大适马17 50 f2.8Sigma 120-300 f2.8 这只头究竟如何?值得入手否

Sigma 适马-SIGMA 适马 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM (适马口) 单反镜头 镜头-价格 报价 图片 评测 多少钱
售价从 ¥24,656.09 起
SIGMA 适&#30mm F2.8 DG OS HSM (适马口) 单反镜头 镜头
平均4.3 星
售价从 ¥24,656.09 起
适马将所有交换镜头归纳为Contemporary、Art、Sports三大系列产品线。其中Sports产品线为运动型镜头系列,它在保持一如既往的超强光学性能与表现力的同时,忠实遵从拍摄者意图,发挥超群运动性能。可以轻松捕捉远处或快速运动的被摄体,具有高水准的光学性能和表现力。SIGMA 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM正是该产品线的首款镜头。适合所有运动摄影,以及鸟类和野生动物等大自然摄影、飞机摄影、铁路摄影、竞速赛事、人像摄影等。此外,该镜头的另一特色是具有丰富多样的自定义功能,拍摄者需配合软件使用。;为了应对专业级的严酷摄影条件,该镜头的卡口连接处、手动对焦环、变焦环、自定义开关等操作开关、对焦模式开关以及外壳部分的连接处等都采用防尘防水滴设计。有效防止杂物或灰尘侵入镜头内部。考虑到实际拍摄状况,我们在不影响操作手感的基础上,对变焦环或对焦环进行了防尘防水滴处理。;采用2片可达到与萤石性能相同的FLD("F" Low Dispersion:F低色散)镜片与1片SLD(Special Low Dispersion:特殊低色散)镜片,将放大率色差控制到低限度。我们也增加了消除放射状眩光的功能,降低边缘部分点光源的晕色现象,实现卓越画质,可与定焦镜头相媲美。;使用超多层镀膜技术,有效地消除了眩光、鬼影,实现较大光圈时的高锐度、高对比度的卓越画质,可在全焦段内再现卓越影像。长焦手持拍摄尽显威力拥有约4级光学防抖功能,在长焦手持拍摄时尽显威力。配备两种防抖模式。防抖模式1,适合普通摄影。防抖模式2,适合竞速赛事等的摇拍。可以使用USB DOCK(另售)对OS进行调整。;对焦迅速安静采用9片叶片的圆形光圈,可以在较大光圈附近拍出美丽的虚化效果。采用精度高,稳固耐用的黄铜卡口。表面经特殊处理,提高强度,高品质镜头经受得起长时间使用的考验。
29.1 x 12.4 x 12.4 cm
发货重量: 5 Kg
型号: SIGMA 适马 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM (适马口)
该镜头具有高水准的光学性能和表现能力,可以轻松捕捉远处或快速运动的被摄体。性能超群,功能齐备,即使在极其严酷的条件下,也能给拍摄者全方位支持。SIGMA 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM高性能长焦变焦镜头具有自定义功能,使用者可根据个人偏好进行设定。该镜头保持了一如既往的超强光学性能和表现力,并进一步提高操作便捷性。完美展现发挥超群运动性能的Sports产品线理念。适合用于体育摄影、大自然摄影、飞机摄影、铁路摄影、竞速赛事、人物摄影。帮您牢牢抓住每个具有决定性的瞬间,照片表现力更上一层楼。
此商品在美国亚马逊上最有用的商品评论 (beta) (可能包括""的评论)
59/61 人认为此评论有用If You Shoot Sports, Buy This Lens!
Steve Hofmann
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表
I wanted the option of having the 300mm focal length at f/2.8 but I just couldn't justify buying both a 300 and 400 prime, because I honestly thought it would be kind of dumb to be honest. That's when I came across this monster. I was a little doubtful at first since the Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 I received was an absolute disaster, but this lens is incredible. It's been my go-to lens for just about all types of sport photography.First off this thing is SHARP, yes even wide open. The bokeh is beautiful and clean. It gets even better as the apertures get smaller (higher f/stops for those who don't quite understand the ridiculous way aperture is measured.)I won't beat around the bush, this thing is HEAVY. You'll want a monopod or a seat to rest your elbow on if you're going to shooting with it for a while. But else would you expect from a lens with this focal range and aperture?The OS (image stabilization) seems to work just as well as Canon's, not that it's relevant when shooting sports. I leave it off most of the time. Regardless though, when I have needed it, it does work well. The AF is very quick and responsive, maybe a tad bit slower than the staple 70-200 f/2.8 l IS II. The best part of this though, is that if you buy a separate software/usb adapter, you can make 2 custom AF settings, which I have taken full advantage of. I've made one that focuses with speed being the main factor, one that has accuracy as the main factor, and the standard one being in the middle.All in all, I LOVE this lens for sports on either my full frame or crop sensor body. The unique focal range/aperture make this lens an incredible addition to any photographer that relies on long, fast lenses and large apertures.Don't believe me? Check out the photos I uploaded to the customer pics section. I think they speak to the quality of this lens.
43/45 人认为此评论有用My new 'Cannon' is a Sigma?
Barry F. Shaffer
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表
I've been rocking the Canon 300mmF2.8L on the sidelines for several years now and it has served me well but I was always disappointed when the action came at me or when an spectacular catch happened just feet away from me, I'd end up missing an awesome shot because it was just too tight. I've tried using a second body with a shorter lens but it still wasn't quick or as spontaneous as I'd like. (and since I don't shoot for SI, I felt like a bit of a douche carrying two cameras around).So this season I picked up the newly released Sigma 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM. Yes, that's a fixed 2.8 aperture, image stabilized, tele to super-tele zoom! I admit, I had my doubts, I've been burned by the inferior image quality of 3rd party lenses before and vowed 'never-again'. I've also read enough reports of just how poor previous versions of this lens (I think this is the 3rd) was that I never really considered it. But in 2013, Sigma has stepped up thier game and started putting out some really fine lenses. Their new 35mm F1.4 prime is truly a 'best in class' lens and has got owners of Canon and Nikon 35s asking themselves why they spent more and got less. So when I read that this lens would be built to the same standards, my curiosity was piqued.So how did it perform? At first, poorly. I shot two games with it and had a really low 'keeper' rate due to out of focus shots.
But after doing a little research, I found that Sigma programs the AF system to prioritize focus accuracy over focus speed. So I used the Sigma USB dock to setup a custom profile for the lens - (there are two custom profile slots that can store different AF speed profiles and AF Microadjustments which is Sigma's work around for the Camera manufacturers not including 3rd party lenses in their in-camera micro focus adjustments). I set mine up for the High Speed setting and went off and shot another game. Keeper rate was MUCH better, pretty close to on par with the ol' Canon 300. This really is a different lens in this mode. Why Sigma doesn't ship their 'Sports' lens with High Speed AF as default is a mystery, but they do.Now with the focus issue out of the way I could do some comparisons.Sharpness:Very good - I only shoot this lens wide open and it does a good job. It's not quite as sharp as the Canon 300F2.8L but not much else is. I did find it sharper than the 300F4ISL that I used to own. One peculiar characteristic of this lens is that it doesn't seem as sharp on distant objects - don't know if this has to do with the resolving capability of the lens but I noticed that within 50 yards or so, subjects are tack sharp but as distance increases they tend to go soft - I never experienced this with the Canon.Bokeh:While I don't intend to use this as a portrait lens, good bokeh is important to get subject / background separation and here a think the Sigma is a bit better than the canon. Specular highlights with my canon were often harsh and had an almost crystallized look to them which could be distracting at times, not a problem with the Sigma, nice round soft orbs of light is all you get here.Color and ContrastSince I shoot mainly night games under crappy lights I really can't comment on this one other than under the same conditions I'm finding I'm doing a little more 'tweaking' in Lightroom with the Sigma so I'd take it that to mean the Canon is better (at least in this situation)FlexibilityObviously, the Sigma is the hands down winner here since the Canon can't zoom. It is just so great to be able to track a subject coming at you and adjust framing at the same time. The 120mm is by no means wide but on a football field, it's enough to capture the entire coaches huddle or snap sideline portraits without having to back way the hell up. It should be noted that the lens is not a parfocal design so focus changes slightly as you zoom, but I don't think that matters much with AF.In the end, do I think the Sigma is a keeper? Well, all I have to say is there's a big white lens is on craigslist right now...
7/7 人认为此评论有用A+ sports lens and incredible value.
Kerry Taylor
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表
I shoot high school football and volleyball for our school and Maxpreps. I could get away with my Nikon D4 and Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 for the school and web postings, but Maxpreps requirements are targeted for 8x10 print quality photos only. So I'm looking for a 300-400mm that I can shoot day and night games, of which f2.8 is a requirement.I've had my eye on this lens for a while but didn't care for the reverse zoom and quality of the sigma 70-200mm. The overwhelming positive feedback and the lure of a 120-300 zoom had convinced me to rent the sigma and I used it for 2 day games.I actually bought a usb dock because I wanted to see all the features especially the differences in the focus speed. The lens came in spot on focus and I didn't have to tweak any of the offsets on any of the zoom points. I did program the custom settings to off(standard focus speed), C1(priority fast focus) and C2(accuracy priority).Clarity was off the chart and in peer reviews of my photos I got unsolicited input that the shots were incredible. In closer review of the photos (what others don't see) is that the clarity was superior and I could get in close at 300mm and crop in tighter. Yeah. Awesome. Just what I wanted to hear.In practice I was disappointed in the focus speed and function. I usually shoot in afc-1 spot focus and the lens performed horribly. When I went to d9 focus it came alive and worked beautifully. Not optimal as I like to be more specific with my focus point, but performed well. Fast autofocus worked ok 8 out of 10. Standard and accuracy priority was barely noticeably slower.Oh, the weight. Monopod a must. Other photographers gasped at the weight on the D4. Not a big issue in my book compared to the positives.All in all the value, flexibility of the zoom range, clarity, and performance was an A+ and is on my Christmas list for next season.UPDATE 12/25/14Santa brought me this lens today! Couldn't be happier. I'll update throughout the year! Merry Christmas!
8/8 人认为此评论有用Wow! As a professional, this is exactly what I needed.
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表
I was a little hesitant about adding a Sigma to my bag. I pride myself in only owning the sharpest of L primes, I really did my research before jumping on this lens. Just so you understand what I'm used to shooting with (and what I compare this lens to) here's what's in my bag:Canon 14mm F2.8L, Canon 24mm F1.4L, Canon 50mm F1.2L, Canon 45mm TS-E, Canon 85mm F1.2L, Canon 100mm F2.8L Macro, Canon 135mm F2.0LSo, to even compare this Sigma to lenses like the 85mm F1.2L and 135mm F2.0L really says something. Even at F2.8 it's impressively sharp. It came out of the bag dead on focus, no micro adjustment needed (unlike any of my L lenses). It's OIS is very impressive. I can shoot at 300mm confidently even at 1/100th shutter speed. Autofocus is pretty darn good. Not the fastest, but pretty great. I haven't shot any sports with it, but I have shot out of a moving car trying to get things on the side of the road at 65 mph, and it handled it great.I've owned the lens now for almost 6 months and I can say it's met if not exceeded all my expectations. You will not be disappointed. I've been a full time professional photographer (weddings, people, events, travel, some wild life for fun) for 6 years now, so I do require the best of the best. This lens surely fits that.
6/7 人认为此评论有用Is it a perfect lens? I don't know but I don't think ...
Kindle Customer
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表
Is it a perfect lens?
I don't know but I don't think so.
But if you factor in quality of imagine, the flexibility of the 120-300, and the price then I have to give it a 5 star.
I have already used it on the soccer field in horrible lighting (or lack of lighting), on the softball and baseball fields at all levels.
I very happy with the results right now.
Are they perfect, nope.
But I see there is a bit of adjustment when using a lens light this.
I purchased the USB dock and already customized it to my needs.
That was a BIG improvement.
Does it appear to "miss" my focused spots sometimes, yep it does but to be honest I see a whole lot of personal user error right now.
But I have had the same problem when using the Canon 300mm f2.8 mark I.
Let me try to summarize some other points or questions:1.
Is it a beast?
Weighs a ton.
I do curls with it every day and I'm looking pretty buff, ok not really.
Yes you will want a monopod.
But lets me honest.
You would want a monopod with a Canon 300mm too!
Actually now that I think about it a monopod is a must for shooting sports using the 70-200!2.
I love the design!
Yes it isn't a cool off white lens by Canon but I really like the look of the design.3.
Yes people are jealous when they see me walk out on the field with it.
And yes my head swells a bit.
Sounds a little stupid but it is true.
The lens adds a bit of legitimacy to what I do.
I swear people just let me walk buy at the ticket gate without even asking question.
Oh, and yes they would to the same if I walked in with a Canon 300mm.4.
Not a big fan of the control rings.
Yes they are stiff!
Which isn't a bad thing but it isn't a good thing either.
The zoom ring is the furthest away and feel backwards to me.
But I have adjusted and working on different techniques to make things easier.5.
I bought this because of the 120-300mm range.
I knew I wouldn't be happy with a 300mm prime.
I have used one for a while and always felt limited.
So far I love adjusting my focus point!
I can do so much more with it.6.
Buy the USB dock.7.
Have fun with it!
Understand what you are buying and run with it!
Nope it isn't a prime.
Get out and shot a lot with it.Ok, i'm not a writer so I'm total done with this review.-)
SIGMA 适马 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM (适马口) 单反镜头 镜头
省天天低价,畅选无忧SIGMA 适马 - 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM
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SIGMA 适马,120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM
120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM
SIGMA 适马 - 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM
120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM


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