
MI5 are recruiting new spies with the help of an online game which lets members of the public try their hand at being the next James Bond.想成为詹姆斯&邦德那样的特工吗?现在机会来了。最近,MI5(英国情报五处)在网上发布了一款在线游戏,并通过该游戏的帮助招募新特工。
The game puts people to the test as part of the spy agency's
drive to take on new mobile
officers. MI5这次招聘的是手机监控官员,通过在线游戏测试是招聘的其中一个环节。
易词解词(by 摩西老师)
test n.&v.检验;试验。这个单词不难,词源指用来检测贵重金属含量的一种小容器,但test作为一个词根则表示证明、作证了,怎么回事?test词根实际来自词根tri表示三+词根st表示to stand,即站在旁边的第三个人!当然而且只有站在旁边的第三个人才能作证对不对?于是attest是作证,testify是证实,contest竞赛是一起来见证胜利者,testimony是证词,而testicle......睾丸,这个......则是男儿身的证明。
Potential applicants' observation, memory skills and attention to detail are measured to give an indication of whether they have what it takes to be MI5's next top spy. 这款在线游戏通过测试申请者的观察力、记忆力和对细节的关注度等,来预测他们是否具备顶级特工的潜质。
The three tests, which involve remembering the colours of vehicles passing by and recalling exact details of overhead questions, are part of the security services' advertisment for new mobile surveillance officers.游戏有三个测试,包括记忆过往车辆的颜色以及回答一些具体细节的问题等,是这次手机监控官员招聘广告的一部分。
A map reading quiz is also playable on the MI5 website, with the ability to read an A-Z crucial for the role.另外,在MI5的网站上还有一款看地图测试,因为对于特工来说,读地图、掌握城市街道分布等能力相当重要。
易词解词(by 摩西老师)
quiz n.考查;恶作剧;课堂测验,vt.挖苦;张望;对&进行测验。这个单词晚到1781年才在英文中出现,词源挺有趣,但摩西在这里讲一个词汇的拼写知识吧:所有英语词汇中,字母q后边必然是一个u,而u后边必然是另外一个元音,除了Qatar卡塔尔等非印欧语系语言来源的单词?为什么呢?就是这样规定的。
Applicants should be warned they will not be able to afford too many martinis - shaken, stirred or in any form - on the annual salary of &27,539, which rises to &31,138 after the intense 70-day training period.招聘广告上还告知应聘者,他们的薪水不会太高,不可能像007电影中那样有喝不完的马蒂尼酒。现实中招聘的特工年薪大概是27539英镑(约合人民币27万),70天紧张训练之后,年薪会涨至31138英镑(约合人民币31万)。
The job description is very particular, with height restrictions meaning any men taller than 6ft 1ins and women over 5ft 8ins need not apply as they may stand out from the crowd. 这份工作还有特殊要求,对申请者身高有限制。其中,男性不能高于6英尺1英寸(约186cm),女性则不能高于5英尺8英寸(约177cm)。因为过高的人在人群中比较显眼。
The same goes for anyone with visible with tattoos, and all applicants must have no more than six points on their driving licence.此外,申请者还不能有纹身,驾照扣分不能超过6分。
The advert states: 'You&ll need to be highly observant & and be able to accurately remember the details of everything you&ve seen and heard. 招聘广告上还称:&你必须具备敏锐的观察力,能够准确记住见到听到的每一个细节。&
'You&ll need to drive regularly and be confident on all sorts of roads (urban, rural and motorway) at all times of the day and night.
易词解词(by 摩西老师)
confidentadj.自信的;确信的。拉丁词根fid表示信心,与日耳曼词源的单词bide v.遵守同源。可是我们认识confident的反义词么?有同学说那不就是not confident么?我能说你不觉着这样会很low吗?diffident adj.缺乏自信的,前缀dif-是dis-在f开头的词根前的异体,表away,lacking,后缀-ent表形容词,相当于动形词中的-ing,即diffident=lacking confident。
'You should be able to easily
yourself between two different points using an &A-Z& or Philip&s Navigator Britain style road map.
The job does not sound the most , with most of the time spent sitting in or walking around London, observing the public.这份工作并不如听起来那么高大上。大多数时候,你其实只是在伦敦街头坐着或走着观察大众而已。
However, MI5 are very clear that new recruits must be alert at all times and be ready to leap into action if duty calls.但是MI5明确表示,这份工作要求特工需要时刻保持警惕,并随时准备好投入任何行动。
'You&ll need to be able to remain completely alert for long spells of inactivity and then be able to step up several gears when it all starts happening,' the job description says.职位描述上称:&你需要在长时间的等待中时刻保持警惕,一旦有事发生,必须立刻充满活力。&
'Things can happen fast in this role. You&ll need to be able to make sound judgements on the spur of the moment.' &这项工作的变化性很强。因此你必须能够随时做出明智的决断。&
Applicants also need to be adept with IT systems as surveillance and communication technology is an integral part of the role.除此之外,申请者还得能够熟练操作IT系统,因为监控和通信技术也是工作中需要用到的。IS发讣告称蒙面刽子手曾被英国军情五处监视
【环球网综合报道】据英国《每日电讯报》1月21日报道,近日极端组织“伊斯兰国”(IS)证实恶名昭著的蒙面刽子手“圣战者约翰”的死讯,并在其发布的“官方”讣告中详细描述并赞扬了他的“圣战之路”。据悉,IS于当地时间20日在其内部网络杂志《达比克》上公布了“圣战士约翰”的讣告,证实其在去年11月美军无人机空袭叙利亚北部城市拉卡时丧生。“圣战者约翰”的真实姓名为穆罕默德·埃姆瓦兹,来自英国。他曾多次在西方人质遭斩首的录像中出现,亲手实施了杀害西方人质的行动。这是IS首次以官方形式证实其武装分子的死讯。在这份讣告中,IS对埃姆瓦兹的“圣战之路”进行了详细的描述。据称,在日伦敦数个地铁站和巴士上发生连环爆炸案之后不久,埃姆瓦兹成为了一名激进分子,这个时间比人们之前所猜测的还要早。埃姆瓦兹在动身前往叙利亚之前就被英国军情五处(MI5)所监视。他在准备回老家科威特旅游时被军情五处带走接受调查。在接受调查时,他故意表现出一副“没有智商”的样子以迷惑审问者。之后,在受到密切监控的情况下,他成功逃脱了“被人们评价过高的军情五处”。讣告上写道:“一位特工对他说‘你哪儿都不能去,我们会像影子一样跟着你。’结果这个特工搬起石头砸了自己的脚。”事实上,他是在几天后与一位同伴一起离开的,并开始了“长达2个月的漫长而艰辛的旅途,途中要徒步穿越欧洲的山脉和沼泽农田。”在此期间,他至少两次被“不同国家的有关当局”所拘留。据悉,IS发布的这期网络杂志还首次给出了去年11月参与巴黎恐袭案的恐怖分子的照片,其中包括有3名比利时人、4名法国人以及2名伊拉克人。这2名伊拉克人的身份之前未被确认。(实习编译:杨梦颖 审核:杜晓菲)编辑点评:最近,英国情报五处在网上公开招聘特工,除了各种或奇怪、或苛刻的要求之外,申请者还必须首先通过一项在线游戏的测试才行。那些痴迷007电影、想成为詹姆斯o邦德式特工的小伙伴们,先来看看自己够不够资格申请、能不能通过测试再说吧!
MI5 are recruiting new spies with the help of an online game which lets members of the public try their hand at being the next James Bond.想成为詹姆斯&邦德那样的特工吗?现在机会来了。最近,MI5(英国情报五处)在网上发布了一款在线游戏,并通过该游戏的帮助招募新特工。
The game puts people to the test as part of the spy agency's
drive to take on new mobile
officers. MI5这次招聘的是手机监控官员,通过在线游戏测试是招聘的其中一个环节。
易词解词(by 摩西老师)
test n.&v.检验;试验。这个单词不难,词源指用来检测贵重金属含量的一种小容器,但test作为一个词根则表示证明、作证了,怎么回事?test词根实际来自词根tri表示三+词根st表示to stand,即站在旁边的第三个人!当然而且只有站在旁边的第三个人才能作证对不对?于是attest是作证,testify是证实,contest竞赛是一起来见证胜利者,testimony是证词,而testicle......睾丸,这个......则是男儿身的证明。
Potential applicants' observation, memory skills and attention to detail are measured to give an indication of whether they have what it takes to be MI5's next top spy. 这款在线游戏通过测试申请者的观察力、记忆力和对细节的关注度等,来预测他们是否具备顶级特工的潜质。
The three tests, which involve remembering the colours of vehicles passing by and recalling exact details of overhead questions, are part of the security services' advertisment for new mobile surveillance officers.游戏有三个测试,包括记忆过往车辆的颜色以及回答一些具体细节的问题等,是这次手机监控官员招聘广告的一部分。
A map reading quiz is also playable on the MI5 website, with the ability to read an A-Z crucial for the role.另外,在MI5的网站上还有一款看地图测试,因为对于特工来说,读地图、掌握城市街道分布等能力相当重要。
易词解词(by 摩西老师)
quiz n.考查;恶作剧;课堂测验,vt.挖苦;张望;对&进行测验。这个单词晚到1781年才在英文中出现,词源挺有趣,但摩西在这里讲一个词汇的拼写知识吧:所有英语词汇中,字母q后边必然是一个u,而u后边必然是另外一个元音,除了Qatar卡塔尔等非印欧语系语言来源的单词?为什么呢?就是这样规定的。
Applicants should be warned they will not be able to afford too many martinis - shaken, stirred or in any form - on the annual salary of &27,539, which rises to &31,138 after the intense 70-day training period.招聘广告上还告知应聘者,他们的薪水不会太高,不可能像007电影中那样有喝不完的马蒂尼酒。现实中招聘的特工年薪大概是27539英镑(约合人民币27万),70天紧张训练之后,年薪会涨至31138英镑(约合人民币31万)。
The job description is very particular, with height restrictions meaning any men taller than 6ft 1ins and women over 5ft 8ins need not apply as they may stand out from the crowd. 这份工作还有特殊要求,对申请者身高有限制。其中,男性不能高于6英尺1英寸(约186cm),女性则不能高于5英尺8英寸(约177cm)。因为过高的人在人群中比较显眼。
The same goes for anyone with visible with tattoos, and all applicants must have no more than six points on their driving licence.此外,申请者还不能有纹身,驾照扣分不能超过6分。
The advert states: 'You&ll need to be highly observant & and be able to accurately remember the details of everything you&ve seen and heard. 招聘广告上还称:&你必须具备敏锐的观察力,能够准确记住见到听到的每一个细节。&
'You&ll need to drive regularly and be confident on all sorts of roads (urban, rural and motorway) at all times of the day and night.
易词解词(by 摩西老师)
confidentadj.自信的;确信的。拉丁词根fid表示信心,与日耳曼词源的单词bide v.遵守同源。可是我们认识confident的反义词么?有同学说那不就是not confident么?我能说你不觉着这样会很low吗?diffident adj.缺乏自信的,前缀dif-是dis-在f开头的词根前的异体,表away,lacking,后缀-ent表形容词,相当于动形词中的-ing,即diffident=lacking confident。
'You should be able to easily
yourself between two different points using an &A-Z& or Philip&s Navigator Britain style road map.
The job does not sound the most , with most of the time spent sitting in or walking around London, observing the public.这份工作并不如听起来那么高大上。大多数时候,你其实只是在伦敦街头坐着或走着观察大众而已。
However, MI5 are very clear that new recruits must be alert at all times and be ready to leap into action if duty calls.但是MI5明确表示,这份工作要求特工需要时刻保持警惕,并随时准备好投入任何行动。
'You&ll need to be able to remain completely alert for long spells of inactivity and then be able to step up several gears when it all starts happening,' the job description says.职位描述上称:&你需要在长时间的等待中时刻保持警惕,一旦有事发生,必须立刻充满活力。&
'Things can happen fast in this role. You&ll need to be able to make sound judgements on the spur of the moment.' &这项工作的变化性很强。因此你必须能够随时做出明智的决断。&
Applicants also need to be adept with IT systems as surveillance and communication technology is an integral part of the role.除此之外,申请者还得能够熟练操作IT系统,因为监控和通信技术也是工作中需要用到的。视频刷不出就多刷几次。有事或要资源请到微博@BillyLynch私信,回不回看心情。
自压 成立于1901年的英国军情五处(MI5),主要负责反恐怖和间谍活动,不过,其人员构成及具体工作却鲜为人知。之前已经搬运了带中文翻译的1、2、7、8、9季和几乎完全没字幕的第10季,现在搬运有英文字幕的3、4、5、6季,大家可以就这部剧学学英语。搬运的倒数第二季!还有第6季搬运完,这部经典英剧就全部搬运完成了~
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