
&&&&&& 该规定出自国务院《二手车流通管理办法》第二十九条二手车鉴定评估机构和人员可以按国家有关规定从事涉案、事故车辆鉴定等评估业务。&&&&&& 为加强二手车流通管理,规范二手车经营行为,保障二手车交易双方的合法权益,促进二手车流通健康发展,依据国家有关法律、行政法规,商务部、公安部、工商总局、税务总局联合发布了《二手车流通管理办法》(以下简称“《办法》”),《办法》将于日正式实施。日前商务部条法司、市场体系建设司有关负责人就社会各界关注的一些问题进行了解答。问:据了解,商务部从2003年就开始着手研究制定《办法》,请介绍一下有关背景情况?答:二手车流通市场在中国极具发展潜力,培育和发展好这一市场既可方便二手车交易,拉动消费,又能增加税源,是一项利国利民的大事。国际汽车产业发展经验表明,兴旺的新车市场,必须建立在坚实的二手车流通市场基础之上,渠道畅通、运作高效的车辆新陈代谢机制是汽车市场整体健康发展的前提和保证。近几年中国二手车流通市场形成了一定的规模,但与活跃的新车市场相比,发展较为滞后,与汽车工业发达国家相比差距十分明显。主要表现在:二手车经营主体单一,交易方式落后;交易行为不规范,鉴定评估随意性大;缺乏完善的市场信息网络系统等。二手车流通发展滞后已成为制约汽车市场发展的瓶颈之一。产生上述问题的一个重要原因是二手车相关规定与二手车流通发展不相适应。从1998年起国家有关部门相继出台了《旧机动车交易管理办法》(内贸机制[1998]第33号)、《关于加强旧机动车市场管理工作的通知》(国经贸贸易[号)等相关文件和规定,这些规定对培育二手汽车市场和规范市场交易秩序起到了积极的作用。但随着二手车市场的不断发展,原有管理办法已不能满足实践的需要,也不能适应入世后汽车贸易领域对外开放步伐加快的形势。问:《办法》与原有的规定相比,有哪些重要变化?答:与原有规定相比,《办法》最重大的变化在于打破垄断格局,引入竞争机制,实现经营主体多样化。原有规定要求二手车交易必须在二手车交易市场进行,这样就人为地造成了新车市场与二手车市场的隔离。从中国二手车流通现状和发展来看,这一规定使汽车品牌经销商等经营主体经营二手车受到阻碍,已严重地影响和制约了二手车及汽车市场的发展。我们认为,取消二手车交易场所的限制,及时引入汽车品牌经销商等经营主体,实现经营主体多元化,一是有助于打破垄断,建立竞争机制,提高交易规模及服务水平,改善消费环境,实现资源的优化配置;二是有助于充分利用现有营销网络和较成熟的运营管理体系,发挥规模优势,加强质量管理,确保所售二手车的质量符合国家有关规定;三是有助于为消费者提供售后服务,保障消费者的利益;四是有助于为二手车市场提供丰富的经营资源并促进新车销售,进一步增强汽车市场活力。为此,《办法》明确规定,符合相关条件的汽车品牌经销商等经营主体均可依法申请从事二手车经营。其次是简化二手车交易程序。当前,一些地方行政部门自行出台各种政策,导致政出多门,交易手续烦琐,一辆车要完成交易和转移登记手续需要10多道程序,给消费者带来诸多不便。为方便交易,加快二手车流通,《办法》取消了不必要的二手车交易环节。问:经营主体实现多样化,二手车交易市场是否将面临新的挑战?答:二手车交易市场是中国二手车流通的主要渠道,经过几年的培育和发展,已形成一定规模,不少交易市场运作已开始走向规范,对方便交易、降低交易成本及二手车流通发展起到了一定的推动作用。原有办法规定二手车交易市场具有二手车收购、销售、鉴定评估等功能。我们认为,二手车交易市场作为流通的载体,应当是为二手车买卖双方提供交易和相关服务的场所。为规范二手车交易市场的运作,创造公平竞争的交易环境,继续发挥交易市场在二手车流通中应有的作用,《办法》对二手车交易市场的功能作了相应的调整,并明确规定二手车直接交易和通过二手车经纪机构进行二手车交易,应当由二手车交易市场经营者按规定向买方开具税务机关监制的统一发票,作为其转移登记的凭据。不容置疑,品牌经销商等经营主体的引入必将对二手车交易市场的发展产生较大的冲击。但是,应当看到,经营主体多样化,对拓展流通渠道,扩大二手车市场将起到积极的促进作用。有竞争才会有发展,新的经营主体的引入有助于促进二手车交易市场规范运作,提高服务水平。我们认为,《办法》实施后,二手车交易市场仍将成为二手车流通的重要渠道。因此,二手车交易市场经营者,应根据其自身特点,抓住机遇,转变观念,把强化和拓展市场的服务和管理功能作为企业长远发展的方向,以利于为交易双方创造公平竞争的交易环境,提供更加便利和优质的服务,进而不断发展和壮大自己。问:二手车流通涉及人民生命和财产安全等重大问题,针对二手车交易行为不规范的问题,《办法》作了哪些规定?答:在二手车交易过程中普遍存在着买方对卖方的不信任,买方对二手车市场和经纪人所报价格的不信任,主要表现在对车辆来源的合法性、事故情况、性能、里程真实性以及评估价格的怀疑,导致一些不熟悉行情的消费者对二手车望而却步。针对这一问题,从维护人民生命和财产安全,保障消费者的合法权益出发,《办法》主要在三个方面作了相应规定。一是增加二手车交易的透明度,经营企业不得隐瞒车辆的有关真实情况,保证车辆来源的合法性和车辆的性能质量达到国家有关规定;二是提高服务质量和水平,承诺相应的质量保证和售后服务;三是规范经纪机构的经营行为,通过二手车经纪机构进行二手车交易的,应当由二手车交易市场经营者按规定向买方开具税务机关监制的统一发票。我们希望通过实施《办法》,使二手车市场秩序得到明显好转,真正让消费者卖的放心、买的放心、用的放心。问:刚才您提到了二手车统一发票,能否介绍一些这方面的情况?答:二手车交易尚未实施全国统一发票,这样不利于进行监管,容易造成税收流失,并给公安交通管理部门办理二手车转移登记带来不便。为促进二手车流通规范化,办法规定二手车经销企业、拍卖企业、二手车交易市场经营者,应当按规定向买方开具税务机关监制的统一发票,并作为公安交管部门办理二手车转移登记的凭据。为配合其实施,税务总局已下发了《关于统一二手车销售发票式样问题的通知》,规定自10月1日起正式启用二手车统一发票。问:《办法》出台后,二手车鉴定评估是大家关注的焦点,能否介绍一下二手车鉴定评估的有关情况?答:从评估机构来看,发达国家二手车市场规范和完善的一个重要因素就是具有实力雄厚、被社会认可的中介机构和素质高的评估师队伍。中国二手车鉴定评估机构的建立才刚刚起步,评估人员的数量和整体素质均与发达国家有较大差距。为促进二手车市场的快速健康发展,一方面要积极培育和建立二手车鉴定评估、信息咨询等中介服务机构,加快培养鉴定评估专业人才,另一方面要建立和完善二手车鉴定评估机构准入制度,严格准入,以利于提高二手车鉴定评估机构的整体水平。《办法》规定,设立二手车鉴定评估机构必须具有相应的资质,并按规定的程序申办。从评估规范来看,当前中国二手车鉴定评估缺乏科学合理和统一的规范,鉴定评估随意性大,评估结果可信度低,难以确保评估结果的客观、真实、公平、公正,失去了评估自身的意义。《办法》规定要依据国家法律法规开展二手车鉴定评估业务。为配合其实施,提高二手车鉴定评估的质量和水平,规范二手车鉴定评估机构的评估行为,我们正着手研究制定易于操作、能真实反映评定结果的二手车鉴定评估机构鉴定评估标准,使鉴定评估机构工作有章可循,评估结果对客户具有参考价值。另外,原有办法虽未对二手车评估作硬性规定,但大多数二手车交易市场以评估价格为依据收取交易费用,实际上二手车鉴定评估已成为强制要求,难以保证评估价格的公平公正, 无形中增加交易成本,消费者对此反应强烈。为此,《办法》规定,除属国有资产的二手车外,二手车鉴定评估应按照买卖双方自愿的原则,不得强行评估。问:信息通畅是二手车流通的重要基础,对此,《办法》有什么要求?答:当前,缺乏信息支撑和沟通是阻碍二手车流通发展的突出问题之一。中国二手车交易日趋活跃,但大多数二手车市场交易信息封闭,没有形成全国统一的交易信息网络,影响了二手车的流通。《办法》对建立和完善二手车档案制度和信息报送、公布制度作了规定,并力图在此基础上充分利用现代信息技术,建立全国性的二手车信息网络,提高二手车合法性、安全性信息查询效率,促使各地二手车信息资源有效流动。问:我们注意到,原《旧机动车交易管理办法》称交易的车辆为旧机动车,而《办法》中则称为二手车,为什么要进行名称变更?答:《办法》中以二手车取代原规定的旧机动车的理由:一是《办法》所称二手车是指从办理完注册登记手续到达到国家强制报废标准之前进行交易并转移所有权的汽车(包括原农用运输车)、挂车、摩托车,有的车辆可能尚未使用就进行转移登记,称其为二手车比旧机动车更通俗、准确,符合实际,并能为公众所接受;二是《汽车产业发展政策》中将需交易并进行所有权转移的车辆称为二手车,《办法》的有关名称应与其统一。
时间: 23:10:12 &
官方客服 城市问答问答分类城市百科百科分类热门小区城市二手房城市租房城市新房热门专题产品专题
用户名或密码错误7天内免登录7天内免登录别担心,无账号自动注册不会导致手机号被泄露没有收到验证码?用户名或密码错误7天内免登录已有账号?没有收到验证码?用户名或密码错误我已阅读并同意没有收到验证码?用户名或密码错误用户名或密码错误各位老师好!我有一个关于转学的问题想咨询一下。我现在是9年级,在一所美国私立寄宿高中读书,我想转学但又不知道适不适合。首先这学期我们学校有6个人集体SAT作弊,里面有4个是住宿的中国人。校方说不会影响学校的声誉和以后的升学,但我还是有一些担心。其次我说一下学校的情况,这是一所德州休斯顿的高中(The Village School)。一共有700个学生300个是中国人(有可能还要扩招),中国学生的情况参差不齐。这些大概就是学校的情况。但是转学我担心的是10年级转学,会不会课程衔接有问题。还有我在这个学校是学生政府里的一员,换了新的学校就不一定了。所以想询问一下。还有我现在托福在95左右(还没正式考,有可能能冲100),ssat没考过不过恶补一些应该没问题。9年级第一学期现在GPA在4.0左右吧。不知道转学适不适合,还有能转到一个好一点的学校吗?谢谢各位老师!
共个14回答 浏览3128次
名称:Ms.Gabriella Rowe
职业:Head of School at The Village School
Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population
18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.
Admissions Process for Boarding Students
To meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations.
Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.
Village College Information
2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date.
Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.
STEAM Stats for Village
93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course.
84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course.
Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives.
Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
我们学校目前有296个寄宿位置。整个高中部学生中18%为中国学生。要申请成为本校寄宿学生, 学生需要提交近两年的学术成绩单及托福考试成绩,我们的托福分数要求为70分同时也接受TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT)等成绩,除此之外还需要提交学校老师的推荐信。为了录取适合匹配我们学校的学生,我们的校长Ms. Gabriella Rowe每年都会到中国面试学生 2017年截至今天, 我们154位高年级学生被699所不同大学录取并获得$7,863,660美元的奖学金。学生进入了许多非常优秀的大学就读,过去五年来我们许多学生进入:哈佛,MIT,莱斯大学,伯克利大学,纽约大学等学校在校学生93%高年级同学选修IB数学课程,84% 选修IB科学课程。关于最近学校的sat不良事件, 学校已採取行动且参与的学生已不在学校就读。这是史无前例的,我们对这次的事件感到非常失望。在学校我们尽可能提供所有学生需要的支持,鼓励孩子诚实、守信,严谨求学,我们不希望学生认为考试作弊是成功的捷径。学校将一如既往提供学生需要的支持,帮助孩子们申请大学,准备升学考试, 引导他们朝着下一个人生目标努力。目前正在准备申请大学的同学们不用担心会受影响,学校的行政部门已介入处理, 这次的事件不会影响学校的声誉以及在校生的升学资格学校将会继续保持严谨的治学态度, 引导学生以诚信的态度通往成功、创造价值。
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China.
The school has capacity for 296 boarding students.Admissions Process for Boarding StudentsTo meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates.Village College Information2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia.STEAM Stats for Village93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
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老师好德州的The Village School怎么样?我看学校毕业走向很好,为什么没有查到需要标化成绩呢?这所学校是校代学校么?...


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