
同时又是相生相克(6)老虎狮子等凶猛的动物,根本不可能对食草动物产生威胁、优胜劣汰的世界,数量极少,他们繁衍后代的能力差,大自然永远是公平的,他们永远是强者、不可一世,这足以与食肉动物抗衡.(2)从宏观上讲,他们的强大也只是有限的优势,无数的子孙,但是、天下无敌.(4)弱小的动物虽然备受欺凌,丰盛的食物.(5)从种族数量上讲,大自然赐予他们广阔的大草原,但是.(3)自然界即使弱肉强食.(7 )从这角度看、相依相存的世界、合理的.(1)自然界在长期的发展过程中形成了自己的科学法则,威风凛凛
《迷徒》第一章&&第九节&&索取 繁衍 情绪 --【关于生物本能的探索】
‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’
Still remember the definition of life forms? It is the structure formed by non-life substances, obtaining longevity, possessing certain life functions and objectively acquiring energy to maintain the form. From the definition we can see that obtaining energy is the common feature of life, so one of the instincts is to extort. The crulty of nature can be seen by the instincts of life, as only the alive beings can be called life forms. Plants are relatively mild, they absorb minerals and various types of elements from earth and water to support themselves while animals are facing a worse reality. Most of them are living in the cirle of hunting others and being hunt. Equality among every human being and all living things only exists in the theoretical books and remains to be a wish. The world where there is equality among all living things only exist in one condition that all living things are producers. That condition is allowed based soly on one period—the beginning of all beings. It is when living beings start to evolve and seek nutrients from the non-life world. So, this is the period when all the living things are producers. However, after the stabilizing of this producer phrase, the animal that eats the producers came into being. Avoding converting matters from earth and air, they can simply decompose matters, which is a shortcut for evolution. It is really unavoidable as there can not be any type of omnipotent creature that lives self-sufficently. & & ‘ ’
“ ” “ ” that’s why. ——
The second instinct of life forms is to survive. By definition of creature, the aim to obtain energy and matters is to maintain the life form, those that can not have died out entirely in the billions years of process of change. Why would humans intake food? To live, and those that are alive can be called creatures. Only by assuring this prerequisite can they start to do other things, such as evolution, reproduction and many other things. The desire to live is born, but it is contradictory to preying. As a link in the food chain, no other creature can stay clean. In comparasion, surviving is more basic than the other. Most of the animal habits are more or less controlled by the major desire of survival. This means that they will keep hunting other animals and at the same time avoid being hunt. It is the process that is undergoing every day.
The survival instinct is certainly embodied by human beings. Once a stranger came to visit me and asked me several questionsthe last of which is “What is normal person?What is unnormal person?” After a moment of thought, I said: “Vaguely speaking, normal persons create resources for other people. The phomoninal persons take the resources from others for their own sake.” He was completely pissed off, scolded me and rushed out. We might have disagreements but I don not think that my explaination is ridiculous. The social structure is similar to that of a tower, the lower it goes, the more normal it gets, it is contrary going up. Why would everyone try to climbe up the social ladder? That is why. The instinct of animals is to survive, one of the aims for the creatures is to live and live better. The animals have no choice but to struggle to survive, winners become the king while losers are locked in prison. In the animal world, the predetors are the king while the preys are the prinsoner. It is different for humans though. As there have never been the situation that surviving becomes the major issue for human beings. We never lack of choices, so the purposes embodied in human society is always to live better.
‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ “ ”
This purpose is closely related with two other stuff, one of which is resource. So the seize of resources is quite competitive in human society. Never think that things like petrol and minerals are resources, to live better means to control more resources, so those who have more or who are able to get more are regarded to be unnormal persons(such as landlords), while those who are unable to or only create resources for others are normal persons? The reason why we discuss it vaguely is because the standard and level to divide the amount of resources is yet to be decided, which I reckon will not affect the understanding of this sentence. From this point of view, the words that fume away the guy are through careful and repeated thinking and discussion, so they are correct. I put one such paragraph in order to verify what I stated before: The thought that fail to guide action is bullshit. Nearly every conclusion from my thought is put to my daily use. This is my actual meaning. If I had not put on any example, my readers shall be able to find examples from their own lives to verify that. To think is not to imagine, but to apply. Thoughts must be put into reality. Remember! The verified results may well prove that I am wrong. So when reading this book, you must maintain an attitude of suspicion. This is also very important.
& ‘ ’ ‘ ’ “ ”“ ” ―― [ ]
I have been beating around the bush again. I will continue with what I have left over. The third instinct is propogation, sexual or insexual, it is a set of reproduction system evolved by themselves. To maintain the consistency of species time should also be a definite function by other species. If the animals have not obtained this system, it will eventually be wiped out by the tide of time however strong and brilliant they are, and they are the failed species. A brilliant species must have extraordinary productivity or extra-high rate of survival, such as rats. Even though they are categorized as one of the four harms, we have to admit that it is an excellent species. The reason they are one of the four harms is because it irritated the leader of all animals-human beings. In the case of human beings, there is no other species that has such high rate of survival. They are like some low-level species, though their survivability is low, they maintain the advantage of producing a staggering number of eggs, which is also the adjustion to the nature, and the by-product is love of mother or love of father—things that are needed in evolution and acquired through the lasting of a species. Putting love of father and mother in the group of byproduct is because certain animals have the habit of eating their own kids. In this sense, this love is learned through life experience. By saying that propogation is a species instinct, there are examples saying that they are irresistible. Also, if certain species, which I mean human beings, have doubts, the results may have been two: compromization and elimination. As I have mentioned before, any species may try their hardest to keep their continuity in the axis of time.
The three major instincts constitute the biological system, being one of the members of biological environment, the mankind definitely obtain three qualities. But because human beings have been at the top end of the food chain for a very long time, the situation here is slightly different, where there is no natural enemy, survival is no longer a matter of life and death, and the things that are desired are longer just food. With only the instinct of animals, man is unable to build the society. What it is that leads to the divide between human and other animals? &
In short, it is wisdom, but which is not a satisfactory answer. The instincts of man is one more than the other animals’. With the sense of survival man is unable to build a modern society. And wisdom is not an instinct.
In my belief, the one more instinct man has over other animals is the emotion born from consciousness, the expression of self-awareness and the superiority is also embodied in the system of emotion. When winning the gorilla will slap its chest to vent the excitement and the dog will shake its tale when getting a bone. These are all the forms of emotion, except that the emotion of man is far more complicated and perfected.
Emotion encompasses the experience and awakening of emotions and the recognization of stimuli, so it is a generalized word. The following is the explanation of emotion from internet, though I am not sure what is hypothalamic center, in general, it is what it is.
At the same time when emotion generates physcological experience, the change of the related organs is completely physical embodiment. In field of comparasive ethology, all types of emotional behaviour are closely studied and the structure is examined. On the other side, as we have known, there are also certain emotions such as worry and hope that are learnt through life experience. From the standpoint of comparasive ethology, it studies the science opposite to natural behavioural impact. According to the latest research, emotion may be completed through an independent functional system, which includes hypothalamus, maginal lobe and nucleus ventralis thalami etc. Ventralis thalami is the core device to obtain emotions. There is a inherent structure called hypothalamic center, one of which is responsible for the emotional experience. & “ ” 18
Back in the day, I believed that there are two instincts in a man, to survive and enjoy. The former is by no doubt an important aspect which we all are aware that we are the same as animals and all that we do is completed on the condition that we are alive. In materialism, matters are regarded as the basis of consciousness, so consciousness is generated by matters, which I am strongly approve of. As I have deducted from the last section, consciousness is the conclusion of a type of function. Then functions are dependent on the body structure. To survive is to maintain the wholeness of matters, even then some might believe that the meaning of life is to be alive, as to what for comes the second place. It makes certain sense. At this stage, the relation between consciousness and matter is quite clear.
& ? ? ? ! ? ! ——NO.1
I am reminded of a person called Van Gogh. I kept thinking that whether Van Gogh is in the end successful or failed? The answer is quite unexpected, he is a loser! Why? His paintings can be sold at the price of millions of dollars, he is entitled the artistic genious and is known by all, what kind of success is parallel to this? But he is still a loser, just remember how he died—suicide! He was penniless when he died, he might have doubts on his ability, he might not be recognized by his own time, he might have suffered too much from his diseases, in short, he must regard himself a loser when he died. Though he was redeemed after his death, it is irrelevant to him any way. His success is imposed by others. If the recipient benefits nothing from the success, how come we say he is a success. If I were him, when alive, I am living in a hell, and after my death, someone give me a big title, will I think myself a success? At least I choose to say loser. There are other examples such as filialty. I would rather visit my parents more when they are alive than making a grand funeral to let them feel that their child is worth raising. The two examples explains one thing: it is the best to be alive. To live and live better, this aim will go throughout our whole life, which is apparent. Their relation is live—NO.1 and live better—NO.2. It is certain that someone might choose to commit suicide, which I will discuss in the upcoming chapters.
& NO.2 NO.1
I am not sure if animals also have the thoughts of enjoying. But human is different, they have, because they no longer suffer from the harsh environment as the animals do. The materialistic civilization is highly developed and the mankind is entitled to too many choices, thus I believe that emerge of enjoyment is also along the emerge of right to choose, which is obvious. We will choose to eat sweet instead of bitter, we will choose easy jobs instead of hard ones. During the ten thousand miles Long March we ate grass and tree roots because we had no choice. So, theoretically, the nature of dispise labour and love ease is correct. It is said by some that why would humans evolve is because they want to save trouble, to live more conviently. It is correct in certain ways as drawing on the advantages and avoiding disadvantages is one of our long suits. Emotionally I disapprove of dispise labour and love ease and the prerequisite of life is to ask us to accumulate resources, it is contrary between the two. So we need to find the balance in between and see clearly what is truly needed and what is lost. We might lose the decisive things in our life when we enjoy, some say it is easy to conquer but hard to defend because they read the time and tide wrong. Things change constantly, what was important might not be important nowadays. In every period of history request is different to mission. Enjoying is our instinct, so the tophy-bullet always is effective. While enjoyment is based on the fulfillment of the basic survival demands, if it conflicts the first instinct, then NO.2 shall obey NO.1. &
The enjoy in here also includes the demanding instinct. But that of human is to a great degree no longer to meet the demand of survival, but that of the emotion. There was a peasant hoping that one day when he becomes the emperor, he would be able to eat rice every. In his mind, eating rice everyday is luxury, only an emperor can enjoy. In fact, the life is emperor is way beyond his imagination. He has too many choices, arts, fine clothes and food, full set of etiquette, tall buildings and spacious houses and hundrends of wives. All these things have become the tempo for new demands. This also explains the origin of war, resources, talents, money, arts and even a woman.
I used to hold that the third major instinct is responsibility which enabled us to achieve such excellent attainments, be it to the family, nation, ethnicity, human beings and the animals. To a certain point of time, everyone will generate the sense of responsibility, which leads to order. In rare cases I found that man is not responsible for anything, so to put all to this aspect is rather far-fetched, even though duty plays an indespensible role in history and society. What on earth is the third instinct? & “ ” ? ?
“Emotion” definitely come on top of the list, why? Most of our actions are guided by emotions. For a sense of achievement of below one person but leading the rest of the nation, one would devote his whole to it. This sense of achievement is a type of emotion. And some other people will feel excited when finishing a task, it is also a type of emotion. Besides, we have also talked about responsibility, another type of emotion, and sense of hornor, self-esteem, fame and forturn, which is irrelevant to emotion? Happiness, anger, sorrow is also relevant, and a large amount of people would conclude the meaning of life as seeking happiness, by which we can see the charm of emotion. Emotion is source that forms our society. People is acceptable for positive emotions, which are exciting, conteracting those negative, depressed and desperate emotions. This is the true drive of society. The curiosity for the unknown future is also a type of emotion. Emotion inflicts influence on most of human behaviour. & &
Therefore, survival, enjoyment and emotion consist of three elements of human instinct. Certainly, the three are not independent but co-dependent and co-opperative. Some actions belong to both first and second instinct, some emotions are part of enjoyment as well. The three supplement and support each other, which form the world we see now. If view humans as advanced creatures, then the instincts should be: demand, survive, propagate and emotion. In fact, demand and survive are of the same nature. Why so? Because demanding is for survival, to maintain surviving one must demand! & “ ” “ ” “ ” ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’
With such correlation or unity, I collect these three elements into three instincts: demand, propagate and emotion. The three are controlled by the brain. Demand keeps the structure of life, propagate keep the connectivity of time of life, emotion and thought make life vivid and alive. This division is clearer than the previous one. Such conclusion of instincts demonstrates another deduction: the drive for the progress of mankind is emotion and desire. As a matter of fact., I am unwilling to admit that desire is the drive of human progress, as this brings down the level of mankind. But it is also indispensable fact that this is the practical conclusion. Thus, some say we human beings are selfish, it is not only true in reality but also in theory. Some are sensitive to the word selfish, as it is derogatory. We do not have to actually. In the prerequisite of being selfish, how a man to survive and live? If I venture no explanation, you might never get close to the answer.
It is because that we are selfish, we are selfless! &
Many may not understand it! How come a selfish man do selfless deeds? No hurry, just remember it, I will explain later.
The animal instinct as well as human instinct, is a sharp tool in analyzing man. Its implication is so wide as to go beyond one’s comprehension. One buddy even said that my book is full of magic and omnipotent? This is why I spent so much time in thinking about universe, world and transit it to humans. This is the up-side-down pyramid analysis. According to principle no. 2, any system will change from being simple to being complicated, the implication of up-side-down analysis is in fact the reverse process of the second principle, which make the question to be easier. Later I will also talk about its application. As to this buddy, he must have mastered the up-side-down pyramid analysis that he is so high.
The second sentence: It is the structure formed by non-life substances, obtaining longevity, possessing certain life functions and objectively acquiring energy to maintain the form.--& to obtain..., (to) possess... and (to) objectively acquire...
The second sentence: It is the structure formed by non-life substances, obtaining longevity, possessing certain life functions and objectively acquiring energy to maintain the form.--& to obtain......
谢谢指点&&不过 意思是&&it is the structure that obtains ```, 所以省略that, 就用 ing 形式了。
The second sentence: It is the structure formed by non-life substances, obtaining longevity, possessing certain life functions and objectively acquiring energy to maintain the form.--& to obtain......
It is the structure that obtains... = The structure obtains...
Neither &it is the structure obtaining...& nor &it is the structure formed by non-life substances obtaining longevity& is grammatically complete.
Suggestions: it is more idiomatic to use &a& rather than &the& before the word &structure&.
还记得我对生物的定义吗?具有寿命,由非生物以特定形式,具有特定生命功能,能够自主从外界获得能量以维持本身形态的结构体。-& I am curious where you find the Chinese original. There are simple grammatical errors in it, such as &由非生物以特定形式& (a dangling structure) in the second sentence.
The second sentence: It is the structure formed by non-life substances, obtaining longevity, possessing certain life functions and objectively acquiring energy to maintain the form.--& to obtain......
Let me think about it and I'll get some of my assi friends to proofread it. Thank anyway
Suggestions: it is more idiomatic to use \&a\& rather than \&the\& before the word \&structure\&.
cheers, you are the ledgend.
还记得我对生物的定义吗?具有寿命,由非生物以特定形式,具有特定生命功能,能够自主从外界获得能量以维持本身形态的结构体。-& I am curious wher...
yeah, tell me about it. still translating this book is my own personal project to accomplish. whatever errors are there in the Chinese, I'll have to paraphrase them into English. Thanks a lot for your comments.
Conference Interpreter at Sydney Australia. Bilingual (Madarin, English). 同时也很热爱笔译,希望能通过笔译不断积累知识和提高双语能力。
(C) 2015 yeeyan.org


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