
ios - Disable voice control on iPhone 4s, ios7.1 - Ask Different
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My partner has a hand-me-down iPhone 4s, and a few months ago, the home button started playing up and not pressing. She started using the on-screen home button instead, which has solved the problem of not being able to press the home button.
Now though, the home button is more responsive, even too responsive. We started noticing that she had called random people (totally random, not most recent or near the beginning of the alphabet or anything) while the phone was in her bag, and occasionally while locking the phone, it would issue a camera shutter button as if it had taken a screenshot. Now it is frequently activating voice control, even if it is just sitting on the table.
It's pretty clear that the problem is that the home button is sticking down sometimes, and is often opening voice control, and as a result, dialling random people (apparently the voice dial software is oversensitive and thinks anything is a name, rather than saying 'sorry, cannot find "hrrghgsh" in your contacts'.
Other people who have had this issue have said that you can turn off voice dial (but not voice control) via settings > general > passcode lock, however my partner's phone has no such setting for voice dial in passcode lock, or anywhere else as far as I can tell.
Can anyone tell me where voice dial has moved, or if voice control itself can be entirely disabled (as one would expect to be possible) or alternatively, if the home button itself can be entirely disabled?
There is a way to make home button not to work wheb the home is lock.
First activate Siri
setting >General> Siri > ON
If iphone 5s (may be it work in iphone 4a)
setting >Id&passcode> there is an option where it tell to siri off when phone is lock.
make sure you put it off.
Thats it home button wont work when phone is lock.
Preventing voice control to make stupid random call
I am experiencing the exact same situation on an iPhone 5. My home button is also sticking and the hyper-sensitive voice control is attempting to call people even when I am silent. As far as I can tell after painstakingly going through every single setting available, and researching on forums etc. The option of disabling voice dialling has been taken out of iOS7.1. I have not been able to find any mention of it anywhere.
EDIT: After reading through some information in Siri, I have restricted the use of Siri altogether (which may be a possible fix)
You can do this at:
Settings > General > Restrictions (Enter a passcode lock) and deselect the bar next to Siri as allowed content.
This setting seems to have been removed.
Prior to 7.1 it was in:
Settings & General & Passcode & Voice Dial & OFF
Since 7.1 things have moved around a bit in settings, and the equivalent area would now be:
Settings & Passcode
...only the option is absent.
Hopefully it will be returned, as my sticky home buttoned iPhone 4 is also occasionally dialling nonsense for me.
So, to summarise, there seems to be no way to turn it off for iOS 7.1 on a non jailbroken iPhone.
I am from Brazil and I am facing the same issue with my 4S 7.1;
The Voice Control activation occurs suddenly ( and also while I am using the phone... it closes my current application as a pressed Home Button). And sometimes random calls are been made.
Then, I tried to disable the Voice Dial but as already said, it does not appear...
To able SIRI... Ok, the phone stop calling people, but other similar things occur with Siri.
So, What Did I see? After I turned ON the Siri, I came back to GENERAL->PASSCODE... And NOW, I can see the option to disable VOICE DIAL (SIRI is still ON). After, I disabled SIRI and by now, My phone is working properly! OK, Sometimes, my current application is wrongly closed, but no more Voice Control or SIRI appears... (by now) :)
That's it! Sorry in case of not so clear English Language...
Turning Voiceover Off
Double-tap the Settings icon on your homepage.
Use three fingers to scroll down to the General menu, and double-click on it.
Click for image.
Use three fingers to scroll down to the Accessibility menu, and double-click on it.
Click for image.
Double-tap on the VoiceOver menu item.
Click for image.
Turn VoiceOver off
At this point your phone should be back to normal.
Setting -> general -> accessibility -> VoiceOver -> OFF
It was really annoying I just find it useful.
Try this if you are looking to turn off the voice control.
Solution 1
Go to Settings/General/Accessibility/ Voice over/ Select "No"
Solution 2
Press 3 times the Home button.
You should get the "Disable Voice Over" option.
Hit the button twice to disable it.
Settings>General>Restrictions. Turn OFF Siri
If you forgot Restrictions code , pls watch it and solve problem .
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Ask Different works best with JavaScript enablediphone4s 单击变成双击了,看网友说关闭 辅助功能-voiceover,但是进入通用后屏幕不能上下动啊_百度知道请问我的苹果4S在设置里面启动了VOICEOVER的功能.现在屏幕已锁定解不了.一碰到就是语言说活怎么办???_百度知道为什么我iphone4s新机屏幕显示英文the ios screen reader called voiceover is runningto turn voiceover off,triple-click the home button所谓的画外音是运行IOS屏幕阅读器关闭画外音关闭,三重按下Home键
扫描下载二维码IPHONE4s被我打开了设置里面的辅助功能-voiceover 现在手机锁屏幕 一直进不去 点手机就有语音提示 怎么办_百度知道}


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