Nare5 ROOT有没有什么软件可以方便华为root失败解决办法?

三星note3(n-900k)搭载的是Android 4.3,可以使用国产第三方ROOT软件ROOT大师,使用方法如下:1.在电脑端打开ROOT大师,等待usb连接成功,如下图所示:2.手机成功连接后,点击“一键ROOT”获取ROOT。3.出现下图界面,请耐心等待ROOT完成。4.一般不超过5分钟,电脑端就会显示“ROOT权限已获取”。5.在获取ROOT权限过程中手机会自动重启,在这期间千万不要动手机,更不要擅自拔下数据线。等重启完成后,手机应用中多了一款“权限管理”,说明已经成功获取ROOT权限。
把不喜欢的自带应用除掉!Samsung Galaxy Note3 N900k 手机 不是不能Root,
使用Root 过的手机来操作网上银行或快捷支付等服务喔 , 只是暂时未有 &quot.如果您极想Root它., 卓大师!!,建议先刷3rd Party Recovery 再用Odin刷Root.或先刷3rd Party Recovery 再用已含Root的Rom包刷机 ;一键ROOT&quot, 什麼精灵都不行的!; 工具能Root成功它.Root大师, 在不Root 的情况下!!, 叮什麼...希望这能帮到您 .您亦可使用360加强版 ..^^
因Root 机增加了手机数据被盗风险 您好
出门在外也不愁How to Increase the size of a Linux LVM by expanding the virtual machine disk | RootUsers
This post will cover how to increase the disk space for a VMware virtual machine running Linux that is using logical volume manager (LVM). Firstly we will be increasing the size of the actual disk on the VMware virtual machine, so at the hardware level – this is the VM’s .vmdk file. Once this is complete we will get into the virtual machine and make the necessary changes through the operating system in order to take advantage of the additional space that has been provided by the hard drive being extended. This will involve creating a new partition with the new space, expanding the volume group and logical group, then finally resizing the file system.
As there are a number of different ways to increase disk space I have also posted some different methods here:
– In this article the virtual disk is expanded, however there is no LVM here just a Linux native partition that is expanded with the GParted live CD.
– In this article a new virtual disk is added to the virtual machine, a new partition is created, the volume group and logical volume are both expanded and then the filesystem is resized.
– In this article the file system is shrunk followed by the LVM, allowing you to reclaim space in the volume group.
Update 18/04/2015: I have created a video guide of this post in CentOS 7 shown below.
Important Note: Be very careful when working with the commands in this article as they have the potential to cause a lot of damage to your data. If you are working with virtual machines make sure you take a snapshot of your virtual machine beforehand, or otherwise have some other form of up to date backup before proceeding. Note that a snapshot must not be taken until after the virtual disk has been increased, otherwise you will not be able to increase it. It could also be worth cloning the virtual machine first and testing out this method on the clone.
Prerequisites: As this method uses the additional space to create a primary partition, you must not already have 4 partitions as you will not be able to create more than 4. If you do not have space for another partition then you will need to consider a different method, there are some others in the above list.
Throughout my examples I will be working with a VMware virtual machine running Debian 6, this was set up with a 20gb disk and we will be increasing it by 10gb for a total final size of 30gb.
Identifying the partition type
As this method focuses on working with LVM, we will first confirm that our partition type is actually Linux LVM by running the below command.
As you can see in the above image /dev/sda5 is listed as “Linux LVM” and it has the ID of 8e. The 8e hex code shows that it is a Linux LVM, while 83 shows a Linux native partition. Now that we have confirmed we are working with an LVM we can continue. For increasing the size of a Linux native partition (hex code 83)
Below is the disk information showing that our initial setup only has the one 20gb disk currently, which is under the logical volume named /dev/mapper/Mega-root – this is what we will be expanding with the new disk.
Note that /dev/mapper/Mega-root is the volume made up from /dev/sda5 currently – this is what we will be expanding.
Increasing the virtual hard disk
First off we increase the allocated disk space on the virtual machine itself. This is done by right clicking the virtual machine in vSphere, selecting edit settings, and then selecting the hard disk. In the below image I have changed the previously set hard disk of 20gb to 30gb while the virtual machine is up and running. Once complete click OK, this is all that needs to be done in VMware for this process.
If you are not able to modify the size of the disk, the provisioned size setting is greyed out. This can happen if the virtual machine has a snapshot in place, these will need to be removed prior to making the changes to the disk. Alternatively you may need to shut down the virtual machine if it does not allow you to add or increase disks on the fly, if this is the case make the change then power it back on.
Detect the new disk space
Once the physical disk has been increased at the hardware level, we need to get into the operating system and create a new partition that makes use of this space to proceed.
Before we can do this we need to check that the new unallocated disk space is detected by the server, you can use “fdisk -l” to list the primary disk. You will most likely see that the disk space is still showing as the same original size, at this point you can either reboot the server and it will detect the changes on boot or you can rescan your devices to avoid rebooting by running the below command. Note you may need to change host0 depending on your setup.
echo "- - -" & /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
Below is an image after performing this and confirming that the new space is displaying.
Partition the new disk space
As outlined in my previous images the disk in my example that I am working with is /dev/sda, so we use fdisk to create a new primary partition to make use of the new expanded disk space. Note that we do not have 4 primary partitions already in place, making this method possible.
fdisk /dev/sda
We are now using fdisk to create a new partition, the inputs I have entered in are shown below in bold. Note that you can press ‘m’ to get a full listing of the fdisk commands.
‘n’ was selected for adding a new partition.
WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to
switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to
sectors (command 'u').
Command (m for help): n
‘p’ is then selected as we are making a primary partition.
Command action
logical (5 or over)
primary partition (1-4)
As I already have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 as shown in previous images, I have gone with using  for this new partition which will be created as /dev/sda3
Partition number (1-4): 3
We just press enter twice above as by default the first and last cylinders of the unallocated space should be correct. After this the partition is then ready.
First cylinder (, default 2611): "enter"
Using default value 2611
Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (, default 3916): "enter"
Using default value 3916
‘t’ is selected to change to a partition’s system ID, in this case we change to  which is the one we just created.
Command (m for help): t
Partition number (1-5): 3
The hex code ‘8e’ was entered as this is the code for a Linux LVM which is what we want this partition to be, as we will be joining it with the original /dev/sda5 Linux LVM.
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e
Changed system type of partition 3 to 8e (Linux LVM)
‘w’ is used to write the table to disk and exit, basically all the changes that have been done will be saved and then you will be exited from fdisk.
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at
the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)
Syncing disks.
You will see a warning which basically means in order to use the new table with the changes a system reboot is required. If you can not see the new partition using “fdisk -l” you may be able to run “partprobe -s” to rescan the partitions. In my test I did not require either of those things at this stage (I do a reboot later on), straight after pressing ‘w’ in fdisk I was able to see the new /dev/sda3 partition of my 10gb of space as displayed in the below image.
For CentOS/RHEL run a “partx -a /dev/sda3” to avoid rebooting later on.
That’s all for partitioning, we now have a new partition which is making use of the previously unallocated disk space from the increase in VMware.
Increasing the logical volume
We use the pvcreate command which creates a physical volume for later use by the logical volume manager (LVM). In this case the physical volume will be our new /dev/sda3 partition.
:~# pvcreate /dev/sda3
Device /dev/sda3 not found (or ignored by filtering).
In order to get around this you can either reboot, or use partprobe/partx as previously mentioned to avoid a reboot, as in this instance the disk does not appear to be there correctly despite showing in “fdisk -l”. After a reboot or partprobe/partx use the same command which will succeed.
:~# pvcreate /dev/sda3
Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created
Next we need to confirm the name of the current volume group using the vgdisplay command. The name will vary depending on your setup, for me it is the name of my test server. vgdisplay provides lots of information on the volume group, I have only shown the name and the current size of it for this example.
:~# vgdisplay
--- Volume group ---
Now we extend the ‘Mega’ volume group by adding in the physical volume of /dev/sda3 which we created using the pvcreate command earlier.
:~# vgextend Mega /dev/sda3
Volume group "Mega" successfully extended
Using the pvscan command we scan all disks for physical volumes, this should confirm the original /dev/sda5 partition and the newly created physical volume /dev/sda3
:~# pvscan
PV /dev/sda5
lvm2 [19.76 GiB / 0
PV /dev/sda3
lvm2 [10.00 GiB / 10.00 GiB free]
Total: 2 [29.75 GiB] / in use: 2 [29.75 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0
Next we need to increase the logical volume (rather than the physical volume) which basically means we will be taking our original logical volume and extending it over our new partition/physical volume of /dev/sda3.
Firstly confirm the path of the logical volume using lvdisplay. This path name will vary depending on your setup.
:~# lvdisplay
--- Logical volume ---
The logical volume is then extended using the lvextend command.
:~# lvextend /dev/Mega/root /dev/sda3
Extending logical volume root to 28.90 GiB
Logical volume root successfully resized
There is then one final step which is to resize the file system so that it can take advantage of this additional space, this is done using the resize2fs command for ext based file systems. Note that this may take some time to complete, it took about 30 seconds for my additional space.
:~# resize2fs /dev/Mega/root
resize2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Filesystem at /dev/Mega/root is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old desc_blocks = 2, new_desc_blocks = 2
Performing an on-line resize of /dev/Mega/root to k) blocks.
The filesystem on /dev/Mega/root is now 7576576 blocks long.
Alternatively if you’re running the XFS file system (default as of RedHat/CentOS 7) you can grow the file system with “xfs_growfs /dev/Mega/root”.
That’s it, now with the ‘df’ command we can see that the total available disk space has been increased.
With this method we have increased the virtual disk drive through VMware, created a new partition out of this newly unallocated space within the guest OS, turned it into a physical volume, extended the volume group, and then finally extended the original logical volume over the newer physical volume resulting in overall disk space being increased successfully.
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Although there is the versatile and powerful ZYNQ extensible processor-centric architecture with its on board dual-core Cortex-A9 ARM processor
devices, sometimes it is necessary to use a standalone micro-controller in
combination with a processor-less FPGA. Of course a standalone micro-controller can also be used in combination with a ZYNQ FPGA..
This note provides a way to hook a FPGA to an of the shelf available ARM
micro-controller. The FPGA can use the micro-controller as process controller
or as extended multi-peripheral (USB, LCD, Keyboard, and etcetera) device.
The micro-controller mostly uses the FPGA as pre-processing high-speed,
high performance calculation extension.
An FPGA is primary used for computationally intensive, high-speed and/or
parallel processing tasks while the ARM micro-controller is widely used due to
its versatility, many manufacturers implement it as the core for their
applications (Including he ZYNQ family of devices). Because ARM devices
are so widely used across the processor sector there is a variation of
operating systems available.
An application that caused this note to be written was a video application
using an FPGA as high speed – parallel video processing engine and a
dedicated ARM micro-controller as human interaction interface.
The solution provided is to use one Chip Select area of the micro-controllers
External Memory Controller (EMC) in SRAM mode and connect this to the
FPGA. Figure 1shows the setup of an example video design.
Figure 1: Micro-controller – FPGA video application.
The FPGA connects via the External Memory Interface (EMI) to the ARM processor.
To prove this concept some design decisions were taken:
Use on the market available micro-controller hardware.
The Phytec phyCORE-LPC3250 development board was chosen.
Use an available Xilinx Development board.
Virtex-6 LM605, 7-Series KC705 or VC707 boards.
A board with a processor-less FPGA is chosen because the connection between the external processor and FPGA must be proved.
A ZYNQ connecting to it's FPGA Block-RAM is topic of another article.
Use an OS.
The Phytec development system comes with a Linux port.
The obvious choice was thus to go for Linux in stead of writing code on the bare metal of the ARM processor.
With the choice of the Phytec board came the NXP LPC3250-A9 micro-controller.
The Phytec board data can be found on: .
The details of the micro-conroller can be obtained from:
The LPC/50 embedded micro-controllers are designed for low power, high performance applications. NXP achieved these goals using a 90 nano-meter process to implement an ARM926EJ-S CPU core with a vector floating point co-processor and a large set of standard peripherals.
The NXP implementation uses a ARM926EJ-S CPU core with a Harvard architecture, 5-stage pipeline, and an integral Memory Management Unit (MMU). The MMU provides the
virtual memory capabilities needed to support the programming demands of modern
operating systems. The ARM926EJ-S also has a hardware based set of DSP instruction extensions, which
includes single cycle MAC operations, and hardware based native Jazelle Java Byte-code
execution. The implementation has a 32kB instruction cache and a 32kB data cache.
The LPC/50 includes a whole set of peripherals and memory support:
256 kB of on-chip static RAM,
NAND flash interface,
External bus interface (EMI) supporting SDR, DDR SDRAM and static devices.
Ethernet MAC
LCD controller that supports STN and TFT panels
USB 2.0 full-speed interface
Seven UARTs
Two I2C-bus interfaces, two SPI/SSP ports, two I2S-bus interfaces.
Two single output PWMs, a motor control PWM
Six general purpose timers with capture inputs and compare outputs
Secure Digital (SD) interface
10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with a touch screen sense option.
The interesting peripheral for this FPGA application is the processors External Memory
Interface. The EMI is controlled by the External Memory Controller (EMC), an ARM PrimeCell
MultiPort Memory Controller peripheral. The EMC is an Advanced Microcontroller Bus
Architecture (AMBA) compliant peripheral, Figure2.
Features of the EMC are:
Dynamic memory interface support including Single Data Rate and Double Data Rate SDRAM.&/p&
Supports mobile SDRAM devices with 1.8 V I/O interface.&/p&
Asynchronous static memory device support including RAM, ROM, and Flash, with or without asynchronous page mode.&/p&
2k, 4k, and 8k row address synchronous memory devices.&/p&
Typically 512 Mbit, 256 Mbit, and 128 Mbit devices.&/p&
with 4, 8, 16, or 32 data bits per device.&/p&
Low transaction latency.&/p&
Read and write buffers to reduce latency and to improve performance.&/p&
8 bit, 16 bit, and 32 bit wide static memory support.&/p&
16-bit and 32-bit wide SDRAM memory support.&/p&
Four chip selects for static memory devices.&/p&
Two chip selects for synchronous memory devices.&/p&
Static memory features include:&/p&
Asynchronous page mode read
Programmable wait states
Bus turnaround delay
Output enable and write enable delays
Extended wait
Power-saving modes dynamically control clock and clock enable to SDRAMs.&/p&
Dynamic memory self-refresh mode controlled by software.&/p&
Separate reset domains allow the for auto-refresh through a chip reset if desired&/p&
Figure 2: EMC block diagram.
The External Memory Controller (EMC) has four memory areas where static memory can be
connected, and an FPGA can be seen as static memory. The FPGA - micro-processor
connection uses for this design the memory range of chip select CS2 (Figure 3).
A single FPGA will occupy only a small amount of memory in this address space.
When the processor read and/or writes to this EMC_CS2 address space it accesses the
contents of registers and memory blocks (FF registers, BlockRAM and/or distributed
memory) in the FPGA.
Read and write operations from the EMC to static memory a fairly simple and straight
forward. Figure 4 shows the waveform of a read operation and figure 5 shows the write
operation. In case it might be needed, the EMC controller contains a register set allowing to
control access delays for the static memory. For the description an use of tehse registers
consult the LPC3250 User Guide.
Since for the demo/test design only two Block-RAMs are used the address decoding is not
very fine tuned. The address space to access the Block-RAM appears several times in the
CS2 address block of the EMC.
When the FPGA is effectively used in an application as co-processor, pre-processor, high-speed calculation or high-speed communication engine for the ARM micro-controller it is
most likely that different Block-RAM and separate registers are used and need to be
addressed. Then it will be necessary to fine tune the addressing of the FPGA from the micro-controllers EMC.
Figure 3: Cut-out of the External memory map from the LPC3250 memory map.
Figure 4: EMC static memory read operation.
Figure 5: EMC static memory write operation.
In case it is needed, the EMC controller contains a full set of configuration registers for every
possible type of memory that can be connected to the EMI interface. It is thus possible to set
read and/or write delays, bus turn around times and etcetera.
To get the finesses of this, please read the LPC datasheet and User Guides.
The interface in the FPGA is very straight forward. It consists of a bidirectional 32-bit data
bus and a unidirectional address and control bus. From the micro-controllers address bus
only these address bits are used that are needed for addressing the application in the FPGA.
A block diagram of the ARM interface in the FPGA is shown in Figure 6.
The address interface in the FPGA makes sure that the combination of the address bits and control bits (read, write, enable, interrupt, and etcetera) make surer the correct peripheral in the FPGA gets accessed in the right direction, read or write to or from the ARM.
The data part of the interface is at the IO level a data pass through and internally it can be seen as a address bus, read and write controlled set of multiplexers.
Figure 6: FPGA ARM interface block diagram.
The demonstration design contains two Block-RAM components, one used to write to and
one used to read from. The other access ports of both Block-RAMs are connected together
and when the Block-RAM for write is completely full, data is transferred to the read Block-RAM. When the read Block-RAM at its turn is full data can be read from it, Figure 7.
Correctness of the read and write operation can easily be checked this way.
Of course, a real life application will have probably multiple Block-RAM. Distributed memory
and normal FF registers that can be written and/or read via the EMI interface of the micro-controller.
Figure 7: Design to show ARM - FPGA read and write.
Very important is the connection of the LPC3250 component and the FPGA on PCB board level.
The micro-controller External Memory Controller voltage can be 1V8, 2V5 or 3V3 as shown in figure 8 . The EMC must run in 3V3 voltage mode to connect to the FPGA because it is used in SRAM mode.
All IO of the micro-controller are LVCMOS compatible.
The IO of the FPGA can be used in different voltages and different IO standards, but LVCMOS must be selected as IO-standard.
Virtex-6 runs at LVCMOS 2V5.
Level translation components will be needed to be able to let the micro-controller and FPGA exchange data.
7-Series runs at: LVCMOS 3V3 in HR IO-banks and 2V5 in HP IO-banks.
For HR IO, level translators will not be needed.
For HP IO level translators are necessary.
In order to let the micro-controller and the FPGA exchange data it is in many cases necessary to use level shifting components. Figure 9 shows a schematic (figure 10a photo) of the setup.
Figure 8: LPC3250 EMC power and operating supply voltages.
Figure 9: Connection between LPC3250 and FPGA using level shifters.
Figure 10a: Photo of the realized setup.
REMARK: The schematic figure 9 shows a circuit using Texas Instrument level shifter components but this is not a must any good level shifter component can be used.
The following description describes how to build and port Linux onto the Phytec board and assumes that the host computer runs a Linux distribution, as Ubuntu. The host computer is connected to the Phytec board via a serial cable (at the side of the PC the RS232 cable is probably converted to USB and a USB driver translates all RS232 communication for the PC).Firstly your own version of Linux needs to compiled, to do this a PC running Linux or at least a PC equipped with a virtual machine running Linux is needed.
The Linux Target Image Builder (LTIB) will be used to generated the embedded kernel. LTIB, the operating flow is shown in figure 11, is a tool used to develop and deploy Board Support Packages (BSP) for a number of embedded target platforms including PowerPC,
ARM, and Coldfire. It can be found and downloaded at: .
Figure 11: LTIB Flow Diagram.
LTIB will not only compile the kernel but also supply a root file system, an additional boot loader (Das U-BOOT) and further everything you need to write your own applications. To start programming, a compiler is needed and since it is not included in with LTIB it needs to be downloaded from the WWW. Recommendation: Download the command line compiler from CodeSourcery.
It's free, and other tried/tested compilers were badly documented or not compatible with the ARM926EJ-S core in the NXP LPC3250 on the Phytec development board.
Following pages provide a tutorial to build a Linux kernel for the LPC3250 on the Phytec PhyCore board.
REMARK: In the commands that should be typed at the command line heave the ComicSans MSfont, that way they can easily be recognized.
Make sure to operate in the projects directory where the kernel will be made. Create a sub-directory for LPC3250 related development and switch to the new directory:
mkdir lpc3250
cd lpc3250
Download the netinstall script:
./lpc3250& wget
Run the netinstall script:
./lpc3250& perl netinstall
For the LTIB install, “sudo” permissions to execute rpm commands as root without a password are required. To enable this run visudoas root.
./lpc3250& sudo /usr/sbin/visudo
This allows editing of the “sudoers”file.
Enter the line:
&username& ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/rpm, /opt/ltib/usr/bin/rpm
Restart the install process by executing again the “perl netinstall“ script. The setup
will ask for a install path, provide the full path as: /home/&username&/”Path”/lpc3250/
If the “netinstall” script does not work automatically open another terminal window, open the “perl netinstall” script with an editor and execute every instruction by hand. This can be done by typing the following commands:
cd /home/&username&/lpc3250
~/lpc3250& vi netinstall
Still problems? Pay a visit to:
Normally the install runs without problems and LTIB is ready.
Modifying the LTIB configuration is done by:
./lpc3250/ltib qs& ./ltib
‐ --configure
A menu will pop-up, follow the instructions to:
Select the platform.
Choose the Phytec 3250 board.
With the NXP LPC32XX SoC from the list.
Select Exit and Yes to save the new configuration.
LTIB automates building U-Boot, Linux kernel, and root file system. LTIB allows configuration of the boot loader, kernel, and installed packages through a menu driven system.
Begin the build process by returning to the shell window used to install LTIB.
~/lpc3250& cd ltib‐qs
./lpc3250/ltib qs& ./ltib
* A menu with a lot of options will pops-up. The recommendation is to start experimenting with the settings. The settings made in the menu are very specific and depending on the application.
** The settings that worked for this test application are given in table 1.
List 1: LTIB options set for this application test.
System features
[*] cache target rpms
Target C library type
C library package
(X) from toolchain only
Toolchain component options
[*] libc shared libraries
[*] c++ shared libraries
[*] libgcc*.so*
(X) gcc-3.4.5-glibc 2.3.6 (soft_float)
Enter any CFLAGS for gcc/g++
bootloader choice
(X)u-boot1.3.3 for the Phytec3250 board
u boot flags
(X) Linux for LPC3250 / Phytec3250
Always rebuild the kernel
[*] (checked)
Produce cscope index
[ ] (unchecked)
Kernel preconfig
Include kernel headers
[ ] (unchecked)
Configure the kernel
[ ] (unchecked)
Leave the kernel sources after building
[*] (checked)
Package list
Check only:
[*] busybox
[*] module dependencies
[*] mp3play
[*] mtd utils
[*] Skeleton base files
Target System Configuration Options Check only:
[*] start networking
[*] start syslogd/klogd
Target Image Generation Options
Target image: (NFS only)
Select Exit and Yes to save the new configuration.
LTIB will start to compile the custom kernel this will take a while.
get a cup of coffee.
It is possible that a menu pops up while compiling, this means that some options are left unchecked or are checked. Example: The option to configure the kernel is left checked.
Explore with the options, but for the first time it is maybe better to leave all options a default.
When all goes well the compile process is done with the message “Build Succeeded”.
Hint: it's possible that the process fails. Restart the LTIB configuration process to adjust the settings.To restart the LTIB configuration menu, type:
~/lpc3250/ltib‐qs& ./ltib ‐‐configure
Note that LTIB will only enter the configuration menu the first time after install when
typing ./ltib a the prompt. After the first run, typing ./ltib at the prompt will rebuild
modified source. It is thus necessary to type ./ltib ‐‐configure in order to modify the configuration of LTIB.
The list of all options for LTIB is showed in table 1.
Copy the rootfs.jffs2image and the uImagefile to the root directory of the FAT formatted SD-card and insert the card in the X15 connector of the Phytec board.
Hint: Don’t forget to unmount!
Everything is now ready to flash the custom kernel. Table 2 shows a description of the memory map of the generated system in order to make following instructions meaningful.
Table 2: Embedded System Memory Map.
Start block
Number of Blocks
Kickstart Loader
Stage 1 Loader
Das U-boot
Das U-boot environment variables
Linux Kernel
Linux File System
Make sure no other boot loader is running and delete all previous boot loader environments.
phy3250& erase 90 10 0
The image file can be loaded from the SD-card into the SDRAM.
Stop the boot process in the stage 1 loader by pressing any key.
Then type following commands:
phy3250& load blk uimage raw 0x
phy3250& nsave
phy3250& boot
Then wait for U-Boot to boot.
Type now following commands to flash the kernel image.
uboot& nand erase 0xx3a70000; nand write.jffs2 0x
0x590000 &image size&*
Power cycle or press the reset button.
Stop the boot process on the stage 1 loader by pressing any key and type the
following commands:
phy3250& load blk ROOTFS~1.JFF raw 0x
phy3250& nsave
phy3250& boot
Wait for U-boot to boot and when this is done type the following commands to flash the file system image into nand flash.
uboot& nand erase 0xx3a70000; nand write.jffs2 0x
0x590000 &image size&*
The size must always be a multiple of the erase block size (16kB or 0x4000hex). Round it up the image size if this is not the case. If the JFFS2 erase block size was set correctly in the LTIB configuration menu the image size will automatically fall on a block size boundary, and no rounding is required.
Change the “booatargs” to the following (watch the apostrophe’s):
- uboot& bootargs ‘console=ttyS0, root=/dev/mtdblock3 rw rootfstype=jffs2 init=/sbin/init’
- uboot& setenv bootcmd ‘nboot.jffs2 0xx0 0x190000; bootm’
Save the environment variables and boot up the system by typing:
uboot& saveenv
Congratulations, A customized ready to start Linux kernel is available for the Phytec development board. Type:
uboot& run bootcmd
hit the system reset button S1.
If the Linux build procedure is done correctly the system should boot to a prompt.
What's now
needed is some home made programming to show that the micro-controller can write and
read from the BlockRam memory in the FPGA.
A normal boot procedure, after reset, takes following steps:
On-chip bootstrap executes and boots the Kickstart Loader.
Kickstart Loader executes and boots the Stage 1 Loader.
Stage 1 Loader executes and boots Das U-Boot.
Das U-Boot executes and boots the Linux kernel.
As earlier written a embedded system is not needed to run a communication between the
ARM micro-controller and the FPGA but it helps ease writing applications in more complex
application. To prove the OS approach, an embedded Linux operating system is chosen.
Reasons for this choice are:
Linux is the most popular embedded environment.
Provides easier software portability
Allows that any C coded program only needs recompilation to make it work on another platform.
Using Linux provides the endless range of peripherals that can be accessed.
First: Using the CodeSourcery compiler is not a must. If another compiler is available
or more familiar, please use that. CodeSourcery is used in the application note
because I liked it, it is free (lite version) and works perfect.
One thing to remark is that all the source files of your BSP have to be supplied
These files are available at:
ltib-10-1-1a-sv\rpm\BUILD\linux- \include
Insert these files into:
The following provides a help in understanding memory management of Linux based systems.
Hint: Read "Linux Device Drivers" from O'Reilly Media if deeper understanding of Linux memory management is wanted or needed (The book is available in electronic format for free).
Linux is a virtual memory system, meaning that the addresses seen by user programs
do not directly correspond to the physical addresses used by the hardware. Virtual
memory introduces a layer of indirection that allows a number of nice things to
happen. Programs running on the system can allocate far more memory than
physically available. Even single processes can occupy a virtual address space larger
than the system's physical memory. Virtual memory also allows the program
number of tricks with the process's address space, including mapping the program's
memory to device memory.The following text list the address types used in Linux and figure 12 shows how these
address types related to physical memory.
Physical addresses:
The addresses used between the processor and the system’s memory. Physical
addresses are 32- or 64- even 32-bit systems can use larger physical
addresses in some situations.
Bus addresses:
Bus addresses are highly architecture dependent.
They are used between peripheral buses and memory. These are often the same as
the physical addresses used by the processor, but that is not necessarily always the
case. Some architectures provide an I/O memory management unit (IO-MMU) that remaps
addresses between a bus and main memory. An IO-MMU can make life easier in a
number of ways (A buffer scattered in memory can appear continuous to the device).
Programming the IO-MMU is an extra step that must be performed when setting up
DMA operations.
User virtual addresses:
These are the regular addresses seen by user-space programs. User addresses are
either 32 or 64 bits in length, depending on the underlying hardware architecture, and
each process has its own virtual address space.
Kernel logical addresses:
Make up the normal address space of the kernel and map some portion (perhaps all)
of main memory. These addresses are often treated as if they were physical
addresses. On most architectures, logical addresses and their associated physical
addresses differ only by a constant offset. Logical
addresses use the hardware’s native pointer size and, therefore, may be unable to
address all of physical memory on heavily equipped 32-bit systems. Logical addresses
are usually stored in variables of type unsigned long or void *. Memory returned from
“kmalloc” has a kernel logical address.
Kernel virtual addresses:
Kernel virtual addresses are similar to logical addresses in that they are a mapping
from a kernel space address to a physical address. Kernel virtual addresses do not
necessarily have the linear, one-to-one mapping to physical addresses that
characterize the logical address space. All logical addresses are kernel virtual
addresses, but many kernel virtual addresses are not logical addresses. For example,
memory allocated by “vmalloc” has a virtual address (but no direct physical mapping).
The “kmap” function (described later in this chapter)
also returns virtual addresses.
Virtual addresses are usually stored in pointer variables.
The physical memory discussed above is divided into discrete units called pages.
Much of the system’s internal handling of memory is done on a per-page basis. Page
size varies from architecture to architecture but most systems currently use pages of
4096 bytes.
The FPGA is accessed as memory via the mmap() function, discussed hereafter.
In order to use the function some information how memory can be accessed in a
uniform way in order to make design portable. The only device independent way to get
to the physical memory with the mmap() function is by using the “/dev/mem” file.
This /dev/mem file is a special file that provides access to physical memory. The size
of the file is equal to the amount of available physical memory. A system running 32-bit operating environment can have access to memory larger than 4GB, and it is even possible to access memory beyond 4GB..
The constant PAGE_SIZE (defined in &asm/page.h&) gives the page size on any
given architecture. Memory addresses, virtual or physical, are divided into page
numbers and an offset within that page.
If pages of 4096 bytes are used the 12 least-significant bits are the offset and the
remaining,bits indicate the page number.
Discard the offset and shift the rest to the right then the result is called a page frame
number (PFN). Convert between page frame numbers and addresses is a fairly common operation.
The macro PAGE_SHIFT tells how many bits must be shifted to provide this conversion.
Figure 12: Address types used by Linux
#include &sys/mman.h&
void *mmap (
void *addr,
size_t length,
int flags,
int fildes,
off_t offset
int munmap (
void *addr,
size_t length
Syntax description:
This function creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the calling process. Memory mapping allocates a block of memory so that fetching from the memory block will obtain the corresponding bytes of the file. Flags allow that the memory mapping is capable to change the corresponding bytes of the file when data
is stored in the memory block.
Specifies the starting address for the new mapping. The argument can be either NULL or a memory address.
If NULL the system chooses the address at which to create the mapping. This is the most portable method of creating a new mapping. If not NULL, then the system will attempt to allocate the memory for the
mapping near the address specified this is the nearby page boundary.The
address of the new mapping is returned as the result of the call.
Specifies the number of bytes, length, of the file to map.
The length value cannot cause the mapping to extend beyond the end of the
file. If length is not specifying an integral amount of pages, the map is extended
to the next highest page boundary. The left space is set to binary zeroes.
Specifies the protection status of the mapped memory.
It is either PROT_NONE or the bit-wise OR of one or more of the described flag
constants below:
PROT_EXEC: The memory is execute mode only.
PROT_NONE: No access to the memory is permitted.
PROT_READ:The memory can be read, but not written.
PROT_WRITE: Both read and write access to the memory is permitted.
Note 1: It is not permitted to specify PROT_WRITE when the file descriptor of the file doesn't allow writing.
Note 2: Calling the mproctect function allows the protection status of the mapped memory to be changed.
Specifies one or more option flags, combined using the or operator (|).
Each flag should be specified as one of the following symbolic constants.
MAP_SHARED: Share this mapping. Updates to the mapping are visible to other processes that map this file, and are carried through to the underlying file. The file may not actually be updated until msync(2) or munmap() is called.
MAP_PRIVATE: Create a private copy-on-write mapping. Updates to the mapping are not visible to other processes mapping the
same file and are not carried through to the underlying file. It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.
MAP_FIXED: Don't inte place the mapping at exactly that address. addr must be a multiple of the page size. If the memory region specified by addr and len overlaps pages of any existing mapping(s), then
the overlapped part of the existing mapping(s) will be discarded. If the specified address cannot be used, mmap() will fail.
File descriptor-argument specifies an open file descriptor for a file or other object to be mapped.
Specifies the first byte of the file to be mapped. The offset must be an exact multiple of the system page size (returned by sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE and in most cases 4096 bytes)
#include &stdio.h&
#include &stdlib.h&
#include &unistd.h&
#include &string.h&
#include &errno.h&
#include &signal.h&
#include &fcntl.h&
#include &ctype.h&
#include &termios.h&
#include &sys/types.h&
#include &sys/mman.h&
#define FATAL do { fprintf(stderr, &Error at line %d, file %s (%d) [%s]\n&, \
__LINE__, __FILE__, errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } while(0)
Define masks
/* for read and write
//#define ADDR_RANGE_MASK 0xE2000FFF
// &11& Allows only the the
// 12 first bit's to be set since we use the
// first 12 bits for addressing in the FPGA
//#define READ_MASK 0xE2001FFF
// &11& read bit 1 & write bit 0
//#define WRITE_MASK 0xE2002FFF
// &11& read bit 0 & write bit 1
//#define BASE_ADDR 0xE2000000
//CS_2 range starts @ 0xE2000000
Define size to allocate */
#define MAP_SIZE 4096UL
// needs to be looked at....
#define MAP_MASK (MAP_SIZE - 4)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *map_base, *virt_
unsigned long read_result,
if(argc & 2){
//error message in case of wrong input
fprintf (stderr, &\nUsage:\t%s { address } [ data ]\n&
&\taddress : memory address to act upon\n&
&\tdata : data to be written (32bit)\n\n&
&To [i]nitialize type only i leaving out the addresses \n\n&,
argv[0] );
if(strcmp(argv[1],&i& ) == 0 )
//strcmp() returns 0 if strings are the same (case sensitive)
printf (&init started.\n&);
target = 0x;
Open /dev/mem file & error handling
if ((fd = open (&/dev/mem&, O_RDWR | O_SYNC)) == -1) FATAL;
printf (&/dev/mem opened.\n&);
fflush (stdout);
Map one page
map_base = mmap (0, MAP_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, target & ~MAP_MASK);
if (map_base == (void *) -1) FATAL;
printf (&Memory (0x) mapped at address %p.\n&, map_base);
fflush (stdout);
// start WRITE
virt_addr = map_base + (target & MAP_MASK);
writeval = 0x2;
//32Bit data bus setting for static memory of CS_2
*((unsigned long *) virt_addr) =
printf (&Written 0x%X\n&, writeval);
fflush (stdout);
printf (&init successful\nRestart program to write or read data\n\n&);
// stop WRITE
Read/Write */
target = strtoul (argv[1], 0, 0);
// Parsing the input & leaving out leading 0 & 0x's
// Open /dev/mem file & error handling
if( (fd = open(&/dev/mem&, O_RDWR | O_SYNC)) == -1) FATAL;
printf (&/dev/mem opened.\n&);
fflush (stdout);
// Map one page
map_base = mmap (0, MAP_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, target & ~MAP_MASK);
if (map_base == (void *) -1) FATAL;
printf (&Memory mapped at address %p.\n&, map_base);
fflush (stdout);
virt_addr = map_base + (target & MAP_MASK);
// start READ
if (argc &= 2) {
read_result = *((unsigned long *) virt_addr); //unsigned long fits the 32 bit bus data
// stop READ
printf (&Value at address 0x%X (%p): 0x%X\n&, target, virt_addr, read_result);
fflush (stdout);
// start WRITE if there is data to write given in the arguments
if (argc & 2) {
writeval = strtoul(argv[2], 0, 0);
*((unsigned long *) virt_addr) =
printf (&Written 0x%X\n&, writeval);
fflush (stdout);
// stop WRITE
UnMap one page
if (munmap(map_base, MAP_SIZE) == -1) FATAL;
close (fd);
L-715e Linux Quickstart Guide
L-714e_1 System on Module and Carrier Board Hardware Manual
User Manual
Data sheet
Errata sheet}


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