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佣兵, 积分 724, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分724 点注册时间最后登录
终结者, 积分 8360, 距离下一级还需 3640 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分8360 点注册时间最后登录
等评测 宣传画面比较雷 不知道实际游戏怎样 观望下吧 或许值得入手 那个魔塔反而没啥兴趣 不就是15X的GAL么 PC上多的是
骑士, 积分 1945, 距离下一级还需 1055 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1945 点注册时间最后登录
觉得一般般吧!!! 不知但内容怎么样
审判者, 积分 13307, 距离下一级还需 6693 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分13307 点注册时间最后登录
圣骑士, 积分 3299, 距离下一级还需 1701 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3299 点注册时间最后登录
下面是引用droganmaster于 23:02发表的:
等评测 宣传画面比较雷 不知道实际游戏怎样 观望下吧 或许值得入手 那个魔塔反而没啥兴趣 不就是15X的GAL么 PC上多的是 你不懂AT就别乱说~~~~~ &&&&&&
佣兵, 积分 724, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分724 点注册时间最后登录
下面是引用droganmaster于 23:02发表的:
等评测 宣传画面比较雷 不知道实际游戏怎样 观望下吧 或许值得入手 那个魔塔反而没啥兴趣 不就是15X的GAL么 PC上多的是 画面确实有点……
Memories Off!
征服者, 积分 5045, 距离下一级还需 2955 积分
精华1帖子威望1 点积分5045 点注册时间最后登录
日本一在PS3出过的游戏好像只有 魔界战记3…………画面同样悲剧Orz...
听说last rebellion……聚集了N多画师。。。不过怎样在游戏里表现出来呢………………
精华11帖子威望16 点积分584914 点注册时间最后登录
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《狙击精英4》正式加入中文 Steam特别好评值得入手
《狙击精英4(Sniper Elite 4)》是一款射击游戏,游戏背景是在二战时期。这款游戏在Steam上的评价属于“特别好评”。近日,这款游戏加入了中文,包括简中和繁中。喜欢这类型游戏的玩家可以下载试试。
《狙击精英4(Sniper Elite 4)》是一款射击游戏,游戏背景是在二战时期。这款游戏在Steam上的评价属于“特别好评”。近日,这款游戏加入了中文,包括简中和繁中。喜欢这类型游戏的玩家可以下载试试。
游戏介绍:最大也最先进的第二次世界大战射击游戏尽享无与伦比的自由狙击。在波澜壮阔的关卡中体验战术级别的第三人称战斗、游戏方式选择,以及史诗般的远程射击,从法西斯主义的魔掌中解放战争时期的意大利。继屡获殊荣的前作之后,《狙击精英 4》让玩家在美丽的意大利半岛各地行动,从阳光普照的地中海沿海城镇,到古老的森林、山谷和巨大的纳粹大型建筑。身为秘密特工和精英射手的卡尔?费尔伯恩,必须与意大利抵抗组织那些勇敢的男男女女并肩战斗,击败一个可怕的全新威胁,以免盟军在欧洲的反击被扼杀在摇篮之中。 最近,这个《狙击精英》系列英国独立厂商Rebellion还与IM Global合作开发《特警判官》真人剧集,或许影响了此次中文版本的制作,亦或者Rebellion深入影视制作将更好打造《狙击精英》这个品牌,可能来部《狙击精英》影视剧作也说不定,敬请期待。 《特警判官:巨城一号》海报
类型: 射击游戏
大小: .0 KB
语言: 中文
1 7.4类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 2.7 GB
2 5.5类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 7.6 MB
3 7.2类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3 MB
4 7.8类型: 角色扮演语言: 中文大小: 240.3 MB
5 7.0类型: 模拟经营语言: 英文大小: 12.1 MB
6 7.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 414.2 MB
7 6.1类型: 策略游戏语言: 中文大小: 18.0 MB
8 8.3类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 77.9 MB
9 4.8类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.6 GB
10 8.5类型: 角色扮演语言: 中文大小: 76.2 MB
1 5.5类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 7.6 MB
2 7.5类型: 赛车游戏语言: 中文大小: 439.6 MB
3 7.2类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3 MB
4 7.4类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 2.7 GB
5 7.0类型: 模拟经营语言: 英文大小: 12.1 MB
6 7.6类型: 角色扮演语言: 中文大小: 2.0 MB
7 6.7类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 233.0 MB
8 7.8类型: 角色扮演语言: 中文大小: 297.8 MB
9 7.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 414.2 MB
10 8.5类型: 角色扮演语言: 中文大小: 76.2 MB
1 7.4类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 2.7 GB
2 7.2类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3 MB
3 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 83.5 MB
4 6.7类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 233.0 MB
5 7.5类型: 赛车游戏语言: 中文大小: 439.6 MB
6 8.0类型: 即时战略语言: 中文大小: 1.1 GB
7 6.7类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.2 GB
8 7.5类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.4 GB
9 7.2类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 414.2 MB
10 5.5类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 7.6 MB
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越当越快乐 版权所有 浙ICP备号《(Sins of a Solar Empire(R): Rebellion)太阳帝国的原罪:反叛》 28元_STEAM优惠_什么值得买
《(Sins of a Solar Empire(R): Rebellion)太阳帝国的原罪:反叛》
更新时间: 16:42
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion(太阳帝国的原罪:反叛)是一款结合了4X和即时战略的优秀太空科幻类RTS游戏。玩家控制大量的飞船去探索太阳系,并利用军事、外交、科技等手段实现征服太阳系。游戏自带官方中文。
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【轻众测】心想 即热饮水机
vivo NEX 旗舰版
直白 HL3 便携负离子吹风机
智米 ZRFFS01ZM 自然风风扇
酷冷至尊 H500M ARGB游戏机箱
Soundcore Flare 燃!无线蓝牙音箱
扫一下,分享更方便,购买更轻松《Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion(太阳帝国的原罪:反叛)》 PC数字版游戏 28元_海淘__海淘推荐_什么值得买
《Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion(太阳帝国的原罪:反叛)》 PC数字版游戏
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【轻众测】心想 即热饮水机
vivo NEX 旗舰版
直白 HL3 便携负离子吹风机
智米 ZRFFS01ZM 自然风风扇
酷冷至尊 H500M ARGB游戏机箱
Soundcore Flare 燃!无线蓝牙音箱
扫一下,分享更方便,购买更轻松9月22日更新底部 我天朝的古装美人~)&br&&br&美不分种族国籍,美是全世界的,我们什么时候可以做到放下偏见单纯去欣赏一个美好的事物?&br&&br&发一些日本美人吧!&br&&br&川端康城笔下的日本美人,有着雪色光洁的肌肤、浓墨的、未入世孩童般的眉毛,乌发浓密。活泼的舞妓、安静的贵族女子、或是不拘束于传统,充满热情的都市美人。&br&&br&她们含蓄、固执、温柔而神秘,带着秘密和心事。&br&&br&日本电影史上有许多不为人所知的绝世美人,都湮没在历史尘埃里了。(这条帖子暴露了我爱看粉片的喜好掩面 )&br&&br&《细雪》里饰演雪子,&b&日本第一美人,吉永小百合!&/b&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&324& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&324& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&这里快四十岁了演未出阁的少女毫无压力。&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&462& data-rawheight=&596& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&462& data-original=&吉永小百合五十岁时拍的写真。好美啊~ 以前看川端康成的《雪国》,觉得日本美人就是这个样子的!&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&448& data-rawheight=&600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&448& data-original=&再放一张。 &br&&br&鳄渊晴子 《洋妾》&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&853& data-rawheight=&480& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&853& data-original=&鳄渊晴子是日本奥地利混血儿,昭和时代红极一时的女星。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&533& data-rawheight=&1199& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&533& data-original=&难得的是,她是天才小提琴少女,8岁就全国公演。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1600& data-rawheight=&900& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1600& data-rawheight=&868& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&985& data-rawheight=&1327& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&985& data-original=&那颗痣好可爱捏~&br&&br&《墨东绮谭》&b&墨田雪&/b&饰演的雪子&br&&br&肌肤如雪大概就是酱紫吧。在影片中饰演无论身处多么罪恶的世界,依然以一种热情乐观的姿态去享受着无奈人生的少女,如果现实生活中有这样个性的女孩,我一定要和她做朋友。&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&326& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&提示:雪子的身段比例真的绝了。)&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《砂器》岛田阳子&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&494& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&五十多岁的时候因为欠债下海做av女优了哭&br&&br&&br&《万字》里&b&樋口可南子&/b&饰演的“恶女”光子。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1150& data-rawheight=&661& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1150& data-original=&饰演一个勾引有夫之妇的少女,后来干脆直接把情人的老公也给搞定了。&br&太美了,又清纯又邪恶。&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&510& data-rawheight=&339& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&510& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&400& data-rawheight=&600& class=&content_image& width=&400&&&/figure&&br&&br&在《女杀油地狱》里,那时候应该快四十岁了。 &figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&340& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&另一个女主也超美,&b&藤谷美和子&/b& ,眉若远山黛。&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&340& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《笃姬》里饰演艺妓的&b&原田夏希&/b&
。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&339& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&339& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&一代美人 宫泽理惠&/b&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&578& data-rawheight=&600& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&578& data-original=&《牡丹灯笼》&/b&&br&散发死亡预感和情色小说香味的唐十郎版《牡丹灯笼》。 &br&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&450& data-rawheight=&541& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&450& data-original=&在《游园惊梦》里和王祖贤演一对女同。&/b&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&349& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&848& data-rawheight=&442& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&848& data-original=&《黄昏清兵卫》&br&&br&&b&《天使的胆量》里的泉淳。&/b&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&851& data-rawheight=&480& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&851& data-original=&虽然是艳星,但却是真正的美人,眼距宽,秋目含水,肌肤胜雪,惹人怜惜。她身上带着明艳的妖气和娃娃般的脸孔,身材极好!只是生错了年代而不为人所知。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&710& data-rawheight=&654& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&710& data-original=&《花宵道中》的花魁 安達祐実&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1600& data-rawheight=&1064& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1600& data-original=&一张很可爱的娃娃脸,这电影尺度有点大,里面的和服超级美!&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1064& data-rawheight=&1600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1064& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&690& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&来张侧颜&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&690& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&——————此贴是不是暴露了答主看日本粉片的经验……&br&&br&&br&《春雪》里的日本贵族少女&b&竹内结子&/b&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&320& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&700& data-rawheight=&580& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&700& data-original=&侧颜动人,正脸好像没那么惊艳。&br&&br&《花痕》北川景子&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&400& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&长泽雅美&/b&的白无垢好看死了。&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&没找到她穿和服的照片。现代的也不错。&br&&br&《虞美人草》古手川佑子&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&580& data-rawheight=&464& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&580& data-original=&《车站》&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&692& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&《东京暮色》里的有马稻子&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&石原里美 &/b&古装好像小男生。&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&440& data-rawheight=&497& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&440& data-original=&《北之萤》岩下志麻&br&志麻奶奶年轻时候可是演过雪国的,中年以后只能走妖女路线了。&br&觉得她鼻子太欧美了。&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&402& data-rawheight=&584& class=&content_image& width=&402&&&/figure&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&385& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&小津安二郎的女神,&b&原节子&/b&&br&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&367& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&很有西洋气质的美人。&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&五官特别大,浓眉大眼大嘴大脸,笑起来也毫不拘谨,那会儿日本女星很少有这样的。&br&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&满岛光&br&&br&再看看现在大家比较爱的几个女星。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&绫濑遥&br&虽然也是长得不错但是……………已经不再有绝世二字了。&br&&br&想不到那么多人提名仲间由纪惠,没有选是因为觉得她长相很现代,我说她的颜值巅峰是演《贞相大白》里的贞子大家会打我吗?&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&346& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1600& data-rawheight=&900& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1600& data-original=&然后越老越像姚晨…&br&&br&山口百惠………&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&643& data-rawheight=&450& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&643& data-original=&虽然很喜剧《春琴抄》这部戏,大家可以看看里面山口百惠穿的和服,那一个美啊。&br&但是…………山口百惠到底美在哪里?也许是气质和神情。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&804& data-rawheight=&1130& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&804& data-original=&就是淡淡的。五官平淡,气质超凡说的就是她吧。&br&我觉得… 她一定不能不化妆。尤其是不能不化口红!&br&否则一秒变男人。&br&我错了(这张图不是我故意要放的)&br&结衣的粉,不是不放,是我实在没找到她穿古装的戏。也许是她其实有演但我漏了。&br&&br&——————————天朝古典美人篇—————&br&章子怡《一代宗师》&br&金楼里的风尘女子很有风采啊!&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1600& data-rawheight=&1067& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&720& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&这里好美,眼泪在疏离的眼睛里打着转。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&720& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&当然乔妹也很美啦。&br&&br&章子怡《卧虎藏龙》&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&650& data-rawheight=&1600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&650& data-original=&《艺妓回忆录》&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&513& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&觉得巩俐是大汉族女人的长相,日本人棱角不会那么明显。&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&我一定要安利一波关之琳大美人。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1434& data-rawheight=&797& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1434& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1024& data-rawheight=&586& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1024& data-original=&这皮肤,不加柔光也毫无瑕疵啊。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1434& data-rawheight=&797& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1434& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1024& data-rawheight=&586& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1024& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1024& data-rawheight=&586& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1024& data-original=&以上来自内涵港片《新仙鹤神针》。&br&&br&《东邪西毒》里面美人好多。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&396& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&青霞&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&杨采妮,还是《东邪西毒》她演一个卖鸭蛋的女人,喜欢她这种温柔脆弱的卑微感。垂眉处有故事,下一秒就是杀机。男人对这种女人没有任何抵抗力。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&880& data-rawheight=&480& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&880& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&394& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《自梳》杨采妮&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&330& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《自梳》里还有刘嘉玲&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&512& data-rawheight=&868& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&512& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&嘉玲好嫩!&br&《阮玲玉》张曼玉&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&688& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&324& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&403& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&王祖贤《人间道》&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&688& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&428& data-rawheight=&600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&428& data-original=&里面的李嘉欣被秒成渣渣。&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&郭霭明好美啊&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&324& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&397& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《无极》&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&415& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《鹿鼎记》三美,李嘉欣气质真的不如陈德容和袁洁莹。&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&853& data-rawheight=&480& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&853& data-original=&最美还是张敏&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&337& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&邱淑贞 &br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&397& data-rawheight=&600& src=& class=&content_image& width=&397&&&/figure&&br&&br&喜欢在古惑仔里的她。&br&&br&&br&&br&《画皮》周迅&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&330& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&330& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&《师父》里的宋佳&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&1000& data-rawheight=&570& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1000& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&1000& data-rawheight=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1000& data-original=&天仙最美的时候…&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&色戒 汤唯&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&风声&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&危险关系里的柏芝&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawwidth=&960& data-rawheight=&401& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&960& data-original=& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&400& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&迟点发韩国古装美人~&br&&br&————————————————————&br&&br&就是不爱现代装和粗制滥造的古装啊!&br&美人难得。&br&&br&喜欢旗袍美人,喜欢古装美人,有人把佳人演的鲜活,有人只能算是cosplay。&br&&br&&br&(≧?≦)持续更新。)点个赞嘛~
9月22日更新底部 我天朝的古装美人~) 美不分种族国籍,美是全世界的,我们什么时候可以做到放下偏见单纯去欣赏一个美好的事物? 发一些日本美人吧! 川端康城笔下的日本美人,有着雪色光洁的肌肤、浓墨的、未入世孩童般的眉毛,乌发浓密。活泼的舞妓、安…
有一款味道奇特的香水,&br&只在我前经理的身上闻到过,&br&她色艺双绝,每日蹬高跟鞋挎爱马仕,&br&巧笑倩兮,斩男无数。&br&&br&那是种非常特别的气味,&br&既不是花香,也不是木香,&br&而是种墨香。&br&&br&第一次闻到是在经理和我开会的时候,&br&当时我就一直伸着鼻子到处嗅,&br&哪里洒了墨水?&br&&br&后来才在经理身上发现了气味来源,&br&我故意跟在她身后,&br&一边嗅一边想,&br&奇怪,怎么还有这么不香的香水?&br&奇怪,这个香味我怎么形容不出来?&br&奇怪,一会闻不到还有点想?&br&&br&直到经理说,你今天怎么老在我身边打转...&br&&br&我终于忍不住痴迷地问,&br&经理你用的什么香水?&br&经理你好好闻~~~&br&&br&她神秘的对我说,这是Original Musk,&br&听说麝香最能激发异性荷尔蒙分泌...&br&&br&同性也被激发了好吗,&br&我都神魂颠倒地嗅了一路了。&br&&br&不过这款麝香香水真的很特别,&br&味道就像它的棕黑色瓶子一样,浓厚而原始,&br&像墨水,像药剂,像流过皮肤的汗水,&br&充满欲望,游走于两性之间。&br&&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&1262& src=& data-rawwidth=&1242& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1242& data-original=&下班我直接去专柜买了一瓶,价格非常友好,&br&在此之前,还真不知道契尔氏出香水。&br&&br&后来我成了经理,&br&也蹬上高跟鞋爱马仕,一堆香水,&br&但这瓶不太起眼,就经常想不起用,&br&某天心情好在衣领上喷了点,&br&突然看到我的小助理也伸着鼻子到处嗅,&br&不禁莞尔。&br&&br&有的时候你会记不清某段记忆的画面,&br&但却难以忘怀那时的气味。&br&&br&&br&&br&--------------------&br&感谢诸位厚爱,不是软文,&br&但据说此文发出一周内,&br&专柜+全网悉数断货...
有一款味道奇特的香水, 只在我前经理的身上闻到过, 她色艺双绝,每日蹬高跟鞋挎爱马仕, 巧笑倩兮,斩男无数。 那是种非常特别的气味, 既不是花香,也不是木香, 而是种墨香。 第一次闻到是在经理和我开会的时候, 当时我就一直伸着鼻子到处嗅, 哪里洒…
&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&1080& data-rawheight=&718& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&上泄露了《权力的游戏》第八季的E01、E02剧情,粗略的翻译了一下,再次感谢 &a class=&member_mention& href=& data-hash=&bfd1e42ceaeb7f4f6f07ada& data-hovercard=&p$b$bfd1e42ceaeb7f4f6f07ada&&@李星万&/a& 的文字版。&/p&&p&&b&权力的游戏 S08 E01 泄露剧本&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Scene 1&/b&&/p&&p&托蒙德和詹德利成功逃离被夜王攻破的东海望,复活之后的冰龙韦赛里昂和尸鬼将留守的守夜人烧死。闪电大王贝里·唐德里恩留下来独战异鬼,忧郁的艾迪战死。托蒙德和詹德利逃往临冬城,背后是燃烧的黑城堡。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 2&/b&&/p&&p&丹妮莉丝、琼恩、提利昂、戴佛斯、乔拉、布蕾妮、波德瑞克、猎狗、弥桑黛、瓦里斯和席恩抵达临冬城,戴佛斯发觉相比他离开琼恩时冬天更黑也更冷了。琼恩和艾莉亚(第一次)重聚。丹妮莉丝见到了珊莎,珊莎问她是否与琼恩有暧昧,丹妮对此没有回应。珊莎对琼恩重回临冬城掌权并带回了丹妮莉丝感到不太高兴,琼恩注意到了这一点并与她进行了亲切友好的交流。珊莎告诉琼恩小指头已被处死而且小指头自始自终都是个叛徒。&/p&&p&琼恩一直在等待瑟曦的援军,但珊莎强调与瑟曦合作是极其愚蠢的。猎狗与艾莉亚有过一次对话,艾莉亚说她从不后悔留下猎狗等死,猎狗说他觉得当初艾莉亚就应该杀死自己,尤其是当他从火中看到长城外的异鬼行军那一幕之后。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 3&/b&&/p&&p&攸伦·葛雷乔伊带着黄金团来到君临并与黄金团的长官在王座厅会见了瑟曦,瑟曦对攸伦带这些雇佣兵渡海来君临表示了感谢。瑟曦命令他们去攻取风息堡并在那里集结军队,由于劳勃·拜拉席恩曾告诉她风息堡已矗立数个世纪而不倒,瑟曦相信风息堡同样能在长夜中抵抗异鬼。因为风息堡早就没有(拜拉席恩的)人把守,所以黄金团将会很轻易地攻下了城池。在即将来临的黎明之战中,瑟曦众人将借风息堡来保护自己。&/p&&p&攸伦和瑟曦发生了关系,攸伦戏谑地告诉瑟曦——尝过自己给她的欢愉,她就不会再惦记詹姆了。(也许会看到裸戏。)听到这句话,瑟曦的脸色很不好看,因为瑟曦其实对与攸伦同床感到并不愉快。第二天早上攸伦用宁静号运送黄金团去攻打风息堡,回来之后攸伦向瑟曦要求加冕自己为王。在宁静号上,攸伦与雅拉有过一段关于瑟曦的谈话。雅拉直截了当地告诉攸伦自己其实很清楚他的目的根本不是做瑟曦的宠臣或丈夫,攸伦大笑并告诉雅拉自己在布拉佛斯的盟友会帮他(除掉瑟曦)这个忙。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 4&/b&&/p&&p&丹妮、琼恩、珊莎、提利昂、戴佛斯、弥桑黛、山姆、瓦里斯、北境的众领主和谷地骑士齐聚临冬城大厅,谷地的主君小罗宾和约恩·罗伊斯爵士也会在场。山姆和琼恩重聚之后两人来了一个热切的拥抱,琼恩告诉山姆他很高兴山姆在大战之前回来。&/p&&p&北境的领主们讨厌丹妮并拒绝称她为女王,尽管丹妮莉丝动之以情、晓之以理的劝说,北境的领主依然不领情。莱安娜·莫尔蒙告诉丹妮她永远不会称丹妮为“女王陛下”,因为对她而言只有一个君王,而这个君王就是北境之王琼恩·雪诺。提利昂笑了笑,但他随后批评莱安娜放肆无礼,乔拉为莱安娜辩护。琼恩强调现在没有时间争论这些没有意义的琐事,并且提醒其他人兰尼斯特家还没有表达意见呢。珊莎再次警告他们不能相信瑟曦,但提利昂说他们可以信任詹姆(尽管丹妮似乎对此并不太同意)。&/p&&p&大家对如何抵御夜王、守卫北境进行了讨论,琼恩建议小罗宾用鹰巢城作饵诱敌深入。小罗宾对此毫不在意并接受了琼恩的提议。会议结束后,丹妮向琼恩抱怨北境的领主们都是些目光短浅的土包子。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 5&/b&&/p&&p&席恩·葛雷乔伊到神木林悼念罗柏时遇到了布兰,他为自己的所作所为向布兰道歉。布兰说席恩不需道歉,他认为(或知道)席恩在救珊莎的同时也救赎了自己。布兰告诉席恩他知道席恩曾在小剥皮拉姆齐·波顿的手下受尽折磨,席恩对此感到困惑并问布兰是如何知道这些的,但布兰默然不语。&/p&&p&艾莉亚和布蕾妮再次切磋比武,琼恩对艾莉亚武艺的进步感到惊奇。艾莉亚对琼恩说她没有忘记琼恩所说的话——用尖的那头去刺敌人。琼恩问艾莉亚为何没有参加在大厅的会议,艾莉亚解释说珊莎比她更擅长处理这类政治方面的事务。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 6&/b&&/p&&p&梅丽珊卓回到了瓦兰提斯的红庙,她受到了凯瓦拉(Kinvara,即服侍丹妮并把太监吓尿了的那个女祭司)的接见。梅丽珊卓告诉凯瓦拉她的将冰与火聚在一起的任务已经完成,她现在辅佐的是&b&北境之王、预言中的王子琼恩·雪诺&/b&,并在其遭人背叛、被人所杀后成功将其复活。凯瓦拉称许了梅丽珊卓,认为她很好的完成了光之王交给她的任务,但同时她认为梅丽珊卓需要为自己曾犯过的错误付出一定代价。因此,凯瓦拉告诉梅丽珊卓光之王需要她再次回到北境,但梅丽珊卓回应说自己已经被琼恩·雪诺禁止进入北境了。凯瓦拉意味深长地笑了,只是说梅丽珊卓将会从中受益颇多。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 7&/b&&/p&&p&詹姆在客栈里遇到了波隆,詹姆对此感到惊奇并问波隆为什么他愿意追随自己。波隆回答说自己已经一无所有而且早已准备好北上作战了。詹姆对有波隆为伴感到高兴,之后波隆问詹姆为何抛弃他挚爱的女人瑟曦,詹姆对此不愿多说。波隆询问詹姆日后的打算,詹姆回答说自己正准备去带驻守在奔流城的兰尼斯特去北境。波隆又问詹姆为何将已经攻占的城池弃之一边,詹姆说那里对他毫无意义,如果艾德慕想要,那就让他拿回奔流城吧。&/p&&p&&b&Scene 8&/b&&/p&&p&托蒙德和詹德利抵达临冬城,琼恩·雪诺问珊莎为何布兰不来参加在大厅的会议,甚至都不来见他。珊莎告诉琼恩布兰变了很多,早已不是过去的布兰登·史塔克了,他现在自称为“三眼乌鸦”,因此不要太过希望布兰会与他长谈。&/p&&p&山姆威尔告诉琼恩他和布兰有一些要紧事要和他说。这时布兰才在神木林里第一次见到琼恩,不过当时他正在通过绿之视野看往过去。琼恩提到自己曾在长城之外遇到过一个狼灵,山姆回应说布兰不只是个狼灵,他是绿先知。随后两人告知了琼恩的身世,尽管琼恩对此将信将疑。布兰告诉琼恩自己通晓一切有关他的事情,自己曾通过绿之视野看到琼恩在塞外被自由民围攻,也曾看到他与夜王在艰难屯激战,还看到琼恩是如何被自己的守夜人兄弟刺杀的。山姆威尔告诉琼恩他才是铁王座真正的(第一顺位)继承人,而非丹妮莉丝·坦格利安,他真正的名字为伊耿·坦格利安。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&权力的游戏 S08 E02 泄露剧本&/b&&/p&&ul&&li&这一集时长将会达到两个小时&/li&&li&第一个镜头是临冬城的大厅,琼恩、丹妮莉丝、提利昂、戴佛斯和珊莎都会在场。托蒙德和詹德利将长城陷落、守夜人全军覆没的消息告诉了在临冬城的众人,托蒙德描述了骑乘冰龙韦赛里昂的夜王将野人和守夜人击溃的情形。布兰·史塔克证实了托蒙德所说,并警告说夜王现在正率领亡者军团向临冬城袭来。琼恩意识到现在已是大难当头、性命攸关之时,于是他命沃肯学士放出渡鸦警告北境的所有封臣,让他们做好抵御亡者的准备,他们将在临冬城与夜王和亡者军团展开决战。&/li&&li&在见到足够多的证据后,尽管内心仍然十分挣扎但琼恩最终接受了自己的真实身份,他下到临冬城的地窖中去悼念自己的母亲莱安娜和舅舅奈德·史塔克。丹妮莉丝注意到琼恩的反常并在地窖中找到了琼恩,她关切地询问琼恩他是否有什么问题。琼恩告诉丹妮他并不叫琼恩·雪诺,“琼恩·雪诺”是一个人们使他相信了一生的谎言。丹妮对此感到困惑并要求琼恩解释一下,琼恩一言不发的走开了,丹妮注意到了琼恩对她的冷漠态度。&/li&&li&乔拉·莫尔蒙看到丹妮莉丝走出了地窖,乔拉问丹妮她和琼恩在下面发生了些什么,但丹妮只是回答说她并不清楚琼恩为什么会变成这样。丹妮告诉乔拉琼恩对她隐瞒一些事情,乔拉则回答说在丹妮离开的这些天里他一直都很消沉。之后丹妮说自己的身体有些不舒服,乔拉带她到沃肯学士那里做检查。&/li&&li&科本走进瑟曦的寝室,他告诉瑟曦在流产之后她需要足够的休息。瑟曦说现在已经没有时间休息了,而且她也不想过多的谈论流产的事情。科本退出房间之后,瑟曦透过窗子望向大雪飘零的君临。&/li&&li&下一个镜头是詹姆骑着马在雪地里行走,他和波隆抵达了奔流城却发现徒利家族正在围攻奔流城。詹姆进入军营与艾德慕·徒利会面,艾德慕威胁詹姆说自己应该将他锁拿关押起来,詹姆回应说自己并不是来和他争论那该死的城池该归属谁的。詹姆请求艾德慕在对抗夜王的黎明之战中帮助他的侄子和侄女,作为回报他会将奔流城归还给徒利家族。詹姆向艾德慕保证在战后徒利家族将会拿回奔流城,但不是现在,因为此时奔流城的归属并不重要。艾德慕同意了詹姆的提议,但他这么做不是看在詹姆的面子上而是为了徒利家族。&/li&&li&绝大多数史塔克的封臣和丹妮莉丝的军队抵达了临冬城,霍兰·黎德和他的女儿梅拉·黎德以及他们的军队也在其中。艾莉亚在临冬城会见了一位神秘来客,这个人虽然看起来像一个普通的赛文家族的封臣,但他的脸却变化不定。这个人就是贾坤·赫加尔,艾莉亚对贾坤来访感到惊奇。贾坤告诉艾莉亚千面之神需要她为之取走一个在她名单上的人的生命,而此人即为七国女王瑟曦·兰尼斯特。贾坤说有人付钱取她性命,而弑杀瑟曦之后的艾莉亚·史塔克将会成为千面之神最忠实的仆人。贾坤递给艾莉亚一瓶毒药,随后便离开了。&/li&&li&琼恩找到一个机会和霍兰·黎德秘谈,他希望霍兰·黎德能确认布兰所说的真假。但霍兰·黎德对此予以否认,琼恩恳求霍兰告诉自己真相。因为劳勃·拜拉席恩早已死去了,所以他没有必要再隐瞒真相了,霍兰最终承认奈德走出极乐塔时确实怀抱着莱安娜的孩子,但自己曾发誓要保守这个秘密。最后,得知真相的琼恩感谢了霍兰·黎德。&/li&&li&得知亡者军团很快将兵临城下,提利昂、琼恩、珊莎、艾莉亚、布蕾妮、波德瑞克、戴佛斯、托蒙德、詹德利、瓦里斯、乔拉、席恩、猎狗、灰虫子和山姆以及史塔克家族的封臣们和丹妮莉丝的军队就如何保卫北境展开会议磋商讨论。此时安柏家族的最后的壁炉城已被异鬼摧毁,奈德·安柏随城战死。提利昂作为丹妮莉丝的代表出席会议并提出一个防守北境的计划,而丹妮因为身体有恙不能亲自参加会议。托蒙德以及其他幸存的自由民和多斯拉克骑兵、无垢者们将携带用龙晶制成的武器在首当其冲的恐怖堡和异鬼展开作战。在亡者军团前往临冬城的路上,巨龙卓耿和雷哥将会用龙焰焚烧尸鬼而史塔克家的封臣和谷地骑士将会在临冬城和攻击力相对较弱的尸鬼军队作战,他们希望能一举击杀夜王。&/li&&li&琼恩希望布蕾妮和波德瑞克能带着珊莎、艾莉亚和布兰去鹰巢城找罗宾·艾林寻求庇护,但艾莉亚对此予以反对,她表示自己已经比绝大多数人(男人)都要强大,而他们也会在大战中需要她。尽管如此,琼恩仍坚持艾莉亚应该离开。乔拉也希望自己能与莫尔蒙家族并肩作战,但是莱安娜强调乔拉早已背叛了自己的家族(从而拒绝乔拉的提议)。&/li&&li&瓦里斯收到了来自君临的信件,信中说攸伦·葛雷乔伊已经攻下了风息堡,而瑟曦则已带领大批雇佣兵驻守在那儿了。席恩请求去攻打风息堡并得到了詹德利的支持(风息堡乃詹德利之父劳勃·拜拉席恩的居城),琼恩许诺席恩在击败夜王之后自己将会帮助他攻杀攸伦并救回其姐雅拉,但是现在他们性命受到威胁,除了直面夜王及其军队外更无他选。琼恩需要席恩和铁民们的帮助,失望的席恩还是接受了琼恩的意见。&/li&&li&弥桑黛在丹妮的居室里见到了丹妮,丹妮告诉弥桑黛沃肯学士经过检查之后确定她已怀孕。但是丹妮对此并不高兴,弥桑黛问其缘由。丹妮回答说琼恩对她的态度似乎发生了转变,但是自己却并不清楚为何会如此。&/li&&li&自由民、多斯拉克人、无垢者正在准备离开临冬城。琼恩询问丹妮为何没有参加会议,丹妮默然不应。梅拉·黎德去神木林向布兰道别却发现布兰举止奇怪,布兰恳求梅拉警告众人夜王已然兵临临冬城。梅拉四处奔走警告诸人的同时,琼恩也正与珊莎话别。当此之时,猛烈的暴风雪席卷临冬城,混乱不期而至。北境诸军和多斯拉克骑兵集结城外直面夜王,乔拉则要求珊莎、艾莉亚和丹妮留守城内。因为她们太过关键,人们承担不起失去她们的代价,乔拉向三人保证临冬城将永不陷落。同时瓦里斯、提利昂、小罗宾、山姆威尔、吉莉、莱安娜以及弥桑黛也留在了临冬城里,艾莉亚尽管不想躲在城中但还是服从了琼恩的命令,而珊莎则让梅拉尽快将在神木林里的布兰带进城里。&/li&&li&一大批尸鬼出现在战场,多斯拉克骑兵第一个与亡者军团交战,但他们很快被屠杀殆尽。尸鬼接踵而至,源源不断,白灵与琼恩并肩战斗并从一个尸鬼手下救下了琼恩,但最终白灵还是为救琼恩而死。&/li&&li&临冬城内,丹妮莉丝为不能骑御巨龙、帮助生者与异鬼作战而无比沮丧。弥桑黛宽慰她说她作为孕妇亲临战场是不明智的,同时山姆也在安慰吉莉和小山姆。卓耿来到两军之间并焚灭了大多数尸鬼,但是也误伤了很多北境的士兵,这个消息则震惊了珊莎、提利昂和瓦里斯。异鬼军团加入了作战,夜王驾驭着韦赛里昂飞在他们上方。韦赛里昂同样摧毁了部分北境的军队,葛洛佛公爵和霍兰·黎德被其龙焰所杀,托蒙德和自由民则惨死在卓耿的火焰之下。除此之外,卓耿还杀死了一个巨人尸鬼。&/li&&li&梅拉见到了布兰并要求布兰离开神木林,布兰告诉梅拉自己需要在这里帮助琼恩和其他人。布兰尝试去控制雷哥,梅拉则警告布兰待在此地太过危险,他应该回到城内。因为尸鬼源源不断,琼恩和丹妮的军队受损严重、人数少了大半,异鬼们则尝试攻入临冬城。灰虫子持龙晶做成的长枪独战两个异鬼,并在成功地杀死了其中一个后壮烈牺牲。异鬼攻击临冬城的目的是杀死布兰。布蕾妮和波德瑞克、乔拉、詹德利共同守城,但异鬼和尸鬼最终还是逐渐攻入了城堡。布蕾妮目睹波德瑞克被一群尸鬼所杀后变得愤怒而疯狂,之后她用守誓剑击杀了其中一个异鬼。梅拉再次催促布兰放弃尝试控制雷哥并尽快进入城堡,但布兰并不想这么做,反而劝梅拉离开去城堡内寻求保护。梅拉拒绝了布兰,说自己将会在这里陪伴布兰直到一切终结。&/li&&li&詹姆·兰尼斯特和徒利家的援军此时恰好赶到,布兰也成功的控制了雷哥。巨龙起飞,并与冰龙韦赛里昂展开战斗,雷哥想要直接咬断韦赛里昂的脖子但却在战斗中同样遭受了致命的伤害。雷哥向韦赛里昂喷吐龙焰,龙焰烧伤了韦赛里昂的背部,夜王开始逃离战场。&/li&&li&梅拉意识到这就是她和布兰的末日。异鬼朝布兰而来,她为保护布兰而死。韦赛里昂和雷哥继续在空中战斗,两条龙都受伤严重。龙焰似乎能对夜王造成伤害。异鬼们杀死了布兰,雷哥失去控制从空中坠落,最终被尸鬼所杀。&/li&&li&夜王的亡者军团也开始减少,詹姆和波隆率领他们的军队在清剿剩余的尸鬼。琼恩和猎狗、戴佛斯一起战斗,猎狗在那里像勇士一般战斗。当琼恩观察到异鬼的军队开始撤离时,他下令所有人尽快撤出战场,同时他和猎狗、戴佛斯一起帮助他人撤离。谷地骑士、珊莎、布蕾妮和小罗宾一同撤回到鹰巢城,琼恩、戴佛斯、提利昂、瓦里斯、弥桑黛、乔拉、山姆威尔、吉莉、小山姆、席恩以及残存的无垢者和多斯拉克人被迫逃往南方,莱安娜·莫尔蒙及其封臣则退守熊岛。&/li&&li&最后一个镜头是琼恩和丹妮莉丝在卓耿的背上看着阵亡的北境将士和雷哥的尸体在龙焰中燃烧,这场战斗两败俱伤。&/li&&li&阵亡:灰虫子、托蒙德、波德瑞克、梅拉、布兰、雷哥、罗贝特·葛洛佛、霍兰·黎德&/li&&/ul&&p&&br&&/p&&p&个人感觉真实度相当高,不怕打脸 (??ω?`) .&/p&&p&光看剧本就感到十分残酷了,拍出来的效果肯定更加虐心。&/p&&p&&b&总结几点&/b&&/p&&ul&&li&琼恩·雪诺被较明确地确定为预言中的王子,但不排除有可能是梅丽珊卓出错;&/li&&li&布兰死了,应该会铺垫复活,否则就真的没法打了;&/li&&li&雷哥死了。我想吐槽的是:雷哥跟韦赛里昂干仗时卓耿在干嘛?二打一不行吗?如果剧透为真,还是要等电视剧来解释了;&/li&&li&布兰死了,霍兰·黎德死了,谁能向广大的七国居民证明琼恩是个坦格利安?就算能证明他是雷加的孩子,又怎么证明雷加和莱安娜结过婚?否则琼恩说到底还是个雪诺。&/li&&li&三条龙死了俩……三个龙骑士的假说在剧里的可以休矣;&/li&&li&淑女死了,寓意珊莎不再是地道的北境姑娘了;娜梅莉亚野化了,寓意艾莉亚脱胎换骨;夏天死了,寓意凛冬已至;毛毛狗死了,瑞肯也死了;白灵死了,是否寓意着琼恩已死,亚梭尔·亚亥当生呢?&/li&&li&如果布兰不复活,那史塔克家男丁彻底没了,史塔克家绝后了……这不应该啊,“春晓的梦想”以前不是叫“奔狼的年代”吗??&/li&&li&丹妮怀孕?这不符合那个巫婆的诅咒啊……&/li&&li&琼恩真名叫伊耿?有没有可能剧里将书里的伊耿和琼恩的部分情节合二为一了呢?&/li&&/ul&&p&讲真,看完剧透我觉得要是这么拍……就完了(?°????????ω°????????`)&/p&&p&我以前从来没觉得剧里情节那么不如书,即使编剧快刀斩乱麻地砍掉多恩线、高庭线之后;但我现在确实很不喜欢这个剧情(好在马丁不会这么写书)……尽管有百般不情愿,不是还得看嘛。&/p&&p&这个剧透真假待考,前些日子HBO遭黑客攻击,此剧本有可能是那时候泄露出来的,但不排除是伪造。另外,如果此剧本为真,那么极有可能最终成片也不是这样,提前一年就泄露了,肯定会改剧本的。不过HBO这下真心亏大发了……&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&原文:&/b&(来自 知友&a class=&member_mention& href=& data-hash=&bfd1e42ceaeb7f4f6f07ada& data-hovercard=&p$b$bfd1e42ceaeb7f4f6f07ada&&@李星万&/a& 的回答)&/p&&p&&b&Game of Thrones Season 8&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Episode 1 Leak (Script)&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Scene 1&/b&&/p&&p&Aftermath of the Night King’s attack on Eastwatch By The Sea. Tormund and Gendry are able flee the scene. Undead Viserion sets Crows and Undead afire. Lord Beric Dondarrion stays behind to fight the White Walkers (dies off-screen?), but not before killing the White Walker that killed Edd. Edd is stabbed to death by a White Walker. Tormund and Gendry ride for Winterfell, whilst we see a burning Castle Black in the background. &/p&&p&&b&Scene 2&/b&&/p&&p&Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, The Hound, Missandei, Varys and Theon arrive in Winterfell. Davos remarks that it has gotten much colder and darker since he has left with Jon. Jon and Arya are first reunited. Daenerys meets Sansa Stark and Sansa asks whether she and Jon are in love now. Daenerys don’t give a proper response to that. Sansa doesn’t seem too pleased with Jon returning to Winterfell and Daenerys’s presence. Jon notices this and chats with her. She mentions Littlefinger’s death and how he has always betrayed them right under their nose. She says it is plain stupid to work together with Cersei Lannister. The Hound and Arya also have a conversation with each other. Arya tells the Hound she didn’t regret to leave him behind without having him killed off. The&br&Hound answers that Arya should have had him killed off right there, especially with the things he has seen beyond the Wall.&/p&&p&&b&Scene 3&/b&&/p&&p&Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King’s Landing with the Golden Company and meets up with Cersei Lannister and the commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room. Cersei&br&thanks Euron for having the sellswords shipped to King’s Landing. Cersei orders the
commander-in-chief to take Storm’s End and to have the army gathered in the fortress. Robert Baratheon once told her that the fortress has stood for many centuries and she’s sure that it will keep standing during the Long Night as well. Since there’s no Baratheon holding the castle any longer, it wouldn’t be too difficult to just take it themselves. They’ll need to protect themselves during the Great War. Later that night, Euron Greyjoy is about to have sex with Cersei Lannister. Euron jokes that she won’t miss her brother after she finds&br&out what he can give her. Cersei’s face says enough. She isn’t too pleased with Euron in her bed. Possible nudity to be seen here. The following morning Euron leaves with his ship ‘The Silence’ to ferry the sellswords to Storm’s End to take the fortress. After he comes back, he tells Cersei he wants to be her king. Inside the Silence, Euron has a conversation with Yara Greyjoy about Queen Cersei. Yara point-blank tells him that she knows he isn’t interested in&br&being Queen Cersei’s pet/husband at all. Euron laughs and tells her his good friends from Braavos will take care of that problem soon enough. &/p&&p&&b&Scene 4&/b&&/p&&p&Daenerys, Jon, Sansa,Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Sam, Varys, the Northern Lords and the Knights of the Vale gather in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Sweetrobin and Yohn Royce are also present in this scene. Sam reunites with Jon and the two share a hug. Jon tells Sam he’s glad to have him back. The Northern Lords aren’t too pleased to accept Daenerys as their Queen. Daenerys defends herself very well, but she doesn’t get the support of the North just yet. Lyanna Mormont tells Daenerys Targaryen that she will never call her ‘Your Grace’, because she only knows one King and that’s Jon Snow, the King in the North. Tyrion smiles and mentions that she’s a ferocious girl on which Jorah replies that Mormonts don’t stand back for
anything. Jon tells them there’s no time to argue with each other and brings up that there hasn’t been word of the Lannister army yet. Sansa responds that she warned them not to trust Cersei Lannister. Tyrion mentions that they can trust
his brother Jaime but Daenerys doesn’t seem to agree on this one. The group discusses how they will defend the North against the Night King’s army. Jon Snow tells Robin it’s wise to bring the Eyrie into the fold and to lure the Night King in there. Robin doesn’t really seem to care and accepts Jon’s proposal. After the meeting, Daenerys tells Jon that the Northerners really are stubborn and&br&small-minded people. &/p&&p&&b&Scene 5&/b&&/p&&p&Theon Greyjoy visits the Godswood of Winterfell and thinks of his friend Robb and meets with Bran Stark. He immediately apologizes to Bran for everything he has done against House Stark, but Bran tells him there’s no need for that. He knows that Theon has redeemed himself by saving his sister Sansa. He has seen how much he has suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Theon asks him how he knows all of this but Bran doesn’t respond to that. Arya and Brienne are training and Jon is impressed by his sister’s fighting skills. Arya mentions that she has never forgotten to stick her enemies with the pointy end. He asks Arya why she
didn’t join the meeting in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Arya answers that Sansa is way better in those things than she is. &/p&&p&&b&Scene 6&/b&&/p&&p&In Volantis, Lady elisandre enters the Red Temple. She’s again welcomed by Kinvara. Melisandre tells Kinvara that she’s played her part in the Great War to come. She has united ice and fire. She has served King Jon Snow, the prince who was promised and brought him back to life. Kinvara tells Melisandre that she’s served their God well on that part, but she also made a lot of mistakes where she needs to pay for. Kinvara tells Melisandre that their God demands one more sacrifice of Melisandre which requires her to return to the North. Melisandre answers that she isn’t allowed to enter the North. Kinvara smiles and answers Melisandre that she could benefit from her punishment then.&/p&&p&&b&Scene 7&/b&&/p&&p&We see Jaime Lannister at an inn when he meets up with Bronn. Jaime’s surprised to see Bronn and asks him why he followed him. Bronn answers that there’s nothing left for him in&br&that stinking city and he’s up for some adventure in the North. Jaime is glad to have Bronn by his side. Bronn asks Jaime why he has left the woman he loves the most, but Jaime doesn’t fully respond to his question. He then asks what he’s planning to do now he has left King’s Landing. Jaime tells Bronn he’s on his way to Riverrun to bring the garrisoned Lannister army back to the fold. Bronn asks him why he would give up the castle he has been occupying. Jaime answers what purpose that would have? What does he gain with that? For all he cares, Edmure can have Riverrun back. &/p&&p&&b&Scene 8&/b&&/p&&p&Tormund and Gendry arrive in Winterfell. Jon Snow asks Sansa why Bran didn’t take the time to join the meeting in the Great Hall and didn’t even come to speak to him. Sansa tells&br&Jon Bran has changed a lot and calls himself ‘the Three-Eyed Raven’ now. She tells him not to expect much of a conversation with him. Samwell comes in between and tells Jon there’s something he and Bran urgently needs to tell him. Bran first sees Jon in the Godswood when he’s looking into the past. Jon mentions that he has encountered a warg beyond the Wall. Sam responds that Bran is much more than a warg, he’s a greenseer. The two inform Jon Snow about his parentage, which Jon doesn’t seem to believe at first sight. Bran tells Jon he knows everything about him. He saw him beyond the Wall, surrounded by Free Folk. He saw him fighting at Hardhome against the Night King and he saw how he was stabbed to death by his own men. Jon can’t really believe he’s a Targaryen. Sam mentions that he’s the one with the right claim on the Iron Throne, not Daenerys Targaryen but Aegon Targaryen.&/p&&p&&b&First outline season 8,&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Episode 2&/b&&/p&&ul&&li&The episode will have a duration of almost 2 hours. &/li&&li&The first scene will take place in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Davos and Sansa are present here. Gendry and Tormund tell the rest that the Wall has fallen and the Night Watch destroyed. Tormund also mentions that the Night King rides an undead dragon and that they are severely fucked. Bran Stark confirms Gendry and Tormund’s story and tells that the Night King is on his way to Winterfell. Jon Snow tells the rest that they have no time to lose and asks Maester Wolkan to inform all of their banners, everyone in the North, to prepare themselves for a war against the Army of the Dead. They need to prepare for an attack at the battlefield of Winterfell. &/li&&li&After having to process a lot of new information and struggling with his identity, Jon Snow goes to the crypts to visit his mother, Lyanna and his uncle, Ned Stark. Daenerys notices that there’s something wrong with Jon and finds him in the crypts. She asks Jon what’s wrong with him. Jon tells her that he even isn’t called Jon Snow. He calls ‘Jon Snow’ a lie people have made him believe all of life. Daenerys is confused and asks Jon for clarification but Jon walks away from her. Daenerys notices that Jon behaves aloof toward her.&/li&&li&Daenerys walks out of the crypts, which Jorah Mormont notices. He asks her what
happened down them in the crypts but Daenerys answers that she doesn’t know what’s up with Jon. She tells Jorah that Jon is hiding something from her. Jorah also tells Daenerys that it striked him that Daenerys has been so absent for days. She answers that she’s not feeling very well lately. Jorah proposes to have her examined by Maester Wolkan.&/li&&li&Qyburn enters Cersei’s chambers. He mentions that she hasn’t spoken about her miscarriage anymore and that she needs to take enough time to rest. Cersei answers that there’s no time for that and doesn’t want to say more about the miscarriage. Qyburn leaves her chambers, Cersei watches from her window, witnessing how the snow falls in King’s Landing. The next shot is Jaime, riding his horse in snowy conditions. He and Bronn arrive in Riverrun, both discover that the Tullys are once again laying siege to Riverrun. Jaime enters the stage and meets up with Edmure. Edmure tells Jaime he should have him in chains, but Jaime responds that he doesn’t come to argue about the damned castle. He proposes Edmure to help his niece and nephew in the Great War against the Night King. He also promises to give Edmure Riverrun back to the Tullys, since it doesn’t matter any longer who’s holding the castle at this point. Edmure tends to agree, not for Jaime but for his family.&/li&&li&Most of House Stark’s bannermen and Daenerys’s army have now arrived in Winterfell. Among them is Howland Reed. He arrived with his army and Meera Reed by his side. Arya receives a visitor in Winterfell. He seems to be an ordinary bannerman from House Cerwyn, but he quickly removes his face. It seems to be Jaqen H’ghar. Arya is surprised to have Jaqen visiting her. Jaqen tells Arya the Many-Faced God requires another death, a name to be crossed off her list. He reveals it to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei
Lannister. A price was paid. What better servant of the Many-Faced God than Arya Stark can kill Cersei Lannister. He gives a vial of poison to Arya and leaves her.&/li&&li&Jon Snow seizes the moment to talk with Howland Reed alone. He asks Howland to confirm Bran’s story, but Howland doesn’t acknowledge this at all. Jon Snow pleads him to tell the truth since Robert Baratheon isn’t alive any longer, there’s no point in lying anymore. Howland ultimately confirms that Ned was carrying Lyanna’s child when he came out of the Tower of Joy. He always promised him to keep this a secret. Jon thanks him for telling the truth anyway.&/li&&li&Knowing that the Army of the Undead will be upon them very soon, Tyrion, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Brienne, Podrick, Davos, Tormund, Gendry, Varys, Jorah, Theon, The Hound, Grey Worm and Sam discuss together with the Stark bannermen and Daenerys’s army how they will defend the North. Allegedly the Last Hearth has already been attacked by the White Walkers and their castle destroyed. Ned Umber didn’t make it out alive. Tyrion speaks for Daenerys, who’s absent due to illness. He comes forward with a plan to defend the North. Tormund, the remaining Free Folk, the Dothraki, the Unsullied will attack with dragonglass from the Dreadfort since that’s where they are heading to first. On their way to Winterfell, the dragons will set the army of the Dead afire and House Stark’s bannermen and the Knights of the Vale will fight weakened forces at the battlefield of Winterfell and hopefully destroy the Night King as well. Jon wants Brienne and Podrick to take Sansa and Arya and Bran with them and to leave with Robin Arryn to the Eyrie. Arya doesn’t want to and claims that she’s stronger than most men. They need her in the war to come. Jon insists that he doesn’t want that. Jorah also wants to fight alongside House Mormont but Lyanna reminds him that he has betrayed his own House. Varys mentions that he has also received word from King’s Landing. Supposedly, Queen Cersei has bought a great army of sellswords and Euron Greyjoy has taken Storm’s End to install the army there. Theon pleads to have Storm’s End attacked and Gendry agrees since it’s
the seat of his father’s house. Jon promises Theon that he will help to destroy Euron and save his sister after they have dealt with the Night King and his army. There’s no time for that now since all of their lives are in danger and they have no choice than to face the Night King and his army. He needs his help and that of the Iron Islanders as well during the battle at Winterfell. A disappointed Theon accepts his proposal.&/li&&li&Missandei visits Daenerys in her chambers. Daenerys tells Missandei that Maester Wolkan examined her and that he confirmed that she’s pregnant. Missandei asks why she isn’t happy then. Daenerys feels that Jon has changed towards her and doesn’t understand why.&/li&&li&The Free Folk, the Dothraki, the Unsullied prepare to leave Winterfell. Jon asks Daenerys why she didn’t attend this important gathering, but Daenerys doesn’t reply to that as well. Meera goes to say goodbye to Bran in the Godswood in Winterfell when Bran starts to behave very strangely. He pleads Meera to warn them since the Night King’s army is here. Jon is going to say goodbye to Sansa when Meera runs to warn the others. A huge winter storm starts to come closer to Winterfell. Chaos erupts. The North and Daenerys’s army gather outside to face the Night King’s army. Jon orders Sansa, Arya and Daenerys to stay inside Winterfell. They are too valuable to lose and promises them that Winterfell will not fall. Varys, Tyrion, Robin, Samwell, Gilly, Lyanna and Missandei also remain inside Winterfell. Arya first doesn’t want to but obeys Jon’s wish. Sansa asks Meera
to get Bran inside asap. A huge flock of wights invade the battlefield of Winterfell. Dothraki face the Army of the Dead first and many of them are taken out quite easily. Lots of wights keep coming. Ghost fights with Jon and saves him at one point from a wight trying to kill him. Ghost is killed off trying to save Jon. Inside Winterfell, Daenerys is frustrated that she’s not able to help and that she should fly Drogon to destroy the undead. Missandei answers that it’s not wise to join the fight while she’s pregnant. Sam tries to console Gilly and Little Sam. The news surprises Sansa, Tyrion and Varys. Drogon comes in between and ta}


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