开头是英语 胸部中间偶尔轻微疼痛是 世界会偶尔跟你开玩笑

from:/publicforum/content/english/1/147681.shtml801. Kenneth Lee Rothey, whose Chinese name is 路乞, was a big shot in Wuhan. He even earned a nickname, ''the foreign Lei Feng." K.L.R.的中文名字叫“路乞”,在武汉可是曾经风光一时呀,甚至得了一个外号叫“洋雷锋”。a big shot: 重要,了不起,猛批。They take a big shot at those corrupted officials. 他们把矛头直接对准了腐败的官吏。  802. Yes, that rings a bell. I heard his story some place. It was a heartwarming and inspiring story. He started a campaign to clean trash from city streets. To Chinese people, he came across as a very caring individual who wanted to do good things. 是,想起来了。我在什么地方听过他的事迹,是个很温馨、鼓舞人的故事。他发动大家在城市街道上捡垃圾。在中国人的印象里,他是个乐于做好事,很能体贴他人的好人。It rings a bell. 想起来了。heartwarming: 暖人心的,温馨的。inspiring: 鼓舞人的。come across as: 给人的印象是  803. You know what, he was actually a criminal on the run. He was on the most wanted list of the International Police.但你知道吗,他实际上一直是一个在逃犯,是上了国际刑警通缉令上的人。on the run: 在逃犯,又可以说a criminal at large。the most wanted list: 通缉令。the blacklist: 黑名单。  804. What crimes was he engaged in? 他犯了什么罪呢?或者说,What crimes did he commit?  805. He is a white collar coyote. He also did money laundering. He successfully stayed away from justice by hiding himself in China for three years, but finally he was picked up by American cops and taken back to the States the end of past June. 他是个专做白领偷渡的蛇头,他也犯有洗钱罪。他在中国躲了起来,逃过了法律制裁达三年之久,但最终还是被美国警方于六月底给带走了。Coyote原意为小狼,但口语里指蛇头,很多人将蛇头翻译为snakehead,这是直译,但现在英语世界也渐渐接受了snakehead一词。Did you make it across with a coyote? 蛇头把你带过边境了吗?We paid a coyote ten thousand bucks a piece to get us in to the United States. 我们每人都付了一万美元给蛇头带我们进到美国。  806. Is that right? I also heard that he is a Mormon missionary. 是吗?我还听说他是摩门教的传教士呢。  807. Mormon sucks. A Mormon guy was found guilty of having ten wives recently. Mormon doctrine states that their members must be living in polygamy in order to enter the highest heaven. Their members have the rampant practice of taking underage girls as polygamous wives. 摩门教恶心。有个摩门家伙最近被判罪因为他娶了十个老婆。摩门教教义说,一个人要进入天国的最高境地就要多娶老婆。他们成员盛行娶好些未成年女孩做老婆。polygamy 一夫多妻制,underage girls as polygamous wives,这又叫child brides, 类似于中国旧时的“童养媳”。  808. That is against modern precepts. 这是违背现代理念的呀。  809. Well, not necessarily against every man’s modern concept. I bet that some Party members may want to be converted to Mormon, since they have lovers and concubines in droves. 嗯,但倒不见得是违背每个人的现代理念。我敢打赌,有些党员就想皈依摩门教,他们可是二奶三奶成群结队呀。in droves: 成群结队。precept, concept 意思相近,放在一起记比较好。  810. There you go. Those guys can get off easily with just a slap on the wrist even if they get caught. ( or a slap-on-the-wrist punishment.) 你说得不错。这些人就算被发现了,也会不了了之,轻易就走脱的。There you go. 表示赞同对方的说法。get off: 走脱。a slap on the wrist, 在手腕上打一下,表示处罚很轻微。get caught 被发现。 811. I am off the subject. 我走题了。Do they go off the subject often and get lost in their words? 他们是不是常常离题、信口开河?You are off the subject. I am lost in your words. 你走题了,你的话让我迷茫。  812. 140题是Turnoff,相反的说法是turn-on:Confidence will always be a major turn-on. 自信总是一个主要吸引人的优点。  813. There are thousands of articles on English learning in Yingyu Zatan(英语杂谈). How can you keep up with all this reading? Well, focus on Teacher Xin’s. Teacher Xin’s column offers enough stuff to keep you abreast of today’s English. 英语杂谈有上千的文章论说如何学好英文,你怎么可能把这些文章都读完?专心读信老师的文章。信老师的文章足可以让你跟上当代英语。keep up with 与 keep someone abreast of 是同一个意思。  814. Xin’s column helps you not only with your English learning, but also with a broad scope of knowledge, thus you gain confidence with people. 信老师的文章不仅帮助你学英文,还让你获得较为广泛的知识,这样你在与他人交往时就会信心十足了。  815. The most important thing is to develop a burning internal urge for improving and honing your English skillset. 最为重要的事是,你得有一股内在的激情想要改进提高你的英语综合技能。 a skillset, 通常写为a skill set, 指综合技能,不是单单一项。例如,听、说、读、翻译技能都过关,就是a skill set,如果只有其中一项,就是a skill。  816. A. Teacher Xin, I think I suffer from shyness. What can I do? B. Winning the war with shyness takes practice. You should know that people generally are friendly, and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every word you say. 要想战胜胆怯需要多练。你该知道,人通常还是非常友善的,所以你不必提心吊胆,老是担心别人会对你的话去斤斤计较。  817. Ordinary families do not have any savings to fall back on in an emergency. 一般家庭没有任何储蓄可以对付意外事件。 fall back on 依靠。  818. The computer is acting on me today. 今天电脑有点不正常。  819. Soccer kind of fell upon me. 我是不由自主地爱上了足球。  820. Here's the tag line. 这是最重要的话。通常电影海报上会引用电影里一句给人印象最深的话,这就是tag line 821. A chance meeting with her has changed his life. 一次与她的邂逅相遇改变了他的一生。a chance meeting, 偶尔相遇。I met him by chance. 我偶尔遇上了他。I am quite certain the chances are low. It has never happened before. 我敢肯定,这样的机率很低,这事从来没有发生过。  822. What exactly are you giving her besides an open wallet? 除了慷慨外,你还能给她什么呢?an open wallet, 敞开的荷包,这里意思是“大方”。To those bureaucrats, the government equals an open wallet. 对于这些官僚而言,政府就是一个敞开的金库。  823. I am not your ATM machine. 我不是你的自动提款机。  824. I am not an open checkbook to you. 我又不是你的财主。an open checkbook 任由你填写的支票簿。比较a blank check。  825. I have two beefs with your argument. 对你的观点,我有两点不同的意见。beef 口语里意思是吵架,不同的意见。 Why do you want to have beef with me? 你为什么要跟我过不去?I won’t buy that beef from you. 我才不会听你这套胡说。  826. two sides: There are always two sides to every story, and there are two sides to this story. 每个事件都有两个不同面,这个事件就有两个不同面。(这是你陈述、辩护自己观点比较好的开场白。)  827. It generated strong feelings from people. 这引起了大家的强烈反应。Those on both sides of the issue agree it generates strong feelings.  828. If news media people had an ounce of integrity, they would not report such a one-sided story from the local government. 如果这些新闻从业人员还有一点点良知的话,就不会仅仅报道来自地方政府的一面之词了。  829. These are the two sides of the same coin. 也可以作:These are the two sides of a coin. Rewards and punishments are two sides of the same coin - both are used to control people, and neither works very well. 奖励与惩罚实际上是一个硬币的两面,都是用来控制人的,但是两者都不能取得很好的效果。This will always be a two-sided argument. 比较:two edged sword,双刃的剑。  830. I cannot understand why a minor disagreement escalates into a fist-fight. 我真不明白为什么一点意见不合就变成了拳头相见。   831. pass the buck 推诿责任。Passing the buck is a way of life for Chinese bureaucrats. 中国官僚最拿手的就是打太极拳。以前美国人打牌,怕有人做小动作,庄家前放一把小刀,状如小公鹿,所以这刀叫“buck”,谁舞弊,刀就飞了过去。轮到下个人做庄,刀就传到下一个人。也就是pass the buck。后来美国人比较文明了,就改为放一银元。所以后来美元就叫bucks。杜鲁门有句最有名的话。I am the ultimate responsible person in this organization. Everyone can pass the buck to me, but I cannot pass the buck to others. The buck stops here. 我是这个组织的最高负责人,谁都可以把责任推到我这里,但我绝不会把责任推给别人。问责到此为止。胡哥什么时候也能说同类的话呢?  832. I don't usually get peeved by misleading articles, knowing that they are merely for propaganda. 我知道那些专门误导读者的文章都是宣传工具,所以我通常是不会对这些文章较真的。peeve 生气。a pet peeve 指让你生气不舒服的小事,但可能对别人并不会产生什么影响。That is a pet peeve. 类似151句:something get under one's skin。 My pet peeve is that so many people here are coping articles written by others. 叫我头痛的是太多的人抄别人的东西。  833. Whoever controls the flow of information controls the mind of people. 谁掌控了信息传播谁就控制了大众的头脑。  834. This is a small token of my appreciation. 感谢人送礼物时必说的话。a token of my love  835. Get over it. 算了,不要再计较。 You need to get over it. 你得忘记这事了。 I can never get over it. 我总是无法忘怀。  836. City white-collar women who have succeeded educationally and professionally are the least likely to marry down. 城市白领女性受过良好的教育,事业有成,一般很难与比自己条件差的男人结婚。Men tend to marry down more easily. 男性不在乎与比自己条件差的女性结婚。 marry down 与条件比自己差的人结婚。  837. You are on top of the game today. 你今天表现出色。on top of the game与on the cutting edge(见第187句) 是同一个意思。You need to stay on top of your game if you want to stay valuable and in demand. 你如果想要得到重视、重用,你就得表现优秀。in demand 得到重用。  838. This is a classic David versus Goliath showdown. 这是一场典型的小人物挑战巨人的决斗。  839. I have now taken it upon myself to champion my two favorite causes, the English language and human rights. 我主动承担了全力以赴地来推动我所喜爱的两项事业:英语与人权。  840. You can’t be serious. 你不会当真吧!No one takes you seriously except yourself. 除了你自己,并没有人把你当根葱。You take yourself too seriously. 你太把自己当回事了。  841. This restaurant easily tops Beijing’s list when it comes to choice. Guests can find almost anything their tastebuds desire for dinner. 如果你想在北京品尝最好的烹饪,这家餐厅肯定是榜上有名。(或榜上排名前几名。)可以说只要食客能想得到的佳肴在这里都能找到。Come to choice 找最好的餐厅。  842. Learn how to boost your powers of persuasion and get what you need in a business/relationship. 学会提高说服人的本领,你就能在生意场上游刃有余。(或在感情方面)。比较前面所学:to hone your ability。  843. You know that to cross a street in China requires some special skill. You need to learn how to bob and weave around slow-moving pedestrians and cars at the traffic. 你知道在中国过马路是需要点特别技能,你要学会在拥挤的交通中,在那些走得慢的行人和汽车中穿梭自如. bob 轻轻地跳跃,weave原意是织布,这里是指“在人群中穿来穿去”。  844. I am sorry I haven’t replied to you sooner, because my phone is on the fritz. 对不起,我没有及时给你回电话,因为我的手机死机了。  845. Freeze. Police! 站住,警察!freeze 在平时场合也能用,并不是只有警察才这么说。例如你叫人不要动,就说:Freeze.  846. Let’s give him a big hand. 让我们给他热烈掌声。Put your hands together for him. 现在给他热烈的掌声。He won a standing ovation. We can’t get enough of this guy. 大家起立向他鼓掌,我们感到还不过瘾。(还想听听他的更多发言。)  847. The company is making money hand-over-fist. 这个公司赚得盆满钵满。也可以是说花钱如流水:He is a playboy, and spends money hand-over-fist. 他是个花花公子,花起钱来大手大脚惯了。  848. You can cut the tension with a knife. 这里气氛紧张得可以用刀来削。  849. It is just a feel-good move. 这不过是一种自我安慰的措施。  850. She is a scatter brain. 她总是丢三落四。相当于absent-minded,但也有“没有头脑,傻瓜”之意。也有将两词合成一个词的:a scatterbrain。 851. The Olympics brought friends to us from every corner of the Earth. 奥林匹克给我们带来了来自五湖四海的朋友。也可以说from four corners of the Earth.  852. Olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity to win gold medals, but Karoly Takacs' comeback may be the best. 奥运史册记载了众多运动员历经磨难,顽强拼搏,最终夺取奥运金牌的事迹。然而在这些数不胜数的感人故事中,卡乐里& #8226; 塔卡克斯(Karoly Takacs)的归来也许应算是最耐人寻味的。  上面这句话出自“原版英文阅读网”。中文翻译得不错,只是comeback翻译得不到位。Comeback意为“起死回生,东山再起。” Since making his decision to comeback to soccer last year following the incident which cost him nearly his life late in 2006, the 24-year-old guy has tried not to reflect too often on that moment. 2006下半年他重伤几乎丧命,但他仍旧定下心志,要东山再起,从那一刻起,24岁的小伙子就决定不再对以往耿耿于怀。  853. Walk 作及物动词: We should not just talk the walk, but also walk the talk. 我们不能只清谈如何行,而且要行所言。Aliens may have already walked the earth.外星人很可能已经来到过地球了。  854. Pen 作及物动词:He pens a column in Yingyuzatan. It becomes one of the most widely read here.他在英语杂谈写一个专栏,是点击率最高的文章之一。 He poised to pen the new deal. 他倾向签署这项生意。  855. Gossip problems usually develop slowly, and a timely discipline can often head them off. 流言蜚语通常形成过程很慢,及时的训诫便可以杜绝这现象。head off 砍头,杜绝  856. Lotteries have operated for many years in China, raking in billions of money annually in ticket sales. 彩票已经在中国发行很多年了,每年都是上百亿的进账。rake本意是扒草,钱一捆一捆地进,就像扒草一样,很生动。This is a successful company that has raked in the profits. 比较上面的第847句子hand-over-fist. She raked her fingers through her hair. 他用手指梳理了一下头发。  857. She started as a street-level salesperson. 她是从最底层的销售人员开始做起。  858. I am not always vacillating and second-guessing myself. 我做事并不是总是犹豫不决,瞻前顾后的。vacillate: His tendency to vacillate makes him a poor leader. 他做事不果断,领导能力差。second-guessing 就是你做了一个决定,又回头看是不是作对了。也有“事后诸葛亮”的意思。  859. Myanmar illegals risk life and limb to enter Singapore. 缅甸非法移民冒着生命危险偷渡进入新加坡。life and limb是一个固定词组,意为“生存、生命”。In order to keep life and limb together she worked sixty hours a week. 为了能够生存,她每周工作六十个小时。  860. Banzhu got cowed down by pressure from the net police. 因着网警的压力,斑竹只好屈膝。    861. 几个有关hell的表达法:When she was young, she is a hell-raiser. 她年轻时谁都不敢惹她。a living hell, 人间地狱。They seemed hell-bent on fighting corruption. 他们势要与腐败斗争到底。The poor woman's been going through hell over the last few weeks, not knowing whether her son was alive or dead after the earthquake. 这个可怜的女人过去的几周里如同经过了地狱一般,因为她不知道她的儿子在地震后是生是死。  862. 前面提到了eat作名词用,现在来看read作名词:These are my all-time favorite reads. 这些都是我百读不厌的好书。  863. I have come to realize that my workout does more than k it helps keep my life together. keep something together 保持良好状态;相当于keep something in good shape. 我已经意识到,锻炼不仅让我保持最佳的健康,而且让我有整个生活都有条不紊。  864. make the rounds, 由一人传递到另一人,到处转。The rumor making the rounds in Washington is that the ambassador will be leaving. 华盛顿盛传大使即将离。Tony and I made the rounds of the museums in the city. 我和土尼在市的一些博物馆留恋难返。Every new executive must do the rounds of all the departments in the company. 每次新任总管都得到所有的部门走访一遍。  865. Here is some food for thought. 这里是给你思考的一些资料。  866. use it or lose it. 不使用就废弃。A foreign language is something you use it or lose it. 外语是不用即丢。  867. make it or break it. 不成功即成仁,成败在此一举。I have to take this calculated risk, it is a make-or-break move. 我得好好掂量一下危险,这可是成败在此一举呀。  868. Love him or leave him. 要就爱上他,要就离开他。(意即不要不爱了却还藕断丝连。)  869. You can learn English from roots up. root 词根。你可以从词根开始学英语。  870. This couple went around and around like this for two hours. 这对夫妻就是这样来来回回吵了两个小时。  871. shellac 是一种油漆,口语中意为“打败”。The word " landslide" did not even begin to capture the enormity of the shellacking. “大获全胜”一词远远不足以来描述这场空前绝后的胜利。Consumers are getting shellacked all over the world. So are investors. 全球的消费者都正在经历一场灾难,投资者的经历也是如此。They suffered a shellacking at the hands of a vastly superior opposition. 敌人占有明显的优势,他们是兵败如山倒。  872. I have been pulling double shifts for four months. 我一天上两个班,已经四个月了。I am not an impeder. I am pulling for you. 我并不是拖你后退的人,我在为你喝彩呢。  873. 特别注意,英语里的“pull someone’s leg”不是“拖后腿”的意思,而是“开玩笑”:Is he really angry with me or do you think he’s just pulling my leg? 你说,他是真的生我的气呢,还是跟我闹着玩?He is just pulling your leg.他只是在跟你开玩笑。  874. After this unfortunate turn I found myself talking almost nightly to him online. 自从这次不幸的遭遇后,我不知不觉地每天晚上和他在网上聊天了。unfortunate turn 不幸的遭遇。Due to this unfortunate turn of events this project will be put on hold until I can find a solution. 因为事情发生了逆转,在我找到解决问题的方法前,这个项目只好搁浅。  875. This is an old family recipe. 这道菜是按祖传方法制作的。  876. Your advice, I am sorry to say, is a recipe for disaster. 你的主意,我抱歉地说,只能招致灾难。  877. think about 与think of的用法。一般语法书或辞典上都有对两个词组的解释。许多学生还是对此不太容易区分其不同处,此举数例以助了解其用法。这两个词组在很多时候是通用的,例如:Whenever I think about her, I get goose bumps. 我一想起她就起鸡皮疙瘩。I do not want to think about it any more. 我不想再提这件事了。Whenever I look at this gift, I think of you. 我每次看见这礼物就不由想起了你。Did you think of me when you went to the restaurant? 你去餐厅时有没有想起我呀?在think与of中可以加几个副词: I think better of him since I saw how impressively he speaks English. 当我了解到他英语讲得那么棒时,我对他就刮目相看了。I hope you will think better of the plan now. 我希望你现在能更加接受这个计划。She thinks very highly of you. 她对你的评价很高。Liz thinks little of Tom and his efforts to interest her. 汤姆想着法子想吸引她,她对他却没有任何兴趣。I think nothing of it. 对此我根本就没有什么想法。Please do not think ill of me. It was just a silly mistake.请不要把我想歪了,我不过是犯了个低级的错误。  878. They just try to think of some crackpot solutions while they refuse to face the root of corruption. 他们拒不面对腐败的根源,只是想找些稀奇古怪的方法来唬弄大家。crackpot solution 稀奇古怪但并不能真正解决问题的方法。Accountability system is just another crackpot solution. 问责制不过是又一个鬼花招。  879. They got kind of upset because, they thought I was nit-picking. 他们觉得我是在找碴,所以有点不高兴了。Nit虱子蛋。  880. Our product is client-specific, one of a kind design. 我们的产品都是根据客户的要求专门定制的,每样就生产一款。   880. We offer customized service. 我们的服务能满足顾客的各种不同的具体需要。Nowadays, consumers can customize a computer online. 现在顾客可以在网上提出自己的具体要求来订购电脑。  881. I can provide English lessons tailored to your needs. 我可以根据你的需要来制定英语课程。tailored solution, 具体问题,具体答案。  882. It is designed just for you. 这款是专门为你定做的。  883. We offer gifts which can be personalized for whomever you wish! 我们定做礼品,印上你指定的名字。  884. After the summer, he is heading to college. 暑假后他就要上大学了。I wasn’t a fan of school until I hit college. 我上大学前都一直对上学不感冒。hit the road: 上路。Sorry I’ve got to hit the road again. 对不起,我又得上路了。  885. The classics are not my thing. 我不喜欢古典文学。It is just not my thing. 我就是不喜欢这样事。not one’s thing,这是个固定词组,用否定式。  886. This kind of story is my bread and butter. 这类的故事正是我饭碗里的事。(是我求之不得的,最关注的)Unemployment and security are the bread-and-butter concerns of this campaign. 失业和安全是这次竞选最受关注的事。  887. The English learning with V.O.A. is my lifeline. 跟美国之音学英语简直就是我的命根子。He is really a bad addict. Internet is his lifeline. 他患有严重的网瘾,没有网络他就无所事事。  888. He doesn’t have the faintest idea what was happening. 他根本就不知道所发生的事。Not the faintest idea 一般要用否定式。也可以说the slightest idea: It’s absolutely no good asking me. I haven’t the slightest idea. 你问我,我问谁?(用相对的汉语口语意译)  889. Does your mother teach you any manners? 难道你妈妈没有教过你礼貌吗?  890. You can wow your professors with the stuff you learn from this column. 如果你能掌握好这个专栏的东西,你会让你的教授大吃一惊的。wow一般作惊叹词,这里作动词,表示让谁大吃一惊。What I can do to wow my boyfriend for his birthday? 我可以做件什么事来让男朋友在生日时大吃一惊呢? 891. If you’ve been burned by someone, it may be tempting to give the person a taste of his or her own medicine. 如果有人在背后占你的功劳,你会很自然地想要报复,让他也同样尝尝受伤的味道。burn在口语里为“背后贪别人的功劳,贪天功为己有”。此词从电脑词汇 “burn a CD” 的 “burn”引申出来。Getting a Taste of One’s Own Medicine Is Surely a Hard One to Swallow.自己酿的苦酒要自己尝绝不是好滋味。  892. With gossip or office politics, you should remain above the fray as much as possible. If you get involved in a tit-for-tat game, it can damage your own reputation. 对于流言或办公室内的勾心斗角,你应该学会超然,远离是非。如果你卷入了你争我夺的是非,你的声誉也会受到蒙羞。tit-for-tat 报复。  893. So fight the fights that actually mean something. If it doesn’t mean anything, just let it go and try to get along. 所以干仗也要干一些有意义的仗,如果太过无聊,就不要去理会,试着与大家和和气气好了。Let it go. 让这事过去好了。  894. Horseplay is not allowed in the bus. 车内禁止大声喧哗打闹。horseplay不能望文生义,理解为骑马。  895. You may want a second opinion. 你最好再询问一下其他人的意见。  896. I am not your mind reader. How can I know your thought? 我又不是你肚子里的蛔虫,我怎么知道你的想法?mind reader,世界几乎所有文化中都有这种迷信,类似的还有palm reader, 看手相,crystal ball, 水晶灯;tarot cards,算命牌;numerology,算八字;astrology 看星座,等等不一而足。  897. Children can sharpen their mental reflexes by learning to play chess. 儿童学下棋可以提高敏锐反应的能力。mental reflexes 头脑反应快,条件反射。 “Oneself” is a reflexive pronouns. (反身代词)  898. You don’t have to scratch the flaky surface of extreme nationalism very hard to reveal the totalitarian underneath. Extreme nationalism doesn’t have much in store for us. 你不用太费力,就能把极端民族主义的薄薄表皮给捅破,藏在下面的不过是极权主义。极端民族主义没有什么精神力量可以提供给大家。  899. He is a dirt bag. 他脏兮兮的。或者,他这个人品格很坏。  900. lose one’s shirt, 输得精光。Don’t lose your shirt in a bear market. 熊市期间不要把钱都打了水漂。 901. I have set my heart and mind on Qinghua university. 我一心一意想考上清华。Or I set my sights on Harvard. 我把目光投向了哈佛。Before you get into the sanctuary, have your heart and mind set on magnifying God. 在还没有聚会前,你就得开始把心灵投放在上帝上来荣耀他。  902. The little boy is asking me for a piggyback ride. 这小孩要我背他。It can be a felony in some states to piggyback on someone’s unsecure Wi-Fi connection without the owner’s permission. 在美国有些州,一个人如果擅自上他人没有上锁的无线网络可以判为重罪。piggy backer汽车或摩托车后面的小型拖斗车。大一点的拖斗车叫trailer。  903. His forte is to show people around in the company. 他最拿手的就是向大家介绍公司。  904. Someone once said, “Journalism is the first rough draft of history.” No wonder journalists always get things wrong. 有人曾经说过,“新闻不过是历史的最初的、粗糙的草稿”。难怪记者总是把事情搞错了。  905. History doesn’t repeat itself--historians do. I am with Karl Popper in the belief that history has no laws, only some occasional recurring patterns.历史是不能重复的,但历史学家却在不断重复着。我赞同卡尔波普尔的信念,即历史是没有规律的,有的不过是一些偶尔重复的轨迹。  906. History is a great teacher. 历史就是最好的老师。  907. Think twice, dig deep, and you will find a good answer. 好好思考,多下工夫,你会得到一个美好的答案。Your English is poor now, but that is OK. If you dig deep and push yourself hard, you will be in good shape. 你的英语现在是不怎么样,但这不要紧。只要你用功努力,你就会很不错的。  908. It seems the perfect solution everyone looks for is to minimize his work life while still getting the stuff done that needs to get done. work life 与work-life 是有区别的。work life指的是工作时间,与leisure life相对应。“似乎每个人都在寻找一个完美的生活方式,那就是尽可能减少工作时间,同时该干的工作又都干好了。”I would like to have my work life to be enjoyable, productive, low-stress and high fun. 我希望我的上班时间能有趣、高效率、少压力、又快快乐乐。work-life指的是工作与生活要有平衡。You are not a robot. You need a good work-life balance. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.你又不是机器人,你需要处理好工作与生活之间的平衡关系。只有工作没有娱乐让Jack成为了一个枯燥的人。  909. Is your plan still hazy? 你的计划是不是仍旧模糊得很?  910. The concept of language errors is a fuzzy one. Someone would say this sentence is right, while others say it is wrong.语言错误这一个概念实际上很不容易界定。有人说这句子是对的,有人说这是错的。 911. She has a sharp tongue and think fast. 她伶牙俐齿,思维敏捷。顺便再介绍三种舌头:forked tongue: Those officials at the department all speak with a forked tongue, promising support they will never deliver. 这个部门的官员个个是谎话连篇,承诺解决问题,但是绝无行动。用tongue来表示说谎最直接的说法是a lying tongue. a flattering tongue, 甜言蜜语  912. Go bang your head against a wall, so that maybe it will stop making you say the stupidest things at the worst possible times. 你把头去撞墙吧,这样或许会让你不会在最糟糕的时间说最蠢的话。  913. 887句学了lifeline, 这里学另一句:He is putting his life on the line to promote democracy and freedom. 他冒生命危险去推动民主与自由。put one’s life on the line, 冒生命危险。That crazy driver puts everyone’s life on the line. 这个疯子司机在把大家的生命当儿戏。冒生命危险还有两个说法:May one lie when a life is at stake? 当生命出危险时,能说谎吗?His life is at risk. 他的生命处在危险中。  914. 中国人喜欢礼让,但最后总有一方要让步,这时我们可以说if you insist, 如果你一定坚持的话,那么。这是正规说法,口语的说法是:if you twist my arm. 例句:If you twist my arm, I’ll stay for a second beer. 既然你这么客气,那我就再喝一杯好了。  915. Gentlemen, start your engines. 先生们,可以开始了。(这是赛车时的用语,但是也进入了日常生活中。)  916. One would be hard-pressed to find a single scientific breakthrough that required evolution. 很难找得到这样的例子,说是科学领域的某项突破是靠进化论的指导来完成的。hard-pressed 面临极大的压力。Our company is financially hard-pressed. 我们的公司面临极大的财务压力。You would be hard-pressed to explain to me what the government political and economic vision is. 你很难向我解释,政府究竟有什么政治和经济蓝图。  917. You need to think creatively-outside the box. 你应该跳出狭隘的惯有思维方式,去创造性地思考。  918. Do you think the projected sales figures are realistic? They’re in the right ballpark. 你觉得预计的销售额还现实吗?大致正确。  919. You want to control your own destiny? But you are in the wrong lane. 你想掌握自己的命运吗?但是你的方向搞错了。  920. They stand on the shoulders of the great people of the past, thus looking father and seeing more clearly than they. 他们站在历史伟人的肩上,所以可以比前人能看得更远,更清楚。  921. Reconciliation is the foundation for true harmony. Without it, harmony can only be a stupid idea. 和解是真和谐的基础,没有和解,和谐只能是一个极为愚蠢的观念。  922. Can you force harmony at gunpoint? 你可以靠武力来强行推销和谐吗?at gunpoint 又可以说by force of arms:Can you achieve harmony by force of arms? 能靠武力来取得和谐吗?  923. Probably you can argue that there was harmony behind the Iron Curtain of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. 或许你可以争辩说,在以前的东欧和苏联的铁幕背后也有和谐。the Iron Curtain 铁幕。从铁幕一词有人发展出the Bamboo Curtain(竹幕)。  924. Government agencies are finding themselves in increasingly rough waters as people know how to defend their rights. 当普通民众学会了如何保护自己的权利时,政府部门就发现他们的日子日益不那么容易过了。in rough waters 也可以说in hot water:Don’t speak ill of your boss. That can land you in hot water. 不要背后说老板的坏话,搞不好你会有麻烦的。fish in troubled waters:混水摸鱼。  925. Citizens need to fight for a way to protect themselves from the ambitions of tyrants motivated by ideology, such as Hitler, Stalin and M. 有些暴君,如希特勒、斯大林、M为了一个主义而奴役人民,这时公民应该自强,学会保护自己。  926. Government should play no role in the lives of the citizens of a free society except keeping orders. 在一个自由社会,政府除了维持治安外,不能干预公民的私生活。  927. One of the biggest problems about the Chinese culture is that people are brought up with the low expectations for themselves. They expect the government to solve all the problems for them. This kind of culture can only produce a dictatorship.中国文化的最大的问题之一就是,人民被调教成了对自己的期望值过低,他们什么事都希望政府来替他们解决。这种文化只能培养出独裁者。  928. The tragedy of the younger generation is that they have no ability to think. They need debunk and clear away lots of wrong ideas first. 年轻一代人的悲剧是,他们丧失了思维的能力。他们要做的首先是扫除许多错误的概念。  929. I never watch CCTV 7 o’clock evening news, because it destroys our critical abilities and the ability to actually think. 我从来就不看中央台7点的晚间新闻,因为中央台把我们搞得没有分别是非的能力,以及思维的能力。critical abilities: 批评能力,分辨是非能力。。  930. Why does the government fear freedom of speech? Because ideas have consequences. 政府为什么这么害怕言论自由?因为思想必带来结果。 931. I let my guard down. 我放松了警惕。  932. In the news stand, you find a lot of cheap throwaway newspapers and magazines. 在报刊亭,大量的报纸和杂志都是看完就扔掉垃圾。  933. On the street, you will find lots of free, throwaway handbills. 走到大街上,总会有人塞给你大量的免费垃圾推销广告。  934. Home, sweet home. 这是旅途人回家常常感叹的一句话。大概相当于“金窝银窝不如自家的狗窝。”也可以译成“甜美之家”。  935. I know this is a tough job, but someone’s got to do it! 我知道这是项不容易的工作,但总得有人做吧!(说这话时,实际上就是你自告奋勇愿意来做别人不想做的事。)  936. For many sufferers, the drugs have been a godsend. 对于许多患者,这些药就是上帝的礼物。  937. After some back-and-forth, we finally settled on a name for our new company: the New Century. 经过来来回回地讨论,我们最后决定了公司的名称:新世纪。  938. Right here, right now. 此时此刻,就在此地。(不要找借口拖延。)  939. Just do it. 这三个字很有用。你要别人做件事,他啰啰嗦嗦,你就说这句话。或者强调: Just do it, OK! 动手吧,拜托!  940. If you can’t beat them, join them. 打不过土匪,就加入土匪。这是一些潜在腐败分子喜欢的哲学,例如刚刚大学毕业的学生,刚毕业,他们还有满腔热情,厌恶腐败,但过了不久,发现根本不可能斗过腐败,于是他们就说这句话。当然也可用在完全不同的语境,例如,你竞争不过人家,就加入他们,这样你也就有了成功的机会。941. You must be kidding me. You wanna be a singer? You even can’t carry a tune. 你真是在给我搞笑,你想成为歌星?你五音都不全!也可以说:You are tone deaf. 你是什么高音低音统统分辨不清楚。I can’t read music. 我不识谱。I cannot carry a tune, no matter how I try. 我尽了力,但还是拿不准调。  942. Put the past behind you before you can move on. 你得忘记过去,才能重新出发。  943. You can’t argue with success. 成者为王。  944. There are many cultural lies in our society. If a movie star is a spokesperson for a product, that product is worthy of trust. This can be said to be a cultural lie.我们社会有许多文化谎言(就是大家都接受的谎言)。如果一个明星做了一个产品的代言人,那个产品就值得我们的信赖了。这就是文化谎言。  945. Another one of them is that the Party is the engine of our civilization. It indicates that the Party members are better than other people. It is just another version of Nazi’s race theory.另外一个是,党是文明的火车头。这意味着党员就比其他人优秀,这简直就是纳粹种族理论的翻版。  946. We need to tell our people to actively resist cultural lies that limit our potential. 我们得告诉大家,要竭力抵制那些束缚我们发挥潜力的文化谎言。 Potential 可为名词,也可为形容词:a potential danger to safety 安全隐患。  947. Evolutionists often speak of missing links. The bridge between man and the apes is the “missing link”, the hypothetical ape-like ancestor of both. 进化论者常常谈到缺失链(又译为“迷失的环节”,或译“缺环”)。进化论假设猿与人享有共同祖先,所以人与猿之间的那座桥就是“缺失链”。  948. But the challenge is that missing links are everywhere all over the evolutionary tree. For instance, dogs and bears are thought to be evolutionary cousins, related to each other through a missing link. 但是难题是,在进化论的树枝上,缺失链是比比皆是。例如,狗与熊按进化论解释是属表兄妹,只是中间少了一个缺失链。  949. So far, there is no evidence of any fossil record for so-called missing link. 但到迄今为止,找不到一块化石证据来证明有缺失链这回事。So evolution is a theory of circular argument which is never proved. 所以进化论是一种靠循环论证建立起来的理论,得不到证实。  950. Real truth stands up to be tested and be debated. There are two theories you are not allowed to debate in our country: communism and evolution.真正的真理是经得起试验与辩论的。但是在我们国家,有两个理论是绝对不允许辩论的,即共产主义与进化论。  951. You are defined by what you do, not by what you say. 是你的行为而不是你的言语在揭示着你的为人。A company is defined by its product, not by its commercial. 一个公司是由其产品而不是由其广告所决定的。define 给什么下定义。  952. Violet is, by any standards, easy on the eyes. 紫罗,无论用什么样的标准来看,都是一个很养眼的漂亮女孩。She may be easy on the eyes but she is totally conceited.她或许很漂亮,但她却是个狂妄之徒。  953. Can you just translate his complicated comments into straight-shooting advice? 你能把他难以明白的言辞化为直截了当的主意吗?He is a straight shooting man caught up in the politics of a crooked little town. 他是一个直爽的人,却陷入了一个充满是非的小镇的官场政治之中。Branch is a straight shooter, a no-nonsense kind of guy who says what he means.布兰是个直来直去的人,不喜欢绕圈子,而是有一说一。  954. She loves gossip and tends to listen in on our private conversations. 她这个人喜欢饶舌,喜欢偷听我们的私人谈话。listen in on 等于是eardrop, 偷听。  955. Be nice on his wedding day. Don’t cause a scene. 在他的婚礼上要得体一点,不要添乱(引人注目)。cause a scene 引人注目。  956. That is a head-smacking solution. 这个解决问题的办法真是别开生面。He has got some ideas so head-smacking good that we shouldn’t miss them. 他有一些叫人顿开茅塞的主意,我们得听一听。head-smacking 顿开茅塞。  957. If he does that again, I have to bring it to a showdown with him. 如果他再这么做的话,我就得跟他摊牌了。Three Americans, three Jamaicans to show down in women’s 100m finals. 三个美国人,三个牙买加人将在女子100米决赛中决一胜负。  958. I don’t want to cause any hard feelings with his step-mother, but should I call her mother? 我不想叫他继母感到难堪,但我该称她为母亲吗?No hard feelings but I have to tell you that you are wrong. 我并不生气,但我得说,你错了。  959. She is so friendly and takes me home often, but she will not allow me to chip in on gas, she says she is making the trip anyway. 她很友善,常常给我搭顺风车,但是她不接受我想给她点汽油钱,因为她说她反正要走这条路。chip in on 大家凑钱 If we all chip in we’ll have enough to buy a suitable gift for our teacher. 如果大家都凑点钱,我们就可以买个象样的礼物给老师了。  960. How do I hold my interest in English for the long haul? 我怎样能长期保持学英语的兴趣呢?I am in it for the long haul. 我会长期投入的。 961. If you want to keep open your opportunities of moving up the company, then you should not complain too much. 如果你想要在公司有晋升的机会,就不要老抱怨。  962. Chinese medicine holds that there are hundreds of points on the body that link to invisible pathways for the body’s vital energy, or qi. 中医认为,人身体上有数百个穴位,透过经脉与气相通。  963. A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.银行这种机构就是晴天给你送雨伞,雨天却要收回。  964. A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever. 骨伤可以疗,言语造成的伤害却难疗。  965. A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.能够记住女人的生日而又记不住她年龄的人就可以当外交家了。  966. A free society is a place where it’s safe to be unpopular.能为少数派提供安全场所的社会就是自由社会。  967. A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.不知道历史的一代既没有过去也没有未来。(这句话对当代的愤青真是当头棒喝。当代愤青对过去60年的历史一无所知。)  968. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.千里之行始于足下。  969. A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child.当一个人跪下帮助一个小孩时就会顿时高大起来。  970. A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.(孔子) 971. Zhang Yimou’s new film is undoubtedly the most wildly over-prai a work of insipid turns, embarrassing performances.张忆谋的新片无疑是今年受追捧得最过了头的一部影片,实际上情节乏味,演技也叫人不敢恭维。 972. I don’t like those ham actors. 我实在不喜欢这些夸张的演员。The plot twists are so ham-handed that it is not enjoyable at all.情节矫揉造作,根本就不好看。Ham-handed 笨手笨脚。The government’s inference is totally ham-handed.政府的干预实在粗暴得很。也有人用ham-fisted  973. His film is always rendered as nothing more insightful than “you can't escape the past.”他的电影总是一个所谓的深刻主题,就是“你不可能摆脱历史。”  974. This movie tries to portray the story " as it really is," despite the fact that nothing even remotely occurs in the real world. 这部电影试图讲个“十分贴近真实的生活”的故事,但事实是,电影里所描叙的在现实世界根本就找不到。  975. It is a childish sense of play, without credibility and substance. 这电影有点哄孩子的味道,叫人看不下去。  976. To be honest, his performance is jaw-droppingly bad. 讲老实话,他的演技实在糟糕透了。Jaw-droppingly 令人吃惊 (惊讶得下巴都掉了)。Jaw-droppingly stupid.  977. We're also supposed to learn a lesson or two from the movie, but there is really nothing there. 照道理我们应该从电影里学那么一、两课人生的功课,但是这电影很苍白。  978. This is not what I would assume the top level talent. 我不觉得这电影有什么太高的演技。  979. How does he feel about being stormed by out-of-control paparazzi at an event for his new movie? 在新片发行时,狗崽队对他进行了穷追猛打,他对此有什么感受呢?paparazzi 狗崽队。Paparazzo原是一个专门拍摄名人隐私的记者,现成为了一个行业的代名词。  980. Fairy tales are the beat vehicle to fulfill wishes of ordinary people. 神话/童话故事是满足普通人梦想的最好方法。Therefore fairy tales have great staying power.所以童话片是经久不衰。staying power 持久力。 981. " See a penny, pick it up." 捡起一分钱,好运连连。现在地上有一分钱,可能不屑一顾的人居多。但美国人觉得捡起这分钱会带来好运,所以一边捡一边说:See a penny, pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck.还有人接着说:" see a penny, let it lay and have bad luck all day. "   982. 英语里还有些无伤大雅的迷信:" Break a mirror, face seven years of bad luck." 中国人也相信不要打破镜子,因为A broken mirror creates a broken soul.  983. Friday the 13th is associated with a great deal of superstition in many cultures, and some people think that it is an unlucky or inauspicious day.  984. " Step on a crack, break your mother’s back." 人行道上铺有砖块,你应该走在砖面上,而不是踩在砖缝,如果踩到了,结果可能就是:“踩在了砖缝,让你妈背痛。”don’t step on the cracks in the pavement。  985. Don’t walk under a ladder. 不要从梯子下走过。(这会带来坏运。)  986. 在美国电影里,有时候会出现一只黑猫。这只黑猫很可能象征“噩运”。 In the US, there are some sick-minded people who take and kill especially black cats around Halloween.  987. 坏运气又叫“bad juju”,juju是一种护身符。Now that apartment had some bad juju.  988. 迷信:superstition, 也可以说:irrational beliefs  989. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. 我们中文也有这样的说法,但中文的说法是不是来自英文呢?我还没有考究过。这是句哲理话,并非迷信。  990. The computer games are their everything. 电脑游戏就是他们的一切。   991. raise one's head out of the foxhole 从隐藏处暴露出来,走向公开  The National Security forces will focus their power on any pro-democracy guys who have the courage to raise his or her head out of the foxhole. 只要那些民运分子敢抛头露面,国家安全局的人马就会倾巢出动来对付他们。foxhole, 战壕  Raising my head out of the political foxhole here on the battlefield, all seems quiet. Only distant rumbles becoming weaker. Peace at last? 我把头从政治搏斗的壕沟中小心地探了出来,发现一切似乎在归于平静,只有远处仍旧有依稀的争斗。终于可以获得和平了吗?  相反的说法是:into the foxhole, 进入状况。  992. Our work has not been done, not by a long shot. 我们的工作还没有完,远远没有完。  993. You need to get back together. 你头脑得好好地清醒清醒。  994. He won't take no for an answer. 他非得这样做不可。(他非得得到肯定的答复才满意。)  995. These people either spin history or express their philosophical and political opinion when they don't agree with you. 这些人不同意你的观点时,要不然篡改历史,要不然就乱撤哲学和政治。.   996. People's Daily is just a megaphone for the Communist Party but it is withering. Fewer and fewer people have confidence in its news. 人民日报不过是党的喉舌,但每况愈下,信其报道的人是越来越少。megaphone 是麦克风,意“传声筒,喉舌。”  997. You can run, but you cannot hide. 你可以逃,但不能躲。(比喻即使失败也比不应战要强。)  998. You have to go into the lion’s den.if you want to succeed. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?英语不说tiger's den, 而是the lion's den。  999. The Focus (焦点访谈) once a while will have some high level cadres on the program, but only for friendly softball interviews and rhetorical backrubs with off-camera happy endings. “焦点访谈”有时也会弄一两个高官来做节目,不过都是问些友好、无关痛痒的问题,或者貌似严厉不过是挠挠痒罢了,节目一完,皆大欢喜。softball 无关痛痒(与hard ball相对。)  分类: |}


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