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《Elementals》 A.S. Byatt【摘要 书评 试读】图书
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出版社: Vintage B New edition (日)
平装: 232页
语种: 英语
13 x 1.5 x 19.8 cm
图书商品里排第2,317,901名 ()
"Rich physical details, lush sensual descriptions of people and places...Byatt's engaging message is that art, curiosity and stories and save us. Now read on" (Michèle Roberts Independent on Sunday)"Byatt weaves myth and art into bewitching fables...an astonishing display of imagination. The whole collection has a kaleidoscopic beauty" (Mark Sanderson Time Out)"Drenched in colour, spangled with optical effects, the yarns and parables in Elementals pay rapt attention to a world of light" (Boyd Tonkin Independent)""Cold", the story at the centre of Elementals is entirely fabulous...Its tenor is voluptuous and melancholy, like that of Oscar Wilde's fairy stories, with some of the erotic edge of Angela Carter's...These stories are full of colour and light" (Lucy Hughes-Hallett Sunday Times)"In a sparkling year for short stories, A.S. Byatt takes all the prizes...A wonderful series of reflections on the harsh realities of life (loneliness, death and betrayal) overlaid with a goassamer-light cloak of passion, mystery and ancient magic" (Carolyn Hart Marie Claire)
A. S. Byatt is famed for her short fiction, collected in Sugar and Other Stories, The Matisse Stories, and The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye. Her full-length novels include the Booker Prize-winning Possession and the trilogy sequence The Virgin in the Garden, Still Life, and Babel Tower.
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Peter Mathews5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Temperature: Just Right -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买A.S. Byatt is one of those writers that has grown on me over the years. I first encountered her work, as most of her readers do, through her highly-decorated novel Possession, only to come away from it disappointed by a sense that an opportunity had been lost. The recurrent fault that I found in Byatt's work was that she has a tendency to overwrite, with too many superfluous details and ornaments (think of her pastiches of Victorian poetry in Possession, for example, which were masterly yet, for me, void of interest) that distracted from the story she was trying to tell. While I haven't yet returned to Possession to gauge whether my initial impression was correct or not, I have nonetheless continued to read Byatt's other works with an ever-deepening sense of appreciation. What I like most about her fiction is her sense of intellectual adventure. Byatt may be the most intelligent writer in British literature today. She is an author who demands from herself - and thus, in turn, from her readers - a rigorously honest and complex appraisal of whatever issue is at hand. While this determination sometimes leads to a tendency to overreach her skill as a storyteller, when it works, as it does in Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice, the results are outstanding.As its subtitle suggests, Elementals takes the classic metaphorical opposition between hot (passion) and cold (rationality) and plays with it in new ways. There is, of course, an implicitly Blakean twist to how Byatt goes about doing this, in which hot and cold are never simple oppositions, but are instead made to depend upon each other in order to understand fully their meaning. This idea gets its fullest treatment in the allegorical story "Cold," a full-blown modern fairy-tale that confirms Byatt's long-acknowledged debt to Angela Carter. While Byatt, in treating the opposing symbols of hot and cold in these stories, nods several times toward the Romantics - the narrator of "Jael," for instance, remarks on her appreciation of Jane Eyre, a novel that gives particular weight to this metaphor - she also targets them repeatedly for critique. The Romantics, after all, privileged emotion and passion in their work, whereas Byatt urges the reader to consider the other side of the equation by pondering the pleasures and rewards of coldness and detachment.Although this thread runs through the entire collection, Byatt makes her most articulate plea in "A Lamia in the Cévennes," the underlying message of which forms an implicit riposte to John Keats's poem "Lamia." At the center of the story is Bernard Lycett-Kean, a painter who moves from Britain to France in order to pursue his rigidly solitary investigations into the problems of color. There he is visited by a lamia, a mythological, snake-like creature who promises him that, should he kiss her, she will be transformed into the woman of his dreams and love him eternally. Bernard, wary of such a pact and wary of giving up his solitude, proposes to paint her instead. The story's message hinges on a key couple of lines from Keat's original poem: "Do not all charms fly/At the mere touch of cold philosophy?" This Romantic suggestion that we should not look too closely at things, that we ought willfully to blind ourselves for the sake of preserving an illusion, is vigorously opposed by Bernard. Instead, Byatt shows that, rather than leading to a simple opposition between science and art, Bernard's rationality possesses an artistic impulse with a beauty all its own.Byatt thus makes a repeated argument in Elementals for qualities such as coldness, rationality, and solitude - qualities that, while obviously more difficult to embrace than their warm, emotional counterparts, nonetheless have their own rewards and advantages. Byatt is not, of course, opposed either to Romanticism or emotions as such, but champions this cause out of a sense of balance. Today's culture is unthinkingly sentimental, it seems, and so Byatt prescribes the qualities of coldness as an important corrective. Byatt's occasional tendency to overreach means that sometimes her work can be a bit hit and miss, but Elementals is impressive in its consistency. Byatt also helps matters by concluding the book with "Christ in the House of Jesus and Mary," one of her best stories, in which she imagines the story behind a Velasquez painting of the same name. Speaking to the distraught cook Dolores, who will later become the model for Martha in Velasquez's painting, the artist says: "You must learn now, that the important lesson... is that the divide is not between the servants and the served, between the leisured and the workers, but between those who are interested in the world and its multiplicity of forms, and those who merely subsist, worrying or yawning" (p.226). There are few statements with which I can agree more wholeheartedly. It encapsulates why it is that Byatt, whatever her occasional faults, is truly a great writer: for her, art and literature are not merely intellectual pastimes, they are intimately bound up in the living, breathing moments of living one's life.
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Maple5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星An introduction to A. S. Byatt -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I had tried to read "Possession" a few years ago and found that I just couldn't sort it all out in my head. Somehow, I came across "Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice" - I really enjoyed reading the stories and decided to give "Possession" another try. I found that I really got into the novel because the stories were such a good introduction to her style of writing. My daughter had the same problem with "Possession" and I bought both books for her. I have since read "Babel Tower" and enjoyed that too - it is much darker than the other books.Elizabeth A. Hart4.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Wonderfully fiery and icy tales! -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买The byline of this book is Stories of Fire and Ice, so all of the stories contained these two elements in one way or another. Several of them read very much like fairy tales in their representations of one or the other of the elements and made for very pleasant and lyrical reading. "A Lamia in the Cevennes" was very artistic, fantastical and eerie while "Jael" managed to appear non-fantastical until the very end which gave you shivers.My favorite in the collection would have to be "Cold" though. The story of the ice princess and the desert prince was very touching and extremely well written, the prose in this story alone made reading the book very much worth it. I even read that particular piece aloud to my husband who also enjoyed it very much.If you are a fan of A.S. Byatt then you will love this book, if you are just a fan of re-written fairy tales you will also love this book and should become a fan of this amazing author. The only reason it lost a star is the first story, "Crocodile Tears" - while powerful, poetic and meaningful in its own way - was a story I found hard to get into and was a very long short story to start the book off on. I guess that particular piece just hit a little too close to home for me.
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Ashley K5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星A.S. Byatt at her best -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买My favorite collection of short stories by Byatt. I keep wandering back to it and flipping through the pages, and then I end up reading the whole thing over again. "Cold" is fantastic. I've tried to explain it to people, and the plot sounds so cheesy, but you have to read it to understand its beauty. "A Lamia in the Cevennes" and "Crocodile Tears" were also favorites. One thing I love about her stories is that they can be so real, and have that one element that is just the opposite. A lot of great stories in here, with gorgeous descriptions.K. Whitgrove5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Doesn't Disappoint -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I have read several novels by A. S. Byatt, but this is the first book of her short stories that I have read and it did not disappoint.
She is an intelligent, unique writer.
You always get more than you bargained for when you open one of her books.
I highly recommend this book.
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