idealtensorflow variablee框怎么移动回去

IDEA 9.0.2 Release NotesBrowse pages
No subsystem
Better top-level class detection for stubs generation
Correct grammar in plugin description
First unresolved directory in a file references in Java source is shown as resolved with Ctrl+mouse over
IDEA Application icon has changed
Printing does not work at all in current IDEA release candidate
Please, correct the spelling in Settings - Project Settings - Version Control - VCSs - Git
&Submit Performance Report& action fails on Mac OSX/custom idea.log.path
Can no longer navigation from fully qualified java class names in XML files to corresponding source files.
Endless update in file tree view
Expand all in TODO list doesn't work
reformatting will apply on whole project!
NPE at com.intellij.ui.treeStructure.filtered.FilteringTreeStructure.getParentElement
(Performance Problem)
IDEA hangs when mouse hovers over large String in Debug-Frame tool window
References support for YAML text values
memory leak on MacOS
New in IDEA 9: hangs for 20-30 seconds when regaining focus
'add on demand static import' changes resolve target
IDEA deadlock
on startup
Delegate methodds with @Override
IDEA 9.0.1 Very Brittle With Deployments (corrupts projects, overwrites directories, ...)
False syntax error flagged in Java regular expression, &Redundant group nesting&
Bad code is green: overridden method is static final
Server not connected
IDEA won't close properly on MacOS
Run/Debug Configurations for applets: Idea doesn't see &Applet class&
(Performance Problem)
Javascript editing extremely slow
(Performance Problem)
Switched back to IDE and it was completely hung
Settings Dialog: Not all matching strings are highlighted when using the quicksearch field
File Template glitches.
AIOOBE when multiple tabless editor groups exist on task switch or project close (with bugfix patch)
spellchecker treats everying as english
IDEA locks output path and project cannot be rebuilt
RE at com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorFactoryImpl.a
IDEA hung on opening Java project
Deadlock during shutdown
Eclipse integration: linking .iml to .classpath: moving JRE entry before source roots in Eclipse does not update dependencies in IDEA
Deadlock on open popup
(Performance Problem)
Slow performance when editing JAVA code
Exception during shutdown if more than one project was open
&Could not set package name for jsp files& message when creating an XHTML file
Quick documentation shows line break after parameter annotation
Problems injecting HTML into HTML
Quick JavaDoc confused by @code inline tag
Opening different project makes the font in documentation lookup smaller
DEL button pressing on UML diagram's object removes Maven Project
Throwable: at com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiManagerImpl.beforeChildRemoval(
Intelij locks up (un-responsive to mouse, keyboard, etc )
CDI: Injection, different jars(@Produces)
QL color settings: settings for Entity are ignored
One more NCDFE with copy/paste
MacOS - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Exception when opening a php file
Exception when starting IDEA
(Performance Problem)
Slow SSR inspection performance
Code Analysis. Inspection
Quick-fix for &Static method only used from one other class& inspection should suggest other class name automatically in Move Members dialog
If Ctrl-B to a string literal like &/a/b/c& is not supposed to find a resource
- make inspection + add 'no suggestions& tooltip
ImplicitArrayToString inspection should work on System.out.printf() and String.format()
(Usability Problem)
Octal integer '00' - please provide &fix all& to fix all similar problems in file
(Usability Problem)
&Specify Inspection Scope& dialog: radio buttons should act as group (up/down key support)
(Usability Problem)
Improve usability of 'inspection quickfix submenu'
(Usability Problem)
Inspections: Hard coded string literal does not suggest to add @NonNls with dependancy to a module with annotations.jar
(Usability Problem)
MAIA: Code Inspection &call chain& links do not navigate
@SuppressWarnings(&unchecked&) does not work for &Raw use of parameterized class X&
&Replace for-each loop with indexed for loop& can produce inefficient code.
false positive with &Constant array creation expression can be replaced with array initializer& inspection
[IDEA:actionscript] Javascript/Unnecessary block statement shows false positive on static initializer block
&Unused declaration&: suppress warning for class uses outer class when applied on inner class
Refused bequest inspection should be JUnit-4.5 aware
&Pointless arithmetic expression& intention must understand floating-point semantics
Add option to ignore trivial finalize() methods to &'finalize()' does not call 'super.finalize()'& inspection
false negative in &'finalize()' does not call 'super.finalize()'& inspection
Quickfix 'add braces' for Control flow without braces throws exception
Could not remove modules from project
&mx:Binding/& tags with static method calls cause inspection errors
IDEA treats 1.0/0.0 value as an error
&Checked exception instance not thrown& reported erroneously
dataflow &to here& analysis fails to consistenly display &method too complex to analyze& leading user to miss some important dataflow cases
incorrect warning for continue inside switch
Custom javadoc tags of form {@foo} are not recognized
Qickfix for &Instantiating object to get class object& fails with arrays
GWT: Missing attribute support in the UiBinder root element/node
inspection error with Set initialization
&CastConflictsWithInstanceof& Inspection bug
[IDEA:actionscript] false positive on &static const& vars by Javascript/Naming conventions/Local variable naming convention
Inspection &Overridden method call during object construction& eats memory
field can be local regression
Javadoc problems inspection: highlighting for absent @return description could be improved
Add option to ignore trivial finalize() methods to &'finalize()' declaration& inspection
IDEA complains that there is no margin-bottom in CSS3
False positive for &Implicit call to method 'toString' on array&
Inspection for convert field to local variable misbehaves with nested classes
Unit Testing. JUnit
IDEA should report all failures reported by JUnit
(Usability Problem)
JUnit: forcefuly run @ignored test when I ask (select method/class and press 'run/debug')
Unit Tests: when no test found in configuration the progress bar has only one green brick when '0 tests of 0 are Done'
JUnit run configuration editor coverage tab: Tracing radio button should be disabled
JunitRunner fails silently when it cannot find method and runs all methods instead.
JUnit runner &fails to fail& when org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender and Seam are used
IDEA loses test results of tests with multiple failures
Can't debug Junit 4.4 tests
IDEA fails to run JUnit test with $ (dollar) in the package name
Race condition + heavy resource usage in JUnit runner
Running a single test method of a @RunWith-style JUnit test does not work if @RunWith is inherited from a parent class
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when using JUnit3
Tooltip for overridden method in enum reports &anonymous&, but should report the ENUM value instead
(Usability Problem)
Slices pane: provide better layout when docked left/right
{@inheritDoc} in generic param javadoc
Goto Matching Brace is not recorded as a navigation action in Back/Forward history
JavaDoc parse is wrong for enumerated declarations
No code completion for css selector for html with full content included
Unknonw HTML tag should not trigger for XML namespace mappings
HTML Editor can't resolve file within conditional comments
CSS support not working for a long time...
Code Formatting and Code Style
Javascript - Reformat Code
doesn't respect Force Braces ON code style settings
(Usability Problem)
Live templates are not working according to context
Reformat ActionScript: lot of spaces between else and if should be replaced with a single one
Local History
After file creating undo + redo it is impossible to restore the file contents by redo
javascript: &complete statement& action should add closing parentheses
Exception in Javascript file structure
javascript: Ctrl-Shift-Enter does not always insert semicolon
CodeComplete in javascript file
produces code with error
javascript comment parsing bug
javascript: ctrl-shift-enter does not add closing parenthesis
StackOverflowError from JavaScript parser
Java project support for AS2 classes
Actionscript: Code indention within switch/case
JavaScript: &Unresolved function or method jQuery()& when I put jQuery source to the project
Javascript inspection error (Unresolved Type) for browser objects
StackOverflowError while editing JavaScript
Not possible to turn off &Incorrect Parameter Name& warning
javascript: &Introduce Variable&: provide better naming suggestions when introducing variable from indexed array access
Javascript editor breaking when doing some prototype templating
javascript: 'create function' / 'create method' intentions produce red code
Pointless arithmetic is not so pointless
Flex Support
Surround with if: put boolean expressions into condition block instead of body
Create field from usage: guess int type by int-related operations
IDEA should download asdoc not javadoc for maven flex artifacts
New Flex module wizard: create different sample applications for different Flex SDK versions
Provide style property reference from UICompoinent.setStyle() call
Need an action to package AIR installation file (*.air)
Flex CSS: provide reference from UIComponent.styleName to the style definition in CSS file
(Usability Problem)
Create field from usage seems not to contribute to navigation location stack, so that immediate Ctrl+Alt+Left invocation does not bring me back to the usage
(Usability Problem)
Flex: event handler is not created directly
(Usability Problem)
Flex compiler classpath in Flexmojos SDK may miss some important jars
(Usability Problem)
Help Button on Flex Facet dialog does not open Flex Facet Settings help page
Unintuitive handling of autocompletion for parameterized types
Add option to formatter for having single space before type reference
Collection iteration live templates: suggest the same counter name for consecutive loops
Autocompletion after &:& in case statements
flex: &quick definition lookup& for function defined in mxml doesn't use highlighting
Flex: No error when comparing String to other type
No highlighting for anonymous function missing return type
Code highlight is not updated upon modification
Good code marked red: field reference is not recognized
Flex formatting: not enough indent for static block
Good code marked red: String coercion to Boolean
flex: Ctrl-W misses step that selects all lines inside block
Autocompletion after &:& in strings and comments
Unexpected highlighting problem
Pressing space after autoshowing completion on : inserts unexpected variant
Unable to complete MXML-class name in skinClass property
mxml: completion variant for field expands to mxml FQN
flex: good code yellow: use of &default xml namespace& directive
REGRESSION: Good code red for equality checks
good code is red
- accessing local var before the declaration (allowed in actionscript)
Implementing interfaces with the [IDEA:Bindable] tag causes IEventDispatcher inspection errors
Create method from usage does not scroll to newly created method in Mxml file
Don't suggest to replace with import a package name that looks like fqn
[IDEA:actionscript] Good code is red - &Duplicate declaration& for implemented methods of IEventDispatcher
[IDEA:actionscript] good code red - &Variable type Object is not assingable to type String& when using Object typed var in for-in loop to iterate over an array
No 'infinite recursion' inspection for getters
Inline method: usage is highilighted incorrectly
flex: extract field: &initialize in class constructor& not applicable in mxml context
Flex Support: Good code red for Button labelPlacement=&left&
Move *.mxml file in Flex not treated as refactoring
(Performance Problem)
Stop using FCSH
Instance field is marked unused if only static methods access it
wrong namespace added when editin mxml flex 4 component ( spark component )
'Comment line' action in mxml file may lead to unexpected result and exception
flex: &Unwrap..& selection behavior inconsistent with Java
Selecting Flex SDK on multiple Flex facets only saves on one
Code generation inserts new method or field improperly with ASDOC
Code complete opening automatically when typing comments and string literal in Flex
Quick-fix &Create method& in MXML throws an exception
Flex: Check the type attribute of Event tag
JS pull up: remove 'overrides' modifier when pulling up to the interface
IDEA deadlock
good code marked red - actionscript declaration of static const inside static initializer
Good code red: Initializer type Vector.&foo.Bar& is not assignable to variable type Vector.&Bar&
Itar: should not suggest duplicate instance variable name
Flex: bitwise shifts marked in red
Mxml: attribute &id& of components inside &mx:Repeater& tag must be resolved to Array
Wrong order of items in array is displaying in debug mode
Highlight usages does not work for ActionScript in MXML Script block
[IDEA:DefaultProperty] annotation of parent class is not taken into consideration
flex: bad code green: rhs of 'as' operator should be type expression
Idea loses custom compiler configuration file settings after restart
flex: no completion for keyword 'dynamic'
Good code is red: Cannot resolve file 'AuthService'
(Performance Problem)
Parallel compilation: Always recompiling and not breaking on error
Actionscript 'Spaces near type reference' setting is not restored on dialog reopening
Flex: open declaration shows double entry
Good code red in equality check
&source& attribute value of mxml component is not always a file reference
Wrong custom class import as tag in MXML (when root tag is a spark component)
ArrayElementType metadata tag causing invalid getter and setter generation for annotated variable
Ctrl+Q for ResourceManager.getClass() shows nothing
Flex 4: support &fx:Library/& and &fx:Definition/& mxml tags
Error should not appear stating that a remote URL is not accessible in case of 401 response
0x0E is handled like a &confusing floating point literal&
flex: resolve components from custom/missed scheme in mxml namespace URI
Code hinting does not work inside addEventListener() code
Flex: asdoc support: Ctrl-Q for element with the @inheritDoc comment should show the inherited documentation
suggestion: mark invalid metadata tags during code editing in Flex
protected static consts / code completion
Reformat code breaks empty CDATA section in MXML
mxml: &create namespace declaration& quickfix does not scroll editor
flex: incorrect 'variable xxx implicitly declared' warning for variable declared in mxml
Editing mxml file with spark root tag: incorrect completion and highlighting for classes from not declared namespaces
Flex metadata: support compression attributes for Embed tag
Instance field should not be accessible from static method of an MXML component
mxml: extracting method from event attribute doesn't shorten references
Debugger doesn't work
expressions in mxml Binding tag are marked as error
Global functions are not found via Go to symbol
Static modifier of a top-level function/variable/constant should be highlighted
Cannot change Flex SDK
Namespace prefix is generated incorrectly
Compilable code is red (destination attribute of &mx:Binding/& tag)
flex: 'pull up' dialog: selection logic inconsistent with Java, allows operating on invalid selection
Flex 4: support &fx:Private/& mxml tag
Good code red: ActionScript source
is handled as wrong character
Good code red: Getter/Setter with different namespaces are marked as an error
flex: bad code green: override static
flex: bad code green: inconsistent accessor/mutator property types
spelling correction in ActionScript is broken
Duplicate setter declaration is not highlighted as error
good code red - Returned expression type Object is not assignable to type Boolean
metadata attribute red - IDEA doesn't recognize metadata tag Deprecated attribute &message&, says &Unknown metadata attribute&
good code red - &Unresolved variable& when extra parenthesis surround type cast
[IDEA:mxml] good code red - private member variable declared in script is unresolved reference
When completing function call with semicolon, semicolon is inserted before the brackets
good code marked red - actionscript declaration of public/private/protected static and member variables inside static initializer
[IDEA:Flex] declaring local variables in switch statement
MXML corrupts when I rename with Shift+F6 assetable .png file
Wrong highlighting property hostComponent as incorrect in SparkSkin subclass
[IDEA:actionscript] good code red -
'is' operator with expression which resolves to datatype is flagged as &Type reference required&
[IDEA:actionscript] good code red - &Missing return statement& even though code always returns before end of function
Incompatible override due to return type mismatch is not reported in some cases
Not possible to add variable to watch list from conext menu
Error running tests
mx namespace is not correct for Flex 4 components
Flex: IDEA not error higlighting incorrectly referenced embedded files
location of generated code (fields)
flex: simplifiable if statement: quickfix leaves dangling braces
flex: quickfix for unused local variable leaves empty lines behind
Good code is red: Array is highlighted as incompatible return type
Non-static members of any class autocomple as static and its not hightlight as error in the code editor.
Asdoc from source: the first word is missing for the @return description
Coercion of Object to XMLList is marked red
Unused selector warning for inline CSS
XMLList in XMLListCollection shown red
Flex: Report as error different access types for accessor functions (like Flash compiler does)
&Usages of& ignore &Show import statements&
exception in iter
&MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.intellij.lang.javascript.JavaScriptBundle& on every IDEA start
(Usability Problem)
Graphs: 'show selected nodes with dependencies' option should not be 'on' by default
IJ 9 claims JEE6, but not everything is present
Select In (Alt + F1) problems with focus in Java EE view
JBOSS AS 6 M2 gives jndi port conf warning
Blame Java EE Integration
J2EE.Deployment and Run.Tomcat
ClassNotFound Exception when debuging web application in Tomcat
Project Configuration
Support eclipse path variables used in paths to src
(Usability Problem)
artifacts config: UI for easy configuration of exploded wars
(Usability Problem)
Artifact editor: starting the drag and drop of multiple selection drags the single item
(Usability Problem)
If a library contains an external Javadoc entry IDEA will always treat the library as changed
(Usability Problem)
Artifacts: Add context action to create .jar archieve from module output
Typo in Subversion settings dialog
Artifact should have been renamed with all references if I change it's name
Facet settings can not be applied sometimes
&Could not save project& error message may occur after deleting module imported from Maven
Eclipse: Maven_1 dependencies not recognised after import from eclipse.
Eclipse dependency storage is broken
Deadlock while modifying project structure
Artifacts should delete old-named artifacts file wher I press apply button
Setting missing path variables somehow removes modules from a project.
Copy global library to project level not working
creating artifact break all web run configurations
Eclipse integration doesn't resolve module libraries
Auto-fill JavaDoc URL
Language injection settings not found through search in the project settings panel
JDK is not in the dependencies of the Module after importing Eclipse project
Facet name can be changed only once
Global librares of IDEA 8 are not imported to IDEA 9
CME from on search in settings
Eclipse project linking corrupts .classpath files
NPE from com.intellij.application.options.colors.ColorAndFontOptions.isDefault() on erasing search criteria in Settings
Import from Eclipse does not work - displays &Unknown modules detected& and cannot build, cannot find libraries
Project View
No Icon for .xsd files that are read locked in Project View
Unable to create new Java objects (classes, interfaces, packages, etc) in Favorites view
Structure view shows non-boolean properties starting with &is& incorrectly
Tree view for custom scope is not updated immediately on class declaration changes
Project view: &generate...MobileResourceBundle& should not appear if J2ME plugin is disabled
The &Copy Reference& cannot work
Version Control. Git
Map ID reference.VersionControl.Git.PushActiveBranches to the Push Active Branches Dialog box
IDEA invokes git.exe with invalid command line: filenames that start with '--' should be escaped
Line separators should be checked for files to be stashed on the update
Throwable mands.GitHandlerUtil.runInCurrentThread
Plugin Support. Architecture
Unparseable since-build version causes Plugin Manager failures
(Usability Problem)
UML: F4 on a member item from should lead to member, not to containing class
(Usability Problem)
Save UML diagram dialog should ask to replace the existing file
UML Show Dependencies : hide 'uses' arrow
Uml project config: reset and modified state are handled incorrectly
UML: saved uml diagram files (*.uml) are created with winows-style linebreaks on linux
Exception when trying to view module dependency diagram
Attempt to show changes on UML diagram from file history causes exception
Please provide an option to make one android module depends on another
Completion &item -& Ctrl+Space -& android:item&
(Usability Problem)
Logcat tab is always in Split Mode
Please update R in background (non-UI thread)
Creating the new project with Android module type on top of existing source tree overwrites existing files
Android: full name for widget is marked as wrong in xml
Android, Completion: 'class' attribute values are duplicated in list of choices
Android: Non user-friendly error dialog appears on attempt to enter non existent directory in destination APK path
AssertionError at exportSignedPackage.ApkStep.createApk() on creating new key while extracting signed android package
Version Control
Add Quick Search to Commit View popup
CVS Annotate: Color editor background by revision or author
Indicate which branch is being worked on
(Usability Problem)
Apply Patch: Show file choosed dialog as soon as I use 'Apply patch' action.
Map F1 and help button of the New Changelist dialog
Repository view of Changes shows wrong dates
Changelists with empty names should not be created
VCS: Adding directory in subversion causes 'project view' to redraw window and loose current directory.
Local changes diff with a not recognized file extension
(Performance Problem)
Very slow Changes view update
(Performance Problem)
Git integration waits too long on Swing thread when file history is shown in toolwindow
Local Changes Update should not prevent IDEA exit
VersionControl: for project with multiple added modules UpdateProject works incorrectly
Cannot Rename Changelist While Indices Are Being Built
Tasks: if conflicted file is opened in 2 editor tabs, tasks toolbar actions (switch changelist/move changes/ignore) don't make toolbar disappear
Code Coverage
(Usability Problem)
Analyze-&Code Coverage: Coverage Suites has no quickselection
Emma classes/methods % coverage is displayed incorrectly in &Project& and &Package& view
running test with IDEA coverage runner throws exception on OSX
Code Coverage + Spring 3.0 = Exceptions
XML editing
(Usability Problem)
Zen Coding should be enabled in Editor | Smart Keys
Major regression (again): valid XML with schemas gives errors
XML code completion original behavior dropped
Version Control. TFS
TFS: CustomCheckinPolicies: no policies are evaluated for all projects if one of projects overrides global options so that no policies are evaluated
TFS: CustomCheckinPolicies: consider policies configured in overriding project settings only if globally policies are not evaluated
Constantly getting &Could not save application settings: null&
Version Control. CVS
(Usability Problem)
CVS: provide some message if Import fails since user has no write access to selected repository
CVS: UpdateProject doesn't work for multiroot project with default VCS mapping
CVS: Repository/Incoming views show nothing for projects with versioned paths below project root
CVS: Browse Changes: only last change is shown for same file
CVS Compare compares with wrong version
CVS: Update Project and Repository/Incoming views don't work if the VCS rooot is set to &Project Root&, but the project root itself doesn't contain CVS admin files
CVS: should not be possible to import to cvs if connection fails
CVS: it would be nice if CheckProjectStatus recognize the packages added on server
CVS: cvs tag is performed twice for comitted file
CVS: incorrect behavior on CVS Roots dialog cancelling
Seam's @Create and @Destroy methods are reported as unused
EL: No parameter info (for seam enhanced EL), no quick documentation
Seam/RichFaces tags red/broken since build 9920
Navigation from seam .page.xml files broken in version 9
Code Analysis. Dependencies
Dataflow: Show usages of the variable (not only the flow)
Analyze Backward Dependencies: Scope not added to bottom dropdown
Analyze dependencies on whole project trows thousands exceptions like that
Version Control. ClearCase
ClearCase: Update Project action doesn't work
Clearcase fails if dosn't have any default (active)activity associate with the project and it goes to offline mode
Refactor / Inline parameter: usages with a static non final field and static method are not allowed to inline
When renaming a non static field which is in UPPER_CASE suggest the camelCase equivelent.
Refactor / Inline class: collisions with getClass()
convert anonymous to inner: suggested naming could be smarter
Renaming a parameter should trigger renaming all parameters in inheritance hierarchy
Introduce Constant loses @nonNls
On Introduce Parameter Object refactoring, preserve JavaDoc description for the parameters
Delete Method Implementations dialog (e.g. that is shown on safe delete): show method's body
Push Members Down should be able to create subclass
(Usability Problem)
Search for callers in &Propagate parameters& of &Change Method Signature& dialog is not cancelable
(Usability Problem)
Smarter accessibilty detection for inner class created by Introduce Parameter Object
(Usability Problem)
Refactoring / Inline class: just show a warning if class is not used, and probably do nothing
(Usability Problem)
Refactor / Move to inner: respect code style options for imports
(Usability Problem)
Refactor-&Extract Interface usability
(Usability Problem)
Refactor: encapsulate fields performs slow search
(Usability Problem)
Double-click should accept selected instance parameter in Convert to Instance Method dialog
(Usability Problem)
Rename Field: do not offer to rename corresponding method parameters if I have added/removed a prefix (set in code style)
(Usability Problem)
Refactor / Inline parameter: if modified method has many usages of inlined parameter, make &Replace with local variable& = On by default
Refactor / Move to inner: do not warn about package local class accessibility if it is moved into public interface
Pull Members Up dialog keyboard shortcut conflict
Undo move several classes: message speaks about only the first class
Map help button of the Replace Constructor with Builder dialog box
Refactor / Inline parameter: process the case where local class participates in the argument
Refactor / Inline parameter: &this& as the argument is inlined
Refactoring Type Migration. Conversion List&List&Type&& to List&Type&[] works incorrectly with method get().
When renaming a class, rename variables can break code
Refactor / Inline parameter: method parameter declaration of the context cannot be moved correctly and does not raise a conflict
Static attribute initializer is lost when using extract class refactoring
Inline inner class changes code semantics
Copy class doesn't work correctly between modules
Refactor / Inline parameter: check for visibility issues
Refactor / Inline class: inlining RValue with &this reference only& option produces incorrect code
Error in CMP field rename
Refactor / Inline parameter: handle the case when argument expression throws an exception
Refactor / Inline parameter: array argument: actions on array's members are ignored
Move method can incorrectly create private method when it is used in another class
Refactoring: &rename method& does not remember the state of &Search for text occurrences& checkbox
Refactor / Inline class: non-default constructor processing: only the first assignment of each variable in constructor's body is inlined
Moving of JSF XHTML files allows only packages as target instead of folders
Encapsulate field should move javadoc to newly created methods or ask
Type Migration fails to migrate RHS
Extract constant produces compile error
Duplicating an @interface inserts &public abstract& in front of every member
Inlining varargs-methods creates unnecessary temporary variable
Refactor / Inline class: methods with parameters of inlined class are processed incorrectly
Rename refactor gets confused when combining rename-getter with rename-from-interface
Extract Method adds erroneous unnecessary parameter
&Move inner to upper level& does not offer to pass outer class instance if inner class references protected methods of superclass of outer class
Paste of class to different project is redirected to the same project
Throwable inlining a constructor
Refactoring/Type Migration results with error when changing List of bounded wildcard type to array of incompatible type
Refactoring -& Type Migration causes fatal error when changing Collection of
Wildcard type to Object[].
Safe Delete Method: I'm not offered to delete method implementations of there are usages found despite I press 'ignore usages'
Rename Inheritors can be a little smarter with naming conventions
Refactor / Inline parameter: assignment to local variable between its declaration and the call causes the incompilable code
Refactor / Inline parameter: visibility limitations could raise a conflict
Push Down Member does not handle super accesses correctly
Renaming Local Variable Can Lead to Shadowing By Field
Rename parameter does not work correctly if a parameter starts with the same letter as the parameter prefix
Introduce Constant action may create private field in a new class and make code invalid (visibility does not update)
Invalid method: PsiMethod when running Extract Class
Refactor / Move class to inner: preview shows only usages of one file in case of multiple move
Pull member up refactoring pulled @Override annotation
Move instance method changes code semantics when moving method to a class, which has a field with the same name as the method's parameter
Push Members Down Refactoring is allowed for Enums - senseless code is produced
Refactor / Inline parameter: reference to static member moved to different class is incorrect in case of &Replace with local variable& = On
Refactor / Inline parameter: moving non-static member access to static context could raise a conflict
Refactor / Safe delete: method is deleted from implemented class when deleting from only one interface inheritance branch
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at DirectoryAsPackageRenameHandler$1.doAction() when renaming package that corresponds to multiply directories
Throwable at MigrationRootsTreeCellRenderer.customizeCellRenderer() on editing code with Migration Panel opened
IllegalArgumentException at ListArrayConversionRule.evaluateCollectionsType() on converting raw List to array
Throwable at InlineConstantFieldProcessor.preprocessUsages() on inlining Enum instance
Task Management
YouTrack integration: add &Mark issue as 'in progress'& option
Issues completion list: no need to have issue title in braces
Tasks: the deleted server entry with empty url appears incorrectly in the previously entered entries list
Task list menu unavailable with scroll bar
Tasks: removed tasks should not be recreated
I'm not able to open new JIRA TASK
[IDEA:Tasks] Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
Task list YouTrack query is not stored
Tasks: MoveChangesToActiveChangelist appears twice
Frequent exception from TaskManager plugin
Web Services
Bad spelling in REST Client
Erroneous wsdd.dtd
When I try to generate java sources from wsdl I get an error (see attach)
CSS Editing
support for css3 pseudo-class selectors
Support for CCS3 HSL color codes
Highlight missing brace in css file
(Usability Problem)
css autocompletions puts semi-colon inside close parenthesis
(Usability Problem)
Reformat breaking Firefox specific css
(Usability Problem)
&Extract Embedded Css& should be in Refactor menu, not intention menu
doubled hash sign for colours in css gutter
CSS: non-curved braces without pair brace are resolved as matching to curved braces
RubyMine - CSS parser not parsing line-height properly
CSS: unknown -moz-border-radius-bottomleft/right/...
Unable to rename CSS class in class attribute
Move statment Up/Down doesn't work properly for css code
Parameters info in css works inside brackets only.
negative values in CSS3' text-shadow directive aren't invalid
Unknown vendor-prefixed CSS properties should be checked as property without vendor-prefix
CSS color completion inserts names not hex values
CSS formatter breaks css @page pseudo-classes
NPE at com.intellij.psi.css.CssSupportLoader.isInFileThatSupportsEmbeddedCss
Tapestry Support
Provide an easy way to navigate forth and back between a page/component class and its template
Autoinsert pairing brace when typing ${ in tml file
Tapestry t:id attribute should be allowed for all tapestry tags
(Usability Problem)
HQL console: add a setting to output results into the same tab
Hibernate console: with partial results shown accordingly to &Result Set Page Size& Previous page is enabled instead of Next page
HQL Console - unable to add parameters
(Usability Problem)
Settings -& Resources -& &Project checkbox& not explained
(Usability Problem)
Quick documentation lookup (Ctrl+Q) problem
Add description of the &sort alphabetically& button in the search for usages results tool window
No help for the &New Changelist& dialog
Grails 1.2: 'build', 'test' and 'provided' dependency scopes could be supported
Mirror Grails 1.2 dependencies
Add quickfix to escalate inaccessible member visibility
Quick Fix &Create Field& when using Groovy named parameters
Show Grails plugins-specific directories in Grails view
Autocomplete doesn't work in with context and GString expression
Check access modifiers compatibility
(Usability Problem)
When renaming Groovy class, also rename the file if their names are equal
(Usability Problem)
Running groovy class/script through Ctrl+Shift+F10 always runs newly created temporary run configuration
(Usability Problem)
Groovy: with search for property accessors usages every usage is reported three times
Generated Groovy accessors should have property icon
'Make Groovy method public' escalating shouldn't put explicit 'public' modifier
Please provide unified font in the Grails and Griffon pages of New Project/New Module wizards
Map help button of the Grails and Griffon SDK pages of the New Project/New Module wizards
Editor cannot resolve GDK methods invoked on uninitialized untyped variables (fields, parameters, local vars)
Compilation of java class that use groovy static inner class fails
GString to String coercion doesn't work for ternary method arguments
'groovy: final' should be parsed as an identifier in property access expression
resolve usages of statically imported properties to accessors
Returns from endless loops are not considered 'all execution paths' returning a value
Show Groovy inner classes in structure view
Cannot un-check &Add --classpath& in default Grails run configuration
If groovy library added to a project 'Method getMetaClass is not implemented' error will be shown for existing Groovy classes
Grails filters (residing in grails-app/conf) should be visible to source & test code
Groovy: static import with package prefix is not resolved unless all static members of the class are imported
Confusing message when removing groovy dynamic property
Compilation with @Immutable class fails
groovy control flow is still busted
Missing imports are not detected
Smart enter moves caret to parent code block in Groovy
Groovy: statically imported members of a class are not resolved if they are imported via .* syntax without package prefix
Make Gradle launcher class and libs configurable
IDEA stops responding while editing Groovy code
Maia 92.65 and 92.81 overwrite and destroy existing Grails run configurations on startup.
Assignment of a Groovy field treated as a declaration, resulting in double completion variants
Property access highlighting in Groovy broken
Code Fragment Evaluation, unable to evaluate static method calls when language is Groovy
Grails: IDEA tries to collect dependencies for applications with Grails SDK version less than 1.2.0 configured
size() method is not resolved for Groovy arrays
IDEA pops up a &Malformed url:
& dialog when running a grails app with --https
Incorrect &Cannot reference nonstatic symbol from static context& in Groovy
IDEA doesn't stop on breakpoints inside Gant targets
Cannot resolve Groovy boolean property in reading context
Grails run profiles &add classpath& resets to on, whenever you edit the profile
Groovy: good code is red. A field and a property of the same name are error highlighted
Auto-import no longer works
Invalid 'constructor result ignored' inside closure
Groovy syntax parser does not recognize that indexing using array returns a slice
IntelliJ 95.24 stops responding suddenly
Cannot compile project after updating from Groovy 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
Generate stubs for Groovy inner classes
Groovy Control Flow reporting many invalid warnings
Groovy: wrong warning &Method cannot be applied to Type& for generic inheritors methods
Groovy: statically imported class without package prefix is not resolved if all static members of the class are imported
Maia wants to check in grails plugins
Relax 'not all execution paths return a value', methods with unspecified return type may return nothing
Don't force Groovy closures to return a value via all execution paths
GDSL enclosingCall doesn't match method calls without parentheses.
Static aliased import doesn't work for fields
'Select word' on Groovy method call name should first select name+argument list and only then qualifier
Groovy: using '.class' in property name flagged as error (good code is red)
Good code is red: IntelliJ 9 + g:message args=.... in Grails applications
In case of same-named Groovy property and method, resolve to method from call expressions
Grails: hasErrors() method is not resolved in controller
Groovy: &Make public& quick fix inserts &def& keyword instead of &public&
Duplicate entries for &Show usages&
Grails: navigation from view without matching action leads to last edit position in the controller
Groovy properties are visible from Java code as public fields
Groovy constructor calls should be disambiguated by parameter count
Groovy missing return statement inspection
Anonymous inner class creation using generics appears red in Groovy code.
Groovy deadlock
Passing empty list to super Groovy constructor gives wrong incompatibility warning
Incremental Groovy compilation with untouched transitive dependencies results in NCDFE
Grails 1.2: 'Grails dependency configuration may be outdated, ...' info never disappears
Change Grails SDK? - Maia UI90.122
ClassNotFoundException when launching a groovy script located in module with imported groovy library
ClassCastException at JavaCodeStyleManagerImpl.c() when accessing groovy property from java code via getter
IndexOutOfBoundsException at GroovyEnterHandler.preprocessEnter() on pressing 'Enter' in groovy script
IllegalArgumentException at BaseInspectionVisitor.registerError() on typing 'new' keyword in groovy script
Quick fix &Implement methods& for java classes that implement groovy interface cause NPE at GenerateMembersUtil.substituteGenericMethod()
Groovy: PsiInvalidElementAccessException at GrClassImplUtil.createBaseClassType() on deleting anonymously instantiated interface/abstract class
Groovy: IllegalArgumentException at GrTypeDefinitionImpl.add() on 'Inline super class' refactoring
Exception when no type is specified for a dynamic property
J2EE.Deployment and Run.Generic
&Update& dialog for running web app: &Restart server& option
Please add &show data& action to the table context menu
(Usability Problem)
JDBC console: on executing statements from editor make Output panel focused
(Usability Problem)
Keyboard shortcut assigned to SQL console actions are not configurable
(Usability Problem)
JDBC console: Next Page action could be improved
PostgreSQL : substring argument marked in red
PostgreSQL: count marked in red
SQL console: on switching to the console caret goes from Output to Input panel
Running a DB statement brings up the run console
mysql: good code red: use of 'columns' instead of 'fields' for 'load data infile statement'
On opening different project a datasource is mapped to a configuration of previous project
SQL: MySQL: valid arythmetic expressions with INTERVAL are red
PostgreSQL :
select now() - interval '1 year' marked in red
Database console &result set is closed& error
MySQL, SQLite: new table name provided in ALTER TABLE ... RENAME statement, RENAME TABLE statement is not resolved
SQL: CASE operator (expression) without parenthesis as an operand is red
QL color settings: setting an effect to identifiers makes them shown bold
NPE at CodeCompletionHandlerBase.doComplete() on basic completion in SQL console
J2EE.Deployment and Run.Glassfish
glassfish domain directory hard-coded to the [IDEA:glassfishhome]/domains (2&3)
Lack of version 6 of Java EE on Glassfish Server Descriptor
war get's deployed in glassfish v3 b72, but IDEA doesn't recognize
PsiTypeElement error when deleting overriding method with bad return type
StackOverflowError attempting to open &Weblogic Server tab for an EJB
Version Control. Perforce
(Usability Problem)
Perforce JObs Error every time the commit dialog box is closed.
Perforce: sometimes files modified without checkout appear as opened for edit
Perforce: Incoming changes are not shown (for some client versions?)
Set P4CONFIG=.p4config when running perforce if it's not already set
NPE at org.jetbrains.idea.perforce.application.PerforceManager.getClientRoot
NPE - PerforceManager.getServerVertionYear
J2EE.Deployment and Run.WebLogic
WebLogic: support debugging for managed server if its host differs from admin server's host
Plugin Support. DevKit
Release source of Tomcat plugin
groovy classes doesn't work in plugin projects anymore
Google App Engine
no auto-reload when running Google App Engine app locally
Password is not protected when uploading a google app engine application
(Usability Problem)
CSS Styles Preview window has no close button
Web view: the expanded tree cannot be collapsed by mouse or 'left' key
Can't find usages of filter or servlet
IDEA doesn't recognize web context after creating war archive artifact
&Cannot resolve servlet& warning is show only for html in web resource root
Editor. Code Completion
(Usability Problem)
Code completion: loading Javadoc into quick doc pop up should be interrupted with typing
(Usability Problem)
Code completion auto popup causing problems when entering ActionScript ternary operator
Tag completion: JSP: completion list is too wide
When finishing method lookup item with '(', put caret after this '(' even if method has no parameters
Create Local Variable from unresolved assignment produces invalid result if type is an inner class.
Deadlock when using autocomplete
Java CodeCompletion does not show static methods on instances
CamelHump autocompletion partially broken for variables with underscores in name
When &Insert pair bracket& on Editor-&Smart keys page is off, IDEA still inserts both parentheses on autocomplete lookup, but overtype doesn't work
Find, Replace, Find Usages
(Usability Problem)
Add grouping by test/production classes in Find view
(Usability Problem)
Find Usages: add an option to sort members structurally.
Find in path no longer first checks for whole words
Why does \n in a replacement string not insert a newline character?
Project search with more then one file pattern
Back reference in regexp replacement doesn't work
Idea 9 Beta ran out of memory (2GB)while doing a &find in files& with 400 results
Editor. Error Highlighting
More intelligent i18n handling
(Usability Problem)
Do not highlight all arguments if there is only a problem with one
Issue with recognizing Java 5 Generic methods
Good code is red: ambiguous reference with valid single import
EJB QL name resolution regression
Good code is red: Precedence of imported types vs. types in default package
Good code is red: Long number too large
Web Method problem: Class null not public or does not allow instantiation
J2EE.Deployment and Run.WebSphere
Support updating a deployed WebSphere application
WebSphere Integration plugin can't connect to local WebSphere 6.0 server
IDE Configuration
attach source directly from edit window
Keymap action name search improvements
Changing custom Colors & Fonts scheme corrupts default one
GWT Support
Support UIBinder functionality introduced in GWT 2.0
Maven+GWT: Support gwt sdk from maven repository
Support UIBinder functionality introduced in GWT 2.0
Gwt facet not included in &war& artifact after maven's project refresh
GWT support does not recognize resources from modules in jars
Inspection error: Native JavaScript support in GWT code embedded in GAE context
GWT hosted mode page update
GWT UiBinder UiFactory paramters not validated
Not all SQL highlighting is working for JdbcTemplate after updating to Spring 3.0.0
(Usability Problem)
JSP: smart completion suggests java class names in [IDEA:& &] operator
Correctly mapped Web Resource directory is highlighted in red for tagdir
Error message 'cannot resolve' is shown in JSP file if &&%= %&& construction is used
JSP error analysis never completes
JSP EL member completion suggests methods (which are invalid for JSP 2.0 EL)
Version Control. Subversion
(Usability Problem)
Failed Subversion authentication usability problem
(Usability Problem)
Not logged to SVN notification: allow to copy message to clipboard
Information on progress is strange
Performance and inconsistency issues with svn:externals and &Detect nested working copies&
IAE because org.jetbrains.idea.svn.SvnStatusUtil#isIgnoredInAnySense does not guard against null VirtualFile (with bugfix patch)
No-named action between &Set property...& and &Rollback&
Possible SVN startup Issue
Subversion: show 'authentication required' notification on attempt to create new branch
Subversion: Pending incoming changes aren't detected anymore
SVN lockout
IntelliJ hangs on synchronize
svn credentials not remembered
Autoboxing not used in Code Fragment Evaluation
(Usability Problem)
Breakpoints configuration dialog shouldn't show tabs if only one breakpoint panel is registered
Breakpoints don't work inside JDK classes if they are not in jars (regression since IDEA 7)
Debugger sometimes gets hung &Waiting for VM detach&
Navigation cursor jumps to another group in case of the first breakpoint list deletion
Cannot dismiss &Range is Too Big& dialog.
Debugger: &Show maximum xxx array elements&: somehow show that specifying max number & endIndex - startIndex + 1 doesn't have much sence
Same keyboard shortcut assigned to two actions in one dialog - Debugger options
Turn off ability to set up breakpoints in txt files
wrong .classpath after merge
Unit Testing. TestNG
IAE at com.intellij.codeInsight.AnnotationUtil.isAnnotated
Editor. Editing Text
Please create vertical indent lines
Quick Javadoc for method should always display class
vertical indent lines: Per file setting (like line numbers)
(Usability Problem)
&Method cannot be applied to &.....& tooltip is unreadable for long signatures
(Usability Problem)
Suggestion for create new class dialog: Up/Down in name field changes kind
numbered bookmarks allow multiple bookmarks with the same number within one file
code folder not visually obvious
IDEA 9 freezes while editing Groovy/Grails files and open project- oder grails-Tab
PSI error when deleting code block Similar to IDEA-48642 and IDEA-49000
(Performance Problem)
IU-95.24 Typing in editor in java class is slow,
possibly related to flex/swf
The editor setting &Show method separators& doesn't work
Aggressive Code Folding
Add imports on the fly option does not work for JSP
Multi-stroke keyboard shortcut doesn't work anymore in 94.426
Live templates do not work in injected context
Add &Show vertical indent guides& option to &View& menu
Don't draw vertical guide over a collapsed region
code folding doesn't work anymore
JavaDoc error message &The documentation for this element is not found. Please add all the needed paths to API docs in Project Settings.&
&fold& Spring PropertyPlaceholder placeholders
spring: bean name convention: allow dot (.
Strange double quoting in spring configuration file
spring: QuickFix for unresolved bean property always creates dumb property of type java.lang.String
spring: Inspection of constructor-arg tags appears to be reversed
spring 3.0: Ctrl-Alt-Space completion does not suggest elements from new spring 3.0 schemas
Good code is red when @Resource uses with @Controller
(Performance Problem)
IDEA very slow to parse my code - over 10 seconds for import intention
Spring Inspection - Red on right code
Spring support doesn't consistently recognise beans wired using @Resource annotation with name parameter
Spring bean with abstract=&true& is a valid parent attribute value in another bean
ISE at com.intellij.aop.psi.AopPointcutExpressionFile.getAopModel
Exception when working with classes defined with AOP
NPE at com.intellij.xml.index.XmlNamespaceIndex.getNamespace
User Interface
Cannot copy text from Messages - Make dialog
add &Reveal in Finder& for Mac or &Open in Explorer& for Win, etc action to project view context menu
(Usability Problem)
Progress indicator doesn't work on Welcome screen
(Usability Problem)
Generate JavaDoc for specific Scope
(Usability Problem)
Splash screen is too agressive on Linux
(Usability Problem)
Run/Debug Dialog is too big on 15& MacBook Pro
(Usability Problem)
Run/Debug popup (alt+shift+f10/f9) should support numpad
(Usability Problem)
Error message: The documentation for this element is not found.
(Usability Problem)
Open dialogs and other dialogs should remember the size I like
'Process annotations' action has invalid label when disabled
Misspelling in context menu of Spring config text view
&Select JDK& page of the New Project Wizard is not uniform
Changes Tool Window: Cannot Expand/Collapse Tree while Indices Are Being Built
TODO toolwindow shows items that have no todos in them
Icons for native files in project view flicker on &Save& action
Wrong buttons layout in the dialog window
AIOOBE from sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice() on turning on the second monitor
Inspection icon disappears on mouse over
Quick lists missed from list of actions in keymap configuration panel
NPE from FileChooserDescriptor.isFileSelectable() in file chooser in case using path field with non-path chooser root
Cursor is lost after rerunning contents of the Run Pane
TODO is highlighting block comment end pattern
OSGi Support
(Usability Problem)
There was a problem when trying to bundlify file: ....
Please map a Help ID to OSGI facet dialog box
Lots of popup boxes when compiling Apache Mina
Pax Runner not launched with proxy settings from IDEA
OSGi: libraries bundling doesn't work
bnd MANIFEST.MF generation does not work
OSGi support: Settings: on framework entry removing from frameworks list it should be removed from default project Settings
Support for Richfaces JSF loadScript and loadStyle tags
Maven Integration
Provide &download sources& button (next to &attach sources& button) when binary class is part of Maven dependency
Maven: provide inspection that checks incorrect usage of 'import' dependency scope
Maven: MavenProjects view: add extra goal to lifecycle - prepare-package
(Usability Problem)
Add dependency should insert dependency at cursor (not the end of the dependencies)
(Usability Problem)
Maven: OverrideParentDependency: show the artifactId as project node name if no name is specified for pom
(Usability Problem)
Exclude output paths is not checked by default in project settings
Maven: ${} highlighted as red
Maven settings.xml is shown in &Go To File&
Maven: inspection of &configuration& element is overly eager
Maven: exceptions are thrown if the local repository is changed while working
Maven: set project's language level to the highest across the maven modules, but not higher.
Maven: new gmaven plugin is not supported
IDEA locked up after adding a maven module.
Got an exception during maven reimport
Maven plugin fails to initialize
Maven: OverrideParentDependency: show dependencies from grand-parents
Maven: Alt-Ins: don't allow to add the pom itself and its childs as its parent
Maven re-import removes exclusion of Maven's &target& folder and adds target/generated-sources/groovy-stubs/main as source folder
Maven: if some module and the module it depends on use different library versions, IDEA may use incorrect one
94.273: Maven &provided& scope jars no longer appearing on test classpath
maven: import settings not saved
Maven: Plugin dependencies should not be shown as managed
Good code is red: Maven POM editor doesn't understand &executions& element
Maven settings.xml local repository doesn't substitue environment variable
Maven: the goals unselected in run configurations should not keep 'before run' status in MavenProjects view
Maven: on setting 'execute before launch...' for some goal via Maven view the selected RunConfiguration should get corr.option checked
Maven: do not set 'exported' flag on Maven dependencies
Maven: the MavenProject view should be properly updated on setting 'execute before Run' for goals
Maven: StackOverflowError on cyclic inheritance detecting
Editor. Intention Actions
quick fix for javadoc: unresolved symbol
(Usability Problem)
&Move intializer to field declaration& and &Move initializer to constructor& move caret also
Convert to ThreadLocal intention breaks code
&Replace + with String.format() call& produces wrong format string with quoted char
&Replace + with .append() call& doesn't replace all + operators
Convert to AtomicInteger intention produces bad code
IDEA locks up on Create Property modal dialog error and must be killed via System task manger
Add unambiguous imports and Optimize imports on the fly do not work
Add unambiguous imports and Optimize imports on the fly do not work
Content Tools}


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