
&&&&&&& 在最近发布的一个女富豪榜单上,只有14名女性是经过自身的努力拥有了10亿以上的家产。其中的一半来自中国这个女性曾经没有地位和权利的国家。这是为什么呢?
On a list of the world’s richest self-made women, you would hardly be surprised to find the all-powerful US talk show host Oprah Winfrey featured. Similarly, the inclusion of Harry Potter author JK Rowling might be considered a done deal. What may be less predictable is the most common nationality of the world’s wealthiest women: Chinese.
  在一份世界女富豪的榜单上,看到著名美国脱口秀主持人Oprah Winfrey、哈利波特的作者JK罗琳的名字,你肯定不会惊讶。而你肯定预测不到的全球女富豪来自最多的国家却是——中国。
US business magazine Forbes has just published its rich list and has included the “female billionaires’ club” – those women who have accrued at least $1billion (£675 million) due to their own entrepreneurship rather than inheriting their &fortunes. There are, it seems, just 14 women in the world who qualify for this super-elite club (compared to the rather more impressive 1,011 male dollar billionaires which include Bill Gates and his £35 billion). But of these 14, seven are Chinese. In other words, half of the world’s female self-made billionaires hail from communist China. Five of the top 10 alone are Chinese.
It is something which is causing a stir. “If this were a ping-pong team you wouldn’t be surprised to hear that five out of 10 were from the Chinese mainland,” says Rupert Hoogewerf, founder of the Hurun Report, which tracks the rapid changes in China’s entrepreneurial community. “But when you are talking about the top 10 self-made rich women in the world, this is mind-blowing.”
Topping the list is 44-year-old Wu Yajun, from Chongqing in China’s Sichuan Province, who worked her way up from being a mechanical &engineer, reporter and editor to being general director of Longhu Real Estate Development Co Ltd with a wealth of £2.6 billion. Native Chinese Xiuli Hawken, now a UK citizen, &registers fifth, her wealth coming from property and from running shopping centres in China in spaces converted from underground military shelters. Oprah has been kicked into sixth place and JK Rowling just makes it to the billionaires’ club in 14th place.
  在榜单上排名第一的是44岁的吴亚军,来自四川。她从一个机械工程师干起,先后从事过记者、编辑等职业。现在是龙湖地产董事长,拥有26亿英镑的资产。排行榜第五位,英籍华裔秀丽•好肯(原名戴秀丽,后嫁英国老公改姓,生于哈尔滨——译者注),她的财富来自房地产和运营由防空洞(military shelters)改成的购物中心。Oprah Winfrey被踢出了前五,仅列第六,而JK Rowling 刚刚跨过门槛,位列14名。
Quite why China is leaps and bounds above any other country when it comes to female billionaires is being put down to a number of factors, first and foremost being the booming &Chinese economy, which Forbes reasons has created huge opportunities. But another important factor is that there is a level playing field when it comes to men and women in China which does not necessarily hold true in Western countries and which allows Chinese women an advantage over their female counterparts worldwide.
“China hasn’t always lived up to it but it does have a good, strong ideology of gender equality going back to Chairman Mao and his famous &pronouncement that ‘women hold up half the sky’,” says Dr Fiona Moore, a lecturer from Royal Holloway College at the University of London. Since the creation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, women have been encouraged into education and careers and instilled with a strong work ethic. Think of the images of the so-called Iron Girls during the &Cultural Revolution – women dressed in the same androgynous way as men and always engaged in military, &agricultural or production work.
  “中国并非一直有着这样的环境,但是从毛泽东时代和他的著名的‘妇女能顶半边天’言论发表之后,性别平等的观念开始在中国兴起,”伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院的讲师,Fiona Moore博士说。自从中华人民共和国在1949年成立,女性就被鼓励去接受教育和参加工作,并且被灌输要有良好的职业道德。想想当时在文化大革命中所谓的“铁姑娘”:女人穿着和男人一样的衣服,也和他们一样参军卫国,下地劳作或者进工厂干活。
It is a point stressed by Fei Qin, a lecturer in entrepreneurship at the London School of Economics. “In terms of gender difference there is a special culture in modern China,” she says. “I grew up in Beijing and I’ve lived in Europe and in the UK but I would say China has the highest standard of gender equality anywhere.
“In my generation every girl in school knew the saying ‘women hold up half the sky’ and knew that a career would be a very important aspect of her life. In my mother’s generation it was similarly taken for granted. Even 15 years ago, in school or college, no one cared too much about beauty and looks – it was all about achievement.”
Y ou might say that achievement is epitomised by each of the Chinese women who &features on the billionaires’ club list, most of whom are highly educated. They include Hong Kong entrepreneur Chu Lam Yiu, who chairs Huabao International, which makes tobacco flavourings for China’s top cigarette makers. Perhaps even more striking is Zhang Xin, 44, who is ninth on the list and who started the property development company Soho China with her husband Pan Shiyi.
  你可以说这些在女性富豪榜上的中国女性就是她们所追求的成就的缩影。她们大部分都受过良好的教育。其中包括朱林瑶,她拥有的华宝国际为中国最大的香烟制造商提供香精。可能更有名的是44岁的张欣,排名第九。她和她的老公潘石屹共同创办了房地产企业SOHO 中国。
Zhang grew up as the daughter of poor ethnic Chinese immigrants from Burma and worked in a Hong Kong factory as a teenager before landing a place at Cambridge University and leaving with a masters degree in development economics. From there, she worked at Goldman Sachs before returning to China and then pouring her savings into her property business, apparently contributing more to the partnership than her husband.
As Shenzhen-based writer Linda Xinrong Kausch has explained, it’s a matter of pride for Chinese women to make a large contribution to their family and nation. “Most Chinese working women will say: ‘I’m proud that I work,' ” says Kausch. “Chinese women are very ambitious and it’s in their nature to be hard-working .”
  正如深圳作家Linda Xinrong Kausch解释的:中国女性是否能够给她们的家庭和国家带来巨大贡献是和她们的尊严有关的。“大部分的中国女性会说‘我骄傲因为我工作’之类的话”Kausch说,“中国女性往往有着雄心壮志,并且她们天性就十分能吃苦。”
According to Shaun Rein, founder of the Shanghai-based China Market research group, women contribute about half of the household income in China and student enrolment at university is 50/50 men and women.
  根据上海一家中国市场研究公司的创始人Shaun Rein的研究结果,中国家庭的收入基本上一半由女性提供,并且大学生的男女比例也是一比一。
Moreover, says Dr Moore, the state applauds entrepreneurship. “ These days the idea of Communist China is quite different to what it once was,” she says. “There is still a strong state-centred ethos but the idea now is that by setting up your own business you benefit the state and other people. You bring money into the economy, you bring in jobs, you support the expansion of China’s scientific and entrepreneurial activities abroad.”
She adds that networking is also a factor : “The Chinese have always been very good at maintaining and building international networks. They have an infrastructure that allows for it. And we all know that women are better at developing and maintaining social networks than men are.”
According to Hoogewerf there is one last factor to consider – China’s one-child policy. “The fact they have only one child means a shorter career break,” he says. “They may just have had 10 weeks out of their career, &giving them time to build their businesses.” It is something which can be compared back to Mao’s insistence that every workplace should install childcare so women could work full-time.
But while China’s businesswomen may today be riding high, Qin warns that the female work ethos could start to wane.
“Girls are becoming more feminised and more concerned with their looks,” she says. “More of them are wanting to stay at home and not go out to work, which was unthinkable in my generation. In 20 years’ time, if we looked at the list of female billionaires again, would we get the same result? Perhaps not.”
  : Alexis Mdivani(格鲁吉亚王子)
  芭芭拉的第一任丈夫是Alexis Mdivani,一位格鲁吉亚(流亡的、离过婚的)王子。凭借贵族头衔和良好的教养,Alexis在美国社交圈混得风生水起,也因此结识了巨有钱的芭芭拉。不过他们的婚姻只持续了2年时间,她们之间观念的分歧越来越大,最后就离婚收场。后来Alexis Mdivani死于一场车祸,开的还是芭芭拉送他的劳斯莱斯_(: 」 )_
  :Haugwitz Reventlow(丹麦伯爵)
  芭芭拉和第一任丈夫离婚后,很快找到了第二任伯爵丈夫Haugwitz Reventlow,并生下了她唯一的孩子Lance Reventlow。然而这个伯爵对芭芭拉非常差:精神肉体双重家暴,打得她住院;用她的钱做各种烂生意;甚至害她药物成瘾并得了厌食症。两人离婚后,为争夺儿子的监护权也打了很多年官司。
Copyright (C) 巴山财经网
版权所有 All Rights Reserved 蜀ICP备号-1她是上世纪最有钱女人,离婚7次睡遍王子和明星(5)
  :Cary Grant(好莱坞巨星)
  芭芭拉的第三任丈夫Cary Grant是好莱坞明星,大导演希区柯克非常欣赏他。Cary被芭芭拉在二战中慷慨的样子所吸引(当时芭芭拉资助戴高乐领导的自由法国部队,利用自己的影响力推销战争债券,还把自己的游艇捐赠给皇家海军),但他们在一起时被吃瓜群众嘲是&Cash&Cary&。然而,Cary是唯一离婚没向芭芭拉索要赡养费的男人&&
  :Igor Troubetzkoy(俄罗斯&王子&、F1赛车手)
  :Porfirio Rubirosa(花花公子)
Copyright (C) 巴山财经网
版权所有 All Rights Reserved 蜀ICP备号-1她是上世纪最有钱女人,离婚7次睡遍王子和明星
七次失败的婚姻芭芭拉&霍顿喜欢在各种方面一掷千金:古董、珠宝、服装等等等等。但她投入最多金钱和精力的,还是男人。她有过七任丈夫(凑齐可以召唤神龙or葫芦娃?),每一个都非常&精致昂贵&,也都在短时间内离她而去。她一生都在追求的真爱,最终却没能拿金钱买来&&:&Alexis Mdivani(格鲁吉亚王子)芭芭拉的第一任丈夫是Alexis Mdivani,一位格鲁吉亚(流亡的、离过婚的)王子。凭借贵族头衔和良好的教养,Alexis在美国社交圈混得风生水起,也因此结识了巨有钱的芭芭拉。不过他们的婚姻只持续了2年时间,她们之间观念的分歧越来越大,最后就离婚收场。后来Alexis Mdivani死于一场车祸,开的还是芭芭拉送他的劳斯莱斯_(: 」 )_:Haugwitz Reventlow(丹麦伯爵)芭芭拉和第一任丈夫离婚后,很快找到了第二任伯爵丈夫Haugwitz Reventlow,并生下了她唯一的孩子Lance&Reventlow。然而这个伯爵对芭芭拉非常差:精神肉体双重家暴,打得她住院;用她的钱做各种烂生意;甚至害她药物成瘾并得了厌食症。两人离婚后,为争夺儿子的监护权也打了很多年官司。
[责任编辑:杨庆华 PSY042]
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