a printer/fax/scanner, data port, and extra outlets allows you to connect with the world. A 37-inch LCD TV, lounge chair, and mini-refrigerator anticipate your leisure desires. Additionally, a second set of floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors lead out to another private lanai furnished with a coffee table and two contemporary rattan chairs.At the end of the day, sink into the king-size Sheraton Signature Sleep Experience bed topped with plush pillows and duvets. Refresh morning or night in the modern master bathroom. The serene retreat features a combined full bath and rainforest shower, with a handheld showerhead, as well as a separate vanity with a smooth granite countertop and an oversized full-length mirror. Shine for Sheraton(TM) bath amenities guarantee a soothing experience.Suite guests also have special access to the Sheraton Club Lounge.
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