
&&& 11月4日,由著名导演尤小刚执导,朱雨辰、王力可等青年实力演员领衔主演的国内首部正面反映武警反恐特战队的电视剧《反恐特战队》登陆东方重庆卫视黄金档。该剧以&军中学渣&杨灿在特战队中的成长经历为主线,真实反映了奋战在反恐第一线的武警战士们的生活。&&& 反恐特战队第10集剧情介绍&&& 解救人质杨灿黑豹立下战功&&& 恐怖分子在厕所里找到苗苗,就打开摄像机和常健安谈判。黑日组织头目德普威胁说,教学楼里安置了炸弹,如果特战队企图进攻,他们就杀掉人质,同归于尽。他们的条件是让支队长陆长风来谈判。&&& 德普放了其它人质,只留下苗苗,要陆长风进去谈判。特战队布署新方案,联系警犬队的排爆犬来排爆。警犬队派来排爆搜查能力最强的黑豹,而能指挥黑豹的人只有杨灿。&&& 德普的条件是让警方提供一架直升飞机,带走陆长风来交换山猫,要不然就杀了苗苗。常健安指挥长一面和德普周旋,答应给他派直升飞机,另一面要杨灿带黑豹赶紧找出炸弹的位置,拆除炸弹。德普只给他们十五分钟的时间,要不然他就要杀害一名人质。&& 黑豹找到了第一枚炸弹,铁豹却发现这是一个子母起爆装置,它和另一个炸弹连在一起,必须同时剪断这两个炸弹,否则会一起爆炸。黑豹找到第二个炸弹,杨灿的耳机却摔坏了。情急之下,杨灿想起敲击钢管,用密语联系铁豹,在楼下的铁豹听懂了杨灿的密语,两人同时剪断引爆线。炸弹解除的同时,德普发现口袋里的起爆器停止显示。这时特战队的突击队和狙击手同时进攻。杨灿看到有人朝黑豹射击,他一把扑倒在黑豹身上,自己的肩膀中弹。&&& 那敏在医院看护着杨灿。诗文也赶来医院,听见杨灿在梦里说,&谢谢那队,谢谢你救了我,真想一直有你这么陪着。&诗文这才伤心地承认,杨灿心目中的女神是那敏,她一直是一厢情愿。黑豹受伤了,不能再回警犬队,诗文决定把它接回家,自己来养。&&& 杨爱萍开会介绍APR项目的进展计划,会议解散后,杨指山坚持要杨爱萍收下他费了好大劲弄来的瑞士新药,杨爱萍还是扔掉他给的药。林指山的秘书蓝雪在门外听到屋内的争吵声,才知道杨指山和杨爱萍原来是夫妻,大吃一惊。&&& 晓波代表厉剑峰队长给病房的杨灿送花来。杨爱萍也来看杨灿,见杨灿这么离不开特战队,知道自己阻止杨灿是错误的决定。杨爱萍告诉杨灿调他去警犬队都是她向常健安请求的,向杨灿道歉。&&& 凤琴收拾行李,和苗苗坐飞机回老家去生活。&&& 根据反恐协议,中国决定把山猫引渡回国接受审判。押送山猫的重要任务由厉剑峰负责。&&& 诗文决定出国,他给杨灿写了一封告别信,就带着行李和黑豹,去机场坐飞机。电视剧《反恐特战队第12集》剧情介绍,反恐特战队第12集分集剧情简介-剧情介绍网
-- 反恐特战队第12集反恐特战队第12集剧情介绍浏览 50发布日期: 00:00:01文章来源:在线观看:关键字:反恐特战队第12集剧情介绍这是一篇关于反恐特战队第12集剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清反恐特战队第12集请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看  反恐特战队第12集剧情介绍  解救人质杨灿黑豹立下战功  恐怖分子在厕所里找到苗苗,就打开摄像机和常健安谈判。黑日组织头目德普威胁说,教学楼里安置了炸弹,如果特战队企图进攻,他们就杀掉人质,同归于尽。他们的条件是让支队长陆长风来谈判。  德普放了其它人质,只留下苗苗,要陆长风进去谈判。特战队布署新方案,联系警犬队的排爆犬来排爆。警犬队派来排爆搜查能力最强的黑豹,而能指挥黑豹的人只有杨灿。  德普的条件是让警方提供一架直升飞机,带走陆长风来交换山猫,要不然就杀了苗苗。常健安指挥长一面和德普周旋,答应给他派直升飞机,另一面要杨灿带黑豹赶紧找出炸弹的位置,拆除炸弹。德普只给他们十五分钟的时间,要不然他就要杀害一名人质。  黑豹找到了第一枚炸弹,铁豹却发现这是一个子母起爆装置,它和另一个炸弹连在一起,必须同时剪断这两个炸弹,否则会一起爆炸。黑豹找到第二个炸弹,杨灿的耳机却摔坏了。情急之下,杨灿想起敲击钢管,用密语联系铁豹,在楼下的铁豹听懂了杨灿的密语,两人同时剪断引爆线。炸弹解除的同时,德普发现口袋里的起爆器停止显示。这时特战队的突击队和狙击手同时进攻。杨灿看到有人朝黑豹射击,他一把扑倒在黑豹身上,自己的肩膀中弹。  那敏在医院看护着杨灿。诗文也赶来医院,听见杨灿在梦里说,“谢谢那队,谢谢你救了我,真想一直有你这么陪着。”诗文这才伤心地承认,杨灿心目中的女神是那敏,她一直是一厢情愿。黑豹受伤了,不能再回警犬队,诗文决定把它接回家,自己来养。  杨爱萍开会介绍APR项目的进展计划,会议解散后,杨指山坚持要杨爱萍收下他费了好大劲弄来的瑞士新药,杨爱萍还是扔掉他给的药。林指山的秘书蓝雪在门外听到屋内的争吵声,才知道杨指山和杨爱萍原来是夫妻,大吃一惊。  晓波代表厉剑峰队长给病房的杨灿送花来。杨爱萍也来看杨灿,见杨灿这么离不开特战队,知道自己阻止杨灿是错误的决定。杨爱萍告诉杨灿调他去警犬队都是她向常健安请求的,向杨灿道歉。  凤琴收拾行李,和苗苗坐飞机回老家去生活。  根据反恐协议,中国决定把山猫引渡回国接受审判。押送山猫的重要任务由厉剑峰负责。  诗文决定出国,他给杨灿写了一封告别信,就带着行李和黑豹,去机场坐飞机。反恐特战队相关剧情反恐特战队第12集英文剧情Anti-terrorism command set 12 plot is introduced
The hostages Yang Can panther her fellow
Find miaomiao terrorists in the toilet, just open the camera and Chang Jianan negotiations. Black sun, Depp threatened organization leader, planted a bomb in the building, if teams attempt to attack, they would kill the hostages, mutually assured destruction. Their condition is to make the division marshal Liu Changfeng to negotiate.
Depp put other hostages, leaving only miaomiao, Liu Changfeng inside to negotiate. Command to deploy the new scheme, contact the police dog team of eod eod dogs. Dog teams sent to strongest panther eod search ability, and can command only Yang Can panther.
Depp is to let the police to provide the conditions of a helicopter, take Liu Changfeng in exchange for the bobcats, or well kill miaomiao. Chang Jianan commander side and Depp, promised to send him a helicopter, on the other side to Yang Can panther to find out the location of the bomb, disarm bombs. Depp just give them the time of 15 minutes, or else he was going to kill a hostage.
Panthers found the first bomb, iron leopard but found that this is a child initiation system, and another bomb it together, must cut the two bombs at the same time, otherwise youll be an explosion. Panthers found a second bomb, Yang Can headphones are broke. The feeling be nasty under, Yang Can think of tap on a pipe, use code link iron leopard, in the secret language of iron leopard understood Yang Can downstairs, two people cut the line at the same time. Bomb lift at the same time, Depp found in the pocket of detonator stop display. At this time, a team of commandos and sniper attack at the same time. Yang Can see someone shot at panther, he a fall on panther, his shoulder shot.
The sensitivity in the hospital care Yang Can. Poetry also came to the hospital, he heard Yang Can said in the dream, thanks for the team, thank you for saving me, really want to have accompanied you. Poetry that admits sadly, Yang Can idea of a goddess is the sensitive, she has always been wishful thinking. Panther was injured, cannot return to his dog teams, poetry decided to take it home, oneself to raise.
Ai-ping Yang introduced the APR project progress plan meeting, the meeting after dissolution, insisted on ai-ping Yang Yang refers to the mountain to accept he had a lot of trouble trying to get to the Swiss drugs, ai-ping Yang or throw him to the medicine. Refers to the blue mountain secretary Lin snow outside heard the brawl in the room, just know Yang refers to the mountain and ai-ping Yang turns out to be husband and wife, a big surprise.
XiaoBo represent LiJianFeng captain to ward Yang Can flowers. Also see Yang Can ai-ping Yang, see Yang Can cannot leave the team, so know your block Yang Can is wrong decision. Ai-ping Yang told Yang Can transferred him to dog teams were her to Chang Jianan request, Yang can is an apology.
Feng instrument pack, and miao miao go home by plane.
According to the agreement on terror, China decided to put the bobcats extradition trial. Important task by LiJianFeng escorted the bobcats.
Poetry decided to go abroad, he wrote a farewell letter to Yang Can, with luggage and panthers, go to the airport on a plane. 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情}


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