Street Art 这个steam成就解锁器怎么解锁

Grafitti gotta be the dopest of all art forms. To draw massive artwork on a huge wall, and make it look awesome, it requires a lot of talent, and Etam Cru has tons of it. Check out his insane talent!
He's been all over spreading and sharing with us his fantastic skills... he's painted all over Europe and also in America. For more of his dope work, please visit his personal portfolio! I hope you enjoy these! Cheers! ;)
Kevin Ledo is a graffiti artist who traveled the world painting walls and beautiful murals. I selected some of his amazing murals to share with you, enjoy the view and appreciate the art!
For more from Kevin Ledo .
Street art is something I really love it! Maybe it's because it's raw, without perfectionism and at the same time I can see how good the is the artist to make a masterpiece in every kind of canvas.
GRAFFMATT, also known as Mattieu Laine, is a French artist that is developing his first street art project called CAPHARNA?M, it is an installation in his home town that is going to be demolished. It's possible to see the effort and love in each piece of art and every wall of the house. The result of this projetct that last from 2013 to 2015 it's tottaly amazing!
Born in 1986 with a pencil in hand, is a French artist GRAFFMATT Who hails from Chambéry, in Savoy. A 2006 graduate from the La Martinière-Diderot art school (Lyon), he first Specialised in graphic design and video goal soon made His painting spearhead.
GRAFFMATT painting styles are diverse, and are in the area of collage, kraft, cardboard and canvas. Check out the projet CAPHARNA?M and more about his work .
The Museum of Childhood in London created a project where they mapped the streets of London with artworks by many different artist with the theme ""See the world through a child's eye". Check it out!
For more info /.
The super creative Russian graffiti artist Nikita Nomerz started a super cool project called "The living Wall" in which he finds the perfect spot to bring life to it by adding faces and human characteristics to these walls. Check it out!
For more from Nikita Nomerz visit .
Agostino Lacurci is a Italian artist and has been painting huge murals all over Europe. His style is very artistic and different from any graffiti you have seen before. Enjoy!
For more from Agostino Lacurci .
Via Lugaro, Turin (Italy)
Via del Porto Fluviale, Rome
Univerisity Campus, Besan?on (France).
Punti di fuga
Murals made for Rebibbia on the Wall project. Created in collaboration with a group of 15 inmates on the courtyard walk’s walls, in the “Maximum security” unit of Rebibbia prison. Curated by Walls.
Made for MUU, Zagreb Urban Art Museum.
Pietro non torna indietro
Via Lavizzari 5, Lugano (CH)
The dialogue
Made for Le Mur, Oberkampf, Paris.
Future Simple
Las Armas district, Zaragozza, Spain
These awesome graffiti murals were done for Pow! Wow! Hawaii, an amazing art event that has artists from all over the globe involved to create amazing art. Check them out!
Find out more about Pow! Wow! Hawaii .
Mural by Kinsey dedicated to his father
“Welcome to Paradise” mural by Trav
Elvis mural by Madsteez
Mural by Reach
Mural by Push
Painted by Mung Monster and Whomu of MOK
Mural by Justin Park
Iron Man and owls by Meggs and Bask
One half Meggs and one half Phibs
Gif-iti wall by Roids and Insa
Mural by Inti dedicated to his deceased dog
Wooden Wave and formerly known as Vers Hawaii
Lucky Olelo renders his signature lotus designs on Cafe Duck Butt
It's been quite a long time since the last time we posted about street art and graffiti. There are some many styles and things to love about graffiti, especially in terms of typography. The work we featured today explore a lot of geometric shapes in the compositions which make them quite unique.
For more information and also more images check out the Flickr profile of Kacao77 Universes
Brain Mash is an amazing artist from Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. He specializes in graffiti murals with awesome graphics and a lot of details, check them out!
For more from Brain Mash visit / and
3D Exhibition
Time for some super slick graffiti here at Abduzeedo! This time we're featuring the work of German street artist HRVB, TheWeird. He's got a crazy good style, with lots of details and sick colors. Check it out!
Here you can see some of his best works out there. For more of it, please visit his portfolio at Behance... this guy definitely needs all the exposure he can get, because he's that good! I hope you liked it. Cheers! ;)
Diego Della Posta is a Italian street artist and illustrator also known as Thoms Studio. His street art is very artistic and totally different style from what we usually see in the US. Take a look and enjoy some authentic italian street art.
For more from Thoms Studio visit and
Fine art and urban art for years have been considered separated genres that could not be mixed in any way. But on the last 10 years we saw the rise of artists that could be both classified as fine artists and street artists as they work are the perfect mix of both. Robert Proch is one of those young artists, earning respect for his incredible ability of mixing styles in any surface and situation. Here's a interview we did with him, hope you enjoy it.
You can see more from Robert on the following links:
1) First of all I would like to thank you for doing this interview, it's an honor for us to present more about you to our readers. I would like to start asking you about when your interest for street and fine art started?
In very early years I have started to sacrifice my time for it more than other things. In the start I’ve been doodling as other kids. But always treated it as nice, and easy thing to do. Had a lot of fun in finding something in empty sheet of paper. It gives exactly the same fun today.
Street came along the way, when I was about 15. Just continued walking this line for next 12 years till now. Galleries appeared about 3-4 years ago.
2) Which artists do you use as reference?
Mostly classics but it’s not a rule. Francis Bacon, Claude Monet, Miles Davis, Sat One, William Turner, Caspar David Friedrich, Edward Hopper, Józef Brandt, Boards of Canada, Jerzy Duda- Gracz …it’s all I can remind for now.
3) Your style is quite influenced by abstract art and realism. How did you develop this style and how would you describe it?
Realism is my natural choice as it comes to choices and motives of my paintings. Having a common background is important to remain readable in final impression. Metaphor, Symbol, Deconstruction, Metamorphosis, it all works well if the first step comes out from defined universe which is possible to identify with. Good painting should speak itself. N)
As it comes to abstract art, I’m taking small steps in this direction slowly. There are two reasons:
o If you paint realistic way on and on and on and on and on, there comes a moment, you start to reduce this reality to search more into what’s behind the straight representation of each motive. Things like space, time, mood, tempo, rhythm, mood come to the forefront.
o Nowadays the cities-environment of my world start to look extremely plain and futuristic. Try to imagine the modern city without all the small details like benches, trah bins and so on.. It’s a painting of a cubist! Hard to say if it’s good or bad phenomenon.
4) Describe us a bit about your creative process while creating a artwork
Well first of
all I have to find the right impact to create new composition. I look for it around me. Lucky, it comes itself in some moment. Straight inspiration is very important to remain authentic as it comes to the energy and the message of concrete scene. Technically I’m 100% based on my experience and imagination: go trough ‘searching’ process on the surface of canvas.
I’m not using photography, many times I also avoid precise sketch for the painting. This makes painting process so interesting. You keep the major idea of finished canvas behind it and follow this path to reach the point when you decide ‘that’s it’. It took me almost 20 years to learn how to choose and operate with space and form of the objects. Right now I’m learning how to play with it for the final idea.
5) Nowadays the line between fine art, street art and graffiti is getting more and more blurred, graffiti is gettting more into galleries and fine art is getting more in the streets. tell us your opinion about this subject.
This is natural process and it will continue for sure. I don’t see anything wrong about it. Street energy makes gallery spaces rebirth from stiff contemporary world. In reverse fine art goes out of
white cubes to the people. What’s to complain about? No matter how those barriers will blur, we all have to do our best to see good level on both sides. That’s our thing.
6) How do you describe your daily routine?
Work, work, work hehe. But seriously, I’m trying to keep regular rhythm of the day. Regular meals, taking care about my family, things around home, some mailing work. Usually I sacrifice around 8-10 hours to do my thing. My studio is at home, where I find the best energy to create.
7) Being a multimedia artist, please tell us what's your favorite media to work with? Why?
Honestly right now I’m getting more and more distanced to animation medium. I was doing all these activities (studio painting, animation, outdoor painting) in parallel for about 6 years. But at some point I had to become more focused. There’s no way to do good on every field and remain psychically healthy.
Naturally I made decision to step back and become focused on work in ‘analog’ way. Maybe because of simple and straight energy coming from the painting. No plugins, no software, no hard drives, no ctrl-Z. Secondary: on the canvas or a wall things happening really fast and you have to make decisions with the consequence that the painting bight be screwed up in any moment. I prefer this kind of unsecured play.
8) Tell us five lessons you believe are really important for every artist.
At this point I’d like to use some help. Charles Bukowski wrote an accurate poem about it.
True and universal: ‘So you want to be a writer?’
9) Tell us five websites that you like to visit.
I’m ignorant as it comes to researching the web.
Mostly I visit the links someone recommends…
10) Thanks again for your time, please leave a final message for the ones who are starting out on this kind of business.
If you really love to do your thing, you’ll never have to work!
Every country has a different style of graffiti, today I want to show a little bit of the Chilean style. Let me introduce you to ESTOY, a graffiti artist who paints the streets of Santiago Chile with some awesome pieces. Enjoy!
For more about ESTOY /estoyestay, and
These colorful geometric murals were done by Matt W. Moore, an amazing graffiti artist who can blend shapes, colors and street art all in one. Check out this post for some really awesome graffiti murals all over the globe.
I have been painting on walls for over half of my life. It's a magical experience to actualize an idea extra-large in the public space. Lots to see in this section. Everything from my early years of graffiti and street-level art, to my more recent abstract murals. Indoor & outdoor, I've got you covered.
For more from MWM .
123Klan is a French graffiti crew now based in Montreal, Qc of Canada. Since Klan have worked and have been specializing in character illustration, branding, toy design, and touring the world one wall after another. Their client list includes big brands like Nike, Adidas, Lamborghini, Coca Cola, Stussy, Sony, Nasdaq to name a few. We are showcasing just a glimpse of their entire portfolio, check out their website for more.
Find out more about the crew 123Klan and
their pretty diverse works
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All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
All Rights to 123Klan
More info about 123Klan:
More on 123Klan via Instagram: /123Klan
Follow 123Klan on Twitter: /123klan
David Zinn is an artist from Michigan who loves to interact with people using his chalk art. His art is in a 3d form that gives the impression the characters are coming out of the ground. David created this little green character called Sluggo and on this post you see Sluggo all over the streets, check it out!
For more from David Zinn vist him
and like his page on /DavidZinnIllustration and you can also follow Sluggo /sluggoonthestreet.
Occupy your Imagination
or someone else will
Eduardo Kobra is an amazing artist from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He specializes in painting big murals and his recent work has a very colorful flavor to it. Kobra's new work is impressive, the use of color is just mind blowing. Enjoy!
For more from Eduardo Kobra visit him on Flickr Gallery and
For more from Eduardo Kobra visit him on Flickr Gallery andsteam成就Street Art和help children 无法解锁_这是我的战争吧_百度贴吧
steam成就Street Art和help children 无法解锁
steam成就Street Art和help children 无法解锁,同时已经购买了DLC
然而我睡啦  “主人……您刚才……说什么?”希尔薇睁着茫然的双眼怯声声地问。我又重复了一遍刚才的话。“这……是什么意思……主人”希尔薇的样子有些不解,但眼神中更多的是娇羞。“还不懂吗,”我温柔的说,“你曾经的名字,是叫carlblair吗?。”
都一样 等下个版本吧 你那个两个小朋友图标的怎么解锁?
Street art is a very popular form of art. It is &&&&quickly all over the world. You can find it on buildings and street signs from Beijing to Paris.Art experts(专家) say that the movement began in New York in the 1960s. Young adults would use paint in specialcans to put their words and other images on walls and cars &&&&the city. One well-known street artist is Swoon. She &&&paper images of people and puts them on walls. Swoon didn’t start her career as a street artist. She studied art, but &&&&&&time went on, she got bored with the works she saw in museums or galleries(美术馆). The people in New York enjoy Swoon’s strong and interesting &&&.Street artists do their work for a reason. Some of them choose street art because it is &&&&to the people. Some artists try to express their opinions in their works. Advertising companies also use street art in their advertisements because it gives the deep impression(印象)and energy. The New York store Saks Fifth Avenue &&&&used a street artist’s design for their shop windows and shopping bags.In today’s world the Internet has a big &&&&on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the audience all over the world on the Internet. Many people, &&&, say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live. Street art lives with the energy and life of a big &&&. There it will continue to change and grow.【小题1】A.watchingB.makingC.spreadingD.searching【小题2】A.behindB.byC.overD.around【小题3】A.cuts downB.cuts outC.turns downD.runs out【小题4】A.asB.afterC.beforeD.while【小题5】A.styleB.storyC.problemD.program【小题6】A.saferB.lowerC.closerD.stranger【小题7】A.hardlyB.recentlyC.seldomD.never【小题8】A.successB.discountC.presentD.influence【小题9】A.anywayB.howeverC.otherwiseD.therefore【小题10】A.museumB.countryC.cityD.street
Street art is a very popular form of art. It is &&&&&&&&quickly all over the world. You can find it on buildings and street signs from Beijing to Paris.&Art experts(专家) say that the movement began in New York in the 1960s. Young adults would use paint in special cans to put their words and other images on walls and cars &&&&&&&the city. One well-known street artist is Swoon. She &&&&&&&paper images of people and puts them on walls. Swoon didn’t start her career as a street artist. She studied art, but &&&&&&&&time went on, she got bored with the works she saw in museums or galleries(美术馆). The people in New York enjoy Swoon’s strong and interesting &&&&&&.&Street artists do their work for a reason. Some of them choose street art because it is &&&&&&&to the people. Some artists try to express their opinions in their works. Advertising companies also use street art in their advertisements because it gives the deep impression(印象)and energy. The New York store Saks Fifth Avenue &&&&&&used a street artist’s design for their shop windows and shopping bags.In today’s world the Internet has a big &&&&&&on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the audience all over the world on the Internet. Many people, &&&&, say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live. Street art lives with the energy and life of a big &&&&&&. There it will continue to change and grow.&【小题1】A.watchingB.makingC.spreadingD.searching【小题2】A.behindB.byC.overD.around【小题3】A.cuts downB.cuts outC.turns downD.runs out【小题4】A.asB.afterC.beforeD.while【小题5】A.styleB.storyC.problemD.program【小题6】A.saferB.lowerC.closerD.stranger【小题7】A.hardlyB.recentlyC.seldomD.never【小题8】A.successB.discountC.presentD.influence【小题9】A.anywayB.howeverC.otherwiseD.therefore【小题10】A.museumB.countryC.cityD.street
Street&art&is&a&very&popular&form&of&art.&It&is&        quickly&all&over&the&world.&You&can&find&it&on&buildings&and&street&signs&from&Beijing&to&Paris. Art&experts(专家)&say&that&the&movement&began&in&New&York&in&the&1960s.&Young&adults&would&use&paint&in&special&cans&to&put&their&words&and&other&images&on&walls&and&cars&       the&city.&One&well-known&street&artist&is&Swoon.&She&       paper&images&of&people&and&puts&them&on&walls.&Swoon&didn’t&start&her&career&as&a&street&artist.&She&studied&art,&but&        time&went&on,&she&got&bored&with&the&works&she&saw&in&museums&or&galleries(美术馆).&The&people&in&New&York&enjoy&Swoon’s&strong&and&interesting&      . Street&artists&do&their&work&for&a&reason.&Some&of&them&choose&street&art&because&it&is&       to&the&people.&Some&artists&try&to&express&their&opinions&in&their&works.&Advertising&companies&also&use&street&art&in&their&advertisements&because&it&gives&the&deep&impression(印象)and&energy.&The&New&York&store&Saks&Fifth&Avenue&      used&a&street&artist’s&design&for&their&shop&windows&and&shopping&bags.In&today’s&world&the&Internet&has&a&big&      on&street&art.&Artists&can&show&their&pictures&to&the&audience&all&over&the&world&on&the&Internet.&Many&people,&    ,&say&that&seeing&a&picture&on&the&Internet&is&never&as&good&as&seeing&it&live.&Street&art&lives&with&the&energy&and&life&of&a&big&      .&There&it&will&continue&to&change&and&grow. 【小题1】A.watchingB.makingC.spreadingD.searching&&【小题2】A.behindB.byC.overD.around&&【小题3】A.cuts&downB.cuts&outC.turns&downD.runs&out&&【小题4】A.asB.afterC.beforeD.while&&【小题5】A.styleB.storyC.problemD.program&&【小题6】A.saferB.lowerC.closerD.stranger&&【小题7】A.hardlyB.recentlyC.seldomD.never&&【小题8】A.successB.discountC.presentD.influence&&【小题9】A.anywayB.howeverC.otherwiseD.therefore&&【小题10】A.museumB.countryC.cityD.street&&}


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