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Western Animation / Rocky and Bullwinkle
"Hey tropers, watch me pull a squirrel out of my hat!" "Again?? But that trick never works!""A thunder of jets and an open sky, A streak of gray and a cheerful "Hi!" A loop, a whirl, a vertical climb And once again you know it's time For the adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends!"&#8212; The altered season two opening narration of Rocky and His FriendsThis cult cartoon series, produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, ran on
Saturday evenings as Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961. It featured the serialized adventures of Rocky (voiced by ), a flying squirrel who wore flight goggles, and Bullwinkle (Bill Scott), a dimwitted moose. Their primary foes were Boris Badenov (Paul Frees) and Natasha Fatale ( again), a pair of Slavic spies from the imaginary Soviet satellite of Pottsylvania. In 1961, the series moved to
and became The Bullwinkle Show; it ran under that title until 1964. Both series have since been seen in syndication and on cable TV and the title changed to The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends.Bullwinkle also appeared in two other segments: Bullwinkle's Corner, in which he gave poetry readings that usually degenerated into chaos, and Mr. Know-It-All, in which his attempts to offer "how-to" advice on a variety of topics often met with similar disaster. Supporting segments were , Peabody's Improbable History,
and Aesop and Son. William Conrad was the
in the main Rocky and Bullwinkle segments, and
performed that function in Fractured Fairy Tales.It continued on with Rocky and Bullwinkle comics through the 80s. In 2000,
produced in live action, apart from a CGI moose and squirrel voiced by Keith Scott and June Foray, and
mimicking the style of the 1950's cartoon. Jason Alexander and Rene Russo played Boris and Natasha. , a fan of the show from his youth, not only played Fearless Leader, but was also one of the film's producers.In 1992, there was a made-for-cable movie
about the . Rocky and Bullwinkle were human in this film ("Agents Moose and Squirrel, genetically altered once again"), with a post-Cold War theme. Sally Kellerman, like DeNiro in the later film, was a fan of the show and co-produced it, playing Natasha. A feature film adaptation of Peabody's Improbable History as , was released on March 7, 2014 which then spunoff into a TV series
on October 9, 2015.A "making of" special, called Of Moose and Men: The Rocky and Bullwinkle Story was aired in 1991 on ."Hey Rocky, watch me pull a trope out of my hat!": : The Buried Treasure storyline is the only one in which Boris appears but Natasha doesn't. Additionally, neither Boris nor Natasha appear in the storylines "The Three Moosekateers", "Much Mud", and "The Ruby Yact of Omar Kayam". : In a Fractured Fairy Tales version of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", Papa Bear . : Rocky only wore his leather flight helmet and goggles, while Bullwinkle usually sported a pair of . Mr. Peabody's entire outfit was
and . : Bullwinkle in the "Wossamotta U" arc. : The
segment parodies a book called "Famous Fairy Tales", which had a collection of fairy tales gathered together. Each segment took at least the title of one of these stories, then twisted it around. : Rocky is an all-American boy in the form of a squirrel. : Dudley Do Right is an
of this. As is the Peabody episode where the mountie can't take in his target because she's a woman. : The Peabody and Sherman segments are full of this. Mr. Peabody's modifications to the WABAC contaminate the past with anachronisms and cause the historical figures to become ignorant, now he and Sherman must undo their mistake and save the timeline.
: Certain segments were animated entirely in America, and looked far better than what was sent to Mexico.
: When some island natives lose their weather-predicting Oogle bird egg, they employ
in its place&#8212;and simply expect the opposite of his predictions. : Boris' alias "Babyface Braunschweiger" is a notorious forger, thief, bank robber, gunman, and litterbug. : Several of the characters looked a bit different in the beginning, but the one who has gone through the most recognizable changes is Fearless Leader. In his first appearance, he was thin with a trenchcoat, sunglasses, and a hat like Boris'. His next few appearances depicted him fat, in a uniform, no hat and no sunglasses. When Rocky and Bullwinkle arrived in Pottsylvania, Fearless Leader was slimmed down a little. And finally, when Boris meets up with him in person, Fearless Leader looks as he does today: skinny, given a hat, a differently shaped head, a scar on his face and a monocle. Alternatively, Pottsylvania goes through a lot of Fearless Leaders. : A lot of people forget that Beethoven was deaf. This is misrepresented in a Peabody and Sherman segment. : Natasha. The first few episodes present Boris as the main villain and only occasionally show Natasha as a flunky. Before the first serial is over, she has become his partner in crime. : DeNiro, who not only played Fearless Leader but produced the 2000 film. Keith Scott as well, having gotten to hang out with the cast and crew of the original series before sadly replacing most of their voices once they'd died. : This was exactly Jay Ward's attitude towards Boris and Natasha. When June Foray first asked Ward what accent he wanted her to do for Natasha, he suggested anything but Russian (as this was during the Cold War, and he didn't want to risk offending Russia). : Fearless Leader always threatens to shoot his men. Only rarely that he actually does it. In Missouri Mish Mash, he even sent one of his men to be executed after he tells Fearless Leader that Boris is the only available Pottsylvanian spy in Minnesota. :
Boris and Natasha in "The Last Angry Moose" story get away with stealing Bullwinkle's savings without getting caught. It's not a total loss for Bullwinkle, though, since he gains a lot of money from the success of his movie. Boris frequently bests Bullwinkle in the Mr. Know-It-All segments. Snidely Whiplash
in the first Dudley Do-Right segment. After Dudley arrests Snidley and his gang, he sees that Snidley is out of jail. Asking how he escaped, it turns out the one he captured was
Played with in the Fractured Fairy Tales episode "Riding Hoods Anonymous",
once the wolf decides to quit Riding Hoods Anonymous and eat both Red and Granny, they run in fear, no longer able to trick him like before. The narrator remarks that it looks like nobody lived happily ever after, but the wolf says he did, before getting blown up by , to which the narrator says he was right about nobody living happily ever after. : Boris takes any insult as a compliment and can't stand anything nice. One time when he was out cold, Natasha did CPR while saying "O In comes the bad". In one "Bullwinkle's Corner" Boris subverted Teresa Piercey-Gates by changing "Do something for somebody quick" to "Do something TO somebody quick." Boris: What Luck! Someone down there likes me! : The one time Boris actually tries to .
: In a "Mr. Peabody's Improbable History":Mr. Peabody: Sherman, how thick is this fog? Sherman: It's as thick as pea soup. Mr. Peabody (Narrating): And that's where we found him: in a shady diner behind a bowl of pea soup. : Subverted and played with in "Snow White, Inc."Magic Mirror: Snow White is still the fairest.Queen: Curses!Magic Mirror: But you're still the prettiest.Queen: But you just said...Magic Mirror: I said Snow White is the fairest. She doesn't lie, cheat or steal, what could be fairer than that? : Twice in . : Though Mr. Big is the ruler of Pottsylvania, Fearless Leader is shown to be more in charge. : Bullwinkle and Rocky respectively. : Mr. Big was revealed to be this towards the end of Upsidaisium. : Boris to Natasha whenever his latest fiendish plan fails. Played with in one episode, when Natasha tells Boris to shut up his mouth as they fall off a cliff. And in another episode, Boris tells Natasha that the next time he has such a plan she should "shut up my mouth!" : The interior of Rocky and Bullwinkle's home appears fairly roomy, yet the exterior dimensions barely exceed those of an outhouse. : Bullwinkle has one of these on on the bottom of his foot/hoof. It's subverted at the end when it turns out that it's actually the design on his bathroom floor mat, imprinted when he stepped out of the tub. Then , as, well after the birthmark's significance has waned, Bullwinkle notes that same design on his other foot never comes off. : The Peabody's Improbable History segments featured visits to see many bold explorers, including Sir Walter Raleigh, Marco Polo, Juan Ponce de Leon, Balboa, Columbus and Magellan. Many of them turned out to be not-so-bold in person, and needed a kick in the pants from Peabody and Sherman. : One of the Fractured Fairy Tales was about Leaping Beauty, a
spreading joy and cheer, until she runs afoul of a witch, who curses her to become a bore, after which she literally puts the entire kingdom to sleep with her incessant prattling. : Rocky and Bullwinkle, respectively. : Breaking? This show pulverized it! : Bullwinkle became so popular on Rocky and His Friends that the show was renamed The Bullwinkle Show on its third season. Dudley Do-Right was the only one of the show's supporting segments to get its own show. However, no new stories were made for it. : From the "Mr. Know-it-all" segment "How to Catch a Bee": Bullwinkle: But if you're in Death Valley, the task becomes a little tougher, but not surmountable. : In the Bumbling Brothers Circus story, Boris wears one of his disguises from the Upsidaisium story. Rocky mentions that they've met in one of their previous adventures. In a Mr. Know-It-All segment about magic, Bullwinkle is about to demonstrate pulling a rabbit out of his hat. Rocky remarks that this looks familiar. Bullwinkle proceeds to do his act and pulls
out this time. : Everyone from Pottsylvania is depicted as this. They even have a national anthem that boasts how evil they are. Hail, Pottsylvania! Hail to the Black and the Blue! Hail, Pottsylvania, sneaky and crooked through and through...DOWN with the Good Guys, UP with the Boss: Under the sign of the Triple Cross (HAIL!)...Hail, Pottsylvania...Hail, Hail, HAIL!!! : Rocky's "Again?" (which is a lot funnier if you say it in a Rocket J. Squirrel voice), usually his response to the , or to Bullwinkle's "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!" Also, "Hokey Smokes," (Rocky) and "Dahlink". (Natasha) "Sharrup you mouth!", "Allow me to introduce myself", "Hoo-boy!", "", and "Kill moose and squirrel" and variants thereof from Boris. "Allow me to introduce myself..." from Boris in one of his . "Now, there's something you don't see every day, Chauncey." "What's that, Edgar?" Any random pair of bystanders are named Chauncey and Edgar. : After his brief appearance in the Banana Formula arc at the end of the fourth season, Captain Peachfuzz is never seen again. : The "Bumbling Bros. Circus" arc involves Bullwinkle becoming the Bumbling Brothers' new lion tamer after his is able to soothe a savage lion with his hum-a-comb (blowing through his comb through a handkerchief), but is also able to entertain the other animals with it as well. At the same time, Boris was fired from being the circus' lion tamer, so he makes continuous efforts to sabotage the circus as revenge. : In the Jet Fuel Formula story arc, Pottslyvania is depicted as a country of spies where everything is secret: All phone numbers are unlisted resulting in blank phone books, and newspapers have nothing but advertisements since all news is too secret to print. The ice cream man also hawks classified documents. : Happened all the time, but let's face it, any continuity in these cartoons was . : The
listed below is a sizable one. : Gold Key put out Bullwinkle comic books from 1962 to 1980, long after the show was cancelled. It was briefly revived in 1987-89 under . There was a newspaper comic strip drawn by Al Kilgore from 1962 to 1965. In 2013, IDW picked up the rights to Rocky and Bullwinkle (along with Peabody and Sherman due to the ) The first issues were written by Mark Evanier and Rodger Langridge, along with reprints of the Gold Key series. : Boris and Natasha produce counterfeit box tops to get all the prizes and undermine the world's economy. : Even more amusing in retrospect... : Like everything else, used liberally and mocked ruthlessly. When something ludicrously coincidental saves or helps our heroes the show (and later the movie) they always make sure to point out how ridiculous this is, either by having the narrator or characters lampshade it or by having the coincidence itself be so absurd that there's no question it's being played with. : Or rather Counterfeit Boxtops. : Boris Badenov. He has been known to carry around a cardboard cutout with him in case moon men attack with freeze ray guns and a carrier pigeon attached to miniature rockets in case he cannot get to his radio and needs to send a message overseas. : One issue of the
had a pawn shop in whose window was displayed a bust that seemed to grin one moment and scowl the next. It turned out to be connected to the auction in that story. : Invoked in-universe in an episode that ends with Boris getting into a physical fight with Fearless Leader over the Kirwood Derby. The
asks, "Oh, who win this epic fight?" Boris and Fearless Leader : "What difference will that make? We're both bad guys." : Boris Badenov.
Snidely Whiplash whenever
occurs in the segment rotation. : Bullwinkle goes into a coffee shop and looks over the menu. Seeing that refills are free, he tells the waiter "think I'll have some of that there refill." : You'd be surprised how many times Bullwinkle's lack of intelligence has protected him. : Just about everyone, but especially Bullwinkle. : One of the variants of the "rabbit out of the hat" sketches has Bullwinkle saying, "Don't know my own strength." Bullwinkle also makes this comment after knocking over a cardboard cut-out of a car (which he and Rocky previously thought was real) in "The Treasure of Monte Zoom". : In the first few episodes, Boris had red eyes. Some of the early episodes ended with only one title for the next episode, rather than two. The first two episodes of Peabody's Improbable History had no bad
at the end. : Boris and Natasha. : Each cliffhanger ended with a pair of joke titles for the . : All the Peabody and Sherman shorts end with Mr. Peabody making a terrible pun. : Fearless Leader. His real name is unknown. : Boris and Fearless Leader briefly fought over the Kirward Derby in Missouri Mish Mash. : In the Mr. Know-It-All segment "How to Get Your Money Back if Not Completely Satisfied", Bullwinkle tries to return an item he's not satisfied with and get his money back, but in the end the store owner, Boris, won't give him a refund. When Bullwinkle points out the store's promise, Boris says, "And I'm completely satisfied!" In the Fractured Fairy Tale "Snow White Inc.", the Magic Mirror informs the Queen that Snow White is still the fairest in the land, but then adds that the Queen is still the prettiest. When the Queen asks the mirror to explain himself he answers, "She never lies, cheats or steals. What could be fairer than that?" : Often overlapping with
- the show would often use gags that centered around complicated word puns and speech, most notably with Mr. Peabody and the narrator in the main shorts, but would barely ever actually draw attention to these jokes and thus it tended to fall to the audience to understand them. A good example being a scene where the narrator casually calls our heroes'
"airy persiflage," which is in context is a good way of putting "witty banter" but can also mean "meaningless/redundant mockery." : In the story Mucho Loma, Bullwinkle is put in jail after being mistaken for the villain Zero. Rocky gives Bullwinkle a explosive cigar to help him break out. Bullwinkle mistakes it for a real cigar and throws it out the window causing a
that breaks the prison wall. : Sherman. : Mr. Big, whose shadow was the only thing we saw of him until the second-to-last part of the Upsidaisium story. : Bullwinkle tosses Rocky in the air for a boost of speed. This has often been called the "Alley-Oop". It becomes a plot point in the Wossamotta U story replacing Rocky with a football. : According to Natasha, being frozen in front of the America flag in a position that makes it look like he's perpetually saluting it is this for Boris. : Mr. Peabody's segments, always. A few Fractured Fairy Tales. : Bullwinkle, full stop. It's telling that when Boris used a gas to turn the whole world into morons, Bullwinkle is the only one unaffected because he already is a moron.Bullwinkle: A lot of good that does me. I don't have anybody to feed me a straight line anymore.Rocky: (under the influence of the gas) Bullwinkle: You see what I mean? : The Goof Gas story arc had Boris give the Narrator a whiff of the IQ dropping fumes in order to not let him tell where they were going. Boris: You were saying? Narrator: Duh, gee whiz, I don't remember. Dehh, be with us next time for&#8212;well, just be with us next time anyway...gee... : , being a title for a supporting segment. Said segment changed a major aspect of the fairy tale. : Rocky is about two or three feet tall, compared to other people, however, he wasn't the only squirrel seen on the show: in the Upsidasium story arc, we learn that before the discover of the gem, Pottsylvanian cars were powered by squirrels running inside hamster wheels. These squirrels look just look Rocky, except they're the size of actual squirrels and run on all fours. : In the "Maybe Dick" arc: Exec 1: Then it's settled, gentlemen: Next week, we all become television producers. Exec 2: I thought we were all going to commit suicide together! Exec 1: It's the same thing. : Turns out Bullwinkle is really good at fencing (although he uses it to shish kebab). Good enough to not only be mistaken for one of
(by one of the actual Musketeers), but even to take on a small mob of swordsmen by himself. : Somehow the censors missed a book in Gidney and Cloyd's bookshelf titled Sex on Planet 'X' .
As well as a gag in one of the Fractured Fairy Tales about Prince Charming being a "hog flogger".
These are just a couple of the mos as a perusal of this tropes list will demonstrate, the show as a whole seems to have employed some form of cloaking device with the sheer amount of , , and
it snuck through. : "I hate episodes like this, even though I get the money later. " : Captain Peter "Wrong-Way" Peachfuzz, the worst sailor in the world.
, dahlink. : In the Rocky and Bullwinkle Fan Club segments, Boris and Natasha are members of said fan club. : When he is shocked, Boris exclaims "Raskolnikov!" (presumably a
to ).... because, as Natasha reminds him, he can't "swear" on a family show. : In The Guns of Abalone, Bullwinkle is sent to silence the Guns of Abalone after a eavesdropping newspaper reporter hears him say "I'll go", which really was a response to Rocky saying that one of them had to go to the store to get more milk. : The Kirward Derby, a hat that makes you absurdly smart, is found in a store. : Natasha, dahlink. : The Kirward Derby, which vastly increases its wearer's intelligence. The last known wearer was . Until it was later revealed that it was made by a moon wizard to make the moon prince intelligent and that Gidney and Cloyd lost it after they borrowed it for their trip to Earth. : Rocky and Bullwinkle, so much so that when he thinks Bullwinkle's dead or otherwise gone forever, Rocky . : Almost every time Boris, Natasha, and Fearless Leader were defeated were by their own weapons. Most notably was in the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie where they attempted to use a digital
to eliminate Rocky and Bullwinkle but ended up getting digitized themselves when Bullwinkle unknowingly messed with the controls. Said word-for-word by the narrator when Boris falls into one of his own traps in The Treasure of Monte Zoom storyline. : Stereotypical Indians appear in the story arc, "Bumbling Bros. Circus"; the rain dancers capture Rocky and Bullwinkle and attempt to burn them at the stake to please Great Spirit. However, Bullwinkle's humming comb gives them dance fever, and they literally dance up a storm, putting out the flames. The circus comes to their rescue, Boris and Natasha escape, and the tribe realize who the real good and bad guys are, naming Rocky and Bullwinkle honorary chiefs of their tribe, and making peace with the circus (complete with a peace pipe). : Even the episode titles are puns and . Which, in and of itself, has been invoked by Bullwinkle to get more puns into the episode (and serve as a distraction). : This exchange between Boris and Fearless Leader.Fearless Leader: Badenov, you are an incompetent, stupid, disgusting little nincompoop!Boris: Who's little? : Mr. Peabody. : Boris takes every insult as a compliment. : One of the Aesop and Son segments features interactive shadows. : Most infamously when Conrad starts breaking up in laughter over a stupid pun, and our heroes have to announce what the next episode titles are. : In an early episode Natasha reveals a message that was in invisible ink by holding the paper in front of a candle: "Keel Moose." Boris drops a safe to land on Bullwinkle's head. After the
Natasha says that two more words have appeared: "Do Not." Boris races the safe to save Bullwinkle. : Mr. Peabody has a
and shows no emotion aside from chilly brusque civility. But he does care for Sherman, as seen in the very first segment where he saves him from bullying and instantly decides to adopt him when he sees the . : The "Mr. Know-It-All" spot where Bullwinkle would demonstrate some skill for the audience, only to foul it up completely. : Just about every Peabody's Improbable Histories segment ends with one. Bullwinkle found a model boat covered in red precious gems and a nameplate that read "Omar Khayyam". Which makes it... drumroll please... The . Ugh. Sometimes the character didn't even want to do them:Bullwinkle: Uh-oh! What are those things, Rock? (points to a pair of )Rocky: , Bullwinkle. () I said tanks, Bullwinkle.Bullwinkle: Oh, do I ? Mr Peabody would conclude all of his stories with a ludicrously bad pun based on the historical figure featured. : Bullwinkle makes a joke that Rocky gets, but Bullwinkle admits most of the viewers won't. : "Aesop And Son". In one episode, Aesop laughs at a joke he heard days ago and tells his son a fable with the moral "He who laughs last laughs best". Come to think of it, a lot of things in that show were jokes young viewers wouldn't get until later.
from time to time:Bullwinkle: Twenty dollars?!? That's antihistamine money! Rocky: Antihistamine money? Bullwinkle: Yes. It's not to be sneezed at. Get it? Not to be sneezed at? Rocky: (exasperated) I get it. Bullwinkle: Thousands won't!
released an , , in 1993. One of the
available for
is Rocky and Bullwinkle. : This is perhaps one of the most famous examples of a cartoon being very popular regardless of having very crappy animation. : Mr. Big, though only his shadow is big. What he really looks like is a subversion.
/ : Maybe Dick, the Wailing Whale, turns out to be
a pirate ship Boris uses to swallow ships so he can plunder them. : Bullwinkle is practically the . : Boris Badenov regularly carries around a cardboard cutout of himself, just in case the moon men come back and want to
him. The heroes don't attack it, though, when he uses it, and actually stand guard the 12 hours it takes to unfreeze somebody once scrooched, not wanting him to get away. : Boris Badanov's voice and appearance are based on character actor Akim Tamiroff (), while Mr. Big's voice is Bill Scott doing a
impersonation. In the Fractured Fairy Tales segments, witches and queens are often voiced to sound like Marjorie Main, and elves and princes often sound like Phil Silvers. In one version of "Sleeping Beauty", Prince Charming was modeled loosely after . In the story, rather than awaken Sleeping Beauty, he built a theme park around her. : Characters frequently exhibit
and other forms of being . This applies to both the live action films as well:Fearless Leader: There has never been a way to actually kill a cartoon character until now.Pottsylvanian scientist: What about that movie ?Fearless Leader:
This is totally different! Natasha: We have been blown back clear to beginning of movie! (Boris and Natasha) : The aptly named Capt. Peter "Wrong Way" Peachfuzz. : The wolf in the Fractured Fairy Tales story "Riding Hoods Anonymous". While it can be debatable whether he's a
or Red Riding Hood and her grandma are, in this story both are constantly able to easily trick and outsmart the wolf, who has given up on eating Riding Hoods but can still eat their grandma's. But just as Red and her Grandma think the wolf won't bother them anymore, the wolf has decided to quit Riding Hoods Anonymous and to eat both of them, making them run in fear.
And it's implied that the wolf ended up eating them. : If a policeman didn't talk like a
character, odds are he would have an Irish accent. : This was one of the first animated shows to have its production outsourced to another country (in Mexico). There were some...bugs in the animation, let's just say. Among the more common problems were Boris losing his mustache, Bullwinkle losing an antler, or incidental characters up and changing color for no reason. : Rocky: That voice. Where have I heard that voice? Bullwinkle: And the one time Rocky actually knew where he heard that voice, the effects of the goof gas gets to him right before he could say Boris's name. : In The Weather Lady, Rocky gets a job at the circus as a high platform diver. Bullwinkle lampshades it with this:Bullwinkle: Remember when we used to do this at the title, Rock? : it is strongly suggested in their first episode that Sherman came from one of these. : Rocky could be considered this. Back when the show was still called Rocky and His Friends, the plots were more centered around Bullwinkle. When the show was renamed The Bullwinkle Show, it became apparent that Rocky was . : "That voice. Where have I heard that voice?" While Boris's disguises have a bit more effort (including fake mustaches), Natasha's disguises are not as elaborate. In fact her disguises are rarely more than just a simple change in clothing, and yet Rocky never mentions her face looking familiar. In fact there are even instances where she is not disguised at all alongside Boris wearing a disguise, and never gets recognized by Rocky. At one point, Boris goes through a catalog, revealing that his "normal" appearance is just another disguise. "You didn't think I really looked like this?" In the Mr. Know-It-All segment "How to Get Into the Movies Without Buying a Ticket", one step is to try a disguise. However, Bullwinkle's disguise still gets him kicked out. One "Aesop and Son" segment begins with Aesop wearing a disguise to see if he can fool his son. His son isn't fooled. : Rocky: What game can you play with girls? Bullwinkle: This is a kid's show. Why, Parcheesi, of course! : "Eenie-meanie, chilly beanie! The spirits are about to speak!" : The Kirward Derby from the story Missouri Mish Mash is a parody name of Durward Kirby, cohost of the show Candid Camera. Durward tried to sue Jay Ward Productions because of it, but they didn't care. The legality of the case was not strong enough and Durward dropped it. In the first episode, news of an "alien landing" is broadcast by . The "Maybe Dick" arc featured a shipping magnate named Pericles Parnassus, a thinly-veiled parody of Aristotle Onassis. "Boris Badenov" is a play on the name of Russian tsar Boris Gudenov. In "The Last Angry Moose" Boris's aliases included Hollywood mogul
and director .
: Pottsylvanians are all villainous. : Throughout the series, there are always two different guys (and two fish in one episode) named Chauncey and Edgar pointing out something that's out of the ordinary. : Boris and Natasha attempt to subjugate the United States by introducing the Pottsylvania Creeper to American soil. The creeper can withstand any abuse meant to kill or disable it, and it soon launches a missile made of its own tendrils that spreads thousands of its seeds across the nation. Oh, and the creeper also eats people. : In the Peabody's Improbable History episode "The Pony Express", Mr. Peabody and Sherman have to help the Pony Express deliver a message which has been written on a large boulder. : The Pottsylvania Creeper's weakness.
: Subverted in a Peabody's Improbable History segment about Sir Walter Raleigh. Mr. Peabody and Sherman see a still shot of Sir Walter laying down a coat for Queen Elizabeth, presumably to cover a puddle for her to cross over, however, after doing so, we see Sir Walter removing the coat to reveal street graffiti, reading, "LIZ IS A SHNOOK!", that he wrote. : Boris's disguises inevitably invoked this. A list can be found
Occasionally Natasha would get one. Her full name (Natasha Fatale) is one in and of itself. Lampshaded in "Mucho Loma", where Rocky, Bullwinkle, and the local sheriff look over some wanted posters, including one for Juaquin Behindu.Bullwinkle: What's he wanted for?Sheriff: Don't you think a name like this is criminal? : In one of the network runs the segments were introduced by a Bullwinkle puppet. The puppet suddenly disappeared shortly after Bullwinkle said "Say kids, you know
on your tv comes off? Why don't you pull it off right now! Then you'll be sure to be here next week! And the week after that! And the week after that! And the week....." : Aesop and Son, possibly. Some sources claim he was either black or middle eastern (if he existed at all). In any case he probably wasn't a redhead. : In the Upsidasium arc, the Maritime Commission tried to have Captain Peachfuzz be literally
by putting him in charge of counting penguin eggs at the South Pole. But thanks to a typo in his orders, he was made head of America's spy network. : A running gag is that Rocky would always recognize Boris' voice but still couldn't see through his disguises.Rocky: That voice. Where have I heard that voice?Bullwinkle: In about a hundred other episodes, but I don't know who it is either. : Rather than sending him to jail, Zero is sent to do a job where his skill at making
is useful. What is this job?
: Boris initially had magenta-colored eyes. They turned white in the fifth chapter of Jet Fuel Formula and stayed that way for the rest of the series. The 2000 CVS figure of Boris has deeply red eyes, ether the actual eye color or meant to be sunglasses. Illustrations of Boris throughout The Rocky and Bullwinkle Book gives Boris pink eyes. : Boris is specifically called a "spy and no-goodnik". : After the first season, the Frank Comstock theme was replaced with one by Fred Steiner. The Steiner version is the one present on the DVD sets. : In Missouri Mish Mash, it was said that the Kirward Derby has been around since the Stone Age. It was even in a hat shop for some time when Bullwinkle bought it. But
towards the end of the story, it was revealed by Gidney and Cloyd that the Kirward Derby was created by a moon wizard to make their moon prince intelligent and that Gidney and Cloyd lost it after they borrowed it for their trip to Earth. : Seen in one of the intros when Boris reverses a road sign to send Rocky and Bullwinkle's car into a tunnel with a brick wall. Also, this example: Boris: "Have you heard of ?" Natasha: "Yes..." Boris: "Well, this is Russian !" Early in the Upsidasium arc, Natasha uses this trick in order to trick Rocky and Bullwinkle into driving off a cliff. Then Boris comes up with the exact same idea. . : Pottsylvania. : Bullwinkle's throwing arm (and the fact that nobody argues with a moose who wants to make a running play) takes the Wossamotta U football team from dead last to undefeated. : After the titular characters of the Boris and Natasha movie , they decide that they really don't want to go through all the grief that they had to deal with over the course of the film again, so they quit their jobs and retire to Tahiti. : Characters in the show constantly made jokes and comments about how much the show stinks. The irony is that the series was very popular.(Boris and Natasha are off to get an "A-bomb") Rocky: Bullwinkle, do you know what "A-Bomb" means? Bullwinkle: Certainly! "A-Bomb" is what some people call our program! Rocky: I don't think that's so funny. Bullwinkle: (Looking at us) Neither do they apparently. This even continued into the movies.Karen Sympathy: Your jokes have gotten really corny. Bullwinkle: No they haven't, they were always this bad. When you were a kid you didn't notice. : Jay Ward himself, to the point of responding to threat of a lawsuit with "go ahead, we could use the publicity". Then there's the whole real life incident of Ward renting a small island on the shores of Minnesota, naming it Moosylvania, and mounting a campaign straight to Washington to grant it statehood, arriving the exact same day as the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis. : The scene introducing the toon-killing computer weapon to be used against the moose and squirrel claims it's the first and only way to actually kill cartoon characters. Then one of Fearless Leader's men asked, "What about that movie with ?" to which Fearless Leader responded, "Shut up! This is completely different!" Another shout out to the Roger Rabbit movie could be said of when the
were blasted by their own weapon , much like how the Roger Rabbit
perished due to his own weapon used against him. In one movie scene Rocky and Bullwinkle are directed to a hospital's J Ward. When Rocky asks Bullwinkle what "fraught with portent" meant, he merely quips, "I dunno, I heard it on ." Fearless Leader's appearance is based heavily on &#9674;. Here's this dialogue from Metal-Munching Moon Mice, where Rocky and Bullwinkle see a portrait of Boris dressed as a mechanical moon mouse. Rocky: Now where have I seen that face before? Bullwinkle: Didn't there used to be a
that? Rocky: No, that was ... Bullwinkle: The ears look familiar is all. Police would frequently talk in the style of
characters. In the Banana Formula storyline, two such persons were called Ben (Romero) and Joe (Friday). : Played with in the case of Natasha. It was not uncommon for both Boris and Natasha to be injured in some way, but Natasha never got injured on her own, while Boris often did. : One of the leading examples how good animated creations do not necessarily always involve technical visual skill. Namely, this series has terrible animation done by a Mexican studio, but is still a classic with its brilliant writing and voice acting such as with Bill Scott, , and . : , the , is a brilliant time-travelling dog who travels with his loyal pet boy Sherman from the Peabody's Improbable History segments. : Lampshaded in one episode, when Rocky and Bullwinkle come across a poster of Boris in his :Rocky: Don't we know him from somewhere?Bullwinkle: You mean his voice is familiar?Rocky: No, his face.Bullwinkle: There's a switch! On some rare occasions, such as, "Mucho Loma," or, "Ruby Yacht," Boris and Natasha are actually not the villains of the storyline, let alone even in the story at all. : Bullwinkle's main function, to the eternal dismay of Boris and Natasha: When Bullwinkle was kidnapped to replace the Greenpert Oogle bird, his kidnappers took an overly complicated course to throw off all pursuit... except . In the movie, the villains have almost won, the President has been brainwashed, and Bullwinkle is sitting in front of the
device... and then it turns out that Bullwinkle is so stupid,
Promptly lampshaded by the narrator. Bullwinkle was the only one immune from goof gas in "Goof Gas Attack". As Boris says, "Goof gas effects the brain. No brain, no effect!" : Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. : To Vaudeville, the golden age of radio and
(a show also made by Jay Ward). Rocky and Bullwinkle has also had its own Spiritual Successors:
also owes a lot to this show in terms of its smart-alek humor, sketch comedy bits, pop-culture references, warped Aesops, and the sheer volume of .
shows clear Rocky And Bullwinkle influences in its
humor, bizarre running gags, complete lack of any fourth wall, and random firing at all possible
targets. Brian is essentially a
Mr.Peabody (lampshaded any time he and Stewie use the time machine), while Peter's mix of
situational competence and profound idiocy are highly reminiscent of Bullwinkle. : The show was originally called Rocky and his Friends. It was changed to The Bullwinkle Show two seasons later due to Bullwinkle becoming more popular than Rocky. : In the first Dudley Do-Right cartoon, Inspector Fenwick wants to plant Dudley as a spy in Snidely Whiplash's crew, but the only way that can happen is for Dudley to get himself dishonorably discharged from the Mounties. Dudley then goes on a spree of criminal activity, such as blowing up a dam and burning down a hotel, only for it to turn out they were things other city officials were planning on doing anyway and he only saved them the time and effort. Dudley is even rewarded for these acts, much to the frustrations of Inspector Fenwick, who then tells Dudley to stop trying - later that evening,
: Boris has attempted a few times to stab Fearless Leader in the back. Considering they're spies, what else would you expect?
: Boris and Natasha once had a gun that can make anyone stupid. : Bullwinkle's Moose-a-rama on Nickelodeon. Also The Rocky Show, a 15-minute edited series of episodes that aired in syndication starting in the 1960s. Heck, Rocky and Bullwinkle itself, which it was never called during the original run but is so branded on all the home video releases. The official DVD sets use The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends. : Many of Fearless Leader and Boris' plans. : Way too many to list. Basically if it was popular in the early 1960s, the moose and squirrel took a jab at it. : Gidney the moon man fits this trope as he has a
which can turn a person into a solid statue for unknown amounts of time. : The fanfare from the very beginning of the opening is featured at the start of a Fractured Fairy Tales segment that parodied . : "Now there's something you don't see every day, Chauncey."/"What's that, Edgar?" : Fearless Leader taps into some of the imagery, particularly his monocle, prominent facial scar and uniform decorations. That, and he's also fond of the phrase "Schweinhund". : Bullwinkle invokes one to shorten a long airplane flight (he forgot the sandwiches), but overshoots and grows a long white beard. His response was to reverse part of the
and turn himself back to normal. : Boris and Natasha. : One Fractured Fairy Tales segment has Goldilocks find out that her winter lodge has been invaded by bears, remarking, "look at me, Goldilocks and the three bears...", to which Baby Bear remarks, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears? That sounds like a good title for a story!" : Surprisingly, Bullwinkle fulfilled this trope in
when he fought off a whole gang of Pottsylvania spies and even sent Fearless Leader flying. Justified in that, by that point, Bullwinkle was really annoyed. : In the story line "Painting Theft", Boris uses the autograph trick to get Bullwinkle to sign a will making Boris the moose's sole heir. : In one Fractured Fairy Tales segment, the big bad wolf joins Ridinghoods Anonymous. : Bullwinkle was named after a car salesman that both Jay Ward and Bill Scott knew, whose last name was Bullwinkel (not a typo); the salesman, reportedly, had a big nose, a deep voice, and often wore brown suits. Both Rocky and Bullwinkle's middle initials being 'J' comes from Jay Ward and Bill J. Scott. Boris Badenov is named after a titular opera character, Boris Godunov. : Rocky and Bullwinkle typically see Boris and Natasha only when they're , but even if they weren't, our heroes might not recognize them if they wore giant neon signs saying, "We're the villains from the last 50 episodes, you stupid Moose and Squirrel!!!" During the story arc Bullwinkle's Testimonial Dinner, Rocky and Bullwinkle do recognize the spies. And later are confronted by them. Rocky: Hokey smoke! It's our old nemesis! Also in The Weather Lady, Rocky immediately recognizes Boris when he and Bullwinkle sneak onboard Boris' steamboat. : Upsidaisium is a fictional, valuable, lighter-than-air metal that drives the central conflict of one arc. : Subverted during the second half of season 2, episode 10. : We don't know how old any of the characters are, but it's a curious case, especially regarding Rocky. Jay Ward's initial idea for Rocky was for him to represent the squeaky-clean, all-American Boy Scout type, which is the kind of demeanor that June Foray gave him in her voice acting. At one point during the "Jet Fuel Formula" story arc, Boris glues his and Natasha's disguises onto Rocky and Bullwinkle as they enter P Rocky eventually has to shave the fake mustache off, to which he remarks, "Gee, I thought it'd be years yet before I started shaving!" Yet, at the beginning of "Lazy Jay Ranch," Rocky actually grounds Bullwinkle for watching too many TV Westerns, which leads us to... Bullwinkle has a number of
characteristics: among his favorite pastimes include watching cartoons on TV, and reading comic books, the latter of which is a little further emphasized towards the beginning of "Wailing Whale," where he asks Rocky, "If you can't believe what you read in a comic book, what can you believe? It's enough to destroy a young moose's faith!" Returning to the subject of "Lazy Jay Ranch," Bullwinkle develops an obsession with TV Westerns, so much so in fact that he spends a ridiculous amount of time playing cowboy throughout the day. : Boris Badinov and Natasha Fatale often fail against Rocky and Bullwinkle, but their Potsylvanian superiors stay more believable as a threat. : More like villain movie. Boris and Natasha starred in their own movie eight years before Rocky and Bullwinkle did. : In the beginning of the show, everyone (including the narrator) spoke in a very low tone. Also, Captain Peachfuzz had a high-pitch squwak-like voice that sounded like a typical cartoon parrot in Jet Fuel Formula. After that story, his voice was then based on Ed Wynn. : The Peabody segments are the
and possibly the . : In the "Bumbling Bros. Circus," arc, Rocky and Bullwinkle are captured by a tribe of Indians who have them ti Bullwinkle whips out his hum-a-comb, prompting the Indians to break out into dancing, which conjures up a rain storm, putting out the flames and sparing their lives. : In a Bullwinkle's Corner segment where Bullwinkle and Boris perform Simple Simon, they transition into this over the word "ware". Another variation the show often used was to have Bullwinkle use a wrong word, then be corrected with the right word, which in true
fashion would have a double meaning that Bullwinkle would misunderstand. Lampshaded in the movie. Bullwinkle:
: For someone called Fearless Leader, it is shown that Pottsylvanian TV is too much for him. : The story of William Tell is retold in Sherman and Peabody's segment. In this version, Tell is nearsighted and has broken his glasses, leaving his son fearing for his life as the date approaches. After failed attempts to replace the glasses, Mr. Peabody solves the problem by replacing the apple with another one with a powerful magnet inside, which Tell is able to hit easily. : In "Goof Gas Attack," Boris and Natasha plot to release the titular gas (which makes all who inhale it idiots) into the US Congress. However, upon arriving there, they conclude that everyone there is an example of this and that there would be no point.
In the Jet Fuel Formula arc, while stuck on Bloney Island, Rocky and Bullwinkle are digging for clams (which are the local currency). During their excavations, they uncover some pirate treasure. But it's not clams, so it's tossed aside. In the Upsidasium arc, Bullwinkle digs up some gold. But since it's not upsidasium (which admittedly is more valuable), Rocky tells him to get rid of it. In the Lazy Jay Ranch arc, the fishing resort of Angel's Cramp is experiencing a bait shortage. The fishers are frustrated while digging for worms because all they uncover are these silly gold nuggets. : Boris and Natasha, towards Rocky. : Boris gets threatened with this at least once an episode, and the last few minutes of the series finale imply that his boss finally did it after Boris got caught in a rather nasty . : The Mark of Zero! The trope page is getting longer and longer!
Bullwinkle: It's longer than my auntie's socks!
But how much longer can it get?
Be with us next time for "On The Tropes" or "This Is Your Ruined Life"!
Alternative Title(s):
Rocky And Bullwinkle


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