eclipse quantumdbeclipse怎么安装adt

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Ubuntu系统下安装和配置PostgreSQL 8.1
Ubuntu系统下安装和配置PostgreSQL 8.1
在Ubuntu下安装和配置PostgreSQL 相对来说很简单,只是需要注意一些细节上的问题。在这里简单过一遍安装步骤。
在Ubuntu下安装和配置PostgreSQL 相对来说很简单,只是需要注意一些细节上的问题。在这里简单过一遍安装步骤。其中带 的地方需要特别留意。
1- $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1
# apt-get install postgresql会安装7.4版的PostgreSQL。
2- $ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/postgresql.conf
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'"为"listen_addresses = '*'"(去掉注释符"#",允许网络访问而非仅限localhost)。
3- $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P
#依次输入需要创建的用户名、密码、以及是否是超级用户、是否有权限创建数据库、是否有权限添加新的用户/角色 建议一定要用-P选项当场创建密码,避免以后的连接配置问题。
4- $ sudo -u postgres createdb [databasename] #创建数据库。
5- $ psql -U [username] [databasename]
#正常的话已经可以进入PostgreSQL交互命令界面,并且看到PostgreSQL版本号,如8.1.4。 注意大小写
6- 安装自己喜欢的客户端,官方推荐pgadminIII,安装方法 $ apt-get install pgadmin3; 或者其他客户端,如Eclipse + QuantumDB (需要另外下载JDBC驱动)。
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10月23日,Canonical公司刚刚发布了Ubuntu 15.10 wily werewolf
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7月29日,微软正式发布了Windows 10并开始向全球的PC
51CTO旗下网站《精通Eclipse》(张大治//应群)【摘要_书评_试读】- 蔚蓝网
&&&&&Eclipse是当前最流行的基于Java的集成开发环境之一,功能非常强大。它是一个开放源代码的、基于Java的可扩展开发平台。   本书语言通俗易懂、叙述深入浅出、图文并茂、概念结合操作、理论结合实例,方便读者在较短的时间内认识并掌握Eclipse平台的使用方法,并能用它作为开发利器用到实际编程工作中去。
Eclipse简介 1
何谓Eclipse 1
Eclipse的组成 4
Eclipse的特点 6
Eclipse的发展过程 8
Eclipse所遵循的开源和CPL 9
Eclipse的安装 10
JDK 1.4.2的安装 10
Eclipse 3.1的安装 11
检验JRE版本和环境变量 13
在Linux下安装Eclipse平台 13
Eclipse开发环境 15
观察窗口 17
编辑窗口 18
Eclipse 3.1的新功能和改进 19
平台更改 19
小组/CVS 28
本章小结 32
Eclipse平台和体系结构 35
Eclipse体系结构 35
工作空间 36
团队协作开发 37
帮助系统 38
Eclipse工作台 38
菜单和工具栏 44
创建第一个项目 45
资源管理 46
搜索及搜索视图 50
任务及任务视图 51
书签及书签视图 52
定制工作台 53
使用JDT开发Java程序 59
JDT基础 59
Java项目(Java Projects) 59
Java构建器(Java Builder) 60
Java透视图(Java Perspectives)和Java视图(Java Views) 60
Java编辑器(Java Editor) 63
快速修正(Quick Fix) 64
快速协助(Quick Assist) 64
模板(Templates) 65
Java搜索(Java Search) 66
重构支持(Refactoring support) 67
构建类路径(Build Classpath) 67
类路径变量(Classpath Variables) 67
排斥和包含过滤器(Exclusion and Inclusion Filters) 67
访问规则(Access Rules) 68
调试器(Debugger) 68
代码片断编辑测试窗(Scrapbook) 68
本地调试(Local Debugging) 68
远程调试(Remote Debugging) 69
断点(Breakpoints) 69
字符串外部化(String Externalization) 69
Java开发环境的使用 70
创建Java元素 70
使用层次结构视图 74
使用Java包视图 75
使用Java编辑器 77
外部化字符串 85
Java搜索 87
构建Java程序 90
使用构建路径 91
启动Java程序 92
启动Java Applet 93
创建Java应用程序配置 94
重新启动程序 96
本地调试 96
远程调试 103
Eclipse与Ant插件 105
Ant的介绍 105
Ant的优点 106
Ant的安装和配置 106
Ant支持库 109
Ant的运行参数介绍 110
Ant的使用 111
Ant名词附录 117
Ant语法 119
使用Ant插件进行构建部署 126
Ant构建文件的创建 126
Ant构建文件的编辑 127
Ant构建文件的运行 129
定义自己的Ant选项 131
打开Ant视图 133
使用build.xml构建部署文件 134
Eclipse下使用CVS进行协同开发 137
版本控制协同开发和CVS 137
版本控制和协同开发 137
CVS的几个基本概念 139
利用CVS软件开发的典型过程 140
常用的CVS命令 141
Linux下CVS服务器配置 144
CVS服务确认 144
Linux下CVS服务器安装 144
Linux下CVS服务器配置 145
Windows下CVS服务器配置 147
CVSNT的安装 147
CVSNT的配置 148
Eclipse利用CVS进行协同开发 149
Eclipse与CVS服务器的连接 149
用CVS共享Eclipse工程 152
在Eclipse下检出代码 155
代码的提交 155
代码的更新 157
代码的比较 157
从历史记录中恢复版本 161
Eclipse与J2EE开发环境 165
Tomcat与JBoss 165
Tomcat简介 165
Tomcat的安装 166
Tomcat的运行 168
插件tomcatPlugin 171
JBoss简介 174
JBoss的安装及运行 175
Lomboz插件介绍 177
Lomboz概述 177
Lomboz安装及配置 178
使用EclipseUML插件进行建模 193
EclipseUML插件 193
使用EclipseUML插件进行系统建模 195
准备工作 196
绘制UML图 198
第8章 Eclipse下的Struts框架应用 205
MVC与Struts 205
何谓MVC模式 206
将MVC概念映射到Struts组件中 206
Struts结构与框架 208
Struts体系结构 208
详细分析 Struts 209
从Struts的组件来看Struts的工作原理 213
何谓自定义的tag 214
Struts标记库 215
开发Struts项目 229
用Eclipse编写一个简单的Struts程序 229
myeclipse插件简介 236
使用myeclipse开发Struts项目 236
第9章 Eclipse进行J2EE开发调试 243
创建J2EE项目 243
J2EE基本概念 243
创建J2EE项目 246
编写和调试JSP 248
配置JSP开发调试环境 249
编写JSP 250
调试JSP 252
编写JSTL 255
编写和调试EJB 258
开发EJB 260
调试EJB 269
第10章 Eclipse数据库开发 271
数据库连接 271
数据库管理系统 271
MySQL的安装与配置 273
MySQL编程初步 278
Eclipse数据库插件 282
SQLExplorer插件 282
QuantumDB及其他插件 288
EJB与数据库的连接 293
EJB概念回顾 293
EJB与数据库的连接 294
第11章 Eclipse下的应用界面开发 303
SWT简介 303
SWT概述 304
SWT的基本内容 305
SWT高级主题 308
线程问题 309
错误处理 312
使用SWT开发应用界面 315
示例概述 315
开发过程 316
JFace用户界面框架 329
查看器 330
操作和添加项 334
用户界面资源 335
长时间运行的操作 338
第12章 Eclipse和JUnit测试技术 341
单元测试与JUnit 341
软件测试概述 342
单元测试概述 343
JUnit概述 345
JUnit API 351
JUnit核心概述 351
JUnit核心类简述 356
在Eclipse中使用JUnit 357
测试的准备 358
测试的建立 361
测试的运行 364
使用TestSuite进行测试 365
第13章 Eclipse重构技术 369
重构的时机 370
重构的优点 371
重构的方法 373
代码坏味道 378
Eclipse中的重构支持 382
提取方法 382
重命名包 383
重命名编译单元 383
重命名类型 384
重命名方法 385
重命名值域 385
重命名局部变量 386
更改方法特征符 387
提取局部变量 388
提取常量 388
自包括值域 389
将成员上拉至父类 389
将成员下推至子类 391
在各个类型之间移动静态成员 391
将实例方法移至组件 392
将局部变量转换为值域 392
从类型中提取接口 393
将表达式替换为方法参数 394
将构造函数调用替换为工厂方法调用 394
撤销/重做重构操作 395
使用Eclipse进行重构 395
源程序介绍 395
提取switch语句 398
移动函数amountForo 402
提取会员积点计算的代码 405
移动getChargeo函数 406
重构后的代码 409
附录 Eclipse插件开发技术 413
插件开发环境PDE 413
Eclipse的构架 413
PDE简介 414
PDE中的概念 416
利用PDE开发插件 418
Eclipse插件的结构和声明文件 418
插件的部署和启动 419
介绍一个Eclipse自带的插件例子程序 420
自己开发一个简单的视图插件 424
为B3中的插件编写片段 430
调试运行插件 435
对运行插件的选择 435
运行时调试跟踪 437
采用调试方式运行插件 439
发布插件 439
Eclipse 3.1插件迁移指南 442
Eclipse 3.0与Eclipse 3.1之间的不兼容性 443
采用3.1机制和API时所需进行的更改 448
QuantumDB Eclipse Plugin,是Eclipse的又一插件,使用这个插件,可以在Eclipse中实现数据库的绝大部分操作,目前适用的数据库为:Adabas、DB2、DB2 on AS400、HSQLDB、Informix、MySQL、Oracle、Pointbase、PostgreSQL、Sybase,遗憾的是怎么没有SQL SERVER?
QuantumDB is a simple but powerful database access plug-in for the Eclipse Development Platform. QuantumDB allows you to:
connect to databases using standard JDBC drivers
review schemas, tables, views and sequences
look up column, index and foreign key information
issue ad-hoc queries or other SQL statements against the database
manage, edit, and work with SQL files (*.sql)
issue updates, deletes, and inserts using simple, easy-to-use wizards
QuantumDB works with any JDBC-complaint database, including:
DB2 on AS400
The QuantumDB developers regularly use a wide variety of database products as they add new features to the plugin.
如果Eclipse的版本是3.1,需要去下载GEF,下载地址:如果是Eclipse 3.1则需要 GEF,下载:
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(3)(8)(6)(16)(44)(58)(61)(58)(105)(93)(94)(8)(42)(48)Blog about Eclipse and related technology
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Excellent explanation how to dynamically add/load or remove extensions based on your extension point.Old way to load extensions was static and usually happened only while your plugin was being loaded. New approach uses IExtensionChangeHandler to load or remove the extension during the lifetime of your plugin.See the article
Excellent blog about some Eclipse 3.5 Treasures, second part of the blog has useful PDE plugin development features (Plug-in Spy).
I am a big fan of , I have used it since the version 0.4 and even wrote
connector for Mylyn.
I was excited when (you know, the guys who brought us Mylyn) started offering
for Eclipse and I had to have it.
And that is where my problems started and they were not caused by Tasktop or Mylyn. As recommended, I tried to use the new
in Eclipse 3.4, but the install failed because of the bug in P2 that prevented install of Mylyn 3.0.1 (required by ), and because I am not quite familiar with the new update manager yet. After great help from Shawn Minto from Tasktop, I was able to force install of Mylyn 3.0.1, but the installation didn’t go quite as it should (but no error) and after restarting Eclipse, I got fatal error when trying to display Task List view. I made a mistake by removing Mylyn 3.0.1 manually from feature and plugin folder (the way I always did it since Eclipse 2.0). The result was, that Mylyn completely disappeared from Eclipse, even if P2 update manager thought that Mylyn is still installed. I then manually deleted all Mylyn related plugin and feature jars but I wasn’t able to reinstall it, because P2 thought, that Mylyn is still installed. After some more help from Shawn Minto I managed to reinstall Mylyn 3.0.1 from P2 Installed Software tab by selecting all Mylyn features and selecting Update… from popup menu. I was happy that I have Mylyn back, thanked Shawn for his help, and installed . Everything looked good, no errors, so I left Eclipse running and went shopping with my wife (I know, I shouldn’t have done it, I hate shopping?.
Surprise, surprise, when I came home, Eclipse was not runing (and no errors in the log), looks like it crashed. I restarted Eclipse and to my surprise, Mylyn (and Tasktop starter) were gone again and I wasn’t able to update Mylyn the from P2 Installed Software any more. And that is where comes in.
Fortunatelly I use , free Eclipse distribution service. Because of Yoxos, I was able in less than 10 minutes reinstall Eclipse 3.4 with all the plugins I use (I use over 50 plugins). I just went to Y, selected my previously saved profile after I logged in and in a few minutes I had Eclipse 3.4 distribution zip file on my desktop with all my plugins. Then just unzip the Eclipse distribution, and start the newly installed Eclipse, all in less than 10 minutes. This is simply amazing, it would take me several hours to install all the plugins manually!
In conclusion, please do not remove manually any jars from Eclipse feature and plugin directories, and use P2 instead to manage your Eclipse distribution (and be patient with P2, while it has great potential, it is not quite as stable as the good old Update Manager). And do yourself a favor and check out ! While it is not perfect (for example Yoxos does not have any place to file bugs, problems, enhancement requests), it is the best free Eclipse distribution service (and yes I evaluated MyEclipse Pulse and Yoxos and Yoxos is far superior to Pulse IMHO).
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Eclipse Plugins I use to extend Eclipse IDE functionality, and other information and links about Eclipse.
Eclipse Plugins Repositories:
– plugin repository
MyEclipse Plugins Subscription ($30 a year):
– Eclispse + plugins distribution (subscription)
– plugin repository
– articles, blogs and more
– Eclipse plugins distribution
Eclipse plugins I use:
Lately I have been using an Import/Export method for update site. I usually do not use plugin without the update site. But there are still a few plugins which are worth the hassle even without the update site like XML Buddy and Logwatcher. By using Import/Export I now use the eclipse own plugin/feature directories and on upgrade (or to duplicate on different machine), I just Import the update sites list and reload the plugins (thus getting the latest versions). Only the few plugins without update site are installed in separate plugin directory (eclipse_local/…).
– DB layout modeling
– check coding style
– find implementors of an interface
– wanna debug Perl script
– support for Hibernate, great ORM
– finally you can view pdf in Eclipse
– Perforce VCS
– test your regex
– Ruby development tools
– Ruby development
– Tapestry web development (not for 4.0 yet)
– Subversion plugin
– another Subversion plugin
– Tapestry visual editor
– Eclipse default profiler (problems to get it work)
– tab, html entities, case conversion and more
– code folding
– profiler
– find bug using JVM code analysis
– tide Html files
– WYSIWIG edit javadoc documetation
– show package dependencies
– generate log4j code
– watch logfile(s) for changes (tail -f like)
– display Java code metrics
– search javadoc on jdocs
– DB viewer/editor
– test your web application
– edit, validate XML files
– generate Java source in Html
– decompile classes, jars without source
– view Java bytecode for .java or .class
– select in editor, search web
– regular expression tester, multi-clipboard, Html tools
– shell as Eclipse view, supports dos, bash, sh
– Columns Plug-in for Eclipse defines the concept of ‘Column’ and some functions of this editable component
– XPath-View is an environment in which you can test, use and play with XPath-expressions
access to projects documentations & sample source source code
– editing in Eclipse
– for manipulating the Jar files
– allows you to open the original Windows Explorer context menu
– this plugin add ‘Windows Explorer’ feature in Resource/Package
explorer popup
– better code folding
Other useful plugins:
– C++ development
– Swing, SWT GUI builder
– source code coloring
– run your JUnit test continuously
– code review
– JUnit test and caverage tool
– extend javadoc tags
– UML modelling
– save source in Html (I use Jva2Html)
– generate reports
– RSS reader
– source code analyzer
– use Jetty for web application debugging
– not mature enought to use, but great idea and great Bugzilla plugin
– PHP development
– test regular expression
Other useful info and links
TPTP, what a piece of junk. The worst eclipse plugin of the year. It has so many dependencies, that it is almost impossible to install. If they want to compete with NetBeans or for-fee profilers they have to do better, much better. I cannot install it by using Update manager. I tried version 3.1, the install was OK, but it couldn’t resolve classpath of my project. Now I am trying to install 4.0.1 and I cannot even install it. That is two outs. You tell me if this is product worth considering. I guess you get what you paid for.}


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