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& 难产的手动挡傻七你在哪? (发表于 )
难产的手动挡傻七你在哪? 小弟我本打算去年夏天的时候买傻6的。结果无意中发现了傻7这个二货。。哎哟。那个帅气的外观呐。。。让我中毒很深呐。。好吧。傻6不要了。等它呗。。然后就进入等待时期。。。。后来某天发现它要上市了。就天天关注。天天等待。还记得上市公布价格的那天。我可是一直守在电脑前看着发布会的直播呢。还好。价格还是能接受的。。那时候就决定了。买了。第二天开始往返个个4儿子店。。。? ?尼玛的。蛋疼的时代来了。。。我想这也是很多车友不愿意忍受的行为。那就是:加价!!!! 问了很多4儿子。加价5千到1万不等。。大家可以看看我以前发过一个帖子。就是说加价的。我也是因为这个原因所以没买傻7.。其实加那5千到1万也能接受。只是有点接受不了4儿子的态度。。说什么加价了可以马上提车。最多等1个星期。不加价就不知道哪个时候能提车了。。话说。钱在哥们手里。哥们不买了行吧。。老子不信你一直加价。。还有个原因就是。本人比较喜欢手动的。不太喜欢自动挡的。所以后来就打算等手动了。。最近老是看见论坛有人说1.5手动要上了。。可是。傻7你到底要傻到哪个时候呢。。人家长城的新车都出来了。好像叫什么:H6 COUPE、你看看人家。动作多快。你妹的。不要让我们等太久行不? 赶紧的吧。。不然你要损失好多潜在客户了。。。。。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?我相信有很多车友在等1.5手动的吧。。集体谴责船夫吧。。。老是宣传什么几季度上什么车几季度上什么车。。你拿出点真东西来让我们瞅瞅吧。。弄个什么类似于宣传表的东西有啥用? 哎。 不说了。说多了都是泪。。。。。。 用户名 操作 操作时间 查看全部 ...用苹果手机上的查找iphone开启丢失模式后怎么没有提示设置锁机密码?大神们帮帮忙_百度知道
丢失模式 丢失情况直接锁屏, 再设锁机密码 丢失模式让别解锁手机, 说知道解锁密码别知道 状态 摸除数据, 即刷机没激, 找需要输入ID密码激麻烦采纳谢谢!
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TA的每日心情开心 09:06签到天数: 307 天[LV.8]以坛为家I
WHEN Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy said last year that they wanted to change the European Union’s treaties to create a permanent financial-rescue system, their colleagues soon fell into line. And when the German and French leaders this month promised a “global” plan to resolve the euro-zone crisis, the rest delayed their summit so it could be drawn up.
The “Merkozy” duumvirate annoys some: the Italians say “a global situation cannot be solved by a bilateral axis.” Yet the Franco-German motor remains crucial. These days it would be more accurate to call it the Germano-French engine. Or better still, imagine a BMW motorcycle with a P Mrs Merkel in leather trousers and Mr Sarkozy tagging along. As one senior Eurocrat puts it, the partnership serves “to hide the strength of Germany and the weakness of France.”
France’s fragility now directly affects the euro crisis. It has the biggest debt and deficit ratios among the euro zone’s AAA-rated countries, and its banks are dangerously exposed to southern Europe. At their recent summit in Berlin, a man from Le Monde asked Mrs Merkel whether she was in a partnership of equals with Mr Sarkozy, “given that France and its banks have been attacked by the markets.” There was no reply.
French policy in Europe has long been based on the quest for parity with Germany, politically if not economically. But the euro crisis has exposed the weakness of public finances in a country that has not run a budget surplus since 1974. Six months before a tight presidential election, Mr Sarkozy seems to be driven by one overriding objective: to preserve France’s top-tier credit rating.
Fear of a downgrade has pushed him into more effort to balance the books. But it has also led to a “hug her close” policy rather like Britain’s towards America: embrace the stronger partner in the hope of shaping its policies. Mr Sarkozy dare not disagree with Mrs Merkel in public, lest a row destabilises the euro and draws attention to France. This made the latest Merkozy show surreal, as Mr Sarkozy kept saying he was in “complete accord” with Mrs Merkel even though neither could say what they agreed about. A day later, Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, delayed the next euro summit from October 17th to October 23rd, to “finalise our comprehensive strategy”.
Almost all the elements of a solution—resolving the Greek crisis, creating a firewall round solvent sovereigns, recapitalising wobbly banks and redesigning the euro zone’s rules—have run into French obstacles. In the end, though, France has usually had to yield to Germany. It refused to countenance a default by Greece, or even debt restructuring, for fear of market contagion. Greece will get its next tranche of loans in November, even though it is bust and will miss its deficit-reduction targets. But Germany now wants to impose much greater losses on Greece’s private creditors than those agreed under last July’s “voluntary” deal, and looks likely to get its way.
But before burning the Greek bondholders, Europe needs a proper firewall. In July leaders agreed to let the main bail-out fund, known as the EFSF, recapitalise banks and buy bonds. The Slovakian parliament has just voted this down, although it is likely to accept it in the end. It will be harder to win approval for the vital next step: a three-, four- or perhaps fivefold increase in the fund so that it can protect Spain and Italy. National guarantees for the fund cannot be increased much for fear of endangering the rating of France and others. The European Central Bank has rejected the idea that it should lend to the EFSF. So more esoteric leveraging ideas are being considered.
但是烧掉希腊的债券持有人之前,欧洲需要一个合适的防火墙。在七月领导人同意让主要纾困资金,称为欧洲金融稳定基金,EFSF,包括购买银行和债券。斯洛伐克的议会刚刚投票这下来。就很难得到批准的重要下一步:3 - 5倍,4 -或者5倍增加基金,这样它就可以保护西班牙和意大利。国家保障基金不能提高很多,因为害怕危及法国和其他的级别。欧洲中央银行拒绝了这个主意。所以得考虑更牛逼的方案。
Meanwhile the collapse of a Franco-Belgian banking giant, Dexia, has brought home the pressing need to recapitalise Europe’s banks. France wanted to draw on the EFSF, both to present the problem as European and to share the cost with Germany. But, again, France has given in to Germany’s insistence that it is for governments, first and foremost, to stump up for their banks.
Mr Sarkozy has come around to the German belief that the euro zone must offer a “vision” of deeper integration, which will require a new treaty. On this front, at least, Mr Sarkozy has won some points by getting Mrs Merkel to accept his call for economic government. At the next summit the 27 EU leaders will tal then ten will leave and the 17 from the euro zone will remain to discuss the crisis. This two-tier structure will become a regular event, under proposals by Mr Van Rompuy. He will preside over both sets of meetings, though the French do not want this to be a precedent: a future president of the European Council just might hail from a non-euro country, and, horror, preside over euro-zone business.
Mr Sarkozy will see all this as a great French victory. But would such a structure have averted the euro crisis? No. The true test will be the content of the reforms. Germany will want to replicate its federal system, with tough fiscal rules and more power for the European P the French will want a mirror of the Fifth Republic, with joint bonds issued by the euro zone and executive power (and much discretion) left in the hands of leaders.
Is it Mediterranean or northern?
Nobody should count France out. Yet its ability to get its way rests on economic credibility. Is it the weakest of the strong, or strongest of the weak? This matters: a downgrade of France could fatally damage the EFSF. French economists such as Jacques Delpla say fears over the AAA status are overblown: France’s perfumes will sell in emerging markets and its demography looks better than Germany’s. And the French are good at taxing their citizens. Yet all this assumes, crucially, that Italy or Spain do not implode. So the big doubt remains: if Germany decides to commit a lot more money to save the euro, can France afford to as well?
TA的每日心情开心 08:34签到天数: 198 天[LV.7]常住居民III
TA的每日心情开心 21:34签到天数: 493 天[LV.9]以坛为家II


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