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《近地联盟先遣队3》N.O.V.A.3 全流程关卡通关向西图文攻略[多图]
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《近地联盟先遣队3》N.O.V.A.3 是一款由著名游戏制作公司gameloft出品的第一称射击类游戏,在ipad平台上运行,画面非常惊艳,玩家体验也是相当不错的!现在小编就来分享一下该游戏的详细图文攻略,包括所有的关卡哦
&&& 任务2:一路杀向传感器阵列塔
&&& 爬上地面后,会遭遇一波敌人,清理完即完成目标。(So easy!)
&&& 任务3:使传感器阵列重新连接
&&& 完成目标二后,指挥官会和其中的一个士兵组队,坐电梯到大厦的顶部去修传感器理阵列塔。上到顶楼后,士兵会去修理塔,而玩家要做的就是在这段时间内用火力掩护好士兵,不让自己挂掉。
&&& 话说进攻是最好的防守。在这关敌人会分波从天而降,玩家需要在短时间内迅速解决,不然完全暴露在火力中的士兵就会被扫射阵亡,进度也就不能持续了。
&&& 同时,在对面大厦顶部还会有敌人朝这边射击,玩家可以通过瞄准镜来点射。关键时候可以挺身吸引火力,然后躲掩体恢复,话说掩体就好比春哥,能让指挥官满血满状态……
&&& 总之,眼前敌人要迅速解决,然后点射对面敌人,基本上就能为士兵争取时间了,建议开启辅助瞄准,你会发现省事许多。
&&& 任务4:与回声一号小队重组队伍
&&& 该任务分为多个阶段进行。
&&& 一开始是清怪,扫完怪后,听见门那边传来被困的乔的呼喊声,可怜的乔打不开门,一身惨叫过后门被打开,出现俩敌人,轻松解决掉,然后乔满血现身,顺利与乔集结。
&&& 第二部分是利用掩体来射击。这里会遭受来自对面楼顶的火箭筒的攻击,玩家需要用狙击枪解决他们,狙击就在蓝光箱子上,跳上去拾取就成。
&&& 然后继续移动,沿着目标箭头,跳到下一层,来到一扇关闭的电梯门,在这之前需要解决几个敌人,或得到“粘性炸弹”,放置在门上引爆打开,然后降到下一层,继续走,到达楼梯处,清两个小兵,走楼梯到下一层。
&&& 楼梯被破坏过,需要玩家跑着跳过,不然掉下去就挂了。来到底层后,会有一场小规模的遭遇战,有乔的配合,轻松解决,然后之前分开的两名士兵就会从墙的洞口进来回合,任务完成。
&&& 任务5:打通前往N.O.V.A.基地的路
&&& 从墙壁的洞口出去,就是断壁残垣的街道。左转,会发现有几个敌人跑过去。跟上,一波清后,清除电网路障,会发现对面大楼顶部有个敌人,任凭几个士兵各种扫射依然屹立不倒,好吧,于是拿出大狙,一枪了事。
&&& 网后,会相继出现两个大个头的机甲兵,木有关系,群殴之。机甲兵比较笨重,所以比较好躲避。图省事就扔个手雷,再补上几发,4个人无压力。
&&& 接着是第三个路网,有士兵在,本指挥官有如神助,很快就到第四个路网。话说每个敌人被挂掉后都会有枪支掉落,于是弹药就能不断得到补充。
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Includes 11 Steam Achievements
Title: Nova-111
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 25 Aug, 2015
? SXSW 2015 Official Selection - Gaming Award
? BIG Festival 2015 - Innovation Award Nominee
? IndieGamesLive Selection 2014
? Indiecade Finalist 2014
? PAX10 Selection 2014
? Indie MEGABOOTH Selection 2014
? Indiecade E3 Selection 2014
? MIX Selection 2014
? BitSummit - Game Design (Runner Up) 2014
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Buy Nova-111 - Deluxe Soundtrack Edition
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About This Game
Pilot your trusty orange vessel through mysterious and foreign planets in this quirky sci-fi adventure. Your mission: fix space-time and search out the scientists lost in the aftermath of the Universe's Greatest Science Experiment. Aided only by your trusty (if somewhat sandwich-obsessed) guide, you must repair the temporal vortex!
Navigate mind-warping puzzles and engage in strategic battles with bizarre astrobiological creatures in a twisted environment where the turn-based world and the real-time world collide.
As you progress through the universe, you'll need to protect yourself by collecting new abilities and upgrade modules for your ship, but remember, your greatest weapon is SCIENCE itself!
Innovative Gameplay - Clever mix of turn-based and real-time gameplay
Strategic Combat - Fight smart. Brains beats brawn
Mind-Warping Puzzles - Designed to melt your brain
Beautifully-Crafted Planets - Each with its own unique enemies, environments and strategies
Cool Abilities - Abilities like the TIME-STOP to bend time to your will
Ship Upgrades - Collect upgrades and modules for your ship
Dynamic Soundtrack - Music suited to your play style
SCIENCE - Because who doesn't like scientific progress?
Created by former developers of the PixelJunk series.
Supported by Indie Fund.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Processor: 2 Ghz or faster processor
Memory: 300 MB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card (shader model 2)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 350 MB available space
OS: OSX 10.8+
Processor: Intel i3 2 GHz or Greater
Memory: 300 MB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB graphics card (shader model 2)
Storage: 350 MB available space
Funktronic Labs, All Rights Reserved ?
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This game has a lot of polish and attention to detail, but a few things keep it from being a must play. It seems to suffer from 'I designed the levels so I know where everything is' syndrome. Secret parts of the level that you discover by repeatedly bumping into walls (while every move is counted against your 'grade' at the end). An unknown number of scientists to be rescued. Hit the exit too early? Aww you missed those 4 scientists who were missing and we didn't tell you about. No checkpoints, no saving. If you want to play a level and not have to repeat any part of it (they are broken into 3 stages), you must play it completely. I suppose this wouldn't be so bad but the levels do feel like a chore after the first time through.Speaking of which, the absolute worst design choice was the very last level. It took what enjoyment I had found in the game, threw it in the dirt and used its cloven hoof to ground it into non-existence.
Finishing became a chore instead of a goal.I feel like the game changed its personality mid way through. At the beginning, we learned the mechanics of the game, Everything moved like clockwork, see, plan out your moves well! Then we run into some elements that aren't bound by this rule, hmmm.. curious but we can work around it, and even use it to our advantage. Soon enough, there's
fires raging, enemies exploding, and immunity from step-time seems to be a crutch that the game uses to ramp up difficulty. There are times when they teach you about a elements and enemies and there are others where they kill you to teach you and you restart the level.There are some clever puzzles that make use of the elements and weapons in the game. I think that was the most satisfying part for me, but as the game evolved it became less enjoyable.All in all, great graphics, sounds, controls. The levels are well designed and I didn't run into any game breaking bugs that forced me to restart a level. However, lack of checkpoints or free saving and repetition seem to be a way to artificially extend the play time, particularly on the last level.6/10 - pick it up on sale.
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Disclaimer: I worked on the February/March 2014 gameplay prototype of this game, mostly being responsible for the first world's initial stage design. Since then I haven't been involved, but am still good friends with the team.Although I perhaps shouldn't review a game that I worked on the prototype for, I just wanted to write a little recommendation, because I'm so happy that the finished game lives up to the initial vision we had and the mixture of turn based and real-time mechanics comes together to create a really unique puzzle/strategy game. This is especially true of the later stages, as things become more and more hectic, and both your puzzle solving skills and reactions are tested to their limits.The gameplay is both fun, deep and frantic, the hand-drawn 2d art beautiful and distinctive, and it's backed up with a soundtrack that fits the mood perfectly. It's also one of the more polished indie titles I've seen. Absolutely recommended.Note: This isn't really a fault with the game, but although controllers are supported and work perfectly, I don't recommend the xbox controller, because the terrible dpad will drive you crazy as more real-time elements are added later on.
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Never before have I found myself actually enjoying literally bumping into random walls to reveal the secrets that lie within. The possibilites for combat are insane, making me just want to dive back in. Thank you Funktronic Labs!
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<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Nova-111 on 23 August, 2015, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Very cool game. At first it felt like a Roguelike, a beautiful one I most add. Mixes turn based with real time mechanics. Your in some kind of cybernetic world and you meet characters on your journey. There's also exploration which you find hidden chambers and try to find new powers.As you play new mechanics appear. Which later on you start to remember section you could get to before but with theses new power you earn, you can now get to new places.The levels aren't random generated, there's no perma-death, so it's not what I thought it was, a roguelike. Almost all deterministic which makes it more of a puzzle-like but you have mechanics that makes it tactical like unit dodging, lasers, time shifting, grid jump, etc... I love how you dodge and the unit's mouth that snaps at you and misses, so cool. But still it does look like a roguelike so it should appeal to some roguelike fans. Let's call it a roguelite, which has some roguelike elements. Let me see, so it's a &turn based roguelite tactical puzzle game with real time elements&, LOL, wowIt has a score system at the end based on turns and time, what you want is to do the perfect run. I should come back and do reruns to better my score.Oh, It's a fast paced turn based because it runs as fast as you press the keyboard (each key press is a turn which also seems to be your score and perhaps your replay motivator) but the real time elements makes you move a bit faster which breaks the pace and makes it interesting.In some ways this game reminds me of the Cybernoid series (1 and 2) on the C64/Amiga/ZX Spectrum, but this one was all real time but had this puzzle like feeling.Great game!
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it's a pretty cool game, a turn-based puzzler with some real-time action (falling rocks, some enemies, etc.) and an excellent soundtrack, which would definitely get a recommendation if it weren't for missing volume sliders, constant freezes at the end of each zone (thankfully it manages to save first), and most importantly, not saving your progress until you finish an entire zone (every 3 or 4 levels), which is especially annoying in the final, multi-stage boss fight, without a single save or checkpoint even though they're separate levels, so I didn't bother retrying it, it would've just frozen at the end anyway.I wish game developers stopped wasting players' time instead of ruining their enjoyment with idiotic design decisions and either incompetence or laziness. or in this case both, seeing as both times I mentioned the freezing issue, it was ignored. as it is, it feels like a cheap mobile port with ui elements covering a huge part of the screen sometimes. I'm glad I didn't pay too much for it.
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This game is really fun. The mechanics are deceptively simple but the interactions between objects are rich and the potential for clever play is very high. Dodging between enemies and tricking them into killing each other is really satisfying.
The art/music/levels are very polished and doing simple things like bonking walls feels satisfying. It's kind of relaxing and makes me feel smart at the same time.
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Very fun and relaxing.
A great blend of turn based strategy with brief moments of twitchy panic - just enough to keep you moving at a comfortable pace, rather than agonizing over every move.
It' a mix of puzzle, action, and strategy.
There are a lot of game mechanics being introduced over time, and each one is cool and new and unexpected, and adds more complexity to your decision making!Nevertheless I've found it very easy so far.
I've gotten partway through the second major area (about 2 hours of play), and the only real puzzling I've had to do is to find a couple of the secrets, and I am typically passing up on the majority of health pickups.
However, I still h even of the areas I've completed, I intend to go back to get those secrets I missed, and to try to decrease my time/turns spent (since they show global ranks for those stats).P.S. so people are calling it a roguelike?
I would noooot call this a roguelike.
Only resemblance to Rogue is that it's tile based.
No procedural generation.
No permadeath.
No randomization of any kind.
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Great style. Fun mechanic. Neat levels. The pacing was a little slow for my tastes. And I wish the game saved progress in between levels. I liked the bosses at the end of each world. Having played for a few hours I would say the game is more &beat 'em up& than &think long and hard&. Biggest problem? Feeling like I have to bump against every wall in order to find secret areas!
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nice little game with cute graphic, interesting mix turn based movement with real time, not super hard but satisfying and relaxing to play, Solid game worth playing
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I got the game in April's Humble Bundle Monthly, so I did not pay full price by any means. I had some enjoyment with the game. The mechanics work out fine and it is some kind of action-strategic-puzzle game. You maneuver your ship turnwise. It sounds weird, but with each turn, your enemies move as well, so it is not comparable with a Pokemon game or Civilization by any means. It plays out conveniently and the idea is nice. There is no story though (until now) and only once in a while a sentence of dialogue at best while you are rescuing a scientist or the game introduces a new game mechanic to you - whether a weapon or a hostile target. This game feels like a PC game but suits a phone a lot better. You do the same thing over and over with a few twist and turns maybe, a new enemy type or so. The game works well and looks really nice, but I doubt I will play this a lot longer. 15 bucks would not be worth it in my opinion.
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I love this Game, Full stop... Ok nvm About that The Gaming Mechanics ,Music and Scenery Makes this a Joy to Play I recomend It TO EVERYONE!
Simple game and beautiful enviroments. I was really skeptic at first but I'm really getting into it. Puzzles are simple (for what i've seen), so you may be dissapointed if you are looking for a serious challenge or a game heavy on strategy. This game works more as a plataformer with some unique elements on its mechanics. Getting a perfect score may get frustrating without the adition of a map, a counter or something like that...but it has animal cows, bears and cats man!!TL-DR: Simple game, not very challengign on it's puzzles. Nice simple casual plataformer to relax. Animal scientists ftw.
Idle master played this game for me but I'm sure it was okay so I'll upvote it
Gets marked as a trojan virus.Here the Link to virustotal to see it yourself:Dont trust.
sadly this game just sucks in my opinions.
This “Not Recommended” choice is purely made because of my own personal preference. The game itself is not that bad, it’s just not for me. Nova-111 was interesting for a few levels. The mechanics, level design and abilities are all well done. The main problem for me is that the game wasn’t engaging enough. It did not keep my attention for a longer period of time. I was interested for a mere 3 hours, and after that I found myself just going through the motions and getting bored. If you would enjoy this type of puzzle game then you could pick it up if it goes on sale for around $5, the full asking price is a bit crazy for me.
I loved this game, simple concept yet tricky. Reminded me of the old school games I used to play on the Comadore 60. Nice music to keep you company in the wee hours of the morning. A challenging game and one worth checking out.
Definitely giving this one a recommendation. Had a lot of fun with this game.The whole package is well polished, good sound design, fun/unique mechanics, a silly and unassuming narrative that didn't distract from the focus of puzzling.I believe it currently has a bug with tracking a couple achievements, but this is a wholly immaterial issue that I would never hold against the devs, I trust they'll iron it out down the line.To speak of the game itself, its got a very fun blend of turn-based activity with a bit of real-time action interspersed in with it. Watch a stream or catch a video of it, its got pretty distinctive gameplay and art to help you decide in its favor :)
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I recieved a game code for this in a giveaway. I didn't really have much interest in playing it, but I launched it recently and realized what a horrible mistake I made. I'm addicted already! I know I'm going to be replaying levels to shoot for higher ranks, quicker times, and trying to find all the scientists. This is one of the games that will probably be dominating my summer.
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