throw 在武术里throw的过去式是什么么意思

武术是什么意思 武术在线翻译 武术什么意思 武术的意思 武术的翻译 武术的解释 武术的发音 武术的同义词 武术的反义词 武术的例句
武术 基本解释武术[wǔ shù]词典:武术;国术。词典wushu, martial or physical arts such as shadowboxing, swordplay, etc., formerly cultivated for self-defence, now a form of physical culture词典:武术,技击。词典:[体]武术;[电影]武术之少年行。武术 汉英大词典武术[wǔ shù]wushu, martial or physical arts such as shadowboxing, swordplay, etc., formerly cultivated for self-defence, now a form of physical culture武术 网络解释1. 武术的意思1. wushu:她是著名电影明星. 喜欢看女子明星的动作电影(action movies). 和成龙一起拍了(act on)几个电视广告然后开始在动作片中扮演主角. 那时她不懂武术(Wushu),但为她的电影做准备时学习非常认真.武术 双语例句1. 对一名外国人来说,我的武术水平已经很不错了。&&&&And I have no idea why do I learn Wushu just for interest.2. 越来越多的外籍人士来学习神秘的武术。&&&&More and more foreigners come to learn the mysterious Wushu.3. 安妮:看来,我们也应该学一点儿武术,哎,杰夫你以前不是学武术吗?&&&&Annie: It seems we should also learn some wushu. Jeff, I remember that you have learned wushu before.4. 王平:不仅来学武术,也有来学其他体育项目的,比如乒乓球、田径、游泳、体操什么的。&&&&Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on.5. 武术的翻译5. 东南亚的印尼拳及日本武术形式中可以找到许多中国和印度武术的元素。&&&&Many Chinese and Indian elements are found in Southeast Asian`s practiced Silat and Japanese-styled forms.6. 6. 截拳道对于武术的看法是站在各种有利的角度上的。&&&&Jeet Kune Do martial arts for a variety of views was standing on the vantage point.7. 7. 中华民国及国民政府时期,则正式置设了武术课程,并有了专业设置。新中国成立后,武术课程有了大发展,不仅成为体育院校的必修课,而且成为传承和弘扬民族传统体育的重要途径。&&&&In the early period of 19th century Wushu as one formal subject was arranged in the c After the liberation, Wushu met its better developing period, Wushu became a required course not only, but also has been taken as a important measure to inherit and spread out the good tradition of Chinese nationality.8. 8. 这是特别普遍的传统武术可能教骨伤,气功,针灸,指压按摩,和其他方面的传统中药。&&&&This is particularly prevalent in traditional Chinese martial arts which may teach bone-setting, qigong, acupuncture, acupressure, and other aspects of traditional Chinese medicine.9. 尹仲和战雪豆三人带著不到百人的童氏武术队,晓行夜宿地向南急赶,在第三天清晨到了无银堡,他们让族人稍事休息,然后跟心灵等人在大厅会谈&&&&Zhong, Zen, Xue and Doug, with less than hundred members of Tung`s martial art teams, hurry south by only briefly resting at night and arrive the Wu-yin fort in the second morning.10. 我也是武术协会的部长和理事长,我善长双节棍和自由博击。&&&&I am sure i will make a good employee.11. 太极拳是中国正宗内家武术,通常情况下锻炼的目的是为了健康。&&&&&&Tai chi chuan is an internal Chinese martial art often practiced for health reasons.12. 身着藏红色袈裟的他坚持认为,真正的武僧不会与人争斗,而是通过打坐和修炼武术来悟禅。&&&&&&They meditate and practice kung fu to reach enlightenment.13. 现在他回到台湾传授武术,希望能将少林功夫,在台湾发扬光大。&&&&&&He has now returned to Taiwan to pass down martial arts and hopes that Shaolin Kung Fu can flourish here.14. 武术散手运动,是我国首创的运动项目。&&&&&&Sanda of Wushu is an event originated in China.15. 奉顺是一个欢闹的女孩,良好的武术技能和生命作为一个骗子。&&&&&&Bong Soon is a hilarious girl with good martial art skills and lives as a swindler.16. 16. 认为武术只是一种简单的身体运动,而忽略了其内在的修养。&&&&&&They took for WuShu is a simple sport, and that ingnore immanence culture of it. In succession, played attention to WuShu.17. 中国的武术如太极、气功等,都是强调运用并配合呼吸来发展完成。&&&&&&Chinese martial arts such as tai chi and qigong place emphasis on breathing.18. 武术的翻译18. 岩烧店的烟味弥漫隔壁是国术馆店里面的妈妈桑茶道有三段教拳脚武术的老板练铁沙掌耍杨家枪硬底。。。&&&&&&The grill shop's hazy smoke flavour Next-door is a martial arts shop Inside the shop, granny's Tea ceremony...19. 19. 卡波卫勒舞将舞蹈动作、体操动作与传统的武术技巧相融合,在舞蹈中加入了脚踢、拳击等动作。表演过程中,观众和学员还可以欣赏到巴西鼓等传统民族乐器演奏。&&&&&&As such, the practice of Capoeira involves traditional martial art techniques, such as kicks and punches, along with dance and gymnastic-like movements, all of which are accompanied by the performance of Brazilian drumming and other musical instruments.20. 此类厚重铁剑的实用价值与刀更相近,武术剑客是不会用这类剑的。&&&&&&The practical value of this kind of thick and heavy iron Jian is more similar with Dao, and swordman won't use it.武术是什么意思,武术在线翻译,武术什么意思,武术的意思,武术的翻译,武术的解释,武术的发音,武术的同义词,武术的反义词,武术的例句,武术的相关词组,武术意思是什么,武术怎么翻译,单词武术是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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/* GCC can always grok prototypes.&&For C++ programs we add throw()
& &to help it optimize the function calls.&&But this works only with
& &gcc 2.8.x and egcs.&&*/
# if defined __cplusplus && (__GNUC__ &;= 3 || __GNUC_MINOR__ &;=&
#&&define __THROW& && & throw ()
#&&define __THROW
# define __P(args)& && &args __THROW
/* This macro will be used for functions which might take C++ callback
& &functions.&&*/
# define __PMT(args)& & args
# define __DOTS& && && &, ...
static void icmp6_errcount __P((struct icmp6errstat *, int, int));&
static void icmp6_errcount (struct icmp6errstat *, int, int) throw();
static void icmp6_errcount (struct icmp6errstat *, int, int);
__P在c++调用的情况下,会在函数声明后加入 throw()
__THROW is meant to declare the function as capable of
throwing exceptions (a C++ feature). In C, the macro does nothing.
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