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TrueUpdate is a Windows application that provides a sophisticated framework for determining required updates and then retrieving and applying the necessary patch or installation files via the Internet, intranet or LAN. It was designed to meet the demand for a complete, web-enabled updating solution that can be integrated into new and existing software products, regardless of the installation and deployment methods used.
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TrueUpdate 2.0支持所有的常规的服务器/客户端连接协议,内容包括HTTP, FTP 和 LAN(同时支持UNC通道和映射驱动器),以及安全连接和HTTPS方式文件传递。支持所有的HTTP基本身份鉴定方式、超时设定、端口、FTP被动方式和内置的用户名和密码。自动防火墙和代理服务器检测
TrueUpdate 2.0现在支持完全无缝的符合产业标准的代理服务器和防火墙管理。现在,所有的网络连接都是通过WinINet API来完成的,能够兼容任何企业局域网中的硬件和软件资源,支持标准Windows/ Internet Explorer功能。支持更多的补丁方法
无论您计划采用哪种方法在客户端进行软件的补丁更新/升级,TrueUpdate 2.0都可以良好得支持他们。无论您是发布一个自执行的补丁文件(比如那些由Visual Patch创建的补丁包),还是一个单独文件的安装文件(比如由TrueUpdate创建的升级文件)、Zip压缩文件、单独的数据文件、多个二进制补丁文件或者其他您选择的文件形式,TrueUpdate 2.0都可以完善得支持他们。我们甚至为此提供了多个工程模板和实例文件,方便您的使用。 完善的版本分析
TrueUpdate 2.0包含了一个和TrueUpdate 7.0一样的脚本引擎,并能自动播放Media Studio 5.0。基于常规的&Lua&语言,这个全新的强大的自由的脚本引擎可以令您比以往更加强大对软件升级系统进行控制。基于常规的LUA语言,您可以很容易得理解脚本语言的特点,包括&for, repeat and while&的循环语句、&if/else&的条件判断语句、函数、变量和表格(相关数组)。与内置的函数库相匹配的,采用完全的数字赋值和布尔表达式,这个脚本中几乎没有令您难以理解的内容。当然,我们还是内置了一个&函数向导&和&代码向导&,因此,即使是初学者也可以创建功能强大的安装包,甚至是那些要求异常苛刻的程序打包任务。 丰富的控制函数库
TrueUpdate 2.0内置了一个多达250个函数库,我们提供了高等级的脚本控制能力,所提供的函数库涵盖了各个方面,从文本文件编辑到系统注册更改等。您可以通过调用dll函数执行程序,包括查询驱动器信息、管理字符串、拷贝文件、枚举进程、开始和终止服务、与网页脚本结合、显示对话框等。我们还提供了一系列完整的下载功能脚本函数,包括FTP, HTTP和安全检验HTTPS传输,并新增加对防火墙和代理服务器的自动支持。便捷的函数库向导
在TrueUpdate 2.0中,您无需专门使用向导来创建一个强大功能的安装包,因为我们已经将向导程序整合在程序之中。您可以从分类列表中选择您需要的函数命令(完全的屏幕交互帮助),然后在要求的信息区域中填入您需要的信息,Setup Factory将自动完成剩下的工作,您无需掌握太多的脚本或者程序方面的知识,您仅需要将空白区域填入您的信息便可以。修改同样是一件容易的事情,点击您想要修改项的直线,然后点击&编辑&按钮,窗体中的信息便会回复到最初的样子。彩色语法高亮显示
TrueUpdate 2.0自由控制语言编辑器提供了所有的您想要的专家级脚本编辑功能,它提供了彩色语法高亮、代码校验、函数高亮、输入即时样本选择、Ctrl+Space激活功能列表和文本关联帮助等功能。如果您熟悉Microsoft& Visual Basic, Microsoft& Visual C++等其他现代程序开发语言,您会更加便于使用。改进的客户端界面
TrueUpdate 2.0提供了近乎无限灵活的用户界面设计功能,您可以选择纯粹的交互向导、最小化对话框样式、完全的silent 方式或者&silent方式直至升级完成&系统。除此之外,感谢最新的屏幕图库和管理器,您可以选择多达25种向导样式对话框,您还可以根据个人需求自定义对话框。屏幕图库和管理器
TrueUpdate 2.0提供了多达25种不同的屏幕模板供您选择,在此,TrueUpdate 2.0远远优秀于其之前的版本以及其他同类软件。它预置的布局形式可以满足您对于任务的任何要求,并支持布局调整以精确满足您的需要。我们提供了多个界面元素,包括检查框、单选按钮和编辑栏,方便您构建常规的屏幕,比如许可协议窗体、序列号校验窗体、文件夹选项界面和其他高级选项界面。该屏幕管理器允许您添加和移除任何的屏幕内容,以及更改显示次序,而完成这些操作您仅需要拖曳鼠标而已。支持每一种界面屏幕的即时预览效果,因此您可以即时看到您修改后的界面效果。主题和皮肤
TrueUpdate 2.0可以让您轻松的实现客户端和服务器文件的同步升级。该新的自动升级的特点将构建过程彻底转化为完整的发布方案,它支持文件拷贝到UNC或者映射驱动器中,采用标准的FTP方式或者具有安全检验的SFTP方式。当然,如果您想要人工管理这一过程,我们还提供了对应的手动升级选项。
对于您的软件用户而言,更小更快的安装文件意味着更好的软件使用体验,TrueUpdate 2.0便可以做到这点。TrueUpdate 2.0客户端程序仅有450kb左右,您可以与同类产品进行比对。同时,因为它是完全用优化的C++代码编写而成的,因此没有额外的关联文件和运行时间的要求。
您的TrueUpdate 2.0工程可以配置为安全使用模式,既不显示用户界面对话框、提示窗口、信息报告窗口或者错误提示。Silent 安装程序令您可以控制大量工作站的程序安装,以满足企业标准的要求。客户端程序可以轻松得在程序、系统日程安排程序或者自动进程中调用。可扩展的控制语言插入Plugins
TrueUpdate 2.0可以通过Action Plugins来扩展功能。这种插入模式可以代给整个产品无限的功能扩展可能,比如插入对SQLite数据库的支持、XML支持、数字加密等。该功能紧密整合在开发环境中,包括IntelliSense样式代码检验和语法高亮功能,就想在使用内置的脚本编辑器一样容易。该插入Plugins功能可以通过Indigo Rose来提供,也可以使用其他第三方开发工具,再次,感谢Indigo Rose免费提供的插入Plugins开发工具.多语言支持
TrueUpdate 2.0提供了非常卓越的多语言安装文件的支持。您创建的升级程序可以自动检测使用者的操作系统的语言版本,调整显示屏幕和信息与之相对应,无论您需要的是那种语言版本:英语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语或者其他可以被Windows识别的语言,您只需在TrueUpdate 2.0中提供需要的语言版本的文本信息,TrueUpdate 2.0将会自动替你完成其他的工作。内置的拼写检测
现在,保证您在您工程中的拼写正确将比以往更加方便。基本上,无论您在哪里输入信息,您都可以执行拼写检查功能,以确保文本输入没有错误。TrueUpdate 2.0中提供了多个语言的字典,包括英语、法语、德语、意大利语、西班牙语、荷兰语、瑞典语、丹麦语、克罗地亚语、捷克语、波兰语和斯洛文尼亚语。客户端记录文件
TrueUpdate 2.0适合无缝得融入在您的每日的程序创建过程中。在您每次编辑您的源代码创建升级包,可以令您的程序更早更频繁得进行调试。您只需在设计时间的常量相关联(比如DEFINE),它便会创建对应的文件,您的TrueUpdate可以令数据更新变得更加简单和自动在windows95及其以上版本中使用
TrueUpdate 2.0创建的升级体统可以和任何的windows系统良好得兼容运行,从Windows 95 到XP及其后续版本。当您对比其他同类产品时,您会对他们的操作系统要求感到吃惊。如果您使用的系统是较早版本,那么您的选择绝对是明智的。
Extensive Project Wizard
Getting your project started has never been easier, thanks to the new Project Wizard. You&ll be walked through each step of the process, including setting up your TrueUpdate Server, choosing download methods, customizing the TrueUpdate Client and configuring your automatic upload settings. The wizard includes dozens of options and project templates to choose from.
More Server Types
TrueUpdate 2.0 supports all of the most popular protocols for client/server communication. This includes HTTP, FTP and LAN (both UNC paths and mapped drives), as well as secure connections and file transfers using HTTPS. Full support for HTTP basic authentication, timeouts, ports, FTP passive mode, usernames and passwords is also built-in.
Automatic Firewall and Proxy Server Detection
TrueUpdate 2.0 now handles proxy servers and firewalls in an entirely seamless and industry-standard manner. All Internet communication is now done entirely through the WinINet API, making it fully compatible with any corporate network hardware and software that supports standard Windows/Internet Explorer functionality.
Supports More Patching Methods
It doesn&t matter what method you plan to use to patch/update the software on the client system. TrueUpdate 2.0 can work with them all. Whether you&re deploying a self-contained patch executable (such as those created by Visual Patch), a single-file installer (like those created with TrueUpdate), zip files, individual data files, multiple binary patch files or whatever else you require, TrueUpdate 2.0 can handle it. We&ve even included a variety of project templates and samples to get you started.
Sophisticated Version Analysis
TrueUpdate provides many flexible methods for analyzing existing software versions on the client system. It can access the registry, read values from INI files, compare file CRC values, query file version resource information or even use time/date stamps if necessary. Once a version has been identified, TrueUpdate can use a series of actions to bring that version up to date as required.
Powerful Scripting Engine
TrueUpdate 2.0 now includes the same scripting engine as TrueUpdate 7.0 and AutoPlay Media Studio 5.0. Based on the popular &Lua& language, this all-new and incredibly powerful free-form scripting engine gives you unprecedented control over your software updating system. This easy to use language features everything from &for, repeat and while& loops, to &if/else& conditions, functions, variables and associative arrays. Paired with the built-in action library, full mathematical evaluation and Boolean expressions, there is simply nothing you can&t achieve. We&ve also built in an &Action Wizard& and &Quick Scripts& feature so you can get right up to speed creating powerful projects to handle even the most demanding update tasks.
Extensive Action Library
TrueUpdate 2.0 includes a built-in library of more than 250 powerful yet easy to use actions. There are high-level actions to handle everything from text file editing to system registry changes. You can execute programs, call DLL functions, query drive information, manipulate strings, copy files, enumerate processes, start and stop services, interact with web scripts, display dialog boxes and much more. There is also a full suite of file download actions including FTP, HTTP and secure HTTPS transfers, including new automatic support for firewalls and proxy servers.
Easy to Use Action Wizard
You don&t have to be a wizard to create powerful update systems with TrueUpdate 2.0. We&ve built the wizard into the software! Simply choose the action you want from a categorized list (complete with on-screen interactive help), fill in the requested information fields and the wizard does the rest. Making changes is just as easy. Click on the line you want to change and press the &edit& button to go back to the original form. It&s really that easy.
Color Syntax Highlighting Script Editor
The TrueUpdate 2.0 script editor features all of the professional features you&d expect. There&s color syntax highlighting, code completion, function highlighting, as-you-type action prototypes, Ctrl+Space function listings and even context-sensitive help. If you&re used to programming in Microsoft& Visual Basic, Microsoft& Visual C++ or any other modern development language, you&ll be right at home.
Improved Client Interface
TrueUpdate 2.0 gives you nearly unlimited flexibility in designing the user interface. You can choose from a fully interactive wizard, a minimal dialog box style, a completely silent approach or a &silent until update available& system. Additionally, thanks to the new screen gallery and manager, you can choose from over 25 ready to use wizard-style dialogs, or customize them to fit your needs.
Screen Gallery & Manager
With a library of more than twenty-five different screen templates to choose from, TrueUpdate 2.0 is miles ahead of both previous versions and the competition. There are pre-built layouts to handle just about any task you can dream up, and it&s easy to adjust them to fit your needs exactly. You&ll find check boxes, radio buttons and edit fields to popular screens like license agreements, folder selection and other advanced options. The Screen Manager allows you to add and remove screens at will and adjust the sequence with a simple drag-and-drop motion. Each screen features a real-time preview so you can see the result of your changes as you work.
Themes and Skins
Choose from over twenty included themes (skins) for your project or even make your own. It&s as easy as viewing a live dialog preview and picking your favorite style. You can configure everything from fonts (face, color, size, style) and banner images to body/background graphics, control colors (buttons, check boxes, radio buttons) and more.
Publishing Wizard
Once you&ve got your project ready to go, the Publishing Wizard will help you to package it up and upload it to your server. The wizard will create the client application, server configuration files and everything else you need to put your update system into operation. You&ll also get a full project manifest that tells you what files have been generated and what you need to do with them.
Automatic Server Uploads with Secure FTP Support
TrueUpdate 2.0 makes it easy to keep both your client and server files up-to-date. The new automatic upload feature turns the build process into a complete publishing solution. It supports file copying to UNC or mapped drives, standard FTP, or secure SFTP. Of course, should you wish to handle it all yourself, there is a manual upload option as well.
Compact Client Application
Smaller and faster means a better experience, and TrueUpdate 2.0 delivers. Compare our tiny ~500 KB client application to the competition and see for yourself. And since it is written completely in optimized C++ code, there are no external dependencies or runtimes required.
Encrypted Configuration Files
Both client configuration files and server data files are automatically compressed and encrypted using your own private key. Featuring the secure Blowfish algorithm, your scripts and configuration info are safe from any casual tampering or viewing.
Runs Silent or Interactive
Your TrueUpdate 2.0 projects can be configured to operate without displaying user interface dialogs, prompts, messages or errors. Silent operation lets you maintain control over hundreds or thousands of workstations while enforcing corporate standards. The client application can easily be called from programs, system schedulers or automatic processes.
Expandable with Action Plugins
TrueUpdate 2.0 can be easily expanded with Action Plugins. These plug-in modules can extend the product in infinitely powerful ways, such as adding support for SQLite databases, XML, MD5 hashing, data encryption and much more. Tight integration with the design environment & including IntelliSense style code completion and syntax highlighting & makes them just as easy to use as built-in actions. Plugins are available through Indigo Rose as well as third-party developers thanks to Indigo Rose&s freely available plug-in development kit.
International Language Support
TrueUpdate 2.0 offers unsurpassed support for multilingual projects right out of the box. Update systems created with TrueUpdate 2.0 can automatically determine the language of the client operating system and adjust the display of screens and messages appropriately. Whether you need to support English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or any other language recognized by Windows, you simply provide the text and TrueUpdate 2.0 takes care of the rest!
Built-in Spelling Checker
Now it&s easier than ever to make sure that typos don&t creep into your projects. Basically anywhere you can type, you can perform a spell check to ensure error-free text. Dictionaries are available for over a dozen languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Croatian, Czech, Polish and Slovenian.
Client Log Files
The client application can easily log each action giving you an accurate record of everything that is happening behind the scenes. It&s perfect for debugging or even archiving. You can control the level of detail being logged, including options for recording script actions.
Unattended Builds
TrueUpdate 2.0 fits seamlessly into your daily build process. Creating your update project every time you build your source code makes it easy to test early and often. Used in conjunction with design-time constants (e.g. DEFINE&s) and build response files, your TrueUpdate project can be kept up to date simply and automatically.
Works with Windows 95 and Up
Update systems created with TrueUpdate 2.0 work just fine on every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP and beyond. Compare that to competitive tools and you&re sure to be surprised at their requirements. If you need to support legacy systems, your choice is clear!
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