newman s own s-2 怎么root

&&发布于& 12:18:04&&
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&&发布于& 14:57:14&&
&&发布于& 14:56:49&&
日 fqrouter开发者在twitter宣布终止该项目的开发: @fqrouter:fqrouter 正式关闭。请大家自行寻找渠道购买 shadowsocks 帐号自用。感谢大家的陪伴~ 作者开源很了不起,已经造福了很多用户,鼓励很多人撮墙,现在用私人shadowsocks添加到fqrouter很好用,很感激fqrouter混合代理的构想
&&发布于& 11:13:23&&
fqrouter2最新版本在我的LG g3上无法使用啊,很郁闷。 LG857表示无压力,用vpn模式,别用root模式。是的,已经搞好了。谢谢
&&发布于& 11:11:04&&
安卓5.0非 root特别耗电?在电池管理那里看到耗电占比17%,我的是root后非常耗电,没root的好很多!这个是安卓是5.0电量计算方式更改的问题:通过fqrouter的应用流量耗电都算到fqrouter身上了!
&&发布于& 11:26:09&&
每个连接最多切两次(因为切换了,所以流量更费)o goagent公共代理,一个appid才1个G的流量,用完了就要刷新。(代理刷新需要耗费流量)o DNS查询都是穿墙实现的,一个DNS服务器没响应就切换到另外一个(因为切换了,所以更费流量)这些逻辑都需要耗费更多的CPU,也就耗费更多的电量。fqrouter选择用更费流量更耗电的方式,是我认为靠优质代理翻墙是非常脆弱的方式。对于个人自用,可以做到。要想做公共代理,而且免费,优质代理是不可能长期提供的。
&&发布于& 11:25:44&&
o 公共代理流量有限,速度有限,要省着用o 公共代理不稳定的,一个连接走代理,很有可能会碰到挂掉的代理o 公共代理经常挂,定时要轮换o fqrouter使用了一些穿墙技术(不走代理),这些技术在很多网络环境下不工作,或者不稳定shadowsocks做公众代理一样有这样的问题。现在是madeye个人出钱买服务器硬抗的。fqrouter也走了madeye提供的代理。要捐助他的人可以访问:/。为了应对这些约束,fqrouter就需要把客户端做得非常复杂,以应对各种各样的情况。也就是,同样是提高稳定性,fqrouter靠的是一堆服务器,和一个超复杂的客户端。而shadowsocks靠的是一个超稳定的服务器,和一个很简单的客户端。o 只要能直连的都直连,实在不行了才走代理(因为重试了,所以流量更费)o 一个代理挂了,切到另外一个代理再试一遍
&&发布于& 11:25:17&&
fqrouter不推荐在使用电池和3G流量的情况下长时间使用。如果有需要,请使用 【影梭(Shadowsocks)】想要知道为什么的,继续往下读。fqrouter与shadowsocks是两个Android上的一键翻墙软件。代表了两个不同的设计方向。shadowsocks的特点是客户端非常精简,用c编写的,libev实现到高效的shadowsocks协议的客户端。纯native的代码。代理的方式是用ip区分,国外的ip全部走代理,国内的ip全部直连。优点是没有重试机制,没有代理刷新机制,不浪费流量。而且纯c写的客户端,省cpu也就省电了。那么为什么fqrouter不设计成和shadowsocks一样。因为两个软件的出发点是不同的。fqrouter从一开是就设计为公众代理,就是给你一键翻的。而shadowsocks更适合做为个人代理,就是你买一个vps帐号,然后这个代理就你一个人用。fqrouter的设计受到以下条件约束o 公共代理流量有限,速
&&发布于& 11:20:02&&
经过本人多次测试,我发现fq2使用个人代理(2个 ss+10个goagent)并关闭所有公共代理,耗电量在正常范围内,甚至大多数时候比UC浏览器,chrome,微信,QQ,中华万年历等都低!关而且比shadowsocks稳定,不会莫名其妙的断开,这样我每个月300G+500G+T的流量暂时够用了…怎么关闭fqrouter2 公共代理?在最后一项代理设配置里就有啊
&&发布于& 17:48:02&&
Samsung Note 2 剛上了 4.4.2 就用不了,有解決方法嗎?
&&发布于& 09:28:59&&
挂着fqrouter断断续续能从google play下app,之前用的vpn一直连接失败。扛不住啊。Android翻墙利器 Fqrouter 发布 2.12.2 版本 修复Android 5.0 无法使用的问题优化instgram的访问速度支持goagent 3.2.0VPN模式可退出shadowsocks rc4-md5官方主页:/ 项目源码托管:/fqrouter/fqrouterGoogle Play 鏈接:/store/apps/details?id=fq.router2
&&发布于& 16:17:42&&
现在用的fqrouter2手机翻墙,早上添加了goagent的个人id。出的问题是,google play市场所有应用都不能更新,"发生错误(502),系统无法下载...."什么原因,怎么办?google play市场已经更新到5.0.31了。我刚才把fq2卸载了,然后把市场更新卸载了。让后重装了fq2,这次没有添加个人id,而且用的是root模式。现在市场上更新程序和下载都正常了。市场也自动更新了。可就还是不能看youtube。我也不知道究竟是那步起了作用。你也试试呗
&&发布于& 15:59:42&&
安卓5.0未root无法使用fqrouter,就我这样吗? android5.0暂不支持,Root 了也无法使用,期待作者更新。5.0我用了半小时就卸载了,又回4.4.4了,当时双系统尝试了下,root不彻底钛备份都不能用,Shadowsocks支持5.0了,不过得有账号/tui-jian-wang-zhan/shadowsocks-racingvpn.html
&&发布于& 15:59:41&&
安卓5.0未root无法使用fqrouter,就我这样吗? android5.0暂不支持,Root 了也无法使用,期待作者更新。5.0我用了半小时就卸载了,又回4.4.4了,当时双系统尝试了下,root不彻底钛备份都不能用,Shadowsocks支持5.0了,不过得有账号/tui-jian-wang-zhan/shadowsocks-racingvpn.html
&&发布于& 15:51:10&&
fqrouter 2.11.5 添加私人id不能用,删除了以后共用代理也不见了,代理列表是空的,有遇到这种情况的么?解决办法:删除重装。另外一个最近遇到的问题:Fqrouter 2.11.5上不了Twitter了,Facebook,YouTube, Google play什么的一切正常,怎么回事啊!运营商为中国联通,机器为HTC one M7,没用,DNS清理了,卸载重装也没用!急,如果是LTE 4G的手机,fqrouter是不支持的,像你这种情况有可能是线路抽风了,先用VPN应急,或者换赛风3/ruan-jian-jing-pin-wu/psiphon3-facebook-youtube.html先顶上,回头重新安装应该就可以了
&&发布于& 15:43:59&&
fqrouter 2.11.5 YouTube网页可以打开无法观看视频,客户端也是除了视频无法加载(一直转圈),其他都可以载入,有什么办法解决吗手机没有root?把微信删除或停止使用看看,这个跟微信有关系?经常要使用微信所以确认下3Q,我也是看别人的po原理我也不懂 以前用fq的时候我也是youtube一直加载打不开 用绿色守护把微信停止使用就能看视频 ,果然可以,谢了
&&发布于& 09:26:11&&
&&发布于& 09:35:58&&
&&发布于& 09:23:42&&
有个问题,google music播放自己上传的歌曲,用寻路走日本节点正常播放,用fqrouter加日本shadowsocks翻墙就不能播放了,这是怎么回事呢
&&发布于& 14:16:34&&
fqrouter是否可以设置代理范围?可以。配置界面是中文的,自己看。你可以点「即刻开启更多功能」看看,可以添加自己的代理。手机的 WLAN 热点,与本机使用的网络,一致。那么上国内网站不会影响咯?默认情况下,会先尝试直连,失败才使用代理连接。是在启动模式里吗?但是里面都是全局代理啊?手动模式+支持设置代理的应用、ROOT模式,都不是全局代理。
&&发布于& 08:22:30&&
&&发布于& 08:25:07&&
安卓的可以下载影梭/fqrouter来翻墙,iPhone没越狱的不知道用什么好呢,最好是越狱后可以用goagent 也可以用vpn gate,当然如果你的路由器是OpenWRT智能FQ路由器或者极路由的话,在wifi下也非常容易。
&&发布于& 14:54:03&&
感觉fqrouter比用shadowsock android要快上G+就很明显,fqroute在访问Google的各种服务时和其他代理不同,是优先通过修改hosts的方法来访问,这样直接访问Google的服务自然要快点
&&发布于& 15:50:29&&
&&发布于& 13:57:47&&
怎么好多人fqrouter2的状态栏图标是个墙,有的人是把钥匙,是因为代理方式不一样吗?后来搞明白了VPN模式是钥匙 root后是墙
&&发布于& 10:15:20&&
求救,fqrouter2开了无法获取公共代理。添加了个人代理也无法翻墙。note3 9006 魔趣的4.4.4系统。另一个手机也是一样,g17,cm11的4.4.4系统
&&发布于& 10:19:50&&
cm11和cm11为蓝本的魔趣用不了影梭,安卓系统版本都是4.4.4,用影梭是需要账号的,自带的账号已不能用了。百度贴吧 搜shadowsocks
&&发布于& 10:12:15&&
fqrouter2找不到TCP混晓器,在高级设置,后来发现TCP是在更多设置里面,那个添加自己的代理账号里面的高级设置。无线中继,无线完美。华为P7.华为 M one飘过,表示,完美运行!
&&发布于& 10:03:31&&
用fqrouter上fb什么的一直没问题,但是现在一款很火的游戏Candy crush saga在连接到fb的时候总连不上。想问问这个要怎么解决?估计不是我一个人遇到这问题
&&发布于& 10:01:41&&
&&发布于& 10:33:48&&
&&发布于& 09:45:35&&
&&发布于& 10:00:41&&
明白你的意思但是fqrouter是支持shadowsocks 普通的socks应该比shadowsocks简单的多吧?而且socks比http更通用吧,转换成vpn更容易吧?
&&发布于& 09:36:22&&
phone model: IM-A870S android version: 4.4.2 kernel version: 3.4.0-perffqrouter version: 2.11.5 使用过程中报错"failed to copy /data/data/fq.router2/log/fqsocks.log.1: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)failed to copy /data/data/fq.router2/log/scan.log: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)failed to copy /data/data/fq.router2/log/wifi.log.1: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)" 请大家帮忙分析下原因呗
&&发布于& 09:23:06&&
&&发布于& 09:05:32&&
你可以试试"fqrouter"在谷歌商店里找,手机使用目前最靠谱,可以共享网络给电脑! 如果你能电脑翻墙,而手机不能,可以下载后转到手机上!
&&发布于& 22:34:56&&
&&发布于& 22:51:28&&
&&发布于& 22:27:13&&
&&发布于& 21:39:37&&
fqrouter2版本用着挺稳定的,而且配置使用也非常简单,只可惜了,不能使用在iphone上,目前看iphone只能用vpn了,没有android安卓版方便了,正好小米4来了,预订个Compiling and Installing - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4
& Compiling and Installing
Available Languages:
This document covers compilation and installation of the Apache HTTP Server
on Unix and Unix-like systems only. For compiling and
installation on Windows, see
For other platforms, see the
Apache httpd uses libtool and autoconf
to create a build environment that looks like many other Open Source
If you are upgrading from one minor version to the next (for
example, 2.4.9 to 2.4.10), please skip down to the
$ lynx
$ gzip -d httpd-NN.tar.gz
$ tar xvf httpd-NN.tar
$ cd httpd-NN
$ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX
$ make install
$ vi PREFIX/conf/httpd.conf
$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start
NN must be replaced with the current version
number, and PREFIX must be replaced with the
filesystem path under which the server should be installed. If
PREFIX is not specified, it defaults to
Each section of the compilation and installation process is
described in more detail below, beginning with the requirements
for compiling and installing Apache httpd.
The following requirements exist for building Apache httpd:
APR and APR-Util
Make sure you have APR and APR-Util already installed on
your system. If you don't, or prefer to not use the system-provided
versions, download the latest versions of both APR and APR-Util
from , unpack
them into /httpd_source_tree_root/srclib/apr and /httpd_source_tree_root/srclib/apr-util
(be sure the directory names do not
for example,
the APR distribution must be under /httpd_source_tree_root/srclib/apr/) and use
./configure's --with-included-apr
On some platforms, you may have to install the
corresponding -dev packages to allow httpd to build
against your installed copy of APR and APR-Util.
Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions Library (PCRE)
This library is required but not longer bundled with httpd.
Download the source code from ,
or install a Port or Package.
If your build system can't find
the pcre-config script installed by the PCRE build, point to it
using the --with-pcre parameter.
On some platforms,
you may have to install the corresponding -dev
package to allow httpd to build against your installed copy
Disk Space
Make sure you have at least 50 MB of temporary free disk
space available. After installation the server occupies
approximately 10 MB of disk space. The actual disk space
requirements will vary considerably based on your chosen
configuration options, any third-party modules, and, of course,
the size of the web site or sites that you have on the server.
ANSI-C Compiler and Build System
Make sure you have an ANSI-C compiler installed. The
is recommended. If you don't have GCC
then at least make sure your vendor's compiler is ANSI
compliant. In addition, your PATH must contain
basic build tools such as make.
Accurate time keeping
Elements of the HTTP protocol are expressed as the time of
day. So, it's time to investigate setting some time
synchronization facility on your system. Usually the
ntpdate or xntpd programs are used for
this purpose which are based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
for more details about NTP software and public
time servers.
For some of the support scripts like
(which are
written in Perl) the Perl 5 interpreter is required (versions
5.003 or newer are sufficient).
If no Perl 5 interpreter is found by the
script, you will not be able to use
the affected support scripts. Of course, you will still be able to
build and use Apache httpd.
The Apache HTTP Server can be downloaded from the , which lists several mirrors.
Most users of
Apache on unix-like systems will be better off downloading and
compiling a source version.
The build process (described below) is
easy, and it allows you to customize your server to suit your needs.
In addition, binary releases are often not up to date with the latest
source releases.
If you do download a binary, follow the instructions
in the INSTALL.bindist file inside the distribution.
After downloading, it is important to verify that you have a
complete and unmodified version of the Apache HTTP Server. This
can be accomplished by testing the downloaded tarball against the
PGP signature.
Details on how to do this are available on the
and an extended example is available describing the .
Extracting the source from the Apache HTTP Server tarball is a
simple matter of uncompressing, and then untarring:
$ gzip -d httpd-NN.tar.gz
$ tar xvf httpd-NN.tar
This will create a new directory under the current directory
containing the source code for the distribution. You should
cd into that directory before proceeding with
compiling the server.
The next step is to configure the Apache source tree for your
particular platform and personal requirements. This is done using
the script
included in
the root directory of the distribution. (Developers downloading
an unreleased version of the Apache source tree will need to have
autoconf and libtool installed and will
need to run buildconf before proceeding with the next
steps. This is not necessary for official releases.)
To configure the source tree using all the default options,
simply type ./configure. To change the default
accepts a variety of variables
and command line options.
The most important option is the location --prefix
where Apache is to be installed later, because Apache has to be
configured for this location to work correctly.
More fine-tuned
control of the location of files is possible with additional .
Also at this point, you can specify which
want included in Apache by enabling and disabling .
Apache comes with a wide range of modules
included by default.
They will be compiled as
which can be loaded
or unloaded at runtime.
You can also choose to compile modules statically by using the option
Additional modules are enabled using the
--enable-module option, where
module is the name of the module with the
mod_ string removed and with any underscore converted
to a dash.
Similarly, you can disable modules with the
--disable-module option.
Be careful when
using these options, since
cannot warn you
if the module you sp it will simply ignore the
In addition, it is sometimes necessary to provide the
script with extra information about the
location of your compiler, libraries, or header files.
done by passing either environment variables or command line
options to .
For more information, see the
manual page. Or invoke
using the --help option.
For a short impression of what possibilities you have, here
is a typical example which compiles Apache for the installation
tree /sw/pkg/apache with a particular compiler and flags
plus the two additional modules
$ CC="pgcc" CFLAGS="-O2" \
./configure --prefix=/sw/pkg/apache \
--enable-ldap=shared \
is run it will take several minutes to
test for the availability of features on your system and build
Makefiles which will later be used to compile the server.
Details on all the different
options are
available on the
manual page.
Now you can build the various parts which form the Apache
package by simply running the command:
Please be patient here, since a base configuration takes
several minutes to compile and the time will vary widely
depending on your hardware and the number of modules that you
have enabled.
Now it's time to install the package under the configured
installation PREFIX (see --prefix option
above) by running:
$ make install
This step will typically require root privileges, since
PREFIX is usually a directory with restricted write
If you are upgrading, the installation will not overwrite
your configuration files or documents.
Next, you can customize your Apache HTTP server by editing
$ vi PREFIX/conf/httpd.conf
Have a look at the Apache manual under
PREFIX/docs/manual/ or consult
for the most recent
version of this manual and a complete reference of available .
Now you can
your Apache
HTTP server by immediately running:
$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start
You should then be able to request your first document
via the URL http://localhost/. The web page you see is located
under the ,
which will usually be PREFIX/htdocs/.
the server again by
$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k stop
The first step in upgrading is to read the release announcement
and the file CHANGES in the source distribution to
find any changes that may affect your site.
When changing between
major releases (for example, from 2.0 to 2.2 or from 2.2 to 2.4),
there will likely be major differences in the compile-time and
run-time configuration that will require manual adjustments.
modules will also need to be upgraded to accommodate changes in the
module API.
Upgrading from one minor version to the next (for example, from
2.2.55 to 2.2.57) is easier.
The make install
process will not overwrite any of your existing documents, log
files, or configuration files.
In addition, the developers make
every effort to avoid incompatible changes in the
options, run-time configuration, or the
module API between minor versions.
In most cases you should be able to
use an identical
command line, an identical
configuration file, and all of your modules should continue to
To upgrade across minor versions, start by finding the file
config.nice in the build directory of
your installed server or at the root of the source tree for your
old install.
This will contain the exact
command line that you used to
configure the source tree.
Then to upgrade from one version to
the next, you need only copy the config.nice file to
the source tree of the new version, edit it to make any desired
changes, and then run:
$ ./config.nice
$ make install
$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k graceful-stop
$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start
You should always test any new version in your
environment before putting it into production.
For example, you
can install and run the new version along side the old one by
using a different --prefix and a
different port (by adjusting the
directive) to test for any
incompatibilities before doing the final upgrade.
You can pass additional arguments to config.nice,
which will be appended to your original
$ ./config.nice --prefix=/home/test/apache --with-port=90
A large number of third parties provide their own packaged
distributions of the Apache HTTP Server for installation on
particular platforms. This includes the various Linux distributions,
various third-party Windows packages, Mac OS X, Solaris, and many
Our software license not only permits, but encourages, this kind
of redistribution. However, it does result in a situation where the
configuration layout and defaults on your installation of the server
may differ from what is stated in the documentation. While
unfortunate, this situation is not likely to change any time
is maintained in the HTTP
Server wiki, and should reflect the current state of these
third-party distributions. However, you will need to familiarize
yourself with your particular platform's package management and
installation procedures.
Available Languages:
Notice:This is not a Q&A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic. Questions on how to manage the Apache HTTP Server should be directed at either our IRC channel, #httpd, on Freenode, or sent to our .}


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