
TouchEvent - BlackBerry Native
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0#include &bb/cascades/TouchEvent&
Touch events are emitted when the user touches the screen.
The touch event class holds information about a touch, such as the touch coordinates and the type of touch.To listen to touch events received on a control, connect a slot to one of the touch signals exposed in the visual node base class.See also: ,
bb::cascades::TouchEventPublic Types IndexOnly has inherited public typesenum Type
65535Hide inherited public typesProperties Indexbool [read-only]bool [read-only]float [read-only]float [read-only]bool [read-only] [read-only] [read-only]float [read-only]float [read-only] [read-only] [read-only]Hide inherited propertiesProtected Attributes IndexOnly has inherited protected attributesQEventPrivate *ushortHide inherited protected attributesPublic Functions Index
(TouchType::Type touchType, float screenX, float screenY, float windowX, float windowY, float localX, float localY, VisualNode *target)virtual
()bool () const Q_INVOKABLE bool () const bool () const Q_INVOKABLE bool () const Q_INVOKABLE bool () const bool () const Q_INVOKABLE bool () const float () const float () const float () const float () const
* () const virtual Q_INVOKABLE
() const float () const float () const void ()void ()bool () const
(Type type)void (bool accepted)bool () const
() const Type () const Hide inherited public functionsStatic Public Functions IndexQEvent::Type ()int (int hint=-1)Hide inherited static public functionsPublic Types(Only has inherited public types) None
2 MouseButtonRelease
3 MouseButtonDblClick
4 MouseMove
5 KeyPress
6 KeyRelease
8 FocusOut
15 Destroy
20 ParentChange
21 ParentAboutToChange
131 ThreadChange
22 WindowActivate
24 WindowDeactivate
25 ShowToParent
26 HideToParent
31 WindowTitleChange
33 WindowIconChange
34 ApplicationWindowIconChange
35 ApplicationFontChange
36 ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange
37 ApplicationPaletteChange
38 PaletteChange
39 Clipboard
42 MetaCall
43 SockAct
50 WinEventAct
132 DeferredDelete
52 DragEnter
60 DragMove
61 DragLeave
63 DragResponse
64 ChildAdded
68 ChildPolished
69 ChildRemoved
71 ShowWindowRequest
73 PolishRequest
75 LayoutRequest
79 ActivateControl
80 DeactivateControl
81 ContextMenu
82 InputMethod
83 AccessibilityPrepare
86 TabletMove
87 LocaleChange
88 LanguageChange
89 LayoutDirectionChange
91 TabletPress
92 TabletRelease
93 OkRequest
94 HelpRequest
95 IconDrag
96 FontChange
97 EnabledChange
98 ActivationChange
99 StyleChange
100 IconTextChange
101 ModifiedChange
102 MouseTrackingChange
109 WindowBlocked
103 WindowUnblocked
104 WindowStateChange
105 ToolTip
110 WhatsThis
111 StatusTip
112 ActionChanged
113 ActionAdded
114 ActionRemoved
115 FileOpen
116 Shortcut
117 ShortcutOverride
51 WhatsThisClicked
118 ToolBarChange
120 ApplicationActivate
121 ApplicationActivated
ApplicationActivate ApplicationDeactivate
122 ApplicationDeactivated
ApplicationDeactivate QueryWhatsThis
123 EnterWhatsThisMode
124 LeaveWhatsThisMode
125 ZOrderChange
126 HoverEnter
127 HoverLeave
128 HoverMove
129 AccessibilityHelp
119 AccessibilityDescription
130 AcceptDropsChange
155 GraphicsSceneMousePress
156 GraphicsSceneMouseRelease
157 GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick
158 GraphicsSceneContextMenu
159 GraphicsSceneHoverEnter
160 GraphicsSceneHoverMove
161 GraphicsSceneHoverLeave
162 GraphicsSceneHelp
163 GraphicsSceneDragEnter
164 GraphicsSceneDragMove
165 GraphicsSceneDragLeave
166 GraphicsSceneDrop
167 GraphicsSceneWheel
168 KeyboardLayoutChange
169 DynamicPropertyChange
170 TabletEnterProximity
171 TabletLeaveProximity
172 NonClientAreaMouseMove
173 NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress
174 NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease
175 NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick
176 MacSizeChange
177 ContentsRectChange
178 MacGLWindowChange
179 FutureCallOut
180 GraphicsSceneResize
181 GraphicsSceneMove
182 CursorChange
183 ToolTipChange
186 UngrabMouse
187 GrabKeyboard
188 UngrabKeyboard
189 MacGLClearDrawable
191 StateMachineSignal
192 StateMachineWrapped
193 TouchBegin
196 NativeGesture
197 RequestSoftwareInputPanel
199 CloseSoftwareInputPanel
203 Gesture
198 GestureOverride
202 PlatformPanel
1000 MaxUser
65535 Hide inherited public typesPropertiesbool
A Boolean expression indicating whether the Alt modifier key was pressed when the touch occurred.
Since: BlackBerry 10.3.0
A Boolean expression indicating whether the
modifier key was pressed when the touch occurred.
Since: BlackBerry 10.3.0
x coordinate of the touch relative to the visual node where the touch signal is emitted.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
y coordinate of the touch relative to the visual node where the touch signal is emitted.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
A Boolean expression indicating whether the Shift modifier key was pressed when the touch occurred.
Since: BlackBerry 10.3.0
The touch target of this event.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
The touch type of the event.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
x coordinate of the touch relative to the window.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
y coordinate of the touch relative to the window.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
The propagation phase the event was received in.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Hide inherited propertiesProtected Attributes(Only has inherited protected attributes)QEventPrivate *
Hide inherited protected attributesPublic Functions touchType, floatscreenX, floatscreenY, floatwindowX, floatwindowY, floatlocalX, floatlocalY,
Constructs a touch event.
- The type of touch.
- Touch x coordinate relative to the screen.
- Touch x coordinate relative to the screen.
- Touch x coordinate relative to the window.
- Touch x coordinate relative to the window.
- Touch x coordinate relative to the node that emitts the touch signal.
- Touch x coordinate relative to the node that emitts the touch signal.
- The touch target of this event.
Return: A touch event.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
virtual Destructor.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the alt modifier key state during the event.
Return: true if the alt modifier key was pressed during the event, and false otherwise.
Since: BlackBerry 10.3.0
Convenience function for checking if the touch type returned from
Return: true if the touch type is .
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the ctrl modifier key state during the event.
Return: true if the ctrl modifier key was pressed during the event, and false otherwise.
Since: BlackBerry 10.3.0
Convenience function for checking if the touch type returned from
Return: true if the touch type is .
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Convenience function for checking if the touch type returned from
Return: true if the touch type is .
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the shift modifier key state during the event.
Return: true if the shift modifier key was pressed during the event, and false otherwise.
Since: BlackBerry 10.3.0
Convenience function for checking if the touch type returned from
Return: true if the touch type is .
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the x coordinate of the touch relative to the node that emitts the touch signal.
Return: The x coordinate of the touch.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the y coordinate of the touch relative to the node that emitts the touch signal.
Return: The y coordinate of the touch.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the x coordinate of the touch relative to the screen.
Return: The x coordinate of the touch.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the y coordinate of the touch relative to the screen.
Return: The y coordinate of the touch.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the touch target of this event.
Return: The touch target.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves a string representation of the touch event.
Return: A string representing the touch event.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the touch type of the event.
Return: The touch type.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the x coordinate of the touch relative to the window.
Return: The x coordinate of the touch.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the y coordinate of the touch relative to the window.
Return: The y coordinate of the touch.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Retrieves the propagation phase that this event was sent in.
Return: The propagation phase.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Return: The time when the event was emitted.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
Hide inherited public functionsStatic Public FunctionsQEvent::Type
Retrieves the touch event type.
Return: The touch event type.
Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0
inthint)Hide inherited static public functions
Last modified:
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