
→ 恶魔城暗影之王pc版键盘按键操作常见问题整理
  已经推出有一段时间了,由于pc版与之前的主机版在按键设置的不同,导致不少键盘党玩家在游戏中遇到很多麻烦,下面小编就整理几个常见的恶魔城暗影之王pc版键盘按键操作问题,希望可以帮助到大家。  恶魔城暗影之王pc版键盘按键操作常见问题整理:  1.泰坦:先用U键抓取石头,然后按着asdw的顺序连读按两次,朝目标扔出石头  2.乌鸦boss:和上面差不多,就是asdw按一次就够了。  3.修道院撑墙处:系统提示出错,U键→L键  4.花园内部:一样提示错误,L键→O键  另外,下图的石像,按顺时针转动2次就可以了&&  5.实验室解密门那里:第一个键对应asdw,A键→K键,Y键→L键,B键→O键  6.天文台第二个门,先在左上角,E键开启暗影魔法,然后一直按住I键,分开之后同时按两次aw、wd、sd、as就可以顺利过关了,记住动作要快。
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版权所有 浙ICP备号【资料整理】恶魔城暗影之王1:章节日记+暂停文字+剧情对话+卷轴_暗影之王吧_百度贴吧
中文整理自:【扑家+MGCN】恶魔城暗影之王PC终极版汉化补丁特别感谢:MrYouSing 中英文对照版。整理不易,如需转载请注明出处。
一楼给我哀=v= 顺便艾特...
这里是凉楼。 许伱一世...
Chapter I:Prologue
Level:1-1 Besieged Village
末世孤村 【日记】 A storm is coming. Mankind faces ruin and despair. The world is changing, yet hope remains in the hearts of the people. We go about our daily lives never knowing the forces that can change o we are oblivious, ignorant like sheep to the slaughter. This night in the year of our Lord 1047, marks the beginning of
a journey into darkness, into madness. I watch him from the shadows. Is he the one? He has come far already b tested to the very limits of human endurance... and beyond. This night he rides looking for the old gods, armed with an amulet t tonight he will begin his journey into oblivion.风暴将至,人类正面临毁灭与绝望;天变地异,希望却仍长存世人心中。我们终日营营,埋头生计,殊不知有些力量足以永远改写我们的命运。我们蒙昧懵懂,一如待宰的羔羊。时值我主纪元一〇四七年,今夜我们一道启程出发。这是一次步入黑暗之旅、步向癫狂之旅。我在阴影中注视着他。这就是那命定之人么?他已走过漫漫长路,但仍需接受试炼:濒临凡人忍耐极限的试炼……甚或犹有过之。今夜他身佩指引道路的护符,策马访寻古老的神祇;由此,他将踏上通往湮灭的旅途。 【对话】 The struggle for supremacy is eternal, inevitable...追逐至尊之位的争斗,永无休止,避无可避…… Victory is the natural objective of every creature on this world.胜利是世上一切生灵与生俱来的目标。 They will kill and die for their kind to dominate.为了本族的统治地位,他们杀戮、丧身。 Some call this eternal struggle 'equilibrium,' the balance between light and darkness...有人称这一永恒争斗为“均衡”,光明与黑暗的平衡…… These are dark times. Times without hope...这是黑暗的时代,希望泯灭的时代。 Men of Faith claim that this is a test from God, to strengthen our spirit.信仰坚定者宣称这是上帝的考验,只为锻炼我们的灵魂。 Perhaps this is true, or perhaps it is simply a pious lie...或许这是真的,又或许,这不过是个虔诚的谎言…… If it is true, darkness has come to engulf once-proud humanity, and we are witnessing the end of mankind.如果这是真的,黑暗业已降临,即将吞没曾经骄傲的人性,我们正在见证人类的末日。 (Gabriel fought the horde of Lycanthropes in the hope of freeing the small village from the siege.为将小村自围攻中解救,加百列独战大群狼人。) (The Great Warg destroyed the wooden fence as if it was made of paper, and leapt onto Gabriel for the kill.大型座狼破门而入,跃起直扑加百列,木栅栏在它爪下如同纸糊的一般。) Villager:Who... Who are you?Villager:你……你是谁? Gabriel:I am Gabriel. I have travelled here seeking the Guardian of the Lake.Gabriel:我叫加百列。我前来寻访圣湖的守护者。 Village:You are from the Order? They sent you?Villager:你是修会的人?他们派你来的? Gabriel:How do I find him?Gabriel:怎样才能找到他? Villager:He... He will find you. In the forest.Villager:他……他会来找你的。在树林里。
【卷轴】试炼说明(Trial description)Finish the level, defeating the Great Warg with at least one surviving villager保证至少一名村民存活并击败大型座狼完成本关
Level:1-2 Hunting Path
狩猎小径 【日记】 I follow him into the old forest watching him from afar, he is strong indeed. The one God comes to drive out the many but here, in this place, God's influence is thin and threadbare. The old Gods still hold sway here. Few venture this far into the wood. He is disturbed by dreams, dreams that gnaw at his very soul. He will rest for the night, but rest will not come easy. The battle has left him weakened, but he knows the dream will return and though he fears nothing on this Earth, yet his nightmares sap the strength within him and leave a cold grip on his heart. Tomorrow he will use the old hunting path, long has it been in disuse, but for now... he dreams.尾随他进入古老的丛林,我远远地注视着他的背影。他真是孔武有力。独一的上帝业已驱逐各路神明,但在此处、此地,上帝的影响力微不足道,古老的诸神依旧执掌权柄。向来绝少有人冒险涉足这片丛林。梦境啃啮着他的灵魂,让他心烦意乱。他在夜里休憩,却往往难以成眠。战斗使他疲乏,但他深知梦境将去而复来。纵然在这世上他无所畏惧,而噩梦仍将销蚀他体内的力量,如同冰冷的魔手攫住他的心脏。明晨他将穿过旧日的狩猎小径,一条久已荒废的小道。然而此际……他已入梦乡。 【对话】 What motivates a man to confront the challenges that most of us would run from?是什么在驱使一个人去面对能让大多数人避之唯恐不及的艰巨挑战? Condemning him to solitude,使他离群索居, exposing him to defeat and death?直面败亡之险? The answer... is love.答案是……爱。 A force so powerful that all reason becomes blind to it. Blind to all things... even the truth.爱的力量如此强大,足以使所有的理性化作盲目,对一切视而不见……甚至包括事实的真相。 Loss of love can make a man desperate...失却所爱,足以让人绝望疯狂…… Desperate enough to do anything to bury the truth, to hide from its pain.绝望到不惜一切来把真相埋葬,以逃避那种痛楚。 Pan:I hear you seek the Guardian of the Lake. I will take you to him, but we must be quick. Climb onto my back, hurry!Pan:听说你在寻找圣湖的守护者。我送你去见他,不过我们要抓紧了。骑到我背上来,快! (As they raced through the forest, Gabriel and his mysterious companion heard the baying of the Wargs chasing them.在驰往森林的路上,加百列和他神秘的伙伴听见背后传来座狼的狂吠。) (Gabriel fell from the horse. He would have to hold his ground until his mysterious friend returned.加百列自马背坠地。他须得坚守到他那神秘的伙伴返回接应。) Pan:I can travel no further. You will find what you seek ahead.Pan:我只能走到这里了,你要找的人就在前面。
【卷轴】 试炼说明(Trial description)Finish the level without recovering health by any means不使用任何手段回复生命值完成本关
Level:1-3 The Dead Bog
死亡沼泽 【日记】 Alone again with only his thoughts as company, he continues on his journey to find the one he seeks. Who or what was that strange creature? There is a power here that few know, a power that could have some influence on events. Perhaps the guardian of the lake is aware of him now and offers aid in his quest? There is just the small matter of the Dead Bog to overcome, a place that has claimed the lives of many of the Brotherhood. The smell of death is strong here and danger lies around every corner, but nothing will stop him... nothing will stand in his way.他复又孑然一身,再度展开寻觅之旅,唯有思绪依然萦绕。方才那奇异的生灵究竟是何方神圣?此地有一股鲜为人知的力量,足以左右世间诸事。莫非圣湖的守护者已知晓他的到来,因而出手相助于他?眼前尚有小事一桩,他必须穿越“死亡沼泽”,这片沼地曾吞噬了众多修会兄弟的性命。死亡的气息是如此浓烈,身边处处危机四伏,但他不会因此停步,没有任何事物能阻挡他前行的道路。 【对话】 (Mosquitoes and insects buzzed everywhere in the damp ground of the Dead Bog.蚊蝇与虫豸在这死亡沼泽的潮湿地域四处嗡嗡作响。) (Raising their weapons, some Goblins leapt from their hideouts to ambush Gabriel for trespassing on their land.一群地精自藏身处跃出,高举武器围攻侵入其领地的加百列。) (The mud was slowly swallowing Gabriel, but the quicksand was not the only problem facing him here...淤泥正在缓缓吞噬加百列,但这并非他将在此处面对的唯一难题。) (The lonely steps of Gabriel echoed in the empty mausoleum.加百列孤单的脚步声在空寂的陵墓中回响。) Gabriel:Forgive me brother... but my need is far greater than yours!Gabriel:原谅我,兄弟……但我远比你更需要它。(The large Swamp Troll ripped up a stone statue and tried to smash Gabriel with it.庞大的沼泽巨魔拔起一座石像,企图用它将加百列砸扁。) (A large chasm separated Gabriel from the forest Guardian's temple.一道巨大的裂谷隔开了加百列与森林守护者的神殿。)
【卷轴】 兄弟会骑士卷轴(Brotherhood Knight Scroll)01There is something in the water, something... terrible. I have seen men dragged under, never to return. The location of these creatures can only be seen as ripples or bubbles on the surface. I surmise one must wait for these ripples and bubbles to disappear before progressing through the bog. One cannot walk around them because noxious fumes lay either side of the safe path, so one must be patient and wait for the right moment to cross over them.水下有什么东西在动,某种……危险的生物。我亲眼见到有人被拖入水底,再未归还。只有当水面泛起波纹或气泡的时候,才可能观察到这些生物的所在。我推测必须等波纹或气泡消失之后才能穿过这片沼泽。由于安全路线的两侧都充满了瘴气,我们无法绕道行走,只有耐心等待,抓住合适的时机才能顺利通过。 兄弟会骑士卷轴(Brotherhood Knight Scroll)02Something is pushing the Goblin tribes further and further towards our local towns and villages, hence the cause of the recent conflicts between them and humans. I suspect the cause is the dark spell that we have been sent to investigate. Something incredibly evil is taking over the land, and I am concerned about what lies ahead for me and my fellow brothers.某种力量迫使地精部落向着人类村镇步步逼近,以致近来地精与人类间的冲突愈发频繁,我怀疑罪魁祸首正是我等奉命前往调查的黑暗魔咒。一股难以置信的邪恶势力正在占据这片大地,我不禁忧心在前方等待我和众位兄弟会同袍的究竟是怎样的未来。 兄弟会骑士卷轴(Brotherhood Knight Scroll)03There is a mausoleum here in the bog that has lain undisturbed for many years. Cardinal Volpe informs me that the legendary artisan, Rinaldo Gandolfi, constructed a powerful relic there during his sojourn which will aid the one that wields the Combat Cross. I must admit I many of my comrades lie dead along the way and I am wondering if this fool's errand will not be the end of me too.这片沼泽中有一座陵墓,多年来一直静静地矗立于此。红衣主教沃尔佩告诉我,传奇工匠里纳多·冈道尔菲旅居此地时,铸造了一件威力巨大的圣器,此物能够给战斗十字架的主人带来帮助。我无法否认心中的忧虑;许多同伴陈尸道旁,不知我是否也将遭遇这徒劳无功的末路。 试炼说明(Trial description)Finish the level after killing at least 50 Goblins消灭至少50只地精并完成本关
Level:1-4 Pan's Temple
潘神圣殿 【日记】 The stench of the bog fades into memory and a land of great beauty lies before him, a paradise where nature lives in harmony with all living creatures, indeed a refuge for those who wish it. He is close now, close to the old Gods and the old ways. Long forgotten by men, this kingdom was once revered by all, yet now only a small part remains. Soon even this will disappear. The amul its journey is almost over. He will need all his strength now, all his wits if he is to succeed here, if he is to convince the old God to help him.沼泽的秽气渐次褪去,眼前所见是一片绝美的乐土,众生与自然和谐共处,确是遁世者梦寐以求的世外桃源。他已近在咫尺,接近了古代的诸神和古老的道路。这久已为人们淡忘的国度,昔年曾令万物俯首敬畏,如今却只残存一缕余晖,而这一切转眼也将消逝。护符感应到它的主人,旅程至此步入尾声。他必须拿出全部的勇气与才智,如此方能马到功成,赢取那古老神祇的援助。【对话】 (The peaceful and magical forest surrounded Gabriel with a mantle of lush vegetation and watchful eyes.祥和的魔法森林中,郁郁葱葱的草木和警觉提防的目光环绕着加百列。) (Gabriel had to solve the puzzle, if he was to enter the Temple.加百列若想进入神殿,务须解开这道谜题。)(This was a sacred place. A place that would be lost to mankind before long.这是一处神圣之地,不久后就将永远不再属于人类。) Gabriel:Show yourself!Gabriel:现身吧! Gabriel:The Brotherhood needs your help... I need your help.Gabriel:兄弟会需要帮助……我需要帮助。 Pan:I know who you are, Gabriel...Pan:我知道你是谁,加百列…… Pan:I am the guardian of the Lake of Oblivion, where the living can communicate with the dead.Pan:我是湮灭之湖的守护者,此地能使生者与死者交谈。 Pan:Tell me, warrior, are you aware of what is happening in the world?Pan:告诉我,战士,你可知道这世间正在发生的变化? Gabriel:We have been deserted by God.Gabriel:我们被上帝抛弃了。 Gabriel:Creatures from the void come to claim the souls of men, to wipe mankind from the face of the Earth.Gabriel:凭空出现的怪物吞噬着人们的灵魂,要将人类从大地上消灭。 Pan:And what of the Elders of your Order? What do they think?Pan:修会的长老们呢?他们怎么看? Gabriel:That God has not abandoned us... They believe that a powerful spell has been unleashed by someone or... something.A spell that has isolated our world from the heavens, cutting us off from God and allowing evil to flourish unchecked.Gabriel:他们说上帝没有离弃我们……他们相信,某种强大的魔咒把这世界和上天分隔开来,断绝了上帝和我们的联系,以致恶灵横行无忌。 Pan:Why have the Brotherhood of Light sent you to the Lake of Oblivion?Pan:圣光兄弟会为什么要派你前来湮灭之湖? Gabriel:They have dreamt that a message waits a message that holds a clue to our salvation.Gabriel:他们在梦中得悉此地有一条给我的口信,其中包含着拯救人类的线索。 Gabriel:I was instructed to seek you out, in the hope that you may show me the path.Gabriel:我奉命前来寻访,盼望你能给我指引道路。 Pan:The Elders believe that these dreams are the last message from the Heavens and that you should know something that we are unaware of... Is that it?Pan:长老们相信这些梦境是来自上天的最后信息,而你应该能了解一些我们尚未察觉的事实……是这样吗?Gabriel:... Yes... My wife, Marie, was murdered not two days ago by the evil that roams these lands...Gabriel:……是的……我的妻子,玛丽,前不久她被这片大地上游荡的恶魔所杀害…… Gabriel:Her soul and those of the recently departed are trapped here and cannot find peace.Gabriel:她的灵魂和其他新近逝去的灵魂一起被囚困于此,无法安息。 Pan:And that is why they sent you to the Lake of Oblivion, because they believe that she is waiting for you here? To deliver a message to you?Pan:于是他们派你来湮灭之湖,因为他们认为她在这里等着你,给你传话? Gabriel:Yes... Will you help me?Gabriel:是的……你会帮我吗? Pan:Only the most deserving of the living are worthy of speaking to the dead.Pan:唯有最具资格的生者才配和死者对话。 Pan:Are you worthy, Gabriel?Pan:你有这个资格吗,加百列? (Before him was his beloved Marie and a test that would require all of his wits, if he was to save her.在他面前的,是他挚爱的玛丽以及一项试炼。若想拯救她,他必须竭尽全部才智完成这项试炼。) Gabriel:What does this mean? Tell me!Gabriel:这是什么意思?告诉我! Pan:Only that you have passed the test. You appear worthy of entering the Lake of Oblivion.Pan:无非是你已经通过了试炼。看来你有资格进入湮灭之湖了。 Pan:Make sure you have your Daggers with you. One never knows when need may arise.Pan:注意把匕首带上,说不定什么时候你会用得到的。
【卷轴】 兄弟会骑士卷轴(Brotherhood Knight Scroll)01The ravaged corpses of my brothers lie scattered everywhere. I feel guilty looting the bodies of my comrades, but I must find more Life Gems or I am lost too. Forgive me, my brothers... I won't last long unless I increase my chances of survival, and the dead have no use for such things anymore. I know that there is a Life Gem nearby, I can sense it, but I just need to rest for a moment... feel so weak...兄弟们惨遭蹂躏的尸体躺满了一地。从同伴的尸身上搜掠遗物让我深感愧疚,但我必须找到更多的生命宝石,否则我亦将走投无路。我的兄弟们,请原谅我。若不能争取更多的生存机会,我同样无法长久支撑下去,何况死者已不再需要这些物事。我知道附近就有一颗生命宝石,我能感受到它的存在,但我必须先休息一下……我觉得非常虚弱…… 兄弟会骑士卷轴(Brotherhood Knight Scroll)02My darling Martha, I fear that I am not going to make it back. Look after yourself and our beloved daughter. God forgive me for failing in my task! Know that you will always be in my heart and that one day, we will be together again. Your loving husband, Victor.亲爱的玛莎,恐怕我再也无法回到你的身边。照顾好你自己还有我亲爱的女儿。上帝啊,请您原谅我无法完成我的任务!请记得你永远在我的心里,总有一天,我们会再次团聚。爱你的丈夫,维克多。 提示卷轴(Hint Scroll)To reach Marie before she dies玛丽性命千钧一发you must find a path to follow寻觅道路务须得法Try to overcome your sorrow尽力克服心中哀恸and you may avoid her demise拯救爱妻或可成功Choose only one direction方向选择始终如一in which to turn the three wheels转动圆环破解谜题and their shine will reveal闪烁光芒为你引导the hidden path of self redemption揭示自我救赎之道 试炼说明(Trial description)Finish the level after beating Pan's trial in 5 movements在5步之内通过潘的试炼完成本关
Level:1-5 Oblivion Lake
湮灭之湖 【日记】 The test has shaken him. I see the doubt in his eyes as he heads towards the lake. So Pan is helping him now? That's good. Perhaps it bodes well. I wonder if he knows what awaits him here, in this place where the dead can contact the living. It is cold now. A chill wind blo I can see it. Feel it! He will need help if he is to succeed. He must not fail. He will not fail, not now... not yet, not if I have anything to do with it.试炼所见使他动摇。他在我目送之下步向圣湖,眼中满是疑惑之色。然则潘神终于要帮助他了?很好,或许这是吉兆。我不禁好奇,他可知在这死者和生者对话之地,等待他的将会是什么?天时酷寒,彻骨的朔风直刺进他的心底。我看得见,感受得到。若要旗开得胜,须有人助他一臂之力。他绝不能败,也绝不会败。这次不会,现在不会……只要有我在。 【对话】 (A cold, chill wind blowed through Gabriel's heart as he entered Oblivion Lake.当加百列踏入湮灭之湖时,一阵冰冷刺骨的寒风直透进他的心底。) (The Ice Titan tried to crush Gabriel under its massive fists.寒冰泰坦想要以巨大的双拳将加百列碾碎。) (Gabriel grasped onto the slippery surface of the Ice Titan for dear life.加百列抓住寒冰泰坦那滑不留手的铠甲以保全性命。) Zobek:Give me your dagger, quickly!Zobek:把匕首给我,快! Gabriel:Marie!Gabriel:玛丽! Gabriel:Forgive me. I was not there to save you.Gabriel:原谅我。我没能赶去救你。 Marie:There is nothing to forgive, my love...Marie:不必道歉,亲爱的…… Marie:... I am so happy to look upon your face again...Marie:……真高兴能再次见到你的脸庞…… Gabriel:And I yours...Gabriel:我也一样。 Gabriel:My love, the Elders of the Order hope that you can help us to understand what is happening...Gabriel:亲爱的,修会长老们希望你能帮助我们弄清现在的情况…… Gabriel:... the world has been isolated from the Heavens.Gabriel:……我们的世界已经和上天隔绝开来。 Gabriel:Some believe that God has abandoned us. Can it be true?Gabriel:有人说上帝已经抛弃我们了。是真的吗? Marie:I feel that... that the spirits are trying to talk to me.Marie:我感觉……有些灵魂在尝试和我说话, Marie:They whisper things to me...Marie:在我耳边低语…… Marie:It is hard to understand them all. It... it is so dark, so many people crying. I cannot find them in the blackness.Marie:说一些很难懂的话……这里太黑了,又有太多人在哭泣。漆黑一团,我看不清他们。 Marie:I'm scared...Marie:我很害怕。 Marie:There is something else... A shadow is on my mind.Marie:还有别的东西……一个影子,在我的脑海里面。 Marie:You must help us, Gabriel.Marie:你必须救我们,加百列。 Gabriel:What are they telling you? Who are "They?"Gabriel:他们都说了什么?“他们”是指谁? Marie:They are the Spirits who founded your Order... And that the power of the Lords of Shadow is the key.Marie:他们就是你们修会创始人的灵魂……暗影之王的力量正是一切的关键。 Marie:They talk of a prophecy... I don't understand what they mean...Marie:他们提到一个预言……我听不懂他们说什么…… Marie:I can feel myself fading... I can hardly see you... darkness is closing around me. I love you, Gabriel...Marie:我感觉我快消失了……我几乎看不见你……黑暗就要把我吞没了。我爱你,加百列…… Gabriel:No... Marie, don't go! Marie!... I love you too...Gabriel:不要……玛丽,不要走!玛丽!……我也爱你……
Gabriel:Why are you here? Who sent you?Gabriel:你来这里干什么?谁派你来的? Zobek:I am Zobek, a warrior of your Brotherhood. Pan and I are old acquaintances.Zobek:我叫佐贝克,和你一样是兄弟会的战士。我与潘是旧识。 Zobek:He felt you would be in need of my assistance.Zobek:他觉得你会需要我的协助。 Gabriel:Hmm... I have heard of you. I am sorry. My name is Belmont.Gabriel:嗯……我听说过你。抱歉,我名叫贝尔蒙特。 Zobek:I know who you are. Was that the spirit of someone you know?Zobek:我知道是你。刚才那个幽灵是你认识的人吗? Gabriel:Yes, it was... my wife...Gabriel:是的,她是……我的妻子…… Zobek:F I couldn't help but overhear what she told you.Zobek:对不起,我忍不住听了她和你的谈话。 Zobek:It sounds like the Spirits who founded our Order are trying to tell us something very important through her.Zobek:听上去似乎我们修会的创始人想通过她告诉我们一件非常重要的事。 Gabriel:What do you mean?Gabriel:你的意思是? Zobek:Only that the founders of the order seem to be using the dead to communicate with us...Zobek:修会的创始人似乎一直通过死者和我们沟通…… Zobek:The prophecy has been secret for many centuries. It is known only to a select few.Zobek:许多世纪以来,那个预言一直是个秘密,只有被选中的极少数人才知道它的存在。 Zobek:There is no way she could have known of it, unless...Zobek:因此她是不可能知道的,除非…… Zobek:THEY managed to tell her somehow. Praise be to God!Zobek:是他们以某种方式知会了她。愿主受赞美! Gabriel:What prophecy?Gabriel:什么预言? Zobek:It is written that a pure-hearted warrior will claim the power of the Lords of Shadow as his own and use it in order to overcome all evil.Zobek:预言中说有一位心地纯洁的战士将会夺取暗影之王的力量,并且凭此力量战胜一切邪恶。 Zobek:It is said this warrior would become God's vassal on Earth... supremely powerful... He could do anything...Zobek:据说这位战士将成为上帝在人间的臣仆……无比强大……无所不能…… Zobek:The founding spirits have not abandoned us, Gabriel! Thanks to your Marie, we now know there is some hope.Zobek:创始人的灵魂没有抛弃我们,加百列!多亏了玛丽,我们现在知道还有希望。 Zobek:We have to enter the lands of the Dark Lords, you and I... We must reclaim the powers they hold and unite the Heavens with this world once more and ...Zobek:我们必须得进入暗影之王的领地……你和我,我俩必须夺回他们所掌握的力量,让天堂和这个世界再次相连,到时…… Zobek:... Don't you see, Gabriel? You can bring her back!Zobek:……你明白了吗,加百列?你可以让她复活! Gabriel:If what you say is true, then we need to work quickly and in secret.Gabriel:若是如你所言,我们必须迅速、秘密地行动起来。 Gabriel:The Lords of Shadow must not suspect we are on their trail or they will turn all of their attention towards us.Gabriel:不能让暗影之王察觉我们要对付他们,不然他们会把所有注意力都集中在我们身上。 Gabriel:We should take different routes you and I...Gabriel:我们要分头行事…… Gabriel:I will head for the Land of the Lycans. You leave for the territory of the Vampires and prepare the way...Gabriel:我去狼人的领地。你先去吸血鬼的地盘探路…… Gabriel:Then we go onto the Lord of the Necromancers together... his realm lies furthest.Gabriel:然后我们再一起去找亡灵法师之王……他的地盘离这里最远。 Gabriel:Our enemy must suspect nothing.Gabriel:不能引起敌人任何怀疑。 Zobek:Take this. It will allow you to absorb spiritual energy and will help cure your wounds.Zobek:拿上这个。这东西可以让你吸取精神力量,还能帮助治疗伤势。 Zobek:Good luck, my friend. May we be granted victory.Zobek:祝你好运,朋友。愿胜利眷顾我们。 Gabriel:Thank you, Brother. You have given me renewed hope.Gabriel:谢了,兄弟。你给了我新的希望。
【卷轴】 试炼说明(Trial description)Finish the level and defeat the Ice Titan in less than 1:30 minutes在1分30秒内击败寒冰泰坦完成本关


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