
man goes to church and starts talking to God.He says:"God,what is a million dollars to you?" and God says:"A penny",then the man says:"God,what is a million years to you?" and God says:"a second",then the man says:"God,can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second" 一男子进入教堂和上帝对话.他问:"主啊,一百万美元对你意味着多少?"上帝回答:"一便士."男子又问:"那一百万年呢?"上帝说:"一秒钟."最后男子请求道:"上帝,我能得到一便士吗?"上帝回答:"过一秒钟." Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies.The nurse comes up to the first man and says,"Congratulations,you got twins." The man said "How strange,I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says,"Congratulations,you got triplets." Man was like "Hmmm,strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers." Finally,the nurse comes up to the third man and says "Congratulations,you got twins x2." Man is happy and says,"Ironic,I work for the hotel "4 Seasons." All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place,cursing God and banging his head on the wall.They asked him what's wrong and he answered,"What's wrong?I work for 7up"!四个好朋友在医院里碰面了,他们的妻子正在生产.护士过来对第一个男人说:"恭喜,你得了双胞胎."男人说:"多奇怪呀,我是明尼苏达双子队的经理."过了一会儿,护士过来对第二个男人说:"恭喜,你得了三胞胎."男人很喜欢:"嗯,又巧了.我是3M公司的董事."最后,护士跑来对第三个男人说:"恭喜,你得了2对双胞胎."男人很开心地说:"真令人啼笑皆非,我为四季宾馆工作."他们三个都很高兴,但第四个伙伴急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,咒骂上帝并用头撞墙.他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:"什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀!" 一个比一个效率高.Osama Bin Laden,a Canadian,and President Bush were walking down the street when they saw a golden lamp.They rubbed it and a genie came out and said,"I will grant each one a wish that’s 3 together." The Canadian said,"I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile." The genie said the magic words and the wish came true.Osama looked amazed so he wished for a wall around Afghanistan the genie said the magic words and again the wish came true.President Bush said "Genie,tell me more about this wall," the genie said,” It’s 50 feet thick and 500 feet tall so nothing can get in and nothing can get out." President Bush said,” Wow!That’s a big bridge...Fill it with water!拉登,一加拿大人还有布什总统走在大街上看到一盏金色的灯.他们擦了擦灯出现了一个精灵.精灵说:"我要满足你们每人一个愿望总共三个."加拿大人说:"我是个父亲我儿子将成为农夫,因此我想让加拿大的土地永远肥沃."精灵说了咒语愿望实现了.拉登看了很惊奇,他希望有座城墙围绕阿富汗.精灵又说了咒语愿望又实现了.布什总统问:"精灵请告诉我关于这座墙的事情."精灵回答:"墙厚50英尺,高500英尺,因而里面的任何东西出不来外面的任何东西进不去."布什总统说:"哇!那是座大桥耶...注满水!" My Baby Swallowed a Bullet Young Mother:"Doctor,my baby swallowd a bullet.What shall I do Doctor:"Don't point him at anybody." Notes 1.to swallow a bullet:吞下一颗子弹 2.to point at:对...瞄准 个中意味自己体会吧 :) allybaby Once two hunters went hunting in the forest.One of them suddenly fell down by accident.He showed the whites of his eyes and seemed to have ceased breathing.The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help.The operator said calmly:"First,you should make sure that he is already dead." Then the operator heard a gunshot from the other end of the phone and next he heard the hunter asking:"What should I do next?" 两个猎人进森林里打猎,其中一个猎人不慎跌倒,两眼翻白,似已停止呼吸.另一个猎人赶紧拿出手机拨通紧急求助电话.接线员沉着地说:“第一步,要先确定你的朋友已经死亡.”于是,接线员在电话里听到一声枪响,然后听到那猎人接着问:“第二步怎办?”
- 英语作文 】
|   这就是我心目中的英雄-——,我喜欢他的勤快能干;喜欢他的多才多艺;也喜欢他的勇敢,也唯有这样的爸爸感到骄傲!小编为大家精心准备了《我心中的英雄》,对大家有所帮助,如果想了解更多的请继续关注我们出国留学网的栏目。篇一:英语作文我心中的英雄  在我心目中有一位英雄,他虽然不是解放中国的毛主席,也不是的邓小平,但他却拥有一颗般的心,是我的好兄弟——“黄鹏飞”  他,个子不高,身体也不胖,有着一对长长的眼睫毛,让人羡慕不已。  记得那天,我头疼得厉害,躺在桌上,一言不发。突然从身边传来一阵熟悉的叫喊声:“杨翼源,怎么啦?”我听后,瞟了一眼,原来是黄鹏飞,我用微弱的声音回答到:“我头疼得厉害,可能发烧了。”他着急的说:“用不用去医务室,我去提你请假。”我接着说:“不用了,我自己能行。”我费力地站起来,一摇一摆地朝医务室走去。黄鹏飞立刻跑过来,扶着我,说:“还是我扶你去吧。你这么虚弱,过一会不小心摔了怎么办?”我感激地说:“谢谢你这么关心我。”黄鹏飞说:你对我这么客气,我们可是兄弟。“我一不知该说些什么,前两周我还因为他打了我而记恨他,可现在我才知道是我错了,他是那么大气,而我却是如此小肚鸡肠,在他面前,我是那么的渺小,她是那么的高大。  他就是我心目中的英雄,交到他这么一个好兄弟,真是我最大的荣幸。  In my mind there is a hero, although he is not the liberation of China's Chairman Mao, nor is the reform and opening up Deng Xiaoping grandfather, but he has a sincere heart like Lei Feng, is my good brother - &Huang Pengfei&  He is not tall, the body is not fat, with a pair of long eyelashes, people envy.  Remember that day, I have a terrible head, lying on the table, without a word. Suddenly came from the side of a burst of familiar cry: &Yang Yiyuan, how?& I heard, glanced at the original is Huang Pengfei, I answered with a weak voice: &I have a terrible headache, may have a fever.& Anxious to say: &do not have to go to the infirmary, I go to mention your leave.& I went on to say: &No, I can do.& I struggled to stand up, swagger toward the infirmary walked. Huang Pengfei immediately ran over, leaning on me, said: &I still help you go.You so weak, after a while accidentally how to do?& I am grateful to say: &Thank you so concerned about me.& Huang Pengfei said: You are so polite to me, but we are brothers. &I do not know what to say, the first two weeks I also because he hit me and hate him, but now I know I was wrong, he is so the atmosphere, and I was so Xiaodu chicken, in front of him, I was so small, she was so tall.  He is my mind hero, to pay him such a good brother, really my greatest honor.篇二:英语作文我心中的英雄  每到3月5日,我们都会肃立在您的雕塑前——雷锋。  雷锋这个名字,家喻户晓。有句话说的好:“雷锋出差一千里,好事做了一火车。”这足以说明雷锋的好品质。  记得有一次,雷锋从乡下回到城里,途中遇到了一对老夫妇,他们已有两天两夜没吃东西了,雷锋见了于心不忍,于是把身上的食物拿出来给老人吃。旁人看了都说雷锋傻,这两位老人明摆着已经救不活了,可是雷锋依然给老人为东西吃过了好几天,老人终于康复了!  雷锋他英年早逝只享年22,雷锋一生为人民做得好事不下千件,是人民的楷模,是中国人名的骄傲。  我要向雷锋同志,继承他的光荣事迹,我要让世界上的人都成为雷锋,让世界上的好人比坏人多。有句古话说得好“勿以善小而不为,勿以善小而为之”。我们要从小养成做好事不做坏事的习惯,哪怕这件好事再小也要做。作为的新一代,我们要继承雷锋的高贵品质。  雷锋是我们的楷模,是我们的领导者,我们要永远纪念他!我为我的英雄—雷锋而感到骄傲。(  Every March 5, we will stand in front of your sculpture - Lei Feng.  Lei Feng the name, a household name. There is a saying that: &Lei Feng travel a thousand miles, a good thing to do a train.& This is enough to explain the good quality of Lei Feng.  I remember once, Lei Feng returned from the countryside to the city, on the way encountered an old couple, they have two days and two nights did not eat, Lei Feng met in the heart could not bear, so the food out to the elderly to eat. Others have said Lei Feng silly, the two old people have been saved, but Lei Feng is still something for the elderly to eat for several days, the elderly finally recovered!  Lei Feng his premature death only year 22, Lei Feng life for the people to do good things no less than a thousand pieces, is the people's model, is the pride of the Chinese name.  I want to learn from Comrade Lei Feng, inherited his glorious deeds, I want to make people in the world have become Lei Feng, so that the world's good people than bad guys. There is an old saying goes, &Do not be good and not small, do not be good and small.& We have to do a good job from small habits do not do bad habits, even if this good thing and then do small. As a new generation of the motherland, we have to inherit the noble qualities of Lei Feng.  Lei Feng is our model, is our leader, we must always remember him! I am proud of my hero - Lei Feng. (篇三:英语作文我心中的英雄  在我的心目中有很多英雄。他们的奉献是我们的源泉。  农民是我心目中的英雄,他们为我们种粮食,没有粮食我们就无法;建筑工人是我心目中的英雄。他们为我们盖房子,没有他们我们无法面临风雨和严寒;医生是我心目中的英雄。他们为我们治病,把一位位患者从死神手里抢回来;厨师是我心目中的英雄。他可以把普通的蔬菜做成一道道美味佳肴;消防员是我心目中的英雄。在危急时刻他们总是第一个出现,保证了老百姓的;军人是我心目中的英雄。他们在祖国的边防线上为我们站岗放哨,让我们过上幸福平安的日子;是我心目中的英雄。她教给我许多知识,让我从一个不听话的孩子变成一个对社会有用的人……  我心目中还有很多很多位英雄——他们就是那些为社会默默奉献的劳动者。我要对他们说:“您辛苦了!因为有您,生活会才充满。”  There are many heroes in my mind. Their dedication is the source of our happy life.  Farmers are heroes in my mind, they are kind of food for us, we can not
construction workers are heroes in my mind. They build a house for us, without them we can not fac the doctor is the hero of my mind. They cure for us, a bit of patients from the hands o chef is my hero in mind. He can make ordinary vegetables i firefighters are my hero. In the critical moment they are always the first to ensure that the
soldiers are my hero. They are in the motherland's defense line for us guard, let the teacher is my hero. She taught me a lot of knowledge, let me from a disobedient child into a useful for the community ... ...  There are many heroes in my mind - they are those who are quietly dedicated to the community. I will say to them, &You are so hard! Because of you, life will be filled with sunshine.&篇四:英语作文我心中的英雄  英雄,这个名字听起来十分入耳,历史现代有多少能称得上是英雄?来,看一看吧!张飞,诸葛亮,董存瑞,邱少云等无数个,但是,在我心目中,有一位英雄让我十分崇拜他,他就是勇敢无畏,历尽艰险,不怕牺牲繁荣---邱少云。  人们总以为英雄是一定要牺牲后才识真正的英雄,其实不是的,那如果这么说,杨利伟,聂海胜,费俊龙都不是英雄了吗?他们当然是,只是,英雄们那种不怕牺牲的精神值得我们学习。而并不是光荣牺牲之后才能称为英雄的。  邱少云,好一个响亮的名字,他那种顽强不屈,不怕牺牲的精神难道称不上英雄吗?  邱少云不顾自己的安危,匍匐前进,他没有丝毫的,他不怕敌人的枪弹。就这样,他倒在血泊中,和他一起的战友们惊呆了,他们想大声喊出来,可是,有敌人的围攻。他,再也见不到他的战友,在也见不到他的家人,他,就这样英勇无畏地走了,他走的太匆忙,连一句话也没有留下。  直到现在,邱少云在我心目中,一直是一个真真正正值得赞扬的英雄。相信,不会只有我一个人说他是顶天立地的大英雄,对吧!  邱少云,一个朴实的名字,永远在我心中激荡,英雄啊英雄!你们是如此的伟大啊!  Hero, the name sounds very ears, the history of modern how many can be called a hero? Come and take a look! Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Dong Cunrui, Qiu Shaoyun countless, but in my mind, there is a hero so I worship him, he is brave and fearless, experienced difficulties, not afraid of sacrifice prosperity --- Qiu Shaoyun.  People always think that the hero is sure to sacrifice after the real heroes, in fact, is not, then if so, Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng, Fei Junlong is not a hero yet? They are of course, but the heroes are not afraid of the kind of sacrifice worthy of our study. And not after the glory of sacrifice can be called a hero.  Qiu Shaoyun, a good name, his kind of indomitable, not afraid of the spirit of sacrifice can not be called a hero?  Qiu Shaoyun regardless of their own life safety, creeping forward, he did not regret the slightest, he is not afraid of the enemy's bullet. In this way, he fell in a pool of blood, and his comrades were stunned, they want to shout out, but the enemy siege. He can not see his comrades in arms, he can not see his family, he is so brave to go, he walked too hasty, even a word did not leave.  Until now, Qiu Shaoyun in my mind, has always been a really worthy of praise of the hero. I believe that I will not only say that he is a great hero of the sky, right!  Qiu Shaoyun, a simple name, always in my mind agitation, heroes ah hero! You are so great!篇五:英语作文我心中的英雄  ;我心中的英雄是爸爸,他可厉害了。在家里可是担任很多职业,水电工,保姆,厨师……每一份工作都做得很称职。  有一次,我家的热水器坏了,他二话不说,走进了阳台修热水器。只见他拿来梯子和工具箱。他开始工作了,他把梯子靠在墙上,顺着梯子向上爬。我看见他这样,心不由得跳起来,总是想“快下来,危险!“可他丝毫没有害怕;有时叫我拿刀子,有时又叫我拿镙丝刀。过了一会儿,他下来了,我心中的那块大石头也放下了。于是我问他;“爸,你不怕吗?热水器里很高的!”  爸摸摸我的头,走了。经过了爸爸的修理,热水器又可以继续工作。  每当家里来了客人。爸爸又变成了厨师,他把早上买的菜洗了……顿时厨房充满了香味和好听的交响曲。不一会儿,桌子上摆满了美食;红烧鱼,麻辣豆腐,白切鸡……让人见了直流口水。  这就是我心目中的英雄-——爸爸,我喜欢他的勤快能干;喜欢他的多才多艺;也喜欢他的勇敢,也唯有这样的爸爸感到骄傲!!  My hero is my father, he can be powerful. At home, but as a lot of occupation, water workers, nannies, chefs ... ... every job is done very competent.  Once, my home water heater is broken, he apart from anything else, walked into the balcony repair water heater. I saw him taking the ladder and the toolbox. He began to work, he leaned on the wall and climbed down the ladder. I saw him like this, could not help but jump up, always want to &come down, dangerous!& B sometimes told me to take a knife, sometimes called me to take a screwdriver. After a while, he came down, and the big stone in my heart was put down. So I &Dad, you are not afraid of it? Water heater is very high!&  Dad touched my head and walked away. After the repair of the father, the water heater can continue to work.  When the family came to the guests. Dad has become a chef, he bought the morning to wash the food ... ... suddenly the kitchen is full of fragrance and nice symphony. Soon after, the table
braised fish, spicy tofu, white cut chicken ... ... people see the DC saliva.  This is my hero in mind - my father, I like his di also like his bravery, and only such a father feel proud! The  推荐阅读:          
求英语达人找一句话的原版!魔兽世界风剑王子的那句!玩魔兽世界的人知道风剑王子桑德兰最后那一句“英雄,愿你有一份不悔的爱情”请问这句话在美服的英文原话是怎样说的?请别google翻译给我.The hero, hoped that you have a not regret love .You great hero,wish you a regretless love.哪一句是原文?
The hero, hoped that you have a not regret love
discourse form or by a group of anonymous discourse practice of historical rules.& They are not aware of science. Knowledge is not only restricted to a period in the history of c knowledge and Neo-Confucianism Neo-Confucianism and I don't know how to say it in English awareness of price and knowledge, each time the relationship between knowledge is broken. Key words: power discourse, different times of the three knowledge and interpretation of the power operation system and the common result. Evaluation of these great contrast, relative and the society at that time also has certain sense. The combination of these views, we should be more comprehensive and objective look at the historical image of C of the evaluation is different, and discourse and power decisions. According to this theory, the Jin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty of the feudal society and the modern society of Cao Cao&hero&quotA crafty& and &quot, there is no evolution and continuity. Every era has its own peculiar knowledge, we must change with the times, is in a certain time period ideological production integration of a basic outline, but decided to an era
Cao C knowledge, is in the discourse and the important theoretical support concept. He thinks &s subversion of the traditional theory of power and discourse gradually clear up, he thought that people generally restricted by each time by knowledge and interpretation of the control system of the discourse: Eighteen seventies French Foucault&#39, but also restricts the historical period interpretation system


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