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网络推广的重点是 & 内容+渠道 & , 就是将内容写好后选择优质的渠道发布出去,让你的目标用户看到。这时大家可能想知道,网络营销人员该如何寻找渠道?每个渠道的好处与好处又是什么?我来为大家普及一下常见的软文投放渠道有哪些并分析其优劣性,希望对大家有帮助。
Copyright (C) 2017 . Zhuhai Volt&All rights reserved.有哪些低成本的网站推广方法实用?_搜外问答
网站优化推广是一个循序渐进的一个步骤,实施站外推广的前提就是要你把站内优化做好了过后才开始的。那么做网站推广有什么好的方法?有哪些低成本或者免费的网站推广方法呢?今天小编给大家列举一下: 方法1:分类平台分类信息平台,是非常重要的平台,有搞网络推广的人应该都要抓住这个。分类平台现在尽管有很多,但实际流量大的就那几个,什么某某点评、某某同城、某姓网、某集网啊。我们曾发过一些信息,过了2年没更新,依然还有客户从那边陆续找到联系方式,主动找上门来询价。可想而知,如果坚持天天发,那肯定效果不错。对于新站来讲,可以利用易推宝进行全网推广。分类信息平台发布的内容,必须内容清晰简洁,而且图片必须百分百漂亮精美,大家都很忙,有图肯定更好,一图可以顶上一段500字的文字内容。 方法2:新闻报道新闻稿或者说新闻报道的形式,就是以记者报道采访的形式就某一服务或者产品品牌进行报道,报道过程貌似强调客观有用,但实际是相关信息点对目标消费者有强烈的吸引力。为什么说新闻稿是高招?因为新闻稿本身第一感觉就是客观报道,相比于赤裸裸的硬广告,新闻报道是许多大企业品牌都曾使用过的招数。新闻到底是否真的有发生,这个不重要,重要是给阅读的人感觉确实有这么回事。 方法3:二维码二维码太有用了,现在大家都喜欢扫码(尤其是二维码长按识别),扫描访问网站是件很轻松的事情。所以关键你得找出你周边所有的资源,只要你能把二维码贴上的地方(电子版和纸质版),尽管用上。其实能用上二维码的地方太多了。我们专门收集过二维码可以出现的地方和方式,应该有50多种,比如线下的有:汽车、公司大门口、外墙、名片、衬衫、公文包、包装盒、礼品,海报,入户宣传单,网上的更多了,能放图片的地方,全部都可以用上。 方法4:QQ空间QQ空间为什么值得推荐?因为QQ用户大,而且QQ空间是一个自己可以掌握发布内容的地方,另外,不同于微信朋友圈的是,你的信息如果用户进来后是可以详细浏览的,而不会瞬间被别人刷屏挤走了。QQ空间完全免费,关键是几点:一、要有精美且足够吸引力的头像,比如美女头像等;二、要有诱惑力的昵称和签名,千万不要太露骨,但必须有足够吸引力;三、QQ空间内容设计要精华,要有相册,不要纯文字;四,内容要有递进,有人物感,所有的推广信息要有个人情绪,易引发关注。 方法5:提供意见这个算啥招数?对,就是问答平台的使用。现在PC端的那几个搜索引擎都问答平台系统,还有一些经验分享平台。这些平台的问答关注度都非常大,完全可以提供你的专业意见并留下联系方式。你意见有用了,还怕人家不关注吗? 方法6:使用水印这种技术很简单,几乎不花费什么,但是确实很有效的品牌推广方法。比如公司可以在自己的培训文件、客户资料、照片等等留下公司名字或者理念等水印,在潜移默化之中加深客户对公司品牌的印象。有些引擎有专门的图片频道,而且你的图片被一些如微博的大平台收录的话,在引擎的图片频道里,大家是随时可以看到的,有水印,效果好很多哦。方法7:提供免费免费,太重要了。所有人,不一定人人都会喜欢免费的东西,但肯定没有人会对免费的东西痛恨啊。不讨厌就有喜欢的可能。人都是有情绪的动物,在开始时候,如何让网站的潜在访问者和自媒体号的潜在粉丝来关注你?其实道理非常简单,你提供免费+有用的东西。然后在这些免费的东西里面,让别人记住你。免费的东西太多了,比如免费课程、免费电子书、免费赠品、免费素材、免费支撑。其实提供这些不会很难,关键是持续。 网站推广的方法不在乎多,而是在乎你能不能把每个方法用的透彻,运用恰当。只有运用的好,才能获得你想要的效果。转载请注明出处:http://www.iisp.com/ztview/F_hyc162.html
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(Evan Gerber)
另一个例子是富媒体的互联网应用; 革命性的应用,如Google地图利用实际上已经早已存在的技术。
4 low-cost
methods for creating innovative campaigns
Leapfrogging the competition is still
possible, even in a time of shrinking budgets. Try these practices
to revamp your creative process.
Some evolutionary biologists cite the
concept of
change is not a smooth curve, but
a series of jumps as organisms react to external conditions. Say
what you will about the evolution of man, but the concept of
leapfrogging is very applicable in the marketing space. In our
worsening economy, marketers must adapt, in some cases quite
abruptly. But funds dry up, and dollars become scarcer. Few have
the funds or time to start from scratch and build something epic.
This is where innovative thought becomes especially crucial to
survival. The bad news is that the stakes are higher, the resources
are scarce, and some will find themselves burdened with implacable
The good news is that innovative output is driven by creative
thought, and leapfrogging is doable even in challenging
circumstances. By exploring the creative process, this article will
discuss how marketers can use the tools they have at hand to
succeed under even the most challenging
circumstances.& We'll review some examples of
game-changing campaigns, and explore how a marketing team can set
the stage for low-cost, high-impact innovation.
Think small, in a big way
Drew Breunig makes a great argument about innovation. Often,
consumers have trouble seeing beyond their current world, or
adapting to things which are totally foreign. It's not always about
the epic change that blows their mind, but more about the smaller
tweaks that can change everything. Think about online social
networking. Social graphs are not new phenomena -- they have been
around for ages -- and the web, as a tool to share information, has
been commonplace for a decade at this point. But new combinations
of existing technologies and functionalities provided the consumer
base with new opportunities to communicate, and new ways for brands
to reach their constituencies.
Another example would be rich i
revolutionary applications like GoogleMaps leverage technologies
that have actually been around for some time. But how does this
translate for a marketer with a limited budget and a stressed
executive team? In a few different ways.
For example, leveraging best practices from other fields can
provide a competitive advantage when upgrading a website or other
digital promotion. Consider that insurance companies don't have the
best brand perception among consumers. People find them
intimidating, and think that the service provider is out to get
them. By adopting a rich interface more commonly seen in a retail
site, insurance provider HumanaOne managed to surmount
these challenges and create an award winning experience.
Don't win the game, change it
Innovation isn't always about finding a solution to a particular
challenge so much as changing the context of the problem. In this
economic environment, risking a new approach may well prove to be
more successful than embracing a known challenge. Think of gaming,
for example.&
Forced to compete with the consumer electronics giant Sony and
the software behemoth Microsoft, Nintendo was faced with a costly,
grueling deathmatch with no guarantee of success. Instead of
running a risky approach to create costlier machines with better
graphics and compelling gameplay for the typical console audience,
it developed a platform with a different, kinetic style of play --
the Nintendo Wii. This of itself would not have guaranteed the
raging success that the Nintendo enjoys, but a sophisticated
marketing campaign tailored to a whole new audience played a large
part. By promoting console gaming in a whole new way, Nintendo
managed to dominate market share and create a growing niche for
Cut costs, not corners -- track and react to digital
users for freeIn a mentality where businesses are
advised to spend every dollar like it's their last, metrics become
increasingly important to justify scarce resources. But in the
perfect Catch-22, companies are spending less on marketing budgets,
making it harder to track the success of their digital
channel.& Many organizations lack the funds to
implement a tool such as Omniture, or hire an analyst to parse the
relevant data. However, free tools enable marketers to keep tabs
not only on how their site is performing, but what sorts of things
are being said about them across other digital media for
For example, Google Analytics provides tools for site owners to
tag and track traffic, referrals, and segmentation data. A valuable
tool for tracking competitors, Alexa provides demographic
information on the end users visiting any site. Keep in mind though
that these solutions aren't perfect. While the suite is
comprehensive and the price is unbeatable, Google has its
detractors, including those who argue it has built in shortcomings.
It is important to note that Alexa relies on a subset of the web's
user base, as the system relies on a voluntary end user
Gleaning free insights from the digital channel does not stop at
the web, however. It is possible to get a feel for how a brand is
performing in blogger buzz through tools like Technorati or
Blogpulse. While this isn't the same as having a fully trained
staff and all the tools in place, it is better than nothing and
provides vital information. This information can frequently be
actionable, or create better touchpoints with the client.
As Twitter gains in popularity, brands are beginning to use the
tool to gauge consumer sentiment and respond quickly on an
individual basis. Take JetBlue, which uses Tweetscan to keep an eye
on when its name pops up in the streams, so they can interact with
clients on an as-needed basis. This innovative tool helps JetBlue
reinforce their friendly, approachable brand persona, and helps
them leapfrog from the traditional image of a monolithic,
unresponsive airline.
Analyze your approach
All too often, stakeholders focus on the end results -- without
thinking of the means to get there -- or rigorously apply a strict
metholodgy with no analysis or forethought. While the development
of an online campaign requires specific steps from start to finish,
there are no rules around how the work should be conducted. Stop
for a moment and think about the team, the goals, and the
constraints. Chances are there are ways to inject creativity into
the process, and inspire the team to foster big ideas. These range
from the very tactical to the highly strategic.
One useful tactic, for example, is to have participants in a
brainstorming session write ideas instead of blurting them out.
This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses,
but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink. On a strategic
level, changes can be made to the entire project process, to add
more collaboration or open thinking into the process. At Molecular,
we will perform creative imagining sessions with key stakeholders
and larger audiences to inspire great ideas and drive enthusiasm
for a project. Carefully timed to coincide with the completion of
data gathering, they are designed to drive a little creative
analysis of desired approaches and outcomes. The output from this
work leads clients to identify new opportunities and means to
achieve success.
Economic times are rough, and it does not look like they are going
to get better in the next few quarters. Marketers must respond to
this situation quickly and decisively, to stay on top of the
challenges and changes. Innovation is core to survival, but funds
are scarce. Fortunately, there are ways to make substantial,
meaningful progress without dropping a bundle of cash. Think about
what innovation truly is -- there is room for big change without
redoing everything from the start. Look past the current business
constraints and think about how to apply strengths in new places.
Search for ways to lower overhead, such as free tools to track
digital performance. Finally, remember that innovation happens from
the very start to the very end of the project. Imbue the fabric of
every day with room for creative thought, and plan the project to
remove constraints and encourage creativity.


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