星际战甲火星单次任务war任务怎么刺杀LECH KRIL中尉,LECH KRIL中尉盔甲太厚不扣血

愚蠢的Tenno, 你可知道你崇敬的Lotus将你送上了绝路?
–Captain Vor
For his Corrupted version, see .
Captain Vor Is one of the few figures in the game that understands ancient
technology, going as far as utilizing it and merging it with Grineer technology to create offensive weapons such as his trademark
pistol and also his armor, which is powered by a
and grants him a powerful ranged beam attack. Captain Vor can be encountered in three locations currently, making him the most recurring boss beside . First appearing on Mercury and thus being the first boss that players must fight, he then appears again, somehow fully alive, on
as a dual boss battle alongside , then appearing later yet again as a Corrupted version of himself within the .
Vor上尉是玩家遇到的第一位BOSS,他也会在火卫一和Lech Kril中尉一同做为BOSS出现。
Vor上尉在设定中是少数几个知道Orokin科技的秘密并为了自己的利益而使用它的人,主要作为寻找更多Orokin神器的钥匙(或是用来捕获或杀死尚未苏醒的Tenno以及在战斗中攻击他的敌人),最好的证明就是他身上的Void钥匙(他在战斗中使用的金色物体),还有他定制的Seer手枪(一把结合Orokin技术和Grineer科技的大威力手枪)。与大多数Grineer一样,Vor上尉显示出对Tenno充满蔑视并嘲讽他们,他会将死亡Tenno的物品作为他的战利品。他的一些嘲讽语句暗示了他与Alad V有一个共同点:解剖他得到的Tenno来了解Tenno的能力来源。
Vor上尉也出现在许多关于的活动中: ①在游戏资料库中悬石行动介绍里描述Grineer与Corpus武装冲突时出现,并且在这次事件之后,Grineer与Corpus之间的交易出现了裂隙。 The victory diorama for
suggests that Vor takes personal responsibility for failing to keep
a secret from the Tenno, though he mentions that Alad's means of hiding Phobos' location were also to blame.
Some time later, Captain Vor resumes his operations to neutralize newly-awakened Tenno, travelling to Earth to locate a cache of cryopods.
His attempt to capture the Tenno, however, fail as the awakened Tenno escape from Earth and defeated him on Mercury.
After an indeterminate amount of time, his Orokin Key starts to revive him, ultimately linking his separated body together via a swirling mass of energy. From that point on, he considers the Orokin as a godly being, even going so far to refer his Orokin Key as a "Janus Key".
In his current state of mind Vor believes that he knows the "true" power of the Void, claiming that the Tenno are "trespassers" being led by a "false prophet" (most likely referring to the Lotus). It is unknown whether he has been convinced by his revival, or has simply been brainwashed by his own Key.
As seen in The Rebirth, the newly-revived Captain Vor is seen marching his way through Grineer troops to demonstrate the power of his Orokin Key, possibly leading his soldiers into the Void and corrupting them in the process.
Vor上尉看起来像是一个装备有独特棕色护甲的Grineer。我们假设他是一个老年人,理由是在“The Call”的开头,Grineer指挥官用Vor的年龄嘲讽他。
①目前我们知道,就像“The Call”和“The Rebirth”预告片中看到的,当他死亡的时候他的Orokin钥匙将会发光,并最终复活了Vor上尉。在游戏中已经出现了复活的Vor上尉,虽然玩家没有像预告片中看到他的复活。
③Vor是继Lech Kril中尉后第二个被重置的BOSS,也是Lech Kril中尉后第二个有独有声音的BOSS。此外,Vor是第二个有独有死亡动画的BOSS,在他死时会跌倒并喊出一句嘲讽然后从腰部断裂——就像预告片中的一样。
⑦在“The Call”预告片中有一个小细节:在他看到一支弓箭刺穿并杀死自己的守卫时表现出惊讶。虽然没有字幕,但是你会听到他说“Lahk kle-?!”,这句话在英语中就是“What the-?!”
⑧Vor一词来自Lois McMasterBujold小说中位于Vorkosigan Saga的星球Barrayar上的一个贵族姓氏。
⑩和Sargas Ruk将军还有Shik Tal(3G成员)一样,他的配音来自DE的Skree。
Sunken Vor.
In Solo, inside the default
tileset, when a player glances too quickly on the direction where Captain Vor is located where it was blocked by walls, the Cinematic scene will be triggered despite the player does not even see the location nor Captain Vor, himself, directly.
Captain Vor may sometimes level up to level 15 after using , potentially teleporting in s and s.[有待验证]
One can even set the Cinematic scene underneath the platform, which causes the camera to clip through while Captain Vor is seen sinking through the floor.
Occasionally when shielding, Vor has a small tendency to remain stuck in a pose, still able to move around and attack players as normal, making it impossible to complete the mission as his state remains him permanently invulnerable.
Killing Captain Vor when primed by 's fourth skill: , causes Vor's corpse to duplicate at a very unusual number.
Switch teleporting with Captain Vor before the cinematic causes Captain Vor to be damageable, but not take any actions, including dying, causing the mission to be unwinnable.
This is useful for trying effects of mods on weapons.
right after he drops the golden shield may result in him being stuck in an invulnerability frame for the entire stasis duration. This problem can be overcome by waiting for him to start an attack animation before using the Stomp. Whether this effect occurs with other stasis abilities like 's
requires further testing.
A lot of dead vors...
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You ever get hammered in that suit?
–Lieutenant Lech Kril
Lieutenant Lech Kril is the final boss of , and makes an appearance on
as a dual boss battle on the planet. A revered war hero to the Grineer, Lotus has targeted Kril so that his death could create possible instability within the Grineer and intimidate them, although she also fears he may become a martyr with Grineer riled up to avenge his death as a result. His rank as a "war hero" is rather strange considering his apparent low rank in the Grineer military, although his near impenetrable body suit and massive temper may prove that he is indeed as ruthless as Grineer say he is.
He can be found on the
Exta on Ceres and Iliad on Phobos.
On , after defeating him and finishing the mission, you receive a
Helmet, Chassis or Systems blueprint. Upon death, Lieutenant Lech Kril has a chance of dropping an .
On , he rewards
parts and its blueprint, or the
blueprint. He also drops blueprints for
components. He has two phases, first being Ice and the second Fire, which he will enter after his cryo pack is destroyed four times.
Lieutenant Lech Kril wears a unique set of body armor and wields the
and . This boss fight comes in two phases, with different abilities and attacks for each phase.
Lieutenant Lech Kril, like other bosses, has unique taunts. Here is a list of them:
And I will strike down upon (User) with great vengeance and furious anger!
The sound of hammer shattering ice is pure auditory perfection.
Beneath those suits exist flesh. Flesh bleeds. (User) bleeds.
I have seen and conquered many clans. (Clan) will be next!
Does that second-skin peel away just as easy as the first?
Grineer immortality begins with the strike of my hammer!
I am Lieutenant Lech Kril. My hammer awaits your skull.
I forgot my nails... I guess (User) will have to do!
Trust me when I say you won't feel a thing.
You ever get hammered in that suit?
Hold still and I'll make this quick.
Lieutenant Lech Kril's battle is split into two phases, the latter phase starts after his coolant pack has been completely destroyed. He generally wields a
Kril is completely invincible. He will generally use his
throughout the first battles on ranged targets, though occasionally he will shoot
at them. He will resort to his Brokk to knock a target away when they get too close. Alternatively, he will slam the ground with his hammer, casting . Both abilities guarantee a
Kril prefers to stay his ground and tank all firepower instead (though it limits his mobility), unlike most
personnel. He is only vulnerable to damage when all four coolant tube on his cooling pack (on his back) are destroyed, which will then shift the battle to Phase 2.
Lieutenant Lech Kril will burst into fire and put away his
and equip his
hammer, resorting to full-melee while turning all of his
based ability into a heavy
damage. Alternatively, he may slam down
which guarantees
proc or throw his hammer at long range targets as a heavy boomerang.
Despite still possessing heavy armor, his melee capability and speed increases by a great margin. He can even catch up to a Tenno and his swing speed is noticably faster. One must be careful as a single strike from him has the lethal potency and can down an inexperienced Tenno.
In Phase 1, Lech Kril is impervious to damage and the coolant pack on his back must first be destroyed to render him vulnerable. Shooting his pack when the center of it is lit will cause one of its four pipes to pop off and wave frantically in the air. In this state, the next time Lech Kril attempts to slam his hammer or throw an Ice Dart, he
attacking the pack while he is frozen will destroy the dislodged pipe. This process of dislodging a pipe, freezing him and destroying the pipe must be repeated three more times to destroy all four pipes, at which point he becomes vulnerable to damage.
It is recommended to always stay close to cover during this phase. Although his Freeze can be dodged by keeping an eye on Kril's motion, being close to cover can save you if you do accidentally get hit by a Dart and become frozen. Being caught out in the open while frozen can result in getting heavily damaged or killed by Kril's .
In Phase 2, while he only can be taken down mostly by kiting, most of his attacks are predictable. His Brokk will glow brightly when thrown, note that Kril is stationary while throwing the hammer and until it returns, giving an opportunity to damage him. When using his Fire Wave, Kril will lift his hammer before slamming it to the ground, giving players time to dodge.
If Kril charges at you and he's faster than you, do not keep running away. Instead, run towards him and flank besides or over him. This will make him try to swing his hammer down on you, thus temporarily stopping his movements, while getting away from his attack.
will cloak the player, creating a big opportunity for you to destroy his cryo pack.
and Saryn's
are also invaluable for distracting Lech Kril's gunfire while exposing him to attacks from the Tenno.
slows Lech Kril's ice-based melee attacks, allowing his target to walk out of the way while increasing the length of time when he is vulnerable during his first phase.
Lieutenant Lech Kril is a revered war hero among the Grineer. While his assassination will result in increased stability for the solar system and intimidate the rest of the Grineer, Lotus dislikes the fact that it will also make him a martyr to his people.
He looked like a larger Grineer
before , and wielded a
Currently, there is a chance that a glitch could happen after one or more of its cooling tubes has been severed, causing the battle against him to stuck on Phase 1, on which the Cryo pack cannot be damaged further. This glitch happens randomly, no matter which Warframes are present (tested)
Kril appears in the Warframe Open Beta trailer, though still wielding the Manticore, rather than the current Brokk.
He was the first boss to undergo a major revamp, receiving a more complex boss battle and unique voice-acting and animations.
Prior to , he used the
instead of the Brokk.
He also was the first boss to have a special death animation. Prior to Update 8, on death, he would fall flat on the ground like a downed player before actually dying. It took a little time for him to bleed out on his own, but one could finish him to shorten the time. After Update 8, he now has a new death animation where he falls to his knees and collapses before erupting in a fiery explosion.
Lieutenant Lech Kril's taunt "And I will strike down upon (player name) with great vengeance and furious anger!" Is a reference to a scene in , in which Samuel L. Jackson states the same as a quote from the Bible's book Ezekiel 25:17.(Not actually in the Bible, created specifically for the movie.)
As of , his shields can be damaged during Phase 1. Although he is still invulnerable, bleeding effect from Slash-based weapons will directly damage his health.
His rank is somewhat unusual for a supposed 'war hero', as Lieutenants are generally lesser-ranking commissioned officers in current military terms, only three or four steps above the lowest possible rank. It is possible that Kril has not been an officer for long, or that Grineer officers are assigned their ranks/titles
perhaps based off the size of the force they command or their overall long-term experience, rather than personal combat experience. Alternately, his status as a war hero may be entirely fabricated as a propaganda campaign, and his title/rank chosen on purpose.
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