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[ 作者:田野&&&&转贴自:本站原创&&&&点击数:428&&&&文章录入:admin ]
Section I Listening Comprehension
  This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken Engli sh. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the ques
tions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C.
  Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your ans wers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, yo u will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANS WER SHEET 1.
  Now look at Part A in your test booklet.
  Part A
  For Questions 1―5, you will hear a man phoning the City Mailorder Company. Wh ile you listen, fill out the table with the information youve heard. Write
  only 1 word or number
  in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. (5 points)
  A Phone Conversation
  Phone Number of the Mailorder Company〖〗
  Article Being Ordered〖〗2
  Way of Payment〖〗5
  Part B
  For Questions 6―10, you will hear a talk about how to make ugly or plain people beautiful. While you listen, complete the sentences or answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear th e recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. (5 points)
  People who want to have the shape of their noses corrected think they are〖〗〖〗6
  The work of selling beauty to men and women is called〖〗〖〗7
  A new nose may cost as much as〖〗〖〗8
  How long has one to stay in hospital if one wants to change his nose?〖〗〖〗9
  Before one can see ones new nose, the doctor has to take off the bandages and〖〗〖〗10
  Part C
  You will hear 3 pieces of recorded material. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answ ers. You will hear each piece once only. (10 points)
  Questions 11―13 are based on the following talk about information superhighway. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11―13.
  11. The application of the information superhighway will
  [A]change peoples lifestyle.
  [B]eliminate the need to go to cinema.
  [C]help develop tax collection system.
  [D]make it easier for you to entertain yourself.
  12. Which of the following is true of the information superhighway?
  [A]It will get rid of the need of store shopping.
  [B]It can perform surgical operation.
  [C]It will not do most of the thing s we normally do now.
  [D]It makes visiting friends more convenient.
  13. We can learn from the passage that
  [A]it is difficult to protect the privacy of Internet users.
  [B]passwords can ensure the safety of the documents.
  [C]nobody knows your buying habits.
  [D]financial institutions cannot cope with criminal behavior.
  Questions 14―16 are based on the following conversation about an unusual thief. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14―16.
  14. Whats the mans purpose for learning to steal at first?
  [A]To make a living.
  [B]To write a book.
  [C]To be an entertainer.
  [D]To study the techniques of stealing.
  15. Why do they want to publish a book on different pickpocket skills?
  [A]They want to earn more money.
  [B]They want to tell people how to avoid being stolen from.
  [C]They want to expose the secrets of thievery.
  [D]They want to become famous.
  16. People are likely to be stolen when they
  [A]are walking fast.
  [B]look confused.
  [C]are acting with a purpose.
  [D]put their money in the pocket of underneath clothing.
  Questions 17―20 are based on the following interview with Chris, a taxi driver. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17―20.
  17. Chris enjoys being a taxi driver because he
  [A]can do something to help people.
  [B]is able to decide exactly what he does.
  [C]can travel to different parts of the city.
  [D]can earn a lot of money.
  18. What does he need to do as a taxi driver?
  [A]To provide travel information to passengers.
  [B]To know his way round the city very well.
  [C]To spend a lot of time waiting at stations.
  [D]To predictswhereshe will find work.
  19. Chris found that quite a few of his passengers
  [A]got annoyed when they had a long wait for the cab.
  [B]complained that the taxi fare was high.
  [C]were happy to chat to him.
  [D]tended to be displeased when the journey took longer than usual.
  20. Why does he feel that he is well suited to the job?
  [A]Because he thinks he was born to be a driver.
  [B]Because he was once a shop assistant.
  [C]Because he likes being friendly for short periods.
  [D]Because he enjoys driving long distances.
  You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to AN SWER SHEET 1.
  This is the end of Listening Comprehension.
  Section II Use of English
  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and ma rk A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
  You should assume, in trying for jobs, that you will not be the only applicant. The single most prevalent deciding factor is the21.
  To be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and 22qualities. You need to create a good image in the limited t ime 23, usually from 30 to 45 minutes. 24, you must make a positive impression which the interviewer will25while he interviews other applicants. At all times, you should present your most attractive26during an interview.
  You should,27, take care to appear wellgroomed(修饰)and modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too28or too casual attire (衣着).
  Besides29for personal appearanc e, you should pay close attention to your manner of30.Since speech is a reflection of personality, you should reflect31 by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard32being ag gressive or overpowering (盛气凌人的).
  Speaking without a subject will not impress anyone. You should be prepared to ta lk33about the requirements of the position for which you are applying34your own professional experiences and interests. Kn owing something about the35enables you to ask intelligent que stions about the work and the36for the job. The interviewer c a n decide from the questions asked whether you are37interested or knowledgeable. You can comment on your own training, experience, and other 38in relation to the specific tasks of the position. The inte rviewer can determine whether your background and39seem to fi t the position. The position for which you are applying is not only the safest t opic for discussion, it is essential that you40your understan ding of the requirements and your abilities in meeting these requirements.
  22.[A]mental[B]physical[C]comprehensive[D]profess ional
  23.[A]applicable[B]available[C]attainable[D]acc eptabl e
  24.[A]Furthermore[B]Therefore[C]However[D]Fi rst ly
  26.[A]manners[B]qualities[C]appearance[D]personal ity
  27.[A]in particular[B]in short[C]by contrast[D]fo r exam ple
  28.[A]elaborate[B]informal[C]loose[D]expens ive
  30.[A]behaving[B]responding[C]speaking[D]remark ing
  31.[A]strength[B]friendliness[C]confidence[D]com petence
  34.[A]in terms of[B]in contrast to[C]in relation to[D]in line with
  35.[A]position[B]occupation[C]interviewer[D]cor poration
  36.[A]doubts[B]questions[C]characteristics[D]re quirements
  38.[A]documents[B]qualifications[C]conditions[D]p erceptions
  39.[A]education[B]knowledge[C]experiences[D]pote nti al
  40.[A]demonstrate[B]justify[C]specify[D]exp ose
  SectionⅢReading Comprehension〖1〗
  Part A
  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)
  Text 1
  Britains richest people have experienced the biggestever rise in their wealt h, according to the Sunday Times Rich List.
  Driven by the“new economy”of internet and computer entrepreneurs, the wealth o f those at the top of the financial tree has increased at an unprecedented rate. The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the countrys richest 1,000 people reached nearly£146 billion by January, the cutoff point for the survey. This represented an increase of£31 billion, or 27%, in just 12 months.
  Since the survey was compiled, Britains richest have added billions more to th e ir wealth, thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock marke t. This has pushed up the total value of the wealth of the richest 1,000 to a pr obable£160 billion according to Dr. Philip Beresford, Britains acknowledged expert on personal wealth who compiles the Sunday Times Rich List.
  The millennium boom exceeds anything in Britains economic history, including t h e railway boom of the 1840s and the South Sea bubble of 1720.“It has made Marg a ret Thatchers boom seem as sluggish as Edward Heaths threeday week,”said Be resford.“We are seeing billions being added to the national wealth every week.”
  William Rubinstein, professor of modern history at the University of Wales, Aber ystwyth, confirmed that the growth in wealth was unprecedented.“Almost all of t odays wealth has been created since the industrial revolution, but even by tho s e heady standards the current boom is extraordinary,”he said.“There is no la rg escale cultural opposition or guilt about making money. In many ways British b usiness attitudes can now challenge the United States.”
  Much of the wealth of the richest is held in shares in startup companies. Some of these paper fortunes, analysts agree, could easily be wiped out, although the wealthgenerating effects of the internet revolution seem to be here to stay.
  New economy entrepreneurs are to be found in all parts of Britain, but the City is a particular beneficiary of the stock markets internet boom. The number of t hose earning more than£1m a year in salaries and bonuses has risen to 3,000 fr om 750 five years ago.
  A Sunday Times Young Rich List confirms that people are becoming wealthier and y ounger. It includes the 60 richest millionaires aged 30 or under. At the top, on£6 00m, is the“old money”Earl of Iveagh, 30, head of the Guinness brewing famil y. In second place is Charles Nasser, also 30, who launched the ClaraNET interne t provider four years ago and is worth£300m. The remaining eight in the top 10 young millionaires made their money from computing and the internet.
  41. What is the best title of the text?
  [A]British Economy Grows at an Unprecedented Rate
  [B]The Rich in Britain Get Richer Faster than Ever
  [C]People in Britain Are Becoming Rich Faster than Ever
  [D]Technology Shares Continues to Boom on Stock Market
  42. The recent surge in the wealth of the richest was mainly brought abou t by
  [A]the new economic policies.
  [B]the stock markets internet boom.
  [C]the industrial revolution.
  [D]different business attitudes.
  43. It is implied that in Margaret Thatchers period
  [A]the economy was as sluggish as Edward Heaths threeday week.
  [B]the economic boom didnt add much to the wealth of the richest people.
  [C]the economy boomed, but was far less prosperous than the current boom.
  [D]the growth in the personal wealth of the richest was unprecedented.
  44. Some of the wealth of the richest could easily be wiped out because
  [A]much of their wealth is just paper fortunes.
  [B]the internet boom is less likely to stay for long.
  [C]the standards to evaluate their wealth may easily change.
  [D]the investment in startup companies is unwise.
  45. The author mentioned Earl of Iveagh and Charles Nasser (last paragrap h) to illustrate
  [A]the City is a particular beneficiary of the stock markets internet boom.
  [B]more people are earning more than£1m a year in salaries and bonuses.
  [C]people are becoming wealthier and younger.
  [D]most of the richest made their money from computing and the internet.
  Text 2
  Phil Knight doesnt speak in public very often. And when you hear from him thes e days, he doesnt sound happy. Talking to Wall Street analysts from his Oregon h eadquarters last week, the founder and head of Nike Inc. didnt mince words:“This is a dark day around these halls.”
  Knights problems would worry any CEO: a stock price that has slid to the s f rom the s, a plunge in profits and warehouses full of shoes that arent sell i ng. But most critical is a price war that has sliced U. S. sales and is a sign t hat Nikes lock as the champion of“cool”may be weakening. Although Nike pri des itself on technical innovation, losing its cool would be tantamount to losing t he game.
  Last week was particularly glum at Nikes headquarters in suburban Portland. Ma n agers had warned of layoffs but hadnt revealed any names. On Wednesday, 250 em ployees were told to pack up their desks, while stunned colleagues looked on.
  At most corporate offices, that scene, though painful, wouldnt be cataclysmic, but for Knight and his employees, even a setback bears the agony of defeat. Nike rose about as high and fast in the 1990s as any company can. It took on a new r eligion of brand consciousness and broke advertising sound barriers with its ind elible Swoosh (“疾风”标志),“Just Do It”slogan and deified sports figures. Ni ke managed the deftest of marketing tricks: to be both antiestablishment and m ass market, to the tune of .2 billion in sales last year.
  Yet Nike is now facing a marketing conundrum (难题): can you be big and cool? Wh en Teenage Research Unlimited did its latest survey, 40 percent of kids named Ni ke as one of the“coolest”brands, down from 52 percents just six months ago. Ki m Hastreiter of Paper, a New York magazine, says that the coolest th ings around now are brilliantly colored suede sneakers (仿麋皮运动鞋) by New Balance. Even A didas, torpedoed by Nike and Reebok in the 1980s, is staging a comeback.
  Knight acknowledges the challenge.“We have to be beautiful as well as big. Its no mean feat,”says Scott Bedbury, former global ad chief for Nike. The“Wors tcase scenario would be to become Microsoft,”says Kevin Keller, a marketing pro f essor at Duke. Best case: be like CocaCola.“Theyre everywhere, but no one seems to resent them for it.”
  One answer is to play down the Swoosh, and some Nike watchers say it will do jus t that. Nike is marketing new products, including its ACG (All Condition Gear) l ine for hiking and outdoor styles.
  Nikes ace in the hole is Knight himself. Charismatic (有魅力的) and down to ea r th, Knight still lives in the house he bought 25 years ago. Knights deep passi on for Nike means he will fight hard for it.“Ive always thought that Phil ha s three children―two sons and a brand,”says Bedbury.“Never underestimate a fathers love of a child.”
  46. The passage is mainly about
  [A]a company facing a conundrum.
  [B]a brand that is no longer cool.
  [C]a CEO with a sense of mission.
  [C]a CEO who loves his company as his child.
  47. The biggest problem that Nike faces is
  [A]its stock price is declining sharply.
  [B]the company has suffered the first loss.
  [C]the supply of shoes exceeds the demand.
  [D]it might be losing its cool.
  48. The word“torpedoed”(L. 5, Para. 5) most probably means
  [A]contended.[B]destroyed.[C]merged.[D]cons trained.
  49. It is implied in the text that
  [A]Nikes too fast growth in the 1990s made it no longer cool.
  [B]Nikes big sales might make the brand less cool.
  [C]Nike will become more cool if it appears everywhere like CocaCola.
  [D]Nike has to give up the Swoosh to become more cool.
  50. It seems that the authors attitude toward Phil Knight is of
  [A]doubt.[B]criticism.[C]confidence.[D]sy mpathy.
  Text 3
  Some friends of ours recently expressed what seems to be a common belief: that b lack Americans no longer face the kind of intimidation and violence that were co mmon years ago, particularly in the south. The rash of fire bombings and crossb urnings against black families around New York shows how sadly wrong that belief still is. Some blacks movingsintosnew homes nearly lost their lives. Others now dwell in fear. As Suffolks Police Commissioner, Donald Dilworth, says,“This stuff is contagious.”
  Two teenagers have been charged with burning a house in East Meadow and eight y ouths have been arrested in Elmont, L. I. Quick arrests are helpful. It may also have helped that Mayor Koch visited a black couple in Queens and condemned the intol erance that lay behind the burning of their home and crossburning in Staten Is land and Brooklyn this week.
  It is important to understand, however, that these outrages are not just the wor k of unthinking teenagers. Obvious support for the vandalism is evident among ad ults. After the firebombing of a black familys home in Rosedale, Queen, severa l white neighbors told reporters,“We dont want them here.”A woman asked,“Why dont they liveswheresthey belong?”After a crossburning in Valley Stream, t he response of some white adults was more plain than words: a hundred of them forme d an association to keep home listings of the open market out of the reach of b lacks.
  All this, of course, is memory of the behavior that Northerners used to condemn in Southerners. There, too, the fear and prejudice were contagious. They would p ass from one generation to the next and leap from one community to another. And the injury to individuals and to the community was always astonishing. That is w hy the importance of socially fair neighborhood action cannot be overlooked. Dec ent neighbors have to band together and make their views prevail. The hospitable atmosphere of the 1960s, when white groups welcomed minority familiessintosma ny new areas, needs to be created again.
  Racial antagonisms are not likely to disappear soon. But they can be contained b y law and by community effort. The right to own a house wherever one can afford it is no it is for many the essence of the American dream. Those who would deny the dream to anyone must not only be pun they must be denied and blocked on every street.
  51. According to the editorial, the crossburnings in the New York City area are
  [A]signs of dangerous prejudice on the part of both young and old.
  [B]isolated outbursts of little importance.
  [C]the work of thoughtless teenagers.
  [D]proof that American society cannot be improved.
  52. Which of the following statements would the writer of the passage agr ee with?
  [A]The good thing for the neighborhood to do is to avoid becoming invo lved.
  [B]Racial prejudice will soon die out in the United States.
  [C]Community attitude in the 1960s toward minority groups was a positive o ne.
  [D]Racial opposition in the North could never be compared with that in the So uth.
  53. The writers attitude toward crossburnings is that of
  [A]acceptance.[B]condemnation.[C]annoyance.[D]pat ience.
  54. The word“vandalism”(L. 2, Para. 3) most probably means
  55. According to the text, the importance of socially fair neighborhood a ction should be stressed because
  [A]fairness is important for everything.
  [B]moving black families may cause problem to themselves and the community.
  [C]the present community situation is dangerous.
  [D]it provides convenience for the government.
  Text 4
  The importance and focus of the interview in the work of the print and broad cast journalist is reflected in several books that have been written on the topi c. Most of these books, as well as several chapters, mainly in, but not limited to, journalism and broadcasting handbooks and reporting texts stress the“how t o”aspects of journalistic interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of th e interview, its context, and implications. Much of the“how to”material is ba se d on personal experiences and general impressions. As we know, in journalism as in other fields, much can be learned from the systematic study of professional p ractice. Such study brings together evidence from which broad generalized princi ples can be developed.
  There is, as has been suggested, a growing body of research literature in journa lism and broadcasting, but very little significant attention has been devoted to the study of the interview itself. On the other hand, many general texts as we ll as numerous research articles on interviewing in fields other than journalism have been written. Many of these books and articles present the theoretical and empirical aspects of the interview as well as the training of the interviewers. Unhappily, this plentiful general literature about interviewing pays little at tention to the journalistic interview. The fact that the general literature on i nterviewing does not deal with the journalistic interview seems to be surprising for two reasons. First, it seems likely that most people in modern Western soci eties are more familiar, at least in a positive manner, with journalistic interv iewing than any other form of interviewing. Most of us are probably somewhat fam iliar with the clinical interview, such as that conducted by physicians and psyc hologists. In these situations the professional person or interviewer is interes ted in getting information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the pers on seeking help. Another familiar situation is the job interview. However, very few of us have actually been interviewed personally by the mass media, particula rly by television. And yet, we have a vivid acquaintance with the journalistic i nterview by virtue of our roles as readers, listeners, and viewers. Even so, the understanding of the journalistic interview, especially television interviews, requires thoughtful analyses and even study, as this book indicates.
  56. The main idea of the first paragraph is that
  [A]generalized principles for journalistic interviews are the chief concern f or writers on journalism.
  [B]importance should be attached to the systematic study of journalistic inte rviewing.
  [C]concepts and contextual implications are of secondary importance to journa listic interviewing.
  [D]personal experiences and general impressions could be excluded from journa listic interviews.
  57. Much research has been done on interviews in general,
  [A]so the training of journalistic interviewers has likewise been strengthene d.
  [B]though the study of the interviewing techniques hasnt received much atte ntion.
  [C]but journalistic interviewing as a specific field has unfortunately been n eglected.
  [D]and there has also been a dramatic growth in the study of journalistic int erviewing.
  58. Westerners are familiar with the journalistic interview,
  [A]but most of them wish to stay away from it.
  [B]and many of them hope to be interviewed some day.
  [C]and many of them would like to acquire a true understanding of it.
  [D]but most of them may not have been interviewed in person.
  59. Who is the interviewee in a clinical interview?
  [A]The patient.[B]The physician.[C]The journalist.[D]The psychologist.
  60. The text is most likely a part of a
  [A]news article.
  [B]journalistic interview.
  [C]research report.
  Part B
  Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments int o Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 poi nts)
  A great deal of communication in all cultures occurs nonverbally. Nonverbal cues can range from touching and smelling to gestures and body movement. The attitud e in the United States toward the nonverbal area of touching is vastly different from that of many other cultures in the world. It is not unusual in Europe or t he Middle East to see two men walking together with hands clasped or even encirc ling a shoulder. 61) Such a sight would be as unusual here as seeing two men greet each other with a light kiss on each cheek―a relatively common sigh t in many nations.
  Discussion between a manager and a subordinate in the United States may occur wi th each in a very relaxed posture in the formers office. They might be drinkin g coffee. If the manager is a man, he may have a foot hooked over an empty chair or planted on a nearby table top. 62) Not so in the Middle Eastswherescr ossed legs or facing the soles of your shoes toward another individual is a sign of rudeness. In so many nations, and certainly in much of Europe, the s ubordinate is almost“at attention”when briefly addressing a superior. And ke eping your hands in your pockets as you speak to your German or Austrian boss is just not done.
  63) In the United States we are sometimes concerned when the other perso n does not look us in the eye or seems visually evasive. Is there a lack of honesty or integrity here? In Japan, a businessman may interpret a lack of r espect if another individual does look directly at him. We also have no hesitanc y, when asked, to list our accomplishments. In Japan such a presentation would s eem out of place and in bad taste. And it would not be wise for an American mana ger to praise one Japanese worker for an outstanding performance in the presence of his or her coworkers.
  Joking among strangers or new acquaintances makes Germans ill at ease. 64)
  At meetings or in presentations, while an American or Briton might feel obliged to crack a joke or two, or an Italian or French person indulges in w itti cism, a German will remain consistently serious, neither using humor nor respond ing to it.
  The most marked difference between business communication in Korea and the Unite d States is the difference between American objectivity and Korean subjectivity. 65) For business people in the United States, relationships and personal feelings (both positive and negative) are to be set aside in favor of impartial and dispassionate logic. For Koreans, sincerity and commitment to indiv iduals are the basis for business dealings. Business is transacted by two people , not the firms they represent.
  Section IV Writing
  66. Directions:
  A. Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.
  B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:
  1) Describe the picture and interpret its meaning.
  2) Give your comments on the phenomenon.
  C. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)Section I Listening Comprehension
  Part A
  1. . bicycle 3. sports 4. 249.50 5.cheque
  Part B
  6. ugly or plain 7. plastic surgery 8. a new car
  9. about 3/three weeks 10. the plaster
  Part C
  11. D 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C
  Part A
  Clerk: . City Mailorder Company. Can I help you?
  Steve: Yes. Id like tosgroupsa bicycle Ive seen in your catal ogue. With a 22inch frame.
  Clerk: Bicycle? Well, we have three different models. Could you quote the refere nce number please?
  Steve: Ill just have a look. Here it is...Number AD58402.
  Clerk: Right, Ill just key that in. Thats the touring model at£185.
  Steve: No, wait a moment. I want the sports model.
  Clerk: If you check, sir, youll see the sports model one is£249.50 . The reference number is AD58412.
  Steve: I see. Its the sports model I want. Will you take thesgroupsdown?
  Clerk: Sure. Could I have your name and address? Or do you have an account numbe r?
  Steve: Well, I might have, but I cant tell you what the number is right now.
  Clerk: We can look it up at this end. It doesnt matter. Would you give me your name and address, then?
  Steve: Yes, its Steve Brown of 31 Green Road, Euston Center, London NW1 4ER.
  Clerk: Sorry, I didnt catch the address. Could you repeat it?
  Steve: Yes, its 31 Green Road, Euston Center. Ill spell it. EUSTON . London NW1 4ER.
  Clerk: So its for Mr. Steve Brown, 31 Green Road, Euston Center, London NW1 4ER. And how would you like to pay, sir? By cheque or by credit card?
  Steve: Ill pay by cheque as usual. When can I expect it?
  Clerk: It should reach you within three weeks. Let us know if it doesnt. Well enclose the bill with the bicycle.
  Steve: Thats OK. Thank you. Goodbye.
  Clerk: Thank you for calling, Mr. Brown. Goodbye.
  Part B
  Are you unhappy about the shape of your nose? Or do you feel that your ears are too big or your eyes too small? You dont need to despair about any of these th i ngs any longer. They can all be corrected by a surgeon. Surgeons are doctors who make sick people well by operating on them. But some surgeons today are really beauty specialists. Their job is to make ugly or plain people bea utiful. This work is called plastic surgery.
  Plastic surgeons are very popular in some countries. They make a lot of mone y by selling beauty to men and women―especially women. Plastic surgery is very e xpensive. A new nose may cost almost as much as a new car. Suppos e I can afford to pay so much money and want to change my ugly nose for a more handsome one, I must consult a plastic surgeon. What will he do?
  First of all, he will ask me to enter a hospital. I shall have to spend about th ree weeks there. The surgeon will give me an anesthetic. Then he will ope rate on my nose to give it the shape I want. He will put a plaster cast over it to keep it in its new shape. I shall have to spend the next week or two anxiously wonde ring whether the operation has been successful or not.“Will my nose really loo k better? Or shall I look uglier than before? Wont there be scars after operati o n? What shall I do if my nose is not the shape I wanted?”And so on. And then t h e great day will come. The surgeon will take off the bandages and the pl aster, a nd I shall see my expensive new nose! Will it be worth all the trouble an d expen se? Sometimes these operations go wrong, and then the patient comes away looking worse than before.
  Part C
  The purpose of the information superhighway is to provide remote electronic bank ing, schooling, shopping, taxpaying, chatting, game playing, video conferencing, movie ordering, and medical diagnosing.
  Heres what it wont do: It wont eliminate the need to shop at store s, drive a car, visit friends, or do most of the things you normally do now.
  It might make things you do easier and more convenient. Movies you now c an get o nly at the video store will be available on your TV 24 hours a day. Video confer encing will make working from home, or telecommuting, simpler and more practical .
  The information superhighway will carry all kinds of personal matters, from your tastes in movies to your political affiliations, to your buying habits. How this information will be protected is one of the great unknowns.
  Computer crimes represent another threat. Last February, hightech criminals we r e able to steal thousands of passwords from the I this would all ow them to r ead hundreds of personal files, including Email, such a breakin could result in anything from a minor inconvenience to a loss of privacy.
  On the other hand, computerized systems give financial institutions much better tools for tracking transactions and spotting patterns of criminal behavior. For example, Visas new neural network has helped U. S. banks that issue credit cards slash counterfeiting by million in one year.
  M: Hey, Linda, you wont believe this, but here is an article about a p rofessio nal pickpocket Bob Arno and his wife who travel the world to learn the fundament als of stealing.
  W: Are they crazy? Dont they know that it is breaking the law to steal?
  M: But they didnt do this insgroupsto steal. At first, the husban d, Bob, studied to improve his skills as an onstage pickpocket performer, and that is how he has made his living for most of his life.
  W:swhereshas he been to give performances?
  M: He started as a stage pickpocket in his native Sweden, and then enter tained t roops in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. He became so skillful that the t rade eventually led him to a career performing at nearly every major Strip hotel as an entertainer.
  W: This is really a strange profession. Is he going to do this kind of performan ce all his life?
  M: No. Actually, he studies with the goal of documenting the artistic fo rm of th ievery that dates back almost to the beginning of time. He and his wife are in t he process of putting together a book on all of the different pickpocket skills.
  W: I guess they hope that through their studies and the upcoming book, they can inform others on how to avoid becoming victims?
  M: Thats right.
  W: Have they given any advice on how to prevent being stolen from?
  M: The simplest advice he offers is to be aware and to keep a wallet in a safe place, preferably in a pouch underneath clothing.
  W: I think its common sense.
  M: But people tend to neglect it, especially when they are on vacation. H e also suggests people should move at a fast pace, and act like you have a purpo se. If you look confused, the pickpocket will sense that in a second and they will be all over you.
  W: That quite makes sense.
  Interviewer: What is it that you enjoy driving a taxi, Chris?
  Taxi driver: Well, I mean you do it for money, obviously, like most jobs. But I suppose I enjoy being my own boss, you know, doing what I want to do. And you are very much in c ontrol of what you do, you decide what area you are going to go, when to have a break, stuff like that. One thing you have to be always thinking about i sswheresyou might pick up a passenger. Will the opera house be turning out? Do th ey have an afternoon performance? What time will the plane be coming in? I wonder if th ere are any trains arriving. You are always sort of...scheming to make an extra bit of money. And the relationship between reward and effort is very immediate. You make the right decisions, you get a fare and they pay you, you know. You dont have to wait till the end of the month! You meet, well, you meet some people who arent all that nice, but the vast majority of people are very nice. If you are pleased to talk to them, they are mostly pleased to talk to you. You get a f eel for people who dont want to talk to you, obviously the first couple of one word answers will tell you...
  Interviewer: So you always start talking?
  Taxi driver: I always wish people“Good morning”or“Good afternoon”or whatev er,“How are you?”which gets things off to a good start. Because quite a few people have a g eneral dislike of taxi drivers.
  Interviewer: Do they?
  Taxi driver: Well, they do. I mean the mere fact they cant get a cab the minute they want one makes them annoyed, you know, and if the cab takes an hour or so to come, people are beside themselves!“Why is it so?”, you know,“Why didnt you come sooner?”, you know. But start them off well, on a sunny day, people are pl easant, happy. Sometimes you meet some people who are famous.
  Interviewer: Do you? Have you ever made a friend of somebody you took in your ca b?
  Taxi driver: No. No, I havent actually. I suppose they are brief encou nters that arent really suitable to be extended. There are certain professional distances, I suppose. Th ere is a line beyond which I dont feel that I want to go. I dont want to mak e friends of everybody in the world. I just happen to likeshavingsa little chat wi th them for a while. I suppose I was born to do that sort of thing. Id have mad e a good shop assistant. Id have made a lovely menswear assistant, something l ike that. Very nice, charming and friendly but dont need to talk at any length .
  Section II Use of English
  [分析]由上下文可知,本文主要阐述者在面试过程中应该注意的方面。因此,四个选项中,与上下文文意一致的应是[C]interview。[A]recommendation(推荐),[B]a pplication(申请)和[D]examination(考试)虽与interview有关,但不可能是the s ingle most prevalent deciding factor (最重要、最普遍的一个决定因素)。
  [分析]句子中相关部分的意思是“你应该展示某些个人素质和素质。”其中的p ersonal(个人的)既包括mental(心理的)和physical(身体的),因此[A]mental和[B]physical均不恰当;[C]comprehensive(全面的,综合的)不能与personal构成并列关系,因而也不正确;[D]professional(职业的)与personal表示两方面不同的素质,同时也是所位对求职者的要求,因此应该选[D]。
  [分析]由句子后半部分usually from 30 to 45 minutes可知,这一时间是面试的有限时间,面试者可以利用这一时间树立起一个良好的形象。因此,根据句意,应选[B]avail ab le(可利用的)。[A]applicable(可应用的),[C]attainable(可达到的)和[D]acceptable(可接受的)均与句意不合。
  [分析]从逻辑关系看,本句相对于上句而言,表示递进关系,进一步说明求职者在面试过程中需要做的事。四个选项中,只有[A]Furthermore(而且,此外)表示递进关系,因此是正确答案。[B]Therefore表示因果关系;[C]However表示转折关系;[D]Firs tly表示顺序,均不恰当。
  [分析][A]manners意为“风度,礼貌”;[B]qualities意为“素质”;[C]appearance意为“外表”;[D]personality意为“个性”。由本段第一句可推断,面试时求职者从头至尾都应该展示最具魅力的素质,而不仅仅是manners, appearance或personality,[A]、[C]和[D]都表达得不够全面,故均不正确。
  [分析][A]in particular(特别,尤其)表示强调;[B]i n short(总之)表示总结;[C]by contrast表示对比;[D]for example表示举例。从逻辑关系看,本句相对于上句而言,表示举例,说明可以如何展示求职人最具魅力的素质。因此正确答案应为[D]。
  [分析]本句相关部分的意思是“避免穿着太或太随便的极端。”由此可以推断,空格处应填一个与casual(随便的)意思相反的词。[A]ela borate(考究的)符合题意,是正确答案。[B]informal(非正式的),[C]loose(松散的)与casual近义,故不合题意;[D]expensive(贵昂的)与句意差得更远。
  [分析]由下文提到的speech is a reflection of personality和speaking in a clear voice ...可推断,本句的意思应为“你应该注意你的说话方式”。因此正确答案应为[C]speaking(说话)。[A]behaving(行为),[B]responding(作出反应)和[D]remarking(评论)均与上下文的意思不符合。
  [分析]上文提到,言语反映了一个人的个性,因此可以推断求职者说话时口齿清楚,声音大到让人听见,这体现的应该是人的confidence(自信),而不可能是人的strength(力量)或competence(能力),故[A]和[D]均不恰当。同样可以推断,求职者的frie ndliness(友好)不是通过说话声音的大小来体现的,因此,[B]friendliness也不正确。
  [分析]空格前指出,求职者应该说话清楚,声音大到让人听见。空格后being aggressiv e or overpowering的意思是“气势汹汹或盛气凌人”。从逻辑关系看,空格中应填入一个表示否定意思的词,因此应选[A]without。
  [分析][A]in terms of意为“在……方面”;[B]in contr ast to意为“与……形成对比”;[C]in relation to意为“与……有关,涉及”;[D]in line with意为“与……一致,与……符合”。从本句前半部分的意思判断,空格中应填入[C]in relation to。整个句子的意思为“你应该作好准备,有见地地去谈论你所求职位对求职者的要求,与你自身的职业经历和个人兴趣之间的联系。”其他选项中的短语均不确切。
  [分析]从搭配看,[A]doubts (疑问),[B]questions后常接a bout,[C]characteristics (特点)后接of,因此,[A]、[B]和[C]均不正确,只有[D]requirements (要求)可后接for,也符合上下文意思的要求。
  [分析]由句中的other可推断,空格中所填的词应涉及求职者本人的其他方面。因此可首先排除[A]documents(公文,文件)。其他两个选项中的词似乎都合适,但仔细比较后可发现,[D]perceptions(意识,认识)也与句意大相径庭;[C]conditions(状况、状态、环境),词义太广泛,用在本句中不太确切;[B]quali fications意为“资历”,根据常识,求职者所受过的培训及工作经历都是资历,正确答案为[B]。
  [分析]空格中填入的词与background是并列关系。[A]educati on(教育)、[B]kn owledge(知识)和[C]experiences(经历)都属于一个求职者的背景情况,这三个词的含义均包含在background里,因此都不正确。[D]potential指“潜力”,填入空格后符合句意,因而是正确答案。
  SectionⅢReading Comprehension〖1〗Part A
  Text 1大意
  自从这个调查开始起,由于证券市场上技术股的持续繁荣,这些最有钱的人的财富又增加了数十亿。据《星期日泰晤士报》财富排行榜的统计整理人、英国公认的个人财富专家Phil ip Beresford博士说,这可能使最富有的1000人的财富总量达到了1600亿英镑。
  这千年之交的繁荣超过了英国经济史上的任何繁荣时期,包括19世纪40年代兴修铁路带来的繁荣和1720年南海投机业的兴旺。Beresford说:“千年之交的繁荣使Margaret Thatcher执政时期的经济繁荣相形见绌,看起来就像Edward Heath的一周工作三天同样不景气。我们将目睹国家的财富以每星期数十亿的速度增加。”
  位于阿伯里斯特威斯的威尔士大学的现代史教授William Rubinstein肯定,这种财富的增长是史无前例的。他说:“今天所有的财富几乎都是工业革命以来创造的,但是即使是依照那时的令人头脑发热的标准,现在的繁荣也是非同寻常的。”“现在人们对于赚钱没有大规模文化上的反感或歉疚感。英国商业态势目前在许多方面都能与美国较量。”
  Charles Nasser,也是30岁,四年前创办了“克拉拉网”互联网服务公司,拥有三亿英镑。头10位年轻的百万富翁中的八位都是从计算机产业和因特网赚到钱的。
  [分析]根据第四段所讲,这千年之交的繁荣超过了英国经济史上的任何繁荣时期,使Margaret Thatcher执政时期的经济繁荣相形见绌,看起来就像Edward Heath的一周工作三天同样不景气。也就是说,撒切尔夫人执政时期经济出现了繁荣,但较之今天的繁荣相比相形见绌,即[C]的意思。[A]中说那时的经济不景气,与此意思不符;[B]说富人的财富在那时没有增加多少,这显然也不对;[D]中说的内容是今天的情况,所以也不对。故只有[C]是正确选项。
  [分析]最后一段第一句是本段主题句,作者主要是讲,人们在更年轻的时候变得更有钱了,也就是说现在的许多富翁都相当年轻。作者用Iveagh和Charles Nasser两个人的例子来说明这一点,所以[C]是正确答案。
  Text 2大意
  Phil Knight不常在公开场合讲话。如果你最近能听他讲话,你会感觉到他的郁郁寡欢。这位耐克公司的创建人兼领导者在俄勒冈总部同一些华尔街分析家交谈时,十分坦率地谈到:“目前正是本总部的阴暗时期。”
  但是,耐克现在面临着一个营销难题:销售量很大的东西也能“酷”吗?青少年研究所的最新调查表明,40%的孩子认为耐克是最“酷”的品牌之一,而仅6个月以前的这个数字是52 %。纽约一家杂志的记者Kim Hastreiter说,眼下最“酷”的是“新平衡”牌的色彩鲜艳的仿麂皮运动鞋。就连在80年代被耐克和锐步打下去的阿迪达斯也在卷土重来。
  Knight承认存在着挑战。耐克公司全球业务前负责人Scott Bedbury说:“我们的产品必须又多又漂亮。要做到这一点谈何容易。”杜克大学销售学教授Kevin Keller说:“最糟糕的情况是成为像微软那样的公司。”最好的情况是像可口可乐那样。“它们无处不在,但好像没有谁因此对它们不满。”
  [分析]根据第二段,[A]、[B]和[C]都是耐克所面临的问题,但本题问的是它所面临的最大问题,所以答案在but most critical之后的句子中。仔细读一下该句可知,现在出现了一场价格战,而且耐克作为最“酷”的品牌地位可能正在削弱。尽管耐克以其技术的创新为荣,但是丢掉了“酷”也就相当于在这场竞赛中失败,所以正确答案为[D]。
  [分析]根据正文可知,阿迪达斯现在又卷土重来,由此可知,在2 0世纪80年代它曾经被耐克和锐步打败。所以torpedoed在此是destroyed或defeated的意思,所以[B]为正确答案。
  Text 3大意
  我们的朋友最近表达了一种看上去很普遍的观点:即美国黑人不会再碰到像前些年那样的胁迫和暴力侵害,特别是在美国南部。在纽约附近对黑人家庭所做出的接二连三的投弹和纵火事件显示了这一观念是错误的。一些刚搬家的黑人差点丧命,其他人现在则生活在恐惧当中。就像萨福克警局的委员Donald Dilworth说的,“这种行为是会传染的”。
  [分析]根据题干中的关键词crossburnings,可以在第三段找到解答本题的信息点。第三段第一句指出:这些愤怒的行为不是轻率的十几岁的青少年所为,支持这种行为的显然是成年人。[C]与之不符;[A]表达了原文不仅是孩子还是成人都具有种族歧视的观点,为正确答案。[B]错在原文第四段提到fear and pr ejudice were contagious,而不是isolated;[D]的内容并未提及。
  [分析]本题考查文章多处细节。根据[A]项中的关键词neighb orhood,可以在第四段倒数第二句中找到相关信息,作者所主张的是社区团结共同抵制种族歧视,而[A]项论述与之相左;根据[B]项的关键词racial prejudice,可以在第五段第一句话中找到相关信息,作者指出种族问题无法轻易解决;根据[C]项的关键词1960,可以在第四段最后一句找到相关信息,作者提出我们应该重建60年代的对待黑人的友好作风,所以可以推断出那时的社区的态度是正面积极的;根据[D]项的关键词North、South可以在第四段第一句找到相关信息,原文的意思是:当今对待黑人的态度会使人想起当初南方人对待黑人的态度,而[D]项则是对这个句子意思的曲解。
  [分析]根据题干中的关键词socially fair neighborhood,可以在第四段第四句和第五句找到答案。这两句话是一个因果关系,因是:injury to indivi duals and to the community was always astonishing (对个人和对团体的侮辱伤害总是令人惊愕);果是:im portance of socially fair neighborhood action cannot be overlooked (社会平等的邻里行为的重要性不能被忽略),正是题干中的内容。综合比较四个选项,只有[B]与原文的原因相似,而其他三项内容,原文没有提到。
  Text 4大意
  [分析]段落中心思想和结论密切相关。作者在第一段最后两句指出,应对新闻采访的专业内容进行系统的研究,并认为该研究可以收集材料制订新闻采访的基本原则。意思和选项[B]相符合:importance should be attached to the systematic study of journalist ic interviewing(应该充分认识到对新闻采访系统研究的重要性)。
  [分析]参看第二段第四句:...pays little attention to the journalistic interview.意思与选项[C]一致:but journalistic interviewing as a specific field has unfor tunately been neglected.都是说新闻采访被忽略了。pay little attention to和been n eglected是同义词。
  [分析]根据题目的提示,参看第二段倒数第三句:However, ver y few of us have actua lly been interviewed personally by the mass media, particularly by television.意思与选项[D]完全相符:but most of them may not have been interviewed in person .其中对应的同义词有:原文中的however,和正确选项中的but,most of them may not和ver y few of us,personally与in person都是意思完全相同的对应词。
  [分析]本题是问临床门诊中的被问者是谁?显然是患者the pati ent。这种题可以根据常识回答,当然从原文中也可以查出答案依据。参看第二段中间部分:Most of us are probabl y somewhat familiar with the clinical interview,显然与题目要求相符,应该是答案提示句,下面一句:In these situations the professional person or interviewer is in terested in getting information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the person seeking help.根据常识判断,这里的the person seeking help应该指的是the pa tient。
  [分析]从本文第一句中的:...in several books that have be en written on the topic及最后一句中的:..as this book indicates.可以看出,本文很可能是一本书的序言。
  Part B
  [分析]这是一个简单句,句子主干结构是:Such a sight would be as...as seeing...;such a sight是指上面提到的两个男人手紧拉着手……一起向前走的情景;破折号后的内容是说明two men greet each other with...的。
  [分析]这是一个简单主从复合句,句子主干结构是:(It is)not so in the Middle E ast where...。主句的主谓部分由于上下文清楚而省略了;it指上句中一只脚钩住一把空椅子,或把脚放在附近一张桌子的台面上;so是一种省略的表达,表示与前句意思相同;where是关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰Middle East;句中crossed legs指“二郎腿”;facing the soles of your shoes toward another individual是“鞋底指向另一个人”的意思。
  [分析]这是一个简单主从复合句,句子主干结构是:...we are c oncerned when...;when引导名词从句,作be concerned(about)的宾语,这里省略了abo ut;be concerned about关注;evasive逃避的,回避的。
  [分析]这是一个简单主从复合句,句子主干结构是:At...whi le an American... or an Italian...indulges in witticism,a German...neither using...nor responding;句中while引导比较状语从句。这个比较状语从句又是由两个并列的分句组成,由or连接;在主句中,using...nor responding to是并列的分词短语作状语,修饰整个主句;feel obliged to感到不得不;crack a joke说笑话;indulge in witticism讲俏皮话。
  [分析]这是一个简单句,句子主干结构是:For..., relationshi ps and personal feelings(both...and...)are to be set aside in favor of...;句中to be set aside放在一边不予理会;in favor of赞同,支持。
  Section IV Writing
  Nowadays a considerable number of people, especially the young, become obsessed w ith romance on the Internet. According to a recent survey, nearly half of our yo u ng people have experienced the socalled cyber romance or have shown great inte rest in it. In the picture, we see a young man sitting in front of his computer and imagining his ideal girl on the other end of the line. This phenomenon is qu ite common among our young people.
  The pressure of the workplace has deprived young people of much chance of commun icating with each other. It is hard for them to fine true love in real life. So they turn to the Internet as a medium and fall in love with each other in this v irtual world. Cyberlove seems to be more mysterious and exciting to those who like to try new things. They believe that they can more excitement there than in the real world.
  In fact cyber love is full of dangers and risks. For one thing, you do not know who you are talking to on the net. The beautiful girl you fancy very much on the net may be in real life an ugly old woman. The handsome young man you fall in l ove with may be in real life a married midaged person with a wife and a family . While you enjoy the Internet romance, you should expect to be disappointed in the end when you find out the truth.
  Cyberlove is after all a form of fantasy. You are indulging in an illusion. Yo ur beloved girl is created out of your own imagination. You idealize her and adm ire her. You talk very well with her on the net, but in real life you may feel t hat you cannot talk or you cannot find words to express your meaning. You may fi nd out that you cannot get along with her at all. There is a great difference be tween the virtual and the real world.
  Many people admit that they tell lies on the net. Its also reported that some criminals commit crimes there. Therefore, we should have a correct attitude towa rds the cyberspace. We should make proper use of the machines we created and not fall a victim to them.
  Useful Expressions:
  1) It becomes increasingly common for sb. to do sth.
  2) to be indulged in
  3) there may several reasons for...
  4) A combination of factors may contribute to...
  5) There may be a variety of reasons for the issue/phenomenon.
  6) to fall in love with
  7) to make use of
  8) to commit crimes
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