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《Bloody trapland 2》是一款快节奏的动作类游戏,游戏有四种颜色的小猫供玩家选择,需要通过层层陷阱才能到达终点,喜欢这款游戏的朋友一定不要错过噢!Bloody trapland 2游戏特色:游戏支持1-4人局域网游戏,上百个关卡,每个关卡中遍布机关。Bloody trapland 2游戏配置:1.6 Ghz cpuDirectX 9.01 GB RAM500 MB available space&Windows XP/Vista/7 (32- or 64-bit)使用说明:1.解2.运行游戏游戏试玩:
Bloody trapland 2免费版 简体中文硬盘版
下载帮助西西破解版软件均来自互联网, 如有侵犯您的版权, 请与我们联系。吾王 赛高!!!欢迎看UP主的其他视频~~LLer一枚,是个果厨哒哟~
自制 转自优酷
如果 喜欢的人多 我会继续出 ~虽然第一次玩很渣 ~~~
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30 Aug, 2012 @ 10:37am
26 Jan, 2016 @ 7:48pm
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In-GameBloody Trapland 2 : Curiosity
Last Online 4 hrs, 21 mins ago
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We are happy to announce that the official Steam page is now up, check it out! Don't forget to wishlist the game if you like what you see!
Hey fellow Traplanders! After a lot of hard work we are super happy to finally be able to share this with you!Check it out:As this game is still in development we would love to hear all the ideas and suggestions you might have. What features and improvements would you want to see in the sequel?
Available right now:Game description:Bloody Trapland is a fast-paced multiplayer platformer where the levels are filled with dozens of dangerous traps and tricky jumps that stand in your way! Play co-op with your friends or take on the challenges on your own. With support for both local and online multiplayer.100+ levels.1-4 Players.Three different game modes.co-op only and secret areas.Online scoreboard.4 playable characters.Unique soundtrack.Hours and hours of gametime.This is a challenging, yet simple game that anyone can enjoy, whether you're a casual or a hardcore gamer.Free Demo available:Game in action, watch Nova and Spoon take on the challenge.Pewds & Cry Plays: Bloody TraplandFollow us on Facebook:
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