
《伤害世界Hurtworld》不关防火墙进入方法 无法进入怎么办
《伤害世界Hurtworld》中更新反作弊后很多玩家遇到如下图所示问题,由于很多玩家在网吧里游戏,没有防火墙,究竟该如何解决呢?这里带来玩家'囝囝囝囹囝囝囝'分享的不关防火墙进入游戏方法,一起来看看吧。 在任务管理器描述里面把跟防火墙安全保护有关的全部关掉 以上就是不关防火墙解决无法进入游戏的方法,赶紧来尝试吧。
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解决方法1: 找到游戏目录下的EasyAntiCheat文件夹里的EasyAntiCheat_Setup用右键管理员模式运行
解决方法2: 关闭杀毒软件,误报。
1,请在游戏界面按F1输入 connect (服务器IP这是中国第一屌丝服的) 即可直接加入
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伤害世界hurtworld进不去怎么办 更新后进不了游戏
发表: 10:17:27来源:99单机
  伤害世界hurtworld进不去怎么办 更新后进不了游戏。很多玩家反应伤害世界更新补丁以后进不了游戏,一直卡进度条,下面99单机网小编就来告诉大家伤害世界hurtworld进不去怎么办。
范海辛的惊奇之旅:终极剪辑版是一款角色扮演类游戏,由NeocoreGames公司制作发行,游戏对原来的范海辛系列进行了高清整合,本作包括了三部作品的内容,并且还有新的故事,玩家在初始的时候可以选取6个职业,游戏对原先不合理的技能数系统也进行了重制,另外战役模式等级提升到80级,而其他模式是100级。to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested
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Title: Hurtworld
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 3 Dec, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Hurtworld has been in development for roughly 18 months. Over that time we have built a strong foundation that will support the massive plans we have for the game. We ran a 3 month limited closed alpha which allowed us to optimize client and server performance and clear out any game breaking bugs. We are now at a point where we're ready to open the gates to the Hurtworld universe. We feel the only way to develop a multiplayer game is to grow it organically with its player base. The foundations are laid, join the community and help us shape a game with endless possibilities!&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We think the current survival genre is only the tip of the iceberg of what is possible. While we plan to lock down the content and direction of the base game by the end of 2016, we hope to continue major content releases long after.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&We have our foundations built, lots of the hard engine work is out of the way. However our current content is very much a work in progress.
During development we will be constantly adding:
Along with new core systems we have in the works:
Resource Pipes
Meteor strikes
A rich modding SDK
Workshop support
Procedurally generated modular gear with random stats
Paintable gear
Most importantly nothing is set in stone. Got an idea? Post it on reddit and we may add it to the list!&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Hurtworld is still very early in development. While we have built a lot of different systems and engine features, most of the content is nothing more than a proof of concept. Things will change rapidly and drastically as we integrate the systems we have in place into a coherent gameplay experience.
Having said that, the game is stable and performs quite well. In its current state you are much more likely to find a game breaking balance issue than a game breaking bug.
We will be releasing a major update roughly once a month with new content and new gameplay features, along with up to hourly hotfixes whenever serious bugs arise.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The price will be discounted during early access and return to its full price once the game is more complete.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&The entire team is very active on our subreddit. We have no filter, we read every post. (/r/hurtworld/)
We run a weekly dev blog where each member of the team outlines what they are working on which usually opens a discussion thread on reddit for the week.
Nothing we have planned is set in stone, we will be constantly coming up with new ideas to flesh out the Hurtworld universe and taking cues from our community to set our priorities. We know that in most cases, the players know the metagame much better than the developers. We leave our ego at the door and let you decide what matters.&
Buy Hurtworld
Recent updates
This patch has a number of fixes for some exploits, and problems with players connecting to servers. More patches will be coming soon to further address connection issues. Please let us know how you go.
VERSION (31-MAY-2016)
Fixed exploit where ownership stakes could be placed within rocks in certain situations, due to crouch height not being calculated properly
Fixed issue where signs could be placed in incorrect locations
Fixed issue where multiple terrains would not be able to be baked in the navmesh for custom maps
Removed several memory allocations in level load and instantiation, to speed up level load
Made max ping kick not start before players finish loading the level, to prevent players incorrectly being kicked for high ping
Made workbenches more memory efficient
Fixed issue with `structurecomplexitylimit` command
Fixed issue where huge saves could not save properly in some situations
Added `sendbuffersize &value&` command. If you get warnings about your sendbuffer being full, consider setting this value to a higher number.
Added `networktimeoutdelay &value&` command. This is the amount of seconds a server will wait before kicking a player it considers disconnected. If players are unable to connect to your server, consider setting this value higher.
Doubled drop rate of loot crates in Diemensland
Fixed issue where starvation damage wouldn't trigger the damage sound effect
Changed trapdoor to be a subcategory of doors
Added four new music tracks
Hey Hurtworldians,
Back for another Hurtworld development update, we have a look at lodding systems for high poly city set dressing, more player gear and foundations for moddable player gear, items and construction pieces.
Check out the full update here:
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
WARNING: Hurtworld is still very early in development. It may be worth waiting until we are further through development before getting on board (We're not going anywhere).
Hurtworld is a hardcore multiplayer survival FPS with a focus on deep survival progression that doesn't become trivial once you establish some basic needs. That feeling when you're freezing to death trying to make a fire, or you're defenceless being chased by creatures. These experiences are what make a survival game. When you overcome that challenge and find a level of comfort it's a great feeling, but what do you do next?
Hurtworld tempts you out of your comfort zone with rich resources, better loot and higher tech. It will also throw more dangerous creatures, harsher environments and new challenges at you that can't be taken on without the proper gear or refined skill. Will you settle for bows and arrows and a campfire, or push deeper into the map and start scavenging for vehicle parts and better weapons?
Built from the ground up with solid multiplayer foundations. Designed for fast skill based PVP and PVE. You will constantly have to decide which is the biggest threat, the player opposite you or the creatures that will hear your gunshot.
Crafting Gear, Tools, Weapons and Machines - Combine what you find in the world to make hundreds of different items.
Structure Building - Claim land solo or with friends, build from a hut to a city using our attachment point based structure system.
Procedurally Generated, Customizable Vehicles - Find a car or quad bike wreck in world with random panels. Scavenge for parts and get it moving again. Find rare paint colors and skin patterns to get it looking just the way you want. Upgrade your engine and gearbox. Make sure to carry a spare tire!
Mining Resources - Heaps of different minable resources that require different tools to gather, from Pickaxes to Dynamite. Alternatively you can build some automated drills and let them do the work for you.
Twitch based PVP - Some areas of the map will be highly contested, are you willing to share the limited resources needed to survive? If you aren't, we have many different projectile and melee weapons to do away with your opponent. Careful though, murdering your peers may increase your own penalty for death.
Farmable Plants - Find wild seeds and get a crop going back home.
Hunting Neutral and Hostile Animals - Environment is filled with animals, they may be your lunch, you may be theirs.
Town Ruins and Relics with Random Loot - Tightly contested, if the radiation and mutated creatures don't kill you, another player will. You might just find those engine parts you've been looking for here.
Dynamic Day/Night + Weather - Pick the right time of day to attempt crossing sand dunes, but watch out for sandstorms.
Stat Simulation - More than just a hunger bar, everything in the world is affected by time of day, current biome, localized effects like radiation, dynamic weather, heat given off by machines etc. Items can have different behaviors based on current stats too. That steak in your backpack might just freeze in the snow, at least it will take longer to go rotten. Put that storage chest too close to your fire you may come home to a pile of Ash.
Drastically Different Biomes - Explore the harsh world. From the snow forests of the North to the colorful parrot Tokars of the red desert, gear that lets you survive in one biome may kill you in another. Players with a home base advantage will likely be better equipped to handle their surroundings than invaders.
All the features above are currently in the game and functional, however much of the content in these systems is placeholder. While we've done a lot of the hard work developing robust systems to underpin gameplay mechanics, we haven't yet spent a lot of time generating and balancing content for these systems. As this is mostly configuration work, we will be able to quickly deliver lots of new content in the coming months.
Most multiplayer open world games use a MMO style network architecture. While this allows for greater player numbers per server, it opens up the game up to endless cheating exploits that are impossible to stomp out. Hurtworld uses an architecture closer to that of a modern FPS, where all physics and game logic are calculated on the server. While cheats can never be fully stopped, this structure makes a large amount of the exploits impossible from day one. Due to this, our servers will use a bit more resources for the same number of people than your usual survival game, but we think it's totally worth it.
Keeping your FPS high and smooth is crucially important to us. As members of the PC master race we know 60+ FPS is a right, not a privilege. Not to mention PVP gunplay just doesn't work at low FPS. This is an ongoing battle while we are developing the game, adding new stuff slows things down, doing an optimization pass gives us some breathing room. It goes in cycles.
Currently things are running very well, we did a lot of hard work during our closed alpha to bring performance up and to get rid of big spikes. On mid range 2 year old machines we're currently getting 80+ FPS on medium settings. Our biggest bottleneck is player skinning on the CPU. Meaning if your CPU is a potato, and there are lots of players in your area, it will chugg. We have a fairly comprehensive graphical settings menu that should let you scale things down even on lower spec machines. We are constantly working to improve performance and we'll do our best to keep everything running well throughout early access.
Hurtworld has competitive FPS in its DNA. Violence isn't the only option, but when it's needed you want to be sure it's a fair skill rewarding system. We are keeping the gear cap low on PVP items. This means a player with 150 hours in a server and endgame loot can't faceroll their way around the map with impunity. Higher grade gear will allow you to survive in harsher environments and take on fiercer creatures, it won't however stop a bullet to the face.
We are currently testing a new system that changes the way gear is dropped on death. By default all gear you have equipped like tools guns and clothes won't drop on death.
Secured gear in your hotbar and equipment slots (gear you are wearing) can only be dropped if your infamy level is above zero.
Infamy is a stat bar that increases by one every time you kill someone, and slowly decreases over time back to zero. For each point of infamy you currently have, you have a chance to lose a secured item (equipped gear / weapons / tools).
We hope this will have a few effects.
Most people will actually use their best gear all the time
New spawns being harassed at spawn that can’t fight back won’t lose much
Players harassing fresh spawns are putting a target on their own head, as some of their gear is now up for grabs to anyone who kills them, creating interesting skirmishes.
Farming yield of a player will be dependant on the territory they can control. If a player tries to mine the limited resources around your base, you can kill them to claim the resources back without completely ruining their day.
We can make tiers of gear much more expensive to create without crossing the too valuable to lose bracket
As with any new gameplay system, it sounds great in theory to us, how it plays will be the real test. This behavior is currently enabled by default, however server owners can override playerlootmode to 4 different settings depending on preference including the classic lose everything.
Modding is one of our top priorities. We have been working with the awesome guys at Oxide, to integrate their modding framework with Hurtworld. You can download their API right now and start writing server mods for Hurtworld in Lua, C#, Javascript or Python!
In the future we want to build Hurtworld into a platform for different sandbox game types (Think Dota 2 custom games). We are designing the game we want to play most, however the framework of player movement, gear, combat, environmental effects, AI, vehicles, construction and gathering can all be applied to vastly different game modes with very little work. We are slowly building up a more powerful SDK we plan to release sometime in 2016. I can't wait to see what other people do with a solid FPS framework with the backing of a fleshed out survival game.
Will you add procedural maps?
Currently we are focusing on hand crafted maps. We are a good way through developing an SDK for Unity we call &Shigi Tools& designed to allow the community to create their own maps in-engine. It's not out of the realm of possibility that a server will have its own unique map designed by its admins that is downloaded on connection. This combined with server side mods should open up the gameplay possibilities a lot. We don't have an ETA on this yet, we are using it to build internal maps but it will require some new engine systems to handle runtime loading that we will prioritize amongst other things.
Can I host a server?
Yes! We have a Windows and Linux headless server build that can be downloaded through the tools section of Steam or via SteamCMD, check out the Hurtworld Wiki for guides.
How many players per server?
We are optimizing for 50. We run all our physics on the server with low jitter and a high tickrate. This means we won't reach the 200+ mmo class of servers, however we think the tradeoff is worth it for a more responsive experience and a game more resistant to cheats. It also means we can do more interesting things with AI that feel more like Left for Dead and less like World of Warcraft.
MAC USERS NOTE: If you get a crash on startup of the game, please disable Steam overlay
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP 64
Processor: 2 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 460/Radeon HD 5850/Intel HD 4600 with at least 1024 MB video RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 64
Processor: 3 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 660/Radeon HD 6970
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 4 GB available space
OS: OS X Lion 10.7
Processor: 2 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 460/Radeon HD 5850/Intel HD 4600 with at least 1024 MB video RAM
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: OS X Mavericks
Processor: 3 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 660/Radeon HD 6970
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 4 GB available space
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Early Access Review
I DOESNT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO LAGGY I CRASH EVERY 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Early Access Review
&Ping is too high& granted even on league my ping is around 100ms....HOWEVER...u cant even play this game...I hope you have or get your own server however it would almost defeat the purpose...when I finally was able to play I found that the game had very loud and obnoxious sounds... music is peaceful and quiet which I do like. Certainly you COULD turn down the sounds in options but my gawd man the defaults should be close.There was nothing to do...While roaming in the literall desert I was able to find nothing exciting...just one animal...the game isnt too hard to pick up on but has no tutorial in single player and the animations and sound effects for EVERYTHING were poorly done....Without a highly populated server that wont lag and you have friends to work/play with in this game....there is almost nothing here currently for you.The game IS in early this price point ($12 on humble bundle at the time) I still would stay away from this game for another year or two.
Early Access Review
I used to recommend this game, but after the incredible lack of updates in the last 6 months and the absolute terrible community I cannot recommend this anymore. I tried to get back into this game, but the only people on now are Russians and Koreans. It's to bad this game whet down hill. It had a great concept, but the developers got lazy and didn't help create a diversive community. I would recommend to all of you to look into more complete survival games that have a good community.
Early Access Review
I Will make this one a fast :Gameplay : 5/10 ( Needs improvement on the AI )Graphics : 6/10 ( For a Survival Tf2 stiyle game it is good )Development : 4/10 ( Game needs a lot more of development )Fun level : 9/10 ( This game is funny to play with other people )Controls : 9/10 ( Easy controls to learn and the learning curve is fast )Price : 2/10 ( Its too high , it should be half of the price )If you play this game without mods is pretty much boring ! Just take all th x200 servers and PVP and you shall be having a good time . I Give this one a 6/10.
Early Access Review
I can no longer recomend this game. What makes a game like this either thrive or die is the community around it and the community around this game for the english speaking folk like myself is just god awful. I tried giving the game another go just the other day was greeted by many russians chinese and a few italians none of which could speak english. Bare in mind i was in a featured community server i did try a couple other servers but closest to a US base server i could find was split [EU/US] any thing else either had no players or had insane rates. Trying to have a conversation was like speaking to a brick wall and trying to find people to play with was even more impossible. The game it's self doesn't seem to have changed much since when i bought it except now theres a build limit which is kind of lame. Anyway stay away there are other survival games out there with more content and better communities. They have added steamworkshop to this game but it only seems to have low-quality maps on it as of right now maybe check back in a year see how the game is then but as of right now i cant recomend it.
Early Access Review
idk but this game ????en sucks
Early Access Review
Product received for free
CHcia?bym kupic h1z1
Early Access Review
Great Game With frequent updates.
Early Access Review
Refund is needed game garbage
Early Access Review
I'm not going to lie, it's a good game. Lovely art, hardcore survival elements etcetera etcetera..BUT.What I think is needed is procedural generation of landscape and resources, it would add so much to the game along with mass replayability. No server would be the same. - More replayability = more players.Some way to get world events like the airdrop in Rust or the supply drops in ARK to make people interact more with the outside world and fight for resources.Bring Hurtworld back to life.
Early Access Review
hurtworld is fun but at the moment there isnt a very good player base offen only around 1000 are play at a time
i also found that building is a very fun thing to do if you dont build over the todum line (meaning some nake with a hammer could braek your wall down and be in) vechiles are rare if not gone from the game (take on average 8 hours to fin one woth using and another 8 hours to find the parts) also if you add a part to a car,quad you CAN'T get it back again
Early Access Review
I was wondering if I could get a refund on the game hurtwolrd my computer cant run it properly and I think it has spread malware through my CPU so if i could please get my money back that would be good
Early Access Review
Seems like the resource on
aircraft carrier reduced a lot.... why the author reduce it? is
it easy to live in dessert or it is to easy to get on the second floor?
Early Access Review
this game is very fun. it is one of the best games i have ever played. i recommend this game for anyone looking for a new game.
Early Access Review
- Went up to a deer- Murdered me in seconds11/10 would get murdered by a deer again
Early Access Review
This game looks good but if u have a ping that go\'s over 250 at any point you can\'t play it because you gett kicked for high ping every few minuts. The people that play it are bigger ????? than those that play RUST. My house was gone after 8 hours off line. don\'t know why but it was compleatly gone.
when i do come back to the game my stuff gets shuffled around if its not missing compleatly. over all I would say 6/10
Early Access Review
Chinese Rust.
Early Access Review
The game was pretty fun until the community died. Now a clan of 4 or 5 people can pretty much take over a server because there aren\'t enough people playing. The game has a lot of potential but in its current state, it\'s definitely not worth it. Devs don\'t update the game enough. By the time updates do come out, players have already lost the hype. There is only one map so exploring gets boring quickly, and the way it\'s designed makes it incredibly easy for people to camp the noobie area. I\'ve seen way too many new players ragequit in their first day because some group living near the spawn area finds them every few minutes and kills them. I know being killed is part of any survival game, but I find the way this game has it set up just makes it so much worse for new players.Once you do get off your feet, you realize there just isn\'t enough content to keep you interested. Imo the main thing that kept people playing was the community but sincemost servers are nearly empty nowadays, there\'s nothing left to work for.Honestly, the only thing that stands out about this game compared to other popular ones are the cars, but cars aren\'t worth spending nearly $30.
Early Access Review
Is this game worth getting no mostly no servers slowly dieing people hacking and getting inside your building when they shouldn\'t spend 2 days building up items and so on then 1 day hackers come and steal everything you go from an close place where no could get into unless C4 don\'t buy it don\'t waste your money get something better
Early Access Review
I really thought this game would restore my faith in survival games but, once again, horribly disappointed. Can\'t even last a few hours in a server without being attacked by a group of hackers that clip into your structures and completely ruin the game. Everything else is fine I guess, but this single thing makes the game horrible! It doesn\'t matter how strategically you build or how carefully you choose your hideout. If hackers find you, they will attack you. And if you win, they will get revenge by casually walking into your home, taking ownership of it, and pretty much destroying the game.
3 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Hurtworld was pretty fun when it first launched- you could pick it up and get into PVP pretty quick having naked bow fights in the woods and just generally muck around.
Then they decided that there would be no fun allowed and made everything tedious and horrible.
After nerfing resources and making everything harder to craft no one wanted to leave their base anymore making everything super lame (not to forget the totem changes).
The server populations died off fairly quick after said changes and the game just isn't fun or alive anymore.
You would be better off giving your money to that guy begging out front of the gas station who totally isn't going to spend it on booze than to spend it on this.
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Early Access Review
Before I begin. I am not one of the fools trying to stop EA games. The EA system is a great idea, and works very well most of the time, so on to the game. The game itself has a good concept. It’s not “Totally new and different! A whole new type of game!” but it is fun, and unique. So why the downvote? * I love PVP games. I love H1Z1 with perma death and losing all yer stuff to a noob who shot you with a bow. That’s fun. But this is different. It’s a game with a deep crafting system. To make a gun takes a long time, lots of work and it’s satisfying. That is till they made the update where you drop everything when you die. Now you get killed left and right, and STILL, have to work forever to make anything. At that point it turns into a war. *The only way this would Work “well” (Or really at all) would be to have clans, where you could build up yer stuff in a safe place and have wars. That could be fun, but it would kill it for solo players such as I. If yer a solo player this game seems beyond hope, I’d turn away. *Now what if you want to be a clan player. Cool! Try and find someone. The servers AREN'T low pop, but the players are toxic at best. One time I saw a guy murdered (BEFORE the loot drop update). He asks the player WHY. The player says “You took my log”. FYI logs spawn regularly. EVERYWHERE. This was a top lvl player. He killed a noob. Said the guy stole his family, and then refused to give anyone of the dudes stuff back. *TL;DR Yeah the community is toxic and this game has now been set up in a way that it would only work with a GREAT community helping everyone out. The devs started off good with a good idea, but they screwed up. The gmae is NOT pointless, you still may like it. And it may come back maybe they'll fic the mistakes. I really have put enough into this game to fairly judge, so I may update in time.P.S. The games price is STILL 25$ BTW.
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Early Access Review
This game has everything in it. The graphics are good and the gameplay smooth, Crafting, Gathering and just plain surviving is just fun. My only Dislike is the fact that the servers reset and all that time was wasted. I know people like to start over from scratch and build something better than before but as a Man that works 60-80 hrs a week my game time isn't as long as I would like. If you have nothng to do and have the time on your hands I would recommend this game.
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Early Access Review
Was fun at first, but i seriously don't recommend buying it now. The game has gone downhill and has low population on servers. An early access title that was all hype...
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Early Access Review
Family View and this game are not compatible.
Now the game does install and run just fine, but when it comes to joining a server.
&Family sharing not allowed&
and I am unable to join. Hurtworld and other games have disabled Family Sharing. I was unware of such changes and I thought You should know as well.&We found that more players were using this feature to side step game mechanics and player bans than were using it for its intended purpose. Because of this we made the decision to no longer allow it in game.& - battlemu1eThis was a bit of info for future buyers.
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Early Access Review
The game hasn't recieved very many updates sadly. It's still pretty fun but doesn't have a lot of replay value due to how the map is setup. People can camp loot areas with automatic rifles and such and after dying several times are running there for ten minutes is quite annoying. I'd like new maps, or at least new weapons or maybe even an end game objective. I will set this as negative until I see improvement because the game hasn't changed much from when it was released.
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Early Access Review
this game is good but you need atachments for the guns, like the sniper because it is ment to snipe from far and we need more materials but i give this game a six and a haf out of ten because it gets boring after 3 to 4 hours of gaming eaven with friends
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Early Access Review
I can no longer recomend this game. What makes a game like this either thrive or die is the community around it and the community around this game for the english speaking folk like myself is just god awful. I tried giving the game another go just the other day was greeted by many russians chinese and a few italians none of which could speak english. Bare in mind i was in a featured community server i did try a couple other servers but closest to a US base server i could find was split [EU/US] any thing else either had no players or had insane rates. Trying to have a conversation was like speaking to a brick wall and trying to find people to play with was even more impossible. The game it's self doesn't seem to have changed much since when i bought it except now theres a build limit which is kind of lame. Anyway stay away there are other survival games out there with more content and better communities. They have added steamworkshop to this game but it only seems to have low-quality maps on it as of right now maybe check back in a year see how the game is then but as of right now i cant recomend it.
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Early Access Review
Its a very good game that makes you get mixed emotions when you get looted because you seek revenge while feeling sad and pumped to kill every man who raided your base, happened to me, killed every single one including kenchan if you read this suck it. we won you lost get over it.
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Early Access Review
-The building system is becoming more and more robust with every passing month, and allows you to be more creative with your structures (already far more so than other early access titles in the same genre). From building a giant Gothic style cathedral on a plateau to a sprawling chateu in the desert, the new building system is largely underrated.-Hurtworld is a highly stylized game, almost TF2 esque. Which means it shouldn't seem dated anytime soon.-Devs are always in touch with the community they've created.-The PvE aspect is very much prominent, making it more of a survival against the wilderness and hunger rather than other players. I haven't found many players who KOS in Hurtworld (Sure, you'll come across an ??????? here and there, but not as many as in other early access survival games).-Infamous system is great, and makes you think twice before you go hunting your fellow humans.-There are a handful of bugs you'll find on your journey from start to endgame, but none will come close to ruining your gameplay experience.-The crafting and sorting/splitting system could use some work, and the mob AI could be (and probably will be) improved.-In my opinion, Hurtworld is best enjoyed with a group of friends. Playing alone can be a grind but still enjoyable nonetheless.-Do not take if you are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant.-If you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, do not take Hurtworld without some sweet hussies by your side.Hurtworld is definitely heading in the right direction. Most reviews I've seen have been way off point, considering that Hurtworld is not a fully released title. The playerbase has dwindled quite a bit, but you can still enjoy Hurtworld on a handful of very populated servers. Hopefully the Steam store announces Hurtworld's official release, because it's not an experience you'll want to miss.
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Early Access Review
I have to admit, I had my doubts about this. ( as of lag and stuff like that but it is acually very stable ) I have only played 30 min or so and i can already tell this is better than Rust.
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Early Access Review
Featured servers is bull . The devs choosing a couple their friends to have servers that always at the top like a sticky thread... favoritism... bogusness... ???? it
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Early Access Review
A really funny game to play.
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Early Access Review
pros: - great survival game - really hard so u gotta be smart - lots of things to craft and to do - really nice cartoonish style - house building - cars, paintings, different style cars - drilling, hunting, building, raiding, eating, surviving - different bioms - different animals in different bioms - taunts (emotions) - guns - realistic at some points - fridges, campfires, crafting tables, storages, trading, hand crafting, workbench crafting - u can also make hair in this game and clothes - etc.
cons: - the comunity is very agressive, so dont trust them - the imfamy sistem (look in youtube for more details) - everybody has the same character ( pls I would love if the game would add more characters to be chosen by the player)
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Early Access Review
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Early Access Review
Only 2 hours in, well I might have more but this game is hard to play for over 2 hours total. Total waste of time and money, their are much better games out there in this genre at the moment! Save your money, buy a Pizza instead.
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3 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
cool game great concept excepttttt that you spend 15 minutes trying to get it to load without crashing pretty much makes the game unplayable. And its been like this for 2 months and the devs have literally done nothing to fix it they havent even mentioned it. The devs dont care about you they just want money.
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1 person found this review funny
Early Access Review
I don't recommend this game at the current state...Servers are empty... NPC AI = o.OGame needs improvements.Pros-Cars-Graphics (if you like cartoonish graphics)-Runs very fastCons-Building system needs improvements-Survival system needs some tweaks (We die too fast from cold, sun or hunger)-Few players on servers-Few items to craftIf you find this game on a discount, and if they improve the game you should try and buy this, but right now there are other alternatives like Rust or Ark.
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Early Access Review
wery bad-no humans-servers lagging-all in this game terrible-4/10
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1 person found this review funny
Early Access Review
This game is REALLY FANTASTIC ! I very recommend this game for the all .
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