
中文名:高乐美嘉 英文名:coromega
产地:美国 产品:果味鱼油Omega-3咀嚼包
品牌创始人是生物科学家John. K.
Omega-3家族里的主要成员是DHA(二十二碳六烯酸 )和EPA(二十碳五烯酸
All over—like in a bath playing ship-wrecked sailors.” The excavation of
an egg absorbed the little boy’s attention. His father seated himself
on the edge of the bed. He was a large childish man, unconsciously
unconventional His brown velvet jacket smelt strongly of tobacco and
varnish. It was spotted with bright colors, especially on the left
sleeve between the wrist and elbow, where he had tested his paints
instead of on his palette. His trousers bagged at the knees from neglect
r their shabbiness was made up for by an
extravagant waistcoat, sprigged with lilac. Double-breasted and cut low
in a V shape, it exposed a soft silk shirt and a large red tie with
loosely flowing ends. His head was magnificent—the head of a rebel
enthusiast, too impatient to become a leader of men. It was broad in the
forehead and heavy with a mane of coal-black ringlets. His mouth was
handsome—a rare thing in a man. His nose was roughly molded,
Cromwellian, giving to his face a look of rude strength and purpose. A
tuft of hair immediately beneath his lower lip bore the same relation to
his mustache that a tail bears to a kite—it lent to his expression
balance. It was his eyes that astonished—they ought to have been
fiercely brown to be in keeping with the rest of
instead they were a clear gray, as though with gazing into cloudy
distances, as are the eyes of men who live by seafaring.
He had made repeated efforts to curb he knew that
it didn’t pay in an age when the ideal for males is to be undecorative.
He knew that his appearance appealed as affectation and bred distrust in
the minds of the escutcheoned tradesmen who are England’s art patrons.
When they came to confer a favor, they liked to find a gentlemanly
shopkeeper—not a Phoenician pirate, with a voice like a gale. His
untamedness impressed them as immorality. He always felt that they left
him thoroughly convinced that he and Dearie were not married.
Whatever editors, art patrons and publishers might think about James
Gurney, Teddy followed in his mother’s footsteps: to him James Gurney
was Jimmie Boy, the biggest-hearted companion that a son ever had—a
father of whom to be inordinately proud. There was no one as great as
his father, no one as clever, no one as splendid to look at in the whole
wide world. When he walked down the street, holding his father’s hand,
he liked to fancy that people stared after him for his daring, just as
they would have stared had he walked with his hand in the mane of a
shaggy lion. It was wonderful to be friends with a father so fierce
looking. And then his father treated him as a brother artist and
borrowed notions from him—really did, he’d seen the
notions carried out in illustrations. His father had come to borrow from
“Any ideas this morning, partner—any ideas that you don’t want yourself?”
Teddy hitched himself upon the pillow, trying to look as grave and
important as if he wore spectacles. “Yes. A room like this, only lonely
with a fire burning and an old, old woman sitting over there.” He
pointed to the window and the gilded harp. “I’d let her be playing,
D and a big white bird, that you can see through, must be beating
its wings against the panes, trying and always trying to get out.”
“A ghost bird?” his father suggested.
“Don’t know—just a big white bird and a woman so old that she might be dead.”
“What’s the meaning of the bird, old chap? Dreams, or hopes, or memories—something like that?”
Teddy could find nothing more in the egg. “Don’ that’s the way I
saw it” He ceased to be elderly, took off his imaginary spectacles and
looked up like a dog who stands wagging his tail, waiting to be patted.
“Was that an idea, Daddy?”
His father nodded.
“A good idea?”
“Quite a good idea. But, oh, while I remember it, Mr. Sheerug wanted to
see you. You and he must have struck up a great friendship. The
faery-godmother won’t let him—says you’re not well. He seems quite
Teddy was puzzled. “Mr. Sheerug!”
“Yes, a big fat man with whom you have a secret. He followed me up the stairs and asked me to thank you for not telling.”
“Was that Mr. Sheerug?” Teddy’s eyes became large and round. “Why, he’s the mur——I mean, the man who was in the garden.”
“That’s right He carried you in when you fainted. What made you faint, Teddy?”
The little boy looked blank. If he were to tell, he would get the fat
an aggravated murderer, living only six doors removed,
would make an awkward neighbor. There was another reason why he looked
blank: were he to tell his father of Mr. Sheerug’s special hobby, he
would certainly be forbidden to enter Orchid Lodge, and then—why, then
he might never meet Vashti. He weighed his fear against his adoration,
and decided to keep silent.
His father had fallen into a brown study. He had forgotten his inquiry as to the cause of Teddy’s fainting. “Theo.”
Something important was coming. To be called Theo was a warning.
“Theo, it hasn’t happened. When it’s so difficult to earn a living, I don’t know whether we ought to be sorry or glad.”
“What hasn’t happened?”
“There’s still only you and me and, thank God, Dearie.”
“But—” the small brain was struggling to discover a meaning—“but could there have been any one else?”
The large man took the little boy’s hand. “You don’t understand. Yes,
there could have been
but not now.” Rising, he
walked over to the window and stood there, looking out. “Perhaps it’s
just as well, with a fellow like me for your father, who spends all his
time in chasing clouds and won’t—can’t get on in the world.”
Teddy couldn’t see his father’s face, but he thought he knew what was
the matter. If Dearie had been there, she would have slipped her arms
round the big man’s neck, calling him “Her Boy,” and would have made
everything happy in a second. In her absence Teddy borrowed her
comforting words—he had heard them so often. “Your work’s too good,” he
said emphatically. “Every great man has been neglected.”
The phrase, uttered parrot-wise by the lips of a child, stirred the man
to a grim humor. He saw himself as that white bird, battering itself
into exhaustion against invisible panes that shut it out from the
heavens. Every time it ceased to struggle the dream music recommenced,
maddenin the old woman, so old that she might be
dead, who fingered the strings of the harp was Fate.
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& & & &DHA,学名二十二碳六烯酸,是大脑营养必不可少的高度不饱和脂肪酸,它占了人脑脂肪的10%,对脑神经传导和突触的生长发育极为有利。如果缺乏它们可引发一系列症状,包括生长发育迟缓、皮肤异常鳞屑、智力障碍等。人群流行病学研究发现,体内DHA含量高的人的心理承受力较强、智力发育指数也高。
& & & & DHA是构成细胞及细胞膜的主要成份之一,但人类无法自行合成,必须从饮食中获得。DHA主要存在海洋鱼体内,普通消费者直接从海洋鱼类身上获取DHA是很困难的,所以要通过高纯度萃取的鱼油来补充。
& & & &孕期及哺乳期:DHA能优化胎儿大脑锥体细胞的磷脂的构成成分。帮助胎儿大脑皮层感觉中枢的神经元增长更多的树突。
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Many and many a mile from King Katzekopf’s Court,—in a valley among those
Giant Mountains, which separated his territories from the neighbouring kingdoms,
stood the Castle of Taubennest, in which, at the date of our tale, dwelt Count
Rudolf and his family.
And a happy family they were, all except the Count, who was a discontented
man. He had 58spent his youth in cities, and so the country had no charms for
him. He was ambitious, and a time-server. He was never so happy as among great
people, and he longed to meddle with the intrigues of state, and to be talked of
as among the eminent men of the kingdom.
He was a very poor man when the Castle and its broad lands were bequeathed
him by a distant relation, and so he was glad enough to take possession of them,
even though he found the bequest coupled with the condition that he should live
on his domains continually.
Now if, on acquiring this property, the Count had set himself in earnest to
the discharge of the duties for which the possession of that property rendered
him responsible,—if he had turned his talents to bettering the condition of his
vassals, improving his estates, and benefiting his neighbourhood generally, he
would not only have spent his days happily, but would, in all probability, have
arrived at the object of his desires, and acquired an illustrious name. But
instead of this, he spent 59his years in m now railing at
the blindness of Fortune, who had condemned one of his genius for rising in the
world to a sphere of inactivity, now complaining that he was imprisoned for life
amid the mountains. What a sad thing it is, when people neglect their present
duties, for no wiser reason than because they choose to imagine that if their
duties were of some different kind, they could discharge them better! Our trial
in life consists in our being required to do our best in whatever circumstances
we are placed. If we were to choose those circumstances for ourselves, there
would be an end of the trial, and the main object for which life is given us
would be lost.
Happily for her children and dependents, the character of the Countess
Ermengarde was a complete contrast to that of her husband. She was one of those
people who seem only to find happiness in doing good to those around them. Had
her destiny placed her in the midst of a court, she would have 60added to its
dignity and honour by the lustre of her example. But that example was not lost
because her days were spent in comparative seclusion. The Castle of Taubennest
was at a great distance from the metropolis, but it did not rear its head in a
solitary desert. And the Countess, as she stood on the stone platform, which
opened out of her withdrawing room, and led to the garden below, and gazed at
the wide and fertile valley which lay stretched before her, could count hamlet
after hamlet, the inhabitants of which were tenants to her husband, and over
whom, therefore, she felt that it was in her power to exercise an influence for
good. But the Countess Ermengarde had yet dearer ties, to whom she well knew
that all her care and tenderness were due. There were her two little girls,
Ediltrudis and Veronica, and her son, a boy of seven years old, the gentle, yet
noble-spirited Witikind. In educating these her treasures, disciplining their
youthful minds, and training them for the duties and trials of active 61life,
the greater part of her time was spent, and so fully absorbed was she in this
labour of love, that never an hour hung heavy on her hands, and not days only,
but months and years seemed to glide on without her having a wish or a thought
beyond her children, and the vassals of her husband’s house.
“What a happy family should we be!” exclaimed the Count, as, in spite of
himself, he stood enjoying the evening breeze, and watching his lovely children
in their play, “What a happy family we should be, my Ermengarde, if we were not
condemned to wear out our existence in this dull wilderness!”
“I would you were in any place that could bring you a greater measure of
enjoyment than you find here, my dearest Rudolf,” replied the Countess,
soothingly, “and yet, methinks, our lot might have been cast in a less fair
scene than this. What if the setting sun, instead of throwing its rosy lustre on
yonder mountain peaks, and illumining with its declining rays those verdant
meadows, 62through which our glassy river flows, and the fields yellow with the
ripening corn, and the purple vineyards, and
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