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What is hijacking? - Definition
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Hijacking is a type of network security attack in which the attacker takes control of a communication - just as an airplane hijacker takes control of a flight - between two entities and masquerades as one of them. In one type of hijacking (also known as a
attack), the perpetrator takes control of an established connection while it is in progress. The attacker intercepts messages in a public key exchange and then retransmits them, substituting their own
for the requested one, so that the two original parties still appear to be communicating with each other directly. The attacker uses a program that appears to be the server to the client and appears to be the client to the server. This attack may be used simply to gain access to the messages, or to enable the attacker to modify them before retransmitting them.
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Another form of hijacking is browser hijacking, in which a user is taken to a different site than the one the user requested. There are two different types of domain name system () hijacking. In one, the attacker gains access to DNS records on a server and modifies them so that requests for the genuine Web page will be redirected elsewhere - usually to a fake page that the attacker has created. This gives the impression to the viewer that the Web site has been compromised, when in fact, only a server has been. In February 2000, an attacker hijacked
Security's Web site by gaining access to a DNS server that was not controlled by RSA. By modifying DNS records, the attacker diverted requests to a
Web site. It appeared to users that an attacker had gained access to the actual RSA Web site data and changed it - a serious problem for a security enterprise. This type of hijacking is difficult to prevent, because administrators control only their own DNS records, and have no control over
DNS servers. In the second type of DNS hijack, the attacker spoofs valid e-mail accounts and floods the inboxes of the technical and administrative contacts. This type of attack can be prevented by using
In another type of Web site hijack, the perpetrator simply registers a
similar enough to a legitimate one that users are likely to type it, either by mistaking the actual name or through a typo. This type of hijack is currently being employed to send many unwary users to a pornographic site instead of the site they requested.
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求助The Insorum Hijacking故事线任务
我做C族4级故事线任务The Insorum Hijacking,打的是米玛塔尔,任务物品是荧索莱姆原料。进去打完怪,提示任务完成,残骸捡光没发现任务物品,只有一个“加达里科技舰残骸”,外观是箱子,不能牵引,靠近打开提示“你没有打开箱子的东西”(大概意思),属性是可再生任务物品箱子。任务卡在这里了,请老人给点指导
发信人: catcatking (猫...
现在WIKI里有The Insorum Hijacking任务攻略了,但是“在开箱子的时候,你必须先扫描箱子附近几条残骸,然后才能打开任务需要你打开的那个箱子”什么意思?用打捞把加达里残骸打捞掉吗?我都100%打捞完了,还是不给开箱子


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