
蔬菜 和 肉。
vege是什么意思 vege在线翻译 vege什么意思 vege的意思 vege的翻译 vege的解释 vege的发音 vege的同义词 vege的反义词 vege的例句 vege的相关词组
vegevege 基本解释vegatable 蔬菜;手机查看vege的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 vege 即可vege 网络解释1. 1. 蔬菜汤:红鱼汤 fish soup with tomato | 红菜汤 borsch | 蔬菜汤 vegevege 双语例句1. I am trying to increase my vege diet as well.&&&&我想提高我的蔬菜类食物,以及。2. I have said if given a choice, I would prefer vege than meat.&&&&我是说如果可以选择,比起肉类,我宁愿选择蔬菜的。3. Choose your favorite vege and create a face for it.&&&&选择您最喜爱的vege创造一个面对它。4. I'll take a small vege salad, please.&&&&请给我一小份蔬菜沙拉。5. In UK, they give discounts if you shop for 5 types of greens be it fruits or vege.&&&&在英国,他们给的折扣,如果你店的5种蔬菜水果或无论是蔬菜类。6. vege什么意思6. Oh! I do eat meat but prefer vege more.&&&&喔! 我当然吃肉,但喜欢蔬菜多一点。7. The main dish is well decorated with colourful vege, but the portion is a bit on the small side.&&&&六人午饭,主要点了午餐,另点据闻好吃的汉堡包,牛肉串及炸鱿鱼圈。8. You see! the vegetarian vege is so real!!&&&&睇下,好似真的秧菜一样喔!!9. The vege meal fills my stomach, and it also minimizes the harm I cause.&&&&素食套餐能让我果腹,也能让我把对其他生命的伤害减到最低。10. Other than chicken, you can put some vege, like garlic clove, Capsicum annuum, green onion, mushroom...just put what you like....&&&&除了串鸡胸肉,还要串一些蔬菜,像蒜头,灯笼椒,青葱,蘑菇。。。都可以。。。11. 11. Fat pork, praying shirt, praying money, praying incense, tofu, some vege, rice and rice wine.&&&&&&小人衣纸、肥猪肉各一份,另备小量金银衣纸、香烛、豆腐、芽菜、白饭及米酒。12. 12. Whereas, Andy cooked Beijing Emporer's Chicken, Mince meat with crunchy vege steamed Japan Tofu and fried dumplings.&&&&&&哈哈…不错吧!其余的精华有 Andy 的北京帝王鸡,炸饺子,和肉碎香脆杂菜蒸日本豆腐。13. 13. We should store up vege tables for the winter.&&&&&&我们应该为冬天储存些蔬菜。14. Percent in the positive team and were 12.5 percent and 25.0 percent in their negative teams, there was a statistic difference (P=0.031, 0.049). CONCLUSIONS: Tissue microarray can provide a large scale of immunohistochcmistry evaluation of CRC in a short period with high efficiency. The expressions of EGF, ECER VEGE and CCX-2 are correlated with the progression and metastasis of colorectal earcinoma, and thus they may be used as a predicting marker of the metastasis and prognosis of colorectal carcinoma.&&&&&&Duke C期患者中,COX-2蛋白和VEGF蛋白阳性组的5年复发转移率分别为57.1%和62.5%,与阴性组的12.5%和25.0%差异也有统计学意义,P值分别为0.031和0.049,结论:组织芯片结合免疫组化方法,可以大规模、快速、高效地检测肿瘤标志:EGF、EGFR、VEGF和COX-2与大肠癌的进展和淋巴结转移有关,可作为预测肿瘤预后的指标。15. I like this! Sour spicy vege! Good appetizer!&&&&&&我喜欢这道!老坛子,酸辣口味,非常开胃!16. Four different pathways of androgenesis have been observed:Pathway of vege...&&&&&&在雄核发育的研究中,观察到有营养细胞发育途径,生殖细胞发育途径,营养细胞和生殖细胞混合发育途径,以及均等分裂发育途径等四种类型,并对这四种途径进行了讨论。17. The chemical properties and tribological properties of several vegetable oils are introduced, vege - table oil has promising development future to be environmental friendly base oil.&&&&&&介绍了几种植物油的化学和摩擦学性质,植物油作为环境友好基础油有良好的发展前景。18. vege18. It might be just be a personal preference, I tend to prefer food made into smaller pieces, but really, I think size does matter in food preparation, especially salads, which calls for thorough chewing, finely chopped vege makes a salad so much more yummy.&&&&&&特别是沙拉,生鲜蔬菜本来就要细嚼慢咬,口感很重要。19. 19. Vege dish is a purple broccoli covered with cream.&&&&&&青菜是紫色的西兰花,上面滴满了奶油。20. 20. When without money, eat wild vege&&&&&&没钱的时候,在家里吃野菜;vege是什么意思,vege在线翻译,vege什么意思,vege的意思,vege的翻译,vege的解释,vege的发音,vege的同义词,vege的反义词,vege的例句,vege的相关词组,vege意思是什么,vege怎么翻译,单词vege是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号在线定制英文名用微信扫一扫meat是什么意思_meat在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
meat是什么意思 meat在线翻译 meat什么意思 meat的意思 meat的翻译 meat的解释 meat的发音 meat的同义词 meat的反义词 meat的例句 meat的相关词组
meat英 [mi:t] 美 [mit] 第三人称复数:meat 基本解释名词肉; 食物; 实质形容词重要的; 基本的meat 相关词组meat的翻译1.
: 自吹自擂;\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D手机查看meat的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 meat 即可meat 相关例句名词1. There is not much meat in this
argument.&&&&这番议论没有什么实质内容。2. He
he looked at me as if I were meat.&&&&他一点也不怕我;他朝我看着似乎我是不堪一击的。3. I want a good cut of meat.&&&&我要一片好肉。4. There was no real meat in his speech.&&&&他的讲话没有什么实际内容。5. The book was full of meat.&&&&那本书颇有内容。meat 情景对话感恩节A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.&&&&&&我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。B:Save the dark meat for me.&&&&&&为我留份儿鸡腿。The Meat-(肉类)A:What kinds of meat are most popular in your country?&&&&&&在你们国家人们最常吃哪几种肉?B:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats? a lot in your country too, don’t you?&&&&&&我们通常吃鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉。在你们国家你们也大多吃这些肉,不是吗?A:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton.&&&&&&是的,我们还吃羊肉。meat的意思B:I’ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops.&&&&&&听说你们国家的人喜欢吃羊排。A:That’s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them with sauce. Have you ever tried?&&&&&&是的,羊排吃起来味道不错。我们总是蘸着调料一起吃。你吃过吗?B:Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?&&&&&&吃过,去年去你们国家时吃过一次,我觉得味道很不错。你会做吗?A:Certainly I can. I’lI buy some from the butcher’s? and cook for you next Sunday.&&&&&&当然会了。我到肉店买些肉下星期天做给你吃。B:That sounds great?. I’ll bring a bottle of wine then.&&&&&&那太好了。到时我带一瓶酒来。Cooking-(做饭)A:I’d like to help pitch in with? dinner.&&&&&&我想帮忙一起做饭。B:Really? You’re joking.&&&&&&真的吗?你在开玩笑吧。A:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday.&&&&&&没开玩笑。我想在你的生日为你做点儿特别的事情。B:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.&&&&&&好啊,那你先把围裙带上吧。A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??&&&&&&好的…现在,我怎么帮忙,亲爱的?B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.&&&&&&嗯,让我看看…烧点水,然后再打两个鸡蛋。A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.&&&&&&这容易。我闭着眼睛都能干。(过了一会儿)做好了。B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.&&&&&&也不错嘛,现在你从冰箱里取一些肉和土豆。A:How many potatoes do you need?&&&&&&你需要几个土豆?B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.&&&&&&三个。再拿四个青椒。A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.&&&&&&明白…好了,拿来了。B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.&&&&&&现在把它们洗一下,然后把土豆和青椒切成丁儿,然后再把肉切成片。A:Where’s the peeler?&&&&&&削皮刀在哪儿?B:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work.&&&&&&在橱柜里…亚当,煤气灶坏了。A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.&&&&&&什么?哦,该死!我切到手指了。B:Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.&&&&&&让我看看…我没法给你止血。我们得去医院。A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.&&&&&&我想做饭并不像我想的那么简单。meat 网络解释1. 猪牛肉类:眼看北京00年奥运会即将来临,为了让老外了解中国的饮食文化,全国开始统一中国菜的英文名字. 下面我们来看看一些常见的肉类菜名的英译: 猪牛肉类(Meat) 酸甜咕噜肉Sweet...2. 牛肉类:眼看北京00年奥运会即将来临,为了让老外了解中国的饮食文化,全国开始统一中国菜的英文名字. 下面我们来看看一些常见的肉类菜名的英译: 猪牛肉类(Meat) 酸甜咕噜肉Sweet3. 3. meat:minnesota engine 明尼苏达工程类比测试meat 双语例句1. meat在线翻译1. I feed Mickey twice a day. It likes to eat meat and rice.&&&&我每天喂他吃两餐,它爱吃白饭和肉。2. Also, the Knights are difficult to kill and with some micro+holy light and inner fire they are very good meat.&&&&并且,骑士在心灵之火+神圣之光的照顾下,是非常难以杀死的。3. Dried Scallop Lean Meat Herbal Soup, it helps nourishes the spleen and improves appetite.&&&&干贝淮山瘦肉汤,滋润开胃而且火候十足,是炖汤补品类的代表。4. 4. The mutton meat ball is also tasty...&&&&这羊肉丸也很不错哦。。。5. Smoked meat and fish specialities from Dorset I nternet shopping is easy.&&&&烟熏肉和鱼的特点,从多塞特i nternet商场是容易的。6. This is the house in Deng Deng Deng chopping block to chop the meat, busy chopping vegetables.&&&&这时家家的砧板都在噔噔噔地忙着剁肉、切菜。7. Before we get too sentimental though, other dogs in China have a far more grisly fate, many still destined for the dinner table, dog meat, a popular delicacy.&&&&以前我们非常的伤感,中国其他的狗有着更悲惨的命运,很多狗的命运注定是被端上餐桌,狗肉可是道流行的美味菜肴。8. I have said if given a choice, I would prefer vege than meat.&&&&我是说如果可以选择,比起肉类,我宁愿选择蔬菜的。9. 9. Oh! I do eat meat but prefer vege more.&&&&喔! 我当然吃肉,但喜欢蔬菜多一点。10. And there was set meat before him to eat: but he said, I will not eat, until I have told mine errand.&&&&033 把饭摆在他面前,叫他吃,他却说:我不吃,等我说明白我的事情再吃。11. 11. I'm in the mood for something heavier than stir-fried meat and vegetables.&&&&&&我想吃一些比肉炒菜油性大点的东西。12. You blew me off for a piece of politically incorrect meat?&&&&&&你为了一块不识时务的牛肉放我鸽子?13. However, most people are not vegetarians and love meat!&&&&&&然而,大多数人都没有素食者和爱肉!14. I've heard of people being vegetarians and not feeding their cats any meat.&&&&&&我听说有食素的人不给他们的猫吃肉。15. This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.&&&&&&这肉里应该加些盐和芥末。16. 16. Be meat and drink to sb.&&&&&&对某人是最好的享受。。17. Maitake mushroom has a pine-like aroma, tender meat, taste like chicken, crisp like Magnolia.&&&&&&灰树花具有松蕈样芳香,肉质柔嫩,味如鸡丝,脆似玉兰。18. Animals eat it fowl, cattle and sheep liver, turtle, dark meat fish, sea cucumber.&&&&&&动物类常食乌骨鸡、牛羊猪肝、甲鱼、深色肉质鱼类、海参等。19. You compare her with your English women who wolf down from three to five meat and naturally you find her a sylph.&&&&&&你们的英国女人每天狼吞虎咽地吃上三到五餐肉食,你们拿她来比她们,当然觉得她是个窈窕仙女了。20. You compare her with your English-women who wolf down from three to five meat meals a day, and naturally you find Sally a sylph.&&&&&&B。你们英国女人每天狼吞虎咽地吃上三到五顿肉食,你拿萨丽和她们比,当然觉得她是个淑女了。meat 词典解释1. (供食用的)肉&&&&Meat is flesh taken from a dead animal that people cook and eat.&&&&e.g. Meat and fish are relatively expensive.&&&&&&&&&&&肉和鱼相对来说比较贵。&&&&e.g. ...imported meat products.&&&&&&&&&&&进口肉制品2. see also:white meat3. 喜欢做的事;感兴趣的事&&&&If you say something is meat and drink to someone, you mean that they enjoy it very much.meat的意思&&&&e.g. What normal people considered pressure was meat and drink to him.&&&&&&&&&&&一般人认为有压力的事情在他看来却是快乐无比的事。4. 最基本的部分;根本部分;关键&&&&If you refer to the meat and potatoes of something, you mean its most basic, simple, and essential parts.meat的意思&&&&e.g. What they want is the meat and potatoes of how we're going to improve this country and get our country moving again.&&&&&&&&&&&他们想知道的是我们如何改善国家、让其恢复活力的基本方法。meat 单语例句1. Some Irish citizens see this as a business opportunity, and want to begin exporting their meat products to China.2. The furious dad stormed round to the butcher who supplied the meat with the syringe needle.3. In the butcher shop on Yasmine's second floor, meat lovers will again be thrilled.4. More ambitious people combine meat and vegetables - for example, by filling zucchini halves with ground meat.5. You will be attracted by the duck's golden yellow shininess, crisp skin and tender meat.6. Professor Cade said she was surprised that such a small amount of meat appeared to have a large effect.7. Another dish worth trying is shrimp cake, made with tender mashed shrimp meat sandwiched around a crunchy lotus root.8. Kang has to buy more than 40 yuan worth of meat, other food and calcium to feed the dog every day.9. Critics call the Japanese program a sham, noting the meat turns up for sale for human consumption.10. The mayor of Cambodia's capital city has called on people to eat more dog meat, saying it's tasty and affordable for the poor.meat 英英释义noun1. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience&&&&e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument&&&&&&&&&&&the heart and soul of the Republican Party&&&&&&&&&&&the nub of the story&&&&Synonym: 2. the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food3. the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone&&&&e.g. black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell&&&&Synonym: meat是什么意思,meat在线翻译,meat什么意思,meat的意思,meat的翻译,meat的解释,meat的发音,meat的同义词,meat的反义词,meat的例句,meat的相关词组,meat意思是什么,meat怎么翻译,单词meat是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Eat some meat and some vegetable ,such as soybean and tomatoes ,___(get)enough nutrition.答案是什么?这里的get 算什么成份?请从语法角度解释,谢谢
:答案是to get,这儿不定式做状语,表示目的.Eat some meat and some vegetable ,such as soybean and tomatoes ,_to get__(get)enough nutrition.吃适量的肉和蔬菜,如大豆,西红柿等,以保证足够的营养.
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