
经验127 米
在线时间12 小时
积分 158, 距离下一级还需 42 积分
积分 158, 距离下一级还需 42 积分
本帖最后由 hrhfhbn 于
13:40 编辑
本帖最后由 wangsai_008 于
08:58 编辑
更新日志---------------------------------------------【多媒体】新增 直播合并进在线频道中,更名为:电视直播,同时增加最常播放功能
未标题-1.jpg (39.17 KB, 下载次数: 7)
7 天前 上传
新增 支持视频离线下载到SD卡,追剧再也不怕内存不够用了优化 在线视频首次进入在线视频点击网络拒绝,返回键退出再进入无选择网络提示优化 由于音乐1080分辨率缺少随机播放图标,导致音效缺失问题修正 在线视频综艺栏去掉更新XX集显示修正 音乐本地和在线歌曲都可以添加到我的喜爱
【通讯】新增 一键拨号设置界面的语音信箱新增 电子邮件查看界面,添加展开收件人的箭头动画优化 信息更改弹出框链接字体颜色优化 拨号盘输入数字,联想到的联系人列表,长按列表可出现“发送信息”、“拨号前编辑”优化 信息拦截白名单为白名单,实现白名单拦截电话功能修正 解决部分sim卡兼容性问题
【个人中心】优化 加快皮套小窗口显示的速度修正 皮套解决拨打默认服务号码,如等,合上皮套,不显示名称,只显示号码的问题修正 纯净后台解决客人模式下,纯净后台能看到隐藏应用的问题
【影像】修正 超清画质拍黄花异常问题修正 全景拍照失效问题
【桌面】优化 首次应用自由天气时,点击自由天气背景设置的弹出框外围区域弹出框不允许消失,必须点击底部两个按钮才消失优化 状态栏下拉界面整体效果调成暗色优化 去掉状态栏中亮度调节的手动亮度的按钮,和自动亮度归纳到一起显示
感谢列表:zero7、盛悦网、zhaochengw、syhost、无赖猪、TeamLGOG、Airk000 等大神;
该ROM是基于本人编译的CM10.1和各机型内核,通过Color os&&patchrom项目工具适配完成。
注:Color OS 2.0 patchrom 大部分代码是马哥&zero7&的辛勤劳动成果,在此特别鸣谢!
特点介绍 : 1、内核增加 SmartMax 调节器,请使用第三方软件完成设置【setcpu】。
& && && && && && && &2、流畅度与CM10.1媲美,请自测。
& && && && && && && &3、待机功耗和性能还不错。
& && && && && && &4、可选择安装“GOOGLE框架、人脸识别、市场、通讯录同步、游戏框架”。
& && && && && && &5、添加IMEI码自定义功能。
& && && && && && &6、添加呼吸灯亮度调节功能。
& && && && && && &7、开启双击唤醒功能。
& && && && && && &8、添加中兴屏幕助手和超级导航栏,两种导航自由选择。
& && && && && && & 9、加入内核电压调节,请下载第三方软件谨慎调节。
& & OTG功能可用:鼠标及U盘等。& &特殊功能介绍:
& && && && && && && && && && && & 1、使用机身IMEI:默认即可,imei=;
& && && && && && && && && && && & 2、随机IMEI:imei=1,每次开机的IMEI不同;
& && && && && && && && && && && & 3、指定IMEI:imei=15位数字imei
& && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&因修改IMEI后果由用户自行承担,与开发者无关!!
& &呼吸灯亮度自定义功能:修改【system/build.prop】中的led=* 后重启即可。
& && && && && && && && && && && && &1、修改亮度值:led=1~255。
& && && && && && && && && && && && &2、关闭呼吸灯:led=0。
& && & fast_charger=*& &&&
& && &[0:关闭快速充电,1:始终使用AC模式快速充电(默认),2:自定义充电电流]
& &&&fast_charger_level=*& &
& &&&[定义充电电流大小,当fast_charger为2时此选项才有意义。 有效电流值:500、900、、]
双击唤醒开关:修改【system/build.prop】中的doubletap2wake=* 后重启即可。
& && && && && && && && && && && && &1、开启双击唤醒:doubletap2wake=1。默认
& && && && && && && && && && && && &2、关闭双击唤醒:doubletap2wake=0
注:此ROM基于4.2开发,所以请先从其它版本降至4.2底层。刷过EDGE破解包的朋友请先恢复成之前备份的状态,没有备份的可下载网友发的恢复包,否则会导致开机初始化基带时重启。刷机方法:先确认手机已安装第三方RECOVERY,CWM RE下载详见本论坛RE贴。
& && && && && && && && &&&验证方法:关机-同时按住 音量加 电源键-进入CMW RECOVERY 或 TWRP界面等其它第三方RE则说明已装RE。
& && && && && && && && &&&将ROM包、对应机型的内核包放在内置存储卡内,使用Recovery先清空用户数据-&刷入系统包-&重启。
& &3.刷机后请关闭NFC:设置-更多无线连接-NFC-关闭-重启手机。可以解决待机耗电问题。
BUG:重启时间会重置,需要开启联网时间同步。& && && &&&欢迎反馈!!
【红外遥控软件 卡刷包 转自XDA】下载地址:链接:/share/link?shareid=&uk= 密码:zklq
【4.5.25 仅支持 F320X和D802】说明: 同步color官方更新0524:更新D802 修复线控按键加减交换
D802&F320X 增加快速充电并在开机脚本中开启,实测效果不错
&&14.5.25 完整包下载地址:http://coloros-/o_18onkallvcgrl81oqk26dp36kq.zip
&&14.5.20-&14.5.25 OTA升级包下载地址:链接:/s/1jG2x1hs 密码:y49o
【4.5.20 仅支持 F320X和D802】说明: 同步color官方更新& && && & 本机更新& && && & 1、提高MIC输入音量& && && & 2、有些用户不会自行format system,所以在刷机脚本加回format system
& & 14.5.22更新 完整包下载地址:http://coloros-/o_18oekqoau1mt21tii4r7mck8f3g.zip
【4.5.18 仅支持 F320X和D802】说明: 同步color官方更新& && && & 本机更新& && && & 1、修复D802 WIFI
& && && &&&2、修复通话回声
& && && & 3、修复屏幕亮度抖动
& && && & 4、修复菜单键不可用
& && && & 5、增加快速充电模式&&使用方法请见特殊功能介绍
& && && & 6、重新编译底包,增加流畅度& && && & 7、内核加入电压调节功能,可使用第三方软件谨慎调节。& && && &&&8、去除刷机脚本中的format system,完整包先在REC手动格式化system后再刷入。& && && &&&9、修改充电指示灯,在95%左右会自动关闭。& && && &&&10、修复天气定位BUG。
& & 14.5.19 完整包下载地址(必须先format system 再刷入):http://coloros-/o_18o92r1vn1cn1vgig.zip
【14.5.15 仅支持 F320X和D802】说明:& & 此版本为公测第一版本,仅支持 F320X和D802。& & 由于时间关系,D802存在较多BUG。& && & 共有 BUG:重启时间会重置,需要开启联网时间同步。& && && && && && && &充电速度有待提升。
& & D802机型 BUG:WIFI不可用、通话存在回音、重力传感器不可用!
& & 14.5.15 完整包下载链接:/s/1sj346jb 密码:liyq【4.5.28 支持 F320S L K D802 VS980 LS980】说明:&&0528 增加VS980和LS980机型& &VS980请使用11A底层刷入,LS980请使用ZV7或ZV8底层。& && && && && && && &修正快速充电& && && && && && && &修复重启时间重置& && && && && && &&&修复切换闪屏& && && && && && &&&加入功能强大的NUBIA相机& && && && && && &&&全局Zipalign优化处理,流畅度大大提升。
打开微信,点击底部的“发现”,使用 “扫一扫” 即可将网页分享到我的朋友圈。
经验1544 米
在线时间302 小时
积分 1957, 距离下一级还需 43 积分
积分 1957, 距离下一级还需 43 积分
经验1347 米
在线时间94 小时
积分 1462, 距离下一级还需 538 积分
积分 1462, 距离下一级还需 538 积分
在线时间4 小时
积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
积分 52, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
在线时间1 小时
积分 32, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
积分 32, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
经验1544 米
在线时间302 小时
积分 1957, 距离下一级还需 43 积分
积分 1957, 距离下一级还需 43 积分
经验127 米
在线时间12 小时
积分 158, 距离下一级还需 42 积分
积分 158, 距离下一级还需 42 积分
在线时间7 小时
积分 97, 距离下一级还需 103 积分
积分 97, 距离下一级还需 103 积分
机型MOTO Defy+
vs980 也可以吧?
在线时间6 小时
积分 96, 距离下一级还需 104 积分
积分 96, 距离下一级还需 104 积分
机型HTC One(M8)
MIUI 100周
Copyright (C) 2016 MIUI
京ICP备号 | 京公网安备34号 | 京ICP证110507号&相关说明:
LS980刷G3 ROM都可以用电信啊,不需要破解。
查看: 4102|回复: 17
在线时间238 小时经验值1634 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID2690791
研究生, 积分 1634, 距离下一级还需 66 积分
TA的每日心情怒 09:40签到天数: 212 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1559 最后登录注册时间
已有帐号?   下载游戏和软件,请【】进入机锋市场!
本帖最后由 牛俊 于
17:32 编辑
在线时间238 小时经验值1634 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID2690791
研究生, 积分 1634, 距离下一级还需 66 积分
TA的每日心情怒 09:40签到天数: 212 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1559 最后登录注册时间
在线时间238 小时经验值1634 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID2690791
研究生, 积分 1634, 距离下一级还需 66 积分
TA的每日心情怒 09:40签到天数: 212 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1559 最后登录注册时间
& &&&09-25-2015
& &* device/htc/hima-common/
3449df1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
67f0fa3 hima-common: Fix multi version TrustZone support
8b5fefb hima-common: Add assertions on TrustZone version
16efecc hima: Switch to BFQ
d2030fd hima: init: Set correct permissions for fb0/dynamic_fps
& &* device/lge/g2-common/
dfbed52 Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* device/motorola/victara/
2c772ad Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
b1a8a00 Automatic translation import
1b9794c ueventd: add permissions for rotation vector
& &* device/samsung/qcom-common/
4989b4b Automatic translation import
& &* external/whispersystems/WhisperPush/
6417cb3 Automatic translation import
& &* frameworks/base/
45e7492 Fingerprint Wakeup: add fix race conditions
841d8a4 Fingerprint: don't report as active without any fp's
c147d88 Automatic translation import
33a0b91 core: Remove duplicate declaration of AppsFailureReceiver.
9bbb70c [1/2] Bring back SmartPullDown to SlimActions.
ecc0877 Return: Smart Pulldown [1/2] Adds the ability to directly open the QS panel when there are no notifications present in the notification panel. This commit combines the enhancement by HardCorePawn for detectin notification types for the same.
840262e Sync all SlimRoms util classes
dc10250 SystemUI: mutate drawables in pie for proper color updating Change-Id: Ic3c817dc493eb3dc445fcfbe75a5d17bca5f4eb0
& &* frameworks/opt/hardware/
90d3456 CmHW : Add thermal monitor stub
& &* hardware/qcom/fm/
9566deb Automatic translation import
& &* kernel/htc/msm8994/
58b1c04 hima_defconfig: Enable BFQ
49a871b block, bfq: add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v7r8 for 3.10.8+
f178883 block: introduce the BFQ-v7r8 I/O sched for 3.10.8+
7b0e486 block: cgroups, kconfig, build bits for BFQ-v7r8-3.10.8+
c49fb64 block: Reset BFQ changes
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
f57b1aa ASoC: wcd9320: avoid wrong free of resource while enabling ANC
c093745 ASoC: wcd9320: set gain after IIR clock is enabled
& &* kernel/lge/msm8974/
75c184a ASoC: wcd9320: avoid wrong free of resource while enabling ANC
& &* packages/apps/AudioFX/
741bd48 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
e8c9fbd Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
0c3dd4a Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
a00f6af Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
085427a Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Calculator/
f5d1bf6 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Calendar/
9aee465 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Camera2/
1759210 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
5b05d08 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Contacts/
9f9f650 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
33e768d Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/DeskClock/
ccd6fc2 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Dialer/
0a93dc3 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Eleven/
ab1f775 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Email/
eefcd38 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Gallery2/
ebd8198 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/InCallUI/
f13e91f Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/LockClock/
480ce7e Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Mms/
25eea27 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
b97ebfa Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
8ec6aa0 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Settings/
c7206b3 Automatic translation import
28288de [2/2] Back with SmartPullDown to SlimActions.
f452b41 Return: Smart Pulldown [2/2] Change-Id: If0eda351cb94b503df3d5b0dd2a7cf
f8d2c9e Change some imports froms crdroid to slim
& &* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
2b61591 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Stk/
f27b962 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Terminal/
d8a5db6 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
1df4cb6 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of
into 5.1.1
56002b5 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
0e3858b Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/TvSettings/
bb47f53 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
3619120 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
193bc2b Automatic translation import
& &* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
bfecba0 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/services/Telecomm/
23e496a Automatic translation import
& &* packages/services/Telephony/
81d5332 Automatic translation import
4dec89c Telephony: Create work around on modem vt change during emergency redial.
& &* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
e7e5f96 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
3745404 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
74c35e0 Automatic translation import
& &* prebuilts/cmsdk/
6eee3d3 Prebuilts cmsdk : Update api text for thermal monitor
& &* vendor/cmsdk/
55947fd Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of
into 5.1.1
c56b48e CmSdk : Update api text for thermal monitor
b4ef25a CMSdk : Initial thermal state to STATE_UNKNOWN
ce92e37 Automatic translation import
b4f88fa CMSdk : Add thermal monitor service impl
2acf3ea CMSdk : Add ThermalMonitor
& &* vendor/yu/
7228c6d lettuce: Update binary blobs for new kernel
& &&&09-24-2015
& &* android/
f2662ed Add qrd.xml for working with caf& & *s
& &* device/lge/d800/
8cec7fa Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/d801/
8b910c4 Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/d802/
e5bfa81 Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/d803/
484e40b Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/ls980/
a8108fd Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/vs980/
4e00a59 Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* frameworks/base/
c51609a SystemUI: improve switching users
8ad4e9e SysUI: Fix retrieving of statusbar icon with no theme
abbb8a8 Themes: Call recreateTheme when theme changed
24149d4 Allow additional permissions to be whitelisted by signature.
82e7bbd Fix issue where non-themable app still had themed fonts
ea2dc9f SystemUI: more SlimDim performance boosts using ObjectAnimator to animate alpha value rather than& && && &animating the View object itself.&&This allows to& && && &specify frame delay, which we're setting to 100ms& && && &(should perform better than the default 10ms).
cf72e3d SystemUI: SlimDim performance boost some code optimization to make SlimDim run smoother and get rid of the lags
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
4c860ef Voltage Control: fix minor code derp
eed0e9a Sound Control: Modify for LG G3
bd1c877 Sound Control: Merge patches from LG G2
& &* kernel/lge/msm8974/
ab94628 Sound Control: Merge patches from LG G2
cca785e Voltage Control: fix minor code derp
9104430 Defconfig: add Sound Control and change to crdroid
58094d4 fix build
3546e47 Sound Control: Show default speaker gain value when audio is disabled
4d73ac3 Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
99c31f4 Sound Control: LG G3 Speaker Amp control
151251a Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
857a867 Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different HW revisions
93c03c2 Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
490c646 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
2a2af28 sound control: Samsung Microphone compatibility fixup
da58112 sound control: add register cache
d6a6b99 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
541ef98 Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
b556db3 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
395cba9 sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
034afd5 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
a61ce35 Voltage Control: add to defconfig
& &* packages/apps/Contacts/
f97f4b0 Contacts: Remove contact shortcut for lookup contact
& &* packages/apps/Settings/
3153335 crDroid: about cleanup
48fe4ad Devices & Maintainers: add Sony Xperia L (taoshan)
f4b5f93 Settings : Save instance state for app group deletes
38010f0 Settings : Remove duplicate ProtectedApps definition
17c9f79 Settings : Fix blacklist delete number crash
& &* packages/services/Telephony/
5cb3ca5 Network settings: don't send preferred network changes
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8-linaro/
b3e630e 9/20/15 - 4.8.5 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9-linaro/
7ad96a0 9/20/15 - 4.9.4 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-5.2-linaro/
2c8f9fb 9/20/15 - 5.2.1 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-6.0-linaro/
d67c5cb 9/20/15 - 6.0.0 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8-linaro/
1ccaf9a 9/20/2015 - 4.8.5 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9-linaro/
a9/2015 - 4.9.4 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-5.2-linaro/
b6/2015 - 5.2.1 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* vendor/crdroid/
1132a72 vendor: welcome Sony Xperia L (taoshan)
& &* vendor/yu/
6477504 tomato: Update Binary Blobs to match stable
& &&&09-23-2015
& &* build/
8aaf3d3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into HEAD
& &* device/cyanogen/msm8939-common/
72c919f msm8939: Add missing backslash
& &* device/htc/hima-common/
e6c37b8 hima: Add wcdxxxx codec symlinks to Android.mk
& &* device/lge/d800/
935ddad dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/d801/
b866d6f dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/d802/
fb5b648 dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/d803/
072af04 dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/g2-common/
3135327 init: set bfq scheduler after boot
& &* device/lge/ls980/
246a9cc dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/vs980/
e8347ba dependencies: track our kernel
& &* frameworks/base/
9434b1e Screen Pinning: Show correct string for on screen nav mPolicy.hasNavigationBar() will always return false because a new PhoneWindowManager was created just for this one method but the new PhoneWindowManager instance does not load the the boolean from resources that define whether the device has on screen navigation bar.&&This patch removes the unnecessary instance of a WindowManager and simply loads in the boolean when constructed.
631a33f framework: add &Turn wifi off& string
5c92d4c ResourcesManager: fix lookups with ThemeConfig
17f55a4 Resources: cache themed resources
42d371d lockscreen: Add option for showing unlock screen directly (1/2)
1f238e8 SysUI: Clean up objects when recreating statusbar
470ed3b Make toggling No Interruptions mode via volume buttons possible
7844af4 SystemUI: don't recreate zen controller, handler thread
854e444 SystemUi: Don't show cellular data tile on secondary users.
1bf199d SystemUI: improve circle battery
de870e6 Revert &SettingsProvider: change default battery style to portrait&
4046bf2 SystemUI: set fingerprint auth properly after occluded change
5d2e673 SystemUI: fix crypt keeper race condition
403da48 core: Fix Wi-Fi string
eae7896 DocumentsUI: Move & improve CAF string
& &* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
8e8cc01 Merge &Wifi: add &turn wifi off& action to open network notification& into cm-12.1
& &* kernel/cyanogen/msm8916/
8f7107e Revert &tomato: Enable dynamic FPS for all panels&
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
acbc7a8 Voltage Control: enable in defconfig
0cb77b8 Voltage Control: Fix voltage setting bug
2784f85 Voltage Control: generic voltage control for DTS based kernels
8ddfbb6 Sound Control: enable in defconfig
17670ba Sound Control: Show default speaker gain value when audio is disabled
4c38c35 Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
52d6f5b4 Sound Control: LG G3 Speaker Amp control
3cb9dfa Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
f1be9e7 Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different HW revisions
b839c03 Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
59e62c1 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
a8a0f86 sound control: Samsung Microphone compatibility fixup
ccd3355 sound control: add register cache
11872b9 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
54e00e7 Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
52afb00 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
bfccfdc sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
45fa3b1 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
54c586a fix build
& &* kernel/lge/msm8974/
6bdbe28 Voltage Control: Fix voltage setting bug
f2375f4 Voltage Control: generic voltage control for DTS based kernels
& &* packages/apps/Browser/
99dd14b Browser: add DuckDuckGo search engine to ES locale
& &* packages/apps/InCallUI/
08a6ebe Add call state check for answering or decline an incomingCall.
0d28e17 Fix: Have no incomingCall notification.
& &* packages/apps/Settings/
f605406 Devices & Maintainers: add Sony Xperia ZL (odin) and ZR (dogo)
cb1e4ed lockscreen: Add option to pass swipe-up-to-unlock (2/2)
0af7ca3 Hide LCD density preference from secondary users
& &* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
e34c717 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* vendor/cmsdk/
c1d893f Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into HEAD
& &* vendor/crdroid/
4df82ec vendor: welcome Sony Xperia ZL (odin) and ZR (dogo)
f7caa9c Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of
into 5.1.1
5318973 apns: combine internet and mms apns for vzw
a461f26 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into HEAD
& &* vendor/htc/
296fae7 Merge pull request #162 from Hima-Dev/cm-12.1
57c8420 hima: Add stock camera blobs for camera hack
c39c257 hima: Update blobs from 2.8.617.4 release
& &&&09-22-2015
& &* build/
86ea4c8 Revert &build: better zsh dopush support&
& &* device/motorola/msm8226-common/
dd01430 msm8226-common: remove duplicated sepolicy
& &* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
cd9e008 Bluetooth: Unlock mutex before destroying the BTIF task
9f2be75 BLuetooth: Avoid calling bte disable for the second time
& &* external/libphonenumbergoogle/
6d3030c JAVA: Update metadata for ID to include 12 digits for possible numbers
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
976bfd7 Linux 3.4.109
dda24bc udp: fix behavior of wrong checksums
169620f sched: Queue RT tasks to head when prio drops
baae6de pipe: iovec: Fix memory corruption when retrying atomic copy as non-atomic
2111a95 NET: ROSE: Don't dereference NULL neighbour pointer.
75fcdc8 block: fix ext_dev_lock lockdep report
6951334 bridge: superfluous skb-&nfct check in br_nf_dev_queue_xmit
ca60d14 net: socket: Fix the wrong returns for recvmsg and sendmsg
908d27d ipmi: fix timeout calculation when bmc is disconnected
6a93a4a x86, kvm: fix kvm's usage of kernel_fpu_begin/end()
1bb3fc8 x86, kvm: use kernel_fpu_begin/end() in kvm_load/put_guest_fpu()
927e08a ipv4: Missing sk_nulls_node_init() in ping_unhash().
410e23f md: use kzalloc() when bitmap is disabled
24340ad udf: Check length of extended attributes and allocation descriptors
4e0e21f tracing: Have filter check for balanced ops
4c5a4b5 ring-buffer-benchmark: Fix the wrong sched_priority of producer
98ab4c3 bridge: fix multicast router rlist endless loop
3fe8b91 bridge: disable softirqs around br_fdb_update to avoid lockup
4b0aec1 bridge: use _bh spinlock variant for br_fdb_update to avoid lockup
1a40f7b7 MIPS: Fix enabling of DEBUG_STACKOVERFLOW
04e5fab USB: cp210x: add ID for HubZ dual ZigBee and Z-Wave dongle
52a88c0 ALSA: usb-audio: add MAYA44 USB+ mixer control names
d07eb49 ALSA: hda/realtek - Add a fixup for another Acer Aspire 9420
3a7b070 Input: elantech - fix detection of touchpads where the revision matches a known rate
9a3d742 vfs: read file_handle only once in handle_to_path
f75a07e drm/i915: Don't skip request retirement if the active list is empty
6311bb6 ozwpan: unchecked signed subtraction leads to DoS
698e9d8 ozwpan: divide-by-zero leading to panic
1ee6777 ozwpan: Use proper check to prevent heap overflow
c994c0e USB: serial: ftdi_sio: Add support for a Motion Tracker Development Board
a2dc334 target/pscsi: Don't leak scsi_host if hba is VIRTUAL_HOST
700e23b d_walk() might skip too much
2a9f7d6 fs, omfs: add NULL terminator in the end up the token list
1176e6e lguest: fix out-by-one error in address checking.
313648d x86: bpf_jit: fix compilation of large bpf programs
e1f9b21 x86/mce: Fix MCE severity messages
724ebe6 ARM: dts: imx27: only map 4 Kbyte for fec registers
860d070 bridge: fix parsing of MLDv2 reports
0d4f8c2 crypto: s390/ghash - Fix incorrect ghash icv buffer handling.
d39a367 xen/events: don't bind non-percpu VIRQs with percpu chip
6f62e49 sd: Disable support for 256 byte/sector disks
bae8136 mmc: atmel-mci: fix bad variable type for clkdiv
6a6b590 ALSA: hda - Add Conexant codecs CX20721, CX20722, CX20723 and CX20724
48f2585 powerpc: Align TOC to 256 bytes
4ca66d4 Input: elantech - fix semi-mt protocol for v3 HW
a0b7b5d ASoC: wm8994: correct BCLK DIV 348 to 384
9375421 ASoC: wm8960: fix &RINPUT3& audio route error
cf6a724 KVM: MMU: fix CR4.SMEP=1, CR0.WP=0 with shadow pages
7e31342 mac80211: move WEP tailroom size check
d2da764 ipvs: fix memory leak in ip_vs_ctl.c
dcf1770 ext4: check for zero length extent explicitly
595f54c drm/radeon: fix VM_CONTEXT*_PAGE_TABLE_END_ADDR handling
57c3733 ARM: net: delegate filter to kernel interpreter when imm_offset() return value can't fit into 12bits.
a59b5a4 ahci: avoton port-disable reset-quirk
eb6ced6 ahci: un-staticize ahci_dev_classify
c135f35 usb-storage: Add NO_WP_DETECT quirk for Lacie 059f:0651 devices
639ff72 xhci: gracefully handle xhci_irq dead device
bef178e xhci: Solve full event ring by increasing TRBS_PER_SEGMENT to 256
2853ff0 xhci: fix isoc endpoint dequeue from advancing too far on transaction error
c4014d9 md/raid5: don't record new size if resize_stripes fails.
0c41077 nfsd: fix the check for confirmed openowner in nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op
1d92982 USB: visor: Match I330 phone more precisely
6606f50 USB: pl2303: Remove support for Samsung I330
3291a5e USB: cp210x: add ID for KCF Technologies PRN device
b0dd854 rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix kernel deadlock
6b96e59 libata: Ignore spurious PHY event on LPM policy change
74ca2f4 libata: Add helper to determine when PHY events should be ignored
aa3d5c6 ocfs2: dlm: fix race between purge and get lock resource
504ea0b nilfs2: fix sanity check of btree level in nilfs_btree_root_broken()
afa1340 mm/memory-failure: call shake_page() when error hits thp tail page
8787353 xen/events: Set irq_info-&evtchn before binding the channel to CPU in __startup_pirq()
1139679 xen/console: Update console event channel on resume
13f5ed0 RDMA/CMA: Canonize IPv4 on IPV6 sockets properly
b704df7 mmc: core: add missing pm event in mmc_pm_notify to fix hib restore
c2a5d42 ARM: pxa: lubbock: use new pxa_cplds driver
85168b2 ARM: pxa: mainstone: use new pxa_cplds driver
ccb94da ARM: pxa: pxa_cplds: add lubbock and mainstone IO
d7d497f ext4: move check under lock scope to close a race.
c1fe21b powerpc/pseries: Correct cpu affinity for dlpar added cpus
5aaa3d5 ALSA: emu10k1: Emu10k2 32 bit DMA mode
f399f80 ALSA: emux: Fix mutex deadlock in OSS emulation
d3f7e41 serial: of-serial: Remove device_type = &serial& registration
044d5f4 serial: xilinx: Use platform_get_irq to get irq description structure
w-9xxx: fix command completion race
f50d7e9 3w-xxxx: fix command completion race
c15a124 3w-sas: fix command completion race
e69f840 SCSI: add 1024 max sectors black list flag
a766ba7 drm/radeon: Use drm_calloc_ab for CS relocs
12fd815 ALSA: emux: Fix mutex deadlock at unloading
7d343aa ALSA: emu10k1: Fix card shortname string buffer overflow
6cd0077 ALSA: hda - Fix mute-LED fixed mode
2b303e0 RCU pathwalk breakage when running into a symlink overmounting something
52ee25f nfs: fix high load average due to callback thread sleeping
0026577 nfs: don't call blocking operations while !TASK_RUNNING
12e4e04 nfsd: fix nsfd startup race triggering BUG_ON
03bab1e memstick: mspro_block: add missing curly braces
a0c2e77 ptrace: fix race between ptrace_resume() and wait_task_stopped()
44167cc firmware/ihex2fw.c: restore missing default in switch statement
753cd20 megaraid_sas: use raw_smp_processor_id()
0dd4f02 IB/mlx4: Fix WQE LSO segment calculation
2d2352c IB/core: disallow registering 0-sized memory region
f228ab8 dm crypt: fix deadlock when async crypto algorithm returns -EBUSY
ee336b1 fs/binfmt_elf.c: fix bug in loading of PIE binaries
18e32ce ACPICA: Utilities: split IO address types from data type models.
1fbbbeb powerpc/perf: Cap 64bit userspace backtraces to PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH
13309b0 Btrfs: fix inode eviction infinite loop after cloning into it
1e076c5 s390/hibernate: fix save and restore of kernel text section
812b0f1 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_MAPPING
309f8f3 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_MIGRATE
ca923f5 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_REPORT
d4f67a2 powerpc: Fix missing L2 cache size in /sys/devices/system/cpu
a9ad81e MIPS: Hibernate: flush TLB entries earlier
dab9478 ALSA: emu10k1: don't deadlock in proc-functions
c8223a0 scsi: storvsc: Fix a bug in copy_from_bounce_buffer()
22d3a78 x86/iommu: Fix header comments regarding standard and _FINISH macros
812ff9a selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_[NEW|GET]SADINFO
790e302 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_GETSPDINFO
490fd37 RDS: Documentation: Document AF_RDS, PF_RDS and SOL_RDS correctly.
5711c14 Input: elantech - fix absolute mode setting on some ASUS laptops
108404c jhash: Update jhash_[321]words functions to use correct initval
4fa050d ext4: make fsync to sync parent dir in no-journal for real this time
669b4f0 ASoC: cs4271: Increase delay time after reset
67354d6 rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Add new USB ID
7c1cd84 ARM: 8320/1: fix integer overflow in ELF_ET_DYN_BASE
e8deb4b btrfs: don't accept bare namespace as a valid xattr
283920c Btrfs: fix log tree corruption when fs mounted with -o discard
bd56bf0 Drivers: hv: vmbus: Don't wait after requesting offers
5af9133 C6x: time: Ensure consistency in __init
3547b8d UBI: fix check for &too many bytes&
c4f181d UBI: initialize LEB number variable
54dcde8 UBI: fix out of bounds write
225e4db staging: panel: fix lcd type
b897242 cdc-wdm: fix endianness bug in debug statements
bd21532 ASoC: wm8741: Fix rates constraints values
eb25633 usb: common: otg-fsm: only signal connect after switching to peripheral
ae86d5e drm/radeon: fix doublescan modes (v2)
d94cfb2 pinctrl: fix example .get_group_pins implementation signature
e38d462 pinctrl: remove doc mention of the enable/disable API
6a18f10 compal-laptop: Check return value of power_supply_register
bddaa02 pinctrl: remove maxpin from documentation
602eab9 usb: musb: core: fix TX/RX endpoint order
56ba17e KVM: s390: Zero out current VMDB of STSI before including level3 data.
82ff522 e1000: add dummy allocator to fix race condition between mtu change and netpoll
cff13f4 Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix a bug in the error path in vmbus_open()
eb3a2c2 Bluetooth: ath3k: Add support Atheros AR5B195 combo Mini PCIe card
& &* packages/apps/Contacts/
4cf2e2c Contacts: Add contact lookup with attribution to quick contacts
& &* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
571f584 ContactsCommon: Add ability to show looked up contacts for quick contacts
& &* system/core/
38e9a16 Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* vendor/cmsdk/
e2daff9 CMSettingsProvider: Remove attempts at closing sqlite db
& &* vendor/crdroid/
6884792 sepolicy: Allow system app to set boot anim property
da7d187 APN: add Sprint MVNO Ringplus, Ting update
& &&&09-21-2015
& &* device/htc/dlx/
f76da3c Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
d226f7a crdroidify
& &* device/yu/tomato/
6f8a9be Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* frameworks/native/
b5f98d7 Set explicit ioprio where required
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/
7313236 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/
6d8eb85 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
2ca9c7a hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
0088877 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
e6030b6 ipv6: add check for blackhole or prohibited entry in rt6_redire
& &* packages/apps/Gallery2/
40a304a Move & improve CAF strings
& &* packages/services/Telephony/
b7e3641 Move & improve Wi-Fi call settings strings
& &* system/core/
8df64c7 cutils: Remove ioprio magic
& &* vendor/crdroid/
b61b6df cm: Clean up cgroups even more!
在线时间238 小时经验值1634 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID2690791
研究生, 积分 1634, 距离下一级还需 66 积分
TA的每日心情怒 09:40签到天数: 212 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1559 最后登录注册时间
& &&&09-25-2015
& &* device/htc/hima-common/
3449df1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
67f0fa3 hima-common: Fix multi version TrustZone support
8b5fefb hima-common: Add assertions on TrustZone version
16efecc hima: Switch to BFQ
d2030fd hima: init: Set correct permissions for fb0/dynamic_fps
& &* device/lge/g2-common/
dfbed52 Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* device/motorola/victara/
2c772ad Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
b1a8a00 Automatic translation import
1b9794c ueventd: add permissions for rotation vector
& &* device/samsung/qcom-common/
4989b4b Automatic translation import
& &* external/whispersystems/WhisperPush/
6417cb3 Automatic translation import
& &* frameworks/base/
45e7492 Fingerprint Wakeup: add fix race conditions
841d8a4 Fingerprint: don't report as active without any fp's
c147d88 Automatic translation import
33a0b91 core: Remove duplicate declaration of AppsFailureReceiver.
9bbb70c [1/2] Bring back SmartPullDown to SlimActions.
ecc0877 Return: Smart Pulldown [1/2] Adds the ability to directly open the QS panel when there are no notifications present in the notification panel. This commit combines the enhancement by HardCorePawn for detectin notification types for the same.
840262e Sync all SlimRoms util classes
dc10250 SystemUI: mutate drawables in pie for proper color updating Change-Id: Ic3c817dc493eb3dc445fcfbe75a5d17bca5f4eb0
& &* frameworks/opt/hardware/
90d3456 CmHW : Add thermal monitor stub
& &* hardware/qcom/fm/
9566deb Automatic translation import
& &* kernel/htc/msm8994/
58b1c04 hima_defconfig: Enable BFQ
49a871b block, bfq: add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v7r8 for 3.10.8+
f178883 block: introduce the BFQ-v7r8 I/O sched for 3.10.8+
7b0e486 block: cgroups, kconfig, build bits for BFQ-v7r8-3.10.8+
c49fb64 block: Reset BFQ changes
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
f57b1aa ASoC: wcd9320: avoid wrong free of resource while enabling ANC
c093745 ASoC: wcd9320: set gain after IIR clock is enabled
& &* kernel/lge/msm8974/
75c184a ASoC: wcd9320: avoid wrong free of resource while enabling ANC
& &* packages/apps/AudioFX/
741bd48 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
e8c9fbd Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
0c3dd4a Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
a00f6af Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
085427a Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Calculator/
f5d1bf6 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Calendar/
9aee465 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Camera2/
1759210 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
5b05d08 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Contacts/
9f9f650 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
33e768d Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/DeskClock/
ccd6fc2 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Dialer/
0a93dc3 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Eleven/
ab1f775 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Email/
eefcd38 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Gallery2/
ebd8198 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/InCallUI/
f13e91f Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/LockClock/
480ce7e Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Mms/
25eea27 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
b97ebfa Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode/
8ec6aa0 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Settings/
c7206b3 Automatic translation import
28288de [2/2] Back with SmartPullDown to SlimActions.
f452b41 Return: Smart Pulldown [2/2] Change-Id: If0eda351cb94b503df3d5b0dd2a7cf
f8d2c9e Change some imports froms crdroid to slim
& &* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
2b61591 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Stk/
f27b962 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Terminal/
d8a5db6 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
1df4cb6 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of
into 5.1.1
56002b5 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
0e3858b Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/TvSettings/
bb47f53 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
3619120 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
193bc2b Automatic translation import
& &* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
bfecba0 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/services/Telecomm/
23e496a Automatic translation import
& &* packages/services/Telephony/
81d5332 Automatic translation import
4dec89c Telephony: Create work around on modem vt change during emergency redial.
& &* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
e7e5f96 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
3745404 Automatic translation import
& &* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
74c35e0 Automatic translation import
& &* prebuilts/cmsdk/
6eee3d3 Prebuilts cmsdk : Update api text for thermal monitor
& &* vendor/cmsdk/
55947fd Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of
into 5.1.1
c56b48e CmSdk : Update api text for thermal monitor
b4ef25a CMSdk : Initial thermal state to STATE_UNKNOWN
ce92e37 Automatic translation import
b4f88fa CMSdk : Add thermal monitor service impl
2acf3ea CMSdk : Add ThermalMonitor
& &* vendor/yu/
7228c6d lettuce: Update binary blobs for new kernel
& &&&09-24-2015
& &* android/
f2662ed Add qrd.xml for working with caf& & *s
& &* device/lge/d800/
8cec7fa Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/d801/
8b910c4 Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/d802/
e5bfa81 Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/d803/
484e40b Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/ls980/
a8108fd Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* device/lge/vs980/
4e00a59 Defconfig: follow crdroid
& &* frameworks/base/
c51609a SystemUI: improve switching users
8ad4e9e SysUI: Fix retrieving of statusbar icon with no theme
abbb8a8 Themes: Call recreateTheme when theme changed
24149d4 Allow additional permissions to be whitelisted by signature.
82e7bbd Fix issue where non-themable app still had themed fonts
ea2dc9f SystemUI: more SlimDim performance boosts using ObjectAnimator to animate alpha value rather than& && && &animating the View object itself.&&This allows to& && && &specify frame delay, which we're setting to 100ms& && && &(should perform better than the default 10ms).
cf72e3d SystemUI: SlimDim performance boost some code optimization to make SlimDim run smoother and get rid of the lags
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
4c860ef Voltage Control: fix minor code derp
eed0e9a Sound Control: Modify for LG G3
bd1c877 Sound Control: Merge patches from LG G2
& &* kernel/lge/msm8974/
ab94628 Sound Control: Merge patches from LG G2
cca785e Voltage Control: fix minor code derp
9104430 Defconfig: add Sound Control and change to crdroid
58094d4 fix build
3546e47 Sound Control: Show default speaker gain value when audio is disabled
4d73ac3 Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
99c31f4 Sound Control: LG G3 Speaker Amp control
151251a Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
857a867 Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different HW revisions
93c03c2 Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
490c646 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
2a2af28 sound control: Samsung Microphone compatibility fixup
da58112 sound control: add register cache
d6a6b99 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
541ef98 Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
b556db3 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
395cba9 sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
034afd5 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
a61ce35 Voltage Control: add to defconfig
& &* packages/apps/Contacts/
f97f4b0 Contacts: Remove contact shortcut for lookup contact
& &* packages/apps/Settings/
3153335 crDroid: about cleanup
48fe4ad Devices & Maintainers: add Sony Xperia L (taoshan)
f4b5f93 Settings : Save instance state for app group deletes
38010f0 Settings : Remove duplicate ProtectedApps definition
17c9f79 Settings : Fix blacklist delete number crash
& &* packages/services/Telephony/
5cb3ca5 Network settings: don't send preferred network changes
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8-linaro/
b3e630e 9/20/15 - 4.8.5 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.9-linaro/
7ad96a0 9/20/15 - 4.9.4 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-5.2-linaro/
2c8f9fb 9/20/15 - 5.2.1 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-6.0-linaro/
d67c5cb 9/20/15 - 6.0.0 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8-linaro/
1ccaf9a 9/20/2015 - 4.8.5 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9-linaro/
a9/2015 - 4.9.4 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-5.2-linaro/
b6/2015 - 5.2.1 UBERTC Snapshot
& &* vendor/crdroid/
1132a72 vendor: welcome Sony Xperia L (taoshan)
& &* vendor/yu/
6477504 tomato: Update Binary Blobs to match stable
& &&&09-23-2015
& &* build/
8aaf3d3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into HEAD
& &* device/cyanogen/msm8939-common/
72c919f msm8939: Add missing backslash
& &* device/htc/hima-common/
e6c37b8 hima: Add wcdxxxx codec symlinks to Android.mk
& &* device/lge/d800/
935ddad dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/d801/
b866d6f dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/d802/
fb5b648 dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/d803/
072af04 dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/g2-common/
3135327 init: set bfq scheduler after boot
& &* device/lge/ls980/
246a9cc dependencies: track our kernel
& &* device/lge/vs980/
e8347ba dependencies: track our kernel
& &* frameworks/base/
9434b1e Screen Pinning: Show correct string for on screen nav mPolicy.hasNavigationBar() will always return false because a new PhoneWindowManager was created just for this one method but the new PhoneWindowManager instance does not load the the boolean from resources that define whether the device has on screen navigation bar.&&This patch removes the unnecessary instance of a WindowManager and simply loads in the boolean when constructed.
631a33f framework: add &Turn wifi off& string
5c92d4c ResourcesManager: fix lookups with ThemeConfig
17f55a4 Resources: cache themed resources
42d371d lockscreen: Add option for showing unlock screen directly (1/2)
1f238e8 SysUI: Clean up objects when recreating statusbar
470ed3b Make toggling No Interruptions mode via volume buttons possible
7844af4 SystemUI: don't recreate zen controller, handler thread
854e444 SystemUi: Don't show cellular data tile on secondary users.
1bf199d SystemUI: improve circle battery
de870e6 Revert &SettingsProvider: change default battery style to portrait&
4046bf2 SystemUI: set fingerprint auth properly after occluded change
5d2e673 SystemUI: fix crypt keeper race condition
403da48 core: Fix Wi-Fi string
eae7896 DocumentsUI: Move & improve CAF string
& &* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
8e8cc01 Merge &Wifi: add &turn wifi off& action to open network notification& into cm-12.1
& &* kernel/cyanogen/msm8916/
8f7107e Revert &tomato: Enable dynamic FPS for all panels&
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
acbc7a8 Voltage Control: enable in defconfig
0cb77b8 Voltage Control: Fix voltage setting bug
2784f85 Voltage Control: generic voltage control for DTS based kernels
8ddfbb6 Sound Control: enable in defconfig
17670ba Sound Control: Show default speaker gain value when audio is disabled
4c38c35 Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
52d6f5b4 Sound Control: LG G3 Speaker Amp control
3cb9dfa Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
f1be9e7 Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different HW revisions
b839c03 Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
59e62c1 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
a8a0f86 sound control: Samsung Microphone compatibility fixup
ccd3355 sound control: add register cache
11872b9 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
54e00e7 Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
52afb00 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
bfccfdc sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
45fa3b1 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
54c586a fix build
& &* kernel/lge/msm8974/
6bdbe28 Voltage Control: Fix voltage setting bug
f2375f4 Voltage Control: generic voltage control for DTS based kernels
& &* packages/apps/Browser/
99dd14b Browser: add DuckDuckGo search engine to ES locale
& &* packages/apps/InCallUI/
08a6ebe Add call state check for answering or decline an incomingCall.
0d28e17 Fix: Have no incomingCall notification.
& &* packages/apps/Settings/
f605406 Devices & Maintainers: add Sony Xperia ZL (odin) and ZR (dogo)
cb1e4ed lockscreen: Add option to pass swipe-up-to-unlock (2/2)
0af7ca3 Hide LCD density preference from secondary users
& &* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
e34c717 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* vendor/cmsdk/
c1d893f Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into HEAD
& &* vendor/crdroid/
4df82ec vendor: welcome Sony Xperia ZL (odin) and ZR (dogo)
f7caa9c Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of
into 5.1.1
5318973 apns: combine internet and mms apns for vzw
a461f26 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.1' into HEAD
& &* vendor/htc/
296fae7 Merge pull request #162 from Hima-Dev/cm-12.1
57c8420 hima: Add stock camera blobs for camera hack
c39c257 hima: Update blobs from 2.8.617.4 release
& &&&09-22-2015
& &* build/
86ea4c8 Revert &build: better zsh dopush support&
& &* device/motorola/msm8226-common/
dd01430 msm8226-common: remove duplicated sepolicy
& &* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
cd9e008 Bluetooth: Unlock mutex before destroying the BTIF task
9f2be75 BLuetooth: Avoid calling bte disable for the second time
& &* external/libphonenumbergoogle/
6d3030c JAVA: Update metadata for ID to include 12 digits for possible numbers
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
976bfd7 Linux 3.4.109
dda24bc udp: fix behavior of wrong checksums
169620f sched: Queue RT tasks to head when prio drops
baae6de pipe: iovec: Fix memory corruption when retrying atomic copy as non-atomic
2111a95 NET: ROSE: Don't dereference NULL neighbour pointer.
75fcdc8 block: fix ext_dev_lock lockdep report
6951334 bridge: superfluous skb-&nfct check in br_nf_dev_queue_xmit
ca60d14 net: socket: Fix the wrong returns for recvmsg and sendmsg
908d27d ipmi: fix timeout calculation when bmc is disconnected
6a93a4a x86, kvm: fix kvm's usage of kernel_fpu_begin/end()
1bb3fc8 x86, kvm: use kernel_fpu_begin/end() in kvm_load/put_guest_fpu()
927e08a ipv4: Missing sk_nulls_node_init() in ping_unhash().
410e23f md: use kzalloc() when bitmap is disabled
24340ad udf: Check length of extended attributes and allocation descriptors
4e0e21f tracing: Have filter check for balanced ops
4c5a4b5 ring-buffer-benchmark: Fix the wrong sched_priority of producer
98ab4c3 bridge: fix multicast router rlist endless loop
3fe8b91 bridge: disable softirqs around br_fdb_update to avoid lockup
4b0aec1 bridge: use _bh spinlock variant for br_fdb_update to avoid lockup
1a40f7b7 MIPS: Fix enabling of DEBUG_STACKOVERFLOW
04e5fab USB: cp210x: add ID for HubZ dual ZigBee and Z-Wave dongle
52a88c0 ALSA: usb-audio: add MAYA44 USB+ mixer control names
d07eb49 ALSA: hda/realtek - Add a fixup for another Acer Aspire 9420
3a7b070 Input: elantech - fix detection of touchpads where the revision matches a known rate
9a3d742 vfs: read file_handle only once in handle_to_path
f75a07e drm/i915: Don't skip request retirement if the active list is empty
6311bb6 ozwpan: unchecked signed subtraction leads to DoS
698e9d8 ozwpan: divide-by-zero leading to panic
1ee6777 ozwpan: Use proper check to prevent heap overflow
c994c0e USB: serial: ftdi_sio: Add support for a Motion Tracker Development Board
a2dc334 target/pscsi: Don't leak scsi_host if hba is VIRTUAL_HOST
700e23b d_walk() might skip too much
2a9f7d6 fs, omfs: add NULL terminator in the end up the token list
1176e6e lguest: fix out-by-one error in address checking.
313648d x86: bpf_jit: fix compilation of large bpf programs
e1f9b21 x86/mce: Fix MCE severity messages
724ebe6 ARM: dts: imx27: only map 4 Kbyte for fec registers
860d070 bridge: fix parsing of MLDv2 reports
0d4f8c2 crypto: s390/ghash - Fix incorrect ghash icv buffer handling.
d39a367 xen/events: don't bind non-percpu VIRQs with percpu chip
6f62e49 sd: Disable support for 256 byte/sector disks
bae8136 mmc: atmel-mci: fix bad variable type for clkdiv
6a6b590 ALSA: hda - Add Conexant codecs CX20721, CX20722, CX20723 and CX20724
48f2585 powerpc: Align TOC to 256 bytes
4ca66d4 Input: elantech - fix semi-mt protocol for v3 HW
a0b7b5d ASoC: wm8994: correct BCLK DIV 348 to 384
9375421 ASoC: wm8960: fix &RINPUT3& audio route error
cf6a724 KVM: MMU: fix CR4.SMEP=1, CR0.WP=0 with shadow pages
7e31342 mac80211: move WEP tailroom size check
d2da764 ipvs: fix memory leak in ip_vs_ctl.c
dcf1770 ext4: check for zero length extent explicitly
595f54c drm/radeon: fix VM_CONTEXT*_PAGE_TABLE_END_ADDR handling
57c3733 ARM: net: delegate filter to kernel interpreter when imm_offset() return value can't fit into 12bits.
a59b5a4 ahci: avoton port-disable reset-quirk
eb6ced6 ahci: un-staticize ahci_dev_classify
c135f35 usb-storage: Add NO_WP_DETECT quirk for Lacie 059f:0651 devices
639ff72 xhci: gracefully handle xhci_irq dead device
bef178e xhci: Solve full event ring by increasing TRBS_PER_SEGMENT to 256
2853ff0 xhci: fix isoc endpoint dequeue from advancing too far on transaction error
c4014d9 md/raid5: don't record new size if resize_stripes fails.
0c41077 nfsd: fix the check for confirmed openowner in nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op
1d92982 USB: visor: Match I330 phone more precisely
6606f50 USB: pl2303: Remove support for Samsung I330
3291a5e USB: cp210x: add ID for KCF Technologies PRN device
b0dd854 rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix kernel deadlock
6b96e59 libata: Ignore spurious PHY event on LPM policy change
74ca2f4 libata: Add helper to determine when PHY events should be ignored
aa3d5c6 ocfs2: dlm: fix race between purge and get lock resource
504ea0b nilfs2: fix sanity check of btree level in nilfs_btree_root_broken()
afa1340 mm/memory-failure: call shake_page() when error hits thp tail page
8787353 xen/events: Set irq_info-&evtchn before binding the channel to CPU in __startup_pirq()
1139679 xen/console: Update console event channel on resume
13f5ed0 RDMA/CMA: Canonize IPv4 on IPV6 sockets properly
b704df7 mmc: core: add missing pm event in mmc_pm_notify to fix hib restore
c2a5d42 ARM: pxa: lubbock: use new pxa_cplds driver
85168b2 ARM: pxa: mainstone: use new pxa_cplds driver
ccb94da ARM: pxa: pxa_cplds: add lubbock and mainstone IO
d7d497f ext4: move check under lock scope to close a race.
c1fe21b powerpc/pseries: Correct cpu affinity for dlpar added cpus
5aaa3d5 ALSA: emu10k1: Emu10k2 32 bit DMA mode
f399f80 ALSA: emux: Fix mutex deadlock in OSS emulation
d3f7e41 serial: of-serial: Remove device_type = &serial& registration
044d5f4 serial: xilinx: Use platform_get_irq to get irq description structure
w-9xxx: fix command completion race
f50d7e9 3w-xxxx: fix command completion race
c15a124 3w-sas: fix command completion race
e69f840 SCSI: add 1024 max sectors black list flag
a766ba7 drm/radeon: Use drm_calloc_ab for CS relocs
12fd815 ALSA: emux: Fix mutex deadlock at unloading
7d343aa ALSA: emu10k1: Fix card shortname string buffer overflow
6cd0077 ALSA: hda - Fix mute-LED fixed mode
2b303e0 RCU pathwalk breakage when running into a symlink overmounting something
52ee25f nfs: fix high load average due to callback thread sleeping
0026577 nfs: don't call blocking operations while !TASK_RUNNING
12e4e04 nfsd: fix nsfd startup race triggering BUG_ON
03bab1e memstick: mspro_block: add missing curly braces
a0c2e77 ptrace: fix race between ptrace_resume() and wait_task_stopped()
44167cc firmware/ihex2fw.c: restore missing default in switch statement
753cd20 megaraid_sas: use raw_smp_processor_id()
0dd4f02 IB/mlx4: Fix WQE LSO segment calculation
2d2352c IB/core: disallow registering 0-sized memory region
f228ab8 dm crypt: fix deadlock when async crypto algorithm returns -EBUSY
ee336b1 fs/binfmt_elf.c: fix bug in loading of PIE binaries
18e32ce ACPICA: Utilities: split IO address types from data type models.
1fbbbeb powerpc/perf: Cap 64bit userspace backtraces to PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH
13309b0 Btrfs: fix inode eviction infinite loop after cloning into it
1e076c5 s390/hibernate: fix save and restore of kernel text section
812b0f1 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_MAPPING
309f8f3 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_MIGRATE
ca923f5 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_REPORT
d4f67a2 powerpc: Fix missing L2 cache size in /sys/devices/system/cpu
a9ad81e MIPS: Hibernate: flush TLB entries earlier
dab9478 ALSA: emu10k1: don't deadlock in proc-functions
c8223a0 scsi: storvsc: Fix a bug in copy_from_bounce_buffer()
22d3a78 x86/iommu: Fix header comments regarding standard and _FINISH macros
812ff9a selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_[NEW|GET]SADINFO
790e302 selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_GETSPDINFO
490fd37 RDS: Documentation: Document AF_RDS, PF_RDS and SOL_RDS correctly.
5711c14 Input: elantech - fix absolute mode setting on some ASUS laptops
108404c jhash: Update jhash_[321]words functions to use correct initval
4fa050d ext4: make fsync to sync parent dir in no-journal for real this time
669b4f0 ASoC: cs4271: Increase delay time after reset
67354d6 rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Add new USB ID
7c1cd84 ARM: 8320/1: fix integer overflow in ELF_ET_DYN_BASE
e8deb4b btrfs: don't accept bare namespace as a valid xattr
283920c Btrfs: fix log tree corruption when fs mounted with -o discard
bd56bf0 Drivers: hv: vmbus: Don't wait after requesting offers
5af9133 C6x: time: Ensure consistency in __init
3547b8d UBI: fix check for &too many bytes&
c4f181d UBI: initialize LEB number variable
54dcde8 UBI: fix out of bounds write
225e4db staging: panel: fix lcd type
b897242 cdc-wdm: fix endianness bug in debug statements
bd21532 ASoC: wm8741: Fix rates constraints values
eb25633 usb: common: otg-fsm: only signal connect after switching to peripheral
ae86d5e drm/radeon: fix doublescan modes (v2)
d94cfb2 pinctrl: fix example .get_group_pins implementation signature
e38d462 pinctrl: remove doc mention of the enable/disable API
6a18f10 compal-laptop: Check return value of power_supply_register
bddaa02 pinctrl: remove maxpin from documentation
602eab9 usb: musb: core: fix TX/RX endpoint order
56ba17e KVM: s390: Zero out current VMDB of STSI before including level3 data.
82ff522 e1000: add dummy allocator to fix race condition between mtu change and netpoll
cff13f4 Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix a bug in the error path in vmbus_open()
eb3a2c2 Bluetooth: ath3k: Add support Atheros AR5B195 combo Mini PCIe card
& &* packages/apps/Contacts/
4cf2e2c Contacts: Add contact lookup with attribution to quick contacts
& &* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
571f584 ContactsCommon: Add ability to show looked up contacts for quick contacts
& &* system/core/
38e9a16 Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* vendor/cmsdk/
e2daff9 CMSettingsProvider: Remove attempts at closing sqlite db
& &* vendor/crdroid/
6884792 sepolicy: Allow system app to set boot anim property
da7d187 APN: add Sprint MVNO Ringplus, Ting update
& &&&09-21-2015
& &* device/htc/dlx/
f76da3c Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
d226f7a crdroidify
& &* device/yu/tomato/
6f8a9be Merge remote-tracking branch 'cm/cm-12.1' into 5.1.1
& &* frameworks/native/
b5f98d7 Set explicit ioprio where required
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/
7313236 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/
6d8eb85 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
2ca9c7a hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
0088877 hwc: Set ioprio for vsync thread
& &* kernel/lge/g3/
e6030b6 ipv6: add check for blackhole or prohibited entry in rt6_redire
& &* packages/apps/Gallery2/
40a304a Move & improve CAF strings
& &* packages/services/Telephony/
b7e3641 Move & improve Wi-Fi call settings strings
& &* system/core/
8df64c7 cutils: Remove ioprio magic
& &* vendor/crdroid/
b61b6df cm: Clean up cgroups even more!
在线时间751 小时经验值2455 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限90UID1129281
硕士, 积分 2455, 距离下一级还需 45 积分
TA的每日心情开心 11:10签到天数: 5 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
G币1831 最后登录注册时间
牛俊 发表于
在线时间238 小时经验值1634 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID2690791
研究生, 积分 1634, 距离下一级还需 66 积分
TA的每日心情怒 09:40签到天数: 212 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1559 最后登录注册时间
yzhg003 发表于
在线时间751 小时经验值2455 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限90UID1129281
硕士, 积分 2455, 距离下一级还需 45 积分
TA的每日心情开心 11:10签到天数: 5 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
G币1831 最后登录注册时间
牛俊 发表于
在线时间238 小时经验值1634 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID2690791
研究生, 积分 1634, 距离下一级还需 66 积分
TA的每日心情怒 09:40签到天数: 212 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1559 最后登录注册时间
yzhg003 发表于
在线时间229 小时经验值5092 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限120UID1641683
导师, 积分 5092, 距离下一级还需 1008 积分
TA的每日心情奋斗 03:26签到天数: 210 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币2466 最后登录注册时间
在线时间53 小时经验值1283 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID8198849
研究生, 积分 1283, 距离下一级还需 417 积分
TA的每日心情开心 12:32签到天数: 146 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币225 最后登录注册时间
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