iPad 真的会成为纸书的流言终结者纸张对折吗

  据国外媒体报道,坊间有传言称苹果公司正在研发 13 寸屏幕的 iPad 产品,该款 iPad 不仅仅能够满足用户的娱乐要求,其更可以作为日常工作生活的得力助手。如果上述消息属实的话,那么 iPad 在与微软 Surface 的竞争中又可以增添不少获胜的筹码,而后者面临的则是更加雪上加霜的困境。  美国《华尔街时报》日前报道称,苹果公司已经要求其下游供应商设计并生产供 iPad 使用的 13 寸显示屏原型产品,目前市面上的 iPad 屏幕尺寸为 9.7 英寸。如果 iPad 的显示屏真的增加至 13 英寸,那么 iPad 的功能就绝不仅仅局限于收发电子邮件、看视频、玩应用等等。毋庸置疑的是,13 寸屏的 iPad 在售价方面肯定要比现有的 iPad 贵,但是大屏版的 iPad 可以成为将平板电脑和笔记本电脑合二为一的新概念产品。正如 Moor Insights & Strategy 首席分析师帕特里克·摩尔海德 (Patrick Moorhead) 在接受记者采访时表示:“13 寸大屏的 iPad 能够有效增强自身的功能性,尤其是当它同外接的无线键盘相连接时便可以发挥更大的作用,这一点同 Windows 8 平板很相似。”市场研究公司 Technology Business Research 分析师埃兹拉·格赛尔 (Ezra Gottheil) 则表示,他认为大屏版的 iPad 能够填补 iPad 和 Macbook Air 之间的产品空缺。另外还有分析人士指出,大屏 iPad 唯有装配可拆卸的屏幕等创意设计才能够取胜。不过对此也有人表示,这样的 iPad 倒是跟上网本很相似。  微软的 Surface 系列平板电脑在当初设计时就本着把平板电脑和笔记本电脑合二为一的原则。然而,Surface 的销售情况并不令人乐观,受 Surface RT 平板电脑销售低迷的影响,微软宣布调整 Surface RT 的库存并因此蒙受了 9 亿美元的损失。目前为止微软并未公开其 Surface PRO 平板电脑的销售业绩,不过从各方面看来这一成绩也不会让微软满意。微软眼下为 Surface 制订的发展策略是坚决不退出 iPad 版本的 Office 软件,微软希望通过此举来刺激消费者选择购买 Surface 产品。微软的上述策略绝对是错误的,这么做最终只会伤害到 Office 软件的营收增长。市场研究机构 Forrester Research 分析师葛文德(J.P. Gownder)在其博客中写到,内置 Office 服务的 iPad 可以为微软带来额外 14 亿美元的收益,其假设超过 1.4 亿 iPad 用户里有 10% 的人花费 100 美元购买 Office 软件套装。  综上所述,大屏 iPad 很有可能成为微软 Surface 的“终结者”。对于微软而言,当务之急便是尽快推出 iPad 适用的 Office 软件以提升自身的收益;而长远考虑则是推出高值、优质的 Surface 系列产品抵御 iPad 的进攻。
  苹果CEO斯蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在产品发布会上,还展示了新的电子书店iBook,旨在改变公众阅读方式,吸引读者在线购买、在线阅读图书。
  培生集团旗下企鹅出版社、新闻集团旗下HarperCollins、拉加代尔的Hachette、及CBS的Simon & Schuster等出版商将通过iPad提供图书,这些公司尚未与苹果讨论合作条款,但已表示希望iPad能带动电子阅读成为主流。
  出版商Simon & Schuster发言人罗斯伯格(Adam Rothberg)表示:“我们喜爱iPad,苹果向来以这类优质电子产品见长,现在又把触角延伸至图书。这对出版业来说是好事。”
  企鹅CEO约翰?梅金森(John Makinson)说:“读者通过苹果iBook买我们的图书非常便捷,这有助于我们推广图书,赢得新读者。”乔布斯展示的iBook书店中,设计了虚拟的“书架”,能看到电子图书的封面设计。
  但Motley Fool高级技术分析师赛斯?杰森(Seth Jayson)说:“在电脑屏幕上读书,并不是人们希望的。这很伤眼睛。我认为iPad不会成为Kindle终结者。”亚马逊发言人不愿透露是否担心iPad影响到Kindle的销售,但在电子邮件中称用户很快可以在iPad上实现Kindle图书同步。
  媒体研究公司Media Products总裁斯蒂文?哈思科(Steve Hasker)说:“就凭着是苹果发布的产品,就已经不容忽略。这会比以往的平板电脑更容易受用户欢迎。”(萧然)
苹果(Apple)公司内部流传着一个老笑话,那就是史蒂夫·乔布斯周围是一片“现实扭曲力场”:你离他太近的话,就会相信他所说的话。苹果的数百万用户中已经有不少成了该公司的“信徒”,而很多苹果投资者也赚得盆满钵满。不过,Elmer-DeWitt认为,在报道苹果公司时有点怀疑精神不是坏事。听他的应该没错。要知道,他自从1982年就开始报道苹果、观察史蒂夫·乔布斯经营该公司。 调查显示:16%的学校技术总监预计,5年之内,每名学生都会配备平板电脑。
图片来源:Piper Jaffray
无论是在苹果(Apple)零售店统计顾客人数,还是在大型卖场Mall of America里询问手机用户,也无论所作的调查是否重要,投资银行Piper Jaffray的吉恩o明斯特堪称是小型问卷调查领域的大师。
o 所有学校都在部署或测试iPad。没有人部署或测试Android平板电脑。
o 他们的学校中,平均每10名学生配备有1台电脑。
o 将近一半人(12)认为,最终目标是为每位学生配备1台电脑。有两位技术总监的学校已经实现这一目标。
o 超过三分之一的人(9)计划将为每名学生配备1台平板电脑。其中有一位技术总监所在的学校已做到这点。
Whether counting heads at the Apple Store or buttonholing cell phone users at the Mall of America, Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster is the master of the small survey that may or may not be significant.
His latest: A survey of 25 educational technology directors at a conference on integrating technology in the classroom. "While our sample is small," he writes in a note to clients issued Monday, "so is the population of IT decision makers in the education field in the US."
And what did he discover? Among his findings:
o 100% were testing or deploying iPads in their schools. 0% were testing or deploying Android tablets
o Their schools currently have an average of one computer for every 10 students
o Nearly half (12) expect to eventually deploy on two of their schools already do
o More than a third (9) expect to deploy
one of them already does
Given the huge problems facing America's schools, it's a slender thread on which to base a vision of broad educational reform. (Munster quotes outgoing Apple retail chief Ron Johnson, who has suggested that the current crop of students might be "the last generation with backpacks.")
But Munster is probably correct that the overwhelming preference for iPads over tablets running Google's (GOOG) Android reflects the power of Apple's (AAPL) first mover advantage. He writes:
"We also see a trend in education (which is mirrored in the enterprise) that familiarity with Apple devices among students (or employees) is causing a demand pull within institutions to also provide Apple devices."
Below: The details of Munster's survey results.
图片来源:Piper Jaffray
500强国家分布 500强行业分布苹果ipad_【读报笔记】iphone成“外遇终结者”?_沪江英语
编辑点评:苹果公司近日最新推出的iPhone4S与操作系统iOS 5,以及新应用程序“找朋友”大热。这个程序使用iPhone或者iPad内置的GPS定位系统来帮你在屏幕地图上确定朋友的位置,但是与此同时,也引发了关于个人信息泄露等等问题。
When Apple released its new iOS 5
to go with its iPhone 4S, it touted a new app called &Find My Friends& as a great way to track and meet up with friends. If they agree, you can see their locations on a map on your screen.
tout: &兜售;招徕顾客
But the app's
customers are apparently already finding other uses. If the online posts appearing on a chat forum
are for real, &Find My Friends& may have already claimed its first marriage.
Saturday night on MacRumors, a man saying he lived in New York City posted this:&Divorcing wife. Thanks iPhone 4s and Find My Friends.&
&I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up find my friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friend&s house in the east village. I've had
about her meeting this guy who live . Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there.&
Lo and behold: &你瞧(表示惊讶的感叹词)
&I just texted her asking where she was and she said she was on 10th Street!! Thank you Apple, thank you App Store, thank you all. These beautiful treasure
of s going to play well when I meet her ... at the lawyer's office in a few weeks.&
treasure trove: &无主珍宝,无主埋藏物
screenshot: &屏幕截图
&thankfully, she's the rich one.&
&Find My Friends& uses the iPhone or iPad's built-in Global Positioning System to see your friends' locations on a map on the screen of your device. GPS can be accurate to within a few feet for civilian uses.
Apple says &The Find My Friends app is a great way to share your location with people who are important to you& -- whether you're trying to meet friends at a crowded concert or make sure your kids get safely home from school.
The new iPhone 4S and operating system have been off-the-charts successes for Apple, which said this morning that it sold more than four million iPhone 4S in three days, and that 25 million people are now using iOS 5.
off-the-charts: 好极了,太棒了
Ben Crompton, who writes the Pocket Lint blog, said there have certainly been other apps before, such as Google Latitude, that let you track people through GPS signals, but Apple will make it trendy.
&The burning issue seems to be that it is a very powerful tool to have,& he wrote, &bringing with it huge amounts of info to the user as well as delivering plenty of info about the user to others. For some this power will
the user's knowledge of how to use it properly.&
the new ipad 16G (黑色)


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