问:今天在手机上用手机看电视直播的软件 但弹出一个什么 打不开的对话框 然后我点了个好 你是否遇到过 我怕我看花

> 谁来帮我看一下 什么情况 什么游戏都打不开了
其它回答 应该是文件的某些部分丢失了,可以重装一次
其它回答 重装系统
时它又会死皮赖脸的弹出来,如果有什么担心,最好将你的系统升级成windowsXP sp2,它的防火墙可不得了哦,没有经过认证的控件,你想安装都不允许
答: 你好,怀孕之后经常感觉到肚子饿的话应该是,要补充一些,有营养的蔬菜水果等等,尽量要做到少食多餐。
答: 想学习这个么?可以找我。国家中级网工,大量的实践经验
答: 同电脑故障、网线故障和路由器故障都有可能。
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新华网7月30日电 据Gizmodo报道,现如今,你的手机和平板电脑不能干的事情已经不多了,而在10英寸以上的屏幕上显示内容恐怕是其中之一,但这是电视可以做的事情。有了以下这五种方法,你就能在大屏幕上欣赏你的手机上的内容了。
这项诞生于2004年的技术最早被叫做AirTunes,当时只能在苹果设备之间传输音频。自那以后,这项技术发展到可以支持可视内容和显示器镜像显示(你设备上显示的内容实时显示在电视上),同时也被授权给很多第三方制造商,比如博士(Bose)、Bowers & Wilkins、飞利浦(Philips)和先锋(Pioneer),以便让他们的设备支持AirPlay信号。
有两类Airplay设备:“发送端”基本上是任何运行iOS 4.2以上系统和iTunes的设备(如果要使用镜像功能则还要Mountain Lion及以上的OS X操作系统),它们用来发送信号;另外是“接收端”,也就是任何具有AirPlay功能并能播放被传输信号的设备,包括AirPort Express、Apple TV和任何刚才提到的第三方设备。“发送端”还可以用来远程控制播放,但需要安装Remote应用。
把iOS设备和Apple TV连接在一起还是很简单的:
从左到右双指滑动屏幕,调出AirPlay菜单,选择合适的设备(比如Apple TV);
对于不使用iOS设备或者没有Apple TV的用户,谷歌新推出的Chromecast是个不错的选择。这个跨平台的设备通过HDMI接口连接你的电视,获取任何你在移动设备上观看的内容,并在电视上播放。你还可以把在Chrome浏览器上的内容投射到电视上。
下载Chromecast应用(iOS、Android和Windows 8版本),按照屏幕提示操作;
为了使用这个设备,你需要一台运行以下系统的移动设备:Android 2.3以上、iOS 6以上、Windows 7或8、Mac OS 10.7以上或Chrome OS。
DLNA需要两个组件才能工作:服务器和客户端。客户端可以是任何具备DLNA功能的设备,现在此类市售设备大概有1.8万种,有音响、蓝光播放器、电视机、冰箱和数码相框等等,不一而足。但DLNA服务器要少得多。运行Media Player 11的Windows 7设备就可以当做DLNA服务器。苹果设备没有DLNA功能,因为它们有AirPlay功能。AirPlay功能大体类似,但是仅限于苹果生态系统内部。
市面上有一些具有MHL功能的设备,视音频接收器、电视机、分量视频播放器(component players)。罗库流媒体棒(Roku Streaming stick)是很流行的MHL设备。对于不支持MHL的老旧设备,你还可以使用MHL-HDMI转接器。Chromecast需要使用单独的USB链接来供电,但是MHL通过电缆使用电视机来供电。此外,MHL标准还允许用户使用遥控器来控制连接在电视上的设备。
Miracast是媒体共享的新工具,是Wi-Fi联盟在2010年以开源形式开发的屏幕投射标准,作为AirPlay的替代品。Galaxy SIII和LG Optimus G是比较典型的使用Miracast的设备。
Miracast虽然是一种P2P协议,但是它不需要中央路由器或接入点来工作。相反,它可以使用Wi-Fi直连(这本身就是Wi-Fi联盟成员Intel早期研发的结果,当时叫做Wi-Di,或“无线显示”)来创建ad hoc网络,这和蓝牙类似。就像我们刚才解释的,Miracast“实质上就是无线HDMI线缆,使用H.264编码和自己的DRM层把一个屏幕的内容复制到另一个屏幕上,同时模拟HDMI系统。”
苹果已经有了AirPlay,Miracast目前主要存在于Androis 4.0以上系统上,不过在以后可能也会成为Windows 8.1和Blackberry 10.2的内置功能。
There's not much your phone or tablet can't do these days, beyond maybe displaying their troves of mobile content on a screen larger than 10 inches. But that's what televisions are for. And, with one of these five methods, you'll be able to seamlessly throw music and movies from your little screen to your big screen.
For iOS users, AirPlay is the way to go. This proprietary firmware suite created by Apple allows users to to wirelessly stream audio, video, and image data from their device (for the purpose of this article, assume we're talking about phones, tablets, phablets, laptops, and anything else not tethered to the wall with a power cord) to the television using your home Wi-Fi network.
Originally dubbed AirTunes back in 2004 when it only streamed audio among Apple-built devices, the protocol has since evolved to support visual data (read: videos) as well as display mirroring capabilities (what shows up on your device shows up on the TV in real time), and has been licensed to a large number of third-party manufacturers like Bose, Bowers & Wilkins, Philips, and Pioneer so that their gadgets can receive AirPlay signals.
See, there are two types of Airplay devices: Senders, basically any iOS 4.2-plus device running iTunes (and Mountain Lion or later for display mirroring), which transmit the content, and Receivers, any AirPlay-enabled device that actually plays the transmitted signal—be it an AirPort Express, Apple TV, or any of the third-party devices mentioned earlier. The sending unit can also be used to remotely control the playback but requires you to boot up the separate Remote app.
Connecting your iOS device to your Apple TV is relatively simple:
Connect both to your home network
Double tap the home key to pull up Recently Used Apps
Double swipe, left to right, to pull up the AirPlay menu and select the proper receiving device (say, your Apple TV)
Press play
Check out Apple's AirPlay support page for complete details on which generation of devices are required for the system's various playback schemes.
The bottom line: It's an ideal solution if you've got an iOS-centric ecosystem, but it's not compatible with any other platform, and not compatible with all apps even within iOS (you need a third-party application like Airfoil to get Spotify from your desktop to your AirPlay device, for instance).
For folks that don't use iOS or don't own an Apple TV, Google's brand new Chromecast system is a solid option. This platform-agnostic dongle connects to your TV through an HDMI plug, and pulls down whatever you're watching on your device from the cloud, playing it on your TV. You can also mirror what's in your Chrome browser directly.
It's similarish to how AirPlay works, but likely relies on the Miracast standard rather than a proprietary code stack. It also doesn't require a separate remote app as you control the playback using whatever streaming service is delivering the content. Like AirPlay, Chromecast supports up to 1080p streaming video.
To use the Chromecast:
Plug it into an HDMI port, plug the power cable either into a spare USB port on your TV (if it has one) or otherwise into a power outlet using the included adapter.
Download the Chromecast app (iOS, Android, and Windows 8), and follow the onscreen instructions.
The dongle will automatically detect your home network, all you have to do is input your network key and confirm that the two devices are tethered.
Open up the streaming app you want to watch—Google Video, YouTube, and Netflix are available at the moment. Pandora's coming soon, or you can play content from within your Chrome browser.
Load the video or track you want and tap the onscreen Chromecast icon. A dialog box will pop up and ask which TV you want it sent to.
To use this device, you'll need a mobile running Android 2.3-plus, iOS 6-plus, Windows 7 or 8, Mac OS 10.7-plus, or Chrome OS.
Chromecast currently is burdened with a relatively limited feature set, and requires a hearty Wi-Fi network to be effective. Those concerns are more than balanced out by the extremely reasonable $35 price.
DLNA is a broad standard for sharing media over a network. Unlike Chromecast and AirPlay which only do A/V feeds, DLNA can push audio, visual, and data around easily using a Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection. So not only can you push pictures and music from your phone to your TV or stereo, you can also send a file from your laptop to your home's network printer without plugging in.
This system is built on the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) architecture. UPnP determines what kind of device it is—either a server, where the
renderer, where th or controller, which dictates playback—and DLNA specifies the file types and playback options that those devices can utilize.
To work, the DLNA system needs two components: a server and a client. The client can be any DLNA enabled device. There are over 18,000 such DLNA-certified gadgets on the market today—everything from stereos, Blu-ray players and TVs like LG's flagship 8600 series to refrigerators and digital picture frames. DLNA servers, on the other hand, are slightly less ubiquitous. Windows 7 devices running Media Player 11, for example, can natively act as a DLNA server. Apple products, however, lack all DLNA capabilities on account of the company's AirPlay system, which does largely the same thing but locks customers into the Apple ecosystem.
Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) is what AirPlay and Chromecast would be without the wireless connectivity. This standard pushes AV data from a mobile device to an HDTV or audio receiver using a physical cable—typically with microSD to HDMI connectors. Like its wireless brethren, MHL supports up to 1080p video as well as eight-channel (7.1 surround) audio.
There are a number of MHL-enabled devices—AV receivers, TVs, component players, and whathaveyou—on the market. The Roku Streaming stick is a popular MHL device. And for legacy products that don't support MHL, you can also use an MHL-HDMI adapter. Unlike the Chromecast, which needs a separate USB connection to draw power, devices using MHL are powered from the TV through the one cord. What's more, the MHL standard allows users to control the attached device using the TV's existing remote
Miracast is a relatively new player to the media sharing game. It was developed in 2010 as an open source, wireless screencast standard alternative to AirPlay created by the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Galaxy SIII and LG Optimus G are two examples of the many Miracast devices on the market.
Being P2P, Miracast doesn't necessarily require a central router or access point in order to work. Instead, it can use a Wi-Fi Direct connection (itself the product of an earlier attempt by Wi-Fi Alliance member Intel at screen sharing called Wi-Di, or Wireless Display) to create an ad hoc network similar to what Bluetooth does. As we've explained before, Miracast is "effectively a wireless HDMI cable, copying everything from one screen to another using the H.264 codec and its own digital rights management(DRM) layer emulating the HDMI system."
Miracast allows users to mirror up to 1080p video and 6-channel (5.1 surround) audio between any two devices, regardless of brand, no wires required. Both devices do have to be Miracast certified, however, but just as with DLNA, there are adapters available for legacy gadgets.
Since Apple already has AirPlay, Miracast is found primarily on Android platforms 4.0-plus and is expected to be a native ability of both Windows 8.1 and Blackberry 10.2 when they drop later this year.
[Wikipedia 1, 2, 3, 4 - Which - Google Play - Apple - Top Image: Sam Spratt]
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