gtx1080MQgtx ti什么意思思?什么是MAX-Q

配GTX1080MQ 宏碁Predator Triton 700游戏本外媒评测
20:41:19 来源:超能网 作者:barry 我要评论:
& & 一直以来大家对于游戏本的印象往往是性能足够强劲,但是轻薄度和便携度方面就很差,基本都是傻大黑粗的造型。不过自然还是有些例外的,例如微星很早之前所推出的GS系列就做到了足够的轻薄,并且性能相比其他游戏本来说区别也不大。而在今年的Computex 2017上NVIDIA联合华硕正式发布了Max-Q设计规范的笔记本ROG Zephyrus,这个全新的设计方案让高端游戏笔记本在轻薄和性能方面同时做到了兼容。不过在这款ROG Zephyrus推出之前,同为台湾友商的宏碁已经于4月底的时候在纽约发布了Max-Q方案的笔记本Predator Triton 700,只是NVIDIA等到6月份时才正式命名。
& &&虽然说在发布时间上已经有很长一段时间了,并且现在也开卖了,但是貌似找不到多少相关评测的信息,不过目前外媒notebookcheck总算带来了它的评测文章。作为一款顶级游戏笔记本来说,宏碁的Predator Triton 700本身设计也是可圈可点的,除了搭载GTX 1080 Max-Q显卡之外,整体机身还薄至18.9mm,搭配15.6英寸屏幕,重量也就2.45kg而已,虽然相比华硕的ROG Zephyrus在厚度和重量方面还差了点,不过还要考虑到它还是采用了机械键盘。
& &&在键盘放在C面的下方,Predator Triton 700不像ROG Zephyrus那样把键盘和数字按键集合到触控板上去,而是把触控区域单独放到键盘上部分,而且有大面积的康宁玻璃覆盖,借助这样透明的设计,你能够对它的散热系统一览无余,和ROG Zephyrus相比各有各的特色。
& &&好了废话不多说,先看下今天评测的Predator Triton 700顶配版,其采用了Core i7-7700HQ处理器,GTX 1080 Max-Q,基础频率为1290MHz,搭配32GB DDR4-2400的双通道内存,2条512GB的海力士SC300 M.2固态硬盘组成RAID 0。15.6英寸的友达B156HAN04.2(AUO42ED)IPS屏幕,支持G-sync同步,120Hz的刷新率。
& &&作为对比的产品则有华硕的ROG Zephyrus、技嘉的Aorus X5 v7,微星的GS63 VR、Eurocom Q5,不过除了ROG Zephyrus的配置、外观设计和价格和Predator Triton 700差不多之外,剩下的三款是不在同个水平的。
& &&在笔记本左侧一端提供了安全锁,USB 2.0、2*USB 3.0,右侧为电源按钮,Thunderbolt 3的Type-C口,USB 3.0,RJ-45网线口,后面的为Display Port、HDMI、电源接口。
& &&把背面的13个螺丝拿下后,就可以对C面的键盘进行拆卸了,可以直接看到主板。Predator Triton 700的散热系统由两个AeroBlade 3D风扇和五条热管组成,左下角的为M.2硬盘接口,可以看到表面有散热铁片覆盖着,两个DDR4 SO-DIMM内存插槽。
& &&通过宏碁内置的PredatorSense软件可以很方便的实现超频、键盘灯光、风扇转速调整等操作、同时可以监控CPU和GPU温度、利用率和风扇的数据。
& &&虽然Predator Triton 700的C面上的玻璃看起来很漂亮,不过触控区域放在上面实际让操作不便,并且触控区域是由细线在玻璃板上区分开来而已,在白天的时候已经有点难看到了,到了晚上几乎是看不见全凭感觉去操作。
& &&作为一款顶级的游戏笔记本来说,Predator Triton 700的屏幕并不算足够好,其只有89%的sRGB和58%的色域,并且在最大亮度方面只有277。和使用了相同屏幕的ROG Zephyrus还是有点差距的,不过这个通过后期调整还是可以实现同样水准的。
& &&相比华硕采用单条1TB的三星SM 961固体来说,Predator Triton 700采用双条512GB组成RAID 0阵列模式的整体表现显然更好,在CrystalDiskMark 5.2软件上可以看到连读读取速度可达3417MB/s,写入速度为2771MB/s。
& &&Max-Q方案对于游戏本的轻薄度来说显然有很大的帮助,不过相对正常的显卡来说还是有些阉割。相对于正常的GTX MHz基础频率来说,GTX 1080 Max-Q的仅为1290MHz,有着18%的性能差距。不过在PredatorSense设置中可以将显卡频率超频至1365MHz,甚至1440MHz,对于3DMark 11的基准测试来说分别有着2%和5%的涨幅程度。
& &&其主要测试了巫师3、生化危机7、荣耀战魂、幽灵行动、掠食、火箭联盟、尘埃4、大逃杀、F1赛车、方舟等游戏,测试画质有高和非常高两种。
& &&在空闲待机时最低为33dB(A),平均为34dB(A),在玩巫师进行负载有43dB(A),最高可达48dB(A),整体表现不算吵。
& &&虽然同为Max-Q的设计,但是华硕ROG Zephyrus显然会着更好的温度表现,其底盖通过转轴机械能抬起机身,出风面积上会更大。
& &&对于游戏本来说,待机和游戏时间不够长是其同痛点之一。在没有连接网络并且开启最低亮度的情况下拥有2小时30分钟的续航,连接WIFI上网的话为2小时24分,纯看视频情况下为1小时46分,最大亮度下进行负载为70分钟(不知道是游戏还是什么)。
& &&同华硕的ROG Zephyrus相比,外媒notebookcheck给其评价是在机械键盘和维修方面都要更好点,但是ROG Zephyrus则拥有着更好的触摸区域、温度表现和噪音表现等。而且就品牌而已,宏碁的定价似乎过高了点。目前国内顶配版售价为25999元,而华硕的为26999元,在两者相差不大的价格上,应该更多人会选择逼格更高的ROG吧。gtx1080MQ什么意思?什么是MAX-Q_百度知道
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This article has two parts, one that explains what exactly Nvidia&s Max-Q initiative means for existing and future gaming laptops, and a second one that&gathers&all the Max-Q notebooks&available out there, in a weekly updated list.Nvidia&s Max-X initiative aims to slim down gaming laptops and make them more pleasant to use, by lowering noise levels. In order to do that, Nvidia provides OEMs with what they call Max-Q versions of the GTX
and 1080 chips, which in few words are down-clocked&versions of those chips running at lower frequencies, but with much lower&TDPs as well, as it&s better explained in one of the tables below.Let&s take a regular mobile GTX 1080 for instance, which runs at around 150 W. The&Max-Q 1080 variant only&needs between 90-110 W. This allows manufacturers to put the 1080 chip inside&much slimmer and portable laptops, like the Asus Zephyrus or the Acer Predator Triton.However, the amount of performance is going to vary between the Max-Q chips, based on the exact&implementation each OEM chooses to go with. Given the 1080 Max-Q chip can have TDPs between 90 and 110 and clock&speeds between roughly 1100 and 1300 MHz, that means there will&be performance&variations of as much as 20% between implementations, which can get very misleading and confusing for potential buyers.In other words, not all Max-Q laptops will perform the same, and while in theory a 1080 MaxQ chip sits between a regular 1070 and 1080 in terms of performance, in some cases a MaxQ 1080 can come very close to a standard mobile GTX 1070 chip (or even perform a little poorer).That&s why it&s impossible to say a 1080 MaxQ chip is generically X%&faster than a 1070 and Y% slower than a 1080, because X and Y are going to greatly vary from unit to unit, based on the implementation each OEM chooses for a given notebook. So it is imperative to&properly research the laptop you&re interested in (read reviews, the forums, user reviews from online stores) before deciding it&s what you need or not. The same conclusion applies to the MaxQ 1070 and 1060 designs.The architectural differences between the regular Pascal mobile chips and the MaxQ variants are explained below.10801080 MaxQ10701070 MaxQ10601060 MaxQCUDA Cores256025602048204812801280Core Clock1566 MHz&MHz1443 MHz MHz1506 MHz MHzBoost Clock1733 MHz MHz1645 MHz&MHz1708 MHz&MHzMemory width256-bit256-bit256-bit256-bit192-bit192-bitMemory speed10 GHz10 GHz8 GHz8 GHz8 GHz8 GHzMemory bandwidth320GB/s320GB/s256GB/s256GB/s192GB/s192GB/sMemory size8GB GDDR5X8GB GDDR5X8GB GDDR58GB GDDR53/6GB GDDR53/6GB GDDR5TDP165W90-110&W120W80-90W80W60-70WHardware&aside, the Max-Q initiative has a software component as well. Nvidia pushes a limit on fan noise, set at at maximum of 40 dB (at ear-level). That&s low, given most normal laptops easily go past 45 dB with gaming, and it&s especially low when corroborated with the slimmer form-factors.In order to meet the requirement OEMs would have to develop new cooling solutions, but Nvidia also gives a helping hand with a feature called &WhisperMode& implemented within the GeForce Experience app. This balances graphics details with frame-rates in order to keep noise down, but what I understand it does is lower&details so the GPU would work as little as possible to output a given amount of frames per second. There&s a cap on frame-rates as well, around 40-60 fps, similar to what the BatteryBoost feature does for gaming on battery. Will update on this matter.Bottom point, Nvidia&s Max-Q design states that gaming performance does not have to sacrifice portability and pushes laptop&manufacturers to improve their devices.&There&s no hard-limit set for how thin Max-Q laptops should be or their thermals though.
From what I&m seeing, OEMs took two different approaches with MaxQ laptops. Some created brand new ultrathin designs (like the Asus Zephyrus and Acer Triton), while others&took existing designs and crammed higher-tier Max-Q graphics inside.The few MaxQ units available as of early July 2017 are very expensive though, that&s why those designs in the latter aforementioned category make little sense to me. In their case, potential customers are asked to pay a premium of a couple of hundreds of dollars just for a slight performance bump and potentially quieter fans, which might not be worth it for most. In fact, the bump in performance is not a guarantee, as from what we know so far a computer with an overclocked regular 1070 can&perform better than one with a 1080 MQ, for a fraction of the price, but with increased energy costs.We&ve added complete lists&of the available MaxQ gaming laptops bellow, as well as relevant information for each model. The article is split into three main sections, based on the chip inside the units, and while there are few models listed as of right now, we&ll continue to update it as new models are announced.Portable laptops with Nvidia MaxQ 1080 graphicsThis section includes high-tier gaming notebooks with Nvidia MaxQ 1080 graphics and portable designs. If you&re just after performance and don&t care about the form factor, a list of laptops with regular mobile 1080 graphics&.ModelScreenHardwareGraphicsTB3Weight15.6-inch IPS FHD matte GSyncKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32GB RAM GTX 1080 MQ 8GBYes5.75 lbs / 2.6 kgnice bui 18.9 mm / .74&P mechanical&keyboard with&NumPad, with the t matte FHD screen with GS Core HQ processors and GTX 1080 Max-Q up to 32&GB of RAM (2x DIMMs), M.2 NVM 54&Wh batteryStarting price: $2999 & scheduled&for JulyAlienware 1515.6-inch FHD, FHD IPS GSync 60 Hz or FHD TN GSync 120 HzKaby Lake Core HK / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1080 MQ 8 GBYes7.69 lbs / 3.49 kgbulky and heavy in comparison to the other options in this list & 7.7 lbs, 22 mm / .86&P se port for the Alienware Graphics A Core i7-7820HK CPU overclocked at 4.1 GHz, 110W of the GTX 1080MQ chip, 2x memory slots, M.2 NVME 99 Wh batteryStarting price: $2349 & 15.6-inch WQHD or UHD 60 Hz GSyncKaby Lake Core HK / max 64 GB RAM GTX 1080 MQ 8 GBYes5.5 lbs / 2.5 kg&&&& sleek (.9&P thick) and portable for its class, multiple screen options with GSync support, Core HK processor, 3xM.2 and 1 x2.5&P storage, 95 Wh battery, 200 W power packStarting price: $2899 & 15.6-inch IPS FHD matte 120 Hz GSyncKaby Lake Core HQ / max 24GB RAM GTX 1080 MQ 8GBYes4.94 lbs / 2.24 kg&
& nice bui 18 mm / .70&P the keyboard and trackpad are good, but oddly positioned in order to acco matte 120 Hz FHD screen with GS Core HQ processors and 90W version of the GTX 1080 Max-Q graphics up to 24 GB of RAM (8 GB soldered+ 1 DIMM), M.2 NVM runs hot under load, 50 W poor speakersStarting price: $2699 & Portable laptops with Nvidia MaxQ 1070 and 1060 graphicsThis section includes mid level&gaming notebooks with Nvidia Max-Q 107 and 1060 graphics. You can also check out our lists of portable notebooks with&regular
and .ModelScreenHardwareGraphicsTB3Weight15.6-inch IPS FHD matte 120 Hz GSyncKaby Lake Core HQ / max 24GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 8GBYes4.94 lbs / 2.24 kg&
& nice bui 18 mm / .70&P the keyboard and trackpad are good, but oddly positioned in order to acco matte 120 Hz FHD screen with GS Core HQ processors and GTX 1070 Max-Q up to 24 GB of RAM (8 GB soldered+ 1 DIMM), M.2 NVM runs hot under load, 50 W poor speakersStarting price: $2299 & Clevo P95015.6-inch TN FHD 120 Hz, UHD matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 8 GBYes4.2 lbs / 1.9 kgthin (0.73&P) RGB several screen options available, including a 60 Hz UHD panel or the 120 HZ FHD TN 2x memory DIMMs, 1x M.2 NVME and 1x 2.5&P 55 W more customizable and affordable than the competitionStarting price: $2399&& Eurocom Q5 / Clevo P957HR15.6-inch TN 120 Hz or IPS FHD matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 6 GBNo4.85 lbs / 2.2 kgt&multiple configuratiget Optimus&instead of G-S low frequency GTX 1070MQ; dual storage (M.2 + 2.5&P); good IO, 60&W more affordable than the competitionStarting price: from $1699Dell Inspiron Gaming 757715.6-inch IPS&FHD or UHD matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1060 MQ 6 GBYes6.3 lbs / 2.85 kgnew design with metallic chassis, average profile (~1&P thick)
FHD or UHD IPS dual storage (M.2 + 2.5&P);&56 Wh batteryStarting price: $999&&&HP Omen 1515.6-inch IPS&FHD 120 Hz or UHD matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1060 MQ 6 GBNo4.85 lbs / 2.2 kgsober black design, average profile (~1&P thick) a FHD 120 Hz or UHD IPS dual storage (M.2 + 2.5&P); 70&Wh batteryStarting price:&$1399HP Omen 1715.6-inch IPS&FHD or UHD GSync matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 8 GBNo7.45 lbs / 3.35 kgsober black design, thick (1.3&P) but fairly light for a 17- FHD or UHD IPS GS Dragon R dual storage (M.2 + 2.5&P); 96&Wh batteryStarting price:&$1499&&&15.6-inch TN FHD 120 Hz matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 8 GBYes3.96 lbs / 1.8 kgvery thin (0.69&P) and light for a 15- SteelS a TH FHD 120 Hz screen, but other options should be ava 2x memory DIMMs, 1x M.2 NVME and 1x 2.5&P 57 Wh batteryStarting price: $2399&& 17.3-inch TN FHD 120 Hz matteKaby Lake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 8 GBYes5.35 lbs / 2.4 kgthin (0.77&P) and light for a 17- SteelSeries keyboard, a FHD matte screen with 120 Hz refresh time, other options shou 2x memory DIMMs, &1x M.2 NMVe and 1x 2.5&P 65 Wh batteryStarting price: $2499 & Origin EVO15-S15.6-inch FHD/UHD matteSkylake Core HQ / max 32 GB RAM GTX 1070 MQ 8 GBNo4.4 lbs / 1.99 kgslim (0.69&P) backlit RGB 2x RAM slots, 1x M.2 PCIe storage and 1&2.5&P small batteryStarting price:$1625Rumors claim that a GTX 1070 Max-Q version of the Asus GX501 Zephyrus is also expected later this year, but we&ll only add it if it becomes official.That&s about it for now, but we&re constantly updating the list and adding new devices as they are released. Please get in touch in the comments section below in case you spot anything that should be in here and it&s not, and down there&you can also leave your impressions and questions about the Nvidia Max-Q designs.Share this article:gtx1080MQ什么意思?什么是MAX-Q?_百度知道
英伟达 NVIDIA 正式发布了新一代旗舰显卡GeForce GTX 1080://c。采用max-q的笔记本很轻薄。GTX1080:日:笔记本显卡的类型。max-q技术可以让更薄的笔记本塞进性能更好的独显,核心频率" esrc="。通过动态调节频率,功耗来实现在功耗和性能间取得平衡。GeForceGTX1080拥有2560个CUDA处理器、16nm FinFET制程的 GTX 1080 要比 GTX 980Sli 甚至是 Titan X 还要快.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http://c.hiphotos。采用帕斯卡(Pascal)gtx1080MQ


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