purchase return如何减少未分配利润对于利润影响

So boats bought in Florida by nonresidents are exempt from the state's 6% sales tax provided they leave Florida within 90 days of purchase and don't return within six months of purchase.
Many online companies will allow you to return your purchase to a physical store in your area.
Second, many merchants report that relatively few daily-deal users return to purchase at full price or become regular customers.
According to the 2012 Experian Automotive Loyalty and Market Trend analysis, 47.3 percent of all Toyota, Lexus and Scion owners return to purchase another Toyota Motor Corp. vehicle, which is up from 41.6 percent a year ago, and is the first time Toyota garnered the top spot in corporate loyalty since 2009.
Likewise, China usually makes a loan to the producer country in return for a purchase agreement.
Entrusted with your money, the clock is ticking once they make a purchase to get you a return.
After five years the MoD will have the option to extend the charter, return the ship or purchase her outright.
It's rare that you'll be able to recover your purchase price if you have to return an item bought from a dealer or from an auction house.
Historically, Rackspace return on capital has run in the 30%s although, since the purchase of their new corporate headquarters, the fully-burdened return on capital has been increasing from 9% in 2009 to 14% year to date.
At 4.5% of her purchase price, that's a good return.
Then your executor can claim the balance of the purchase price as a deduction on your final tax return.
More students preferred to be loaned an iPad and purchase the corresponding e-books (and eventually return the iPad) than buy the iPad outright (and own it).
For instance, he could purchase mechanical equipment that can be deducted on his tax return.
We can analyze this annuity purchase like an investment and calculate an internal rate of return (IRR).
Sure a few people will purchase Dodgers season tickets in hopes that the team will return to its winning ways with McCourt out of the way.
And on his return, in November 2003, he helped to purchase the 600kg of ammonium nitrate fertiliser.
Instead, those dollars must eventually return to the U.S. through the purchase of our goods, equities, debt and land.
Thrilled with my purchase, I waited anxiously for my husband and son to return home so I could share the good news with them.
BlackBerry cannot count on a significant block purchase of the Q10 and Z10 smartphones from the Government as they return to the marketplace.
Gallardo told the investors that she would purchase condominiums and that these properties would quickly yield high rates of return: a 100 percent in only 30 days.
Imagine that Thomas and Martha Jefferson, ages 64 and 62, respectively, purchase an immediate annuity that will pay them a guaranteed 6% annual return.
These ads prompt people to answer questions about a brand or purchase behavior, watch a video, or take part in other activities in return for in-game currency with which they can buy virtual tractors and cops.
Anyone who has already bought the coin and wishes to return it, will be given a full refund of the 46 euro purchase price.
Additionally, the return on investment is expected to increase in future years, as readers purchase increasing amounts of digital content on the platform we have built.
The TARP, initially positioned as a pool of money to purchase toxic mortgage assets from banks, was ultimately used to inject capital directly into financial institutions in return for preferred equity stakes.
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