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MAPS.ME, Crowd-Sourced Mobile Map App Launches Walking Directions
MAPS.ME, Crowd-Sourced Mobile Map App Launches Walking Directions By
Eliane Fiolet on 08/26/ PDTAdvertisingMAPS.ME is a free offline maps and navigation application for iOS and Android that was first
launched as Maps With Me in 2010 and acquired by Mail.ru last November.Today, MAPS.ME launched its Walking Directions feature, that allows hikers as well as urban users to find the best way to reach their destination.According to founder Yury Melnichek, MAPS.ME is the best visualization application for mobile for open location data provided by OpenStreetMap, a crowd-sourced map service. The company claims that in some areas MAPS, ME is more accurate than Google maps, specifically for trails in remote locations and for countries that are not on the internet giant’s priority list for mapping.As a matter of fact, more people in big cities prefer to walk because of traffic congestions and parking prices, and I can relate to this trend since I am part of it in San Francisco. The traffic has gone crazy for the past two years, due to the tech bubble and I end up walking around downtown for my meetings a lot more than I used to 4 years ago. Before,
I was using walking directions in Maps only in large European cities such as Paris or Berlin, where the majority of inhabitants does not own a car, unlike in the U.S..Since MAPS.ME relies on the OpenStreetMap community of 2.2 million users who produce 2 million edits per day with an average of 23,000 contributors per month, it seems that a lot of unique data such as footpaths or staircases for example are made visible, unlike in other map services. “MAPS.ME walking routes extend where Google Maps can’t, including footpaths, walking trails and even up staircases, because MAPS.ME data is gathered by its enthusiastic community of contributors,” said Yury Melnichek, Head of Maps Business Unit, Mail.Ru GroupAnother key competitive advantage of MAPS.ME is the offline acccess to navigation, thanks to its proprietary compression algorithm that enables easy local storage in the smartphone, according to founder Yury Melnichek.According to Mail.ru Group MAPS.ME has 25 million downloads to date, and its map source OpenStreetMap (OSM) is created and updated by editors, just like Wikipedia articles.As of yesterday MAPS.ME is the second most popular mobile map application in the Apple store after the Google services (Google Maps, Waze, Google Earth) and in the top 10 in that category in the Google Play store.Q&A with Yury Melnichek, founder, MAPS.ME&& Yury Melnichek, founder & CEO, Maps.me acquired by Mail.ru in November 2014 and now is Head of Maps at Mail.ruYury Melnichek, founder, MAPS.ME, currently Head of Maps at Mail.ruHow and when did you decide start the company behind Maps.me?It was an easy choice. I needed a map for my travels that works offline, and also Google Maps didn’t have any data for my home country (Belarus) back then. So after leaving Google and traveling for quite a while, I started MAPS.ME.How Maps.me is different and better than Google Maps? What about Waze?MAPS.ME works even when there is no Internet connection, since all the data is downloaded on a phone before the first use. Google Maps and Waze are very limited once cell coverage is poor.Maps.me is not very well known by the mainstream users in the U.S., because Google map is very accurate here, do you think you can make it more popular? I think we can do that by launching features that work better than Google. For example, OpenStreetMap data is better suited for pedestrian navigation, and so we are launching walking directions.As international travel increases, offline becomes more important, and more mainstream users will hear about MAPS.ME. [editor’s note: data roaming is often unavailable or too expensive]As the main difference between the Google map services (Google Maps, Waze, Google Earth) and Maps.me is the use of open data, how do you see the future of your service compared to Google? Do you think you can efficiently compete against this internet giant?I strongly believe in open data, that is being constantly reviewed by other people. It not about MAPS.ME alone competing with Google, but about the whole ecosystem of companies around OpenStreetMap. And as the data quality in OpenStreetMap gets better and better, I think it will eventually become the best source of map data, similar to how Wikipedia became the best encyclopedia.Since the acquisition by Mail.ru Group in November 2014, MAPS.ME is free. Can you share with us the business model, currently and in the future?We are focused on growing MAPS.ME and OSM community at the moment, in the future we will offer them additional services such as hotel and taxi booking.Filed in Apple >Cellphones >General >Transportation. Read more about , , , .Related ArticlesGoogle Maps Might Let You Share ETA SoonOnline Map Depicts Transgender-Friendly Bathrooms In North CarolinaApple Vans Spotted Gathering Data For In-House Mapping DatabaseGoogle My Maps Arrives On DriveMAPS.ME app下载|MAPS.ME地图下载 5.2.2 官网Android手机版-新云软件园
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拥有逐向导航功能的免费、快速、详细以及完全离线的地图 – 深受全世界超过5000万旅行者的信赖。离线地图保存移动数据;无需网络连接。永久免费所有应用内的地图和全部功能都是免费的。一直免费并且将永久免费。导航在世界任何地方使用驾车、步行和自行车导航。难以置信地详细信息点(POI)的路径指示,以及其他地图中所缺少的徒步路径和远足地点。最新OpenStreetMap(开放街道地图)的数百万贡献者每天都会对地图进行更新。OSM是一个能够替代Google地图和Apple地图的开源地图。快速且可靠离线搜索、GPS导航以及能够有效节省存储空间的优化地图。书签保存您喜爱的地点并把它们分享给你的朋友们。全世界可用居家旅行必备。法国巴黎?没问题。荷兰阿姆斯特丹?没问题。西班牙巴塞罗那?没问题。美国纽约?没问题。意大利罗马?没问题。英国伦敦?没问题。以及更多!– 通过不同的类别进行搜索,比如餐馆、咖啡馆、旅游景点、酒店、ATM机和公共交通设施(地铁、公交车等)– 直接在该应用内通过Booking.com预订酒店– 通过短信或社交媒体来分享您的位置– 当骑自行车或步行时,该应用会显示路径是上坡还是下坡持续在后台运行GPS会显著降低电池寿命。如果您有任何问题,请访问我们的帮助中心:support.maps.me。如果您无法找到关于您的问题的答案,请发送电子邮件来联系我们:ios@maps.me。在FB上关注我们:http://www.facebook.com/mapswithme | Twitter: @MAPS_ME版本 8.0.1 中的新功能- 在74座城市里用地鐵組成路線!當然,還有離線版本。城市清單在support.maps.me上。- 只需一鍵就能發現周圍的東西!我們在底部菜單里新增了探索按鈕。- 聖誕節促銷!為您的公司打廣告,只需給我們發郵件至business@maps.me,就能額外獲得一個月的免費服務- 根據您的日期選擇賓館!我們為預訂篩選新增了入住和離店。- 作為聖誕禮物,我們在15座城市的地圖上標出了聖誕市場!聖誕快樂,新年快樂
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ma.me ios版是一款非常好用的离线地图应用,是你国外出行旅游必备应用之一,它拥有全世界所有国家,所有地区的高度详细地图,并且不需要联网使用,出门在外,非常有用,欢迎大家下载使用。内容提要立刻获取来自世界任何地方的所有国家的详细地图!无需网络连接。― 在福布斯、TechCrunch和华盛顿邮报上介绍。可以绘制路线― 收到到一特定地点的方向。― 在世界任何地方使用它…如巴黎、纽约、香港。― 不要再迷路。在任何地方都可用― 在家有用并对旅行必备。免费下载任何地图。― 345个国家和岛屿。包含所有地方。― 对冬季假期来说很棒!包括所有站和滑雪坡。― 对iPhone和iPad优化(即使没有3G)。高度详细― 比任何其他地图都更多细节。― 几百万兴趣点(POI)待发现:饭店、旅游景点、加油站、ATM取款机和更多。― 最新地图数据、由全球的地图使用者每天添加 C www.openstreetmap.org无需网络― 当没有网络连接时地图也可以用。― 当在国外旅行时,没有漫游费用。― 永远知道您在哪。让人惊叹得快― 有史以来最快的地图之一。当其他无法显示地图时,显示地图。创新的地图数据。― 地图极其小。在您的设备上存储记忆。应用特点― 地点加书签。随时方便地创建并从其他地图导入/导出。支持KML/KMZ文件。― 离线搜索。在地图上定位您所需要的一切。― 分享地点。通过电子邮件或短信发送地图上的任何地点。― 自动跟随模式。当启用时,地图自动导向到您正在移动的方向。更新日志- 为步行和自行车路线显示高度剖面图- 搜索结果在地图上更加分散和可见- 地图编辑器已进行改进- 地图上的酒店搜索现在已显示价格范围- 地图上拥有110000多家酒店- 设置界面现在更加易于导航- 焦点搜索现在使MAPS.ME可针对主要关键词进行搜索
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