英特尔 k 什么意思CPU后面的那些英文都是什么意思

15GHz)HQ:第四代CPU新现系列主要参数标准四核CPU致集性能空前强核芯显卡Iris Pro5200系列种核显性能直接媲美端独立显卡目前i7 4750HQHQ三款CPU款i7 4702HQ并没集高性能核芯显卡定位较模糊款产品XM:强笔记本CPU功耗般55WX意Extreme类型CPU完全锁频散热供电允许情况限制超频即便默认频率比同代其产品强类CPU都工厂产精挑选极品质量极佳性能完美价格非昂贵块XM系列CPU批发价达1000美金(普通四核概3400美金块)都笔记本CPU台式CPU标准款般没缀字母若缀字幕K则超频版本若缀字幕X则顶级至尊版(台式机至尊版CPU6核12线程 AmdCPU缀字母K:锁倍频版T:带睿频版(新系列标注)E:低电压移版 7M/U:超低电压移版(超极本) Y:超低电压移版(平板电脑/混合本) M:核显版 T:超低电压版M:移版MX:(第四代始改MQ):笔记本专用CPU般双核M前面位数字0意味着标准电压处理器7则低电压处理器 U:笔记本专用低电压CPU般双核U前面位数字8则28W功耗低压处理器(标准电压双核处理器功耗35W)若前位数字7则17W功耗低压处理器若0则15W功耗低压处理器QM:超低功耗版 LM/UMIntel 处理器缀字母S:低功耗版 P:低功耗版U:笔记本专用CPUQQuad缩写即四核CPU若QM前位数字0则表示产品功耗45W标准电压四核处理器若2则表示产品35W功耗低电压四核处理器若5与应0CPU主要规格相同集核芯显卡频率更高(QM者核显频率1.2GHz前者则1
Intel是什么意思 Intel在线翻译 Intel什么意思 Intel的意思 Intel的翻译 Intel的解释 Intel的发音 Intel的同义词 Intel的反义词 Intel的例句
Intel['intel] Intel 基本解释美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称;intelligence 智力,智能;手机查看Intel的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 Intel 即可Intel 网络解释1. 因特尔:...详细信息 因特尔(Intel)公司开发的最新笔记本,其显示器可以相对键盘自由活动--可升高至与眼睛相平的位置也可以前后移动. 这一新款活动显示器笔记本是专门为那些经常外出旅游的人们设计的.2. 美国英特尔:美国 英特尔(Intel)有限公司、美国赛贝斯(Sybase)有 限公司、美国国际商业机器(IBM)公司、美国思科(C isco)网络技术有限公司、美国Oracle软件系统有限 公司、美国康柏(Compaq)电脑公司、易商港( Chinaepo t)网络技术有限公司昨天在3. danci.911cha.com3. 英特尔公司:IT-CMM的构想首先由英特 尔公司(Intel)提出,目前已在业界引起了广泛的关注和响应,整个构架也在不断的完善、细化中. 上世纪90年代,微软公司(Microsoft)是全球新经济的标志企业,而谷歌公司(Google,下称谷歌)只用了短短10年时间就将这一头衔 收入囊中.4. 911查询·英语单词大全4. intel: 智能,信息,情报Intel 双语例句1. This limit is more especially as the INTEL 975 is known for its excellent aptitude for overclocking.&&&&这一限制更多,尤其是英特尔975是众所周知的,它出色的天分overclocking。2. Carter is vice president and director of sales and marketing for Intel, which became the third most valuable brand in the world by convincing consumers that, when it comes to computers, it`s what`s inside that counts.&&&&他是英特尔的副总裁兼业务和市场部总监,英特尔已经成为了世界上最有价值的品牌第三名,这个品牌让消费者选择电脑时开始关心内在的芯片是什么。3. Intel的反义词3. The background of bluetooth is described like this:May-1998, Elricson, ,Nokia, Toshiba, IBM and Intel brought an idea called bluetooth when they combined to develop a standardizing activity of wireless-communication technology in short distance, the purpose of which is to provide a wireless transmission applycation technique in short distance and costs low.&&&&蓝牙的形成背景是这样的:1998年5月,爱立信、诺基亚、东芝、IBM和英特尔公司等五家著名厂商,在联合开展短程无线通信技术的标准化活动时提出了蓝牙技术,其宗旨是提供一种短距离、低成本的无线传输应用技术。4. 4. But Robert. Noyes drafts the INTEL Corporation prospectus, has only used page of papers.&&&&而罗伯特。诺伊斯起草的INTEL公司计划书,仅用了一页纸。5. We already talked in previous news about Intel Nehalem, now we can introduce the appearance of Bloomfield processors.&&&&我们已经讲过,在上次记者关于英特尔nehalem ,现在,我们就可以引进的外观菲尔德处理器。6. Admittedly, specified education will cultivate individual to be a smart scientist or a skilled engineer. How ever, in today's world, the progress in human society, such as CPU designed by Intel or AMD, are mostly created by cooperation, not by individuals. People who can better communicate and copperate with other is in great need, where a skilled but wordless one is surely not accepted. Same circumstances need to be considered in other aspects of social science.&&&&可以分开谈,不要谈其他的方式对教育有用,比如提高学生合作能力啊,教会学生适应环境啊,家长的监督和社会的合作也有利于教育,等等,这样子一本书都写不完了,一篇文章就只能扣住作者的关键的核心问题来展开谈,这段的其他错误我就不改了,最好换成其他类似我上面谈的方面7. Processors in modern laptops range from Intel Atom for the low cost and ultra-small models to Intel Core 2 Quad Extreme for the extreme desktop replacement models.&&&&现代笔记本电脑的英特尔Atom系列处理器的低成本和超小模型的极端桌面替代模式,以英特尔酷睿2四核至尊。8. I`m Murphy, my favorite subject is biology, My favorite CPU is INTEL CELELON.&&&&我是墨菲,我喜爱的科目是生物,我喜爱的CPU是英特尔CELELON。9. If this is so, it would be interesting to seethe reaction Of intel to a similar masquerade:.&&&&如果是这样的话,这是有趣地看到一条类似冒用反应英特尔:。10. Our research goal is to design and implement a floating-point coprocessor XXX87 compatible with Intel`s 8087 in ISA and electrical characteristics.&&&&论文详细阐述了XXX87协处理器的最关键模块——数值执行单元的设计与验证。11. They come with Intel Pentium 3, 4, or M processors.&&&&&&他们来与英特尔奔腾3,4,或M处理器。12. This made the Celeron a strong competitor against Intel's own Pentium CPU's.&&&&&&这使得赛扬一个强大的竞争对手,对英特尔本身的奔腾处理器。13. Even the important collectors of computers can not agree to help Intel in the liberation ofreserves pentium D.&&&&&&即使是重要的收藏家的电脑不能同意以帮助英特尔在解放奔腾D。14. It appears that Hyper-Threading technology was integrated into Intel Pentium 4 processors long time ago, and now it is simply activated.&&&&&&看来超线程技术被集成到英特尔奔腾4处理器,在很久以前,而现在仅仅是启动。15. Are these changes enough for the users to change their mind in favor of the Intel Pentium D processor?&&&&&&这些变化足以让用户能回心转意青睐的英特尔奔腾四处理器?16. Remember the Intel Pentium bug described in Chapter 1?&&&&&&还记得第一章中提到的英特尔奔腾处理器的bug吗?17. CPU: Intel Pentium 200 or above.&&&&&&中央处理器:英特尔奔腾200以上。18. Recently, my machines are frequently out of love, the reason is unknown, the name of the host to open a bolder look, shocked fans do not switch to the host, re-buy the idea of a fan just from the brain immediately 里钻 out by their own 掐灭 Now it has been comparatively SLOT1 difficult to find the fan, and I have decided to upgrade a few months later P4, now the fans not to mention the current Intel Original fan or fans do!&&&&&&最近我的爱机经常出现故障,原因不详,打着胆子打开主机一看,吓了一跳,主机风扇根本不转,重新去买一个风扇的念头刚刚从脑子里钻出来就立即被自己掐灭了,现在 SLOT1的风扇已经比较难找了,而且我已经决定几个月后升级 P4,现在的这个风扇投资可就浪费了;何况现在这个风扇还是 Intel 原装风扇呢!19. Dol it is one of the two companies which Intel invests in domestic market.&&&&&&刘总说,公司的发展离不开社会各界的支持,科协对嘉普通给予了很大的20. NASM is a portable assembler, designed to be able to compile on any ANSI C-supporting platform and produce output to run on a variety of Intel x86 operating systems.&&&&&&NASM是一个可移植的汇编器,它能在任何支持ANSI C平台上编译,并可以产生基于intel x86的不同操作系统上运行的代码。Intel 单语例句1. " Intel needs to abide by business ethics, " he told reporters.2. We can also call on " the best and brightest experts " from Intel Corporation to help evaluate projects and provide guidance for our portfolio companies.3. Big IT firms such as Intel and Lenovo have also been active in improving Internet access in these regions.4. Intel also announced on Monday it would establish a venture capital fund of US $ 200 million exclusively for the Chinese market.5. He says that Chengdu has managed to build a complete IT industry chain, with Intel serving as an important link.6. Part of Intel's gamble in Chandler is to try to convert an older plant to new technologies.7. Some companies even set up their global headquarters in Shanghai, among them Intel Channel Products Group and Honeywell Electronic Materials.8. Intel will set up the global headquarters of its channel product group in China, the first United States microprocessor maker to do so.9. The One Laptop Per Child program and Intel said Friday that the chip maker would join the board of the nonprofit and contribute funding.10. The plant in Dalian was Intel's first chip plant in Asia and had received more investment amid the global downturn.Intel是什么意思,Intel在线翻译,Intel什么意思,Intel的意思,Intel的翻译,Intel的解释,Intel的发音,Intel的同义词,Intel的反义词,Intel的例句,Intel的相关词组,Intel意思是什么,Intel怎么翻译,单词Intel是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Can destiny, then, be as malicious as an intelligent being, and become as monstrous as the human heart?
This time he fell on his knees, and, clasping his hands convulsively, uttered a prayer intelligible to God alon
A woman of intellect, steeped in a splendid sentiment, hitherto a miracle of female constancy, might stir a younger woman to some emulation
We must avoid adopting any adventurist policies towards students, teachers, professors, scientific workers, art workers and ordinary intellectuals
Enable anyone who receives an education to develop in an all-round way,i.e.,morally,intellectually,physically and aesthetically
But this vessel which, like the Pharaon, came from calcutta, had been in for a fortnight, while no intelligence had been received of the Pharaon
Indeed, the English language is not the special preserve of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers or the intellectual elite
Bluetooth technology which apart from Ericsson, has gained the support of Nokia, IBM, Toshiba, intel and many other manufacturers
His book is, therefore, not readily intelligible, even to scientists, unless euclid has been read befoe
Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the intellect, Lucifer, dico, qui nescit occasum
phr. 情报部门;情报工作;智能型服务
phr. 非言语智力
n. 语言智能,语言智商,言语智力
n. 知识竞赛,智力竞赛
n. 缺乏才智
n. Windows Windows & Intel (意指微机的体系结构由MS-Windows操作系统和Intel的CPU组成)
【医】 智力活动
n. 反知识分子者
a. 反知识的
n. 【计算机】情报环(一种计算机网络系统)
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数}


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