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第94届全国糖酒商品交易会将于 至 在成都世纪城新国际会展中心开展。下面小编为您介绍2017年成都春季糖酒会相关详情
第94届全国糖酒商品交易会将于 至
在成都世纪城新国际会展中心开展。下面小编为您介绍2017年成都春季糖酒会相关详情2017年成都春季糖酒会时间: 至 2017年成都春季糖酒会地点:成都世纪城新国际会展中心2017年成都春季糖酒会简介:有着中国酒类行业“风向标”、食品行业“晴雨表”之称的全国糖酒 商品交易会,始于 1955 年,是中国历史最为悠久的大型专业展会之一。全国糖酒会由中国糖业酒类集团公司主办,一年两届,分春、秋两季举行。 目前,每届糖酒会的展览面积均在 10 万平方米以上,参展企业 3000 家左右,专
业采购商达 15 万人,成交总额 200 亿元左右,是中国食品和酒类行业规模最大、 影响最广的展览会,被业内人士称为“天下第一会”。为行业进步和社会发展服务,是糖酒会不变的宗旨。糖酒会始终致力于将自 身打造为业内最佳的产销对接平台、营销体系构建平台、信息发布与交流平台、
品牌宣传与传播平台、投资贸易与合作平台,不仅为参会厂商创造满意的交易洽 谈环境,更积极提供国际一流水准的高品质配套服务;不仅是商品交易、展览展示的场所,更是业内交流信息、增进友谊、推动技术进步与产品创新的重要舞台。改革开放以来,在全国糖酒会上迅速成长起来的品牌不胜枚举,众多国内外 优秀企业在实现自身梦想、创造财富价值的同时,也与全国糖酒会实现了共同的 繁荣。同时,全国糖酒会不断与时俱进,加大改革和创新力度,努力推进自身的国 际化进程。近年来,全国糖酒商品交易会推出的“葡萄酒及国际烈酒馆”、“进
口食品专区”、“国际食品机械及包装展区”等新项目,不仅为国际厂商提供了 集中展示与交流的平台,同时使得全国糖酒会的国际影响力与日俱增。参展范围凡从事各种酒类、食品、饮料、调味品、食品添加剂、食品包装、食品机械的生产、销售、科研及技术开发、传媒等单位均可报名参展。本届糖酒会展区按葡萄酒及国际烈酒、酒类、食品饮料、食品、调味品、食品机械、包装、广告与媒介等类别进行专业分馆、分区规划。所有参展单位及展品均需提交相关资质证明。凡符合参展范围的单位方可报名参加。
  也正是因为高标准的优选原则,全国糖酒会加盟专区创立四年以来,吸引了几乎所有开放加盟的大型国际、国内知名餐饮连锁品牌。截止今年春天在成都举办的第96届全国糖酒会,肯德基、必胜客所属的百胜餐饮已是连续第七届参展及合作,DQ、棒约翰、迪欧咖啡、正新食品等已是连续第六届参展及合作。非客餐饮、汉堡王、迪孚集团、爷茶、六角国际、远见集团、太平洋咖啡、森邦集团、赛百味、味千拉面、FlyJuice、 啦滋多拿滋等一众老展商对糖酒会的展会规模和实际参展效果更是赞不绝口。
  青岛远见曾单品牌现场成功签约26位区域代理商,收获加盟金超过1000万元;棒约翰曾仅设标准展位参展,一次签约8家大型门店;三年内,正新鸡排门店从百余家迅速突破1万家,与连续三年的糖酒会参展经历密切相关;肯德基单场糖酒会说明会30分钟内收获超过700份加盟申请表;展会同期国际连锁项目加盟论坛南京站单日参会投资者超过1500人, 98%到场投资者为预邀约,报名参会加盟商投资能力超过150亿元&&&
  有信心直面庞大投资观众的优质连锁餐饮项目,请把握最后报名参展机会,抓紧联系全国糖酒会餐饮连锁加盟专区唯一组展单位:上海迈世展览/连锁食代 黄庄毅(参展/参会 手机微信同号)。
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&& 糖酒会的不和谐音符。
Rum - China's food industry event
Rum into the food industry show.&Rum
through the 81 th to now, the participating enterprises increased
year by year, the exhibition scale increased every year, every year
the number of participants high, developed into the present with
alcohol as the core, to drink , dairy products, snack foods,
spices, non-staple food mainly to other qualitative packaged food,
food ingredients and food processing machinery and supplemented, as
well as academic exchanges within the industry, lectures,
discussion as well as advertising, planning, packaging, etc.,
Multi-industry and food-related exhibitions, exchange, trade fairs
of the. by its comprehensive, professional, effective, practical,
non-cemented the largest food industry exhibition in China
(agricultural products, rice, flour, oil, meat , poultry, eggs and
other fresh and non-standardized packaged food is not the
Rum brand display, the best platform for
investment.&As its own characteristics rum,
rum regarded within the industry as manufacturers of products, the
best investment platform. Where near the rum, the factory will be
in accordance with their present market situation, industry status
and development trend of the exhibition to develop their own
themes, objectives. using rum short few days, to complete products,
brand promotion and investment purposes. as the Spring Festival
shopping psychology of consumers, as manufacturers depends rum
brand "New Year" , Costly and costs, the rent expensive bid to
choose the best locations in Chengdu arrangement of outdoor
advertising, the best of the lot located development in order to
achieve a good image display, the purpose of investment. Of course,
the factory in Chengdu Costly "generosity "at the same time, the
company will focus on the best human resources, these staff have
strong business skills, the image of a good business to discuss
personnel, services and temperament show promising female
employees, as well as dealers prepared to entertain the staff and
so can booze . will focus on advertising outsourcing company,
consulting firm to strengthen the team as participating forces.
manufacturer specialized exhibition showing the operation
determines the overall professionalism of rum.
Rum makers get together and share the best
time.&Every spring, just after the Spring
Festival peak sales, food industry, consumer downturn adjustment.
Manufacturers, merchants have the energy to sum ​​up the previous
year's sales gains and losses, on the basis of summing up, will
adjust the layout of your market, business optimization is the
brand, will make their own plans for the year. manufacturers will
be the identification of priorities and direction, the dealer is
under the manufacturers attitude to actively communicate their
plans and strive for greater investment in order to breakthrough
and increase market volume. Since both clarity of purpose, in
Gongchoujiaocuo, the rum naturally became bilateral exchanges,
networking, the best time to reach a consensus. manufacturers will
be better in the pre hotels, according to the exhibition theme,
purpose, market planning, participants invited to some dealers, and
to determine the activities during the session, such as: training,
dinner, travel, friendship, exchange alone. dealers also use this
opportunity to get their invitations from different manufacturers,
dealers will be three to five in the same area groups together to
participate in exhibition, there is no dealer will work together
with invitations have an invitation to join the dealer, this
multi-vendor hospitality, multi-dealer to participate in (not
limited to the formation of their cross-brand dealers exhibiting
situation, so that each vendor understanding of surface increases,
the surface will naturally increase the exchange of information,
such as other manufacturers is how to do? What exclusive dealer
Cheats and so on. In friendship, we did a lot of hidden
opportunities for vendors. Of course, manufacturers of hospitality
grand level, and highlights the strength of manufacturers and
enhance the confidence of dealers. mutual competition, will invest
more manufacturers, distributors to operate more effort into their
local markets. the content of the exchange of experience is
essential, it would each other improved. training can improve
operational efficiency, unity of thought, so more unified market.
Perhaps it is this small range of networking, communication,
training in the promotion of the industry.
Rum is a food industry trend
weathervane.&Rum brings together all
categories of personnel within the industry too, from another
perspective, is the industry playing field, meet the market Bingge
rehearsal contest of strength, talent contest, the momentum of the
contest, the market into the contest. This power virtually
coincident with the formation of a trend, a wind vane. This trend
will guide distributors, will guide the market, like the fashion
show, will guide a year fashion trends, this is the result of the
collective wisdom of drops. sub-trend, against the tide actors,
will lead to dealers abandoned, can not escape out of the market
will in turn lead to industry experts comment, will be the show has
been Instead of market outcomes. Every year there hot rum category
to leisure products as an example: 04 years is to eat dry milk
(milk tablets, 05 is the new star wars biscuits (Daly with Zhao
Wei, Karan please Gong Li, Geek Please Joey Yung, Jay Chou may have
BAK, 06 years is a small French bread, 07 years Dougan, 2008 is the
coarse grain snack food, nuts and candied fruit in 2009 is the
year, is pickled chicken feet. hotspot every year, eventually be
able to stand our ground, those who have the layout of the concept
of the national market, there are costs of the terminal support,
promote, intensity, there are ways to promote the brand.'s pickled
chicken feet this year, for example, was undoubtedly the product
goods "Douzui" pickled chicken feet best products, the organization
of the old dealers who participated in the new factory in the new
commissioning ceremony, and with their own seal printed on rice
paper under a "witness" the words hung in the gallery kept
mounting. the best buffet restaurant in Chengdu organization the
new listing conferences and receptions, at the same time the
networking and market mobilization, organization and perfect,
grand, fine, generous, lively, exciting. Second, there is a
magnificent outdoor advertising friends, dare to challenge the
liquor giant, Yongjian is moving steadily. Pickle Claw other
brands, according to its market support, it seems that only fate is
determined the day.
Rum is the retail end their market research
sites.&In recent years, the national retail
outlets every rum, will send its own representatives, they are
confused with the dealer group, contact factory to discuss,
generally not to be identified. In conversation to understand the
manufacturer's marketing support and the attitude of the retail
terminal, as determined after negotiations with the dealers
maximize the benefits. Of course, the long-admired local dealers
operating well the brand, they will go to Booth and manufacturers
Direct from the manufacturer or high-level negotiations mining
issues. In the rum that comprehensive, comprehensive exhibition,
they can capture sensitive to industry trends and developments, to
determine after the category, items, optimization and management
direction. which , rum hot, it becomes this super hot new
Rum is a mutual exchange of food industry sales of informal
job market.&Exhibition period, the marketing
elite gathered, coupled with cross-cutting dealer's agent (for many
brands under the multi-vendor communication, which makes the
manufacturers, sales staff , dealers will be of mutual friendship
between the awareness of recognition. manufacturers will not give
up the recruiting of a good time, do not miss the sales staff to
display their talent and ambition to make themselves the new owner.
After the sales staff is the flow and jump nest inevitable. winery
in a hall to a scene witnessed scenes of people digging the scene.
This wine rum first time, but the booth is in endless streams,
negotiation is booming, thanks to the newly appointed director of
marketing and He brought the marketing team, they have a large
number of high-quality client resources, these customers once
invited, it will first call on this wine, much less communication
barriers and condensate consideration. Jobs is a businessman who,
with wineries, on the marketing desperate for staff to discuss
customer identification into the hall, out of more than 40 million
annual salary is now director of similar conditions, we can see the
two sides in the exchange of code words, Jobs sincerity and courage
of those who will eventually achieve their own ends.
Rum manufacturers improve their supply system, the best
place.&Exhibition In addition to food
companies, there are raw material suppliers, packaging suppliers,
equipment suppliers participate. In addition, the Company will be
consulting industry trends, marketing, real, management speech, in
order to enhance their visibility and recognition by manufacturers.
All outdoor advertising, new product launches, advertising
companies will not miss the opportunity to display their
information. as manufacturers, may in a short time to compare,
select, communication, why not?
Rum is the liquor products landed in China's international
terminal. Rum official information from the learned Chinese liquor
has 200 billion consumer market, there are 110 billion beer, wine,
220 million, there are 75 billion wine, which shows white wine is
the Chinese people deserved the first drink, the "national drink,"
said their consumption over the dairy (milk, liquid milk 160
billion, close to the water and drink 260 billion. This piece of
fat, the international liquor giant coveted. the rum, foreign wine,
a large exhibition hall occupies a full, blonde beauty with the
referral on behalf of the side translation, coupled with
incomprehensible foreign language, so do the wine country, such as
fog to see the dealer for many years flowers, I do not know why.
have come, it will adapt. Next year, believe they will do better
with the Chinese liquor dealers who will sell a good mind to
understand and sell their wine.
Rum discordant note.
1, outside the no-show highlights of the exhibition organized
chaos. Rum rum outside the exhibition is a major feature, generally
5 days before the start of the official show began. This has led to
the official opening day of the exhibition is rum during the
closing of the second feature. be outreaching rum prosperity and
success is a major factor, although the ban every year, but
Jinerbuzhi, which it considered a hidden rule. As the spontaneous
will outreach Booth set up without planning and confused and
category do not focus, the purpose of the reading will be outreach,
very tired, very time consuming.
2, some exhibitors are more speculative. If some manufacturers,
rum each year to participate every year investment. But a closer
understanding of the enterprise market, organizational model, it
was found, but trade only, similar to the industrial sales. The
market is not planning, not put , does not handle customer
complaints, any market on their own. as long as the hire of several
dealers during the exhibition, the first after a single shipment,
will only break even. these companies how to do great, and
stronger? we can only send His words "You're out of date!."
3, Distributor's excesses are not in harmony with the
exhibition. In Jin Qi Lin Hotel 12 floors, a brand of bread booth
Xiang endorsement by dealer interference, leading to dismantling.
Leave the booth by dealers in black pen write " liar, do not play
money! "the warning, and left blank so that the victims of
signatures, but no one has actually signed. This scene and the
excitement, passion rum very inconsistent. vendors no event, there
are disputes can negotiate, you can solve the litigation, take this
form to drop booth manufacturers, in fact, wrong, not a good way to
solve the problem even more.
4, false, run, false, bad as the eye can see. A registered brand
of similar products, poor quality of cheap products, backdoor of
counterfeit products, buy products with OEM's, dangerous, hard to
determine the authenticity!
5, the first-line brands (except wine, less mature products
manufacturers participation. Perhaps these manufacturers only care
about the role of rum in the investment and ignore the rest. Do you
not know your own future, Gravediggers to competitors and
exhibitors in the rum. Gradually away from the food industry event,
will be away from the industry, it is worth the food industry "big
brother" who alert!


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