
[屁大点事也发NGA] [标题说明一切] [屁大点事也上NGA]求仆从出场的英文语音,以前有看过台服的收录,不知道有没有英语的收录
以前看过台语版本的,不知道有没有美服版本的____________________________________________天灵灵地灵灵,大神大神快显灵,类似以下的:叫嚣的中士 Abusive Sergeant
Get in there and fight, maggot!
Suffer my wrath!苦痛侍僧 Acolyte of Pain
Let the pain speak to me.
Bring the pain.
死亡: Yes!风领主奥拉基尔 Al'Akir the Windlord
Winds!Obey my command!
Like swatting insects!奥尔多守护者 Aldor Peacekeeper
Follow the rules.
Last warning!
阿莱克斯塔萨 Alexstrasza
I bring life and hope.
I will mourn your death.
阿曼尼狂战士 Amani Berserker
Heh heh heh, it's time for a little blood.
Whoyouwanmekill年迈的酒仙 Ancient Brewmaster
I'll put it on your tab.
Another round?
年迈的法师 Ancient Mage
Sometimes, I forget things.
Where am I?
阿拉希武器匠 Arathi Weaponsmith
Watch this!
大法师 Archmage
Are you ready for this?
Don't blink.
大法师安东尼达斯 Archmage Antonidas
You require my assistance?
To battle!
银色指挥官 Argent Commander
To Northrend!
Victory or death!银色保卫者 Argent Protector
Not on my watch.
This is my responsibility.银色侍从 Argent Squire
The light protects me.
铸甲师 Armorsmith
Armor made to fit.
Strike!奥金尼灵魂祭祀 Auchenai Soulpriest
Embrace the void.
Feel my pain.
王牌猎人 Big Game Hunter
I've got the beast in my sights!
鲜血小鬼 Blood Imp
Do I have to?
Sure, send the little guy.血骑士 Blood Knight
Glory to the Sin'dorei.
For Lor'themar!
血法师萨尔诺斯 Bloodmage Thalnos
We hunger for vengeance.
More! More souls!
血帆海盗 Bloodsail Corsair
Avast, m'dear!
Arr!!!血帆袭击者 Bloodsail Raider
X marks the spot!
Die, land-lubber!藏宝海湾保镖 Booty Bay Bodyguard
Get behind me.
I'll take him out.石拳食人魔 Boulderfist Ogre
What you looking at?
密教暗影祭司 Cabal Shadow Priest
Let me change your mind.
Obey!凯恩·血蹄 Carine Bloodhoof
Take heart, young one. The Earthmother is near.
(对手是加尔鲁·什地狱咆哮时进场: Garrosh! You are not fit to rule the Horde).
For honor!
绿皮船长 Captain Greenskin
Drink up me' arties!
Yo Ho, ahahah!塞纳留斯 Cenarius
Who dares defile this ancient land?
Naturally...疯狂的炼金师 Crazed Alchemist
You'll love my new recipe.
Don't rush me.
严酷的监工 Cruel Taskmaster
Back to work.
No problem!诅咒教派领袖 Cult Master
Join or die! ...or both
Who's next?
死亡: Arr...Death and Pain. 达拉然法师 Dalaran Mage
I am master of magics!
Vaporization commencing. 黑铁矮人 Dark Iron Dwarf
You call that a weapon?Huh...
暗鳞治愈者 Darkscale Healer
For Nazjatar!
Where shall I strike?死亡之翼 Deathwing
I am power incarnate!
All will burn!阿古斯防御者 Defender of Argus
My shield, for Argus!
Into the breach!迪菲亚头目 Defias Ringleader
This is our town, scrub.
You looking at me?迪菲亚盗贼 Defias Bandit
Yeah, beat it!末日守卫 Doomguard
Who dare summon me?!
A paltry task. 末日预言者 Doomsayer
The end is coming!
Did I miss it?
死亡: I knew it.机械幼龙技工 Dragonling Mechanic
Just me and Mr. Bitey!
恐怖海盗 Dread Corsair
Blood and plunder!
No quarter!利爪德鲁伊 Druid of the Claw
Where shall I strike?
My strength is yours.大地之环先知 Earthen Ring Farseer
My eyes are open.
Of course.
艾德温·范克里夫 Edwin VanCleef
The Brotherhood shall prevail.
Lapdogs, all of you.
精灵弓箭手 Elven Archer
One shot, one kill.
I'll give it a shot. 恶魔卫士 Felguard
I will enjoy watching you die.
Too pathetic to fight your own battles?
芬克·恩霍尔 Finkle Einhorn
Uhhh...uhh...I've been inside that thing for months.
Finkle....Strike!烈焰小鬼 Flame Imp
Ugh, I'll get right on it.
Ugh, is this really necessary?
霜狼步兵 Frostwolf Grunt
What you want?
Time for killing!霜狼督军 Frostwolf Warlord
The Frostwolf stand ready.
For the Horde. 暴乱狂战士 Frothing Berserker
My blade be thirsty!
加基森拍卖师 Gadgetzan Auctioneer
I got the best deals anywhere.
Heheheh, time to pay!格尔宾·梅卡托克 Gelbin Mekkatorque
Behold, my mighty invention!
I won't stand for that!侏儒发明家 Gnomish Inventor
Pass me that Arclight Spanner!
Hey, give me a minute!闪金镇步兵 Goldshire Footman
Ready for action!
To arms! 格罗姆·地狱咆哮 Grommash Hellscream
I can wait no longer.
Taste my blade!
格鲁尔 Gruul
No escape! 列王守卫 Guardian of Kings
Vengeance.哈里森 琼斯 Harrison Jones
That belongs in a museum!
驯兽师 Houndmaster
I let the dogs out.伊利丹·怒风 Illidan Stormrage
You are not prepared!(对手是玛法里奥·怒风时进场: Hello...brother.)
Who shell be next to taste my blades?小鬼召唤师 Imp Master
I am....not a morning person.
Who let the dark in?
负伤剑圣 Injured Blademaster
Your turn to bleed!铁炉堡火枪手 Ironforge Rifleman
Locked and loaded.
丛林守护者 Keeper of the Grove
I must safeguard the land.
Feel nature's wrath!肯瑞托法师 Kirin Tor Mage
We have many secrets.
For Dalaran!飞刀杂耍者 Knife Juggler
Put this apple on your head!
Hey! Catch!狗头人地卜师 Kobold Geomancer
You no take candle!
Mine! 库卡隆精英卫士 Kor'kron Elite
For the Warchief!
For Hellscream!欢笑姐妹 Laughing Sister
Is there trouble?
I'm game! 火车王里诺艾 Leeroy Jenkins
Leeeeeroy Jenkins!
Time's up! Let's do this.
死亡: At least I have chicken!
麻风侏儒 Leper Gnome
I feel icky.
Give me a big hug!
In the light's name.
Face the Light!
战利品贮藏者 Loot Hoarder
Mind if I roll Need?
Hey, gimme that!加拉克苏斯大王 Lord Jaraxxus
You face Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Buring Legion!
Muahahaha!竞技场主宰 Lord of the Arena
The gates are open.
Farewell.游学者周卓 Lorewalker Cho
Show me what you've learned
Good, good!疯狂投弹者 Mad Bomber
Wanna blow something up?
You got it!玛里苟斯 Malygos
I am the essence of magic!
You are finished!魔瘾者 Mana Addict
I can taste the manna!
What a rush!
铸剑师 Master Swordsmith
Bring me steel.
It's time.
伪装大师 Master of Disguise
Enter the shadows!
Blades ready!
米尔豪斯·法力风暴 Millhouse Manastorm
Prepare to face the mighty Millhouse Manastorm!
Here it comes!
精神控制技师 Mind Control Tech
Engagint TC 130, Mental Dislocater!
Who are you?
魔古山守望者 Mogu'shan Warden
Pandaria will be ours!
Yeah, payback!纳特·帕格 Nat Pagle
I can wait and fish all day.
触发: Ha! Caught one.
夜刃刺客 Nightblade
They'll never know what hit them.
This one's mine. 北郡牧师 Northshire Cleric
Is someone injured?
Right away.工程师学徒 Novice Engineer
I hope you like my invention!
If you're sure...诺兹多姆 Nozdormu
Just in time.
Your time is up!食人魔法师 Ogre Magi
I'm ready!...I'm not ready.
Crush!...No, smash. 奥妮克希亚 Onyxia
You dare challenge the daughter of Deathwing?
You shall pay for your insolence!耐心的刺客 Patient Assassin
Go ahead...make me day.
小个子召唤师 Pint-Sized Summoner
Summoning portal open.
Comin' through!深渊领主 Pit Lord
Perish, insect.艾露恩女祭司 Priestess of Elune
I am the blade of the Goddess.
先知维纶 Prophet Velen
Not all who wander are lost.
I foresaw this.任务达人 Questing Adventurer
Give me a quest!
Quest accepted. 炎魔之王拉格纳罗斯 Ragnaros the Firelord
By fire be purged.
Too soon.团队领袖 Raid Leader
Handle it!
Hit it very hard.拉文霍德刺客 Ravenholdt Assassin
I hear you got a problem.
Problem solved.
剃刀猎手 Razorfen Hunter
Don't mess with Tuskerr!
Suck steel, swine!鲁莽火箭兵 Reckless Rocketeer
I'm flying!军情七处特工 SI:7 Agent
Ha, this guy's toast.
Hey, light's out.血色十字军 Scarlet Crusader
For the Crusade!
Join or die. 奥秘守护者 Secretkeeper
I'll never tell.
森金持盾卫士 Sen'jin Shieldmasta
破碎残阳祭祀 Shattered Sun Cleric
We must cleanse the Sunwell.
Push forward.持盾卫士 Shieldbearer
You shall not pass.
Pay back time.白银之手骑士 Sliver Hand Knight
Squire, attend me.
To battle.
银月城卫兵 Slivermoon Guardian
Silvermoon shall not fall.
Remember Kael'thalas!巫师学徒 Sorcerer's Apprentice
Someday I'll be just like you.
Me?!南海船长 Southsea Captain
Trust the pirate's code.
Scurvy dog!破法者 Spellbreaker
Your magic shall not save you.
Die, mage!
恶毒铁匠 Spiteful Smith
They will bend to my command!
Suffer!雷矛特种兵 Stormpike Commando
I've got a huge gun!
I'm ready!暴风城勇士 Stormwind Champion
Behold, the might of Stormwind!
For the Alliance暴风城骑士 Stormwind Knight
For the king!
For honor!魅魔 Succubus
Oooh, you're in trouble now.
As the master wishes.日怒保卫者 Sunfury Protector
Shields up!
I got this.烈日行者 Sunwalker
Truth is my shield.
Justice shall prevail.
希尔瓦娜斯·风行者 Sylvanas Windrunner
I have no time for games.
Let none survive.牛头人战士 Tauren Warrior
May my ancestors watch over me.
Bring it on.黑骑士 The Black Knight
None shall pass.
I'm invincible!萨尔玛先知 Thrallmar Farseer
What does the future hold?
I see you end!工匠大师·欧沃斯巴克 Tinkmaster Overspark
This time, for sure!
For Gnomeregan!提里奥·弗丁 Tirion Fordring
Put your faith in the light!
Don't test me, child! 风险投资公司雇佣兵 Venture Co. Mercenary
You gotta be kiddin' me!
Heh, how you doin'?紫罗兰学徒 Violet Apprentice
I'm ready to learn.
紫罗兰教师 Violet Teacher
Pay attention, class!
Instruction begins!
虚空行者 Voidwalker
Why do you call?
As you command.巫医 Voodoo Doctor
Someone call for de Doctor?
Ahhh....战歌指挥官 Warsong Commander
Charge forward!
For the Warsong!狂野炎术士 Wild Pyromancer
Do you like to play with fire?
Paaaaaain!风语者 Windspeaker
Feel the power of the wind.
To war!狼骑兵 Wolfrider
Ready to ride.
Taste my steel.年轻的女祭司 Young Priestess
Do you need a blessing?
More training?年轻的酒仙 Youthful Brewmaster
Drink with me, friend.
Challenge accepted.伊瑟拉 Ysera
I dream and the world trembles.
I shall bring you rest.狼人渗透者 Worgen Infiltrator
I smell blood.
First kill.——FROM WOWHEAD
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