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幻象破坏者:战场(Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds)三项修改器
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Recent Posts
Author: Hawke
Greetings all,
It’s been some time since our last news update, so we wanted to reassure everyone that while work is proceeding slowly, we’re still plugging along on the mod after several serious setbacks. The most serious problem was with our initial port of the mod’s code from Source 2007 to the latest version of Source 2013. However, after a re-port of the code by Awesome, we’re back in business.
You can check out the complete news post over at MODDB:
The most exciting news is new player models! Check out these screens by a dedicated player named Rumpel who very kindly made and gave us these new models.
Additionally, I started creating new British infantry models before I knew Hogan was working on his. While this model is still a WIP with a great deal of work yet to be done, I thought I’d show it here anyway.
We have new weapons, map updates and more. Check it out on the MODDB news posts! And stay tuned for more updates in the future. We have quite a lot planned for the next version of the mod!
Happy Hunting!
Author: roob
Battle Grounds II Version 2.4
The Battle Grounds II development team is pleased to announce a small content and bug fixing patch for Battle Grounds II, version 2.3 This patch will update the mod to version 2.4.
The main focus of this patch is to fix some of the bugs introduced in 2.3 and add some extra features
We hope you enjoy this small patch while you wait for the next major update to the mod.
New skirmish map: bg_new_london
New feature: basic round summary statistics
New feature: Persistent scores (Servers now remember players scores for the round if they get disconnected)
Fixed weapon model error messages
Added back mute button to main menu
Fixed carbine reload to match animation
Map Timer displays on HUD in skirmish mode
Fixed translucency in brownbess bayonet death notice icon
Some screenshots of the new map bg_new_london
Here is what the new timer looks like on the HUD when playing skirmish mode:
To update to version 2.4 please head to our
section where we have provided installers to upgrade version 2.3 to 2.4 and a FULL installer for a clean install. We have also provided zip archives for the full release and an update from 2.3.
We would also like to thank the community, if it wasn’t for you guys then none of this would have been possible.
Author: roob
We are pleased to announce that development is nearing completion on the next update to Battle Grounds 2. Battle Grounds 2 2.4 will be the next release for the mod. Its primary goal is to address the issues which were introduced with version 2.3 and we have added a couple of new features to the game also.
The main highlights will be:
There is now a button on the main menu that will open the mute players dialog.
A few simple statistics will be displayed at the end of each round.
Servers will now remember a players score and damage when they disconnect. So if they reconnect on the same map their score and damage will be restored to the values when they disconnected.
There are also a few more fixes for less important issues.
We still need to polish off a few things before we start testing this release and we hope to have it ready for release in the next few weeks.
We will be providing a full installer for 2.4 as well as a patch installer to upgrade from 2.3.
If you have any question or suggestions please head to our
and let us know what you are thinking.
Author: klifsnider
Over the holidays, many players have returned to The Battle Grounds II, and new players have been welcomed into the community.
This increase in population has brought back some clans, and we are happy to see older communities such as 42nd and 12.Iftr playing again, as well as new ones such as 49th and 23rd. For our North American players, +]3D[+ is back, with an American server.
This has provided us with an excellent opportunity to organize a tournament, the New Skirmish League (NSL).
6 teams have signed up to battle it out in this 3rd season of the event. You can keep an eye on the rankings
Anyone with enough free time on sunday evenings is welcome to participate, leave a post on our
if you are interested.
There is also some good news for those that like to get their creative juices flowing: you can be making custom maps in no time!
Previously, a painful configuration of the development toolkit was required. This can now be completed quickly and without effort thanks to a new .
The first snow falls on Europe, and the BG II team remains hard at work. I leave you with this teaser screenshot for BG II 3.0 of bg_snowlake.
Posted in ,
Author: Hawke
It’s been nearly a month now since the release of the latest patch. Things have gotten busy with the development team, University has started and it’s been back to work for many of us. However, despite that we’ve spent the last month bug checking, reading your posts on the support forum and discussing what needs to be done. We’ve decided that the patch needs a small hotfix to patch some of the bugs and add in some additional content before we shift development fully to BG 3.0 on the Source 2013 engine.
The hotfix should be ready to release by mid-September. We’ll be taking the previous patch and this hotfix and rolling it all up into a full, automatic installer to make it easier for people to download and install. Your feedback is very important to us, so please, if you have any comments, bug reports or just some suggestions for the mod we’d l just post about it here on the bg2mod forums.
Happy Hunting,
Author: Hawke
Battle Grounds II Patch 2.3
The Battle Grounds II development team is pleased to announce a small content and bug fixing patch for Battle Grounds II, version 2.2 This patch will update the mod to version 2.3.
*This patch requires a working bg2 2.2 installation. If you do not have one, please check the ‘Downloads’ section.*
1) Extract the ‘bg2’ folder in the .zip file to your ‘…SteamSteamAppsSourceMods’ folder.
2) Select the option to OVERWRITE the existing files.
3) All done!
If you are having issues with the moddb download, please check this thread
Check out some of the new features:
A new infantry skin for the British infantry.
A new area overlooking the market on Trenton, allowing troops to fire down into the market and ambush their foes.
Additionally we’ve added in new information and feedback for the player, including a new screen displaying weapon information and stats.
You can read more about the new content and bug fixes in our previous news post:
This will be the final update for the 2007 version of the game. All of our development resources are now focused on building the newest version of the mod on the Source 2013 engine, adding in new features, models, maps, weapons, gameplay changes and all other sorts of new goodies for what will eventually be Battle Grounds II, version 3.0
We hope you enjoy this small patch while you wait for the next major update to the mod.
Change-log for patch 2.3 – July 24, 2015
Fixes on bg_trenton
Fixes on ctf_river
Reworked main menu
Added website feed to main menu
Red screen when hit has been toned down
Resized class menus
New motd image
New British infantry skin
Author: Hawke
Hello all!
As you know we’ve been working on a big update for Battle Grounds, porting it over to the 2013 version of Source and including new features like swivel guns, graphical upgrades and a brand new main menu with a community news feed. Today we are announcing a small, upcoming patch for BG 2.2 which is the first step of rolling out this new content.
The goal of this patch is to try out the main menu and news feed, so that we can test it with the community and polish it for the eventual BG2 3.0 release on Source 2013. In addition to that we have made some long overdue bug-fixes and performance improvements for the current version as well as some extra goodies.
You can expect the new patch within the next week, so keep an eye out!
The main menu with news feed and community updates. With this feed the dev team will be able to post updates directly to the community. Additionally community leaders will be able to post their own updates on clan battles and special, community organized events.
A new and improved loading screen with tips and suggestions on game-play and game modes in the mod.
A long requested community feature is finally here. Information and stats on the many musket types in the game. These weapon cards list vital information like reload speed, accuracy and damage.
Also on offer is a new infantry uniform for the British regulars. Based on the coat facings of the 47th Lancashire regiment, this new coat brings the uniform options up to an equal number of three for both the British and the Americans.
Finally we have a game-play change to one of our maps, Bg_Trenton. This option allows rooftop access along a line of scaffolding, offering the prefect vantage point to rain down musket fire on the square below.
We hope you enjoy this small patch while you wait for the next major update, Battle Grounds 2 Version 3.0
Author: Nathan_Hale
We are still working on updates to BG2. Here is a quick shot of the tavern from the map “New London”. This map will be a “town” map in the spirit of the long-popular Towguard. Many players mentioned that Townguard is their favorite map, and New London has a similar style of gameplay.
Author: Nathan_Hale
Happy Fourth of July from the Battle Grounds 2 Team.
Work on the next version of the game continues, but we thought we’d wish everyone a good Independence Day.
Author: Nathan_Hale
Everyone loves new maps, and the next update of Battle Grounds II will feature a few goodies in that department.
For your browsing- some shots of the new map, CTF_Road, one of Awesome’s new creations. Road involves a mountainous, forest terrain and a mixture of objectives. The primary objective is to breach the opponent’s base, steal their flag, and return it to your area. The secondary objective is to capture and hold the middle ground. The result is a map with a combination of capture-the-flag and terrain holding. The side best able to combine those abilities will win this map.
-Nathan Hale}


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