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SIP leaders visit PLA Suzhou units
An SIP delegation led by Xu Huimin, member of Standing Committee of CPC Suzhou Municipal Committee and secretary of CPC SIP Working Committee, paid a visit to some PLA units in Suzhou on Jan. 25, bringing the officers and men seasonal greetings and extending thanks for their support in SIP's social and economic development.
Xu and others visited Suzhou armed police brigade, PLA 73049 unit, and Suzhou Military Sub-region, and, on behalf of SIP people, expressed to the officers and men the best wishes of the Lunar New Year.
Xu said that SIP's steady progress in social and economic development, technological innovation, urban construction and people's wellbeing should be duly attributed to the care and support and contributions of the army units, and that SIP would keep the fine revolutionary traditions, consolidate the unity and mutual support between the people and the army, and make more contributions to the army building and social stability.
The leaders of the army units all expressed congratulations for SIP's achievements in various fields. They pledged that they would always keep in heart the care of the Party and the people, carry on the fine traditions of close military-civilian relations, and firmly support the social and economic construction in SIP in its new round of leap-forward.
In another development, Huang Jiyue, deputy secretary of CPC SIP Working Committee and deputy director of SIP Administrative Committee, and other SIP officials visited Suzhou fire brigade, SIP fire detachment, and armed police unit stationed at SIP Integrated Free Trade Zone on Jan. 17, sending early holiday greetings to the officers and soldiers.
January 26, 2017


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