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Who wanna bet blizz is gonna include another cool mount with the achievement?
What if I complete Pathfinder 1 on my main and Pathfinder 2 on my alt ? I am no longer playing on my main.
You can split both part 1 and part 2 over multiple characters, as well as all the achievements they consist off. As long as they are on the same battle.net account, you're good.
Legionfall Commander -- Earn Revered status with the Armies of Legionfall. /facepalm.Edit: The requirement was changed from Exalted to Revered. A huge relief, but still frustrating as most are tired of grinding reputations for flight -- especially since the new faction has absolutely nothing to do with flight, exploration, or any previous world zone's inability to fly.
After they screwed up pretty much every single region (depth/height issues alone are problem big enough), releasing it pretty much unfinished (I'd say it's the most unfinished expansion so far) suddenly adding flying is blizzard's way of dealing with it rather than fixing everything they were supposed to fix long ago.
Well, I'll probably be doing the rep on my warr. 1) She's my rep toon. 2) She's human. Thank god for Diplomacy. (Noun. Def: Saying nice doggy until you can find a big stick)
Well, since I am unlikely able to complete Pathfinder 1, this part is pretty moot.And it looks like there's more dungeons / mythic.Sorry, but I don't have money to transfer to a busier server, and my guild (and server) are pretty much dead.So unless I pay someone to run me through the mythic dungeons I need....Considering I have all of 100,000g to my name...that's so not going to happen.Requiring Mythic content for progression for stuff like professions / flying...is just...stupid.If it were heroic stuff - fine. There's at least a chance on a low pop server.Mythic? Forget it. I've tried. People (on the group tool) don't tend to be inclined to help someone out.
in WOD blizz didn't auto turn on flying right away. they said when patch 6.2 (June 23 2015) flying would be turned on in days not weeks on a later small patch.....and it ended up being weeks++. into months and days when patch 6.2.2 finally rolled. (Sept 1 2015). friend had a human due to racial he unlocked flying in 11 days after 6.2, i had no human, but using a gnome DK i unlocked it on 14th day. we both used no /medallion-of-the-legionthere were players that farmed and bought rep boost medallions who unlocked it in 3-4 days or less, HU diplomat racial.... it didn't matter much other than saving a few days on dailies, which most had to continue anyway. More than likely Blizz will look at the numbers and when they reach a certain level...then flying will be turned it on.one of the claimed reasons they came up with this system so flying would not be instant and gold based. i believe if they follow their gold based claim....if there are rep tokens, they will not have flying auto turn on when you meet the part 2 requirements.
this is why i play humans for the rep bonus...i think thats why anyone who plays humans does so
It seems with the latest round of updates the reputation requirement was reduced from Exalted to Revered. Based on how Blizzard did Tanaan's reputation setup I imagine with a lengthy Legionfall campaign that we're pretty much guaranteed deep into Honored reputation upon completion of Breaching the Tomb. Add that to potential WQ content and/or consumable reputation items, I'd speculate we could get this in two weeks or less of daily grind and full completion.
so if you unlock this achievement on character A, you can start your mount quest.but can you also start your mount quest on character B,C, etc. or you need to complete this on each char if you need the class mount?
So based upon the Pt2 requirements, plus the need to raid/dungeon for Pt1, it seems the only way to get flying in BI is for me to give up work & sit in front of my PC at home all day grinding my butt off. Is flying such a fantastic buff that it needs us to become WOW junkies in order to get it? Sorry, this sucks. Rep grind to Exalted across all factions, BI Explorer achievement & a specific set of Q's (not convoluted trails that end up hidden behind mythic) would have been perfectly adequate. Guess the value of Goblin Gliders is going to soar in the coming months.
It's safe to assume that it will take around 3-4 weeks to unlock pathfinder part 2. This is entirely based on previous similar achievements(wod/legion).
is no longer required for , i.e. flying.Update: Following issues with Legion assaults not crediting and their falling during working hours for many players,
has now also been removed.The achievements are now only:
This achievement should be fairly easy to get when it hits live on Tuesday.
UPDATE: As of a recent hotfix,
is no longer required for !The steps for unlocking flying are as outlined below.Note that each of the 8 individual sub-achievements can be completed on any characters on your account, and progress for the main achievements will be unlocked account-wide. is (part of) the Legion equivalent for , and is the first step towards unlocking Flying in Legion zones. Completion of this achievement will increase your mount speed in the Broken Isles.The sub-achievement requirements are as follows:AchievementRequirementsReveal the covered areas of the world map in all 5 Legion Zones - , , ,
and .Complete 100 different World Quests.Complete a Class Order campaign.Complete the quest story lines for all 5 Legion Zones - , , ,
and .Reach Revered with 6 different Legion Factions - , , , , , . will unlock flying in Legion zones account-wide after obtaining it on one character.The sub-achievement requirements are as follows:AchievementRequirementsSee chart above.Explore the Broken Shore, revealing the covered areas of the world map. This refers to the new Patch 7.2 zone.Earn Revered status with the
Has anyone figured out or find any info about certain reputations to access for new quests for broken shores? like 6k honored for defending broken shores etc.
After patch today, the && part of the achievement seems to have been removed.
Just FYI, the progress page /flying isn't showing my defender progress. I've done two zones but it's not showing any credit at all toward the achievement.
Hello :) This guide needs to be updated since 'Defender of the Broken Isles' has been removed from the requirements following todays hotfix announcement.
Kind of disappointing after all the talk, it was reduced to just a rep grind to get pathfinder part two. I understand why things were changed.
I got the achievement and can fly now! Makes doing broken isles world quests much easier. Good luck getting your flying license everyone.
Submitted screenshot, waiting on approval, But I have achieved Pathfinder Part two today! 4/8/2017
I got this (World First!) on my character Rivenblade-BleedingHollow today, April 8th pm! Come see :D
Confirming that like , having this makes *any* toon that can fly able to fly in the Broken Shores. (Tested on a level 80 alt with artisan riding.)
Got this achievement today on EU.It does carry on to alts - could mount and fly on all my characters in broken isles zones. Flying in dalaran is also possible.
'I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky'! Pity there was no mount reward to go with the achievement though. Now for all those hard to get at caves & treasure chests around BS, & easier to get to Q locations. Lovely! But here endeth immersion within Legion, as soon as most have grinded their way to flying this will go the way of WoD, apart from those who live for raids/dungeons. Been nice knowing you, see you at a landing site somewhere soon.
Yes, you & your alts can fly... That's important and useful.. but what they didn't tell you... YOUR SPIRIT CAN FLY! :) No more walking to your corpse when you die :) extremely useful for your squishy alts!
When the achievement ticks the corresponding spell sometimes will not. the tried and true /reload will not work. you need to log completely out and it should upgrade allowing flight.
Flying in Broken Isles Requires Level 110. So if you thought you wold speed up alt leveling by being able to fly...... you are wrong like I was.. not to mention disappointed.
cant believe that they added two new achievements :(
This achievement is account wide, which means the character you got it on and all your alts on the same account, can fly in the Broken Isles. It seems like no matter what level your character is, it can fly there after getting this achievement, though doing queued scenarios, (like the ones for each artifact weapon), you will not be able to fly meanwhile.
This is getting exasperating. I've actually put in a lot of time and effort to get flying mounts and !@#$, im so sick and tired of having Flying gated like that. Their bull^&*! reasons are not landing either, the most interesting zones in this game were built with flying in mind (Icecrown and Storm Peaks in particular) its been almost a year to finally have Flying available, why? so we can run through their $%^&ty, ugly zones instead of flying over them? Content wise, Legion is top notch, but the truth is that the zones are ugly and unimaginative. half the damn continent looks like Azshara, the other like Feralas. it's lame and boring and they're like 'LOOK WHAT WE MADE' ? for real.And don't give me stupid crap like 'World PVP'. since Pandaria the only world PvP I saw was in the sewers of Dalaran in Legion and im not even sure that counts
The bull$$$$ part of this is that you have to be ALMOST EXALTED with THE NIGHTFALLEN to get flying, NOT JUST REV but
just to get the last quest for flying.So pretty much your EXALTED with nightfallen.why doesnt blizz just say that.
For those that never payed too much attention to start flying at the beggining and now changed their mind. For me (since close to the end of patch 7.2) took me around a month and a half to complete the whole achievements for both Pathfinders, playing around 3 hours a day around 5 days a week (work schedule). So I think its kinda fast, the more consuming time for me was to get Revered with the Nightfallen from Suramar questing. Other than that, piece of cake. And now on 7.3 I think its even easier.
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[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=8695901]vezichen[/uid] ( 18:13)[/b]第一章完成了没,必须两章都完成才能飞,少年
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=451254]长耳朵妖精[/uid] ( 18:16)[/b]第二章的完成条件中包括了第一章
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=451254]长耳朵妖精[/uid] ( 18:16)[/b]第一章没完成第二章还能完成?
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]yttniat[/uid] ( 18:29)[/b]真想是楼主没有学飞行(160都没学)[s:ac:闪光]
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=451254]长耳朵妖精[/uid] ( 18:16):[/b][b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=8695901]vezichen[/uid] ( 18:13)[/b]第一章完成了没,必须两章都完成才能飞,少年[/quote]第二章成就的前提就是要求有第一张的成就吧
小退 重登 上飛行坐騎
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]九七五[/uid] ( 18:37)[/b]不用,我春节前才回归,第一章就没完成,第二章成就有
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=]请叫我伯爵大人[/uid] ( 18:40):[/b][b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]九七五[/uid] ( 18:37)[/b]不用,我春节前才回归,第一章就没完成,第二章成就有[/quote]我记得,第二章是要求第一章,探索破碎岛,抗魔崇敬三个啊?同个战网下其他号第一章完成了是共享的,会不会你其他号之前完成了}


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