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foobox 4.2 (foobar2000 CUI config) by dramawake on DeviantArt
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Name:fooboxAuthor:dreamawakeBlog:foobox is a CUI based interface/config, suitable for full screen window browsing/operation.Simple and beautiful is foobox's target.Many codes are mod from Jensen's and Br3tt's. Asion & ttsping help a lot to foobox. Thanks.
---------------------[History]-----------------------------------, foobox 4.2 & & & &(*)UI enhanced. & & & &(*)Bug fixed.& , foobox 4.1&&&&&&& (+)Add optional Dark color style, can be switched in foobox submenu, but panels of spetrum, lyric3 & biography &&&&&&&&&&& is unable to changed the color automaticly due to non-WSH panels. In Dark color style, the right panel background&&&&&&&&&&& color is RGB(30,30,30), Light color style is RGB(255,255,255), you may change it manually.&&&&&&& (+)Left panel can be dragged to change its width now&&&&&&& (*)Optimization of buttons, colors for both styles &&&&&&& (*)fixed bug of WSH lib to avoid crash in some case&&&&&&& (*)fixed bug for WSH cover panel, and a new default cover&&&&&&& (+)other minor changes&
foobox 3.8&&&&&&& (*) Bugs fixed&&&&&&& (+) Playlist View add sort method "Date modified"&&&&&&& (+) Add Album List Tree View version for your choice, in "Optional Lib_Treeview_Version" folder.&
foobox 3.7 (3rd release)&&&&&&& (*) Reomove ESLyric, come back to Lyrics3.&
foobox 3.7.2 small misc fixes.&
foobox 3.7&&&&&&& (+)Playlist view settings add option for "Cursor follows playback"&&&&&&& (+)foobox menu add "About foobox"&&&&&&& (*)Plugins update&&&&&&& (*)Other minor fixes&
foobox 3.6&&&&&&& (+) Playlist Manager Panel: playlist context menu add Auto Rename function&&&&&&& (*) Search Panel: fix input method can not follow cursor while input&&&&&&& (*) Fix v3.5 mis-application of %album artist%&&&&&&& (*) Change top toolbar UI&
foobox 3.5&&&&&&& (+-) Remove uie lyrics3 panel, replaced with ESLyric (by ttsping), with desktop lyrics feature.&&&&&&& (+) WSH lyrics panel, in connected with ESLyric&&&&&&& (+) Multi-language feature. It is easy to extend foobox to support your local language. (foobox\i18n folder)&&&&&&& (*) Rewrite rating, info, playback, seekbar panels. Intergerated and enhanced.&&&&&&& (*) New feature in foobox menu.&&&&&&& (*) Paste text to searchbox.&&&&&&& (*) Fixed WSH cover crash bug, follow cursor failure bug, cover case is optional now.&&&&&&& (+*) WSH library bugs fixed. Add keyboard operation and hotkey features.&&&&&&& (*) Other bug fix and enhance.&
foobox 3.2 & & & &(*) M & & & &(*) Optimization of WSH library sorting methods.&
foobox 3.1 & & & &(*) UI & codes enhanced, rewrite with WSH Mod Plus (by ttsping) & WSH Splitter (by Jensen). & & & &(+) Change font size in "menu--&foobox". & & & &(+) Add visualization, size is ajustable. & & & &(*) Remove playcount plugin, rating by tag input now. & & & &(*) Enhance coverflow & playlist view, and their relationship. & & & &(-+) Remove uie album list plugin. Library panel is now powered by WSH. foobox 2.11 & (+) Add "Sort by title" option in WSH Playlist
foobox 2.10 (+) Add foo_uie_albumlist panel for library management (*) Right panel size revised from 200-250-300 to 250-300-350, cover size increased (*) Fixed the bugs for cover setting, WSH playlist manager panel drag & drop feature
foobox 2.9 Coverflow new default view style: increased cover size, compact & without text (flat mode).
foobox 2.8 bug fixes.
foobox 2.7 fixes for WSH playlist view panel: (*) fix codec display err for tack with embeded CUE (*) fix wrong columns location in certain conditions (*) fix problem for group by path (*) auto focus on playing track while play new track
foobox 2.6
(*) Bug fixes & optimization for coverflow & playlist panels.I hope 2.6 will be a long term version
foobox 2.4 (*) Bug fix for search & playlist view panel (+) Add "Album(Simple)" group/sort method, suitable for lots of "Unknown Album" (*) Coverflow: set %album% as default group method , foobox 2.3 (*) Reduce height of topbar (4pix) , foobox 2.2 (-) Remove foo_quicksearch plugin & foo_uie_albumlist plugin (+) Add foo_uie_biography plugin and panel (*) Replace playlists manager panel with portable one, reduce resource consume (*) Enhance of playlist viewer, coverflow (*) Optimization for button, menu, icon, codes......, version 2.1,* Replace Playlists manager & NG playlist with highly customized, powerful WSH panels. * Misc bugs fixed. , version 1.0.1, misc fix. , version 1.0 released.----------------------------------------------------------
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Also, can somebody please post another mirror for the latest version here?Can't download from Baidu for some reason.
Hi--can somebody here please help me with changing the the playlist manager so that it shows artists by Artist tag rather than AlbumArtist?Also, I'd love to be able to sort by Artist tag with the word "The" being ignored.Thanks!! Been using this skin for the last few years and it is great!
I just wanna know how to instal it ...
I would really love an English version, this is the perfect skin. None of the other skins have such a good library system.
Could you have a look at mobile version of foobar2000 and making skin for that too? It would be awesome to use this incredible skin on multiple devices
this is my favorite skin
still waiting for an english release of the next version.&
my favorit foobar2000 skin THX
I'm on the same boat, hoping to see a English version of the 5.8.3 release. I can read some of it, so I tried it out already, and it works great!
How did you get it to work? I keep getting WSH errors.
This is awesome! Are you planning to release 5.8.3&in english?
Hi,You're doing a nice work I use foobar since version 3.1.Now I'm anxious about version 5.0 (I saw you're working and that it is in chinese).Will foobar 5.0 be translated to english?Thanks
I can't clearly see scrollbar button, because the color is black and the background also black, please fix it.can you add options to change light color skin? because too many black skin for FB2K in this site
Please, please - some update for Win 10...
Great skin!!
jus a couple of questions. When I change sort by, and then move to a different artist/album/playlist it reverts to default. How do I save it/change the code to make the sort order I want the default sort? And also were about in the code can I add more columns, I have been fiddling about with it myself but to no availThanks!
Dramawake, what font and size are you using in Lyric Show Panel on the screenshot. It might just be the Chinese characters, but I don't think that's MS Sans Serif and I would like to know which font this is as it looks much better than in my config!
Maybe "Hiragino Sans GB W3", or "Microsoft YaHei".
There's a small bug that makes the blue bottom progress bar go over the play, stop, forward and rewind buttons when playing network/web files.
This is by far my favourite skin. It would be really great if the dark colour mode could be automatically applied to the bio, spectrum and lyrics, but, as you say, it's not WSH.
Just wanted to ask if anyone has had any success getting library tree viewer working with this skin? Or found a way to integrate wsh tree explorer. Any information be much appreciated thank you
Would also love to have the library tree viewer back. I'm still using an older version because of it...
Can you send me a link where i can download it? seems this is the only one skin wich supports this feature. I would be very glad if u help me. Ty in advance.
Couldn't find where to download it so I'll send you my whole foobar directory:Cheers
Wow, love this skin. Thank you. I wanted to ask is there anyway to add a browser similar to windows explorer to navigate through folders and select songs. Sorry if sound like a stupid question but I have not been able to find anything like it and I am so use to using explorer.Anyway skin is my favorite, thanks
Hey. Foobox is great skin, but I have one question. Its possible to make albums separated on a playlist like on the older versions of the skin? On the top was name of the artist and title of the album and numers of the track correspond to the order on the album, not order on the playlist. Thanks!
I am not new to foobar2000, but I don't know how to tinker with software yet. Can you tell me how to install? This skin really caught my likes and I want to use it so badly.
Windfairys: To change to "dark style" skin, click the menu button (three vertical dots in top-right corner) & foobox & "Dark color style"
Thank you so much
Windfairys: To change to "dark style" skin, click the menu button (three vertical dots in top-right corner) & foobox & "Dark color style"
Thank you so much
"(+)Add optional Dark color style, can be switched in foobox submenu, but panels of spetrum, lyric3 & biography&&&&&&&&&&&& is unable to changed the color automaticly due to non-WSH panels. In Dark color style, the right panel background&&&&&&&&&&& color is RGB(30,30,30), Light color style is RGB(255,255,255), you may change it manually."How to change?
"(+)Add optional Dark color style, can be switched in foobox submenu, but panels of spetrum, lyric3 & biography&&&&&&&&&&&& is unable to changed the color automaticly due to non-WSH panels. In Dark color style, the right panel background&&&&&&&&&&& color is RGB(30,30,30), Light color style is RGB(255,255,255), you may change it manually."How to change? Just &lyric3 can change...
One of the best skins here on DA.Also, judging from the comments below, your support is amazing.Good work!
Hello. How to add a column in the playlist BPM, near the bitrate and codec?Very much it is necessary. Thanks.
please add additional path for the covers like c:\albumcover\*.*,c:\fanmadecover\*.*....thx, i like your work so much
How do you install this?
Your work is amazing ! This skin makes my audio collection on the state of the art
Hi there I absolutely love the latest version.Only thing I could hope for is more columns (namely: date, filepath, genre) and then preserve columns that tend to disappear (artist, album)And also a different tab to switch beteen different libraries/directories maybe?
Hi!I love foobox, this last version is really awesome!There is something I miss from the earlier versions, though. Foobox used to open a new context menu when selecting an artist in the library, showing all of the artist's albums.If it isn't too much trouble, I think it would be great to have an option to do this with the current UI.Thank you so much for your support
Wow, one of the design features that I've been wanting for this skin for more that a year now is just a few clicks away! Now the "other" clone skin here is totally worthless.One few things I would like to be integrated in a later revision of this, 5.0 maybe:- include a waveform seekbar instead of the "classic" one, or maybe a toggle to switch between "classic" and "waveform";- fully integrate a tree library into the skin as default (could not see many folks here that would disagree the necessity of this feature to be there all the time);- more last.fm integration - total plays,plays per day/week, similar artists - plays by user etc - a last.fm panel.Well, if there are some others fans that would like to concur to this wanted features list or add to it feel free to express yourselves! Greatly appreciate your dedication to this still awesome skin dramawake! Keep it up.
"(+)Add optional Dark color style, can be switched in foobox submenu, but panels of spetrum, lyric3 & biography &&&&&&&&&&& is unable to changed the color automaticly due to non-WSH panels. In Dark color style, the right panel background&&&&&&&&&&& color is RGB(30,30,30), Light color style is RGB(255,255,255), you may change it manually."I could not change it, Background colour button has been disable
Change the mode from "UI" to "Custom" in the Colors and Fonts section of Lyric Show v3 settings.
The lower right box isn't functioning well in the dark theme.Any ideas as to how to fix this ?
This skin is excellent, the only thing I would also find useful to add is showing the total length of album, or maybe it's there and I somehow missed it?
Hi, love your foobox work is great, may i ask how turn the menu language to english?P.S. i am using your version 4.0.2 in chinese.
HiIs it possible to stop "auto focus on playing track while play new track"?I'm looking at the library and it keeps switching to the playlist when a new track starts.Thanks for you help and skin support.
Many thanks, Dramawake. Everything works& as it should!But, what does it mean "Album List Tree View version"?And how to use optional config files included in archive?What are they good for?Can You add button: "Stop after current"?
thank you for the update, good to see the old lyrics back!
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播放列表的歌曲统计是怎么加出来的 我的怎么没有
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