
不要被小编的慷慨陈词所打动了,和你们说好做彼此的天使,所以今天不选择套路你们。好了,言归正传,来看看小编送上的福利是否能打动你吧~漂亮的女生总是很受欢迎,除了男人爱看,女人也爱看。皮肤水嫩、身材火辣,谁不喜欢有韵味的女人?但很少人天生丽质,无疑这都是靠保养得来的。古老的黄河文明、神秘的西夏文化、浓郁的回乡风情、雄壮的大漠风光,形成了银川的鲜明特色。美丽的风景美丽的人,想让自己变美并不难。众望所归!经过小编千辛万苦的跋涉与探索,终于收获颇丰~在这里推荐给大家几家B格比较高经常受到潮流人士及美女光顾的银川市兴庆区建发现代城美甲店!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:READ ME效果评分:0分环境评分:0分服务评分:0分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:综合评分:6分地址:银川兴庆区建发现代城解放西街新华百货现代城店3层森林公主效果评分:0分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:环境评分:0分服务评分:0分综合评分:6分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:地址:银川兴庆区建发现代城解放西街2号爱美丽(撤柜)效果评分:0分环境评分:0分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:服务评分:0分综合评分:6分地址:银川兴庆区建发现代城解放西街2号精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:娟子美甲店效果评分:0分环境评分:0分服务评分:0分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:综合评分:6分地址:银川兴庆区建发现代城宗睦巷73号GUOYANG彩妆造型效果评分:7.0分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:环境评分:7.0分服务评分:7.0分综合评分:7分精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:地址:银川兴庆区建发现代城明德巷62号放眼中国,无论南方妞北方妞,重视内外兼修,才能越来越美,无论大城市小城市,只要积极进取,都能让自己美美哒!在爱美这条路上吸取那些年被坑过的消费陷阱!所以美甲店千万别信免费!这可是关系到脸面的大问题,小编绞尽脑汁为大家精选的这几个经过朋友、同事肉测、水平很不错的银川市兴庆区建发现代城美甲店,小编只能帮你们这么多了,赶快瞄准好机构,来一次变美的体验吧~精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:(索马里海带)
& 望远美甲店
日本熊出没导致人丧命 -- :: 来源:
People in northern Japan have been warned to stay away from mountain ests after four people were killed in a spate of bear attacks, amid a dramatic rise in the number of bear sightings.日本北部的居民被警告,远离山区森林,目前目击到的熊的数目急剧上升,已有四人在接二连三的熊袭击事件中丧命Police in Akita prefecture found the body of a woman they suspect was mauled by a bear in a mountain est at the weekend.秋田县警方于周末发现一具女人的尸体,怀疑因受到山林中的熊身重创所致The victim, Tsuwa Suzuki, 7, suffered injuries so horrific that local authorities were initially unable to identify her.受害者铃木年龄7岁,身上恐怖的伤痕以至于地方当局最初无法确定她的身份Suzuki, who lived in neighbouring Aomori prefecture, had gone to the area alone to pick edible wild plants, according to public broadcaster NHK.据公共电台NHK报道,铃木住在青森县附近,曾独自一人去摘野生植物Her death comes soon after three men C two in their seventies and one in his sixties C died from what have been described as “severe” injuries sustained in separate attacks in the same area.她的死亡紧接着三个人――其中两人都是70多岁,一人60多岁――都在同一个地区受到来自不同袭击的所谓的“严重”伤害The men were aging
bamboo shoots when they were attacked, Japanese media reported.这些男子是在采摘竹笋的时候被袭击的,日本媒体报道Takeshi Komatsu, a local vet, said it was possible that the four were killed by the same bear.当地兽医武小松说,这四人很可能遭到同一头熊的袭击“After tasting human flesh ( the first time), the bear may have realised that it can eat them,” Komatsu told Kyodo news agency.“(第一次)尝了人肉之后,熊可能意识到人可以吃,”武小松告诉新闻通讯社共同社While officials have set traps and told people not to go into the mountains in search of plants and vegetables, local media pointed out that the number of fatal attacks in Akita this year is aly half the eight deaths reported in the area between 1979 and last year.官员已经设置了陷阱,并告诉人们不要进入山林寻找植物或野菜,当地媒体称秋田县今年的致命袭击已经是这个地区从1979年至去年间的八起被报道的死亡事件的一半Sightings of brown bears and black Asiatic bears in northern Japan have risen to over 1,0 aly this year, almost twice the number reported last year.在日本北部目击到的棕熊和亚洲黑熊的数目今年已经上升至00头,几乎是去年报道的两倍In some cases, the animals have been spotted near residential areas.一些报道中,这些动物被目击到出现在居民区附近Aside from Akita, there have been sightings of mother with their cubs in several other prefectures, as well as reports of injuries due to bear attacks.除了秋田县,也有人目击到母熊带着小熊出现在其他几个县,同时也有遭熊袭击受伤的报道研究:0岁之后的人每周要休息天 --5 ::6 来源:
  A three-day-week gets the best permance from workers aged over 0, a
study has found.  一项研究发现,0岁以上的人如果每周上三天班,工作表现最佳  Researchers found the cognitive permance of middle-aged people improved
as the working week increased up to 5 hours a week.  研究人员发现,当中年人每周工作时间达到5小时,认知表现将有所改善  However, when the week went over 5 hours, overall permance
su took effect.  然而,如果每周工作时间超过5小时,受试者的整体表现则将恶化,因为;疲劳和压力;开始产生影响  The report, which was published in the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper
series, invited 3,000 men and 3,500 women in Australia to complete a series of
cognitive tests while their work habits were analysed.  发表在《墨尔本研究院工人报的这篇研究报告邀请了澳大利亚的3000名男性和3500名女性来完成一系列认知测试,同时分析他们的工作习惯  It was found those working 5 hours a week permed best while those
working 55 hours a week showed results worse than retired or unemployed
participants.  研究发现,每周工作5小时的人表现最佳,而每周工作55小时的人的测试成绩比那些退休或待业的人还糟  One of the three authors, Professor Colin McKenzie from Keio University
told the Times: ;Many countries are going to raise their retirement ages by
delaying the age at which people are eligible to start receiving pension
benefits. This means that more people continue to work in the later stages of
their life.  该研究报告的三位作者之一、来自日本庆应义塾大学的科林麦肯齐教授告诉《泰晤士报说:;许多国家都预备提高退休年龄,让人们延迟领取养老金这意味着更多人在中晚年还要继续工作  ;The degree of intellectual stimulation may depend on working hours. Work
can be a double-edged sword, in that it can stimulate brain activity, but at the
same time long working hours can cause fatigue and stress, which potentially
damage cognitive functions.  ;智力被激发的程度可能取决于工作时长工作是一把双刃剑,既能够刺激大脑活动,同时过长的工作时间也会导致疲劳和压力,并有可能损害认知功能  ;We point out that differences in working hours are important
maintaining cognitive functioning in middle-aged and elderly adults. This means
that, in middle and older age, working part-time could be effective in
maintaining cognitive ability.;  ;我们指出了不同工作时长的区别所在,这对于保持中老年人的认知功能具有重要意义这意味着,在中晚年,从事兼职工作将能有效地保持认知能力;  The research comes amid moves to edge the British state pension age closer
to 70.  研究发布正值英国计划将法定退休年龄提高到将近70岁  Currently
someone born in 1989, a state pension begins at the age of
68.  根据目前的法规,1989年出生的人要到68岁才能领到养老金小贝一家到底多有钱? --9 ::50 来源:
The Beckham family empire has grown to include lucrative endorsements, modelling contracts and a fashion line or two - so it's no secret that Brand Beckham can sell. But a new study reveals just how lucrative the family brand really is.贝克汉姆家产业帝国的发展已经涵盖了品牌代言、模特签约、以及一两个时尚系列贝克汉姆的品牌魅力已不是什么秘密但一项新研究揭示了这个家庭品牌真正的吸金能力The marketing value of all the family members - mer England football captain David, ex-Spice Girl-turned-fashion designer Victoria and their children Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper - plus their business ventures mean Brand Beckham is worth around £500 million, according to the London School of Marketing.贝克汉姆家庭成员包括前英格兰足球队队长大卫、由前流行组合辣(Spice Girl)成员转型时装设计师的维多利亚以及他们的孩子布鲁克林(Brooklyn)、罗密欧(Romeo)、克鲁兹(Cruz)和哈珀(Harper)伦敦营销学院(London School of Marketing)的数据显示,他们一家人再加上贝克汉姆名下的公司,总营销价值已约为5亿英镑It also translates to earnings of around £30-£0 million a year
the family.而家族品牌价值还能转化为一年约3000万到000万英镑的收入Their marketing power stems from three main vehicles, Footworks, where David"s football related revenues are collected, the Beckham label,
endorsements, and Beckham Ventures,
Victoria's fashion business, the London School of Marketing's experts said.伦敦营销学院的专家称,他们的市场动力来自三个主要领域:Footworks――大卫足球相关领域产生的收入、贝克汉姆品牌――广告代言收入、以及贝克汉姆投资公司(Beckham Ventures)――维多利亚的时装生意收入Current estimates put the value
Footworks at £0 million, the Beckham name at £70 million and Beckham Ventures at £60 million, they added.他们补充说,目前估计步法公司价值1.5亿英镑,贝克汉姆品牌价值7000万英镑,贝克汉姆投资公司价值6000万英镑But while the elder family members have been the main contributors so far, the Beckham offspring are gaining ground with business dealings and marketing appeal of their own.不过,虽然目前小贝夫妇是家族收入的主力,他们的子女也在商业活动及扩展各自市场人气方面攻城略地Sixteen-year-old Brooklyn has a . million-strong following on Instagram and has recently appeared on the cover of Miss Vogue.十六岁的布鲁克林在图片分享平台Instagram上已有0万的铁杆粉丝,最近又成为时尚杂志《Miss Vogue的封面人物Younger brother Romeo meanwhile has fronted a Burberry Christmas campaign and was credited with driving a % sales boost.二公子罗密欧曾为时尚大牌巴宝莉(Burberry)拍摄圣诞节广告片,使该品牌营业额增长了%"The Beckham name has the Midas touch when it comes to advertising, even the mere mention of their name associated with a brand is a small news event in itself," said Anton Dominique, chief marketing officer at the London School of Marketing.“贝克汉姆这个名字具有点石成金的魔力,一个品牌即使与贝克汉姆只产生些许的关联,就能够引起小小的轰动,” 伦敦营销学院的首席营销官安东?多米尼克(Anton Dominique)说"What is also interesting is that the family name is almost as influential as any individual family member," he added.“还有一点比较有趣,贝克汉姆这个姓氏几乎跟这个家庭任何一名成员一样有影响力,”他补充道David recently added another deal to his collection, signing up to front a clothing line by Trinity, the Hong Kong-based owner of Gieves
Hawkes)的母公司利邦签约,为其装品牌进行代言Vocabularylucrative:有利可图的,赚钱的stem from:源自于英文来源:独立报译者:杨轩
全球最热--科威特气温飙升至5度 --5 ::3 来源:
The record-beating temperature was recorded in Mitribah on Thursday.周四,科威特米特巴哈记录下了这一打破记录的高温It was nearly as hot in Iraq, yesterday, as temperatures reached 53.9C.昨天伊拉克几乎也是同样的炎热,气温达到了53.9摄氏度Temperatures in Kuwait reached 5C this week, making Thursday the hottest day EVER recorded.本周科威特的气温达到了5摄氏度,使得周四那天成为有记录以来最热的一天The blistering temperature was recorded in Mitribah, Kuwait, on Thursday.周四,科威特米特巴哈记录下了这一酷暑高温And yesterday, Iraq was nearly as hot, as the mercury soared to 53.9C (9.0 degrees Fahrenheit).昨天伊拉克几乎也是同样的炎热,气温计水银柱飙升到了53.9摄氏度(9.0华氏度)Weather ecaster Nagham Mohammed expected temperatures Saturday to hover around 9 degrees Celsius (0. Fahrenheit) in Basra and to decline in the coming days. Mohammed added that temperatures in Baghdad are expected to reach 5 degrees Celsius (1 Fahrenheit).天气预报与默罕默德预计,巴士拉周六的气温将在9摄氏度(0.华氏度)左右徘徊,接下来几天将会降温默罕默德补充说道,巴格达的气温预计将达到5摄氏度(1华氏度)And weather historian, Christopher C. Burt said the temperatures made them the hottest "ever reliably measured on Earth".气象历史学家克里斯托弗?C?伯特表示说,这一气温是“全球有可靠记录以来”最热的On Wednesday, temperatures soared up to 51C (3.8 Fahrenheit) in Baghdad and as much as 53C (7. Fahrenheit) in Basra.周三,巴格达的气温飙升到了51摄氏度(3.8华氏度),巴士拉的气温升到了53摄氏度(7.华氏度)
德翼失事客机未发出“求救信号” --5 3::38 来源:
德国之翼航空公司一架客机于当地时间3月日在法国南部坠毁,机上0名乘客和机组人员全部遇难民航部门的消息说,失事客机没有发出求救信号,是空管人员在与客机失去联系后,宣布客机失踪的French Police and Gendarmerie Alpine rescue s gather on a field as they prepare to reach the crash site of an Airbus A3, near Seyne-les-Alpes, in the French Alps, March , . [PhotoAgencies]请看相关报道:French investigators will sift through wreckage on Wednesday
clues into why a German Airbus ploughed into an Alpine mountainside, killing all 0 people on board including
schoolchildren returning from an exchange trip to Spain.法国调查人员将仔细筛查失事飞机残骸寻找失事原因线索这架德国空客客机撞上阿尔卑斯山区一侧,导致机上0人全部丧生,其中包括名从西班牙交换生项目返回的学生France's DGAC aviation authority said air traffic controllers initiated distress procedures after they lost contact with the Airbus, which did not issue a distress call.法国民航总局表示,失事客机并未发出求救信号,是空管人员在与客机失去联系后启动了遇难求救程序Distress call就是“求救信号、呼救信号”,指国际上通行的飞机或轮船遇险求救信号,有时也用mayday call表示,因为mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号,Mayday是法语“Venez m'aider.”(快来帮帮我)之中“m'aider”的谐音在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的即时危险情况搜救人员已经找到了失事客机的一个黑匣子(black box),也就是安装在飞机尾部的数据收集设备(data collection devices)现代黑匣子可以记录多达300中飞行数据,包括:airspeed and altitude(飞行速度和高度)、cockpit conversations(驾驶舱对话)以及radio communications(无线电通话)等(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)男子喷药:小强没死 房子炸飞 --5 :37:5 来源:中国日报
  It's a nightmare come true when you've got a cockroach infestation in your
house.  家里横行简直是梦魇  It can drive you crazy, cause sleepless nights and cause a lot of
damage.  它们到处搞破坏,已把你逼疯,令你夜不能寐  So when it all gets too much, what do you do?  当快要到达你忍耐极限的时候,你会怎么做呢?  You take matters in to your own hands, like this man, who doused his house
in roach spray hoping it would do the trick.  你决定出手了,就像这位仁兄,他把家里喷满了药,坐等;小强;们死翘  Except it all went wrong when the buildup of fumes from the household
insecticide led to an explosion, which tore apart the house.  但世事就是这么无常:屋里的喷雾达到一定浓度后,竟然引发了爆炸,房屋被炸碎  To make it worse, the cockroaches were still there after the blast.  更糟的是,;小强;们安然无恙,幸免于难  The two adults and a young child who were inside the apartment at the time
were taken to hospital as a precaution.  爆炸导致当时在家的两个大人和一个小孩入院观察  The blast smashed all the apartment's windows.  爆炸把公寓的窗玻璃都震碎了  According to the city's code encement officer, the roach spray did not
have the intended effect.  据当地的执法官称,药并没有发挥出本该有的效用  Garrett M. Giberson said:The
was infested with roaches. When I got
on scene I saw numerous roaches crawling throughout the apartment.'  嘉莱特;M;吉伯森表示:;屋子里满是我到达现场后,看到公寓内在到处爬;  He explained how the occupant began experiencing a headache and opened a
window after spraying the insecticide.  他解释称,喷完杀虫剂后,屋主会感到头疼,于是打开窗  'You had the chemical, you had the oxygen and you had the ignition source,'
he said.  他表示:;化学物质,加氧气,再加上火源;  The tenants are lucky because they could have been seriously injured.
There had to be quite a buildup of chemicals and fumes from the bug killer to
cause an explosion like that.'  ;屋主没有受重伤已算幸运能发生这样的爆炸,说明当时屋里化学物质的浓度肯定已经非常高了;  The residents are now in temporary shelter provided by The American Red
Cross.  屋内住户目前正在美国红十字会接受临时救助  Vocabularytake matters into
your own hands:自己动手  douse:泼(或洒、浇)液体在;上,泼水于国际著名的公司logo进化史! -- :: 来源:chinadaily
所有东西都会随着时间的流逝而改变,做生意的也当然没有例外为了适应客人不断改变的需求和喜好,公司都必须不断地发展才可以保持竞争力改变的不只是他们的政策和产品,甚至公司的标识也需要因时代的转变而作出修改 Everything changes with time, and businesses are no exception. In order to stay attuned to the ever changing needs and interests of consumers, companies must constantly evolve so they can stay ahead of the competition. We're not just talking about changing their policies and products. Even their logos need to evolve in order to reflect the ever changing times we live in. 以下是一些世界上最有名的公司标志: 左边是最初的标志,右边是修改后现在的模样,你们应该可以认出所有现代版的标志,但它们最初的版本却不是那么容易去辨别啊!你们还记得那些原版的标志吗? In it you'll find some of the world's most famous logos, both how they look now and how they looked in the beginning. While you probably recognize all of the contemporary ones, many of their original counterparts aren't so easy to identify. Remember any of these? 苹果公司 Apple
星巴克 Starbucks
诺基亚 Nokia
佳能 Canon
任天堂 Nintendo
壳牌 Shell
百事可乐 Pepsi
推特 Twitter
大众 Volkswagen
雀巢公司 Nestle
English Source:boredpanda
多国奥运装遭吐槽 伊朗队似“橡皮擦” --9 :57:0 来源:chinadaily
#0;澳大利亚代表队据说他们的衣上还有“小心机”,他们夹克的内衬上印有之前澳大利亚所有1位金牌获得者的名字#0;加拿大代表队这系列是由加拿大一对双胞胎男设计师设计的,发布后网友的反响都很不错#0;#0;韩国代表队该系列衣据称进行了“防菌处理”,能减少感染寨卡病毒的风险#0;[!-empirenews.page--]俄罗斯代表队意大利代表队,乔治阿玛尼英国代表队美国代表队东道主巴西#0;#0;[!-empirenews.page--]法国代表队德国代表队捷克代表队瑞典代表队西班牙代表队#0;古巴代表队在00加仑可乐中游泳是种怎样的体验? --01 ::5 来源:
A Calinian YouTube star has made a splash with a new take on the classic coke and Mentos stunt.最近加州一位油土鳖明星又造成了一场轰动,他尝试了经典的可乐+薄荷糖反应Taras Maksimuk, from Rocklin, has filmed himself emptying a bucket of the candy into a swimming pool full of Coca-Cola.拉塔斯来自美国罗克林,他拍下了自己将一整桶薄荷糖倒进一游泳池可口可乐的场景The Ukraine native, who goes by the name TechRax on YouTube, said he poured thousands of bottles of coke to fill the pool with 1,500 gallons of pop.拉塔斯是乌克兰人,他在油土鳖上的账户名字是TechRax他说他倒了几千瓶可乐来填满这个00加仑容量的游泳池’This is something you wouldn’t even see in the movies,’ he said. ’Imagine just swimming in this. Wow.’拉塔斯说道:“你甚至在电影里都不会有机会看到这样是场景想象一下在00加仑可乐里游泳的感觉喔噢!”He went onto empty the bucket of Mentos into the Coca-Cola and stepped back as the liquid began to fizz.拉塔斯把一整桶薄荷糖全倒进了这池可乐中,后来可乐冒出大量气泡,他不得不后退The reaction is caused by a process called nucleation, whereby the carbon dioxide in the soda is attracted to dozens of tiny pores on the surface of the Mentos, causing so much pressure that the soda erupts.这个现象是由一种被称为“成核现象”的反应造成的,碳酸饮料中的二氧化碳被薄荷糖表面数十个小孔所吸引,产生了巨大的压力,最终造成碳酸饮料喷发出来Any carbonated beverage will produce a similar effect, but Diet Coke became the most popular after it was found to produce the best results.任何碳酸饮料都会产生类似的现象,但是健怡可乐是最好的,因为它能够产生最佳的反应效果In , TV show MythBusters concluded that the potassium benzoate, aspartame, and CO gas contained in the Diet Coke, in combination with the gelatin and gum arabic ingredients of the Mentos, all contribute to the mation of the foam.在年,电视节目“流言终结者”做出了结论,认为健怡可乐中含有的苯甲酸钾、阿斯巴甜和二氧化碳气体,和薄荷糖中含有的明胶、阿拉伯树胶一起促成了泡沫的形成Although some scientists claim it is not a chemical reaction, rather a purely physical one.但是一些科学家表示说这并不是一个化学反应,而纯粹是物理上的变化While the reaction is not as extreme as in other viral clips, it gives the effect of a bubbling Jacuzzi.尽管拉塔斯的这个反应不像那些极端的例子那么剧烈,但是它仍然有一种浴缸里气泡的感觉But he wasn’t finished there.但是拉塔斯并没有就这样就不玩了Maksimuk added two hundred pounds of ice into the pool bee encouraging his friend ’Ryan’ to jump in.拉塔斯加了0磅的冰块在这个池子里,然后怂恿他的朋友“莱安”跳进去Taking a running jump, the friend leaped and landed with a splash into the icy coke.拉塔斯的朋友助跑了一小段,然后跃起跳进了这池冰可乐中,激起了一片水花It’s really weird. It feels like I’m in a pool of coke man,’ he said.他说:“这感觉真怪好像我在一个可乐池子里一样,兄弟”The YouTube star, who has more than .5 million subscribers, typically specializes in s showing him destroying expensive technology.拉塔斯是油土鳖上的明星,有50多万订阅用户,他的视频内容一般都是展示他败掉昂贵的科技产品And true to m, he wasn’t finished until he had trashed his brand new DJI Phantom
Camera Drone.一如既往的,他没有就此停手,拉塔斯把他的新大疆“幻影”摄像无人机开到了可乐池子里Maksimuk filmed himself flying the drone straight into the coke pool, instantly destroying the drone and its camera.在视频中,拉塔斯直接把他的无人机开进了可乐池子里,无人机和上面的摄像头立刻就被他败掉了The
has aly been viewed more than
million times on YouTube.在油土鳖上这份视频目前已经被观看了00多万次一周热词榜(7.-) --5 :: 来源:chinadaily
一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending newsCHINADAILY手机报新一期热词榜发榜啦!本周的新闻热词有:1.中高考将增考'法治知识'.台'游览车事故'原因公布3.京暴雨多地现'积水路段'.土'未遂政变'后搞大清洗5.安理会举行'意向性投票'6.俄'田径禁赛令'上诉被驳1. 法治知识内容legal knowledge请看例句:Legal knowledge will be included in high school and college entrance exams in the future, according to a guideline
legal education in schools jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice and the legal knowledge popularization office.根据教育部、司法部、全国普法办联合发布的有关校园法治教育的大纲,今后中考、高考将考察法治知识内容《青少年法治教育大纲指出,从总体上看,青少年法治教育仍存在对其重要地位和作用认识不深刻、定位不够准确的问题;法治教育(legal education)缺乏整体规划(overall planning),方式方法有待创新;学校法治教育的评价体系不健全(poor evaluation system),教育针对性和实效性不强;学校、社会、家庭多元参与的青少年法治教育网络还没有形成;师资、教育资源(education resources)的保障机制尚不健全等问题针对这些问题,《大纲对义务教育(compulsory education)、高中教育和高等教育(higher education)等不同阶段的法治教育提出了不同的目标(different targets),并分学段细化了教学内容与要求比如义务教育阶段的学生将初步了解公民的基本权利义务(basic rights and obligations of citizens)、重要法治理念与原则(ideas and principles of law),初步了解个人成长和参与社会生活必须的基本法律常识高中学生则要较为全面地了解中国特色社会主义法律体系的基本框架(basic framework of a system serving the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics)、基本制度以及法律常识(basic rules and common knowledge in the legal field),强化守法意识,增强法治观念(raise legal awareness),牢固树立有权利就有义务的观念,初步具备参与法治实践、正确维护自身权利的能力(abilities of properly protecting their rights)中国政法大学法学教授皮艺军表示,该文件的出台肯定与目前存在的校园暴力(school violence)情况有关他认为,从小培养青少年的规则意识(cultivate adolescents' awareness of obeying rules from a young age),比如活动里的规则、公共场合人与人的关系等,让青少年在交往中更尊重对方,甚至比普法更加重要(be even more important than teaching legal knowledge)[相关词汇]法治保障 legal guarantee法治社会 a society ruled by law依法治国 rule of law依法执政 law-based exercise of state power司法部门 judicial departments法制改革 legal rem. 游览车事故tour-bus accident请看例句:A preliminary investigation into the tour-bus accident on Tuesday in Taiwan shows that the fire was caused by electrical short-circuits near the driver's seat, prosecutors in the island's Taoyuan district said on Wednesday.台湾桃园"地检署"日表示,对19日在台湾发生的游览车事故进行的初步调查显示,其起火原因是驾驶座附近电线短路此次游览车事故(tour-bus accident)发生于19日中午时57分,这辆载有大陆游客团(tour group)的游览车在行驶到台湾高速公路号桃园机场联络道西向约3公里处时突然起火(catch fire),然后失控撞上护栏(crash into the railings),造成名大陆游客(tourists from the Chinese mainland)及导游(tour guide)、司机共6人死亡这是自年台湾开放陆客赴台旅游以来,陆客在台死亡人数最多的一次事故(the deadliest incident involving mainland tourists in Taiwan since the island opened up to mainland travelers in )台湾检方和警方、消防部门在对烧毁的游览车勘验后,初步判定起火点(the starting point of the firethe fire's point of origin)位于驾驶座(the driver's seat)旁,起火原因与电线老旧(old power lines)、电器过度使用造成短路(short-circuit)有关,鉴识人员找到一条烧熔保险丝(melted fuse);另外,游览车配电盘与连接电瓶的电线短路被认为是酿灾主因,而左后侧逃生门(the left-rear emergency exit)打不开(fail to open)是死伤惨重(heavy casualties)的主因调查发现,事故车辆左后逃生门被加装一把"暗锁"(built-in lock),锁住后,门从内外都无法打开据台湾媒体报道,初步验尸(initial autopsy)发现,游览车司机苏明成呼吸道(respiratory tract)有烧灼,显示其生前很可能曾吸入高温的浓烟(inhale high temperature smoke)桃园"地检署"发言人王以文表示,苏明成的遗体已经被烧黑,损毁非常严重经解剖,初步认为是一氧化碳中毒(carbon monoxide poisoning)后昏迷(fall into a coma),随后被火烧死另外,检方已采内脏检体送至法医研究所鉴定,初判事故并非因为苏明身心状况不佳造成的(the accident was not caused by Su's physical or mental condition),详细结果则仍须等待最后的鉴定报告1日下午时左右,事故遇难者家属(family members of the victims)6人搭乘中国南方航空包机(charter flight)抵台目前台湾警方已完成来台家属DNA检体采样,将尽快完成DNA鉴定(DNA identification),以比照确认遇难者身份接下来的几天,家属们将到中坜殡仪馆上香、指认遗体(identify the bodies),还将处理理赔事宜遇难者遗体将于日火化(the remains of the victims will be cremated on Sunday)5日举行告别式(funeral service)后,遇难者家属将返回大陆[相关词汇]重大伤亡事故 incidentaccident involving heavy casualties交通事故 roadtraffic accident跟团旅游 package tour赴台个人游 travel to Taiwan as individual tourists自由行游客 individual tourist3. 积水路段waterlogged road sections请看例句: waterlogged road sections in downtown Beijing had been temporarily closed to traffic, as the capital was hit by heavy rainfall rarely seen in years Wednesday.日,首都北京遭遇近年来罕见的暴雨,市中心个积水路段暂时禁止车辆通行19日上午,北京发布暴雨蓝色预警(blue storm alert),日清晨预警级别升级至黄色,当日下午又升级为橙色预警(orange alert)受降雨影响(due to the rain),截至日下午时,北京首都国际机场共有6架航班被取消(a total of 6 flights have been canceled at Beijing Capital International Airport),铁路列车务也受到影响(train services have also been affected)来自气象部门的数据显示(according to data from meteorological authorities),北京此轮降雨过程持续了0多个小时,平均降水量(average precipitation)接近6毫米,最大降水量出现在房山区,接近毫米北京全市平均降雨量已超过年前的"7?1"暴雨强降雨导致市内出现多个"积水路段"(waterlogged road sections)受此影响,北京市共有条公交线路(bus routes)采取临时措施,其中包括9条甩站、8条绕行、条停驶(services suspended or canceled on
routes)等不少网友在微和朋友圈PO图调侃:"过了积水潭,下一站还是积水潭"更有网友在微贴出"雨中故宫"照,调侃去"故宫看海"据称,虽然大雨如注,当日参观故宫的游客数量仍达3万多人(more than 30,000 tourists visited the bidden City that day despite of the heavy rain)然而故宫官方对此回应称,由于故宫拥有较完善的排水系统(sound drainage system),故宫未见积水(free of flooding)据一名故宫工作人员(a staff member of the bidden City)介绍,在短时大量降雨时,故宫确实可能出现局部积水情况,但得益于完善的排水设计,雨水能在分钟内排掉(floods can be drained off in
minutes)故宫古建部专家介绍,故宫排水系统(drainage systems)分为三类,分别是建筑(buildings)、地表径流(surface runoff)、地下暗沟(under drains)"建筑排水就是雨水落到建筑表面后,可以沿着琉璃瓦落到地面上(rain falls on the surface of the buildings and can further drop onto the ground along the glazed roof tiles)"该专家称,之后水会沿着明沟流到暗沟沟口,还有一部分直接形成地表径流(m surface runoff)到暗沟,最终通过内金水河排出故宫由于故宫的地面顺应北京地区西北高(higher elevations in the northwest)、东南低(lower elevations in the southeast)的走势,使积水能顺利排出(enable the smooth drainage of water)[相关词汇]小雨 light rain中雨 moderate rain大雨 heavy rain暴雨 torrential rain大暴雨 downpour特大暴雨 heavy downpour[!-empirenews.page--]. 未遂政变failed coup请看例句:More than 60,000 soldiers, police, judges, civil servants and teachers in Turkey have been suspended, detained or placed under investigation since a failed military coup on July .本月日发生未遂军事政变后,土耳其已有超过6万名军人、警察、法官、公务员和教师遭停职、拘留或调查日晚,土耳其军方发动了一场军事政变(military coup),政变最终被挫败日凌晨,正在国外休假的土耳其总统雷杰普?塔伊普?埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)赶回国内,并宣布掌控了局势,未遂政变(failedunsuccessfulattempted coup)就此结束根据土耳其政府公布的数字,这次未遂政变造成3人死亡,1人受伤土耳其当局在挫败政变企图(quash the coup attempt)后展开大规模清洗(purgecleansing)行动,意在清除现居美国的教士费图拉?居伦(Fethullah Gulen)的持者土耳其已向美国递交材料要求引渡(extradite)流亡美国的土耳其宗教人物居伦土耳其政府认为居伦是军事政变的幕后策划者(be behind the military coup)但是,居伦否认自己同这次政变有任何关系(deny any involvement with the coup)未遂政变发生之后,土耳其当局逮捕了6000名军事人员(military personnel),数十名将军等待受审(await trial)此外,还有9000名警官遭解雇(be dismissedfired),大约3000名法官被停职(be suspended),总理办公室也有50名雇员被撤换19日,土耳其政府的清洗行动从军队、司法部门、公安部门、行政部门扩大到教育和传媒领域,超过1.5万名教育工作者遭到停职土耳其高等教育管理部门同时要求大约00名大学系科负责人(university deans)辞职,.1万名私立学校教师被吊销执照(the licenses of 1,000 private-school teachers were revoked)土耳其的媒体监管机构在19日也注销了该国内至少家电台和电视台频道的广播执照(cancel the broadcasting licenses
at least two dozen Turkish radio and TV stations),它们被指均与居伦有关土耳其大国民议会(the Turkish Grand National Assembly)1日批准了政府提出的实施为期3个月紧急状态(a three-month state of emergency)的议案土耳其大国民议会当天以6票赞成、1票反对的结果批准这项议案(ratify the motion with a vote of 6 , 1 against)土耳其总统埃尔多安在日晚的新闻发布会上说,国家安全委员会(the National Security Council)会议决定,提议政府依照宪法第0条的规定宣布紧急状态(propose the government declare a state of emergency according to
0 of the constitution)经土耳其大国民议会批准后,土耳其紧急状态正式生效(go into effect)[相关词汇]幕后操纵者 mastermind反对派领袖 opposition leader镇压 crackdown反叛 uprising叛乱分子 rebel和平手段 peaceful means政权 regime5. 意向性投票straw poll请看例句:The UN Security Council will continue to hold close-door inmal secret ballots until they reach consensus, while a second straw poll has not yet been scheduled.联合国安理会将继续举行闭门非正式不记名投票直至成员国达成一致目前第二次意向性投票的日期尚未确定联合国安理会1日就位下任联合国秘书长的候选人(candidates of the next UN secretary-general)进行首次意向性投票(straw poll)安理会未对外公布此次意向性投票结果(make no announcement of the results),但会向联大主席(President of the UN General Assembly)通报投票结果,并通过各个提名成员国常驻代表告知候选人投票结果(the candidates will be inmed of the results through the respective permanent representatives of nominating member states)安理会7月轮值主席(the Security Council president
July)、日本常驻联合国代表别所浩郎在投票结束后发表简短谈话时向媒体通报了上述情况别所浩郎称,在最终结果揭晓前(bee the final decision comes out),个安理会成员国还将举行多轮意向性投票该投票将使候选人了解自己在竞选中处于何种位置(the poll is to inm the candidates of where they stand in the race),也使安理会成员国知晓此后竞选将如何展开(it also inms the council members how the race may go on from here)在角逐下任联合国秘书长的位候选人中,有一半是女性,8名候选人来自东欧国家(eastern European nations),包括前联合国难民事务高级专员(UN High Commissioner
Refugees, UNHCR)安东尼奥?古特雷斯,前斯洛文尼亚总统达尼洛?图尔克,联合国教科文组织总干事(Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, UNESCO)伊琳娜?科娃以及前新西兰总理海伦?克拉克根据《联合国宪章(the UN Charter),联合国秘书长必须首先由安理会推荐,然后由联大任命(the UN secretary-general shall be appointed by the UN General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council)年秘书长遴选过程中,安理会通过闭门磋商(closed-door consultations)和轮意向性投票确定人选后,正式提名时任韩国外交通商部长官(South Korean eign Affairs and Trade Minister)潘基文任秘书长,联大随后以决议形式正式任命今年,联合国首次要求候选人提交简历并参加联大的公开面试(ask candidates to submit their resumes and take part in open dialogues with the UN General Assembly),此举被认为使竞选过程更加透明、更具包容性(make the selecting process more transparent and inclusive)[相关词汇]一票否决权 one-vote veto差额投票 differential voting记名投票 open ballot创始会员国 originalfounding member联合国安理会常任理事国 permanent member of the UN Security Council联合国秘书处 the UN Secretariat6. 田径禁赛令athletics ban请看例句:The Court of Arbitration
Sport (CAS) said on Thursday it had rejected Russia's appeal against Olympic athletics ban.国际体育仲裁法庭1日称,该法庭驳回了俄罗斯对奥运田径禁赛令的上诉上个月,国际田联(International Association of Athletics Federations, IAAF)宣布对俄罗斯田径队禁赛,称其仍存在十分严重的反兴奋剂问题(there were still considerable problems with anti-doping in Russia)而18日世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency, WADA)基于一个独立委员会的一项调查(an investigation by an independent commission),认为俄罗斯在年索契冬奥会期间及其他重大赛事上(the
Sochi Winter Games and other major events)存在有组织的兴奋剂舞弊(doping cheating)行为,建议国际奥委会对整个俄罗斯代表团下达奥运的禁赛令(recommend the International Olympic Committee to suspend the whole Russian team from the
Games)报告称,俄罗斯体育部掩盖了该国数百名运动员的兴奋剂测试阳性结果(Russia's Ministry of Sport covered up positive doping results of hundreds of athletes)对此,俄罗斯体育部长曾否认政府参与兴奋剂舞弊俄罗斯总统普京称该报告是"危险的政治干涉体育的重演(a dangerous relapse of politics' interference into sports)"对于国际体育仲裁法庭维持其禁止俄罗斯田径运动员(Russian track and field athletes)参加里约奥运会的裁决,俄罗斯奥委会表示失望并在一份声明中称,"我们十分肯定个别人的责任不应牵连无辜者(we are absolutely convinced that individual responsibility neither may, nor must extend to the innocent)"此项裁决意味着包括伊辛巴耶娃、舒本科夫等名将(elite atheletes)可能不会出现在奥运赛场上,但还需要国际奥委会做出最终的决定国际奥委会称,将考虑国际体育仲裁法庭裁决(take the CAS ruling into ),预计于日宣布最终决定[相关词汇]兴奋剂测试 doping test终身禁赛 life-time ban尿检 urine test兴奋剂丑闻 doping scandal(来源:CHINADAILY手机报,编辑:Helen)
温网明星聚堆 凯特王妃美艳吸睛(双语) -- ::30 来源:sohu
6月7日至7月日,英国伦敦的温布尔登网球公开赛赛期,众多明星出现在比赛现场 The Wimbledon
was held from June 7th to July th, and many celebrities came to watch the games.
他们相互间互动也挺欢看卷福和布莱德利;库珀亲切握手,库珀可是年福布斯全球演员富豪榜排名第四位啊 The Royal Box was filled with notable names, including actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Bradley Cooper.
王妃凯特看了几场比赛,因为她几乎成“优雅”一词的代言人,所以她穿什么吸引了众多关注和讨论比如黄裙子被挖出来是年穿过的,还是定制款 The garment is a custom version of the Ryedale dress from the Roksanda Ilincic ss
collection. Below we show it in its original state.
男子决赛时换上的另一款Alexander McQueen的新版裙装 Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge attends the Men's Final of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships between Milos Raonic and Andy Murray at Wimbledon on July ,
in London, England. Kate was seen in a new dress by Alexander McQueen
today’s match.霸道猫咪强吻我,“小污”强吻泰迪熊走红网络 --31 ::19 来源:chinadaily
Smudge the cat is a big fan of his teddy bear, perhaps too much so. 一只名为“小污”的猫是他家泰迪熊的超级粉丝,不过他可能粉得有点太过火了A strange
shows the young feline essentially French kissing his cuddly toy. 一个视频播放了这样一个奇异的画面:一只小猫在亲它的毛绒玩具,而且还是法式热吻In the footage, uploaded on Facebook by East Surrey Cats Protection, Smudge grabs the bear and moves in
a lot more than a quick peck on the cheek. 可不只是在脸颊上轻轻一碰,视频上“小污”抓着小熊,径直凑上去深深一吻脸书上的这一视频是由东萨里猫咪保护协会上传的The poor teddy has to withstand the cat's sharp claws when Smudge presses them into its face. “小污”双爪着它的脸,可怜的泰迪不得不忍受那尖利的爪子In the corner of the shot another cat peers onto the sofa to check what is going on, perhaps rather jealous of Smudge's adoration
the soft toy. 在视频的小角落里,另一只猫盯着沙发,查看发生了什么,也许很嫉妒小污对毛绒玩具的爱呢Underneath the
Lilia Palma was unconvinced the cat's affection was completely genuine, writing: 'Looks like someone had put something on teddy bears mouth that attracted the cat to lick.' 莉莉娅?帕尔马不相信这只猫的感情是真实的,她在视频下方写道:“看着好像有人往泰迪熊的嘴上抹了东西吸引猫来舔”But Cats Protection disagreed, writing: 'This was my foster cat last summer and honestly, nothing was put on the teddy bear's nose!' 但是猫咪保护协会不同意这个说法,写道:“这是我去年夏天收养的猫,而且真的,什么都没往泰迪熊的鼻子上涂!”Another commenter, Jackie Ingram, posted: 'lol! my ginger cat humps furry toys and blankets! now that is weird, vet had never heard of a neutered cat doing that.' 另外一个者,杰姬?英格拉姆发贴说:“哈哈哈!我的小黄猫爱上了毛绒玩具和毯子!那这就奇怪了,兽医可从没听说过绝育的猫会做那样的事”Cats Protection assured her: 'I know of several that do it. All neutered!' 猫咪保护协会肯定地回应:“我知道有几只猫都做过类似的事它们都做过绝育!”All perfectly natural then it seems. 这样看来这就是很自然的事了Smudge was given to the centre, which covers Caterham, Redhill and East Surrey, when he was just four months old. 小污在只有四个月大的时候就被送到了猫咪保护协会,此协会在凯特勒姆、雷德希尔和东萨里都有分机构Cats Protection has been in operation since
and is run entirely by volunteers. 猫咪保护协会自年开始运营,完全由志愿者管理Vocabulary: foster: 养育的 hump: [粗俗用语][俚语] 与(某人)性交 neuter: 阉割来源:英国每日邮报翻译:实习生孙美真编审:yaning机场免税店竟比网店贵一倍?! -- 3:: 来源:chinadaily
Drinks, perfume and designer goods can be more expensive in airport duty free shops than online, price comparisons show. 价格比较显示,机场免税店销售的饮品、香水和名牌商品会比网店更贵Shops in airport terminals trumpet the 'savings' available to those flying overseas, with shoppers often assuming the products will be cheaper. 机场航站楼的商店宣称能给国际航线的旅客省钱旅客们常以为那里的商品价格更低#0;But a look at a range of products on offer in the departure lounge stores shows many are available cheaper elsewhere. 然而,观察一下候机厅商店里出售的一系列商品就会发现,许多在别处买会更便宜Perfumes are among the products with the highest difference in price, with a number of brands cheaper online than at the airport. 所有商品中,香水的价格差异最大,许多品牌的网上售价比机场更低A 0ml bottle of Burberry Touch
example is £.75 at Fragrance Direct, half the £.80
which it is sold at airports by World Duty Free. 比如,0毫升的巴宝莉情缘香水在寰宇免税集团的机场免税店里卖.80英镑而香水销售网站Fragrance Direct的价格只有其一半,是.75英镑Meanwhile, a 90ml bottle of Versace Bright Crystal is £38.99 online as opposed to £5.85 in duty free stores. 同时,90毫升的范思哲晶钻香水,网上售价38.99英镑,而免税店卖5.85英镑Alcohol can also be cheaper in supermarkets. Tesco is currently charged £
a 1-litre bottle of Malibu, more than £3 less than it is at World Duty Free. 在超市里买酒水也会更便宜乐购超市里,一升装的一瓶马利宝酒现价英镑,比寰宇免税店便宜了不止3英镑Fashion accessories are also less expensive online, with a pair of Bvlgari BV8B sunglasses £ in duty free, but £ . 时尚配饰的网上价格也更低一副宝格丽BV8B款太阳镜,免税店售价英镑,而太阳镜销售网站只卖英镑Martin Lewis,
told MailOnline: 'Savvy shoppers know that duty free does not automatically mean everything is a bargain.' 英国省钱专家网站的马丁?刘易斯告诉《每日邮报:“精明的消费者知道,免税并不一定意味着每样东西都实惠”Mr Lewis added: 'Duty free shops are the same as all shops, they have prices, it can be cheap
some things, it won't be cheap
other things. 刘易斯先生还说:“免税店和所有商店一样,里面有些商品的价格很便宜,另外一些却不便宜”'My advice is
people to get their phones out while they are in these shops and see if they can find things cheaper online.' “我建议人们在免税店购物时掏出手机,看看能否在网上找到更低的价格”World Duty Free, which runs stores in airports around the UK, recently set up a pick-up service, meaning customers can order online bee collecting their purchases ahead of their flight. 在英国各大机场都开设免税店的寰宇免税集团,最近开始提供取货务顾客可以在线订购商品,然后在登机前到店取货The company has said it offers 'year-round low prices' as opposed to the limit offers available in supermarkets and online. 该集团表示,不同于超市和购物网站有限的优惠,他们提供的是“全年低价”A spokesman said: 'No retailer can ever promise that all its products will always be the cheapest in today's fast-moving retail world and we do not make this claim. 集团一位发言人说:“当今的零售业瞬息万变,任何零售商都不能保自己所有商品的价格永远是最低我们也不会作如此承诺”'The very small selection of offers identified does not undermine the World Duty Free proposition of offering consistent savings across a wide range of brands and products in our airport stores throughout the year.'“少部分被认为价格偏高的商品并不有损寰宇免税集团的宗旨我们致力于在机场免税店内常年提供各类品牌和产品的持续优惠Duty Free products, those such as cigarettes and some spirits which are exempt of excise duty and taxes, are only available to customers travelling outside the EU. 免税商品,比如免征消费税和其他税种的香烟和一些烈酒,只面向飞往欧盟以外目的地的消费者However, a range of other items are sold in 'duty free' stores in airports available whether passengers are flying. 但机场“免税”店的一些其他商品,则不管旅客是否搭乘航班,都可以购买英文来源:每日邮报翻译:实习生徐晓彤编审:yaning
(责任编辑:郝佳 UK047)}


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